01:01:33.801 -> Total Size : 449516 B ( 439.0 KB) 01:01:33.801 -> Free Bytes : 417848 B ( 408.1 KB) 01:01:33.801 -> Allocated Bytes : 24204 B ( 23.6 KB) 01:01:33.801 -> Minimum Free Bytes: 412960 B ( 403.3 KB) 01:01:33.801 -> Largest Free Block: 393204 B ( 384.0 KB) 01:01:33.801 -> ------------------------------------------ 01:01:33.801 -> Flash Info: 01:01:33.801 -> ------------------------------------------ 01:01:33.801 -> Chip Size : 4194304 B (4 MB) 01:01:33.801 -> Block Size : 65536 B ( 64.0 KB) 01:01:33.801 -> Sector Size : 4096 B ( 4.0 KB) 01:01:33.801 -> Page Size : 256 B ( 0.2 KB) 01:01:33.801 -> Bus Speed : 40 MHz 01:01:33.801 -> Bus Mode : QIO 01:01:33.801 -> ------------------------------------------ 01:01:33.801 -> Partitions Info: 01:01:33.801 -> ------------------------------------------ 01:01:33.801 -> nvs : addr: 0x00009000, size: 20.0 KB, type: DATA, subtype: NVS 01:01:33.801 -> otadata : addr: 0x0000E000, size: 8.0 KB, type: DATA, subtype: OTA 01:01:33.801 -> app0 : addr: 0x00010000, size: 1280.0 KB, type: APP, subtype: OTA_0 01:01:33.801 -> app1 : addr: 0x00150000, size: 1280.0 KB, type: APP, subtype: OTA_1 01:01:33.801 -> spiffs : addr: 0x00290000, size: 1388.0 KB, type: DATA, subtype: SPIFFS 01:01:33.801 -> zb_storage : addr: 0x003EB000, size: 16.0 KB, type: DATA, subtype: FAT 01:01:33.801 -> zb_fct : addr: 0x003EF000, size: 4.0 KB, type: DATA, subtype: FAT 01:01:33.801 -> coredump : addr: 0x003F0000, size: 64.0 KB, type: DATA, subtype: COREDUMP 01:01:33.801 -> ------------------------------------------ 01:01:33.801 -> Software Info: 01:01:33.801 -> ------------------------------------------ 01:01:33.801 -> Compile Date/Time : Dec 2 2024 18:22:21 01:01:33.801 -> Compile Host OS : windows 01:01:33.801 -> ESP-IDF Version : v5.1.4-972-g632e0c2a9f-dirty 01:01:33.801 -> Arduino Version : 3.0.7 01:01:33.801 -> ------------------------------------------ 01:01:33.801 -> Board Info: 01:01:33.801 -> ------------------------------------------ 01:01:33.801 -> Arduino Board : ESP32C6_DEV 01:01:33.801 -> Arduino Variant : esp32c6 01:01:33.801 -> Arduino FQBN : esp32:esp32:esp32c6:UploadSpeed=921600,CDCOnBoot=cdc,CPUFreq=160,FlashFreq=80,FlashMode=qio,FlashSize=4M,PartitionScheme=zigbee,DebugLevel=verbose,EraseFlash=all,JTAGAdapter=default,ZigbeeMode=ed 01:01:33.801 -> ============ Before Setup End ============ 01:01:33.895 -> [ 1003][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:01:33.895 -> [ 1004][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type RMT_TX (10) successfully set to 0x42004c30 01:01:33.895 -> [ 1004][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type RMT_RX (11) successfully set to 0x42004c30 01:01:33.895 -> [ 1005][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:160] perimanSetPinBus(): Pin 8 successfully set to type RMT_TX (10) with bus 0x40818a04 01:01:33.895 -> [ 1006][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:01:33.895 -> [ 1007][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:01:33.895 -> [ 1007][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:235] perimanSetBusDeinit(): Deinit function for type GPIO (1) successfully set to 0x4200358a 01:01:33.895 -> [ 1008][V][esp32-hal-periman.c:160] perimanSetPinBus(): Pin 9 successfully set to type GPIO (1) with bus 0xa 01:01:33.895 -> [ 1009][D][Zigbee_Color_Dimmable_Light.ino:80] setup(): Adding ZigbeeLight endpoint to Zigbee Core 01:01:33.895 -> [ 1009][D][ZigbeeCore.cpp:63] addEndpoint(): Endpoint: 10, Device ID: 0x0102 01:01:33.895 -> [ 1010][D][Zigbee_Color_Dimmable_Light.ino:84] setup(): Calling Zigbee.begin() 01:01:33.895 -> [ 1010][D][ZigbeeCore.cpp:94] zigbeeInit(): Initialize Zigbee stack 01:01:33.937 -> [ 1070][D][ZigbeeCore.cpp:101] zigbeeInit(): Register all Zigbee EPs in list 01:01:33.972 -> [ 1072][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:109] zigbeeInit(): List of registered Zigbee EPs: 01:01:33.972 -> [ 1072][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:111] zigbeeInit(): Device type: Color Dimmable Light Device, Endpoint: 10, Device ID: 0x0102 01:01:33.972 -> =========== After Setup Start ============ 01:01:33.972 -> INTERNAL Memory Info: 01:01:33.972 -> ------------------------------------------ 01:01:33.972 -> Total Size : 449516 B ( 439.0 KB) 01:01:33.972 -> Free Bytes : 390164 B ( 381.0 KB) 01:01:33.972 -> Allocated Bytes : 51272 B ( 50.1 KB) 1:01:33.972 -> Minimum Free Bytes: 390164 B ( 381.0 KB)[ 1076][V][ZigbeeCore.cpp:287] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): ZDO signal: ZDO Config Ready (0x17), status: ESP_FAIL 01:01:33.972 -> [ 1077][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:179] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Zigbee stack initialized 01:01:33.972 -> [ 1078][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:185] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Device started up in factory-reset mode 01:01:33.972 -> [ 1079][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:192] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Start network steering 01:01:33.972 -> 01:01:33.972 -> Largest Free Block: 368628 B ( 360.0 KB) 01:01:33.972 -> ------------------------------------------ 01:01:33.972 -> GPIO Info: 01:01:33.972 -> ------------------------------------------ 01:01:33.972 -> GPIO : BUS_TYPE[bus/unit][chan] 01:01:33.972 -> -------------------------------------- 01:01:33.972 -> 8 : RMT_TX 01:01:33.972 -> 9 : GPIO 01:01:33.972 -> 12 : USB_DM 01:01:33.972 -> 13 : USB_DP 01:01:33.972 -> 16 : UART_TX[0] 01:01:33.972 -> 17 : UART_RX[0] 01:01:33.972 -> ============ After Setup End ============= 01:01:57.509 -> [ 24596][V][ZigbeeCore.cpp:287] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): ZDO signal: ZDO Leave (0x3), status: ESP_OK 01:01:57.509 -> [ 24597][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:243] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL) 01:02:00.728 -> [ 27824][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:243] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL) 01:02:03.950 -> [ 31052][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:243] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL) 01:02:07.186 -> [ 34280][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:243] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL) 01:02:10.401 -> [ 37508][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:243] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL) 01:02:13.604 -> [ 