From a220a014049d7b48aa129ee389bf7e2c7440f576 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: SaschaS Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 10:26:42 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 1/6] Scala documentation for version 0.2.0 --- docs_md/ | 3086 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 3086 insertions(+) create mode 100644 docs_md/ diff --git a/docs_md/ b/docs_md/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d28a33d --- /dev/null +++ b/docs_md/ @@ -0,0 +1,3086 @@ + + +[TOC] + +# Writing Verticles + +As was described in the [main manual](manual.html#verticle), a verticle is the execution unit of Vert.x. + +To recap, Vert.x is a container which executes packages of code called Verticles, and it ensures that the code in the verticle is never executed concurrently by more than one thread. You can write your verticles in any of the languages that Vert.x supports, and Vert.x supports running many verticle instances concurrently in the same Vert.x instance. + +All the code you write in a Vert.x application runs inside a Verticle instance. + +For simple prototyping and trivial tasks you can write raw verticles and run them directly on the command line, but in most cases you will always wrap your verticles inside Vert.x [modules](mods_manual.html). + +For now, let's try writing a simple raw verticle. + +As an example we'll write a simple TCP echo server. The server just accepts connections and any data received by it is echoed back on the connection. + +Copy the following into a text editor and save it as `Server.scala` + + import + import org.vertx.scala.core.streams.Pump + + vertx.createNetServer().connectHandler({ socket: NetSocket => + Pump.createPump(socket, socket).start + }).listen(1234) + +Now run it: + + vertx run Server.scala + +The server will now be running. Connect to it using telnet: + + telnet localhost 1234 + +And notice how data you send (and hit enter) is echoed back to you. + +Congratulations! You've written your first verticle. + +Notice how you didn't have to first compile the `.scala` file to a `.class` file. Vert.x understands how to run `.scala` files directly - internally doing the compilation on the fly. (It also supports running .class files too if you prefer) + + +Just as in Java, you can also write classes that extend Verticle like this: + + import + import org.vertx.scala.core.streams.Pump + import org.vertx.scala.platform.Verticle + + class Server extends Verticle { + + override def start() { + vertx.createNetServer().connectHandler({ socket: NetSocket => + Pump.createPump(socket, socket).start + }).listen(1234) + } + } + +Running this works the same way as the script before. + + +Every Scala verticle must extend the class `org.vertx.scala.platform.Verticle`. You must override the `start` method - this is called by Vert.x when the verticle is started. + +*In the rest of this manual we'll assume the code snippets are running inside a verticle.* + +## Asynchronous start + +In some cases your Verticle has to do some other stuff asynchronously in its `start()` method, e.g. start other verticles, and the verticle shouldn't be considered started until those other actions are complete. + +If this is the case for your verticle you can implement the asynchronous version of the `start()` method: + + override def start(startedResult: Promise[Unit]) { + // For example - deploy some other verticle + container.deployVerticle("foo.js", Json.obj(), 1, { deployResult: AsyncResult[String] => + if (deployResult.succeeded()) { + startedResult.success(deployResult.result()) + } else { + startedResult.failure(deployResult.cause()) + } + }) + } + +If you overwrite both `start` methods, the synchronous version (without parameters) gets called before the asynchronous version (with Promise[Unit] parameter). + +## Verticle clean-up + +Servers, clients, event bus handlers and timers will be automatically closed / cancelled when the verticle is stopped. However, if you have any other clean-up logic that you want to execute when the verticle is stopped, you can implement a `stop` method which will be called when the verticle is undeployed. + +## The `container` object + +Each verticle instance has a member variable called `container`. This represents the Verticle's view of the container in which it is running. + +The container object contains methods for deploying and undeploying verticle and modules, and also allows config, environment variables and a logger to be accessed. + +## The `vertx` object + +Each verticle instance has a member variable called `vertx`. This provides access to the Vert.x core API. You'll use the Core API to do most things in Vert.x including TCP, HTTP, file system access, event bus, timers etc. + +## Getting Configuration in a Verticle + +You can pass configuration to a module or verticle from the command line using the `-conf` option, for example: + + vertx runmod com.mycompany~my-mod~1.0 -conf myconf.json + +or for a raw verticle + + vertx run foo.js -conf myconf.json + +The argument to `-conf` is the name of a text file containing a valid JSON object. + +That configuration is available inside your verticle by calling the `config()` method on the `container` member variable of the verticle: + + val config: JsonObject = container.config() + + println("Config is " + config) + +The config returned is an instance of `org.vertx.scala.core.json.Json`, which is a class which represents JSON objects (unsurprisingly!). You can use this object to configure the verticle. + +Allowing verticles to be configured in a consistent way like this allows configuration to be easily passed to them irrespective of the language that deploys the verticle. + +## Logging from a Verticle + +Each verticle is given its own logger. To get a reference to it invoke the `logger()` method on the container instance: + + val logger: Logger = container.logger() + +"I am logging something") + +The logger is an instance of the class `org.vertx.scala.core.logging.Logger` and has the following methods; + +* trace +* debug +* info +* warn +* error +* fatal + +Which have the normal meanings you would expect. + +The log files by default go in a file called `vertx.log` in the system temp directory. On my Linux box this is `\tmp`. + +For more information on configuring logging, please see the [main manual](manual.html#logging). + +## Accessing environment variables from a Verticle + +You can access the map of environment variables from a Verticle with the `env()` method on the `container` object. + +## Causing the container to exit + +You can call the `exit()` method of the container to cause the Vert.x instance to make a clean shutdown. + +# Deploying and Undeploying Verticles Programmatically + +You can deploy and undeploy verticles programmatically from inside another verticle. Any verticles deployed this way will be able to see resources (classes, scripts, other files) of the main verticle. + +## Deploying a simple verticle + +To deploy a verticle programmatically call the function `deployVerticle` on the `container` variable. + +To deploy a single instance of a verticle : + + container.deployVerticle(main) + +Where `main` is the name of the Verticle (i.e. the name of the script or FQCN of the class). + +See the chapter on ["running Vert.x"](manual.html#running-vertx) in the main manual for a description of what a main is. + +## Deploying Worker Verticles + +The `deployVerticle` method deploys standard (non worker) verticles. If you want to deploy worker verticles use the `deployWorkerVerticle` method. This method takes the same parameters as `deployVerticle` with the same meanings. + +## Deploying a module programmatically + +You should use `deployModule` to deploy a module, for example: + + container.deployModule("io.vertx~mod-mailer~2.0.0-beta1", config); + +Would deploy an instance of the `io.vertx~mod-mailer~2.0.0-beta1` module with the specified configuration. Please see the [modules manual]() for more information about modules. + +## Passing configuration to a verticle programmatically + +JSON configuration can be passed to a verticle that is deployed programmatically. Inside the deployed verticle the configuration is accessed with the `config()` method. For example: + + val config: JsonObject = Json.obj() + config.putString("foo", "wibble") + config.putBoolean("bar", false) + container.deployVerticle("foo.ChildVerticle", config) + +Then, in `ChildVerticle` you can access the config via `config()` as previously explained. + +## Using a Verticle to co-ordinate loading of an application + +If you have an appplication that is composed of multiple verticles that all need to be started at application start-up, then you can use another verticle that maintains the application configuration and starts all the other verticles. You can think of this as your application starter verticle. + +For example, you could create a verticle `AppStarter` as follows: + + // Application config + + val appConfig: JsonObject = container.config() + + val verticle1Config: JsonObject = appConfig.getObject("verticle1_conf") + val verticle2Config: JsonObject = appConfig.getObject("verticle2_conf") + val verticle3Config: JsonObject = appConfig.getObject("verticle3_conf") + val verticle4Config: JsonObject = appConfig.getObject("verticle4_conf") + val verticle5Config: JsonObject = appConfig.getObject("verticle5_conf") + + // Start the verticles that make up the app + + container.deployVerticle("verticle1.js", verticle1Config) + container.deployVerticle("verticle2.rb", verticle2Config) + container.deployVerticle("foo.Verticle3", verticle3Config) + container.deployWorkerVerticle("foo.Verticle4", verticle4Config) + container.deployWorkerVerticle("verticle5.js", verticle5Config, 10) + +Then create a file 'config.json" with the actual JSON config in it + + { + "verticle1_conf": { + "foo": "wibble" + }, + "verticle2_conf": { + "age": 1234, + "shoe_size": 12, + "pi": 3.14159 + }, + "verticle3_conf": { + "strange": true + }, + "verticle4_conf": { + "name": "george" + }, + "verticle5_conf": { + "tel_no": "123123123" + } + } + +Then set the `AppStarter` as the main of your module and then you can start your entire application by simply running: + + vertx runmod com.mycompany~my-mod~1.0 -conf config.json + +If your application is large and actually composed of multiple modules rather than verticles you can use the same technique. + +More commonly you'd probably choose to write your starter verticle in a scripting language such as JavaScript, Groovy, Ruby or Python - these languages have much better JSON support than Scala, so you can maintain the whole JSON config nicely in the starter verticle itself. + +## Specifying number of instances + +By default, when you deploy a verticle only one instance of the verticle is deployed. Verticles instances are strictly single threaded so this means you will use at most one core on your server. + +Vert.x scales by deploying many verticle instances concurrently. + +If you want more than one instance of a particular verticle or module to be deployed, you can specify the number of instances as follows: + + container.deployVerticle("foo.ChildVerticle", 10) + +Or + + container.deployModule("io.vertx~some-mod~1.0", 10) + +The above examples would deploy 10 instances. + +## Getting Notified when Deployment is complete + +The actual verticle deployment is asynchronous and might not complete until some time after the call to `deployVerticle` or `deployModule` has returned. If you want to be notified when the verticle has completed being deployed, you can pass a handler as the final argument to `deployVerticle` or `deployModule`: + + container.deployVerticle("foo.ChildVerticle", Json.obj(), 1, { asyncResult: AsyncResult[String] => + if (asyncResult.succeeded()) { + println("The verticle has been deployed, deployment ID is " + asyncResult.result()) + } else { + asyncResult.cause().printStackTrace() + } + }) + +The handler will get passed an instance of `AsyncResult` when it completes. You can use the methods `succeeded()` and `failed()` on `AsyncResult` to see if the operation completed ok. + +The method `result()` provides the result of the async operation (if any) which in this case is the deployment ID - you will need this if you need to subsequently undeploy the verticle / module. + +The method `cause()` provides the `Throwable` if the action failed. + +## Undeploying a Verticle or Module + +Any verticles or modules that you deploy programmatically from within a verticle, and all of their children are automatically undeployed when the parent verticle is undeployed, so in many cases you will not need to undeploy a verticle manually, however if you do need to do this, it can be done by calling the method `undeployVerticle` or `undeployModule` passing in the deployment id. + + container.undeployVerticle(deploymentID) + +You can also provide a handler to the undeploy method if you want to be informed when undeployment is complete. + +# Scaling your application + +A verticle instance is almost always single threaded (the only exception is multi-threaded worker verticles which are an advanced feature), this means a single instance can at most utilise one core of your server. + +In order to scale across cores you need to deploy more verticle instances. The exact numbers depend on your application - how many verticles there are and of what type. + +You can deploy more verticle instances programmatically or on the command line when deploying your module using the `-instances` command line option. + + + +# The Event Bus + +The event bus is the nervous system of Vert.x. + +It allows verticles to communicate with each other irrespective of what language they are written in, and whether they're in the same Vert.x instance, or in a different Vert.x instance. + +It even allows client side JavaScript running in a browser to communicate on the same event bus. (More on that later). + +The event bus forms a distributed peer-to-peer messaging system spanning multiple server nodes and multiple browsers. + +The event bus API is incredibly simple. It basically involves registering handlers, unregistering handlers and sending and publishing messages. + +First some theory: + +## The Theory + +### Addressing + +Messages are sent on the event bus to an *address*. + +Vert.x doesn't bother with any fancy addressing schemes. In Vert.x an address is simply a string, any string is valid. However it is wise to use some kind of scheme, e.g. using periods to demarcate a namespace. + +Some examples of valid addresses are ``, ``, `sausages`, and `X`. + +### Handlers + +A handler is a thing that receives messages from the bus. You register a handler at an address. + +Many different handlers from the same or different verticles can be registered at the same address. A single handler can be registered by the verticle at many different addresses. + +### Publish / subscribe messaging + +The event bus supports *publishing* messages. Messages are published to an address. Publishing means delivering the message to all handlers that are registered at that address. This is the familiar *publish/subscribe* messaging pattern. + +### Point to point and Request-Response messaging + +The event bus supports *point to point* messaging. Messages are sent to an address. Vert.x will then route it to just one of the handlers registered at that address. If there is more than one handler registered at the address, one will be chosen using a non-strict round-robin algorithm. + +With point to point messaging, an optional reply handler can be specified when sending the message. When a message is received by a recipient, and has been handled, the recipient can optionally decide to reply to the message. If they do so that reply handler will be called. + +When the reply is received back at the sender, it too can be replied to. This can be repeated ad-infinitum, and allows a dialog to be set-up between two different verticles. This is a common messaging pattern called the *Request-Response* pattern. + +### Transient + +*All messages in the event bus are transient, and in case of failure of all or parts of the event bus, there is a possibility messages will be lost. If your application cares about lost messages, you should code your handlers to be idempotent, and your senders to retry after recovery.* + +If you want to persist your messages you can use a persistent work queue module for that. + +### Types of messages + +Messages that you send on the event bus can be as simple as a string, a number or a boolean. You can also send Vert.x buffers or JSON messages. + +It's highly recommended you use JSON messages to communicate between verticles. JSON is easy to create and parse in all the languages that Vert.x supports. + +## Event Bus API + +Let's jump into the API. + +### Registering and Unregistering Handlers + +To set a message handler on the address `test.address`, you do something like the following: + + val eb: EventBus = vertx.eventBus + + val myHandler: Message[_] => Unit = { message: Message[_] => + println("I received a message " + message.body) + } + + eb.registerHandler("test.address", myHandler) + +It's as simple as that. The handler will then receive any messages sent to that address. + +The class `Message` is a generic type and specific Message types include `Message[Boolean]`, `Message[Buffer]`, `Message[Array[Byte]]`, `Message[Byte]`, `Message[Character]`, `Message[Double]`, `Message[Float]`, `Message[Integer]`, `Message[JsonObject]`, `Message[JsonArray]`, `Message[Long]`, `Message[Short]` and `Message[String]`. + +If you know you'll always be receiving messages of a particular type you can use the specific type in your handler, e.g: + + val myHandler: Message[String] => Unit = { message: Message[String] => + val body: String = message.body + } + +The return value of `registerHandler` is the Event Bus itself, i.e. we provide a *fluent* API so you can chain multiple calls together. + +When you register a handler on an address and you're in a cluster it can take some time for the knowledge of that new handler to be propagated across the entire cluster. If you want to be notified when that has completed you can optionally specify another handler to the `registerHandler` method as the third argument. This handler will then be called once the information has reached all nodes of the cluster. E.g. : + + eb.registerHandler("test.address", myHandler, { asyncResult: AsyncResult[Void] => + println("The handler has been registered across the cluster ok? " + asyncResult.succeeded()) + }) + +To unregister a handler it's just as straightforward. You simply call `unregisterHandler` passing in the address and the handler: + + eb.unregisterHandler("test.address", myHandler) + +A single handler can be registered multiple times on the same, or different, addresses so in order to identify it uniquely you have to specify both the address and the handler. + +As with registering, when you unregister a handler and you're in a cluster it can also take some time for the knowledge of that unregistration to be propagated across the entire to cluster. If you want to be notified when that has completed you can optionally specify another function to the registerHandler as the third argument. E.g. : + + eb.unregisterHandler("test.address", myHandler, { asyncResult: AsyncResult[Void] => + println("The handler has been unregistered across the cluster ok? " + asyncResult.succeeded()) + }) + +If you want your handler to live for the full lifetime of your verticle there is no need to unregister it explicitly - Vert.x will automatically unregister any handlers when the verticle is stopped. + +### Publishing messages + +Publishing a message is also trivially easy. Just publish it specifying the address, for example: + + eb.publish("test.address", "hello world") + +That message will then be delivered to all handlers registered against the address "test.address". + +### Sending messages + +Sending a message will result in only one handler registered at the address receiving the message. This is the point to point messaging pattern. The handler is chosen in a non strict round-robin fashion. + + eb.send("test.address", "hello world") + +### Replying to messages + +Sometimes after you send a message you want to receive a reply from the recipient. This is known as the *request-response pattern*. + +To do this you send a message, and specify a reply handler as the third argument. When the receiver receives the message they can reply to it by calling the `reply` method on the message.. When this method is invoked it causes a reply to be sent back to the sender where the reply handler is invoked. An example will make this clear: + +The receiver: + + val myHandler: Message[String] => Unit = { message: Message[String] => + println("I received a message " + message.body) + + // Do some stuff + + // Now reply to it + + message.reply("This is a reply") + } + + eb.registerHandler("test.address", myHandler) + +The sender: + + eb.send("test.address", "This is a message", { message: Message[String] => + println("I received a reply " + message.body) + }) + +It is legal also to send an empty reply or a null reply. + +The replies themselves can also be replied to so you can create a dialog between two different verticles consisting of multiple rounds. + +### Message types + +The message you send can be any of the following types (or their matching boxed type): + +* Boolean +* Array[Byte] +* Byte +* Char +* Double +* Float +* Int +* Long +* Short +* String +* org.vertx.scala.core.json.JsonObject +* org.vertx.scala.core.json.JsonArray +* org.vertx.scala.core.buffer.Buffer + +Vert.x buffers and JSON objects and arrays are copied before delivery if they are delivered in the same JVM, so different verticles can't access the exact same object instance which could lead to race conditions. + +Here are some more examples: + +Send some numbers: + + eb.send("test.address", 1234) + eb.send("test.address", 3.14159) + +Send a boolean: + + eb.send("test.address", true) + +Send a JSON object: + + val obj: JsonObject = Json.obj() + obj.putString("foo", "wibble") + eb.send("test.address", obj) + +Null messages can also be sent: + + eb.send("test.address", null) + +It's a good convention to have your verticles communicating using JSON - this is because JSON is easy to generate and parse for all the languages that Vert.x supports. + +## Distributed event bus + +To make each Vert.x instance on your network participate on the same event bus, start each Vert.x instance with the `-cluster` command line switch. + +See the chapter in the main manual on [*running Vert.x*]() for more information on this. + +Once you've done that, any Vert.x instances started in cluster mode will merge to form a distributed event bus. + +# Shared Data + +Sometimes it makes sense to allow different verticles instances to share data in a safe way. Vert.x allows simple `java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap` and `java.util.Set` data structures to be shared between verticles. + +There is a caveat: To prevent issues due to mutable data, Vert.x only allows simple immutable types such as number, boolean and string or Buffer to be used in shared data. With a Buffer, it is automatically copied when retrieved from the shared data, so different verticle instances never see the same object instance. + +Currently data can only be shared between verticles in the *same Vert.x instance*. In later versions of Vert.x we aim to extend this to allow data to be shared by all Vert.x instances in the cluster. + +## Shared Maps + +To use a shared map to share data between verticles first we get a reference to the map, and then use it like any other instance of `java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap` + + val map: ConcurrentMap[String, Integer] = vertx.sharedData.getMap("demo.mymap") + + map.put("some-key", 123) + +And then, in a different verticle you can access it: + + val map: ConcurrentMap[String, Integer] = vertx.sharedData.getMap("demo.mymap") + + // etc + + +## Shared Sets + +To use a shared set to share data between verticles first we get a reference to the set. + + val set: Set[String] = vertx.sharedData.getSet("demo.myset") + + set.add("some-value") + +And then, in a different verticle: + + val set: Set[String] = vertx.sharedData.getSet("demo.myset") + + // etc + +# Buffers + +Most data in Vert.x is shuffled around using instances of `org.vertx.scala.core.buffer.Buffer`. + +A Buffer represents a sequence of zero or more bytes that can be written to or read from, and which expands automatically as necessary to accomodate any bytes written to it. You can perhaps think of a buffer as smart byte array. + +## Creating Buffers + +Create a new empty buffer: + + val buff: Buffer = Buffer() + +Create a buffer from a String. The String will be encoded in the buffer using UTF-8. + + val buff: Buffer = Buffer("some-string") + +Create a buffer from a String: The String will be encoded using the specified encoding, e.g: + + val buff: Buffer = Buffer("some-string", "UTF-16") + +Create a buffer from a byte[] + + val bytes: Array[Byte] = Array[Byte](...) + Buffer(bytes) + +Create a buffer with an initial size hint. If you know your buffer will have a certain amount of data written to it you can create the buffer and specify this size. This makes the buffer initially allocate that much memory and is more efficient than the buffer automatically resizing multiple times as data is written to it. + +Note that buffers created this way *are empty*. It does not create a buffer filled with zeros up to the specified size. + + val buff: Buffer = Buffer(100000) + +## Writing to a Buffer + +There are two ways to write to a buffer: appending, and random access. In either case buffers will always expand automatically to encompass the bytes. It's not possible to get an `IndexOutOfBoundsException` with a buffer. + +### Appending to a Buffer + +To append to a buffer, you use the `appendXXX` methods. Append methods exist for appending other buffers, Array[Byte], String and all primitive types. + +The return value of the `appendXXX` methods is the buffer itself, so these can be chained: + + val buff: Buffer = Buffer() + + buff.appendInt(123).appendString("hello").appendChar('\n') + + socket.write(buff) + +### Random access buffer writes + +You can also write into the buffer at a specific index, by using the `setXXX` methods. Set methods exist for other buffers, Array[Byte], String and all primitive types. All the set methods take an index as the first argument - this represents the position in the buffer where to start writing the data. + +The buffer will always expand as necessary to accomodate the data. + + val buff: Buffer = Buffer() + + buff.setInt(1000, 123) + buff.setBytes(0, Array[Byte](...)) + +## Reading from a Buffer + +Data is read from a buffer using the `getXXX` methods. Get methods exist for Array[Byte], String and all primitive types. The first argument to these methods is an index in the buffer from where to get the data. + + val buff: Buffer = ... + for ( i <- 0 until buff.length() by 4) { + println("int value at " + i + " is " + buff.getInt(i)) + } + +## Other buffer methods: + +* `length()`. To obtain the length of the buffer. The length of a buffer is the index of the byte in the buffer with the largest index + 1. +* `copy()`. Copy the entire buffer + + +See the JavaDoc for more detailed method level documentation. + +# JSON + +Whereas JavaScript has first class support for JSON, and Ruby has Hash literals which make representing JSON easy within code, things aren't so easy in Scala. + +For this reason, if you want to use JSON from within your Scala verticles, we provide some simple JSON classes which represent a JSON object and a JSON array. These classes provide methods for setting and getting all types supported in JSON on an object or array. + +A JSON object is represented by instances of `org.vertx.scala.core.json.JsonObject`. A JSON array is represented by instances of `org.vertx.scala.core.json.JsonArray`. + +A usage example would be using a Scala verticle to send or receive JSON messages from the event bus. + + val eb = vertx.eventBus + + val obj: JsonObject = Json.obj().putString("foo", "wibble") + .putNumber("age", 1000) + + eb.send("some-address", obj) + + + // .... + // And in a handler somewhere: + + def handle(message: Message[JsonObject]) = { + println("foo is " + message.body.getString("foo")) + println("age is " + message.body.getNumber("age")) + } + +Methods also existing for converting this objects to and from their JSON serialized forms. + +# Delayed and Periodic Tasks + +It's very common in Vert.x to want to perform an action after a delay, or periodically. + +In standard verticles you can't just make the thread sleep to introduce a delay, as that will block the event loop thread. + +Instead you use Vert.x timers. Timers can be *one-shot* or *periodic*. We'll discuss both + +## One-shot Timers + +A one shot timer calls an event handler after a certain delay, expressed in milliseconds. + +To set a timer to fire once you use the `setTimer` method passing in the delay and a handler + + val timerID: Long = vertx.setTimer(1000, { timerID: Long => +"And one second later this is printed") + }) + +"First this is printed") + +The return value is a unique timer id which can later be used to cancel the timer. The handler is also passed the timer id. + +## Periodic Timers + +You can also set a timer to fire periodically by using the `setPeriodic` method. There will be an initial delay equal to the period. The return value of `setPeriodic` is a unique timer id (long). This can be later used if the timer needs to be cancelled. The argument passed into the timer event handler is also the unique timer id: + + val timerID: Long = vertx.setPeriodic(1000, { timerID: Long => +"And every second this is printed") + }) + +"First this is printed") + +## Cancelling timers + +To cancel a periodic timer, call the `cancelTimer` method specifying the timer id. For example: + + val timerID: Long = vertx.setPeriodic(1000, { timerID: Long => + }) + + // And immediately cancel it + + vertx.cancelTimer(timerID) + +Or you can cancel it from inside the event handler. The following example cancels the timer after it has fired 10 times. + + var count: Int = 0 + val timerID: Long = vertx.setPeriodic(1000, { timerID: Long => +"In event handler " + count) + count = count + 1 + if (count == 10) { + vertx.cancelTimer(timerID) + } + }) + +# Writing TCP Servers and Clients + +Creating TCP servers and clients is very easy with Vert.x. + +## Net Server + +### Creating a Net Server + +To create a TCP server you call the `createNetServer` method on your `vertx` instance. + + val server: NetServer = vertx.createNetServer() + +### Start the Server Listening + +To tell that server to listen for connections we do: + + val server: NetServer = vertx.createNetServer + + server.listen(1234, "myhost") + +The first parameter to `listen` is the port. A wildcard port of `0` can be specified which means a random available port will be chosen to actually listen at. Once the server has completed listening you can then call the `port()` method of the server to find out the real port it is using. + +The second parameter is the hostname or ip address. If it is omitted it will default to `` which means it will listen at all available interfaces. + +The actual bind is asynchronous so the server might not actually be listening until some time *after* the call to listen has returned. If you want to be notified when the server is actually listening you can provide a handler to the `listen` call. For example: + + server.listen(1234, "myhost", { asyncResult: AsyncResult[NetServer] => +"Listen succeeded? " + asyncResult.succeeded()) + }) + +### Getting Notified of Incoming Connections + +To be notified when a connection occurs we need to call the `connectHandler` method of the server, passing in a handler. The handler will then be called when a connection is made: + + val server: NetServer = vertx.createNetServer() + + server.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket => +"A client has connected!") + }) + + server.listen(1234, "localhost") + +That's a bit more interesting. Now it displays 'A client has connected!' every time a client connects. + +The return value of the `connectHandler` method is the server itself, so multiple invocations can be chained together. That means we can rewrite the above as: + + val server: NetServer = vertx.createNetServer() + + server.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket => +"A client has connected!") + }).listen(1234, "localhost") + +or + + vertx.createNetServer().connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket => +"A client has connected!") + }).listen(1234, "localhost") + + +This is a common pattern throughout the Vert.x API. + + +### Closing a Net Server + +To close a net server just call the `close` function. + + server.close() + +The close is actually asynchronous and might not complete until some time after the `close` method has returned. If you want to be notified when the actual close has completed then you can pass in a handler to the `close` method. + +This handler will then be called when the close has fully completed. + + server.close({ asyncResult: AsyncResult[Void] => +"Close succeeded? " + asyncResult.succeeded()) + }) + +If you want your net server to last the entire lifetime of your verticle, you don't need to call `close` explicitly, the Vert.x container will automatically close any servers that you created when the verticle is undeployed. + +### NetServer Properties + +NetServer has a set of properties you can set which affect its behaviour. Firstly there are bunch of properties used to tweak the TCP parameters, in most cases you won't need to set these: + +* `setTCPNoDelay(tcpNoDelay)` If true then [Nagle's Algorithm]('s_algorithm) is disabled. If false then it is enabled. + +* `setSendBufferSize(size)` Sets the TCP send buffer size in bytes. + +* `setReceiveBufferSize(size)` Sets the TCP receive buffer size in bytes. + +* `setTCPKeepAlive(keepAlive)` if `keepAlive` is true then [TCP keep alive]( is enabled, if false it is disabled. + +* `setReuseAddress(reuse)` if `reuse` is true then addresses in TIME_WAIT state can be reused after they have been closed. + +* `setSoLinger(linger)` + +* `setTrafficClass(trafficClass)` + +NetServer has a further set of properties which are used to configure SSL. We'll discuss those later on. + + +### Handling Data + +So far we have seen how to create a NetServer, and accept incoming connections, but not how to do anything interesting with the connections. Let's remedy that now. + +When a connection is made, the connect handler is called passing in an instance of `NetSocket`. This is a socket-like interface to the actual connection, and allows you to read and write data as well as do various other things like close the socket. + + +#### Reading Data from the Socket + +To read data from the socket you need to set the `dataHandler` on the socket. This handler will be called with an instance of `org.vertx.scala.core.buffer.Buffer` every time data is received on the socket. You could try the following code and telnet to it to send some data: + + val server: NetSocket = vertx.createNetServer() + + server.