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375 lines (319 loc) · 11.8 KB

Split 面板分割

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import { Split } from 'uiw';

从组件库 uiw 中抽离出来的 @uiw/react-split,可以单独使用。

import Split from '@uiw/react-split';


通过设置子节点的 minWidth 样式,即可设置拖拽最小宽度值。通过设置子节点样式 flexBasis 样式即可设置默认分割内容的占比宽度。

  • 固定初始宽度或者高度,可通过设置子节点,样式 width: '80%' 宽度百分百来计算。
  • 拖拽至最小宽度,可通过设置子节点样式 minWidth: 30,来达到效果
  • 默认情况下,不设置样式 width,需要将某个子节点样式设为 flex: 1,来自适应
import React from 'react';
import Split from '@uiw/react-split';

const Demo = () => (
    <Split style={{ height: 100, border: '1px solid #d5d5d5', borderRadius: 3 }}>
      <div style={{ width: '20%', minWidth: 30 }}>
          style={{ width: '100%', height: '100%' }}
          title="Code Preview"
          sandbox="allow-forms allow-modals allow-pointer-lock allow-popups allow-presentation allow-same-origin allow-scripts"
      <div style={{ width: '80%', minWidth: 100 }}>Right Pane</div>
    <Split style={{ height: 100, border: '1px solid #d5d5d5', borderRadius: 3 }}>
      <div style={{ minWidth: 60 }}>test</div>
      <div style={{ minWidth: 80, flex: 1 }}>Right Pane</div>
export default Demo;


设置 visiable={false} 禁用拖拽栏,可用于布局。

import React from 'react';
import Split from '@uiw/react-split';

const Demo = () => (
    <Split mode="vertical" visiable={false}>
      <div style={{ minHeight: 45, background: '#dcdcdc' }}>Header</div>
      <Split visiable={false}>
        <div style={{ minWidth: 200, maxWidth: 200, minHeight: 120, background: '#b5b5b5' }}>Sider</div>
        <div style={{ width: '100%', background: '#ececec' }}>Content</div>
      <div style={{ minHeight: 45, background: '#dcdcdc' }}>Footer</div>
    <div style={{ height: 20 }}></div>
    <Split visiable={false}>
      <div style={{ minWidth: 200, maxWidth: 200, minHeight: 85, background: '#a9a9a9' }}>Sider</div>
      <Split mode="vertical" visiable={false} style={{ width: '100%' }}>
        <div style={{ minHeight: 45, background: '#dcdcdc' }}>Header</div>
        <div style={{ minHeight: 85, background: '#b5b5b5' }}>Content</div>
        <div style={{ minHeight: 45, background: '#dcdcdc' }}>Footer</div>
export default Demo;


import React from 'react';
import Split from '@uiw/react-split';

const Demo = () => (
  <Split style={{ height: 100, border: '1px solid #d5d5d5', borderRadius: 3 }}>
    <div>Left Pane</div>
    <div>Center Pane</div>
    <div>Center Pane</div>
    <div style={{ flex: 1 }}>Right Pane</div>
export default Demo;


import React from 'react';
import Split from '@uiw/react-split';

const Demo = () => (
    <Split lineBar style={{ height: 100, border: '1px solid #d5d5d5', borderRadius: 3 }}>
      <div>Left Pane</div>
      <div>Center Pane</div>
      <div>Center Pane</div>
      <div style={{ flex: 1 }}>Right Pane</div>
    <Split mode="vertical" lineBar style={{ height: 210, border: '1px solid #d5d5d5', borderRadius: 3, marginTop: 10 }}>
      <div style={{ height: '33.3%' }}>Left Pane</div>
      <div style={{ height: '33.3%' }}>Center Pane</div>
      <div style={{ flex: 1 }}>Right Pane</div>
export default Demo;


import React from 'react';
import Split from '@uiw/react-split';

const Demo = () => (
  <Split mode="vertical" style={{ height: 200, border: '1px solid #d5d5d5', borderRadius: 3 }}>
    <div style={{ height: '50%' }}>Top Pane</div>
    <div style={{ height: '50%' }}>Bottom Pane</div>
export default Demo;


import React from 'react';
import Split from '@uiw/react-split';

const Demo = () => (
  <Split style={{ height: 200, border: '1px solid #d5d5d5', borderRadius: 3 }}>
    <Split mode="vertical">
      <div style={{ height: '50%' }}>Top Pane</div>
      <Split style={{ height: '50%' }}>
        <div>Left Pane</div>
        <div style={{ flex: 1 }}>Right Pane</div>
    <div style={{ flex: 1 }}>Right Pane</div>
export default Demo;