40736][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:243] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL) 01:02:16.851 -> [ 43964][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:243] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL) 01:02:20.082 -> [ 47192][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:243] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL) 01:02:23.304 -> [ 50420][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:243] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL) 01:02:26.515 -> [ 53648][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:243] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL) 01:02:29.782 -> [ 56876][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:243] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL) 01:02:32.992 -> [ 60104][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:243] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL) 01:02:36.215 -> [ 63332][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:243] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL) 01:02:39.471 -> [ 66560][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:243] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL) 01:02:44.071 -> [ 71188][V][ZigbeeCore.cpp:287] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): ZDO signal: NLME Status Indication (0x32), status: ESP_OK 01:03:05.192 -> [ 92293][V][ZigbeeCore.cpp:287] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): ZDO signal: ZDO Leave (0x3), status: ESP_OK 01:03:05.192 -> [ 92294][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:243] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL) 01:03:08.390 -> [ 95522][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:243] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL) 01:03:12.988 -> [100120][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x8), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:03:12.988 -> [100120][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:03:13.022 -> [100121][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:03:13.022 -> [100121][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:03:13.022 -> [100122][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x6), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:03:13.022 -> [100123][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:03:13.022 -> [100123][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:03:13.022 -> [100124][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:03:13.115 -> [100225][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x8), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:03:13.115 -> [100226][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:03:13.115 -> [100227][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:03:13.115 -> [100227][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:03:13.396 -> [100502][V][ZigbeeCore.cpp:287] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): ZDO signal: NLME Status Indication (0x32), status: ESP_OK 01:03:13.396 -> [100520][V][ZigbeeCore.cpp:287] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): ZDO signal: NLME Status Indication (0x32), status: ESP_OK 01:03:13.908 -> [100998][V][ZigbeeCore.cpp:287] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): ZDO signal: NLME Status Indication (0x32), status: ESP_OK 01:03:16.163 -> [103291][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x8), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:03:16.163 -> [103292][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:03:16.163 -> [103293][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:03:16.164 -> [103293][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:03:16.164 -> [103294][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x6), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:03:16.164 -> [103295][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:03:16.164 -> [103295][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:03:16.208 -> [103296][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:03:17.341 -> [104453][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x8), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:03:17.341 -> [104454][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x6), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:03:17.341 -> [104455][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:03:17.341 -> [104455][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:03:17.341 -> [104456][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:03:17.428 -> [104557][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x8), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:03:17.428 -> [104558][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:03:17.428 -> [104559][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:03:17.428 -> [104559][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:03:18.519 -> [105614][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x8), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:03:18.519 -> [105615][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:03:18.519 -> [105616][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:03:18.519 -> [105616][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:03:18.519 -> [105617][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x6), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:03:18.519 -> [105618][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:03:18.519 -> [105618][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:03:18.519 -> [105619][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:03:34.156 -> [121242][V][ZigbeeCore.cpp:287] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): ZDO signal: ZDO Leave (0x3), status: ESP_OK 01:03:34.156 -> [121243][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:243] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL) 01:03:37.367 -> [124470][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:243] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL) 01:03:40.604 -> [127698][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:243] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL) 01:03:43.836 -> [130926][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:243] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL) 01:03:47.058 -> [134154][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:243] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL) 