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Flutter Linux CPP Embedder

Documentation Status


  • Desktop Plugin Registry
    • Flutter Pigeon CPP compatible
    • Plugins modeled after Window CPP
    • Plugins enabled/disabled via CMake
    • Firestore first party compatible
  • Desktop Texture Registry
    • Camera first party compatible
    • Video Player first party compatible
  • Platform View Framework
    • AndroidView widget compatible
  • Backend Support
    • EGL
    • Vulkan (first Flutter embedder to support this)
    • Wayland Leased DRM (coming soon)
    • DRM/KMS (coming soon)
  • Same source code runs on Desktop and embedded Linux image
    • Ubuntu 18+
    • Fedora 33+
    • Yocto Dunfell/Kirkstone/Scarthgap


ivi-homescreen plugins are located at

There are two ways to reference this repo:

  1. Clone plugins repo to root of ivi-homescreen folder
  2. Set PLUGIN_DIR to repo path. -DPLUGIN_DIR=


Logging level support

  • trace
  • debug
  • info
  • warn
  • error
  • critical
  • off

If environmental variable SPDLOG_LEVEL is not set, logging defaults to info.

To set logging to trace use


To set logging to debug use


DLT logging

To test DLT logging on desktop use the following

Ubuntu packages

sudo apt-get install libdlt-dev dlt-viewer dlt-daemon dlt-tools

Fedora packages

sudo dnf install dlt-libs-devel dlt-daemon dlt-tools

Logging with DLT

Start new terminal


View DLT log output in a terminal

Start new terminal

dlt-receive -a localhost

Sanitizer Support

You can enable the sanitizers with SANITIZE_ADDRESS, SANITIZE_MEMORY, SANITIZE_THREAD or SANITIZE_UNDEFINED options in your CMake configuration. You can do this by passing e.g. -DSANITIZE_ADDRESS=On on your command line.

If sanitizers are supported by your compiler, the specified targets will be built with sanitizer support. If your compiler has no sanitizing capabilities you'll get a warning but CMake will continue processing and sanitizing will simply just be ignored.

Backend Support

EGL Backend

This is the default build configuration. To manually build EGL Backend use


Vulkan Backend

To build Vulkan Backend use


Running Vulkan requires an engine version that supports Vulkan. Stable does not yet support Vulkan.

Bundle File Override Logic

If an override file is not present, it gets loaded from a default location.

Optional override files


Bundle Override

{bundle path}/data/icudtl.dat

Yocto Default


Desktop Default


Bundle Override

{bundle path}/lib/

Yocto/Desktop Default -

Command Line Options

help - Prints all command line options and exits

-b {path to bundle folder} - Sets the Bundle Path. A bundle path expects the following folder structure:

  Flutter Application (bundle folder)
    data/icudtl.dat (optional - overrides system path)
    lib/ (optional - overrides system path)

If there are multiple references to this option, it will associate a new view per bundle. This example will open two windows sized 1280x1024 both running the Gallery app:

homescreen -b $HOME/workspace-automation/app/gallery/.desktop-homescreen -b $HOME/workspace-automation/app/gallery/.desktop-homescreen -w 1280 -h 1024

-a {int value} - Sets the Engine's initial state of Accessibility Feature support. Requires an integer value.

-disable-cursor - Disables the cursor.

-d - Outputs backend debug information. If Vulkan and Validation Layer are available, it will be loaded.

-f - Sets the window to fullscreen.

-w {int value} - Sets View width. Requires an integer value.

-h {int value} - Sets View height. Requires an integer value.

-i {int value} - Sets ivi-shell surface ID. Requires an integer value.

-p {int value} - Sets Pixel Ratio. Requires a double value.

-t {String} - Sets cursor theme to load. e.g. -t DMZ-White

  • --wayland-event-mask - Sets events to ignore. e.g. --wayland-event-mask pointer-axis, or --wayland-event-mask=" pointer-axis, touch"

    • Available parameters are: pointer, pointer-axis, pointer-buttons, pointer-motion, keyboard, touch
  • Dart VM arguments - any additional command line arguments not handled get directly passed to the Dart VM instance.

View Configuration keys

Global - [global]

app_id - Sets Application ID. Currently only the primary index app_id value is used.

cursor_theme - Sets cursor theme to use. This only applies to command line, and global parameter options.

disable_cursor - Disables the cursor. This only applies to command line, and global parameter options.

debug_backend - Enables Backend Debug logic.

wayland_event_mask - See command line option --wayland-event-mask

debug_backed - Prints out debug information relevant to the backend

View Specific - [view]

vm_args - Array of strings which get passed to the VM instance as command line arguments.

window_type - Currently used for AGL Compositor Window Types. If not running on AGL compositor, it will create borderless windows in no particular position.

width - sets View width. Requires an integer value.

height - sets View height. Requires an integer value.

output_index - select logical index of Wayland output to display on

pixel_ratio - sets the pixel ratio for Flutter engine instance

accessibility_features - Bitmask of Engine Accessibility Features. Requires an integer. See flutter_embedder.h for valid values.

fullscreen - Sets window to fullscreen.

ivi_surface_id - Sets ivi-shell surface ID.