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket => + sock.dataHandler({ buffer: Buffer => +"I received " + buffer.length() + " bytes of data") + }) + }).listen(1234, "localhost") + +#### Writing Data to a Socket + +To write data to a socket, you invoke the `write` function. This function can be invoked in a few ways: + +With a single buffer: + + val myBuffer: Buffer = Buffer(...) + sock.write(myBuffer) + +A string. In this case the string will encoded using UTF-8 and the result written to the wire. + + sock.write("hello") + +A string and an encoding. In this case the string will encoded using the specified encoding and the result written to the wire. + + sock.write("hello", "UTF-16") + +The `write` function is asynchronous and always returns immediately after the write has been queued. + +Let's put it all together. + +Here's an example of a simple TCP echo server which simply writes back (echoes) everything that it receives on the socket: + + val server: NetServer = vertx.createNetServer() + + server.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket => + sock.dataHandler({ buffer: Buffer => + sock.write(buffer) + }) + }).listen(1234, "localhost") + +### Socket Remote Address + +You can find out the remote address of the socket (i.e. the address of the other side of the TCP IP connection) by calling `remoteAddress()`. + +### Socket Local Address + +You can find out the local address of the socket (i.e. the address of this side of the TCP IP connection) by calling `localAddress()`. + +### Closing a socket + +You can close a socket by invoking the `close` method. This will close the underlying TCP connection. + +### Closed Handler + +If you want to be notified when a socket is closed, you can set the `closedHandler': + + + val server: NetServer = vertx.createNetServer + + server.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket => + sock.closeHandler({ +"The socket is now closed") + }) + }).listen(1234, "localhost") + + +The closed handler will be called irrespective of whether the close was initiated by the client or server. + +### Exception handler + +You can set an exception handler on the socket that will be called if an exception occurs asynchronously on the connection: + + val server: NetServer = vertx.createNetServer() + + server.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket => + sock.exceptionHandler({ t: Throwable => +"Oops, something went wrong", t) + }) + }).listen(1234, "localhost") + +### Event Bus Write Handler + +Every NetSocket automatically registers a handler on the event bus, and when any buffers are received in this handler, it writes them to itself. This enables you to write data to a NetSocket which is potentially in a completely different verticle or even in a different Vert.x instance by sending the buffer to the address of that handler. + +The address of the handler is given by the `writeHandlerID()` method. + +For example to write some data to the NetSocket from a completely different verticle you could do: + + val writeHandlerID: String = ... // E.g. retrieve the ID from shared data + + vertx.eventBus.send(writeHandlerID, buffer) + +### Read and Write Streams + +NetSocket also implements `org.vertx.scala.core.streams.ReadStream` and `org.vertx.scala.core.streams.WriteStream`. This allows flow control to occur on the connection and the connection data to be pumped to and from other object such as HTTP requests and responses, WebSockets and asynchronous files. + +This will be discussed in depth in the chapter on [streams and pumps](#flow-control). + + +## Scaling TCP Servers + +A verticle instance is strictly single threaded. + +If you create a simple TCP server and deploy a single instance of it then all the handlers for that server are always executed on the same event loop (thread). + +This means that if you are running on a server with a lot of cores, and you only have this one instance deployed then you will have at most one core utilised on your server! + +To remedy this you can simply deploy more instances of the module in the server, e.g. + + vertx runmod com.mycompany~my-mod~1.0 -instances 20 + +Or for a raw verticle + + vertx run foo.MyApp -instances 20 + +The above would run 20 instances of the module/verticle in the same Vert.x instance. + +Once you do this you will find the echo server works functionally identically to before, but, *as if by magic*, all your cores on your server can be utilised and more work can be handled. + +At this point you might be asking yourself *'Hold on, how can you have more than one server listening on the same host and port? Surely you will get port conflicts as soon as you try and deploy more than one instance?'* + +*Vert.x does a little magic here*. + +When you deploy another server on the same host and port as an existing server it doesn't actually try and create a new server listening on the same host/port. + +Instead it internally maintains just a single server, and, as incoming connections arrive it distributes them in a round-robin fashion to any of the connect handlers set by the verticles. + +Consequently Vert.x TCP servers can scale over available cores while each Vert.x verticle instance remains strictly single threaded, and you don't have to do any special tricks like writing load-balancers in order to scale your server on your multi-core machine. + +## NetClient + +A NetClient is used to make TCP connections to servers. + +### Creating a Net Client + +To create a TCP client you call the `createNetClient` method on your `vertx` instance. + + val client: NetClient = vertx.createNetClient() + +### Making a Connection + +To actually connect to a server you invoke the `connect` method: + + val client: NetClient = vertx.createNetClient(); + + client.connect(1234, "localhost", { asyncResult: AsyncResult[NetSocket] => + if (asyncResult.succeeded()) { +"We have connected! Socket is " + asyncResult.result()) + } else { + asyncResult.cause().printStackTrace() + } + }) + +The connect method takes the port number as the first parameter, followed by the hostname or ip address of the server. The third parameter is a connect handler. This handler will be called when the connection actually occurs. + +The argument passed into the connect handler is an `AsyncResult[NetSocket]`, and the `NetSocket` can be retrieved from the `result()` method. You can read and write data from the socket in exactly the same way as you do on the server side. + +You can also close it, set the closed handler, set the exception handler and use it as a `ReadStream` or `WriteStream` exactly the same as the server side `NetSocket`. + +### Configuring Reconnection + +A NetClient can be configured to automatically retry connecting or reconnecting to the server in the event that it cannot connect or has lost its connection. This is done by invoking the methods `setReconnectAttempts` and `setReconnectInterval`: + + val client: NetClient = vertx.createNetClient() + + client.setReconnectAttempts(1000) + + client.setReconnectInterval(500) + +`ReconnectAttempts` determines how many times the client will try to connect to the server before giving up. A value of `-1` represents an infinite number of times. The default value is `0`. I.e. no reconnection is attempted. + +`ReconnectInterval` detemines how long, in milliseconds, the client will wait between reconnect attempts. The default value is `1000`. + +### NetClient Properties + +Just like `NetServer`, `NetClient` also has a set of TCP properties you can set which affect its behaviour. They have the same meaning as those on `NetServer`. + +`NetClient` also has a further set of properties which are used to configure SSL. We'll discuss those later on. + +## SSL Servers + +Net servers can also be configured to work with [Transport Layer Security]( (previously known as SSL). + +When a `NetServer` is working as an SSL Server the API of the `NetServer` and `NetSocket` is identical compared to when it working with standard sockets. Getting the server to use SSL is just a matter of configuring the `NetServer` before `listen` is called. + +To enabled SSL the function `setSSL(true)` must be called on the Net Server. + +The server must also be configured with a *key store* and an optional *trust store*. + +These are both *Java keystores* which can be managed using the [keytool]( utility which ships with the JDK. + +The keytool command allows you to create keystores, and import and export certificates from them. + +The key store should contain the server certificate. This is mandatory - the client will not be able to connect to the server over SSL if the server does not have a certificate. + +The key store is configured on the server using the `setKeyStorePath()` and `setKeyStorePassword()` methods. + +The trust store is optional and contains the certificates of any clients it should trust. This is only used if client authentication is required. + +To configure a server to use server certificates only: + + val server: NetServer = vertx.createNetServer() + .setSSL(true) + .setKeyStorePath("/path/to/your/keystore/server-keystore.jks") + .setKeyStorePassword("password") + +Making sure that `server-keystore.jks` contains the server certificate. + +To configure a server to also require client certificates: + + val server: NetServer = vertx.createNetServer() + .setSSL(true) + .setKeyStorePath("/path/to/your/keystore/server-keystore.jks") + .setKeyStorePassword("password") + .setTrustStorePath("/path/to/your/truststore/server-truststore.jks") + .setTrustStorePassword("password") + .setClientAuthRequired(true) + +Making sure that `server-truststore.jks` contains the certificates of any clients who the server trusts. + +If `clientAuthRequired` is set to `true` and the client cannot provide a certificate, or it provides a certificate that the server does not trust then the connection attempt will not succeed. + +## SSL Clients + +Net Clients can also be easily configured to use SSL. They have the exact same API when using SSL as when using standard sockets. + +To enable SSL on a `NetClient` the function `setSSL(true)` is called. + +If the `setTrustAll(true)` is invoked on the client, then the client will trust all server certificates. The connection will still be encrypted but this mode is vulnerable to 'man in the middle' attacks. I.e. you can't be sure who you are connecting to. Use this with caution. Default value is `false`. + +If `setTrustAll(true)` has not been invoked then a client trust store must be configured and should contain the certificates of the servers that the client trusts. + +The client trust store is just a standard Java key store, the same as the key stores on the server side. The client trust store location is set by using the function `setTrustStorePath()` on the `NetClient`. If a server presents a certificate during connection which is not in the client trust store, the connection attempt will not succeed. + +If the server requires client authentication then the client must present its own certificate to the server when connecting. This certificate should reside in the client key store. Again it's just a regular Java key store. The client keystore location is set by using the function `setKeyStorePath()` on the `NetClient`. + +To configure a client to trust all server certificates (dangerous): + + val client: NetClient = vertx.createNetClient() + .setSSL(true) + .setTrustAll(true) + +To configure a client to only trust those certificates it has in its trust store: + + val client: NetClient = vertx.createNetClient() + .setSSL(true) + .setTrustStorePath("/path/to/your/client/truststore/client-truststore.jks") + .setTrustStorePassword("password") + +To configure a client to only trust those certificates it has in its trust store, and also to supply a client certificate: + + val client: NetClient = vertx.createNetClient() + .setSSL(true) + .setTrustStorePath("/path/to/your/client/truststore/client-truststore.jks") + .setTrustStorePassword("password") + .setKeyStorePath("/path/to/keystore/holding/client/cert/client-keystore.jks") + .setKeyStorePassword("password") + + +# Flow Control - Streams and Pumps + +There are several objects in Vert.x that allow data to be read from and written to in the form of Buffers. + +In Vert.x, calls to write data return immediately and writes are internally queued. + +It's not hard to see that if you write to an object faster than it can actually write the data to its underlying resource then the write queue could grow without bound - eventually resulting in exhausting available memory. + +To solve this problem a simple flow control capability is provided by some objects in the Vert.x API. + +Any flow control aware object that can be written-to implements `org.vertx.scala.core.streams.ReadStream`, and any flow control object that can be read-from is said to implement `org.vertx.scala.core.streams.WriteStream`. + +Let's take an example where we want to read from a `ReadStream` and write the data to a `WriteStream`. + +A very simple example would be reading from a `NetSocket` on a server and writing back to the same `NetSocket` - since `NetSocket` implements both `ReadStream` and `WriteStream`, but you can do this between any `ReadStream` and any `WriteStream`, including HTTP requests and response, async files, WebSockets, etc. + +A naive way to do this would be to directly take the data that's been read and immediately write it to the NetSocket, for example: + + val server: NetServer = vertx.createNetServer() + + server.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket => + sock.dataHandler({ buffer: Buffer => + // Write the data straight back + sock.write(buffer) + }) + }).listen(1234, "localhost") + +There's a problem with the above example: If data is read from the socket faster than it can be written back to the socket, it will build up in the write queue of the `NetSocket`, eventually running out of RAM. This might happen, for example if the client at the other end of the socket wasn't reading very fast, effectively putting back-pressure on the connection. + +Since `NetSocket` implements `WriteStream`, we can check if the `WriteStream` is full before writing to it: + + val server: NetServer = vertx.createNetServer() + + server.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket => + sock.dataHandler({ buffer: Buffer => + if (!sock.writeQueueFull()) { + sock.write(buffer) + } + }) + }).listen(1234, "localhost") + +This example won't run out of RAM but we'll end up losing data if the write queue gets full. What we really want to do is pause the `NetSocket` when the write queue is full. Let's do that: + + val server: NetServer = vertx.createNetServer() + + server.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket => + sock.dataHandler({ buffer: Buffer + if (!sock.writeQueueFull()) { + sock.write(buffer) + } else { + sock.pause() + } + }) + }).listen(1234, "localhost") + +We're almost there, but not quite. The `NetSocket` now gets paused when the file is full, but we also need to *unpause* it when the write queue has processed its backlog: + + val server: NetServer = vertx.createNetServer() + + server.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket => + sock.dataHandler({ buffer: Buffer => + if (!sock.writeQueueFull()) { + sock.write(buffer) + } else { + sock.pause() + sock.drainHandler({ + sock.resume() + }: Unit) + } + }) + }).listen(1234, "localhost") + +And there we have it. The `drainHandler` event handler will get called when the write queue is ready to accept more data, this resumes the `NetSocket` which allows it to read more data. + +It's very common to want to do this when writing Vert.x applications, so we provide a helper class called `Pump` which does all this hard work for you. You just feed it the `ReadStream` and the `WriteStream` and it tell it to start: + + val server: NetServer = vertx.createNetServer() + + server.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket => + Pump.create(sock, sock).start() + }).listen(1234, "localhost") + +Which does exactly the same thing as the more verbose example. + +Let's look at the methods on `ReadStream` and `WriteStream` in more detail: + +## ReadStream + +`ReadStream` is implemented by `HttpClientResponse`, `HttpServerRequest`, `WebSocket`, `NetSocket`, `SockJSSocket` and `AsyncFile`. + +Functions: + +* `dataHandler(handler)`: set a handler which will receive data from the `ReadStream`. As data arrives the handler will be passed a Buffer. +* `pause()`: pause the handler. When paused no data will be received in the `dataHandler`. +* `resume()`: resume the handler. The handler will be called if any data arrives. +* `exceptionHandler(handler)`: Will be called if an exception occurs on the `ReadStream`. +* `endHandler(handler)`: Will be called when end of stream is reached. This might be when EOF is reached if the `ReadStream` represents a file, or when end of request is reached if it's an HTTP request, or when the connection is closed if it's a TCP socket. + +## WriteStream + +`WriteStream` is implemented by , `HttpClientRequest`, `HttpServerResponse`, `WebSocket`, `NetSocket`, `SockJSSocket` and `AsyncFile`. + +Functions: + +* `write(buffer)`: write a Buffer to the `WriteStream`. This method will never block. Writes are queued internally and asynchronously written to the underlying resource. +* `setWriteQueueMaxSize(size)`: set the number of bytes at which the write queue is considered *full*, and the method `writeQueueFull()` returns `true`. Note that, even if the write queue is considered full, if `write` is called the data will still be accepted and queued. +* `writeQueueFull()`: returns `true` if the write queue is considered full. +* `exceptionHandler(handler)`: Will be called if an exception occurs on the `WriteStream`. +* `drainHandler(handler)`: The handler will be called if the `WriteStream` is considered no longer full. + +## Pump + +Instances of `Pump` have the following methods: + +* `start()`: Start the pump. +* `stop()`: Stops the pump. When the pump starts it is in stopped mode. +* `setWriteQueueMaxSize()`: This has the same meaning as `setWriteQueueMaxSize` on the `WriteStream`. +* `bytesPumped()`: Returns total number of bytes pumped. + +A pump can be started and stopped multiple times. + +When a pump is first created it is *not* started. You need to call the `start()` method to start it. + +# Writing HTTP Servers and Clients + +## Writing HTTP servers + +Vert.x allows you to easily write full featured, highly performant and scalable HTTP servers. + +### Creating an HTTP Server + +To create an HTTP server you call the `createHttpServer` method on your `vertx` instance. + + val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() + +### Start the Server Listening + +To tell that server to listen for incoming requests you use the `listen` method: + + val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() + + server.listen(8080, "myhost") + +The first parameter to `listen` is the port. + +The second parameter is the hostname or ip address. If it is omitted it will default to `` which means it will listen at all available interfaces. + +The actual bind is asynchronous so the server might not actually be listening until some time *after* the call to listen has returned. If you want to be notified when the server is actually listening you can provide a handler to the `listen` call. For example: + + server.listen(8080, "myhost", { asyncResult: AsyncResult[HttpServer] => +"Listen succeeded? " + asyncResult.succeeded()) + }) + + +### Getting Notified of Incoming Requests + +To be notified when a request arrives you need to set a request handler. This is done by calling the `requestHandler` method of the server, passing in the handler: + + val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() + + server.requestHandler({ request: HttpServerRequest => +"A request has arrived on the server!") + request.response().end() + }) + + server.listen(8080, "localhost") + +Every time a request arrives on the server the handler is called passing in an instance of `org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpServerRequest`. + +You can try it by running the verticle and pointing your browser at `http://localhost:8080`. + +Similarly to `NetServer`, the return value of the `requestHandler` method is the server itself, so multiple invocations can be chained together. That means we can rewrite the above with: + + val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() + + server.requestHandler({ request: HttpServerRequest => +"A request has arrived on the server!") + request.response().end() + }).listen(8080, "localhost") + +Or: + + vertx.createHttpServer().requestHandler({ request: HttpServerRequest => +"A request has arrived on the server!") + request.response().end() + }).listen(8080, "localhost") + + +### Handling HTTP Requests + +So far we have seen how to create an `HttpServer` and be notified of requests. Lets take a look at how to handle the requests and do something useful with them. + +When a request arrives, the request handler is called passing in an instance of `HttpServerRequest`. This object represents the server side HTTP request. + +The handler is called when the headers of the request have been fully read. If the request contains a body, that body may arrive at the server some time after the request handler has been called. + +It contains functions to get the URI, path, request headers and request parameters. It also contains a `response()` method which returns a reference to an object that represents the server side HTTP response for the object. + +#### Request Method + +The request object has a method `method()` which returns a string representing what HTTP method was requested. Possible return values for `method()` are: `GET`, `PUT`, `POST`, `DELETE`, `HEAD`, `OPTIONS`, `CONNECT`, `TRACE`, `PATCH`. + +#### Request Version + +The request object has a method `version()` which returns an enum representing the HTTP version. + +#### Request URI + +The request object has a method `uri()` which returns the full URI (Uniform Resource Locator) of the request. For example, if the request URI was: + + /a/b/c/page.html?param1=abc¶m2=xyz + +Then `request.uri()` would return the string `/a/b/c/page.html?param1=abc¶m2=xyz`. + +Request URIs can be relative or absolute (with a domain) depending on what the client sent. In most cases they will be relative. + +The request uri contains the value as defined in [Section 5.1.2 of the HTTP specification - Request-URI]( + +#### Request Path + +The request object has a method `path()` which returns the path of the request. For example, if the request URI was: + + a/b/c/page.html?param1=abc¶m2=xyz + +Then `request.path()` would return the string `/a/b/c/page.html` + +#### Request Query + +The request object has a method `query()` which contains the query of the request. For example, if the request URI was: + + a/b/c/page.html?param1=abc¶m2=xyz + +Then `request.query()` would return the string `param1=abc¶m2=xyz` + +#### Request Headers + +The request headers are available using the `headers()` method on the request object. + +The returned object is an instance of `org.vertx.scala.core.MultiMap`. A MultiMap allows multiple values for the same key, unlike a normal Map. + +Here's an example that echoes the headers to the output of the response. Run it and point your browser at `http://localhost:8080` to see the headers. + + val server = vertx.createHttpServer() + + server.requestHandler({ request: HttpServerRequest => + val sb: StringBuilder = new StringBuilder() + for ( header: JMap.Entry[String, String] <- request.headers.entries().asInstanceOf[List[JMap.Entry[String, String]]]) { + sb.append(header.getKey()).append(": ").append(header.getValue()).append("\n") + } + request.response().putHeader("content-type", "text/plain") + request.response().end(sb.toString()) + }).listen(8080, "localhost") + + +#### Request params + +Similarly to the headers, the request parameters are available using the `params()` method on the request object. + +The returned object is an instance of `org.vertx.scala.core.MultiMap`. + +Request parameters are sent on the request URI, after the path. For example if the URI was: + + /page.html?param1=abc¶m2=xyz + +Then the params multimap would contain the following entries: + + param1: 'abc' + param2: 'xyz + +#### Remote Address + +Use the method `remoteAddress()` to find out the address of the other side of the HTTP connection. + +#### Absolute URI + +Use the method `absoluteURI()` to return the absolute URI corresponding to the request. + +#### Reading Data from the Request Body + +Sometimes an HTTP request contains a request body that we want to read. As previously mentioned the request handler is called when only the headers of the request have arrived so the `HttpServerRequest` object does not contain the body. This is because the body may be very large and we don't want to create problems with exceeding available memory. + +To receive the body, you set the `dataHandler` on the request object. This will then get called every time a chunk of the request body arrives. Here's an example: + + val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() + + server.requestHandler({ request: HttpServerRequest => + request.dataHandler({ buffer: Buffer => +"I received " + buffer.length() + " bytes") + }) + }).listen(8080, "localhost") + +The `dataHandler` may be called more than once depending on the size of the body. + +You'll notice this is very similar to how data from `NetSocket` is read. + +The request object implements the `ReadStream` interface so you can pump the request body to a `WriteStream`. See the chapter on [streams and pumps](#flow-control) for a detailed explanation. + +In many cases, you know the body is not large and you just want to receive it in one go. To do this you could do something like the following: + + val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() + + server.requestHandler({ request: HttpServerRequest => + val body: Buffer = Buffer(0) + + request.dataHandler({ buffer: Buffer => + body.append(buffer) + }) + request.endHandler({ + // The entire body has now been received +"The total body received was " + body.length() + " bytes") + }) + }).listen(8080, "localhost") + + +Like any `ReadStream` the end handler is invoked when the end of stream is reached - in this case at the end of the request. + +If the HTTP request is using HTTP chunking, then each HTTP chunk of the request body will correspond to a single call of the data handler. + +It's a very common use case to want to read the entire body before processing it, so Vert.x allows a `bodyHandler` to be set on the request object. + +The body handler is called only once when the *entire* request body has been read. + +*Beware of doing this with very large requests since the entire request body will be stored in memory.* + +Here's an example using `bodyHandler`: + + val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() + + server.requestHandler({ request: HttpServerRequest => + request.bodyHandler({ body: Buffer => + // The entire body has now been received +"The total body received was " + body.length() + " bytes") + }) + }).listen(8080, "localhost") + +#### Handling Multipart Form Uploads + +Vert.x understands file uploads submitted from HTML forms in browsers. In order to handle file uploads you should set the `uploadHandler` on the request. The handler will be called once for each upload in the form. + + request.uploadHandler({ upload: HttpServerFileUpload => + }) + +The `HttpServerFileUpload` class implements `ReadStream` so you read the data and stream it to any object that implements `WriteStream` using a Pump, as previously discussed. + +You can also stream it directly to disk using the convenience method `streamToFileSystem()`. + + request.uploadHandler({ upload: HttpServerFileUpload => + upload.streamToFileSystem("uploads/" + upload.filename()) + }) + +#### Handling Multipart Form Attributes + +If the request corresponds to an HTML form that was submitted you can use the method `formAttributes` to retrieve a Multi Map of the form attributes. This should only be called after *all* of the request has been read - this is because form attributes are encoded in the request *body* not in the request headers. + + request.endHandler({ + // The request has been all ready so now we can look at the form attributes + MultiMap attrs = request.formAttributes() + // Do something with them + }) + + +### HTTP Server Responses + +As previously mentioned, the HTTP request object contains a method `response()`. This returns the HTTP response for the request. You use it to write the response back to the client. + +### Setting Status Code and Message + +To set the HTTP status code for the response use the `setStatusCode()` method, e.g. + + val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() + + server.requestHandler({ request: HttpServerRequest => + request.response().setStatusCode(739).setStatusMessage("Too many gerbils").end() + }).listen(8080, "localhost") + +You can also use the `setStatusMessage()` method to set the status message. If you do not set the status message a default message will be used. + +The default value for `statusCode` is `200`. + +#### Writing HTTP responses + +To write data to an HTTP response, you invoke the `write` function. This function can be invoked multiple times before the response is ended. It can be invoked in a few ways: + +With a single buffer: + + val myBuffer: Buffer = ... + request.response().write(myBuffer) + +A string. In this case the string will encoded using UTF-8 and the result written to the wire. + + request.response().write("hello") + +A string and an encoding. In this case the string will encoded using the specified encoding and the result written to the wire. + + request.response().write("hello", "UTF-16") + +The `write` function is asynchronous and always returns immediately after the write has been queued. + +If you are just writing a single string or Buffer to the HTTP response you can write it and end the response in a single call to the `end` method. + +The first call to `write` results in the response header being being written to the response. + +Consequently, if you are not using HTTP chunking then you must set the `Content-Length` header before writing to the response, since it will be too late otherwise. If you are using HTTP chunking you do not have to worry. + +#### Ending HTTP responses + +Once you have finished with the HTTP response you must call the `end()` function on it. + +This function can be invoked in several ways: + +With no arguments, the response is simply ended. + + request.response().end() + +The function can also be called with a string or Buffer in the same way `write` is called. In this case it's just the same as calling write with a string or Buffer followed by calling `end` with no arguments. For example: + + request.response().end("That's all folks") + +#### Closing the underlying connection + +You can close the underlying TCP connection of the request by calling the `close` method. + + request.response().close() + +#### Response headers + +HTTP response headers can be added to the response by adding them to the multimap returned from the `headers()` method: + + request.response().headers().set("Cheese", "Stilton") + request.response().headers().set("Hat colour", "Mauve") + +Individual HTTP response headers can also be written using the `putHeader` method. This allows a fluent API since calls to `putHeader` can be chained: + + request.response().putHeader("Some-Header", "elephants").putHeader("Pants", "Absent") + +Response headers must all be added before any parts of the response body are written. + +#### Chunked HTTP Responses and Trailers + +Vert.x supports [HTTP Chunked Transfer Encoding]( This allows the HTTP response body to be written in chunks, and is normally used when a large response body is being streamed to a client, whose size is not known in advance. + +You put the HTTP response into chunked mode as follows: + + req.response().setChunked(true) + +Default is non-chunked. When in chunked mode, each call to `response.write(...)` will result in a new HTTP chunk being written out. + +When in chunked mode you can also write HTTP response trailers to the response. These are actually written in the final chunk of the response. + +To add trailers to the response, add them to the multimap returned from the `trailers()` method: + + request.response().trailers().add("Philosophy", "Solipsism") + request.response().trailers().add("Favourite-Shakin-Stevens-Song", "Behind the Green Door") + +Like headers, individual HTTP response trailers can also be written using the `putTrailer()` method. This allows a fluent API since calls to `putTrailer` can be chained: + + request.response().putTrailer("Cat-Food", "Whiskas").putTrailer("Eye-Wear", "Monocle") + + +### Serving files directly from disk + +If you were writing a web server, one way to serve a file from disk would be to open it as an `AsyncFile` and pump it to the HTTP response. Or you could load it it one go using the file system API and write that to the HTTP response. + +Alternatively, Vert.x provides a method which allows you to serve a file from disk to an HTTP response in one operation. Where supported by the underlying operating system this may result in the OS directly transferring bytes from the file to the socket without being copied through userspace at all. + +Using `sendFile` is usually more efficient for large files, but may be slower for small files than using `readFile` to manually read the file as a buffer and write it directly to the response. + +To do this use the `sendFile` function on the HTTP response. Here's a simple HTTP web server that serves static files from the local `web` directory: + + val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() + + server.requestHandler({ req: HttpServerRequest => + var file: String = "" + if (req.path().equals("/")) { + file = "index.html" + } else if (!req.path().contains("..")) { + file = req.path() + } + req.response().sendFile("web/" + file) + }).listen(8080, "localhost") + +There's also a version of `sendFile` which takes the name of a file to serve if the specified file cannot be found: + + req.response().sendFile("web/" + file, "handler_404.html") + +*Note: If you use `sendFile` while using HTTPS it will copy through userspace, since if the kernel is copying data directly from disk to socket it doesn't give us an opportunity to apply any encryption.