Thanks for your interest in contributing to wstool.
Any kinds of contributions are welcome: Bug reports, Documentation, Patches.
The core functionality of abstracting over different version control systems is contained in the library project
For many tasks, it is okay to just develop using a single installed python version. But if you need to test/debug the project in multiple python versions, you need to install those versions:
(Optional) Install multiple python versions
(Optional) Install [pyenv]( to manage python versions
(Optional) Using pyenv, install the python versions used in testing:
pyenv install 2.7.16 pyenv install 3.6.8
It may be okay to run and test python against locally installed libraries, but if you need to have a consistent build, it is recommended to manage your environment using virtualenv:
$ virtualenv ~/wstool_venv $ source ~/wstool_venv/bin/activate
- The tests require git, mercurial, bazaar and subversion to be installed.
Also you need to install python test support libraries:
# install python dependencies $ pip install .[test] # optional also use local vcstools sources directly $ pip install --editable /path/to/vcstools_source
Then you can use different commands to run various test scopes:
# run all tests using nose $ nosetests # run one test using nose $ nosetests {testname} # run all tests with coverage check $ python test # run all tests using python3 $ python3 test # run all tests against multiple python versions (same as in travis) $ tox
Upgrade vcstools dependency version in requirements.txt
Update src/vcstools/
Check doc/changelog is up to date
Check stdeb.cfg is up to date with OSRF buildfarm distros
prepare release dependencies:
pip install --upgrade setuptools wheel twine
Upload to testpypi:
python3 sdist bdist_wheel twine upload --repository testpypi dist/* # in fresh virtualenv pip install -i wstool
Check testpypi download files and documentation look ok
Actually release:
twine upload dist/*
Create and push tag:
git tag x.y.z git push git push --tags