AGL Shell [window_activation_area]

x - x position of activation area

y - y position of activation area

width - width of activation area

height - height of activation area


  • Locate config.toml file in the root of your bundle folder
  • Comments work
  • Any combination of values can be defined.
  • Any empty file is valid

config.toml sample

app_id = 'gallery'                 # Application name
cursor_theme = 'Coolbeans'         # Cursor theme used to load cursor icons from
disable_cursor = true              # used to disable cursor
wayland_event_mask = 'keyboard'    # mask the keyboard event
debug_backend = false              # do not print backend debug info

width = 1920
height = 1080
vm_args = ['--enable-asserts', '--verbose-logging']  # pass parameters to the Dart VM
window_type = 'NORMAL'                               # set window type to Normal
output_index = 2                                     # use second logical occuring wayland output
pixel_ratio = 4.5                                    # set flutter engine pixel ratio
ivi_surface_id = 5002                                # set ivi-shell surface id
accessibility_features = 52                          # set flutter engine accessibility feature flags
fullscreen = false                                   # do not start in fullscreen

x = 10        # x location
y = 10        # y location
width = 1024
height = 768

Parameter loading order

Only VM Command Line arguments are additive. Meaning all instances of VM command line references will get added together; JSON view + JSON global + CLI args.

All other parameters get assigned using the following ordering:

  1. TOML Configuration View parameters
  2. TOML Configuration Global (non-view) parameters
  3. Command Line parameters (Overrides anything set in TOML file)

CMake Build flags

ENABLE_XDG_CLIENT - Enable XDG Client. Defaults to ON

ENABLE_AGL_SHELL_CLIENT - Enable AGL Client. Defaults to OFF

ENABLE_IVI_SHELL_CLIENT - Enable ivi-shell Client. Defaults to OFF

ENABLE_DRM_LEASE_CLIENT - Enable drm lease Client. Defaults to OFF

ENABLE_LTO - Enable Link Time Optimization. Defaults to OFF

ENABLE_DLT - Enable DLT logging. Defaults to OFF

BUILD_BACKEND_WAYLAND_EGL - Build Backend for EGL. Defaults to ON

BUILD_EGL_TRANSPARENCY - Build with EGL Transparency Enabled. Defaults to ON

BUILD_EGL_ENABLE_3D - Build with EGL Stencil, Depth, and Stencil config Enabled. Defaults to ON

BUILD_EGL_ENABLE_MULTISAMPLE - Build with EGL Sample set to 4. Defaults to ON

BUILD_BACKEND_WAYLAND_VULKAN - Build Backed for Vulkan. Defaults to OFF

BUILD_BACKEND_HEADLESS_EGL - Build Headless backend for EGL (OSMesa). Defaults to OFF

DEBUG_PLATFORM_MESSAGES - Dump Platform Channel Messages. Defaults to OFF

BUILD_CRASH_HANDLER - Build Sentry IO Crash Handler Support. Defaults to OFF

BUILD_DOCS - Builds Docs. Defaults to OFF

BUILD_UNIT_TESTS - Build Unit Tests. Defaults to OFF

UNIT_TEST_SAVE_GOLDENS - Update test goldens. Defaults to OFF

EXE_OUTPUT_NAME - Set executable output name. Defaults to homescreen

DISABLE_PLUGINS - Disables all plugins located in the plugins folder. Defaults to OFF

BUILD_PLUGIN_AUDIOPLAYERS_LINUX - Include Audioplayers Linux plugin. Defaults to OFF

BUILD_PLUGIN_CAMERA - Include Camera plugin. Defaults to OFF

BUILD_PLUGIN_CLOUD_FIRESTORE - Plugin Cloud Firestore. Defaults to OFF

BUILD_PLUGIN_DESKTOP_WINDOW_LINUX - Includes Desktop Window Linux Plugin. Defaults to OFF

BUILD_PLUGIN_FILE_SELECTOR - Include File Selector plugin. Defaults to OFF

BUILD_PLUGIN_FIREBASE_AUTH - Plugin Firebase Auth. Defaults to OFF

BUILD_PLUGIN_FIREBASE_STORAGE - Plugin Firebase Storage. Defaults to OFF

BUILD_PLUGIN_GO_ROUTER - Includes Go Router Plugin. Defaults to ON

BUILD_PLUGIN_GOOGLE_SIGN_IN - Include Google Sign In manager. Defaults to OFF

BUILD_PLUGIN_INTEGRATION_TEST - Included Flutter Integration Test support. Defaults to OFF

BUILD_PLUGIN_PDF - Include PDF plugin. Defaults to OFF

BUILD_PLUGIN_SECURE_STORAGE - Includes Flutter Secure Storage. Defaults to OFF

BUILD_PLUGIN_URL_LAUNCHER - Includes URL Launcher Plugin. Defaults to OFF

BUILD_PLUGIN_VIDEO_PLAYER_LINUX - Include Video Player plugin. Defaults to OFF

BUILD_PLUGIN_FILAMENT_VIEW - Include Filament View plugin. Defaults to OFF

BUILD_PLUGIN_LAYER_PLAYGROUND_VIEW - Include Layer Playground View plugin. Defaults to OFF