* + +**If you're going to write web servers using Vert.x be careful that users cannot exploit the path to access files outside the directory from which you want to serve them.** + +### Pumping Responses + +Since the HTTP Response implements `WriteStream` you can pump to it from any `ReadStream`, e.g. an `AsyncFile`, `NetSocket`, `WebSocket` or `HttpServerRequest`. + +Here's an example which echoes HttpRequest headers and body back in the HttpResponse. It uses a pump for the body, so it will work even if the HTTP request body is much larger than can fit in memory at any one time: + + val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() + + server.requestHandler({ req: HttpServerRequest => + req.response().headers().set(req.headers()) + Pump.createPump(req, req.response()).start() + req.endHandler({ + req.response().end() + }) + }).listen(8080, "localhost") + + +## Writing HTTP Clients + +### Creating an HTTP Client + +To create an HTTP client you call the `createHttpClient` method on your `vertx` instance: + + val client: HttpClient = vertx.createHttpClient() + +You set the port and hostname (or ip address) that the client will connect to using the `setHost` and `setPort` functions: + + val client: HttpClient = vertx.createHttpClient() + client.setPort(8181) + client.setHost("") + +This, of course, can be chained: + + val client: HttpClient = vertx.createHttpClient() + .setPort(8181) + .setHost("") + +A single `HTTPClient` always connects to the same host and port. If you want to connect to different servers, create more instances. + +The default port is `80` and the default host is `localhost`. So if you don't explicitly set these values that's what the client will attempt to connect to. + +### Pooling and Keep Alive + +By default the `HTTPClient` pools HTTP connections. As you make requests a connection is borrowed from the pool and returned when the HTTP response has ended. + +If you do not want connections to be pooled you can call `setKeepAlive` with `false`: + + val client: HttpClient = vertx.createHttpClient() + .setPort(8181) + .setHost("") + .setKeepAlive(false) + +In this case a new connection will be created for each HTTP request and closed once the response has ended. + +You can set the maximum number of connections that the client will pool as follows: + + val client: HttpClient = vertx.createHttpClient() + .setPort(8181) + .setHost("") + .setMaxPoolSize(10) + +The default value is `1`. + +### Closing the client + +Any HTTP clients created in a verticle are automatically closed for you when the verticle is stopped, however if you want to close it explicitly you can: + + client.close() + +### Making Requests + +To make a request using the client you invoke one the methods named after the HTTP method that you want to invoke. + +For example, to make a `POST` request: + + val client: HttpClient = vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("") + + val request: HttpClientRequest ="/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse => +"Got a response: " + resp.statusCode()) + }) + + request.end() + +To make a PUT request use the `put` method, to make a GET request use the `get` method, etc. + +Legal request methods are: `get`, `put`, `post`, `delete`, `head`, `options`, `connect`, `trace` and `patch`. + +The general modus operandi is you invoke the appropriate method passing in the request URI as the first parameter, the second parameter is an event handler which will get called when the corresponding response arrives. The response handler is passed the client response object as an argument. + +The value specified in the request URI corresponds to the Request-URI as specified in [Section 5.1.2 of the HTTP specification]( *In most cases it will be a relative URI*. + +*Please note that the domain/port that the client connects to is determined by `setPort` and `setHost`, and is not parsed from the uri.* + +The return value from the appropriate request method is an instance of `org.vertx.scala.core.http.HTTPClientRequest`. You can use this to add headers to the request, and to write to the request body. The request object implements `WriteStream`. + +Once you have finished with the request you must call the `end()` method. + +If you don't know the name of the request method in advance there is a general `request` method which takes the HTTP method as a parameter: + + val client: HttpClient = vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("") + + val request: HttpClientRequest = client.request("POST", "/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse => +"Got a response: " + resp.statusCode()) + }) + + request.end() + +There is also a method called `getNow` which does the same as `get`, but automatically ends the request. This is useful for simple GETs which don't have a request body: + + val client: HttpClient = vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("") + + client.getNow("/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse => +"Got a response: " + resp.statusCode()) + }) + +#### Handling exceptions + +You can set an exception handler on the `HttpClient` class and it will receive all exceptions for the client unless a specific exception handler has been set on a specific `HttpClientRequest` object. + +#### Writing to the request body + +Writing to the client request body has a very similar API to writing to the server response body. + +To write data to an `HttpClientRequest` object, you invoke the `write` function. This function can be called multiple times before the request has ended. It can be invoked in a few ways: + +With a single buffer: + + val myBuffer: Buffer = ... + request.write(myBuffer) + +A string. In this case the string will encoded using UTF-8 and the result written to the wire. + + request.write("hello") + +A string and an encoding. In this case the string will encoded using the specified encoding and the result written to the wire. + + request.write("hello", "UTF-16") + +The `write` function is asynchronous and always returns immediately after the write has been queued. The actual write might complete some time later. + +If you are just writing a single string or Buffer to the HTTP request you can write it and end the request in a single call to the `end` function. + +The first call to `write` will result in the request headers being written to the request. Consequently, if you are not using HTTP chunking then you must set the `Content-Length` header before writing to the request, since it will be too late otherwise. If you are using HTTP chunking you do not have to worry. + + +#### Ending HTTP requests + +Once you have finished with the HTTP request you must call the `end` function on it. + +This function can be invoked in several ways: + +With no arguments, the request is simply ended. + + request.end() + +The function can also be called with a string or Buffer in the same way `write` is called. In this case it's just the same as calling write with a string or Buffer followed by calling `end` with no arguments. + +#### Writing Request Headers + +To write headers to the request, add them to the multi-map returned from the `headers()` method: + + val client: HttpClient = vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("") + + val request: HttpClientRequest ="/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse => +"Got a response: " + resp.statusCode()) + }) + + request.headers().set("Some-Header", "Some-Value") + request.end() + +You can also adds them using the `putHeader` method. This enables a more fluent API since calls can be chained, for example: + + request.putHeader("Some-Header", "Some-Value").putHeader("Some-Other", "Blah") + +These can all be chained together as per the common Vert.x API pattern: + + client.setHost("").post("/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse => +"Got a response: " + resp.statusCode()) + }).putHeader("Some-Header", "Some-Value").end() + +#### Request timeouts + +You can set a timeout for specific Http Request using the `setTimeout()` method. If the request does not return any data within the timeout period an exception will be passed to the exception handler (if provided) and the request will be closed. + +#### HTTP chunked requests + +Vert.x supports [HTTP Chunked Transfer Encoding]( for requests. This allows the HTTP request body to be written in chunks, and is normally used when a large request body is being streamed to the server, whose size is not known in advance. + +You put the HTTP request into chunked mode as follows: + + request.setChunked(true) + +Default is non-chunked. When in chunked mode, each call to `request.write(...)` will result in a new HTTP chunk being written out. + +### HTTP Client Responses + +Client responses are received as an argument to the response handler that is passed into one of the request methods on the HTTP client. + +The response object implements `ReadStream`, so it can be pumped to a `WriteStream` like any other `ReadStream`. + +To query the status code of the response use the `statusCode()` method. The `statusMessage()` method contains the status message. For example: + + val client: HttpClient = vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("") + + client.getNow("/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse => +'server returned status code: ' + resp.statusCode()) +'server returned status message: ' + resp.statusMessage()) + }) + + +#### Reading Data from the Response Body + +The API for reading an HTTP client response body is very similar to the API for reading a HTTP server request body. + +Sometimes an HTTP response contains a body that we want to read. Like an HTTP request, the client response handler is called when all the response headers have arrived, not when the entire response body has arrived. + +To receive the response body, you set a `dataHandler` on the response object which gets called as parts of the HTTP response arrive. Here's an example: + + val client: HttpClient = vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("") + + client.getNow("/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse => + resp.dataHandler({ data: Buffer => +"I received " + data.length() + " bytes") + }) + }) + + +The response object implements the `ReadStream` interface so you can pump the response body to a `WriteStream`. See the chapter on [streams and pump](#flow-control) for a detailed explanation. + +The `dataHandler` can be called multiple times for a single HTTP response. + +As with a server request, if you wanted to read the entire response body before doing something with it you could do something like the following: + + val client: HttpClient = vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("") + + client.getNow("/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse => + val body: Buffer = Buffer(0) + + resp.dataHandler({ data: Buffer => + body.append(data) + }) + resp.endHandler({ + // The entire response body has been received +"The total body received was " + body.length() + " bytes") + }) + }) + +Like any `ReadStream` the end handler is invoked when the end of stream is reached - in this case at the end of the response. + +If the HTTP response is using HTTP chunking, then each chunk of the response body will correspond to a single call to the `dataHandler`. + +It's a very common use case to want to read the entire body in one go, so Vert.x allows a `bodyHandler` to be set on the response object. + +The body handler is called only once when the *entire* response body has been read. + +*Beware of doing this with very large responses since the entire response body will be stored in memory.* + +Here's an example using `bodyHandler`: + + val client: HttpClient = vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("") + + client.getNow("/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse => + resp.bodyHandler( { body: Buffer => + // The entire response body has been received +"The total body received was " + body.length() + " bytes") + }) + }) + +#### Reading cookies + +You can read the list of cookies from the response using the method `cookies()`. + + +### 100-Continue Handling + +According to the [HTTP 1.1 specification]( a client can set a header `Expect: 100-Continue` and send the request header before sending the rest of the request body. + +The server can then respond with an interim response status `Status: 100 (Continue)` to signify the client is ok to send the rest of the body. + +The idea here is it allows the server to authorise and accept/reject the request before large amounts of data is sent. Sending large amounts of data if the request might not be accepted is a waste of bandwidth and ties up the server in reading data that it will just discard. + +Vert.x allows you to set a `continueHandler` on the client request object. This will be called if the server sends back a `Status: 100 (Continue)` response to signify it is ok to send the rest of the request. + +This is used in conjunction with the `sendHead` function to send the head of the request. + +An example will illustrate this: + + val client: HttpClient = vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("") + + val request: HttpClientRequest = client.put("/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse => +"Got a response " + resp.statusCode()) + }) + + request.putHeader("Expect", "100-Continue") + + request.continueHandler({ + // OK to send rest of body + request.write("Some data").end() + }.asInstanceOf[Handler[Void]]) + + request.sendHead() + +## Pumping Requests and Responses + +The HTTP client and server requests and responses all implement either `ReadStream` or `WriteStream`. This means you can pump between them and any other read and write streams. + + +## HTTPS Servers + +HTTPS servers are very easy to write using Vert.x. + +An HTTPS server has an identical API to a standard HTTP server. Getting the server to use HTTPS is just a matter of configuring the HTTP Server before `listen` is called. + +Configuration of an HTTPS server is done in exactly the same way as configuring a `NetServer` for SSL. Please see SSL server chapter for detailed instructions. + +## HTTPS Clients + +HTTPS clients can also be very easily written with Vert.x + +Configuring an HTTP client for HTTPS is done in exactly the same way as configuring a `NetClient` for SSL. Please see SSL client chapter for detailed instructions. + +## Scaling HTTP servers + +Scaling an HTTP or HTTPS server over multiple cores is as simple as deploying more instances of the verticle. For example: + + vertx runmod com.mycompany~my-mod~1.0 -instance 20 + +Or, for a raw verticle: + + vertx run foo.MyServer -instances 20 + +The scaling works in the same way as scaling a `NetServer`. Please see the chapter on scaling Net Servers for a detailed explanation of how this works. + +# Routing HTTP requests with Pattern Matching + +Vert.x lets you route HTTP requests to different handlers based on pattern matching on the request path. It also enables you to extract values from the path and use them as parameters in the request. + +This is particularly useful when developing REST-style web applications. + +To do this you simply create an instance of `org.vertx.scala.core.http.RouteMatcher` and use it as handler in an HTTP server. See the chapter on HTTP servers for more information on setting HTTP handlers. Here's an example: + + val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() + + val routeMatcher: RouteMatcher = new RouteMatcher() + + server.requestHandler(routeMatcher).listen(8080, "localhost") + +## Specifying matches. + +You can then add different matches to the route matcher. For example, to send all GET requests with path `/animals/dogs` to one handler and all GET requests with path `/animals/cats` to another handler you would do: + + val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() + + val routeMatcher: RouteMatcher = new RouteMatcher() + + routeMatcher.get("/animals/dogs", { req: HttpServerRequest => + req.response().end("You requested dogs") + }) + routeMatcher.get("/animals/cats", { req: HttpServerRequest => + req.response().end("You requested cats") + }) + + server.requestHandler(routeMatcher).listen(8080, "localhost") + +Corresponding methods exist for each HTTP method - `get`, `post`, `put`, `delete`, `head`, `options`, `trace`, `connect` and `patch`. + +There's also an `all` method which applies the match to any HTTP request method. + +The handler specified to the method is just a normal HTTP server request handler, the same as you would supply to the `requestHandler` method of the HTTP server. + +You can provide as many matches as you like and they are evaluated in the order you added them, the first matching one will receive the request. + +A request is sent to at most one handler. + +## Extracting parameters from the path + +If you want to extract parameters from the path, you can do this too, by using the `:` (colon) character to denote the name of a parameter. For example: + + val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() + + val routeMatcher: RouteMatcher = new RouteMatcher() + + routeMatcher.put("/:blogname/:post", { req: HttpServerRequest => + val blogName: String = req.params().get("blogname") + val post: String = req.params().get("post") + req.response().end("blogname is " + blogName + ", post is " + post) + }) + + server.requestHandler(routeMatcher).listen(8080, "localhost") + +Any params extracted by pattern matching are added to the map of request parameters. + +In the above example, a PUT request to `/myblog/post1` would result in the variable `blogName` getting the value `myblog` and the variable `post` getting the value `post1`. + +Valid parameter names must start with a letter of the alphabet and be followed by any letters of the alphabet or digits or the underscore character. + +## Extracting params using Regular Expressions + +Regular Expressions can be used to extract more complex matches. In this case capture groups are used to capture any parameters. + +Since the capture groups are not named they are added to the request with names `param0`, `param1`, `param2`, etc. + +Corresponding methods exist for each HTTP method - `getWithRegEx`, `postWithRegEx`, `putWithRegEx`, `deleteWithRegEx`, `headWithRegEx`, `optionsWithRegEx`, `traceWithRegEx`, `connectWithRegEx` and `patchWithRegEx`. + +There's also an `allWithRegEx` method which applies the match to any HTTP request method. + +For example: + + val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() + + val routeMatcher: RouteMatcher = new RouteMatcher() + + routeMatcher.allWithRegEx("\\/([^\\/]+)\\/([^\\/]+)", { req: HttpServerRequest => + val first: String = req.params().get("param0"); + val second: String = req.params().get("param1"); + req.response.end("first is " + first + " and second is " + second) + }) + + server.requestHandler(routeMatcher).listen(8080, "localhost") + +Run the above and point your browser at `http://localhost:8080/animals/cats`. + +## Handling requests where nothing matches + +You can use the `noMatch` method to specify a handler that will be called if nothing matches. If you don't specify a no match handler and nothing matches, a 404 will be returned. + + routeMatcher.noMatch({ req: HttpServerRequest => + req.response().end("Nothing matched") + }) + + +# WebSockets + +[WebSockets]( are a web technology that allows a full duplex socket-like connection between HTTP servers and HTTP clients (typically browsers). + +## WebSockets on the server + +To use WebSockets on the server you create an HTTP server as normal, but instead of setting a `requestHandler` you set a `websocketHandler` on the server. + + val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() + + server.websocketHandler({ ws: ServerWebSocket => + // A WebSocket has connected! + }).listen(8080, "localhost") + + +### Reading from and Writing to WebSockets + +The `websocket` instance passed into the handler implements both `ReadStream` and `WriteStream`, so you can read and write data to it in the normal ways. I.e by setting a `dataHandler` and calling the `write` method. + +See the chapter on [streams and pumps](#flow-control) for more information. + +For example, to echo all data received on a WebSocket: + + val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() + + server.websocketHandler({ ws: ServerWebSocket => + Pump.createPump(ws, ws).start() + }).listen(8080, "localhost") + +The `websocket` instance also has method `writeBinaryFrame` for writing binary data. This has the same effect as calling `write`. + +Another method `writeTextFrame` also exists for writing text data. This is equivalent to calling + + websocket.write(Buffer("some-string")) + +### Rejecting WebSockets + +Sometimes you may only want to accept WebSockets which connect at a specific path. + +To check the path, you can query the `path()` method of the websocket. You can then call the `reject()` method to reject the websocket. + + val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() + + server.websocketHandler({ ws: ServerWebSocket => + if (ws.path().equals("/services/echo")) { + Pump.createPump(ws, ws).start() + } else { + ws.reject() + } + }).listen(8080, "localhost") + +### Headers on the websocket + +You can use the `headers()` method to retrieve the headers passed in the Http Request from the client that caused the upgrade to websockets. + +## WebSockets on the HTTP client + +To use WebSockets from the HTTP client, you create the HTTP client as normal, then call the `connectWebsocket` function, passing in the URI that you wish to connect to at the server, and a handler. + +The handler will then get called if the WebSocket successfully connects. If the WebSocket does not connect - perhaps the server rejects it - then any exception handler on the HTTP client will be called. + +Here's an example of WebSocket connection; + + val client: HttpClient = vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("") + + client.connectWebsocket("/some-uri", { ws: WebSocket => + // Connected! + }) + +Note that the host (and port) is set on the `HttpClient` instance, and the uri passed in the connect is typically a *relative* URI. + +Again, the client side WebSocket implements `ReadStream` and `WriteStream`, so you can read and write to it in the same way as any other stream object. + +## WebSockets in the browser + +To use WebSockets from a compliant browser, you use the standard WebSocket API. Here's some example client side JavaScript which uses a WebSocket. + + + +For more information see the [WebSocket API documentation]( + + +# SockJS + +WebSockets are a new technology, and many users are still using browsers that do not support them, or which support older, pre-final, versions. + +Moreover, WebSockets do not work well with many corporate proxies. This means that's it's not possible to guarantee a WebSockets connection is going to succeed for every user. + +Enter SockJS. + +SockJS is a client side JavaScript library and protocol which provides a simple WebSocket-like interface to the client side JavaScript developer irrespective of whether the actual browser or network will allow real WebSockets. + +It does this by supporting various different transports between browser and server, and choosing one at runtime according to browser and network capabilities. All this is transparent to you - you are simply presented with the WebSocket-like interface which *just works*. + +Please see the [SockJS website]( for more information. + +## SockJS Server + +Vert.x provides a complete server side SockJS implementation. + +This enables Vert.x to be used for modern, so-called *real-time* (this is the *modern* meaning of *real-time*, not to be confused by the more formal pre-existing definitions of soft and hard real-time systems) web applications that push data to and from rich client-side JavaScript applications, without having to worry about the details of the transport. + +To create a SockJS server you simply create a HTTP server as normal and then call the `createSockJSServer` method of your `vertx` instance passing in the Http server: + + val httpServer: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() + + val sockJSServer: SockJSServer = vertx.createSockJSServer(httpServer) + +Each SockJS server can host multiple *applications*. + +Each application is defined by some configuration, and provides a handler which gets called when incoming SockJS connections arrive at the server. + +For example, to create a SockJS echo application: + + val httpServer: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() + + val sockJSServer: SockJSServer = vertx.createSockJSServer(httpServer) + + val config: JsonObject = Json.obj().putString("prefix", "/echo") + + sockJSServer.installApp(config, { sock: SockJSSocket => + Pump.createPump(sock, sock).start() + }) + + httpServer.listen(8080) + +The configuration is an instance of `org.vertx.scala.core.json.JsonObject`, which takes the following fields: + +* `prefix`: A url prefix for the application. All http requests whose paths begins with selected prefix will be handled by the application. This property is mandatory. +* `insert_JSESSIONID`: Some hosting providers enable sticky sessions only to requests that have JSESSIONID cookie set. This setting controls if the server should set this cookie to a dummy value. By default setting JSESSIONID cookie is enabled. More sophisticated beaviour can be achieved by supplying a function. +* `session_timeout`: The server sends a `close` event when a client receiving connection have not been seen for a while. This delay is configured by this setting. By default the `close` event will be emitted when a receiving connection wasn't seen for 5 seconds. +* `heartbeat_period`: In order to keep proxies and load balancers from closing long running http requests we need to pretend that the connecion is active and send a heartbeat packet once in a while. This setting controlls how often this is done. By default a heartbeat packet is sent every 5 seconds. +* `max_bytes_streaming`: Most streaming transports save responses on the client side and don't free memory used by delivered messages. Such transports need to be garbage-collected once in a while. `max_bytes_streaming` sets a minimum number of bytes that can be send over a single http streaming request before it will be closed. After that client needs to open new request. Setting this value to one effectively disables streaming and will make streaming transports to behave like polling transports. The default value is 128K. +* `library_url`: Transports which don't support cross-domain communication natively ('eventsource' to name one) use an iframe trick. A simple page is served from the SockJS server (using its foreign domain) and is placed in an invisible iframe. Code run from this iframe doesn't need to worry about cross-domain issues, as it's being run from domain local to the SockJS server. This iframe also does need to load SockJS javascript client library, and this option lets you specify its url (if you're unsure, point it to the latest minified SockJS client release, this is the default). The default value is `` + +## Reading and writing data from a SockJS server + +The `SockJSSocket` object passed into the SockJS handler implements `ReadStream` and `WriteStream` much like `NetSocket` or `WebSocket`. You can therefore use the standard API for reading and writing to the SockJS socket or using it in pumps. + +See the chapter on [Streams and Pumps](#flow-control) for more information. + +## SockJS client + +For full information on using the SockJS client library please see the SockJS website. A simple example: + + + +As you can see the API is very similar to the WebSockets API. + +# SockJS - EventBus Bridge + +## Setting up the Bridge + +By connecting up SockJS and the Vert.x event bus we create a distributed event bus which not only spans multiple Vert.x instances on the server side, but can also include client side JavaScript running in browsers. + +We can therefore create a huge distributed bus encompassing many browsers and servers. The browsers don't have to be connected to the same server as long as the servers are connected. + +On the server side we have already discussed the event bus API. + +We also provide a client side JavaScript library called `vertxbus.js` which provides the same event bus API, but on the client side. + +This library internally uses SockJS to send and receive data to a SockJS Vert.x server called the SockJS bridge. It's the bridge's responsibility to bridge data between SockJS sockets and the event bus on the server side. + +Creating a Sock JS bridge is simple. You just call the `bridge` method on the SockJS server. + +You will also need to secure the bridge (see below). + +The following example bridges the event bus to client side JavaScript: + + val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() + + val config: JsonObject = Json.obj().putString("prefix", "/echo") + + vertx.createSockJSServer(server).bridge(config, new JsonArray(), new JsonArray()) + + server.listen(8080) + +## Using the Event Bus from client side JavaScript + +Once you've set up a bridge, you can use the event bus from the client side as follows: + +In your web page, you need to load the script `vertxbus.js`, then you can access the Vert.x event bus API. Here's a rough idea of how to use it. For a full working examples, please consult the vert.x examples. + + + + + + +You can find `vertxbus.js` in the `client` directory of the Vert.x distribution. + +The first thing the example does is to create a instance of the event bus + + var eb = new vertx.EventBus('http://localhost:8080/eventbus'); + +The parameter to the constructor is the URI where to connect to the event bus. Since we create our bridge with the prefix `eventbus` we will connect there. + +You can't actually do anything with the bridge until it is opened. When it is open the `onopen` handler will be called. + +The client side event bus API for registering and unregistering handlers and for sending messages is the same as the server side one. Please consult the chapter on the event bus for full information. + +**There is one more thing to do before getting this working, please read the following section....** + +## Securing the Bridge + +If you started a bridge like in the above example without securing it, and attempted to send messages through it you'd find that the messages mysteriously disappeared. What happened to them? + +For most applications you probably don't want client side JavaScript being able to send just any message to any verticle on the server side or to all other browsers. + +For example, you may have a persistor verticle on the event bus which allows data to be accessed or deleted. We don't want badly behaved or malicious clients being able to delete all the data in your database! Also, we don't necessarily want any client to be able to listen in on any topic. + +To deal with this, a SockJS bridge will, by default refuse to let through any messages. It's up to you to tell the bridge what messages are ok for it to pass through. (There is an exception for reply messages which are always allowed through). + +In other words the bridge acts like a kind of firewall which has a default *deny-all* policy. + +Configuring the bridge to tell it what messages it should pass through is easy. You pass in two Json arrays that represent *matches*, as arguments to `bridge`. + +The first array is the *inbound* list and represents the messages that you want to allow through from the client to the server. The second array is the *outbound* list and represents the messages that you want to allow through from the server to the client. + +Each match can have up to three fields: + +1. `address`: This represents the exact address the message is being sent to. If you want to filter messages based on an exact address you use this field. +2. `address_re`: This is a regular expression that will be matched against the address. If you want to filter messages based on a regular expression you use this field. If the `address` field is specified this field will be ignored. +3. `match`: This allows you to filter messages based on their structure. Any fields in the match must exist in the message with the same values for them to be passed. This currently only works with JSON messages. + +When a message arrives at the bridge, it will look through the available permitted entries. + +* If an `address` field has been specified then the `address` must match exactly with the address of the message for it to be considered matched. + +* If an `address` field has not been specified and an `address_re` field has been specified then the regular expression in `address_re` must match with the address of the message for it to be considered matched. + +* If a `match` field has been specified, then also the structure of the message must match. + +Here is an example: + + val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() + + val config: JsonObject = Json.obj().putString("prefix", "/echo") + + val inboundPermitted: JsonArray = new JsonArray() + + // Let through any messages sent to 'demo.orderMgr' + val inboundPermitted1: JsonObject = Json.obj().putString("address", "demo.orderMgr") + inboundPermitted.add(inboundPermitted1) + + // Allow calls to the address 'demo.persistor' as long as the messages + // have an action field with value 'find' and a collection field with value + // 'albums' + val inboundPermitted2: JsonObject = Json.obj().putString("address", "demo.persistor") + .putObject("match", Json.obj().putString("action", "find") + .putString("collection", "albums")) + inboundPermitted.add(inboundPermitted2) + + // Allow through any message with a field `wibble` with value `foo`. + val inboundPermitted3: JsonObject = Json.obj().putObject("match", Json.obj().putString("wibble", "foo")) + inboundPermitted.add(inboundPermitted3) + + val outboundPermitted: JsonArray = new JsonArray() + + // Let through any messages coming from address 'ticker.mystock' + val outboundPermitted1: JsonObject = Json.obj().putString("address", "ticker.mystock") + outboundPermitted.add(outboundPermitted1) + + // Let through any messages from addresses starting with "news." (e.g. news.europe, news.usa, etc) + val outboundPermitted2: JsonObject = Json.obj().putString("address_re", "news\\..