下面实例通过设置 visiable 的值来设置拖拽工具是否可见

import React from 'react';
import Split from '@uiw/react-split';

const Demo = () => (
    <Split visiable={false} style={{ height: 100, border: '1px solid #d5d5d5', borderRadius: 3 }}>
      <div style={{ maxWidth: 100, backgroundColor: '#eaeaea' }}>Left Pane</div>
      <div style={{ flex: 1 }}>Right Pane</div>
    <Split visiable={[4, 5]} style={{ height: 100, border: '1px solid #d5d5d5', borderRadius: 3, marginTop: 10 }}>
      <div style={{ maxWidth: 50, backgroundColor: '#eaeaea' }}>Pane 1</div>
      <div style={{ maxWidth: 60 }}>Pane 2</div>
      <div>Pane 3</div>
      <div>Pane 4</div>
      <div style={{ flex: 1 }}>Pane 5</div>
export default Demo;


通过设置 disable 的值,禁用拖拽工具拖拽。

import React from 'react';
import Split from '@uiw/react-split';

const Demo = () => (
    <Split disable style={{ height: 100, border: '1px solid #d5d5d5', borderRadius: 3 }}>
      <div style={{ maxWidth: 100, backgroundColor: '#eaeaea' }}>Left Pane</div>
      <Split disable mode="vertical">
        <div>Top Pane</div>
        <div>Bottom Pane</div>
      <div style={{ flex: 1 }}>Right Pane</div>
    <Split disable={[4, 5]} style={{ height: 100, border: '1px solid #d5d5d5', borderRadius: 3, marginTop: 10 }}>
      <div style={{ maxWidth: 50, backgroundColor: '#eaeaea' }}>Pane 1</div>
      <div style={{ maxWidth: 60 }}>Pane 2</div>
      <div>Pane 3</div>
      <div>Pane 4</div>
      <div style={{ flex: 1 }}>Pane 5</div>
export default Demo;



import React from 'react';
import Split from '@uiw/react-split';
import { Menu, Button } from 'uiw';

class Demo extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      width: 210,
  onClick() {
      width: this.state.width === 0 ? 210 : 0,
  render() {
    const styl = { lineHeight: 0 };
    if (this.state.width === 0) {
      styl.width = `0%`;
    } else {
      styl.width = this.state.width;
    return (
        <div style={{ marginBottom: 10 }}>
          <Button type="primary" onClick={this.onClick.bind(this)}>
            {this.state.width === 0 ? '隐藏菜单' : '展示菜单'}
        <Split lineBar visiable={this.state.width !== 0} style={{ border: '1px solid #d5d5d5', borderRadius: 3 }}>
          <div style={{ ...styl, overflow: 'hidden' }}>
              <Menu.Item icon="heart-on" text="另存为" active />
              <Menu.Item icon="appstore" text="应用商城" />
              <Menu.Item icon="bar-chart" text="月统计报表导出" />
              <Menu.Item icon="setting" text="偏好设置" />
              <Menu.Divider />
              <Menu.Item icon="map" text="谷歌地图" />
          <div style={{ flex: 1, minWidth: 30 }}>Right Pane</div>
export default Demo;


import React from 'react';
import Split from '@uiw/react-split';

const Demo = () => (
      renderBar={({ onMouseDown, ...props }) => {
        return (
          <div {...props} style={{ boxShadow: 'none', background: 'transparent' }}>
            <div onMouseDown={onMouseDown} style={{ backgroundColor: '#ff000057', boxShadow: 'none' }} />
      style={{ height: 100, border: '1px solid #d5d5d5', borderRadius: 3 }}
      <div style={{ minWidth: 60 }}>test</div>
      <div style={{ minWidth: 80, flex: 1 }}>Right Pane</div>
export default Demo;


export interface SplitProps extends Omit<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, 'onDragEnd'> {
  style?: React.CSSProperties;
  className?: string;
  prefixCls?: string;
   * 拖拽宽度/高度变化回调函数,宽度或者高度根据 mode 参数来确定
  onDragging?: (preSize: number, nextSize: number, paneNumber: number) => void;
   * 拖拽结束的回调函数
  onDragEnd?: (preSize: number, nextSize: number, paneNumber: number) => void;
  /** 支持自定义拖拽工具栏 */
  renderBar?: (props: React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>) => JSX.Element;
   * 设置拖拽的工具条,为线条样式。
  lineBar?: boolean;
   * 设置拖拽的工具条,是否可见
  visiable?: boolean | number[];
   * 设置拖拽的工具条,禁用
  disable?: boolean | number[];
   * 类型,可选值为 `horizontal` 或 `vertical`
  mode?: 'horizontal' | 'vertical';


Runs the project in development mode.

# Step 1, run first, listen to the component compile and output the .js file
npm run watch
npm run build
# Step 2, development mode, listen to compile preview website instance
npm run doc


Builds the app for production to the build folder.

npm run released

The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes. Your app is ready to be deployed!


As always, thanks to our amazing contributors!

Made with action-contributors.


Licensed under the MIT License.