01:03:51.775 -> [138865][V][ZigbeeCore.cpp:287] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): ZDO signal: NLME Status Indication (0x32), status: ESP_OK 01:03:57.761 -> [144867][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x8), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:03:57.761 -> [144868][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x6), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:03:57.761 -> [144869][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:03:57.761 -> [144869][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:03:57.761 -> [144870][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:03:57.885 -> [144971][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x8), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:03:57.885 -> [144972][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:03:57.885 -> [144973][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:03:57.885 -> [144973][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:03:59.094 -> [146225][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x8), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:03:59.129 -> [146226][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:03:59.129 -> [146227][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:03:59.129 -> [146227][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:03:59.129 -> [146228][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x6), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:03:59.129 -> [146229][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:03:59.129 -> [146229][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:03:59.129 -> [146230][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:04:00.108 -> [147211][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x8), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:04:00.108 -> [147212][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x6), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:04:00.108 -> [147213][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:04:00.108 -> [147213][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:04:00.108 -> [147214][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:04:00.200 -> [147315][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x8), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:04:00.200 -> [147316][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:04:00.200 -> [147317][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:04:00.200 -> [147317][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:04:01.250 -> [148381][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x8), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:04:01.290 -> [148382][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:04:01.290 -> [148383][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:04:01.290 -> [148383][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:04:01.290 -> [148384][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x6), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:04:01.290 -> [148385][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:04:01.290 -> [148385][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:04:01.290 -> [148386][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:04:07.245 -> [154376][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x8), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:04:07.290 -> [154377][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x6), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:04:07.290 -> [154377][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:04:07.290 -> [154378][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:04:07.290 -> [154378][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:04:07.382 -> [154479][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x8), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:04:07.382 -> [154480][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:04:07.382 -> [154481][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:04:07.382 -> [154481][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:04:08.689 -> [155780][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x8), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:04:08.689 -> [155781][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:04:08.689 -> [155782][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:04:08.689 -> [155782][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:04:08.689 -> [155783][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x6), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:04:08.689 -> [155784][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:04:08.689 -> [155784][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:04:08.689 -> [155785][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:04:09.467 -> [156572][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x8), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:04:09.467 -> [156573][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x6), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:04:09.467 -> [156574][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:04:09.467 -> [156574][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:04:09.467 -> [156575][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:04:09.546 -> [156675][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x8), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:04:09.546 -> [156676][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:04:09.546 -> [156677][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:04:09.592 -> [156677][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:04:10.701 -> [157831][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x8), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:04:10.737 -> [157832][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:04:10.737 -> [157833][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:04:10.737 -> [157833][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:04:10.737 -> [157834][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x6), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:04:10.737 -> [157835][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:04:10.737 -> [157835][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:04:10.737 -> [157836][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:04:11.842 -> [158957][V][ZigbeeCore.cpp:287] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): ZDO signal: ZDO Leave (0x3), status: ESP_OK 01:04:11.842 -> [158957][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:243] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL) 01:04:15.054 -> [162184][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:243] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL) 01:04:18.282 -> [165412][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:243] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL) 01:04:39.932 -> [187032][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x8), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:04:39.932 -> [187032][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x6), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:04:39.933 -> [187033][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:04:39.933 -> [187034][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:04:39.933 -> [187034][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:04:40.026 -> [187135][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x8), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:04:40.026 -> [187136][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:04:40.026 -> [187137][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:04:40.026 -> [187137][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:04:41.256 -> [188366][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x8), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:04:41.256 -> [188367][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:04:41.256 -> [188368][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:04:41.256 -> [188368][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:04:41.256 -> [188369][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x6), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:04:41.256 -> [188370][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:04:41.256 -> [188370][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:04:41.256 -> [188371][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:04:42.909 -> [189993][V][ZigbeeCore.cpp:287] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): ZDO signal: ZDO Leave (0x3), status: ESP_OK 01:04:42.909 -> [189994][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:243] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL) 01:04:46.091 -> [193222][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:243] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL) 01:04:49.319 -> [196449][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:243] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL) 01:04:52.561 -> [199677][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:243] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL) 01:04:55.795 -> [202905][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:243] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL) 01:05:16.226 -> [223357][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x8), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:05:16.269 -> [223358][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x6), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:05:16.269 -> [223358][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:05:16.269 -> [223359][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:05:16.269 -> [223359][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:05:16.362 -> [223460][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x8), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:05:16.362 -> [223461][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:05:16.362 -> [223462][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:05:16.362 -> [223462][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:05:17.396 -> [224526][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x8), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:05:17.439 -> [224527][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:05:17.439 -> [224528][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:05:17.439 -> [224528][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:05:17.439 -> [224529][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x6), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:05:17.439 -> [224530][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:05:17.439 -> [224530][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:05:17.439 -> [224531][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:05:18.202 -> [225314][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x8), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:05:18.202 -> [225315][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x6), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:05:18.202 -> [225315][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:05:18.202 -> [225316][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:05:18.202 -> [225316][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:05:18.287 -> [225417][V][ZigbeeHandlers.cpp:37] zb_attribute_set_handler(): Received message: endpoint(10), cluster(0x8), attribute(0x0), data size(1) 01:05:18.324 -> [225418][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:454] rmtInit(): GPIO 8 - TX MODE - MemSize[48] - Freq=10000000Hz 01:05:18.324 -> [225419][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:305] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Request: 24 RMT Symbols - Blocking - Timeout: -1 01:05:18.324 -> [225419][V][esp32-hal-rmt.c:306] _rmtWrite(): GPIO: 8 - Currently in Loop Mode: [NO] | Asked to Loop: NO, LoopCancel: NO 01:05:21.378 -> [228482][V][ZigbeeCore.cpp:287] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): ZDO signal: ZDO Leave (0x3), status: ESP_OK 01:05:21.378 -> [228483][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:243] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL) 01:05:24.603 -> [231711][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:243] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL) 01:05:27.840 -> [234938][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:243] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL) 01:05:31.040 -> [238166][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:243] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL) 01:05:34.303 -> [241394][I][ZigbeeCore.cpp:243] esp_zb_app_signal_handler(): Network steering was not successful (status: ESP_FAIL)