+") + outboundPermitted.add(outboundPermitted2) + + vertx.createSockJSServer(server).bridge(config, inboundPermitted, outboundPermitted) + + server.listen(8080) + + +To let all messages through you can specify two JSON array with a single empty JSON object which will match all messages. + + ... + + val permitted: JsonArray = new JsonArray() + permitted.add(Json.obj()) + + vertx.createSockJSServer(server).bridge(config, permitted, permitted) + + ... + +**Be very careful!** + +## Messages that require authorisation + +The bridge can also refuse to let certain messages through if the user is not authorised. + +To enable this you need to make sure an instance of the `vertx.auth-mgr` module is available on the event bus. (Please see the modules manual for a full description of modules). + +To tell the bridge that certain messages require authorisation before being passed, you add the field `requires_auth` with the value of `true` in the match. The default value is `false`. For example, the following match: + + { + address : 'demo.persistor', + match : { + action : 'find', + collection : 'albums' + }, + requires_auth: true + } + +This tells the bridge that any messages to save orders in the `orders` collection, will only be passed if the user is successful authenticated (i.e. logged in ok) first. + +# File System + +Vert.x lets you manipulate files on the file system. File system operations are asynchronous and take a handler function as the last argument. This function will be called when the operation is complete, or an error has occurred. + +The argument passed into the handler is an instance of `org.vertx.scala.core.AsyncResult`. + +## Synchronous forms + +For convenience, we also provide synchronous forms of most operations. It's highly recommended the asynchronous forms are always used for real applications. + +The synchronous form does not take a handler as an argument and returns its results directly. The name of the synchronous function is the same as the name as the asynchronous form with `Sync` appended. + +## copy + +Copies a file. + +This function can be called in two different ways: + +* `copy(source, destination, handler)` + +Non recursive file copy. `source` is the source file name. `destination` is the destination file name. + +Here's an example: + + vertx.fileSystem.copy("foo.dat", "bar.dat", { ar: AsyncResult[Void] => + if (ar.succeeded()) { +"Copy was successful") + } else { + logger.error("Failed to copy", ar.cause()) + } + }) + +* `copy(source, destination, recursive, handler)` + +Recursive copy. `source` is the source file name. `destination` is the destination file name. `recursive` is a boolean flag - if `true` and source is a directory, then a recursive copy of the directory and all its contents will be attempted. + +## move + +Moves a file. + +`move(source, destination, handler)` + +`source` is the source file name. `destination` is the destination file name. + +## truncate + +Truncates a file. + +`truncate(file, len, handler)` + +`file` is the file name of the file to truncate. `len` is the length in bytes to truncate it to. + +## chmod + +Changes permissions on a file or directory. + +This function can be called in two different ways: + +* `chmod(file, perms, handler)`. + +Change permissions on a file. + +`file` is the file name. `perms` is a Unix style permissions string made up of 9 characters. The first three are the owner's permissions. The second three are the group's permissions and the third three are others permissions. In each group of three if the first character is `r` then it represents a read permission. If the second character is `w` it represents write permission. If the third character is `x` it represents execute permission. If the entity does not have the permission the letter is replaced with `-`. Some examples: + + rwxr-xr-x + r--r--r-- + +* `chmod(file, perms, dirPerms, handler)`. + +Recursively change permissionson a directory. `file` is the directory name. `perms` is a Unix style permissions to apply recursively to any files in the directory. `dirPerms` is a Unix style permissions string to apply to the directory and any other child directories recursively. + +## props + +Retrieve properties of a file. + +`props(file, handler)` + +`file` is the file name. The props are returned in the handler. The results is an object with the following methods: + +* `creationTime()`: Time of file creation. +* `lastAccessTime()`: Time of last file access. +* `lastModifiedTime()`: Time file was last modified. +* `isDirectory()`: This will have the value `true` if the file is a directory. +* `isRegularFile()`: This will have the value `true` if the file is a regular file (not symlink or directory). +* `isSymbolicLink()`: This will have the value `true` if the file is a symbolic link. +* `isOther()`: This will have the value `true` if the file is another type. + +Here's an example: + + vertx.fileSystem.props("foo.dat", { ar: AsyncResult[FileProps] => + if (ar.succeeded()) { +"File props are:"); +"Last accessed: " + ar.result().lastAccessTime()) + // etc + } else { + logger.error("Failed to get props", ar.cause()) + } + }) + +## lprops + +Retrieve properties of a link. This is like `props` but should be used when you want to retrieve properties of a link itself without following it. + +It takes the same arguments and provides the same results as `props`. + +## link + +Create a hard link. + +`link(link, existing, handler)` + +`link` is the name of the link. `existing` is the exsting file (i.e. where to point the link at). + +## symlink + +Create a symbolic link. + +`symlink(link, existing, handler)` + +`link` is the name of the symlink. `existing` is the exsting file (i.e. where to point the symlink at). + +## unlink + +Unlink (delete) a link. + +`unlink(link, handler)` + +`link` is the name of the link to unlink. + +## readSymLink + +Reads a symbolic link. I.e returns the path representing the file that the symbolic link specified by `link` points to. + +`readSymLink(link, handler)` + +`link` is the name of the link to read. An usage example would be: + + vertx.fileSystem.readSymlink("somelink", { ar: AsyncResult[String] => + if (ar.succeeded()) { +"Link points at " + ar.result()) + } else { + logger.error("Failed to read", ar.cause()) + } + }) + +## delete + +Deletes a file or recursively deletes a directory. + +This function can be called in two ways: + +* `delete(file, handler)` + +Deletes a file. `file` is the file name. + +* `delete(file, recursive, handler)` + +If `recursive` is `true`, it deletes a directory with name `file`, recursively. Otherwise it just deletes a file. + +## mkdir + +Creates a directory. + +This function can be called in three ways: + +* `mkdir(dirname, handler)` + +Makes a new empty directory with name `dirname`, and default permissions ` + +* `mkdir(dirname, createParents, handler)` + +If `createParents` is `true`, this creates a new directory and creates any of its parents too. Here's an example + + vertx.fileSystem.mkdir("a/b/c", true, { ar: AsyncResult[Void] => + if (ar.succeeded()) { +"Directory created ok") + } else { + logger.error("Failed to mkdir", ar.cause()) + } + }) + +* `mkdir(dirname, createParents, perms, handler)` + +Like `mkdir(dirname, createParents, handler)`, but also allows permissions for the newly created director(ies) to be specified. `perms` is a Unix style permissions string as explained earlier. + +## readDir + +Reads a directory. I.e. lists the contents of the directory. + +This function can be called in two ways: + +* `readDir(dirName)` + +Lists the contents of a directory + +* `readDir(dirName, filter)` + +List only the contents of a directory which match the filter. Here's an example which only lists files with an extension `txt` in a directory. + + vertx.fileSystem.readDir("mydirectory", ".*\\.txt", { ar: AsyncResult[Array[String]] => + if (ar.succeeded()) { +"Directory contains these .txt files"); + for (i <- 0 until ar.result().length) { + + } + } else { + logger.error("Failed to read", ar.cause()) + } + }) + +The filter is a regular expression. + +## readFile + +Read the entire contents of a file in one go. *Be careful if using this with large files since the entire file will be stored in memory at once*. + +`readFile(file)`. Where `file` is the file name of the file to read. + +The body of the file will be returned as an instance of `org.vertx.scala.core.buffer.Buffer` in the handler. + +Here is an example: + + vertx.fileSystem.readFile("myfile.dat", { ar: AsyncResult[Buffer] => + if (ar.succeeded()) { +"File contains: " + ar.result().length() + " bytes") + } else { + logger.error("Failed to read", ar.cause()) + } + }) + +## writeFile + +Writes an entire `Buffer` or a string into a new file on disk. + +`writeFile(file, data, handler)` Where `file` is the file name. `data` is a `Buffer` or string. + +## createFile + +Creates a new empty file. + +`createFile(file, handler)`. Where `file` is the file name. + +## exists + +Checks if a file exists. + +`exists(file, handler)`. Where `file` is the file name. + +The result is returned in the handler. + + vertx.fileSystem.exists("some-file.txt", { ar: AsyncResult[Boolean] => + if (ar.succeeded()) { +"File " + (if(ar.result()) "exists" else "does not exist")) + } else { + logger.error("Failed to check existence", ar.cause()) + } + }) + +## fsProps + +Get properties for the file system. + +`fsProps(file, handler)`. Where `file` is any file on the file system. + +The result is returned in the handler. The result object is an instance of `org.vertx.scala.core.file.FileSystemProps` has the following methods: + +* `totalSpace()`: Total space on the file system in bytes. +* `unallocatedSpace()`: Unallocated space on the file system in bytes. +* `usableSpace()`: Usable space on the file system in bytes. + +Here is an example: + + vertx.fileSystem.fsProps("mydir", { ar: AsyncResult[FileSystemProps] => + if (ar.succeeded()) { +"total space: " + ar.result().totalSpace()) + // etc + } else { + logger.error("Failed to check existence", ar.cause()) + } + }) + +## open + +Opens an asynchronous file for reading \ writing. + +This function can be called in four different ways: + +* `open(file, handler)` + +Opens a file for reading and writing. `file` is the file name. It creates it if it does not already exist. + +* `open(file, perms, handler)` + +Opens a file for reading and writing. `file` is the file name. It creates it if it does not already exist and assigns it the permissions as specified by `perms`. + +* `open(file, perms, createNew, handler)` + +Opens a file for reading and writing. `file` is the file name. It `createNew` is `true` it creates it if it does not already exist. + +* `open(file, perms, read, write, createNew, handler)` + +Opens a file. `file` is the file name. If `read` is `true` it is opened for reading. If `write` is `true` it is opened for writing. It `createNew` is `true` it creates it if it does not already exist. + +* `open(file, perms, read, write, createNew, flush, handler)` + +Opens a file. `file` is the file name. If `read` is `true` it is opened for reading. If `write` is `true` it is opened for writing. It `createNew` is `true` it creates it if it does not already exist. If `flush` is `true` all writes are immediately flushed through the OS cache (default value of `flush` is false). + + +When the file is opened, an instance of `` is passed into the result handler: + +"some-file.dat", { ar: AsyncResult[AsyncFile] => + if (ar.succeeded()) { +"File opened ok!") + // etc + } else { + logger.error("Failed to open file", ar.cause()) + } + }) + +## AsyncFile + +Instances of `org.vertx.scala.core.file.AsyncFile` are returned from calls to `open` and you use them to read from and write to files asynchronously. They allow asynchronous random file access. + +`AsyncFile` implements`ReadStream` and `WriteStream` so you can pump files to and from other stream objects such as net sockets, http requests and responses, and WebSockets. + +They also allow you to read and write directly to them. + +### Random access writes + +To use an `AsyncFile` for random access writing you use the `write` method. + +`write(buffer, position, handler)`. + +The parameters to the method are: + +* `buffer`: the buffer to write. +* `position`: an integer position in the file where to write the buffer. If the position is greater or equal to the size of the file, the file will be enlarged to accomodate the offset. + +Here is an example of random access writes: + +"some-file.dat", { ar: AsyncResult[AsyncFile] => + if (ar.succeeded()) { + val asyncFile: AsyncFile = ar.result() + // File open, write a buffer 5 times into a file + val buff: Buffer = Buffer("foo") + for (i <- 0 until 5) { + asyncFile.write(buff, buff.length() * i, { ar: AsyncResult[Void] => + if (ar.succeeded()) { +"Written ok!"); + // etc + } else { + logger.error("Failed to write", ar.cause()) + } + }) + } + } else { + logger.error("Failed to open file", ar.cause()) + } + }) + +### Random access reads + +To use an `AsyncFile` for random access reads you use the `read` method. + +`read(buffer, offset, position, length, handler)`. + +The parameters to the method are: + +* `buffer`: the buffer into which the data will be read. +* `offset`: an integer offset into the buffer where the read data will be placed. +* `position`: the position in the file where to read data from. +* `length`: the number of bytes of data to read + +Here's an example of random access reads: + +"some-file.dat", { ar: AsyncResult[AsyncFile] => + if (ar.succeeded()) { + val asyncFile: AsyncFile = ar.result() + val buff: Buffer = Buffer(1000) + for (i <- 0 until 10) { +, i * 100, i * 100, 100, { ar: AsyncResult[Buffer] => + if (ar.succeeded()) { +"Read ok!") + // etc + } else { + logger.error("Failed to write", ar.cause()) + } + }) + } + } else { + logger.error("Failed to open file", ar.cause()) + } + }) + +If you attempt to read past the end of file, the read will not fail but it will simply read zero bytes. + +### Flushing data to underlying storage. + +If the `AsyncFile` was not opened with `flush = true`, then you can manually flush any writes from the OS cache by calling the `flush()` method. + +This method can also be called with an handler which will be called when the flush is complete. + +### Using AsyncFile as `ReadStream` and `WriteStream` + +`AsyncFile` implements `ReadStream` and `WriteStream`. You can then use them with a pump to pump data to and from other read and write streams. + +Here's an example of pumping data from a file on a client to a HTTP request: + + val client: HttpClient = vertx.createHttpClient.setHost("") + +"some-file.dat", { ar: AsyncResult[AsyncFile] => + if (ar.succeeded()) { + val request: HttpClientRequest = client.put("/uploads", { resp: HttpClientResponse => +"Received response: " + resp.statusCode()) + }) + val asyncFile: AsyncFile = ar.result() + request.setChunked(true); + Pump.createPump(asyncFile, request).start() + asyncFile.endHandler({ + // File sent, end HTTP requuest + request.end() + }) + } else { + logger.error("Failed to open file", ar.cause()) + } + }) + +### Closing an AsyncFile + +To close an `AsyncFile` call the `close()` method. Closing is asynchronous and if you want to be notified when the close has been completed you can specify a handler function as an argument. + +# DNS Client + +Often you will find yourself in situations where you need to obtain DNS informations in an asynchronous fashion. Unfortunally this is not possible with the API that is shipped with Java itself. Because of this Vert.x offers it's own API for DNS resolution which is fully asynchronous. + +To obtain a DnsClient instance you will create a new via the Vertx instance. + + val client: DnsClient = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53), new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) + +Be aware that you can pass in a varargs of InetSocketAddress arguments to specifiy more then one DNS Server to try to query for DNS resolution. The DNS Servers will be queried in the same order as specified here. Where the next will be used once the first produce an error while be used. + +## lookup + +Try to lookup the A (ipv4) or AAAA (ipv6) record for a given name. The first which is returned will be used, so it behaves the same way as you may be used from when using "nslookup" on your operation system. + +To lookup the A / AAAA record for "" you would typically use it like: + + val client: DnsClient = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) + client.lookup("", { ar: AsyncResult[InetAddress] => + if (ar.succeeded()) { + println(ar.result()) + } else { + logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause()) + } + }) + +Be aware that it either would use an Inet4Address or Inet6Address in the AsyncResult depending on if an A or AAAA record was resolved. + + +## lookup4 + +Try to lookup the A (ipv4) record for a given name. The first which is returned will be used, so it behaves the same way as you may be used from when using "nslookup" on your operation system. + +To lookup the A record for "" you would typically use it like: + + val client: DnsClient = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) + client.lookup4("", { ar: AsyncResult[Inet4Address] => + if (ar.succeeded()) { + println(ar.result()) + } else { + logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause()) + } + }) + + As it only resolves A records and so is ipv4 only it will use Inet4Address as result. + + +## lookup6 + +Try to lookup the AAAA (ipv5) record for a given name. The first which is returned will be used, so it behaves the same way as you may be used from when using "nslookup" on your operation system. + +To lookup the A record for "" you would typically use it like: + + val client: DnsClient = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) + client.lookup6("", { ar: AsyncResult[Inet6Address] => + if (ar.succeeded()) { + println(ar.result()) + } else { + logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause()) + } + }) + + As it only resolves AAAA records and so is ipv6 only it will use Inet6Address as result. + + +## resolveA + +Try to resolve all A (ipv4) records for a given name. This is quite similar to using "dig" on unix like operation systems. + +To lookup all the A records for "" you would typically do: + + val client: DnsClient = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) + client.resolveA("", { ar: AsyncResult[List[Inet4Address]] => + if (ar.succeeded()) { + val records: List[Inet4Address] = ar.result() + for (record <- records) { + println(record) + } + } else { + logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause()) + } + }) + +As it only resolves A records and so is ipv4 only it will use Inet4Address as result. + + +## resolveAAAA + +Try to resolve all AAAA (ipv6) records for a given name. This is quite similar to using "dig" on unix like operation systems. + +To lookup all the AAAAA records for "" you would typically do: + + val client: DnsClient = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) + client.resolveAAAA("", { ar: AsyncResult[List[Inet6Address]] => + if (ar.succeeded()) { + val records: List[Inet6Address] = ar.result() + for (record <- records) { + println(record) + } + } else { + logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause()) + } + }) + + As it only resolves AAAA records and so is ipv6 only it will use Inet6Address as result. + + +## resolveCNAME + +Try to resolve all CNAME records for a given name. This is quite similar to using "dig" on unix like operation systems. + +To lookup all the CNAME records for "" you would typically do: + + DnsClient client = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)); + client.resolveCNAME("", new AsyncResultHandler>() { + public void handle(AsyncResult> ar) { + if (ar.succeeded()) { + List records = ar.result()); + for (String record: records) { + System.out.println(record); + } + } else { + log.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause()); + } + } + }); + + +## resolveMX + +Try to resolve all MX records for a given name. The MX records are used to define which Mail-Server accepts emails for a given domain. + +To lookup all the MX records for "" you would typically do: + + val client: DnsClient = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) + client.resolveMX("", { ar: AsyncResult[List[MxRecord]] => + if (ar.succeeded()) { + val records: List[MxRecord] = ar.result() + for (record <- records) { + println(record) + } + } else { + logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause()) + } + }) + +Be aware that the List will contain the MxRecords sorted by the priority of them, which means MxRecords with smaller priority coming first in the List. + +The MxRecord allows you to access the priority and the name of the MX record by offer methods for it like: + + val record: MxRecord = ... + record.priority() + + + +## resolveTXT + +Try to resolve all TXT records for a given name. TXT records are often used to define extra informations for a domain. + +To resolve all the TXT records for "" you could use something along these lines: + + val client: DnsClient = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) + client.resolveTXT("", { ar: AsyncResult[List[String]] => + if (ar.succeeded()) { + val records: List[String] = ar.result() + for (record <- records) { + println(record) + } + } else { + logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause()) + } + }) + +## resolveNS + +Try to resolve all NS records for a given name. The NS records specify which DNS Server hosts the DNS informations for a given domain. + +To resolve all the NS records for "" you could use something along these lines: + + val client: DnsClient = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) + client.resolveNS("", { ar: AsyncResult[List[String]] => + if (ar.succeeded()) { + val records: List[String] = ar.result() + for (record <- records) { + println(record) + } + } else { + logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause()) + } + }) + + +## resolveSRV + +Try to resolve all SRV records for a given name. The SRV records are used to define extra informations like port and hostname of services. Some protocols need this extra informations. + +To lookup all the SRV records for "" you would typically do: + + val client: DnsClient = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) + client.resolveMX("", { ar: AsyncResult[List[SrvRecord]] => + if (ar.succeeded()) { + val records: List[SrvRecord] = ar.result() + for (record <- records) { + println(record) + } + } else { + logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause()) + } + }) + +Be aware that the List will contain the SrvRecords sorted by the priority of them, which means SrvRecords with smaller priority coming first in the List. + +The SrvRecord allows you to access all informations contained in the SRV record itself: + + val record: SrvRecord = ... + record.priority() + + record.priority() + record.weight() + record.port() + record.protocol() + record.service() + + +Please refer to the API docs for the exact details. + + +## resolvePTR + +Try to resolve the PTR record for a given name. The PTR record maps an ipaddress to a name. + +To resolve the PTR record for the ipaddress you would use the PTR notion of "" + + val client: DnsClient = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) + client.resolveTXT("", { ar: AsyncResult[String] => + if (ar.succeeded()) { + val record: String = ar.result() + println(record) + } else { + logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause()) + } + }) + + +## reverseLookup + +Try to do a reverse lookup for an ipaddress. This is basically the same as resolve a PTR record, but allows you to just pass in the ipaddress and not a valid PTR query string. + +To do a reverse lookup for the ipaddress do something similar like this: + + val client: DnsClient = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) + client.reverseLookup("", { ar: AsyncResult[String] => + if (ar.succeeded()) { + val record: String = ar.result() + println(record) + } else { + logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause()) + } + }) + +## Error handling +As you saw in previous sections the DnsClient allows you to pass in a Handler which will be notified with an AsyncResult once the query was complete. In case of an error it will be notified with a DnsException which will hole a DnsResponseCode that indicate why the resolution failed. This DnsResponseCode can be used to inspect the cause in more detail. + +Possible DnsResponseCodes are: + +### NOERROR +No record was found for a given query + +### FORMERROR +Format error + +### SERVFAIL +Server failure + +### NXDOMAIN +Name error + +### NOTIMPL +Not implemented by DNS Server + +### REFUSED +DNS Server refused the query + +### YXDOMAIN +Domain name should not exist + +### YXRRSET +Resource record should not exist + +### NXRRSET +RRSET does not exist + +### NOTZONE +Name not in zone + +### BADVER +Bad extension mechanism for version + +### BADSIG +Bad signature + +### BADKEY +Bad key + +### BADTIME +Bad timestamp + +All of those errors are "generated" by the DNS Server itself. + +You can obtain the DnsResponseCode from the DnsException like: + + val client: DnsClient = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) + client.lookup("nonexisting.vert.xio", { ar: AsyncResult[InetAddress] => + if (ar.succeeded()) { + val record: InetAddress = ar.result() + println(record) + } else { + val cause: Throwable = ar.cause() + if (cause.isInstanceOf[DnsException]) { + val exception: DnsException = cause.asInstanceOf[DnsException] + val code: DnsResponseCode = exception.code + //... + } else { + logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause()) + } + } + }) + From b684531b77c8a911d9e5cf18e12747df7ca35fdb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: SaschaS Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 16:51:19 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 2/6] Scala documentation updated --- docs_md/ | 509 ++++++++++++++++------------------- 1 file changed, 232 insertions(+), 277 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs_md/ b/docs_md/ index d28a33d..47a582a 100644 --- a/docs_md/ +++ b/docs_md/ @@ -84,7 +84,30 @@ If this is the case for your verticle you can implement the asynchronous version } If you overwrite both `start` methods, the synchronous version (without parameters) gets called before the asynchronous version (with Promise[Unit] parameter). - + + +For the AsyncResult[_] you can also use a helper methode like this: + + implicit def tryToAsyncResultHandler[X](tryHandler: Try[X] => Unit): AsyncResult[X] => Unit = { + tryHandler.compose { ar: AsyncResult[X] => + if (ar.succeeded()) { + Success(ar.result()) + } else { + Failure(ar.cause()) + } + } + } + +And than you can use pattern matching with Try[_] like this: + + override def start(startedResult: Promise[Unit]) { + container.deployVerticle("foo.js", Json.obj(), 1, { + case Success(result) => startedResult.success(result) + case Failure(x) => startedResult.failure(x) + }: Try[String] => Unit) + } + + ## Verticle clean-up Servers, clients, event bus handlers and timers will be automatically closed / cancelled when the verticle is stopped. However, if you have any other clean-up logic that you want to execute when the verticle is stopped, you can implement a `stop` method which will be called when the verticle is undeployed. @@ -125,7 +148,7 @@ Allowing verticles to be configured in a consistent way like this allows configu Each verticle is given its own logger. To get a reference to it invoke the `logger()` method on the container instance: - val logger: Logger = container.logger() + val logger = container.logger()"I am logging something") @@ -176,7 +199,7 @@ The `deployVerticle` method deploys standard (non worker) verticles. If you want You should use `deployModule` to deploy a module, for example: - container.deployModule("io.vertx~mod-mailer~2.0.0-beta1", config); + container.deployModule("io.vertx~mod-mailer~2.0.0-beta1", config) Would deploy an instance of the `io.vertx~mod-mailer~2.0.0-beta1` module with the specified configuration. Please see the [modules manual]() for more information about modules. @@ -184,9 +207,7 @@ Would deploy an instance of the `io.vertx~mod-mailer~2.0.0-beta1` module with th JSON configuration can be passed to a verticle that is deployed programmatically. Inside the deployed verticle the configuration is accessed with the `config()` method. For example: - val config: JsonObject = Json.obj() - config.putString("foo", "wibble") - config.putBoolean("bar", false) + val config = Json.obj("foo" -> "wibble", "bar" -> false) container.deployVerticle("foo.ChildVerticle", config) Then, in `ChildVerticle` you can access the config via `config()` as previously explained. @@ -201,11 +222,11 @@ For example, you could create a verticle `AppStarter` as follows: val appConfig: JsonObject = container.config() - val verticle1Config: JsonObject = appConfig.getObject("verticle1_conf") - val verticle2Config: JsonObject = appConfig.getObject("verticle2_conf") - val verticle3Config: JsonObject = appConfig.getObject("verticle3_conf") - val verticle4Config: JsonObject = appConfig.getObject("verticle4_conf") - val verticle5Config: JsonObject = appConfig.getObject("verticle5_conf") + val verticle1Config = appConfig.getObject("verticle1_conf") + val verticle2Config = appConfig.getObject("verticle2_conf") + val verticle3Config = appConfig.getObject("verticle3_conf") + val verticle4Config = appConfig.getObject("verticle4_conf") + val verticle5Config = appConfig.getObject("verticle5_conf") // Start the verticles that make up the app @@ -359,9 +380,9 @@ Let's jump into the API. To set a message handler on the address `test.address`, you do something like the following: - val eb: EventBus = vertx.eventBus + val eb = vertx.eventBus - val myHandler: Message[_] => Unit = { message: Message[_] => + val myHandler = { message: Message[_] => println("I received a message " + message.body) } @@ -373,7 +394,7 @@ The class `Message` is a generic type and specific Message types include `Messag If you know you'll always be receiving messages of a particular type you can use the specific type in your handler, e.g: - val myHandler: Message[String] => Unit = { message: Message[String] => + val myHandler = { message: Message[String] => val body: String = message.body } @@ -389,6 +410,8 @@ To unregister a handler it's just as straightforward. You simply call `unregiste eb.unregisterHandler("test.address", myHandler) +Current issue for the unregisterHandler: The event bus currently uses anonymous functions as handlers. The implicit conversion of the functions to handlers is causing "unregisterHandler" not to work, as a new Handler[Message[X]] is created from the anonymous function every time. + A single handler can be registered multiple times on the same, or different, addresses so in order to identify it uniquely you have to specify both the address and the handler. As with registering, when you unregister a handler and you're in a cluster it can also take some time for the knowledge of that unregistration to be propagated across the entire to cluster. If you want to be notified when that has completed you can optionally specify another function to the registerHandler as the third argument. E.g. : @@ -421,7 +444,7 @@ To do this you send a message, and specify a reply handler as the third argument The receiver: - val myHandler: Message[String] => Unit = { message: Message[String] => + val myHandler = { message: Message[String] => println("I received a message " + message.body) // Do some stuff @@ -476,8 +499,7 @@ Send a boolean: Send a JSON object: - val obj: JsonObject = Json.obj() - obj.putString("foo", "wibble") + val obj = Json.obj("foo" -> "wibble") eb.send("test.address", obj) Null messages can also be sent: @@ -512,24 +534,35 @@ To use a shared map to share data between verticles first we get a reference to And then, in a different verticle you can access it: - val map: ConcurrentMap[String, Integer] = vertx.sharedData.getMap("demo.mymap") + val map = vertx.sharedData.getMap("demo.mymap") // etc +To get the information in it use: + + map.get("some-key") ## Shared Sets To use a shared set to share data between verticles first we get a reference to the set. - val set: Set[String] = vertx.sharedData.getSet("demo.myset") + val set = vertx.sharedData.getSet("demo.myset") set.add("some-value") And then, in a different verticle: - val set: Set[String] = vertx.sharedData.getSet("demo.myset") + val set = vertx.sharedData.getSet("demo.myset") // etc + +To get it use: + + val itr = set.iterator() + + while(itr.hasNext()) { + val info = + } # Buffers @@ -541,26 +574,26 @@ A Buffer represents a sequence of zero or more bytes that can be written to or r Create a new empty buffer: - val buff: Buffer = Buffer() + val buff = Buffer() Create a buffer from a String. The String will be encoded in the buffer using UTF-8. - val buff: Buffer = Buffer("some-string") + val buff = Buffer("some-string") Create a buffer from a String: The String will be encoded using the specified encoding, e.g: - val buff: Buffer = Buffer("some-string", "UTF-16") + val buff = Buffer("some-string", "UTF-16") Create a buffer from a byte[] - val bytes: Array[Byte] = Array[Byte](...) + val bytes = Array[Byte](...) Buffer(bytes) Create a buffer with an initial size hint. If you know your buffer will have a certain amount of data written to it you can create the buffer and specify this size. This makes the buffer initially allocate that much memory and is more efficient than the buffer automatically resizing multiple times as data is written to it. Note that buffers created this way *are empty*. It does not create a buffer filled with zeros up to the specified size. - val buff: Buffer = Buffer(100000) + val buff = Buffer(100000) ## Writing to a Buffer @@ -572,7 +605,7 @@ To append to a buffer, you use the `appendXXX` methods. Append methods exist for The return value of the `appendXXX` methods is the buffer itself, so these can be chained: - val buff: Buffer = Buffer() + val buff = Buffer() buff.appendInt(123).appendString("hello").appendChar('\n') @@ -584,7 +617,7 @@ You can also write into the buffer at a specific index, by using the `setXXX` me The buffer will always expand as necessary to accomodate the data. - val buff: Buffer = Buffer() + val buff = Buffer() buff.setInt(1000, 123) buff.setBytes(0, Array[Byte](...)) @@ -593,8 +626,8 @@ The buffer will always expand as necessary to accomodate the data. Data is read from a buffer using the `getXXX` methods. Get methods exist for Array[Byte], String and all primitive types. The first argument to these methods is an index in the buffer from where to get the data. - val buff: Buffer = ... - for ( i <- 0 until buff.length() by 4) { + val buff = ... + for (i <- 0 until buff.length() by 4) { println("int value at " + i + " is " + buff.getInt(i)) } @@ -618,9 +651,7 @@ A usage example would be using a Scala verticle to send or receive JSON messages val eb = vertx.eventBus - val obj: JsonObject = Json.obj().putString("foo", "wibble") - .putNumber("age", 1000) - + val obj = Json.obj("foo" -> "wibble", "age" -> 1000) eb.send("some-address", obj) @@ -648,7 +679,7 @@ A one shot timer calls an event handler after a certain delay, expressed in mill To set a timer to fire once you use the `setTimer` method passing in the delay and a handler - val timerID: Long = vertx.setTimer(1000, { timerID: Long => + val timerID = vertx.setTimer(1000, { timerID: Long =>"And one second later this is printed") }) @@ -660,7 +691,7 @@ The return value is a unique timer id which can later be used to cancel the time You can also set a timer to fire periodically by using the `setPeriodic` method. There will be an initial delay equal to the period. The return value of `setPeriodic` is a unique timer id (long). This can be later used if the timer needs to be cancelled. The argument passed into the timer event handler is also the unique timer id: - val timerID: Long = vertx.setPeriodic(1000, { timerID: Long => + val timerID = vertx.setPeriodic(1000, { timerID: Long =>"And every second this is printed") }) @@ -670,8 +701,7 @@ You can also set a timer to fire periodically by using the `setPeriodic` method. To cancel a periodic timer, call the `cancelTimer` method specifying the timer id. For example: - val timerID: Long = vertx.setPeriodic(1000, { timerID: Long => - }) + val timerID = vertx.setPeriodic(1000, { timerID: Long => }) // And immediately cancel it @@ -680,7 +710,7 @@ To cancel a periodic timer, call the `cancelTimer` method specifying the timer i Or you can cancel it from inside the event handler. The following example cancels the timer after it has fired 10 times. var count: Int = 0 - val timerID: Long = vertx.setPeriodic(1000, { timerID: Long => + val timerID = vertx.setPeriodic(1000, { timerID: Long =>"In event handler " + count) count = count + 1 if (count == 10) { @@ -698,15 +728,13 @@ Creating TCP servers and clients is very easy with Vert.x. To create a TCP server you call the `createNetServer` method on your `vertx` instance. - val server: NetServer = vertx.createNetServer() + val server = vertx.createNetServer() ### Start the Server Listening To tell that server to listen for connections we do: - val server: NetServer = vertx.createNetServer - - server.listen(1234, "myhost") + vertx.createNetServer.listen(1234, "myhost") The first parameter to `listen` is the port. A wildcard port of `0` can be specified which means a random available port will be chosen to actually listen at. Once the server has completed listening you can then call the `port()` method of the server to find out the real port it is using. @@ -722,9 +750,7 @@ The actual bind is asynchronous so the server might not actually be listening un To be notified when a connection occurs we need to call the `connectHandler` method of the server, passing in a handler. The handler will then be called when a connection is made: - val server: NetServer = vertx.createNetServer() - - server.