We welcome contributions, but request you follow these guidelines.
This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant 1.4. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to the project's core team at [email protected].
Please raise any bug reports on the relevant project's issue tracker. Be sure to search the list to see if your issue has already been raised.
A good bug report is one that make it easy for us to understand what you were trying to do and what went wrong.
Provide as much context as possible so we can try to recreate the issue.
At a minimum, please include:
- Version of open-protocol - either release number if you downloaded a zip, or the first few lines of git log if you are cloning the repository directly.
- Version of node.js - what does
node -v
For feature requests, please open an issue or send an email to [email protected]
Please ensure you follow the coding standards used through-out the existing code base. Some basic rules include:
- all files must have the Apache license in the header.
- indent with 4-spaces, no tabs. No arguments.
- opening brace on same line as
and so on, closing brace on its own line.