BUILD_PLUGIN_NAV_RENDER_VIEW - Include Navigation Render View plugin. Defaults to OFF

BUILD_PLUGIN_WEBIVEW_FLUTTER_VIEW - Includes WebView View Plugin. Defaults to OFF

Backend selections (Vulkan, EGL/GLESv2) are mutually exclusive by design.

x86_64 Desktop development notes

NVidia GL errors

Running EGL backend on a Lenovo Thinkpad with NVidia drivers may generate many GL runtime errors. This should resolve it:

export __EGL_VENDOR_LIBRARY_FILENAMES=/usr/share/glvnd/egl_vendor.d/50_mesa.json

Ubuntu 16-18

Logging in

Log out if logged in Login screen Click on username field Right-click on the gear icon below username field, and select "Ubuntu on Wayland" Enter password and login

Ubuntu 20+ / Fedora 33+

Defaults to Wayland, no need to do anything special

Build steps

Required Packages

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kisak/kisak-mesa
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get -y install libwayland-dev wayland-protocols \
mesa-common-dev libegl1-mesa-dev libgles2-mesa-dev mesa-utils \

Optional Packages

# To build doxygen documentation
sudo apt-get -y install doxygen

GCC/libstdc++ Build

Without plugins

git clone --recurse-submodules -j8
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../ivi-homescreen -DCMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX=`pwd`/out/usr/local
make install -j

With plugins

git clone --recurse-submodules -j8
git clone
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../ivi-homescreen -DCMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX=`pwd`/out/usr/local -DPLUGINS_DIR=`pwd`/ivi-homescreen-plugins
make install -j

Clang/libc++ Build

Without plugins

git clone --recurse-submodules -j8
mkdir build && cd build
CC=/usr/bin/clang CXX=/usr/bin/clang++ cmake ../ivi-homescreen -DCMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX=`pwd`/out/usr/local
make install -j

With plugins

git clone --recurse-submodules -j8
git clone
mkdir build && cd build
CC=/usr/bin/clang CXX=/usr/bin/clang++ cmake ../ivi-homescreen -DCMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX=`pwd`/out/usr/local -DPLUGINS_DIR=`pwd`/ivi-homescreen-plugins
make install -j

Clang Toolchain Setup

chmod +x
sudo ./ 14
sudo apt-get install -y libc++-14-dev libc++abi-14-dev libunwind-dev

CI Example

Debian Package

make package -j
sudo apt install ./ivi-homescreen-1.0.0-Release-beta-Linux-x86_64.deb

Flutter Application

Running an app

Release Bundle Folder layout

├── data
│ ├── flutter_assets
│ │   └── ... 
│ └── icudtl.dat
├── default_config.json (optional)
└── lib

Running the bundle above would be

homescreen --b=`pwd`/.desktop-homescreen --w=1024 --h=768

workspace-automation provides a flutter workspace setup tool

Example usage to run gallery application on Linux desktop

Run once

git clone
cd workspace_automation
sudo ./

Run for each development session, or new terminal window opened

source ./
cd app/gallery
flutter run -d desktop-homescreen installs runtime packages, patches source files, compiles projects, etc.

Note: sudo is required to install runtime packages

CMAKE dependency paths

Path prefix used to determine required files is determined at build.

For desktop CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX defaults to /usr/local For target Yocto builds CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX defaults to /usr

Crash Handler

Sentry-native support is available for Crash Handling. This pushes a mini-dump to the cloud for triage and tracking.

To create user account and get DNS See

CMake Variables

-DCRASH_HANDLER_DSN="dsn from your account.  If not defined, can be set at runtime via environment variable"
-DSENTRY_NATIVE_LIBDIR="directory where sentry native is installed, will look in CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX directory if not defined"
-DCRASHPAD_BINARY_DIR="directory where crashpad_handler executable is installed, will look in CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX directory if not defined"
-DCRASH_HANDLER_ATTACHMENTS="paths to files you'd like to attach to coredump reports, separated by commas (,)"
-DCRASH_HANDLER_TAGS="tags to accompany Sentry coredump report in the style of "TAG_NAME=tagvalue", multiple tags can be defined separated by commas (,)"

Optional Environment Variables

SENTRY_ATTACHMENTS -- Additional file attachments to add to Sentry crash reports (Appended to those defined in CRASH_HANDLER_ATTACHMENTS), multiple files can be defined, separated by commas (,)
SENTRY_TAGS -- Additional tags to accompany Sentry crash reports (Appended to those defined in CRASH_HANDLER_TAGS), multiple tags can be defined, separated by commas (,)

To resolve crash dump stack trace, debug binaries and symbols need to be uploaded to Sentry via sentry-cli tool:

Required source repo:

Example Build steps

sentry build

git clone
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DCMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX=`pwd`/out/usr
make install

ivi-homescreen build

git clone
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DBUILD_CRASH_HANDLER=ON -DCRASH_HANDLER_DSN="dsn from your account"
make -j
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<sentry staged sysroot install path>/lib homescreen --b=<your bundle folder> --f

Yocto recipes