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket => + vertx.createNetServer.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket =>"A client has connected!") }) @@ -734,7 +760,7 @@ That's a bit more interesting. Now it displays 'A client has connected!' every t The return value of the `connectHandler` method is the server itself, so multiple invocations can be chained together. That means we can rewrite the above as: - val server: NetServer = vertx.createNetServer() + val server = vertx.createNetServer() server.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket =>"A client has connected!") @@ -798,9 +824,7 @@ When a connection is made, the connect handler is called passing in an instance To read data from the socket you need to set the `dataHandler` on the socket. This handler will be called with an instance of `org.vertx.scala.core.buffer.Buffer` every time data is received on the socket. You could try the following code and telnet to it to send some data: - val server: NetSocket = vertx.createNetServer() - - server.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket => + vertx.createNetServer.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket => sock.dataHandler({ buffer: Buffer =>"I received " + buffer.length() + " bytes of data") }) @@ -812,7 +836,7 @@ To write data to a socket, you invoke the `write` function. This function can be With a single buffer: - val myBuffer: Buffer = Buffer(...) + val myBuffer = Buffer(...) sock.write(myBuffer) A string. In this case the string will encoded using UTF-8 and the result written to the wire. @@ -829,9 +853,7 @@ Let's put it all together. Here's an example of a simple TCP echo server which simply writes back (echoes) everything that it receives on the socket: - val server: NetServer = vertx.createNetServer() - - server.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket => + vertx.createNetServer.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket => sock.dataHandler({ buffer: Buffer => sock.write(buffer) }) @@ -853,10 +875,7 @@ You can close a socket by invoking the `close` method. This will close the under If you want to be notified when a socket is closed, you can set the `closedHandler': - - val server: NetServer = vertx.createNetServer - - server.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket => + vertx.createNetServer.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket => sock.closeHandler({"The socket is now closed") }) @@ -869,9 +888,7 @@ The closed handler will be called irrespective of whether the close was initiate You can set an exception handler on the socket that will be called if an exception occurs asynchronously on the connection: - val server: NetServer = vertx.createNetServer() - - server.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket => + vertx.createNetServer.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket => sock.exceptionHandler({ t: Throwable =>"Oops, something went wrong", t) }) @@ -934,15 +951,13 @@ A NetClient is used to make TCP connections to servers. To create a TCP client you call the `createNetClient` method on your `vertx` instance. - val client: NetClient = vertx.createNetClient() + val client = vertx.createNetClient() ### Making a Connection To actually connect to a server you invoke the `connect` method: - val client: NetClient = vertx.createNetClient(); - - client.connect(1234, "localhost", { asyncResult: AsyncResult[NetSocket] => + vertx.createNetClient.connect(1234, "localhost", { asyncResult: AsyncResult[NetSocket] => if (asyncResult.succeeded()) {"We have connected! Socket is " + asyncResult.result()) } else { @@ -960,7 +975,7 @@ You can also close it, set the closed handler, set the exception handler and use A NetClient can be configured to automatically retry connecting or reconnecting to the server in the event that it cannot connect or has lost its connection. This is done by invoking the methods `setReconnectAttempts` and `setReconnectInterval`: - val client: NetClient = vertx.createNetClient() + val client = vertx.createNetClient() client.setReconnectAttempts(1000) @@ -998,7 +1013,7 @@ The trust store is optional and contains the certificates of any clients it shou To configure a server to use server certificates only: - val server: NetServer = vertx.createNetServer() + val server = vertx.createNetServer() .setSSL(true) .setKeyStorePath("/path/to/your/keystore/server-keystore.jks") .setKeyStorePassword("password") @@ -1007,7 +1022,7 @@ Making sure that `server-keystore.jks` contains the server certificate. To configure a server to also require client certificates: - val server: NetServer = vertx.createNetServer() + val server = vertx.createNetServer() .setSSL(true) .setKeyStorePath("/path/to/your/keystore/server-keystore.jks") .setKeyStorePassword("password") @@ -1035,20 +1050,20 @@ If the server requires client authentication then the client must present its ow To configure a client to trust all server certificates (dangerous): - val client: NetClient = vertx.createNetClient() + val client = vertx.createNetClient() .setSSL(true) .setTrustAll(true) To configure a client to only trust those certificates it has in its trust store: - val client: NetClient = vertx.createNetClient() + val client = vertx.createNetClient() .setSSL(true) .setTrustStorePath("/path/to/your/client/truststore/client-truststore.jks") .setTrustStorePassword("password") To configure a client to only trust those certificates it has in its trust store, and also to supply a client certificate: - val client: NetClient = vertx.createNetClient() + val client = vertx.createNetClient() .setSSL(true) .setTrustStorePath("/path/to/your/client/truststore/client-truststore.jks") .setTrustStorePassword("password") @@ -1074,9 +1089,7 @@ A very simple example would be reading from a `NetSocket` on a server and writin A naive way to do this would be to directly take the data that's been read and immediately write it to the NetSocket, for example: - val server: NetServer = vertx.createNetServer() - - server.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket => + vertx.createNetServer.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket => sock.dataHandler({ buffer: Buffer => // Write the data straight back sock.write(buffer) @@ -1087,9 +1100,7 @@ There's a problem with the above example: If data is read from the socket faster Since `NetSocket` implements `WriteStream`, we can check if the `WriteStream` is full before writing to it: - val server: NetServer = vertx.createNetServer() - - server.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket => + vertx.createNetServer.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket => sock.dataHandler({ buffer: Buffer => if (!sock.writeQueueFull()) { sock.write(buffer) @@ -1099,9 +1110,7 @@ Since `NetSocket` implements `WriteStream`, we can check if the `WriteStream` is This example won't run out of RAM but we'll end up losing data if the write queue gets full. What we really want to do is pause the `NetSocket` when the write queue is full. Let's do that: - val server: NetServer = vertx.createNetServer() - - server.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket => + vertx.createNetServer.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket => sock.dataHandler({ buffer: Buffer if (!sock.writeQueueFull()) { sock.write(buffer) @@ -1113,9 +1122,7 @@ This example won't run out of RAM but we'll end up losing data if the write queu We're almost there, but not quite. The `NetSocket` now gets paused when the file is full, but we also need to *unpause* it when the write queue has processed its backlog: - val server: NetServer = vertx.createNetServer() - - server.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket => + vertx.createNetServer.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket => sock.dataHandler({ buffer: Buffer => if (!sock.writeQueueFull()) { sock.write(buffer) @@ -1132,9 +1139,7 @@ And there we have it. The `drainHandler` event handler will get called when the It's very common to want to do this when writing Vert.x applications, so we provide a helper class called `Pump` which does all this hard work for you. You just feed it the `ReadStream` and the `WriteStream` and it tell it to start: - val server: NetServer = vertx.createNetServer() - - server.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket => + vertx.createNetServer.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket => Pump.create(sock, sock).start() }).listen(1234, "localhost") @@ -1189,15 +1194,13 @@ Vert.x allows you to easily write full featured, highly performant and scalable To create an HTTP server you call the `createHttpServer` method on your `vertx` instance. - val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() + val server = vertx.createHttpServer() ### Start the Server Listening To tell that server to listen for incoming requests you use the `listen` method: - val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() - - server.listen(8080, "myhost") + vertx.createHttpServer.listen(8080, "myhost") The first parameter to `listen` is the port. @@ -1214,9 +1217,7 @@ The actual bind is asynchronous so the server might not actually be listening un To be notified when a request arrives you need to set a request handler. This is done by calling the `requestHandler` method of the server, passing in the handler: - val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() - - server.requestHandler({ request: HttpServerRequest => + vertx.createHttpServer.requestHandler({ request: HttpServerRequest =>"A request has arrived on the server!") request.response().end() }) @@ -1229,7 +1230,7 @@ You can try it by running the verticle and pointing your browser at `http://loca Similarly to `NetServer`, the return value of the `requestHandler` method is the server itself, so multiple invocations can be chained together. That means we can rewrite the above with: - val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() + val server = vertx.createHttpServer() server.requestHandler({ request: HttpServerRequest =>"A request has arrived on the server!") @@ -1238,7 +1239,7 @@ Similarly to `NetServer`, the return value of the `requestHandler` method is the Or: - vertx.createHttpServer().requestHandler({ request: HttpServerRequest => + vertx.createHttpServer.requestHandler({ request: HttpServerRequest =>"A request has arrived on the server!") request.response().end() }).listen(8080, "localhost") @@ -1298,11 +1299,9 @@ The returned object is an instance of `org.vertx.scala.core.MultiMap`. A MultiMa Here's an example that echoes the headers to the output of the response. Run it and point your browser at `http://localhost:8080` to see the headers. - val server = vertx.createHttpServer() - - server.requestHandler({ request: HttpServerRequest => - val sb: StringBuilder = new StringBuilder() - for ( header: JMap.Entry[String, String] <- request.headers.entries().asInstanceOf[List[JMap.Entry[String, String]]]) { + vertx.createHttpServer.requestHandler({ request: HttpServerRequest => + val sb = new StringBuilder() + for ( header <- request.headers.entries().asInstanceOf[List[JMap.Entry[String, String]]]) { sb.append(header.getKey()).append(": ").append(header.getValue()).append("\n") } request.response().putHeader("content-type", "text/plain") @@ -1339,9 +1338,7 @@ Sometimes an HTTP request contains a request body that we want to read. As previ To receive the body, you set the `dataHandler` on the request object. This will then get called every time a chunk of the request body arrives. Here's an example: - val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() - - server.requestHandler({ request: HttpServerRequest => + vertx.createHttpServer.requestHandler({ request: HttpServerRequest => request.dataHandler({ buffer: Buffer =>"I received " + buffer.length() + " bytes") }) @@ -1355,10 +1352,8 @@ The request object implements the `ReadStream` interface so you can pump the req In many cases, you know the body is not large and you just want to receive it in one go. To do this you could do something like the following: - val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() - - server.requestHandler({ request: HttpServerRequest => - val body: Buffer = Buffer(0) + vertx.createHttpServer.requestHandler({ request: HttpServerRequest => + val body = Buffer(0) request.dataHandler({ buffer: Buffer => body.append(buffer) @@ -1382,9 +1377,7 @@ The body handler is called only once when the *entire* request body has been rea Here's an example using `bodyHandler`: - val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() - - server.requestHandler({ request: HttpServerRequest => + vertx.createHttpServer.requestHandler({ request: HttpServerRequest => request.bodyHandler({ body: Buffer => // The entire body has now been received"The total body received was " + body.length() + " bytes") @@ -1395,8 +1388,7 @@ Here's an example using `bodyHandler`: Vert.x understands file uploads submitted from HTML forms in browsers. In order to handle file uploads you should set the `uploadHandler` on the request. The handler will be called once for each upload in the form. - request.uploadHandler({ upload: HttpServerFileUpload => - }) + request.uploadHandler({ upload: HttpServerFileUpload => }) The `HttpServerFileUpload` class implements `ReadStream` so you read the data and stream it to any object that implements `WriteStream` using a Pump, as previously discussed. @@ -1412,7 +1404,7 @@ If the request corresponds to an HTML form that was submitted you can use the me request.endHandler({ // The request has been all ready so now we can look at the form attributes - MultiMap attrs = request.formAttributes() + val attrs = request.formAttributes() // Do something with them }) @@ -1425,9 +1417,7 @@ As previously mentioned, the HTTP request object contains a method `response()`. To set the HTTP status code for the response use the `setStatusCode()` method, e.g. - val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() - - server.requestHandler({ request: HttpServerRequest => + vertx.createHttpServer.requestHandler({ request: HttpServerRequest => request.response().setStatusCode(739).setStatusMessage("Too many gerbils").end() }).listen(8080, "localhost") @@ -1441,7 +1431,7 @@ To write data to an HTTP response, you invoke the `write` function. This functio With a single buffer: - val myBuffer: Buffer = ... + val myBuffer = Buffer(...) request.response().write(myBuffer) A string. In this case the string will encoded using UTF-8 and the result written to the wire. @@ -1525,10 +1515,8 @@ Using `sendFile` is usually more efficient for large files, but may be slower fo To do this use the `sendFile` function on the HTTP response. Here's a simple HTTP web server that serves static files from the local `web` directory: - val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() - - server.requestHandler({ req: HttpServerRequest => - var file: String = "" + vertx.createHttpServer.requestHandler({ req: HttpServerRequest => + var file = "" if (req.path().equals("/")) { file = "index.html" } else if (!req.path().contains("..")) { @@ -1551,9 +1539,7 @@ Since the HTTP Response implements `WriteStream` you can pump to it from any `Re Here's an example which echoes HttpRequest headers and body back in the HttpResponse. It uses a pump for the body, so it will work even if the HTTP request body is much larger than can fit in memory at any one time: - val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() - - server.requestHandler({ req: HttpServerRequest => + vertx.createHttpServer.requestHandler({ req: HttpServerRequest => req.response().headers().set(req.headers()) Pump.createPump(req, req.response()).start() req.endHandler({ @@ -1568,31 +1554,31 @@ Here's an example which echoes HttpRequest headers and body back in the HttpResp To create an HTTP client you call the `createHttpClient` method on your `vertx` instance: - val client: HttpClient = vertx.createHttpClient() + val client = vertx.createHttpClient() You set the port and hostname (or ip address) that the client will connect to using the `setHost` and `setPort` functions: - val client: HttpClient = vertx.createHttpClient() + val client = vertx.createHttpClient() client.setPort(8181) client.setHost("") This, of course, can be chained: - val client: HttpClient = vertx.createHttpClient() + val client = vertx.createHttpClient() .setPort(8181) .setHost("") -A single `HTTPClient` always connects to the same host and port. If you want to connect to different servers, create more instances. +A single `HttpClient` always connects to the same host and port. If you want to connect to different servers, create more instances. The default port is `80` and the default host is `localhost`. So if you don't explicitly set these values that's what the client will attempt to connect to. ### Pooling and Keep Alive -By default the `HTTPClient` pools HTTP connections. As you make requests a connection is borrowed from the pool and returned when the HTTP response has ended. +By default the `HttpClient` pools HTTP connections. As you make requests a connection is borrowed from the pool and returned when the HTTP response has ended. If you do not want connections to be pooled you can call `setKeepAlive` with `false`: - val client: HttpClient = vertx.createHttpClient() + val client = vertx.createHttpClient() .setPort(8181) .setHost("") .setKeepAlive(false) @@ -1601,7 +1587,7 @@ In this case a new connection will be created for each HTTP request and closed o You can set the maximum number of connections that the client will pool as follows: - val client: HttpClient = vertx.createHttpClient() + val client = vertx.createHttpClient() .setPort(8181) .setHost("") .setMaxPoolSize(10) @@ -1620,9 +1606,9 @@ To make a request using the client you invoke one the methods named after the HT For example, to make a `POST` request: - val client: HttpClient = vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("") + val client = vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("") - val request: HttpClientRequest ="/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse => + val request ="/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse =>"Got a response: " + resp.statusCode()) }) @@ -1638,15 +1624,15 @@ The value specified in the request URI corresponds to the Request-URI as specifi *Please note that the domain/port that the client connects to is determined by `setPort` and `setHost`, and is not parsed from the uri.* -The return value from the appropriate request method is an instance of `org.vertx.scala.core.http.HTTPClientRequest`. You can use this to add headers to the request, and to write to the request body. The request object implements `WriteStream`. +The return value from the appropriate request method is an instance of `org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpClientRequest`. You can use this to add headers to the request, and to write to the request body. The request object implements `WriteStream`. Once you have finished with the request you must call the `end()` method. If you don't know the name of the request method in advance there is a general `request` method which takes the HTTP method as a parameter: - val client: HttpClient = vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("") + val client = vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("") - val request: HttpClientRequest = client.request("POST", "/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse => + val request = client.request("POST", "/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse =>"Got a response: " + resp.statusCode()) }) @@ -1654,9 +1640,7 @@ If you don't know the name of the request method in advance there is a general ` There is also a method called `getNow` which does the same as `get`, but automatically ends the request. This is useful for simple GETs which don't have a request body: - val client: HttpClient = vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("") - - client.getNow("/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse => + vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("").getNow("/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse =>"Got a response: " + resp.statusCode()) }) @@ -1672,7 +1656,7 @@ To write data to an `HttpClientRequest` object, you invoke the `write` function. With a single buffer: - val myBuffer: Buffer = ... + val myBuffer = Buffer(...) request.write(myBuffer) A string. In this case the string will encoded using UTF-8 and the result written to the wire. @@ -1706,9 +1690,9 @@ The function can also be called with a string or Buffer in the same way `write` To write headers to the request, add them to the multi-map returned from the `headers()` method: - val client: HttpClient = vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("") + val client = vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("") - val request: HttpClientRequest ="/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse => + val request ="/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse =>"Got a response: " + resp.statusCode()) }) @@ -1747,9 +1731,7 @@ The response object implements `ReadStream`, so it can be pumped to a `WriteStre To query the status code of the response use the `statusCode()` method. The `statusMessage()` method contains the status message. For example: - val client: HttpClient = vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("") - - client.getNow("/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse => + vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("").getNow("/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse =>'server returned status code: ' + resp.statusCode())'server returned status message: ' + resp.statusMessage()) }) @@ -1763,9 +1745,7 @@ Sometimes an HTTP response contains a body that we want to read. Like an HTTP re To receive the response body, you set a `dataHandler` on the response object which gets called as parts of the HTTP response arrive. Here's an example: - val client: HttpClient = vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("") - - client.getNow("/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse => + vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("").getNow("/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse => resp.dataHandler({ data: Buffer =>"I received " + data.length() + " bytes") }) @@ -1778,10 +1758,8 @@ The `dataHandler` can be called multiple times for a single HTTP response. As with a server request, if you wanted to read the entire response body before doing something with it you could do something like the following: - val client: HttpClient = vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("") - - client.getNow("/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse => - val body: Buffer = Buffer(0) + vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("").getNow("/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse => + val body = Buffer(0) resp.dataHandler({ data: Buffer => body.append(data) @@ -1804,9 +1782,7 @@ The body handler is called only once when the *entire* response body has been re Here's an example using `bodyHandler`: - val client: HttpClient = vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("") - - client.getNow("/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse => + vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("").getNow("/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse => resp.bodyHandler( { body: Buffer => // The entire response body has been received"The total body received was " + body.length() + " bytes") @@ -1832,9 +1808,9 @@ This is used in conjunction with the `sendHead` function to send the head of the An example will illustrate this: - val client: HttpClient = vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("") + val client = vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("") - val request: HttpClientRequest = client.put("/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse => + val request = client.put("/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse =>"Got a response " + resp.statusCode()) }) @@ -1886,9 +1862,9 @@ This is particularly useful when developing REST-style web applications. To do this you simply create an instance of `org.vertx.scala.core.http.RouteMatcher` and use it as handler in an HTTP server. See the chapter on HTTP servers for more information on setting HTTP handlers. Here's an example: - val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() + val server = vertx.createHttpServer() - val routeMatcher: RouteMatcher = new RouteMatcher() + val routeMatcher = new RouteMatcher() server.requestHandler(routeMatcher).listen(8080, "localhost") @@ -1896,9 +1872,9 @@ To do this you simply create an instance of `org.vertx.scala.core.http.RouteMatc You can then add different matches to the route matcher. For example, to send all GET requests with path `/animals/dogs` to one handler and all GET requests with path `/animals/cats` to another handler you would do: - val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() + val server = vertx.createHttpServer() - val routeMatcher: RouteMatcher = new RouteMatcher() + val routeMatcher = new RouteMatcher() routeMatcher.get("/animals/dogs", { req: HttpServerRequest => req.response().end("You requested dogs") @@ -1923,13 +1899,13 @@ A request is sent to at most one handler. If you want to extract parameters from the path, you can do this too, by using the `:` (colon) character to denote the name of a parameter. For example: - val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() + val server = vertx.createHttpServer() - val routeMatcher: RouteMatcher = new RouteMatcher() + val routeMatcher = new RouteMatcher() routeMatcher.put("/:blogname/:post", { req: HttpServerRequest => - val blogName: String = req.params().get("blogname") - val post: String = req.params().get("post") + val blogName = req.params().get("blogname") + val post = req.params().get("post") req.response().end("blogname is " + blogName + ", post is " + post) }) @@ -1953,13 +1929,13 @@ There's also an `allWithRegEx` method which applies the match to any HTTP reques For example: - val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() + val server = vertx.createHttpServer() - val routeMatcher: RouteMatcher = new RouteMatcher() + val routeMatcher = new RouteMatcher() routeMatcher.allWithRegEx("\\/([^\\/]+)\\/([^\\/]+)", { req: HttpServerRequest => - val first: String = req.params().get("param0"); - val second: String = req.params().get("param1"); + val first = req.params().get("param0") + val second = req.params().get("param1") req.response.end("first is " + first + " and second is " + second) }) @@ -1984,9 +1960,7 @@ You can use the `noMatch` method to specify a handler that will be called if not To use WebSockets on the server you create an HTTP server as normal, but instead of setting a `requestHandler` you set a `websocketHandler` on the server. - val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() - - server.websocketHandler({ ws: ServerWebSocket => + vertx.createHttpServer.websocketHandler({ ws: ServerWebSocket => // A WebSocket has connected! }).listen(8080, "localhost") @@ -1999,9 +1973,7 @@ See the chapter on [streams and pumps](#flow-control) for more information. For example, to echo all data received on a WebSocket: - val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() - - server.websocketHandler({ ws: ServerWebSocket => + vertx.createHttpServer.websocketHandler({ ws: ServerWebSocket => Pump.createPump(ws, ws).start() }).listen(8080, "localhost") @@ -2017,9 +1989,7 @@ Sometimes you may only want to accept WebSockets which connect at a specific pat To check the path, you can query the `path()` method of the websocket. You can then call the `reject()` method to reject the websocket. - val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() - - server.websocketHandler({ ws: ServerWebSocket => + vertx.createHttpServer.websocketHandler({ ws: ServerWebSocket => if (ws.path().equals("/services/echo")) { Pump.createPump(ws, ws).start() } else { @@ -2039,9 +2009,7 @@ The handler will then get called if the WebSocket successfully connects. If the Here's an example of WebSocket connection; - val client: HttpClient = vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("") - - client.connectWebsocket("/some-uri", { ws: WebSocket => + vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("").connectWebsocket("/some-uri", { ws: WebSocket => // Connected! }) @@ -2097,9 +2065,9 @@ This enables Vert.x to be used for modern, so-called *real-time* (this is the *m To create a SockJS server you simply create a HTTP server as normal and then call the `createSockJSServer` method of your `vertx` instance passing in the Http server: - val httpServer: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() + val httpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() - val sockJSServer: SockJSServer = vertx.createSockJSServer(httpServer) + val sockJSServer = vertx.createSockJSServer(httpServer) Each SockJS server can host multiple *applications*. @@ -2107,11 +2075,11 @@ Each application is defined by some configuration, and provides a handler which For example, to create a SockJS echo application: - val httpServer: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() + val httpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() - val sockJSServer: SockJSServer = vertx.createSockJSServer(httpServer) + val sockJSServer = vertx.createSockJSServer(httpServer) - val config: JsonObject = Json.obj().putString("prefix", "/echo") + val config = Json.obj("prefix" -> "/echo") sockJSServer.installApp(config, { sock: SockJSSocket => Pump.createPump(sock, sock).start() @@ -2176,9 +2144,9 @@ You will also need to secure the bridge (see below). The following example bridges the event bus to client side JavaScript: - val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() + val server = vertx.createHttpServer() - val config: JsonObject = Json.obj().putString("prefix", "/echo") + val config = Json.obj("prefix" -> "/echo") vertx.createSockJSServer(server).bridge(config, new JsonArray(), new JsonArray()) @@ -2257,36 +2225,35 @@ When a message arrives at the bridge, it will look through the available permitt Here is an example: - val server: HttpServer = vertx.createHttpServer() + val server = vertx.createHttpServer() - val config: JsonObject = Json.obj().putString("prefix", "/echo") + val config = Json.obj("prefix" -> "/echo") - val inboundPermitted: JsonArray = new JsonArray() + val inboundPermitted = new JsonArray() // Let through any messages sent to 'demo.orderMgr' - val inboundPermitted1: JsonObject = Json.obj().putString("address", "demo.orderMgr") + val inboundPermitted1 = Json.obj("address" -> "demo.orderMgr") inboundPermitted.add(inboundPermitted1) // Allow calls to the address 'demo.persistor' as long as the messages // have an action field with value 'find' and a collection field with value // 'albums' - val inboundPermitted2: JsonObject = Json.obj().putString("address", "demo.persistor") - .putObject("match", Json.obj().putString("action", "find") - .putString("collection", "albums")) + val inboundPermitted2 = Json.obj("address" -> "demo.persistor", "match" -> Json.obj("action" -> "find", "collection" -> "albums")) + inboundPermitted.add(inboundPermitted2) // Allow through any message with a field `wibble` with value `foo`. - val inboundPermitted3: JsonObject = Json.obj().putObject("match", Json.obj().putString("wibble", "foo")) + val inboundPermitted3 = Json.obj("match" -> Json.obj("wibble" -> "foo")) inboundPermitted.add(inboundPermitted3) - val outboundPermitted: JsonArray = new JsonArray() + val outboundPermitted = new JsonArray() // Let through any messages coming from address 'ticker.mystock' - val outboundPermitted1: JsonObject = Json.obj().putString("address", "ticker.mystock") + val outboundPermitted1 = Json.obj("address" -> "ticker.mystock") outboundPermitted.add(outboundPermitted1) // Let through any messages from addresses starting with "news." (e.g. news.europe, news.usa, etc) - val outboundPermitted2: JsonObject = Json.obj().putString("address_re", "news\\..+") + val outboundPermitted2 = Json.obj("address_re" -> "news\\..+") outboundPermitted.add(outboundPermitted2) vertx.createSockJSServer(server).bridge(config, inboundPermitted, outboundPermitted) @@ -2298,7 +2265,7 @@ To let all messages through you can specify two JSON array with a single empty J ... - val permitted: JsonArray = new JsonArray() + val permitted = new JsonArray() permitted.add(Json.obj()) vertx.createSockJSServer(server).bridge(config, permitted, permitted) @@ -2417,7 +2384,7 @@ Here's an example: vertx.fileSystem.props("foo.dat", { ar: AsyncResult[FileProps] => if (ar.succeeded()) { -"File props are:"); +"File props are:")"Last accessed: " + ar.result().lastAccessTime()) // etc } else { @@ -2525,9 +2492,9 @@ Lists the contents of a directory List only the contents of a directory which match the filter. Here's an example which only lists files with an extension `txt` in a directory. - vertx.fileSystem.readDir("mydirectory", ".*\\.txt", { ar: AsyncResult[Array[String]] => + vertx.fileSystem.readDir("mydirectory", "^.*\\.txt$", { ar: AsyncResult[Array[String]] => if (ar.succeeded()) { -"Directory contains these .txt files"); +"Directory contains these .txt files") for (i <- 0 until ar.result().length) { } @@ -2668,13 +2635,13 @@ Here is an example of random access writes:"some-file.dat", { ar: AsyncResult[AsyncFile] => if (ar.succeeded()) { - val asyncFile: AsyncFile = ar.result() + val asyncFile = ar.result() // File open, write a buffer 5 times into a file - val buff: Buffer = Buffer("foo") + val buff = Buffer("foo") for (i <- 0 until 5) { asyncFile.write(buff, buff.length() * i, { ar: AsyncResult[Void] => - if (ar.succeeded()) { -"Written ok!"); + if (ar.succeeded()) { +"Written ok!") // etc } else { logger.error("Failed to write", ar.cause()) @@ -2703,8 +2670,8 @@ Here's an example of random access reads:"some-file.dat", { ar: AsyncResult[AsyncFile] => if (ar.succeeded()) { - val asyncFile: AsyncFile = ar.result() - val buff: Buffer = Buffer(1000) + val asyncFile = ar.result() + val buff = Buffer(1000) for (i <- 0 until 10) {, i * 100, i * 100, 100, { ar: AsyncResult[Buffer] => if (ar.succeeded()) { @@ -2734,15 +2701,15 @@ This method can also be called with an handler which will be called when the flu Here's an example of pumping data from a file on a client to a HTTP request: - val client: HttpClient = vertx.createHttpClient.setHost("") + val client = vertx.createHttpClient.setHost("")"some-file.dat", { ar: AsyncResult[AsyncFile] => if (ar.succeeded()) { - val request: HttpClientRequest = client.put("/uploads", { resp: HttpClientResponse => + val request = client.put("/uploads", { resp: HttpClientResponse =>"Received response: " + resp.statusCode()) }) - val asyncFile: AsyncFile = ar.result() - request.setChunked(true); + val asyncFile = ar.result() + request.setChunked(true) Pump.createPump(asyncFile, request).start() asyncFile.endHandler({ // File sent, end HTTP requuest @@ -2757,13 +2724,13 @@ Here's an example of pumping data from a file on a client to a HTTP request: To close an `AsyncFile` call the `close()` method. Closing is asynchronous and if you want to be notified when the close has been completed you can specify a handler function as an argument. -# DNS Client +# DNS Client (Work in Progress, useable in lang-scala version 0.3.0) Often you will find yourself in situations where you need to obtain DNS informations in an asynchronous fashion. Unfortunally this is not possible with the API that is shipped with Java itself. Because of this Vert.x offers it's own API for DNS resolution which is fully asynchronous. To obtain a DnsClient instance you will create a new via the Vertx instance. - val client: DnsClient = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53), new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) + val client = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53), new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) Be aware that you can pass in a varargs of InetSocketAddress arguments to specifiy more then one DNS Server to try to query for DNS resolution. The DNS Servers will be queried in the same order as specified here. Where the next will be used once the first produce an error while be used. @@ -2773,7 +2740,7 @@ Try to lookup the A (ipv4) or AAAA (ipv6) record for a given name. The first whi To lookup the A / AAAA record for "" you would typically use it like: - val client: DnsClient = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) + val client = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) client.lookup("", { ar: AsyncResult[InetAddress] => if (ar.succeeded()) { println(ar.result()) @@ -2791,7 +2758,7 @@ Try to lookup the A (ipv4) record for a given name. The first which is returned To lookup the A record for "" you would typically use it like: - val client: DnsClient = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) + val client = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) client.lookup4("", { ar: AsyncResult[Inet4Address] => if (ar.succeeded()) { println(ar.result()) @@ -2809,7 +2776,7 @@ Try to lookup the AAAA (ipv5) record for a given name. The first which is return To lookup the A record for "" you would typically use it like: - val client: DnsClient = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) + val client = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) client.lookup6("", { ar: AsyncResult[Inet6Address] => if (ar.succeeded()) { println(ar.result()) @@ -2827,11 +2794,10 @@ Try to resolve all A (ipv4) records for a given name. This is quite similar to u To lookup all the A records for "" you would typically do: - val client: DnsClient = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) + val client = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) client.resolveA("", { ar: AsyncResult[List[Inet4Address]] => if (ar.succeeded()) { - val records: List[Inet4Address] = ar.result() - for (record <- records) { + for (record <- ar.result()) { println(record) } } else { @@ -2848,16 +2814,15 @@ Try to resolve all AAAA (ipv6) records for a given name. This is quite similar t To lookup all the AAAAA records for "" you would typically do: - val client: DnsClient = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) + val client = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) client.resolveAAAA("", { ar: AsyncResult[List[Inet6Address]] => - if (ar.succeeded()) { - val records: List[Inet6Address] = ar.result() - for (record <- records) { - println(record) - } - } else { - logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause()) + if (ar.succeeded()) { + for (record <- ar.result()) { + println(record) } + } else { + logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause()) + } }) As it only resolves AAAA records and so is ipv6 only it will use Inet6Address as result. @@ -2869,19 +2834,16 @@ Try to resolve all CNAME records for a given name. This is quite similar to usin To lookup all the CNAME records for "" you would typically do: - DnsClient client = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)); - client.resolveCNAME("", new AsyncResultHandler>() { - public void handle(AsyncResult> ar) { - if (ar.succeeded()) { - List records = ar.result()); - for (String record: records) { - System.out.println(record); - } - } else { - log.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause()); - } + val client = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) + client.resolveCNAME("", { ar: AsyncResult[List[String]] => + if (ar.succeeded()) { + for (record <- ar.result()) { + println(record) + } + } else { + logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause()) } - }); + }) ## resolveMX @@ -2890,16 +2852,15 @@ Try to resolve all MX records for a given name. The MX records are used to defin To lookup all the MX records for "" you would typically do: - val client: DnsClient = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) + val client = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) client.resolveMX("", { ar: AsyncResult[List[MxRecord]] => - if (ar.succeeded()) { - val records: List[MxRecord] = ar.result() - for (record <- records) { - println(record) - } - } else { - logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause()) + if (ar.succeeded()) { + for (record <- ar.result()) { + println(record) } + } else { + logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause()) + } }) Be aware that the List will contain the MxRecords sorted by the priority of them, which means MxRecords with smaller priority coming first in the List. @@ -2917,16 +2878,15 @@ Try to resolve all TXT records for a given name. TXT records are often used to d To resolve all the TXT records for "" you could use something along these lines: - val client: DnsClient = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) + val client = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) client.resolveTXT("", { ar: AsyncResult[List[String]] => - if (ar.succeeded()) { - val records: List[String] = ar.result() - for (record <- records) { - println(record) - } - } else { - logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause()) + if (ar.succeeded()) { + for (record <- ar.result()) { + println(record) } + } else { + logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause()) + } }) ## resolveNS @@ -2935,11 +2895,10 @@ Try to resolve all NS records for a given name. The NS records specify which DNS To resolve all the NS records for "" you could use something along these lines: - val client: DnsClient = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) + val client = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) client.resolveNS("", { ar: AsyncResult[List[String]] => if (ar.succeeded()) { - val records: List[String] = ar.result() - for (record <- records) { + for (record <- ar.result()) { println(record) } } else { @@ -2954,11 +2913,10 @@ Try to resolve all SRV records for a given name. The SRV records are used to def To lookup all the SRV records for "" you would typically do: - val client: DnsClient = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) + val client = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) client.resolveMX("", { ar: AsyncResult[List[SrvRecord]] => if (ar.succeeded()) { - val records: List[SrvRecord] = ar.result() - for (record <- records) { + for (record <- ar.result()) { println(record) } } else { @@ -2989,11 +2947,10 @@ Try to resolve the PTR record for a given name. The PTR record maps an ipaddress To resolve the PTR record for the ipaddress you would use the PTR notion of "" - val client: DnsClient = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) + val client = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) client.resolveTXT("", { ar: AsyncResult[String] => if (ar.succeeded()) { - val record: String = ar.result() - println(record) + println(ar.result()) } else { logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause()) } @@ -3006,14 +2963,13 @@ Try to do a reverse lookup for an ipaddress. This is basically the same as resol To do a reverse lookup for the ipaddress do something similar like this: - val client: DnsClient = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) + val client = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) client.reverseLookup("", { ar: AsyncResult[String] => - if (ar.succeeded()) { - val record: String = ar.result() - println(record) - } else { - logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause()) - } + if (ar.succeeded()) { + println(ar.result()) + } else { + logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause()) + } }) ## Error handling @@ -3067,16 +3023,15 @@ All of those errors are "generated" by the DNS Server itself. You can obtain the DnsResponseCode from the DnsException like: - val client: DnsClient = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) + val client = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53)) client.lookup("nonexisting.vert.xio", { ar: AsyncResult[InetAddress] => if (ar.succeeded()) { - val record: InetAddress = ar.result() - println(record) + println(ar.result()) } else { - val cause: Throwable = ar.cause() + val cause = ar.cause() if (cause.isInstanceOf[DnsException]) { - val exception: DnsException = cause.asInstanceOf[DnsException] - val code: DnsResponseCode = exception.code + val exception = cause.asInstanceOf[DnsException] + val code = exception.code //... } else { logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause()) From c35eb9f1fec81a7000edf08c7c2f7a652f484946 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Joern Bernhardt Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2013 12:13:12 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 3/6] add scala doc --- api/scala/index.html | 141 + api/scala/index.js | 1 + 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                + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/index/index-w.html b/api/scala/index/index-w.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8f899c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/index/index-w.html @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ + + + + + mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API + + + + + + + + +
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                + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/index/index-y.html b/api/scala/index/index-y.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4ed568e --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/index/index-y.html @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ + + + + + mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API + + + + + + + + +
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                + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/lib/arrow-down.png b/api/scala/lib/arrow-down.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7229603ae5b30ce0e0bd09863543b260085c8f2d GIT binary patch literal 6232 zcmV-e7^mlnP)4Tx0C)k_S$RBF-Phme&i8Un*F4YjJP(=YjG2kJ=6Sq?G#FB$fh3|7GKP{V zDIruOL!nSgLL`Nh@jdE!p5O2N{NDG!_n&uvK4+irU2E;N_dRQ!z1La?0JcSPcz7^^ z4uFtQN~Ddk9bH!YjXnTqRse9+WOAe*07OBU&Ku+92kRjk0Dxf#^$rLHfaC;YEiZqvHvnw8u#99# zNZ1~J3}aExf79dlZ{6{C5?Dr4;^IzbR@WciIQQ^VlxZgkiFT0T7X!v>kZVYfw z9U5%8XB%etn)4(T~OZ>s!K@8m4FaL>d0A=XxM{|DMfgV0v9-w2eKC1!4RsD#q3j z#;`|0ALIS)9RHG8_4YCNi;h6}1{j(CkwGv7P)zscVuWqZ9~5S`w+47FgfcJ#!N3PZ zgGjg!1yaBq=mUeldMV%w$S@}c=0$-Z@Cn8t@Q5&YOc;!L|B}=H4~o(6aenZ)|E`f2 zc)_yK|IGPkHePtnzjX!xZy5hgC&P2>@%C01^d=!b>JMF#l!Q+RdZH`hm!*EG~i zT9Q{@R!(k@{r{%z?OA^oyJGWuFM^m~{EHTn41iiT>{AE-Me~{hpy?X`_)q_$2}Qx~ zoB%-gf>(58%pZNIy&D?d3u$2wWdqzm0EoiRSso|@4WI)I!G2%`?0_>k1pALa?1Pcu zFh~H2AQhy83*ZvC0t!JfCqJgh&t@ 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* Shows or hides a diagram depending on its current state. + */ +diagrams.toggle = function(container, dontAnimate) +{ + // change class of link + $(".diagram-link", container).toggleClass("open"); + // get element to show / hide + var div = $(".diagram", container); + if (':visible')) + { + $(".diagram-help", container).hide(); + div.unbind("click"); + div.removeClass("magnifying"); + div.slideUp(100); + } + else + { + diagrams.resize(); + if(dontAnimate) +; + else + div.slideDown(100); + $(".diagram-help", container).show(); + } +}; + +/** + * Opens a popup containing a copy of a diagram. + */ = {}; +diagrams.popup = function(diagram) +{ + var id = diagram.attr("id"); + if(![id] ||[id].closed) { + var title = $(".symbol .name", $("#signature")).text(); + // cloning from parent window to popup somehow doesn't work in IE + // therefore include the SVG as a string into the HTML + var svgIE = jQuery.browser.msie ? $("
                ").append("svg")).html() : ""; + var html = '' + + '\n' + + '\n' + + '\n' + + ' \n' + + ' ' + title + '\n' + + ' \n' + + ' \n' + + ' \n' + + ' \n' + + ' \n' + + ' \n' + + ' Close this window\n' + + ' ' + svgIE + '\n' + + ' \n' + + ''; + + var padding = 30; + var screenHeight = screen.availHeight; + var screenWidth = screen.availWidth; + var w = Math.min(screenWidth,"width") + 2 * padding); + var h = Math.min(screenHeight,"height") + 2 * padding); + var left = (screenWidth - w) / 2; + var top = (screenHeight - h) / 2; + var parameters = "height=" + h + ", width=" + w + ", left=" + left + ", top=" + top + ", scrollbars=yes, location=no, resizable=yes"; + var win ="about:blank", "_blank", parameters); +; + win.document.write(html); + win.document.close(); +[id] = win; + } + win.focus(); +}; + +/** + * This method is called from within the popup when a node is clicked. + */ +diagrams.redirectFromPopup = function(url) +{ + window.location = url; +}; + +/** + * Helper method that adds a class to a SVG element. + */ +diagrams.addClass = function(svgElem, newClass) { + newClass = newClass || "over"; + var classes = svgElem.attr("class"); + if ($.inArray(newClass, classes.split(/\s+/)) == -1) { + classes += (classes ? ' ' : '') + newClass; + svgElem.attr("class", classes); + } +}; + +/** + * Helper method that removes a class from a SVG element. + */ +diagrams.removeClass = function(svgElem, oldClass) { + oldClass = oldClass || "over"; + var classes = svgElem.attr("class"); + classes = $.grep(classes.split(/\s+/), function(n, i) { return n != oldClass; }).join(' '); + svgElem.attr("class", classes); +}; + diff --git a/api/scala/lib/filter_box_left.png b/api/scala/lib/filter_box_left.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0e8c893315e7955b02474d3a544b9145aafb15b2 GIT binary patch literal 1692 zcmaJ?Yfuws6pg$rSOqBp3YKM~RV;Zz60;aJAs|tLX#yHS2bN@k3}iRiY$T*bRAg#9 zU=@FeD54a{@j+EkDTq>D1*#y5=}<;1FQtW2QWQm;)^1R+Kd|4-?)R8;&OP^jcW1wn zMQxbxvc!c#q0E;=h~?zGh0nhVLI8<$M9qZi_hoVG}vq!iJ%!WPy#m5Py=;ZL5vtw zxJE~4Fch#U!ikuX5P+o9Hz{a!GqR}RZJEe|F-)+I!J;#5DNO^V(*K8QwKHe~AxGZ% zomJQnouNY*a>RfcaTR%SNmN@X9TbWqFoEIG7?w6&MOg|)V1^V-2ZSm(fD~3~P}_bA 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+ height: 20px; + padding: 1px; + font-weight: bold; + color: #000000; + background: #ffffff url("filterboxbarbg.png") repeat-x bottom left; + width: 100%; +} + +#textfilter > .post { + display: block; + position: absolute; + top: 0; + right: 0; + height: 23px; + width: 21px; + background: url("filter_box_right.png"); +} + +/*#textfilter { + position: relative; + display: block; + height: 20px; + margin-bottom: 5px; +} + +#textfilter > .pre { + display: block; + position: absolute; + top: 0; + left: 0; + height: 20px; + width: 20px; + background: url("filter_box_left.png"); +} + +#textfilter > .input { + display: block; + position: absolute; + top: 0; + right: 20px; + left: 20px; +} + +#textfilter > .input > input { + height: 16px; + padding: 2px; + font-weight: bold; + color: darkblue; + background-color: white; + width: 100%; +} + +#textfilter > .post { + display: block; + position: absolute; + top: 0; + right: 0; + height: 20px; + width: 20px; + background: url("filter_box_right.png"); +}*/ + +#focusfilter { + position: relative; + text-align: center; + display: block; + padding: 5px; + background-color: #fffebd; /* light yellow*/ + text-shadow: #ffffff 0 1px 0; +} + +#focusfilter .focuscoll { + font-weight: bold; + text-shadow: #ffffff 0 1px 0; +} + +#focusfilter img { + bottom: -2px; + position: relative; +} + +#kindfilter { + position: relative; + display: block; + padding: 5px; +/* background-color: #999;*/ + text-align: center; +} + +#kindfilter > a { + color: black; +/* text-decoration: underline;*/ + text-shadow: #ffffff 0 1px 0; + +} + +#kindfilter > a:hover { + color: #4C4C4C; + text-decoration: none; + text-shadow: #ffffff 0 1px 0; +} + +#letters { + position: relative; + text-align: center; + padding-bottom: 5px; + border:1px solid #bbbbbb; + border-top:0; + border-left:0; + border-right:0; +} + +#letters > a, #letters > span { +/* font-family: monospace;*/ + color: #858484; + font-weight: bold; + font-size: 8pt; + text-shadow: #ffffff 0 1px 0; + padding-right: 2px; +} + +#letters > span { + color: #bbb; +} + +#tpl { + display: block; + position: fixed; + overflow: auto; + right: 0; + left: 0; + bottom: 0; + top: 5px; + position: absolute; + display: block; +} + +#tpl .packhide { + display: block; + float: right; + font-weight: normal; + color: white; +} + +#tpl .packfocus { + display: block; + float: right; + font-weight: normal; + color: white; +} + +#tpl .packages > ol { + background-color: #dadfe6; + /*margin-bottom: 5px;*/ +} + +/*#tpl .packages > ol > li { + margin-bottom: 1px; +}*/ + +#tpl .packages > li > a { + padding: 0px 5px; +} + +#tpl .packages > li > a.tplshow { + display: block; + color: white; + font-weight: bold; + display: block; + text-shadow: #000000 0 1px 0; +} + +#tpl ol > li.pack { + padding: 3px 5px; + background: url("packagesbg.gif"); + background-repeat:repeat-x; + min-height: 14px; + background-color: #6e808e; +} + +#tpl ol > li { + display: block; +} + +#tpl .templates > li { + padding-left: 5px; + min-height: 18px; +} + +#tpl ol > li .icon { + padding-right: 5px; + bottom: -2px; + position: relative; +} + +#tpl .templates div.placeholder { + padding-right: 5px; + width: 13px; + display: inline-block; +} + +#tpl .templates span.tplLink { + padding-left: 5px; +} + +#content { + border-left-width: 1px; + border-left-color: black; + border-left-style: white; + right: 0px; + left: 0px; + bottom: 0px; + top: 0px; + position: fixed; + margin-left: 300px; + display: block; +} + +#content > iframe { + display: block; + height: 100%; + width: 100%; +} + +.ui-layout-pane { + background: #FFF; + overflow: auto; +} + +.ui-layout-resizer { + background-image:url('filterbg.gif'); + background-repeat:repeat-x; + background-color: #ededee; /* light gray */ + border:1px solid #bbbbbb; + border-top:0; + border-bottom:0; + border-left: 0; +} + +.ui-layout-toggler { + background: #AAA; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/lib/index.js b/api/scala/lib/index.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..96689ae --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/lib/index.js @@ -0,0 +1,536 @@ +// © 2009–2010 EPFL/LAMP +// code by Gilles Dubochet with contributions by Johannes Rudolph and "spiros" + +var topLevelTemplates = undefined; +var topLevelPackages = undefined; + +var scheduler = undefined; + +var kindFilterState = undefined; +var focusFilterState = undefined; + +var title = $(document).attr('title'); + +var lastHash = ""; + +$(document).ready(function() { + $('body').layout({ + west__size: '20%', + center__maskContents: true + }); + $('#browser').layout({ + center__paneSelector: ".ui-west-center" + //,center__initClosed:true + ,north__paneSelector: ".ui-west-north" + }); + $('iframe').bind("load", function(){ + var subtitle = $(this).contents().find('title').text(); + $(document).attr('title', (title ? title + " - " : "") + subtitle); + + setUrlFragmentFromFrameSrc(); + }); + + // workaround for IE's iframe sizing lack of smartness + if($.browser.msie) { + function fixIFrame() { + $('iframe').height($(window).height() ) + } + $('iframe').bind("load",fixIFrame) + $('iframe').bind("resize",fixIFrame) + } + + scheduler = new Scheduler(); + scheduler.addLabel("init", 1); + scheduler.addLabel("focus", 2); + scheduler.addLabel("filter", 4); + + prepareEntityList(); + + configureTextFilter(); + configureKindFilter(); + configureEntityList(); + + setFrameSrcFromUrlFragment(); + + // If the url fragment changes, adjust the src of iframe "template". + $(window).bind('hashchange', function() { + if(lastFragment != window.location.hash) { + lastFragment = window.location.hash; + setFrameSrcFromUrlFragment(); + } + }); +}); + +// Set the iframe's src according to the fragment of the current url. +// fragment = "#scala.Either" => iframe url = "scala/Either.html" +// fragment = "#scala.Either@isRight:Boolean" => iframe url = "scala/Either.html#isRight:Boolean" +function setFrameSrcFromUrlFragment() { + var fragment = location.hash.slice(1); + if(fragment) { + var loc = fragment.split("@")[0].replace(/\./g, "/"); + if(loc.indexOf(".html") < 0) loc += ".html"; + if(fragment.indexOf('@') > 0) loc += ("#" + fragment.split("@", 2)[1]); + frames["template"].location.replace(loc); + } + else + frames["template"].location.replace("package.html"); +} + +// Set the url fragment according to the src of the iframe "template". +// iframe url = "scala/Either.html" => url fragment = "#scala.Either" +// iframe url = "scala/Either.html#isRight:Boolean" => url fragment = "#scala.Either@isRight:Boolean" +function setUrlFragmentFromFrameSrc() { + try { + var commonLength = location.pathname.lastIndexOf("/"); + var frameLocation = frames["template"].location; + var relativePath = frameLocation.pathname.slice(commonLength + 1); + + if(!relativePath || frameLocation.pathname.indexOf("/") < 0) + return; + + // Add #, remove ".html" and replace "/" with "." + fragment = "#" + relativePath.replace(/\.html$/, "").replace(/\//g, "."); + + // Add the frame's hash after an @ + if(frameLocation.hash) fragment += ("@" + frameLocation.hash.slice(1)); + + // Use replace to not add history items + lastFragment = fragment; + location.replace(fragment); + } + catch(e) { + // Chrome doesn't allow reading the iframe's location when + // used on the local file system. + } +} + +var Index = {}; + +(function (ns) { + function openLink(t, type) { + var href; + if (type == 'object') { + href = t['object']; + } else { + href = t['class'] || t['trait'] || t['case class'] || t['type']; + } + return [ + '' + ].join(''); + } + + function createPackageHeader(pack) { + return [ + '
              1. ', + 'focushide', + '', + pack, + '
              2. ' + ].join(''); + }; + + function createListItem(template) { + var inner = ''; + + + if (template.object) { + inner += openLink(template, 'object'); + } + + if (template['class'] || template['trait'] || template['case class'] || template['type']) { + inner += (inner == '') ? + '
                ' : ''; + inner += openLink(template, template['trait'] ? 'trait' : template['type'] ? 'type' : 'class'); + } else { + inner += '
                '; + } + + return [ + '
              3. ', + inner, + '', +^.*\./, ''), + '
              4. ' + ].join(''); + } + + + ns.createPackageTree = function (pack, matched, focused) { + var html = $.map(matched, function (child, i) { + return createListItem(child); + }).join(''); + + var header; + if (focused && pack == focused) { + header = ''; + } else { + header = createPackageHeader(pack); + } + + return [ + '
                  ', + header, + '
                    ', + html, + '
                ' + ].join(''); + } + + ns.keys = function (obj) { + var result = []; + var key; + for (key in obj) { + result.push(key); + } + return result; + } + + var hiddenPackages = {}; + + function subPackages(pack) { + return $.grep($('#tpl ol.packages'), function (element, index) { + var pack = $('li.pack > .tplshow', element).text(); + return pack.indexOf(pack + '.') == 0; + }); + } + + ns.hidePackage = function (ol) { + var selected = $('li.pack > .tplshow', ol).text(); + hiddenPackages[selected] = true; + + $('ol.templates', ol).hide(); + + $.each(subPackages(selected), function (index, element) { + $(element).hide(); + }); + } + + ns.showPackage = function (ol, state) { + var selected = $('li.pack > .tplshow', ol).text(); + hiddenPackages[selected] = false; + + $('ol.templates', ol).show(); + + $.each(subPackages(selected), function (index, element) { + $(element).show(); + + // When the filter is in "packs" state, + // we don't want to show the `.templates` + var key = $('li.pack > .tplshow', element).text(); + if (hiddenPackages[key] || state == 'packs') { + $('ol.templates', element).hide(); + } + }); + } + +})(Index); + +function configureEntityList() { + kindFilterSync(); + configureHideFilter(); + configureFocusFilter(); + textFilter(); +} + +/* Updates the list of entities (i.e. the content of the #tpl element) from the raw form generated by Scaladoc to a + form suitable for display. In particular, it adds class and object etc. icons, and it configures links to open in + the right frame. Furthermore, it sets the two reference top-level entities lists (topLevelTemplates and + topLevelPackages) to serve as reference for resetting the list when needed. + Be advised: this function should only be called once, on page load. */ +function prepareEntityList() { + var classIcon = $("#library > img.class"); + var traitIcon = $("#library > img.trait"); + var typeIcon = $("#library > img.type"); + var objectIcon = $("#library > img.object"); + var packageIcon = $("#library > img.package"); + + $('#tpl li.pack > a.tplshow').attr("target", "template"); + $('#tpl li.pack').each(function () { + $("span.class", this).each(function() { $(this).replaceWith(classIcon.clone()); }); + $("span.trait", this).each(function() { $(this).replaceWith(traitIcon.clone()); }); + $("span.type", this).each(function() { $(this).replaceWith(typeIcon.clone()); }); + $("span.object", this).each(function() { $(this).replaceWith(objectIcon.clone()); }); + $("span.package", this).each(function() { $(this).replaceWith(packageIcon.clone()); }); + }); + $('#tpl li.pack') + .prepend("hide") + .prepend("focus"); +} + +/* Handles all key presses while scrolling around with keyboard shortcuts in left panel */ +function keyboardScrolldownLeftPane() { + scheduler.add("init", function() { + $("#textfilter input").blur(); + var $items = $("#tpl li"); + $items.first().addClass('selected'); + + $(window).bind("keydown", function(e) { + var $old = $items.filter('.selected'), + $new; + + switch ( e.keyCode ) { + + case 9: // tab + $old.removeClass('selected'); + break; + + case 13: // enter + $old.removeClass('selected'); + var $url = $old.children().filter('a:last').attr('href'); + $("#template").attr("src",$url); + break; + + case 27: // escape + $old.removeClass('selected'); + $(window).unbind(e); + $("#textfilter input").focus(); + + break; + + case 38: // up + $new = $old.prev(); + + if (!$new.length) { + $new = $old.parent().prev(); + } + + if ($'ol') && $new.children(':last').is('ol')) { + $new = $new.children().children(':last'); + } else if ($'ol')) { + $new = $new.children(':last'); + } + + break; + + case 40: // down + $new = $; + if (!$new.length) { + $new = $old.parent().parent().next(); + } + if ($'ol')) { + $new = $new.children(':first'); + } + break; + } + + if ($'li')) { + $old.removeClass('selected'); + $new.addClass('selected'); + } else if (e.keyCode == 38) { + $(window).unbind(e); + $("#textfilter input").focus(); + } + }); + }); +} + +/* Configures the text filter */ +function configureTextFilter() { + scheduler.add("init", function() { + $("#textfilter").append(""); + var input = $("#textfilter input"); + resizeFilterBlock(); + input.bind('keyup', function(event) { + if (event.keyCode == 27) { // escape + input.attr("value", ""); + } + if (event.keyCode == 40) { // down arrow + $(window).unbind("keydown"); + keyboardScrolldownLeftPane(); + return false; + } + textFilter(); + }); + input.bind('keydown', function(event) { + if (event.keyCode == 9) { // tab + $("#template").contents().find("#mbrsel-input").focus(); + input.attr("value", ""); + return false; + } + textFilter(); + }); + input.focus(function(event) {; }); + }); + scheduler.add("init", function() { + $("#textfilter > .post").click(function(){ + $("#textfilter input").attr("value", ""); + textFilter(); + }); + }); +} + +function compilePattern(query) { + var escaped = query.replace(/([\.\*\+\?\|\(\)\[\]\\])/g, '\\$1'); + + if (query.toLowerCase() != query) { + // Regexp that matches CamelCase subbits: "BiSe" is + // "[a-z]*Bi[a-z]*Se" and matches "BitSet", "ABitSet", ... + return new RegExp(escaped.replace(/([A-Z])/g,"[a-z]*$1")); + } + else { // if query is all lower case make a normal case insensitive search + return new RegExp(escaped, "i"); + } +} + +// Filters all focused templates and packages. This function should be made less-blocking. +// @param query The string of the query +function textFilter() { + scheduler.clear("filter"); + + $('#tpl').html(''); + + var query = $("#textfilter input").attr("value") || ''; + var queryRegExp = compilePattern(query); + + var index = 0; + + var searchLoop = function () { + var packages = Index.keys(Index.PACKAGES).sort(); + + while (packages[index]) { + var pack = packages[index]; + var children = Index.PACKAGES[pack]; + index++; + + if (focusFilterState) { + if (pack == focusFilterState || + pack.indexOf(focusFilterState + '.') == 0) { + ; + } else { + continue; + } + } + + var matched = $.grep(children, function (child, i) { + return queryRegExp.test(; + }); + + if (matched.length > 0) { + $('#tpl').append(Index.createPackageTree(pack, matched, + focusFilterState)); + scheduler.add('filter', searchLoop); + return; + } + } + + $('#tpl a.packfocus').click(function () { + focusFilter($(this).parent().parent()); + }); + configureHideFilter(); + }; + + scheduler.add('filter', searchLoop); +} + +/* Configures the hide tool by adding the hide link to all packages. */ +function configureHideFilter() { + $('#tpl li.pack a.packhide').click(function () { + var packhide = $(this) + var action = packhide.text(); + + var ol = $(this).parent().parent(); + + if (action == "hide") { + Index.hidePackage(ol); + packhide.text("show"); + } + else { + Index.showPackage(ol, kindFilterState); + packhide.text("hide"); + } + return false; + }); +} + +/* Configures the focus tool by adding the focus bar in the filter box (initially hidden), and by adding the focus + link to all packages. */ +function configureFocusFilter() { + scheduler.add("init", function() { + focusFilterState = null; + if ($("#focusfilter").length == 0) { + $("#filter").append("
                focused on
                "); + $("#focusfilter > .focusremove").click(function(event) { + textFilter(); + + $("#focusfilter").hide(); + $("#kindfilter").show(); + resizeFilterBlock(); + focusFilterState = null; + }); + $("#focusfilter").hide(); + resizeFilterBlock(); + } + }); + scheduler.add("init", function() { + $('#tpl li.pack a.packfocus').click(function () { + focusFilter($(this).parent()); + return false; + }); + }); +} + +/* Focuses the entity index on a specific package. To do so, it will copy the sub-templates and sub-packages of the + focuses package into the top-level templates and packages position of the index. The original top-level + @param package The
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c,d=0,e=a.length;for(;d-1,j={},k={},l,m;i?(k=e.position(),,m=k.left):(l=parseFloat(g)||0,m=parseFloat(h)||0),p.isFunction(b)&&(,c,f)),!=null&&(,b.left!=null&&(j.left=b.left-f.left+m),"using"in b?,j):e.css(j)}},p.fn.extend({position:function(){if(!this[0])return;var a=this[0],b=this.offsetParent(),c=this.offset(),d=c_.test(b[0].nodeName)?{top:0,left:0}:b.offset();return,"marginTop"))||0,c.left-=parseFloat(p.css(a,"marginLeft"))||0,[0],"borderTopWidth"))||0,d.left+=parseFloat(p.css(b[0],"borderLeftWidth"))||0,{,left:c.left-d.left}},offsetParent:function(){return{var a=this.offsetParent||e.body;while(a&&!c_.test(a.nodeName)&&p.css(a,"position")==="static")a=a.offsetParent;return a||e.body})}}),p.each({scrollLeft:"pageXOffset",scrollTop:"pageYOffset"},function(a,c){var d=/Y/.test(c);p.fn[a]=function(e){return p.access(this,function(a,e,f){var g=da(a);if(f===b)return g?c in g?g[c]:g.document.documentElement[e]:a[e];g?g.scrollTo(d?p(g).scrollLeft():f,d?f:p(g).scrollTop()):a[e]=f},a,e,arguments.length,null)}}),p.each({Height:"height",Width:"width"},function(a,c){p.each({padding:"inner"+a,content:c,"":"outer"+a},function(d,e){p.fn[e]=function(e,f){var g=arguments.length&&(d||typeof e!="boolean"),h=d||(e===!0||f===!0?"margin":"border");return p.access(this,function(c,d,e){var f;return p.isWindow(c)?c.document.documentElement["client"+a]:c.nodeType===9?(f=c.documentElement,Math.max(c.body["scroll"+a],f["scroll"+a],c.body["offset"+a],f["offset"+a],f["client"+a])):e===b?p.css(c,d,e,h),d,e,h)},c,g?e:b,g,null)}})}),a.jQuery=a.$=p,typeof define=="function"&&define.amd&&define.amd.jQuery&&define("jquery",[],function(){return p})})(window); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/lib/jquery.layout.js b/api/scala/lib/jquery.layout.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4dd4867 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/lib/jquery.layout.js @@ -0,0 +1,5486 @@ +/** + * @preserve jquery.layout 1.3.0 - Release Candidate 30.62 + * $Date: 2012-08-04 08:00:00 (Thu, 23 Aug 2012) $ + * $Rev: 303006 $ + * + * Copyright (c) 2012 + * Fabrizio Balliano ( + * Kevin Dalman ( + * + * Dual licensed under the GPL ( + * and MIT ( licenses. + * + * Changelog: + * NOTE: This is a short-term release to patch a couple of bugs. + * These bugs are listed as officially fixed in RC30.7, which will be released shortly. + * + * Docs: + * Tips: + * Help: + */ + +/* JavaDoc Info: + * {!Object} non-nullable type (never NULL) + * {?string} nullable type (sometimes NULL) - default for {Object} + * {number=} optional parameter + * {*} ALL types + */ + +// NOTE: For best readability, view with a fixed-width font and tabs equal to 4-chars + +;(function ($) { + +// alias Math methods - used a lot! +var min = Math.min +, max = Math.max +, round = Math.floor + +, isStr = function (v) { return $.type(v) === "string"; } + +, runPluginCallbacks = function (Instance, a_fn) { + if ($.isArray(a_fn)) + for (var i=0, c=a_fn.length; i
                ').appendTo("body"); + var d = { width: $c.width() - $c[0].clientWidth, height: $c.height() - $c[0].clientHeight }; + $c.remove(); + window.scrollbarWidth = d.width; + window.scrollbarHeight = d.height; + return dim.match(/^(width|height)$/) ? d[dim] : d; + } + + + /** + * Returns hash container 'display' and 'visibility' + * + * @see $.swap() - swaps CSS, runs callback, resets CSS + */ +, showInvisibly: function ($E, force) { + if ($E && $E.length && (force || $E.css('display') === "none")) { // only if not *already hidden* + var s = $E[0].style + // save ONLY the 'style' props because that is what we must restore + , CSS = { display: s.display || '', visibility: s.visibility || '' }; + // show element 'invisibly' so can be measured + $E.css({ display: "block", visibility: "hidden" }); + return CSS; + } + return {}; + } + + /** + * Returns data for setting size of an element (container or a pane). + * + * @see _create(), onWindowResize() for container, plus others for pane + * @return JSON Returns a hash of all dimensions: top, bottom, left, right, outerWidth, innerHeight, etc + */ +, getElementDimensions: function ($E) { + var + d = {} // dimensions hash + , x = d.css = {} // CSS hash + , i = {} // TEMP insets + , b, p // TEMP border, padding + , N = $.layout.cssNum + , off = $E.offset() + ; + d.offsetLeft = off.left; + d.offsetTop =; + + $.each("Left,Right,Top,Bottom".split(","), function (idx, e) { // e = edge + b = x["border" + e] = $.layout.borderWidth($E, e); + p = x["padding"+ e] = $.layout.cssNum($E, "padding"+e); + i[e] = b + p; // total offset of content from outer side + d["inset"+ e] = p; // eg: insetLeft = paddingLeft + }); + + d.offsetWidth = $E.innerWidth(); // offsetWidth is used in calc when doing manual resize + d.offsetHeight = $E.innerHeight(); // ditto + d.outerWidth = $E.outerWidth(); + d.outerHeight = $E.outerHeight(); + d.innerWidth = max(0, d.outerWidth - i.Left - i.Right); + d.innerHeight = max(0, d.outerHeight - i.Top - i.Bottom); + + x.width = $E.width(); + x.height = $E.height(); + = N($E,"top",true); + x.bottom = N($E,"bottom",true); + x.left = N($E,"left",true); + x.right = N($E,"right",true); + + //d.visible = $":visible");// && x.width > 0 && x.height > 0; + + return d; + } + +, getElementCSS: function ($E, list) { + var + CSS = {} + , style = $E[0].style + , props = list.split(",") + , sides = "Top,Bottom,Left,Right".split(",") + , attrs = "Color,Style,Width".split(",") + , p, s, a, i, j, k + ; + for (i=0; i < props.length; i++) { + p = props[i]; + if (p.match(/(border|padding|margin)$/)) + for (j=0; j < 4; j++) { + s = sides[j]; + if (p === "border") + for (k=0; k < 3; k++) { + a = attrs[k]; + CSS[p+s+a] = style[p+s+a]; + } + else + CSS[p+s] = style[p+s]; + } + else + CSS[p] = style[p]; + }; + return CSS + } + + /** + * Return the innerWidth for the current browser/doctype + * + * @see initPanes(), sizeMidPanes(), initHandles(), sizeHandles() + * @param {Array.} $E Must pass a jQuery object - first element is processed + * @param {number=} outerWidth (optional) Can pass a width, allowing calculations BEFORE element is resized + * @return {number} Returns the innerWidth of the elem by subtracting padding and borders + */ +, cssWidth: function ($E, outerWidth) { + // a 'calculated' outerHeight can be passed so borders and/or padding are removed if needed + if (outerWidth <= 0) return 0; + + if (!$.layout.browser.boxModel) return outerWidth; + + // strip border and padding from outerWidth to get CSS Width + var b = $.layout.borderWidth + , n = $.layout.cssNum + , W = outerWidth + - b($E, "Left") + - b($E, "Right") + - n($E, "paddingLeft") + - n($E, "paddingRight"); + + return max(0,W); + } + + /** + * Return the innerHeight for the current browser/doctype + * + * @see initPanes(), sizeMidPanes(), initHandles(), sizeHandles() + * @param {Array.} $E Must pass a jQuery object - first element is processed + * @param {number=} outerHeight (optional) Can pass a width, allowing calculations BEFORE element is resized + * @return {number} Returns the innerHeight of the elem by subtracting padding and borders + */ +, cssHeight: function ($E, outerHeight) { + // a 'calculated' outerHeight can be passed so borders and/or padding are removed if needed + if (outerHeight <= 0) return 0; + + if (!$.layout.browser.boxModel) return outerHeight; + + // strip border and padding from outerHeight to get CSS Height + var b = $.layout.borderWidth + , n = $.layout.cssNum + , H = outerHeight + - b($E, "Top") + - b($E, "Bottom") + - n($E, "paddingTop") + - n($E, "paddingBottom"); + + return max(0,H); + } + + /** + * Returns the 'current CSS numeric value' for a CSS property - 0 if property does not exist + * + * @see Called by many methods + * @param {Array.} $E Must pass a jQuery object - first element is processed + * @param {string} prop The name of the CSS property, eg: top, width, etc. + * @param {boolean=} [allowAuto=false] true = return 'auto' if that is value; false = return 0 + * @return {(string|number)} Usually used to get an integer value for position (top, left) or size (height, width) + */ +, cssNum: function ($E, prop, allowAuto) { + if (!$E.jquery) $E = $($E); + var CSS = $.layout.showInvisibly($E) + , p = $.css($E[0], prop, true) + , v = allowAuto && p=="auto" ? p : (parseInt(p, 10) || 0); + $E.css( CSS ); // RESET + return v; + } + +, borderWidth: function (el, side) { + if (el.jquery) el = el[0]; + var b = "border"+ side.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + side.substr(1); // left => Left + return $.css(el, b+"Style", true) === "none" ? 0 : (parseInt($.css(el, b+"Width", true), 10) || 0); + } + + /** + * Mouse-tracking utility - FUTURE REFERENCE + * + * init: if (!window.mouse) { + * window.mouse = { x: 0, y: 0 }; + * $(document).mousemove( $.layout.trackMouse ); + * } + * + * @param {Object} evt + * +, trackMouse: function (evt) { + window.mouse = { x: evt.clientX, y: evt.clientY }; + } + */ + + /** + * SUBROUTINE for preventPrematureSlideClose option + * + * @param {Object} evt + * @param {Object=} el + */ +, isMouseOverElem: function (evt, el) { + var + $E = $(el || this) + , d = $E.offset() + , T = + , L = d.left + , R = L + $E.outerWidth() + , B = T + $E.outerHeight() + , x = evt.pageX // evt.clientX ? + , y = evt.pageY // evt.clientY ? + ; + // if X & Y are < 0, probably means is over an open SELECT + return ($.layout.browser.msie && x < 0 && y < 0) || ((x >= L && x <= R) && (y >= T && y <= B)); + } + + /** + * Message/Logging Utility + * + * @example $.layout.msg("My message"); // log text + * @example $.layout.msg("My message", true); // alert text + * @example $.layout.msg({ foo: "bar" }, "Title"); // log hash-data, with custom title + * @example $.layout.msg({ foo: "bar" }, true, "Title", { sort: false }); -OR- + * @example $.layout.msg({ foo: "bar" }, "Title", { sort: false, display: true }); // alert hash-data + * + * @param {(Object|string)} info String message OR Hash/Array + * @param {(Boolean|string|Object)=} [popup=false] True means alert-box - can be skipped + * @param {(Object|string)=} [debugTitle=""] Title for Hash data - can be skipped + * @param {Object=} [debugOpts] Extra options for debug output + */ +, msg: function (info, popup, debugTitle, debugOpts) { + if ($.isPlainObject(info) && window.debugData) { + if (typeof popup === "string") { + debugOpts = debugTitle; + debugTitle = popup; + } + else if (typeof debugTitle === "object") { + debugOpts = debugTitle; + debugTitle = null; + } + var t = debugTitle || "log( )" + , o = $.extend({ sort: false, returnHTML: false, display: false }, debugOpts); + if (popup === true || o.display) + debugData( info, t, o ); + else if (window.console) + console.log(debugData( info, t, o )); + } + else if (popup) + alert(info); + else if (window.console) + console.log(info); + else { + var id = "#layoutLogger" + , $l = $(id); + if (!$l.length) + $l = createLog(); + $l.children("ul").append('
              9. '+ info.replace(/\/g,">") +'
              10. '); + } + + function createLog () { + var pos = $.support.fixedPosition ? 'fixed' : 'absolute' + , $e = $('
                ' + + '
                ' + + 'XLayout console.log
                ' + + '
                  ' + + '
                  ' + ).appendTo("body"); + $e.css('left', $(window).width() - $e.outerWidth() - 5) + if ($.ui.draggable) $e.draggable({ handle: ':first-child' }); + return $e; + }; + } + +}; + +// DEFAULT OPTIONS +$.layout.defaults = { +/* + * LAYOUT & LAYOUT-CONTAINER OPTIONS + * - none of these options are applicable to individual panes + */ + name: "" // Not required, but useful for buttons and used for the state-cookie +, containerSelector: "" // ONLY used when specifying a childOptions - to find container-element that is NOT directly-nested +, containerClass: "ui-layout-container" // layout-container element +, scrollToBookmarkOnLoad: true // after creating a layout, scroll to bookmark in URL (.../page.htm#myBookmark) +, resizeWithWindow: true // bind thisLayout.resizeAll() to the window.resize event +, resizeWithWindowDelay: 200 // delay calling resizeAll because makes window resizing very jerky +, resizeWithWindowMaxDelay: 0 // 0 = none - force resize every XX ms while window is being resized +, onresizeall_start: null // CALLBACK when resizeAll() STARTS - NOT pane-specific +, onresizeall_end: null // CALLBACK when resizeAll() ENDS - NOT pane-specific +, onload_start: null // CALLBACK when Layout inits - after options initialized, but before elements +, onload_end: null // CALLBACK when Layout inits - after EVERYTHING has been initialized +, onunload_start: null // CALLBACK when Layout is destroyed OR onWindowUnload +, onunload_end: null // CALLBACK when Layout is destroyed OR onWindowUnload +, initPanes: true // false = DO NOT initialize the panes onLoad - will init later +, showErrorMessages: true // enables fatal error messages to warn developers of common errors +, showDebugMessages: false // display console-and-alert debug msgs - IF this Layout version _has_ debugging code! +// Changing this zIndex value will cause other zIndex values to automatically change +, zIndex: null // the PANE zIndex - resizers and masks will be +1 +// DO NOT CHANGE the zIndex values below unless you clearly understand their relationships +, zIndexes: { // set _default_ z-index values here... + pane_normal: 0 // normal z-index for panes + , content_mask: 1 // applied to overlays used to mask content INSIDE panes during resizing + , resizer_normal: 2 // normal z-index for resizer-bars + , pane_sliding: 100 // applied to *BOTH* the pane and its resizer when a pane is 'slid open' + , pane_animate: 1000 // applied to the pane when being animated - not applied to the resizer + , resizer_drag: 10000 // applied to the CLONED resizer-bar when being 'dragged' + } +, errors: { + pane: "pane" // description of "layout pane element" - used only in error messages + , selector: "selector" // description of "jQuery-selector" - used only in error messages + , addButtonError: "Error Adding Button \n\nInvalid " + , containerMissing: "UI Layout Initialization Error\n\nThe specified layout-container does not exist." + , centerPaneMissing: "UI Layout Initialization Error\n\nThe center-pane element does not exist.\n\nThe center-pane is a required element." + , noContainerHeight: "UI Layout Initialization Warning\n\nThe layout-container \"CONTAINER\" has no height.\n\nTherefore the layout is 0-height and hence 'invisible'!" + , callbackError: "UI Layout Callback Error\n\nThe EVENT callback is not a valid function." + } +/* + * PANE DEFAULT SETTINGS + * - settings under the 'panes' key become the default settings for *all panes* + * - ALL pane-options can also be set specifically for each panes, which will override these 'default values' + */ +, panes: { // default options for 'all panes' - will be overridden by 'per-pane settings' + applyDemoStyles: false // NOTE: renamed from applyDefaultStyles for clarity + , closable: true // pane can open & close + , resizable: true // when open, pane can be resized + , slidable: true // when closed, pane can 'slide open' over other panes - closes on mouse-out + , initClosed: false // true = init pane as 'closed' + , initHidden: false // true = init pane as 'hidden' - no resizer-bar/spacing + // SELECTORS + //, paneSelector: "" // MUST be pane-specific - jQuery selector for pane + , contentSelector: ".ui-layout-content" // INNER div/element to auto-size so only it scrolls, not the entire pane! + , contentIgnoreSelector: ".ui-layout-ignore" // element(s) to 'ignore' when measuring 'content' + , findNestedContent: false // true = $P.find(contentSelector), false = $P.children(contentSelector) + // GENERIC ROOT-CLASSES - for auto-generated classNames + , paneClass: "ui-layout-pane" // Layout Pane + , resizerClass: "ui-layout-resizer" // Resizer Bar + , togglerClass: "ui-layout-toggler" // Toggler Button + , buttonClass: "ui-layout-button" // CUSTOM Buttons - eg: '[ui-layout-button]-toggle/-open/-close/-pin' + // ELEMENT SIZE & SPACING + //, size: 100 // MUST be pane-specific -initial size of pane + , minSize: 0 // when manually resizing a pane + , maxSize: 0 // ditto, 0 = no limit + , spacing_open: 6 // space between pane and adjacent panes - when pane is 'open' + , spacing_closed: 6 // ditto - when pane is 'closed' + , togglerLength_open: 50 // Length = WIDTH of toggler button on north/south sides - HEIGHT on east/west sides + , togglerLength_closed: 50 // 100% OR -1 means 'full height/width of resizer bar' - 0 means 'hidden' + , togglerAlign_open: "center" // top/left, bottom/right, center, OR... + , togglerAlign_closed: "center" // 1 => nn = offset from top/left, -1 => -nn == offset from bottom/right + , togglerContent_open: "" // text or HTML to put INSIDE the toggler + , togglerContent_closed: "" // ditto + // RESIZING OPTIONS + , resizerDblClickToggle: true // + , autoResize: true // IF size is 'auto' or a percentage, then recalc 'pixel size' whenever the layout resizes + , autoReopen: true // IF a pane was auto-closed due to noRoom, reopen it when there is room? False = leave it closed + , resizerDragOpacity: 1 // option for ui.draggable + //, resizerCursor: "" // MUST be pane-specific - cursor when over resizer-bar + , maskContents: false // true = add DIV-mask over-or-inside this pane so can 'drag' over IFRAMES + , maskObjects: false // true = add IFRAME-mask over-or-inside this pane to cover objects/applets - content-mask will overlay this mask + , maskZindex: null // will override zIndexes.content_mask if specified - not applicable to iframe-panes + , resizingGrid: false // grid size that the resizers will snap-to during resizing, eg: [20,20] + , livePaneResizing: false // true = LIVE Resizing as resizer is dragged + , liveContentResizing: false // true = re-measure header/footer heights as resizer is dragged + , liveResizingTolerance: 1 // how many px change before pane resizes, to control performance + // SLIDING OPTIONS + , sliderCursor: "pointer" // cursor when resizer-bar will trigger 'sliding' + , slideTrigger_open: "click" // click, dblclick, mouseenter + , slideTrigger_close: "mouseleave"// click, mouseleave + , slideDelay_open: 300 // applies only for mouseenter event - 0 = instant open + , slideDelay_close: 300 // applies only for mouseleave event (300ms is the minimum!) + , hideTogglerOnSlide: false // when pane is slid-open, should the toggler show? + , preventQuickSlideClose: $.layout.browser.webkit // Chrome triggers slideClosed as it is opening + , preventPrematureSlideClose: false // handle incorrect mouseleave trigger, like when over a SELECT-list in IE + // PANE-SPECIFIC TIPS & MESSAGES + , tips: { + Open: "Open" // eg: "Open Pane" + , Close: "Close" + , Resize: "Resize" + , Slide: "Slide Open" + , Pin: "Pin" + , Unpin: "Un-Pin" + , noRoomToOpen: "Not enough room to show this panel." // alert if user tries to open a pane that cannot + , minSizeWarning: "Panel has reached its minimum size" // displays in browser statusbar + , maxSizeWarning: "Panel has reached its maximum size" // ditto + } + // HOT-KEYS & MISC + , showOverflowOnHover: false // will bind allowOverflow() utility to pane.onMouseOver + , enableCursorHotkey: true // enabled 'cursor' hotkeys + //, customHotkey: "" // MUST be pane-specific - EITHER a charCode OR a character + , customHotkeyModifier: "SHIFT" // either 'SHIFT', 'CTRL' or 'CTRL+SHIFT' - NOT 'ALT' + // PANE ANIMATION + // NOTE: fxSss_open, fxSss_close & fxSss_size options (eg: fxName_open) are auto-generated if not passed + , fxName: "slide" // ('none' or blank), slide, drop, scale -- only relevant to 'open' & 'close', NOT 'size' + , fxSpeed: null // slow, normal, fast, 200, nnn - if passed, will OVERRIDE fxSettings.duration + , fxSettings: {} // can be passed, eg: { easing: "easeOutBounce", duration: 1500 } + , fxOpacityFix: true // tries to fix opacity in IE to restore anti-aliasing after animation + , animatePaneSizing: false // true = animate resizing after dragging resizer-bar OR sizePane() is called + /* NOTE: Action-specific FX options are auto-generated from the options above if not specifically set: + fxName_open: "slide" // 'Open' pane animation + fnName_close: "slide" // 'Close' pane animation + fxName_size: "slide" // 'Size' pane animation - when animatePaneSizing = true + fxSpeed_open: null + fxSpeed_close: null + fxSpeed_size: null + fxSettings_open: {} + fxSettings_close: {} + fxSettings_size: {} + */ + // CHILD/NESTED LAYOUTS + , childOptions: null // Layout-options for nested/child layout - even {} is valid as options + , initChildLayout: true // true = child layout will be created as soon as _this_ layout completes initialization + , destroyChildLayout: true // true = destroy child-layout if this pane is destroyed + , resizeChildLayout: true // true = trigger child-layout.resizeAll() when this pane is resized + // EVENT TRIGGERING + , triggerEventsOnLoad: false // true = trigger onopen OR onclose callbacks when layout initializes + , triggerEventsDuringLiveResize: true // true = trigger onresize callback REPEATEDLY if livePaneResizing==true + // PANE CALLBACKS + , onshow_start: null // CALLBACK when pane STARTS to Show - BEFORE onopen/onhide_start + , onshow_end: null // CALLBACK when pane ENDS being Shown - AFTER onopen/onhide_end + , onhide_start: null // CALLBACK when pane STARTS to Close - BEFORE onclose_start + , onhide_end: null // CALLBACK when pane ENDS being Closed - AFTER onclose_end + , onopen_start: null // CALLBACK when pane STARTS to Open + , onopen_end: null // CALLBACK when pane ENDS being Opened + , onclose_start: null // CALLBACK when pane STARTS to Close + , onclose_end: null // CALLBACK when pane ENDS being Closed + , onresize_start: null // CALLBACK when pane STARTS being Resized ***FOR ANY REASON*** + , onresize_end: null // CALLBACK when pane ENDS being Resized ***FOR ANY REASON*** + , onsizecontent_start: null // CALLBACK when sizing of content-element STARTS + , onsizecontent_end: null // CALLBACK when sizing of content-element ENDS + , onswap_start: null // CALLBACK when pane STARTS to Swap + , onswap_end: null // CALLBACK when pane ENDS being Swapped + , ondrag_start: null // CALLBACK when pane STARTS being ***MANUALLY*** Resized + , ondrag_end: null // CALLBACK when pane ENDS being ***MANUALLY*** Resized + } +/* + * PANE-SPECIFIC SETTINGS + * - options listed below MUST be specified per-pane - they CANNOT be set under 'panes' + * - all options under the 'panes' key can also be set specifically for any pane + * - most options under the 'panes' key apply only to 'border-panes' - NOT the the center-pane + */ +, north: { + paneSelector: ".ui-layout-north" + , size: "auto" // eg: "auto", "30%", .30, 200 + , resizerCursor: "n-resize" // custom = url(myCursor.cur) + , customHotkey: "" // EITHER a charCode (43) OR a character ("o") + } +, south: { + paneSelector: ".ui-layout-south" + , size: "auto" + , resizerCursor: "s-resize" + , customHotkey: "" + } +, east: { + paneSelector: ".ui-layout-east" + , size: 200 + , resizerCursor: "e-resize" + , customHotkey: "" + } +, west: { + paneSelector: ".ui-layout-west" + , size: 200 + , resizerCursor: "w-resize" + , customHotkey: "" + } +, center: { + paneSelector: ".ui-layout-center" + , minWidth: 0 + , minHeight: 0 + } +}; + +$.layout.optionsMap = { + // layout/global options - NOT pane-options + layout: ("stateManagement,effects,zIndexes,errors," + + "name,zIndex,scrollToBookmarkOnLoad,showErrorMessages," + + "resizeWithWindow,resizeWithWindowDelay,resizeWithWindowMaxDelay," + + "onresizeall,onresizeall_start,onresizeall_end,onload,onunload").split(",") +// borderPanes: [ ALL options that are NOT specified as 'layout' ] + // default.panes options that apply to the center-pane (most options apply _only_ to border-panes) +, center: ("paneClass,contentSelector,contentIgnoreSelector,findNestedContent,applyDemoStyles,triggerEventsOnLoad," + + "showOverflowOnHover,maskContents,maskObjects,liveContentResizing," + + "childOptions,initChildLayout,resizeChildLayout,destroyChildLayout," + + "onresize,onresize_start,onresize_end,onsizecontent,onsizecontent_start,onsizecontent_end").split(",") + // options that MUST be specifically set 'per-pane' - CANNOT set in the panes (defaults) key +, noDefault: ("paneSelector,resizerCursor,customHotkey").split(",") +}; + +/** + * Processes options passed in converts flat-format data into subkey (JSON) format + * In flat-format, subkeys are _currently_ separated with 2 underscores, like north__optName + * Plugins may also call this method so they can transform their own data + * + * @param {!Object} hash Data/options passed by user - may be a single level or nested levels + * @return {Object} Returns hash of minWidth & minHeight + */ +$.layout.transformData = function (hash) { + var json = { panes: {}, center: {} } // init return object + , data, branch, optKey, keys, key, val, i, c; + + if (typeof hash !== "object") return json; // no options passed + + // convert all 'flat-keys' to 'sub-key' format + for (optKey in hash) { + branch = json; + data = $.layout.optionsMap.layout; + val = hash[ optKey ]; + keys = optKey.split("__"); // eg: west__size or north__fxSettings__duration + c = keys.length - 1; + // convert underscore-delimited to subkeys + for (i=0; i <= c; i++) { + key = keys[i]; + if (i === c) + branch[key] = val; + else if (!branch[key]) + branch[key] = {}; // create the subkey + // recurse to sub-key for next loop - if not done + branch = branch[key]; + } + } + + return json; +}; + +// INTERNAL CONFIG DATA - DO NOT CHANGE THIS! +$.layout.backwardCompatibility = { + // data used by renameOldOptions() + map: { + // OLD Option Name: NEW Option Name + applyDefaultStyles: "applyDemoStyles" + , resizeNestedLayout: "resizeChildLayout" + , resizeWhileDragging: "livePaneResizing" + , resizeContentWhileDragging: "liveContentResizing" + , triggerEventsWhileDragging: "triggerEventsDuringLiveResize" + , maskIframesOnResize: "maskContents" + , useStateCookie: "stateManagement.enabled" + , "cookie.autoLoad": "stateManagement.autoLoad" + , "cookie.autoSave": "stateManagement.autoSave" + , "cookie.keys": "stateManagement.stateKeys" + , "": "" + , "cookie.domain": "stateManagement.cookie.domain" + , "cookie.path": "stateManagement.cookie.path" + , "cookie.expires": "stateManagement.cookie.expires" + , "": "" + // OLD Language options + , noRoomToOpenTip: "tips.noRoomToOpen" + , togglerTip_open: "tips.Close" // open = Close + , togglerTip_closed: "tips.Open" // closed = Open + , resizerTip: "tips.Resize" + , sliderTip: "tips.Slide" + } + +/** +* @param {Object} opts +*/ +, renameOptions: function (opts) { + var map = $ + , oldData, newData, value + ; + for (var itemPath in map) { + oldData = getBranch( itemPath ); + value = oldData.branch[ oldData.key ]; + if (value !== undefined) { + newData = getBranch( map[itemPath], true ); + newData.branch[ newData.key ] = value; + delete oldData.branch[ oldData.key ]; + } + } + + /** + * @param {string} path + * @param {boolean=} [create=false] Create path if does not exist + */ + function getBranch (path, create) { + var a = path.split(".") // split keys into array + , c = a.length - 1 + , D = { branch: opts, key: a[c] } // init branch at top & set key (last item) + , i = 0, k, undef; + for (; i 0) { + if (autoHide && $'autoHidden') && $E.innerHeight() > 0) { + $'autoHidden', false); + if (!browser.mozilla) // FireFox refreshes iframes - IE does not + // make hidden, then visible to 'refresh' display after animation + $E.css(_c.hidden).css(_c.visible); + } + } + else if (autoHide && !$'autoHidden')) + $E.hide().data('autoHidden', true); + } + + /** + * @param {(string|!Object)} el + * @param {number=} outerHeight + * @param {boolean=} [autoHide=false] + */ +, setOuterHeight = function (el, outerHeight, autoHide) { + var $E = el, h; + if (isStr(el)) $E = $Ps[el]; // west + else if (!el.jquery) $E = $(el); + h = cssH($E, outerHeight); + $E.css({ height: h, visibility: "visible" }); // may have been 'hidden' by sizeContent + if (h > 0 && $E.innerWidth() > 0) { + if (autoHide && $'autoHidden')) { + $'autoHidden', false); + if (!browser.mozilla) // FireFox refreshes iframes - IE does not + $E.css(_c.hidden).css(_c.visible); + } + } + else if (autoHide && !$'autoHidden')) + $E.hide().data('autoHidden', true); + } + + /** + * @param {(string|!Object)} el + * @param {number=} outerSize + * @param {boolean=} [autoHide=false] + */ +, setOuterSize = function (el, outerSize, autoHide) { + if (_c[pane].dir=="horz") // pane = north or south + setOuterHeight(el, outerSize, autoHide); + else // pane = east or west + setOuterWidth(el, outerSize, autoHide); + } + + + /** + * Converts any 'size' params to a pixel/integer size, if not already + * If 'auto' or a decimal/percentage is passed as 'size', a pixel-size is calculated + * + /** + * @param {string} pane + * @param {(string|number)=} size + * @param {string=} [dir] + * @return {number} + */ +, _parseSize = function (pane, size, dir) { + if (!dir) dir = _c[pane].dir; + + if (isStr(size) && size.match(/%/)) + size = (size === '100%') ? -1 : parseInt(size, 10) / 100; // convert % to decimal + + if (size === 0) + return 0; + else if (size >= 1) + return parseInt(size, 10); + + var o = options, avail = 0; + if (dir=="horz") // north or south or center.minHeight + avail = sC.innerHeight - ($Ps.north ? o.north.spacing_open : 0) - ($Ps.south ? o.south.spacing_open : 0); + else if (dir=="vert") // east or west or center.minWidth + avail = sC.innerWidth - ($Ps.west ? o.west.spacing_open : 0) - ($Ps.east ? o.east.spacing_open : 0); + + if (size === -1) // -1 == 100% + return avail; + else if (size > 0) // percentage, eg: .25 + return round(avail * size); + else if (pane=="center") + return 0; + else { // size < 0 || size=='auto' || size==Missing || size==Invalid + // auto-size the pane + var dim = (dir === "horz" ? "height" : "width") + , $P = $Ps[pane] + , $C = dim === 'height' ? $Cs[pane] : false + , vis = $.layout.showInvisibly($P) // show pane invisibly if hidden + , szP = $P.css(dim) // SAVE current pane size + , szC = $C ? $C.css(dim) : 0 // SAVE current content size + ; + $P.css(dim, "auto"); + if ($C) $C.css(dim, "auto"); + size = (dim === "height") ? $P.outerHeight() : $P.outerWidth(); // MEASURE + $P.css(dim, szP).css(vis); // RESET size & visibility + if ($C) $C.css(dim, szC); + return size; + } + } + + /** + * Calculates current 'size' (outer-width or outer-height) of a border-pane - optionally with 'pane-spacing' added + * + * @param {(string|!Object)} pane + * @param {boolean=} [inclSpace=false] + * @return {number} Returns EITHER Width for east/west panes OR Height for north/south panes + */ +, getPaneSize = function (pane, inclSpace) { + var + $P = $Ps[pane] + , o = options[pane] + , s = state[pane] + , oSp = (inclSpace ? o.spacing_open : 0) + , cSp = (inclSpace ? o.spacing_closed : 0) + ; + if (!$P || s.isHidden) + return 0; + else if (s.isClosed || (s.isSliding && inclSpace)) + return cSp; + else if (_c[pane].dir === "horz") + return $P.outerHeight() + oSp; + else // dir === "vert" + return $P.outerWidth() + oSp; + } + + /** + * Calculate min/max pane dimensions and limits for resizing + * + * @param {string} pane + * @param {boolean=} [slide=false] + */ +, setSizeLimits = function (pane, slide) { + if (!isInitialized()) return; + var + o = options[pane] + , s = state[pane] + , c = _c[pane] + , dir = c.dir + , side = c.side.toLowerCase() + , type = c.sizeType.toLowerCase() + , isSliding = (slide != undefined ? slide : s.isSliding) // only open() passes 'slide' param + , $P = $Ps[pane] + , paneSpacing = o.spacing_open + // measure the pane on the *opposite side* from this pane + , altPane = _c.oppositeEdge[pane] + , altS = state[altPane] + , $altP = $Ps[altPane] + , altPaneSize = (!$altP || altS.isVisible===false || altS.isSliding ? 0 : (dir=="horz" ? $altP.outerHeight() : $altP.outerWidth())) + , altPaneSpacing = ((!$altP || altS.isHidden ? 0 : options[altPane][ altS.isClosed !== false ? "spacing_closed" : "spacing_open" ]) || 0) + // limitSize prevents this pane from 'overlapping' opposite pane + , containerSize = (dir=="horz" ? sC.innerHeight : sC.innerWidth) + , minCenterDims = cssMinDims("center") + , minCenterSize = dir=="horz" ? max(, minCenterDims.minHeight) : max(, minCenterDims.minWidth) + // if pane is 'sliding', then ignore center and alt-pane sizes - because 'overlays' them + , limitSize = (containerSize - paneSpacing - (isSliding ? 0 : (_parseSize("center", minCenterSize, dir) + altPaneSize + altPaneSpacing))) + , minSize = s.minSize = max( _parseSize(pane, o.minSize), cssMinDims(pane).minSize ) + , maxSize = s.maxSize = min( (o.maxSize ? _parseSize(pane, o.maxSize) : 100000), limitSize ) + , r = s.resizerPosition = {} // used to set resizing limits + , top = sC.insetTop + , left = sC.insetLeft + , W = sC.innerWidth + , H = sC.innerHeight + , rW = o.spacing_open // subtract resizer-width to get top/left position for south/east + ; + switch (pane) { + case "north": r.min = top + minSize; + r.max = top + maxSize; + break; + case "west": r.min = left + minSize; + r.max = left + maxSize; + break; + case "south": r.min = top + H - maxSize - rW; + r.max = top + H - minSize - rW; + break; + case "east": r.min = left + W - maxSize - rW; + r.max = left + W - minSize - rW; + break; + }; + } + + /** + * Returns data for setting the size/position of center pane. Also used to set Height for east/west panes + * + * @return JSON Returns a hash of all dimensions: top, bottom, left, right, (outer) width and (outer) height + */ +, calcNewCenterPaneDims = function () { + var d = { + top: getPaneSize("north", true) // true = include 'spacing' value for pane + , bottom: getPaneSize("south", true) + , left: getPaneSize("west", true) + , right: getPaneSize("east", true) + , width: 0 + , height: 0 + }; + + // NOTE: sC = state.container + // calc center-pane outer dimensions + d.width = sC.innerWidth - d.left - d.right; // outerWidth + d.height = sC.innerHeight - d.bottom -; // outerHeight + // add the 'container border/padding' to get final positions relative to the container + += sC.insetTop; + d.bottom += sC.insetBottom; + d.left += sC.insetLeft; + d.right += sC.insetRight; + + return d; + } + + + /** + * @param {!Object} el + * @param {boolean=} [allStates=false] + */ +, getHoverClasses = function (el, allStates) { + var + $El = $(el) + , type = $"layoutRole") + , pane = $"layoutEdge") + , o = options[pane] + , root = o[type +"Class"] + , _pane = "-"+ pane // eg: "-west" + , _open = "-open" + , _closed = "-closed" + , _slide = "-sliding" + , _hover = "-hover " // NOTE the trailing space + , _state = $El.hasClass(root+_closed) ? _closed : _open + , _alt = _state === _closed ? _open : _closed + , classes = (root+_hover) + (root+_pane+_hover) + (root+_state+_hover) + (root+_pane+_state+_hover) + ; + if (allStates) // when 'removing' classes, also remove alternate-state classes + classes += (root+_alt+_hover) + (root+_pane+_alt+_hover); + + if (type=="resizer" && $El.hasClass(root+_slide)) + classes += (root+_slide+_hover) + (root+_pane+_slide+_hover); + + return $.trim(classes); + } +, addHover = function (evt, el) { + var $E = $(el || this); + if (evt && $"layoutRole") === "toggler") + evt.stopPropagation(); // prevent triggering 'slide' on Resizer-bar + $E.addClass( getHoverClasses($E) ); + } +, removeHover = function (evt, el) { + var $E = $(el || this); + $E.removeClass( getHoverClasses($E, true) ); + } + +, onResizerEnter = function (evt) { // ALSO called by toggler.mouseenter + if ($.fn.disableSelection) + $("body").disableSelection(); + } +, onResizerLeave = function (evt, el) { + var + e = el || this // el is only passed when called by the timer + , pane = $(e).data("layoutEdge") + , name = pane +"ResizerLeave" + ; + timer.clear(pane+"_openSlider"); // cancel slideOpen timer, if set + timer.clear(name); // cancel enableSelection timer - may re/set below + // this method calls itself on a timer because it needs to allow + // enough time for dragging to kick-in and set the isResizing flag + // dragging has a 100ms delay set, so this delay must be >100 + if (!el) // 1st call - mouseleave event + timer.set(name, function(){ onResizerLeave(evt, e); }, 200); + // if user is resizing, then dragStop will enableSelection(), so can skip it here + else if (!state[pane].isResizing && $.fn.enableSelection) // 2nd call - by timer + $("body").enableSelection(); + } + +/* + * ########################### + * INITIALIZATION METHODS + * ########################### + */ + + /** + * Initialize the layout - called automatically whenever an instance of layout is created + * + * @see none - triggered onInit + * @return mixed true = fully initialized | false = panes not initialized (yet) | 'cancel' = abort + */ +, _create = function () { + // initialize config/options + initOptions(); + var o = options; + + // TEMP state so isInitialized returns true during init process + state.creatingLayout = true; + + // init plugins for this layout, if there are any (eg: stateManagement) + runPluginCallbacks( Instance, $.layout.onCreate ); + + // options & state have been initialized, so now run beforeLoad callback + // onload will CANCEL layout creation if it returns false + if (false === _runCallbacks("onload_start")) + return 'cancel'; + + // initialize the container element + _initContainer(); + + // bind hotkey function - keyDown - if required + initHotkeys(); + + // bind window.onunload + $(window).bind("unload."+ sID, unload); + + // init plugins for this layout, if there are any (eg: customButtons) + runPluginCallbacks( Instance, $.layout.onLoad ); + + // if layout elements are hidden, then layout WILL NOT complete initialization! + // initLayoutElements will set initialized=true and run the onload callback IF successful + if (o.initPanes) _initLayoutElements(); + + delete state.creatingLayout; + + return state.initialized; + } + + /** + * Initialize the layout IF not already + * + * @see All methods in Instance run this test + * @return boolean true = layoutElements have been initialized | false = panes are not initialized (yet) + */ +, isInitialized = function () { + if (state.initialized || state.creatingLayout) return true; // already initialized + else return _initLayoutElements(); // try to init panes NOW + } + + /** + * Initialize the layout - called automatically whenever an instance of layout is created + * + * @see _create() & isInitialized + * @return An object pointer to the instance created + */ +, _initLayoutElements = function (retry) { + // initialize config/options + var o = options; + + // CANNOT init panes inside a hidden container! + if (!$":visible")) { + // handle Chrome bug where popup window 'has no height' + // if layout is BODY element, try again in 50ms + // SEE: + if ( !retry && browser.webkit && $N[0].tagName === "BODY" ) + setTimeout(function(){ _initLayoutElements(true); }, 50); + return false; + } + + // a center pane is required, so make sure it exists + if (!getPane("center").length) { + return _log( o.errors.centerPaneMissing ); + } + + // TEMP state so isInitialized returns true during init process + state.creatingLayout = true; + + // update Container dims + $.extend(sC, elDims( $N )); + + // initialize all layout elements + initPanes(); // size & position panes - calls initHandles() - which calls initResizable() + + if (o.scrollToBookmarkOnLoad) { + var l = self.location; + if (l.hash) l.replace( l.hash ); // scrollTo Bookmark + } + + // check to see if this layout 'nested' inside a pane + if (Instance.hasParentLayout) + o.resizeWithWindow = false; + // bind resizeAll() for 'this layout instance' to window.resize event + else if (o.resizeWithWindow) + $(window).bind("resize."+ sID, windowResize); + + delete state.creatingLayout; + state.initialized = true; + + // init plugins for this layout, if there are any + runPluginCallbacks( Instance, $.layout.onReady ); + + // now run the onload callback, if exists + _runCallbacks("onload_end"); + + return true; // elements initialized successfully + } + + /** + * Initialize nested layouts - called when _initLayoutElements completes + * + * NOT CURRENTLY USED + * + * @see _initLayoutElements + * @return An object pointer to the instance created + */ +, _initChildLayouts = function () { + $.each(_c.allPanes, function (idx, pane) { + if (options[pane].initChildLayout) + createChildLayout( pane ); + }); + } + + /** + * Initialize nested layouts for a specific pane - can optionally pass layout-options + * + * @see _initChildLayouts + * @param {string|Object} evt_or_pane The pane being opened, ie: north, south, east, or west + * @param {Object=} [opts] Layout-options - if passed, will OVERRRIDE options[pane].childOptions + * @return An object pointer to the layout instance created - or null + */ +, createChildLayout = function (evt_or_pane, opts) { + var pane =, evt_or_pane) + , $P = $Ps[pane] + , C = children + ; + if ($P) { + var $C = $Cs[pane] + , o = opts || options[pane].childOptions + , d = "layout" + // determine which element is supposed to be the 'child container' + // if pane has a 'containerSelector' OR a 'content-div', use those instead of the pane + , $Cont = o.containerSelector ? $P.find( o.containerSelector ) : ($C || $P) + , containerFound = $Cont.length + // see if a child-layout ALREADY exists on this element + , child = containerFound ? (C[pane] = $ || null) : null + ; + // if no layout exists, but childOptions are set, try to create the layout now + if (!child && containerFound && o) + child = C[pane] = $Cont.eq(0).layout(o) || null; + if (child) + child.hasParentLayout = true; // set parent-flag in child + } + Instance[pane].child = C[pane]; // ALWAYS set pane-object pointer, even if null + } + +, windowResize = function () { + var delay = Number(options.resizeWithWindowDelay); + if (delay < 10) delay = 100; // MUST have a delay! + // resizing uses a delay-loop because the resize event fires repeatly - except in FF, but delay anyway + timer.clear("winResize"); // if already running + timer.set("winResize", function(){ + timer.clear("winResize"); + timer.clear("winResizeRepeater"); + var dims = elDims( $N ); + // only trigger resizeAll() if container has changed size + if (dims.innerWidth !== sC.innerWidth || dims.innerHeight !== sC.innerHeight) + resizeAll(); + }, delay); + // ALSO set fixed-delay timer, if not already running + if (!["winResizeRepeater"]) setWindowResizeRepeater(); + } + +, setWindowResizeRepeater = function () { + var delay = Number(options.resizeWithWindowMaxDelay); + if (delay > 0) + timer.set("winResizeRepeater", function(){ setWindowResizeRepeater(); resizeAll(); }, delay); + } + +, unload = function () { + var o = options; + + _runCallbacks("onunload_start"); + + // trigger plugin callabacks for this layout (eg: stateManagement) + runPluginCallbacks( Instance, $.layout.onUnload ); + + _runCallbacks("onunload_end"); + } + + /** + * Validate and initialize container CSS and events + * + * @see _create() + */ +, _initContainer = function () { + var + N = $N[0] + , tag = sC.tagName = N.tagName + , id = = + , cls = sC.className = N.className + , o = options + , name = + , fullPage= (tag === "BODY") + , props = "overflow,position,margin,padding,border" + , css = "layoutCSS" + , CSS = {} + , hid = "hidden" // used A LOT! + // see if this container is a 'pane' inside an outer-layout + , parent = $"parentLayout") // parent-layout Instance + , pane = $"layoutEdge") // pane-name in parent-layout + , isChild = parent && pane + ; + // sC -> state.container + sC.selector = $N.selector.split(".slice")[0]; + sC.ref = ( ? +' layout / ' : '') + tag + (id ? "#"+id : cls ? '.['+cls+']' : ''); // used in messages + + $N .data({ + layout: Instance + , layoutContainer: sID // FLAG to indicate this is a layout-container - contains unique internal ID + }) + .addClass(o.containerClass) + ; + var layoutMethods = { + destroy: '' + , initPanes: '' + , resizeAll: 'resizeAll' + , resize: 'resizeAll' + }; + // loop hash and bind all methods - include layoutID namespacing + for (name in layoutMethods) { + $N.bind("layout"+ name.toLowerCase() +"."+ sID, Instance[ layoutMethods[name] || name ]); + } + + // if this container is another layout's 'pane', then set child/parent pointers + if (isChild) { + // update parent flag + Instance.hasParentLayout = true; + // set pointers to THIS child-layout (Instance) in parent-layout + // NOTE: parent.PANE.child is an ALIAS to parent.children.PANE + parent[pane].child = parent.children[pane] = $"layout"); + } + + // SAVE original container CSS for use in destroy() + if (!$ { + // handle props like overflow different for BODY & HTML - has 'system default' values + if (fullPage) { + CSS = $.extend( elCSS($N, props), { + height: $N.css("height") + , overflow: $N.css("overflow") + , overflowX: $N.css("overflowX") + , overflowY: $N.css("overflowY") + }); + // ALSO SAVE CSS + var $H = $("html"); + $, { + height: "auto" // FF would return a fixed px-size! + , overflow: $H.css("overflow") + , overflowX: $H.css("overflowX") + , overflowY: $H.css("overflowY") + }); + } + else // handle props normally for non-body elements + CSS = elCSS($N, props+",top,bottom,left,right,width,height,overflow,overflowX,overflowY"); + + $, CSS); + } + + try { // format html/body if this is a full page layout + if (fullPage) { + $("html").css({ + height: "100%" + , overflow: hid + , overflowX: hid + , overflowY: hid + }); + $("body").css({ + position: "relative" + , height: "100%" + , overflow: hid + , overflowX: hid + , overflowY: hid + , margin: 0 + , padding: 0 // TODO: test whether body-padding could be handled? + , border: "none" // a body-border creates problems because it cannot be measured! + }); + + // set current layout-container dimensions + $.extend(sC, elDims( $N )); + } + else { // set required CSS for overflow and position + // ENSURE container will not 'scroll' + CSS = { overflow: hid, overflowX: hid, overflowY: hid } + var + p = $N.css("position") + , h = $N.css("height") + ; + // if this is a NESTED layout, then container/outer-pane ALREADY has position and height + if (!isChild) { + if (!p || !p.match(/fixed|absolute|relative/)) + CSS.position = "relative"; // container MUST have a 'position' + /* + if (!h || h=="auto") + CSS.height = "100%"; // container MUST have a 'height' + */ + } + $N.css( CSS ); + + // set current layout-container dimensions + if ( $":visible") ) { + $.extend(sC, elDims( $N )); + if (sC.innerHeight < 1) + _log( o.errors.noContainerHeight.replace(/CONTAINER/, sC.ref) ); + } + } + } catch (ex) {} + } + + /** + * Bind layout hotkeys - if options enabled + * + * @see _create() and addPane() + * @param {string=} [panes=""] The edge(s) to process + */ +, initHotkeys = function (panes) { + panes = panes ? panes.split(",") : _c.borderPanes; + // bind keyDown to capture hotkeys, if option enabled for ANY pane + $.each(panes, function (i, pane) { + var o = options[pane]; + if (o.enableCursorHotkey || o.customHotkey) { + $(document).bind("keydown."+ sID, keyDown); // only need to bind this ONCE + return false; // BREAK - binding was done + } + }); + } + + /** + * Build final OPTIONS data + * + * @see _create() + */ +, initOptions = function () { + var data, d, pane, key, val, i, c, o; + + // reprocess user's layout-options to have correct options sub-key structure + opts = $.layout.transformData( opts ); // panes = default subkey + + // auto-rename old options for backward compatibility + opts = $.layout.backwardCompatibility.renameAllOptions( opts ); + + // if user-options has 'panes' key (pane-defaults), clean it... + if (!$.isEmptyObject(opts.panes)) { + // REMOVE any pane-defaults that MUST be set per-pane + data = $.layout.optionsMap.noDefault; + for (i=0, c=data.length; i 0) { + z.pane_normal = zo; + z.content_mask = max(zo+1, z.content_mask); // MIN = +1 + z.resizer_normal = max(zo+2, z.resizer_normal); // MIN = +2 + } + + // DELETE 'panes' key now that we are done - values were copied to EACH pane + delete options.panes; + + + function createFxOptions ( pane ) { + var o = options[pane] + , d = options.panes; + // ensure fxSettings key to avoid errors + if (!o.fxSettings) o.fxSettings = {}; + if (!d.fxSettings) d.fxSettings = {}; + + $.each(["_open","_close","_size"], function (i,n) { + var + sName = "fxName"+ n + , sSpeed = "fxSpeed"+ n + , sSettings = "fxSettings"+ n + // recalculate fxName according to specificity rules + , fxName = o[sName] = + o[sName] // options.west.fxName_open + || d[sName] // options.panes.fxName_open + || o.fxName // options.west.fxName + || d.fxName // options.panes.fxName + || "none" // MEANS $.layout.defaults.panes.fxName == "" || false || null || 0 + ; + // validate fxName to ensure is valid effect - MUST have effect-config data in options.effects + if (fxName === "none" || !$.effects || !$.effects[fxName] || !options.effects[fxName]) + fxName = o[sName] = "none"; // effect not loaded OR unrecognized fxName + + // set vars for effects subkeys to simplify logic + var fx = options.effects[fxName] || {} // effects.slide + , fx_all = fx.all || null // effects.slide.all + , fx_pane = fx[pane] || null // effects.slide.west + ; + // create fxSpeed[_open|_close|_size] + o[sSpeed] = + o[sSpeed] // options.west.fxSpeed_open + || d[sSpeed] // options.west.fxSpeed_open + || o.fxSpeed // options.west.fxSpeed + || d.fxSpeed // options.panes.fxSpeed + || null // DEFAULT - let fxSetting.duration control speed + ; + // create fxSettings[_open|_close|_size] + o[sSettings] = $.extend( + true + , {} + , fx_all // effects.slide.all + , fx_pane // effects.slide.west + , d.fxSettings // options.panes.fxSettings + , o.fxSettings // options.west.fxSettings + , d[sSettings] // options.panes.fxSettings_open + , o[sSettings] // options.west.fxSettings_open + ); + }); + + // DONE creating action-specific-settings for this pane, + // so DELETE generic options - are no longer meaningful + delete o.fxName; + delete o.fxSpeed; + delete o.fxSettings; + } + } + + /** + * Initialize module objects, styling, size and position for all panes + * + * @see _initElements() + * @param {string} pane The pane to process + */ +, getPane = function (pane) { + var sel = options[pane].paneSelector + if (sel.substr(0,1)==="#") // ID selector + // NOTE: elements selected 'by ID' DO NOT have to be 'children' + return $N.find(sel).eq(0); + else { // class or other selector + var $P = $N.children(sel).eq(0); + // look for the pane nested inside a 'form' element + return $P.length ? $P : $N.children("form:first").children(sel).eq(0); + } + } + +, initPanes = function (evt) { + // stopPropagation if called by trigger("layoutinitpanes") - use evtPane utility + evtPane(evt); + + // NOTE: do north & south FIRST so we can measure their height - do center LAST + $.each(_c.allPanes, function (idx, pane) { + addPane( pane, true ); + }); + + // init the pane-handles NOW in case we have to hide or close the pane below + initHandles(); + + // now that all panes have been initialized and initially-sized, + // make sure there is really enough space available for each pane + $.each(_c.borderPanes, function (i, pane) { + if ($Ps[pane] && state[pane].isVisible) { // pane is OPEN + setSizeLimits(pane); + makePaneFit(pane); // pane may be Closed, Hidden or Resized by makePaneFit() + } + }); + // size center-pane AGAIN in case we 'closed' a border-pane in loop above + sizeMidPanes("center"); + + // Chrome/Webkit sometimes fires callbacks BEFORE it completes resizing! + // Before RC30.3, there was a 10ms delay here, but that caused layout + // to load asynchrously, which is BAD, so try skipping delay for now + + // process pane contents and callbacks, and init/resize child-layout if exists + $.each(_c.allPanes, function (i, pane) { + var o = options[pane]; + if ($Ps[pane]) { + if (state[pane].isVisible) { // pane is OPEN + sizeContent(pane); + // trigger pane.onResize if triggerEventsOnLoad = true + if (o.triggerEventsOnLoad) + _runCallbacks("onresize_end", pane); + else // automatic if onresize called, otherwise call it specifically + // resize child - IF inner-layout already exists (created before this layout) + resizeChildLayout(pane); + } + // init childLayout - even if pane is not visible + if (o.initChildLayout && o.childOptions) + createChildLayout(pane); + } + }); + } + + /** + * Add a pane to the layout - subroutine of initPanes() + * + * @see initPanes() + * @param {string} pane The pane to process + * @param {boolean=} [force=false] Size content after init + */ +, addPane = function (pane, force) { + if (!force && !isInitialized()) return; + var + o = options[pane] + , s = state[pane] + , c = _c[pane] + , fx = s.fx + , dir = c.dir + , spacing = o.spacing_open || 0 + , isCenter = (pane === "center") + , CSS = {} + , $P = $Ps[pane] + , size, minSize, maxSize + ; + // if pane-pointer already exists, remove the old one first + if ($P) + removePane( pane, false, true, false ); + else + $Cs[pane] = false; // init + + $P = $Ps[pane] = getPane(pane); + if (!$P.length) { + $Ps[pane] = false; // logic + return; + } + + // SAVE original Pane CSS + if (!$"layoutCSS")) { + var props = "position,top,left,bottom,right,width,height,overflow,zIndex,display,backgroundColor,padding,margin,border"; + $"layoutCSS", elCSS($P, props)); + } + + // create alias for pane data in Instance - initHandles will add more + Instance[pane] = { name: pane, pane: $Ps[pane], content: $Cs[pane], options: options[pane], state: state[pane], child: children[pane] }; + + // add classes, attributes & events + $P .data({ + parentLayout: Instance // pointer to Layout Instance + , layoutPane: Instance[pane] // NEW pointer to pane-alias-object + , layoutEdge: pane + , layoutRole: "pane" + }) + .css(c.cssReq).css("zIndex", options.zIndexes.pane_normal) + .css(o.applyDemoStyles ? c.cssDemo : {}) // demo styles + .addClass( o.paneClass +" "+ o.paneClass+"-"+pane ) // default = "ui-layout-pane ui-layout-pane-west" - may be a dupe of 'paneSelector' + .bind("mouseenter."+ sID, addHover ) + .bind("mouseleave."+ sID, removeHover ) + ; + var paneMethods = { + hide: '' + , show: '' + , toggle: '' + , close: '' + , open: '' + , slideOpen: '' + , slideClose: '' + , slideToggle: '' + , size: 'sizePane' + , sizePane: 'sizePane' + , sizeContent: '' + , sizeHandles: '' + , enableClosable: '' + , disableClosable: '' + , enableSlideable: '' + , disableSlideable: '' + , enableResizable: '' + , disableResizable: '' + , swapPanes: 'swapPanes' + , swap: 'swapPanes' + , move: 'swapPanes' + , removePane: 'removePane' + , remove: 'removePane' + , createChildLayout: '' + , resizeChildLayout: '' + , resizeAll: 'resizeAll' + , resizeLayout: 'resizeAll' + } + , name; + // loop hash and bind all methods - include layoutID namespacing + for (name in paneMethods) { + $P.bind("layoutpane"+ name.toLowerCase() +"."+ sID, Instance[ paneMethods[name] || name ]); + } + + // see if this pane has a 'scrolling-content element' + initContent(pane, false); // false = do NOT sizeContent() - called later + + if (!isCenter) { + // call _parseSize AFTER applying pane classes & styles - but before making visible (if hidden) + // if o.size is auto or not valid, then MEASURE the pane and use that as its 'size' + size = s.size = _parseSize(pane, o.size); + minSize = _parseSize(pane,o.minSize) || 1; + maxSize = _parseSize(pane,o.maxSize) || 100000; + if (size > 0) size = max(min(size, maxSize), minSize); + + // state for border-panes + s.isClosed = false; // true = pane is closed + s.isSliding = false; // true = pane is currently open by 'sliding' over adjacent panes + s.isResizing= false; // true = pane is in process of being resized + s.isHidden = false; // true = pane is hidden - no spacing, resizer or toggler is visible! + + // array for 'pin buttons' whose classNames are auto-updated on pane-open/-close + if (!s.pins) s.pins = []; + } + // states common to ALL panes + s.tagName = $P[0].tagName; + s.edge = pane; // useful if pane is (or about to be) 'swapped' - easy find out where it is (or is going) + s.noRoom = false; // true = pane 'automatically' hidden due to insufficient room - will unhide automatically + s.isVisible = true; // false = pane is invisible - closed OR hidden - simplify logic + + // set css-position to account for container borders & padding + switch (pane) { + case "north": = sC.insetTop; + CSS.left = sC.insetLeft; + CSS.right = sC.insetRight; + break; + case "south": CSS.bottom = sC.insetBottom; + CSS.left = sC.insetLeft; + CSS.right = sC.insetRight; + break; + case "west": CSS.left = sC.insetLeft; // top, bottom & height set by sizeMidPanes() + break; + case "east": CSS.right = sC.insetRight; // ditto + break; + case "center": // top, left, width & height set by sizeMidPanes() + } + + if (dir === "horz") // north or south pane + CSS.height = cssH($P, size); + else if (dir === "vert") // east or west pane + CSS.width = cssW($P, size); + //else if (isCenter) {} + + $P.css(CSS); // apply size -- top, bottom & height will be set by sizeMidPanes + if (dir != "horz") sizeMidPanes(pane, true); // true = skipCallback + + // close or hide the pane if specified in settings + if (o.initClosed && o.closable && !o.initHidden) + close(pane, true, true); // true, true = force, noAnimation + else if (o.initHidden || o.initClosed) + hide(pane); // will be completely invisible - no resizer or spacing + else if (!s.noRoom) + // make the pane visible - in case was initially hidden + $P.css("display","block"); + // ELSE setAsOpen() - called later by initHandles() + + // RESET visibility now - pane will appear IF display:block + $P.css("visibility","visible"); + + // check option for auto-handling of pop-ups & drop-downs + if (o.showOverflowOnHover) + $P.hover( allowOverflow, resetOverflow ); + + // if manually adding a pane AFTER layout initialization, then... + if (state.initialized) { + initHandles( pane ); + initHotkeys( pane ); + resizeAll(); // will sizeContent if pane is visible + if (s.isVisible) { // pane is OPEN + if (o.triggerEventsOnLoad) + _runCallbacks("onresize_end", pane); + else // automatic if onresize called, otherwise call it specifically + // resize child - IF inner-layout already exists (created before this layout) + resizeChildLayout(pane); // a previously existing childLayout + } + if (o.initChildLayout && o.childOptions) + createChildLayout(pane); + } + } + + /** + * Initialize module objects, styling, size and position for all resize bars and toggler buttons + * + * @see _create() + * @param {string=} [panes=""] The edge(s) to process + */ +, initHandles = function (panes) { + panes = panes ? panes.split(",") : _c.borderPanes; + + // create toggler DIVs for each pane, and set object pointers for them, eg: $R.north = north toggler DIV + $.each(panes, function (i, pane) { + var $P = $Ps[pane]; + $Rs[pane] = false; // INIT + $Ts[pane] = false; + if (!$P) return; // pane does not exist - skip + + var + o = options[pane] + , s = state[pane] + , c = _c[pane] + , paneId = o.paneSelector.substr(0,1) === "#" ? o.paneSelector.substr(1) : "" + , rClass = o.resizerClass + , tClass = o.togglerClass + , side = c.side.toLowerCase() + , spacing = (s.isVisible ? o.spacing_open : o.spacing_closed) + , _pane = "-"+ pane // used for classNames + , _state = (s.isVisible ? "-open" : "-closed") // used for classNames + , I = Instance[pane] + // INIT RESIZER BAR + , $R = I.resizer = $Rs[pane] = $("
                  ") + // INIT TOGGLER BUTTON + , $T = I.toggler = (o.closable ? $Ts[pane] = $("
                  ") : false) + ; + + //if (s.isVisible && o.resizable) ... handled by initResizable + if (!s.isVisible && o.slidable) + $R.attr("title","cursor", o.sliderCursor); + + $R // if paneSelector is an ID, then create a matching ID for the resizer, eg: "#paneLeft" => "paneLeft-resizer" + .attr("id", paneId ? paneId +"-resizer" : "" ) + .data({ + parentLayout: Instance + , layoutPane: Instance[pane] // NEW pointer to pane-alias-object + , layoutEdge: pane + , layoutRole: "resizer" + }) + .css(_c.resizers.cssReq).css("zIndex", options.zIndexes.resizer_normal) + .css(o.applyDemoStyles ? _c.resizers.cssDemo : {}) // add demo styles + .addClass(rClass +" "+ rClass+_pane) + .hover(addHover, removeHover) // ALWAYS add hover-classes, even if resizing is not enabled - handle with CSS instead + .hover(onResizerEnter, onResizerLeave) // ALWAYS NEED resizer.mouseleave to balance toggler.mouseenter + .appendTo($N) // append DIV to container + ; + + if ($T) { + $T // if paneSelector is an ID, then create a matching ID for the resizer, eg: "#paneLeft" => "#paneLeft-toggler" + .attr("id", paneId ? paneId +"-toggler" : "" ) + .data({ + parentLayout: Instance + , layoutPane: Instance[pane] // NEW pointer to pane-alias-object + , layoutEdge: pane + , layoutRole: "toggler" + }) + .css(_c.togglers.cssReq) // add base/required styles + .css(o.applyDemoStyles ? _c.togglers.cssDemo : {}) // add demo styles + .addClass(tClass +" "+ tClass+_pane) + .hover(addHover, removeHover) // ALWAYS add hover-classes, even if toggling is not enabled - handle with CSS instead + .bind("mouseenter", onResizerEnter) // NEED toggler.mouseenter because mouseenter MAY NOT fire on resizer + .appendTo($R) // append SPAN to resizer DIV + ; + // ADD INNER-SPANS TO TOGGLER + if (o.togglerContent_open) // ui-layout-open + $(""+ o.togglerContent_open +"") + .data({ + layoutEdge: pane + , layoutRole: "togglerContent" + }) + .data("layoutRole", "togglerContent") + .data("layoutEdge", pane) + .addClass("content content-open") + .css("display","none") + .appendTo( $T ) + //.hover( addHover, removeHover ) // use ui-layout-toggler-west-hover .content-open instead! + ; + if (o.togglerContent_closed) // ui-layout-closed + $(""+ o.togglerContent_closed +"") + .data({ + layoutEdge: pane + , layoutRole: "togglerContent" + }) + .addClass("content content-closed") + .css("display","none") + .appendTo( $T ) + //.hover( addHover, removeHover ) // use ui-layout-toggler-west-hover .content-closed instead! + ; + // ADD + enableClosable(pane); + } + + // add Draggable events + initResizable(pane); + + // ADD CLASSNAMES & SLIDE-BINDINGS - eg: class="resizer resizer-west resizer-open" + if (s.isVisible) + setAsOpen(pane); // onOpen will be called, but NOT onResize + else { + setAsClosed(pane); // onClose will be called + bindStartSlidingEvent(pane, true); // will enable events IF option is set + } + + }); + + // SET ALL HANDLE DIMENSIONS + sizeHandles(); + } + + + /** + * Initialize scrolling ui-layout-content div - if exists + * + * @see initPane() - or externally after an Ajax injection + * @param {string} [pane] The pane to process + * @param {boolean=} [resize=true] Size content after init + */ +, initContent = function (pane, resize) { + if (!isInitialized()) return; + var + o = options[pane] + , sel = o.contentSelector + , I = Instance[pane] + , $P = $Ps[pane] + , $C + ; + if (sel) $C = I.content = $Cs[pane] = (o.findNestedContent) + ? $P.find(sel).eq(0) // match 1-element only + : $P.children(sel).eq(0) + ; + if ($C && $C.length) { + $"layoutRole", "content"); + // SAVE original Pane CSS + if (!$"layoutCSS")) + $"layoutCSS", elCSS($C, "height")); + $C.css( _c.content.cssReq ); + if (o.applyDemoStyles) { + $C.css( _c.content.cssDemo ); // add padding & overflow: auto to content-div + $P.css( _c.content.cssDemoPane ); // REMOVE padding/scrolling from pane + } + state[pane].content = {}; // init content state + if (resize !== false) sizeContent(pane); + // sizeContent() is called AFTER init of all elements + } + else + I.content = $Cs[pane] = false; + } + + + /** + * Add resize-bars to all panes that specify it in options + * -dependancy: $.fn.resizable - will skip if not found + * + * @see _create() + * @param {string=} [panes=""] The edge(s) to process + */ +, initResizable = function (panes) { + var draggingAvailable = $.layout.plugins.draggable + , side // set in start() + ; + panes = panes ? panes.split(",") : _c.borderPanes; + + $.each(panes, function (idx, pane) { + var o = options[pane]; + if (!draggingAvailable || !$Ps[pane] || !o.resizable) { + o.resizable = false; + return true; // skip to next + } + + var s = state[pane] + , z = options.zIndexes + , c = _c[pane] + , side = c.dir=="horz" ? "top" : "left" + , opEdge = _c.oppositeEdge[pane] + , masks = pane +",center,"+ opEdge + (c.dir=="horz" ? ",west,east" : "") + , $P = $Ps[pane] + , $R = $Rs[pane] + , base = o.resizerClass + , lastPos = 0 // used when live-resizing + , r, live // set in start because may change + // 'drag' classes are applied to the ORIGINAL resizer-bar while dragging is in process + , resizerClass = base+"-drag" // resizer-drag + , resizerPaneClass = base+"-"+pane+"-drag" // resizer-north-drag + // 'helper' class is applied to the CLONED resizer-bar while it is being dragged + , helperClass = base+"-dragging" // resizer-dragging + , helperPaneClass = base+"-"+pane+"-dragging" // resizer-north-dragging + , helperLimitClass = base+"-dragging-limit" // resizer-drag + , helperPaneLimitClass = base+"-"+pane+"-dragging-limit" // resizer-north-drag + , helperClassesSet = false // logic var + ; + + if (!s.isClosed) + $R.attr("title", + .css("cursor", o.resizerCursor); // n-resize, s-resize, etc + + $R.draggable({ + containment: $N[0] // limit resizing to layout container + , axis: (c.dir=="horz" ? "y" : "x") // limit resizing to horz or vert axis + , delay: 0 + , distance: 1 + , grid: o.resizingGrid + // basic format for helper - style it using class: .ui-draggable-dragging + , helper: "clone" + , opacity: o.resizerDragOpacity + , addClasses: false // avoid ui-state-disabled class when disabled + //, iframeFix: o.draggableIframeFix // TODO: consider using when bug is fixed + , zIndex: z.resizer_drag + + , start: function (e, ui) { + // REFRESH options & state pointers in case we used swapPanes + o = options[pane]; + s = state[pane]; + // re-read options + live = o.livePaneResizing; + + // ondrag_start callback - will CANCEL hide if returns false + // TODO: dragging CANNOT be cancelled like this, so see if there is a way? + if (false === _runCallbacks("ondrag_start", pane)) return false; + + s.isResizing = true; // prevent pane from closing while resizing + timer.clear(pane+"_closeSlider"); // just in case already triggered + + // SET RESIZER LIMITS - used in drag() + setSizeLimits(pane); // update pane/resizer state + r = s.resizerPosition; + lastPos = ui.position[ side ] + + $R.addClass( resizerClass +" "+ resizerPaneClass ); // add drag classes + helperClassesSet = false; // reset logic var - see drag() + + // DISABLE TEXT SELECTION (probably already done by resizer.mouseOver) + $('body').disableSelection(); + + // MASK PANES CONTAINING IFRAMES, APPLETS OR OTHER TROUBLESOME ELEMENTS + showMasks( masks ); + } + + , drag: function (e, ui) { + if (!helperClassesSet) { // can only add classes after clone has been added to the DOM + //$(".ui-draggable-dragging") + ui.helper + .addClass( helperClass +" "+ helperPaneClass ) // add helper classes + .css({ right: "auto", bottom: "auto" }) // fix dir="rtl" issue + .children().css("visibility","hidden") // hide toggler inside dragged resizer-bar + ; + helperClassesSet = true; + // draggable bug!? RE-SET zIndex to prevent E/W resize-bar showing through N/S pane! + if (s.isSliding) $Ps[pane].css("zIndex", z.pane_sliding); + } + // CONTAIN RESIZER-BAR TO RESIZING LIMITS + var limit = 0; + if (ui.position[side] < r.min) { + ui.position[side] = r.min; + limit = -1; + } + else if (ui.position[side] > r.max) { + ui.position[side] = r.max; + limit = 1; + } + // ADD/REMOVE dragging-limit CLASS + if (limit) { + ui.helper.addClass( helperLimitClass +" "+ helperPaneLimitClass ); // at dragging-limit + window.defaultStatus = (limit>0 && pane.match(/(north|west)/)) || (limit<0 && pane.match(/(south|east)/)) ? :; + } + else { + ui.helper.removeClass( helperLimitClass +" "+ helperPaneLimitClass ); // not at dragging-limit + window.defaultStatus = ""; + } + // DYNAMICALLY RESIZE PANES IF OPTION ENABLED + // won't trigger unless resizer has actually moved! + if (live && Math.abs(ui.position[side] - lastPos) >= o.liveResizingTolerance) { + lastPos = ui.position[side]; + resizePanes(e, ui, pane) + } + } + + , stop: function (e, ui) { + $('body').enableSelection(); // RE-ENABLE TEXT SELECTION + window.defaultStatus = ""; // clear 'resizing limit' message from statusbar + $R.removeClass( resizerClass +" "+ resizerPaneClass ); // remove drag classes from Resizer + s.isResizing = false; + resizePanes(e, ui, pane, true, masks); // true = resizingDone + } + + }); + }); + + /** + * resizePanes + * + * Sub-routine called from stop() - and drag() if livePaneResizing + * + * @param {!Object} evt + * @param {!Object} ui + * @param {string} pane + * @param {boolean=} [resizingDone=false] + */ + var resizePanes = function (evt, ui, pane, resizingDone, masks) { + var dragPos = ui.position + , c = _c[pane] + , o = options[pane] + , s = state[pane] + , resizerPos + ; + switch (pane) { + case "north": resizerPos =; break; + case "west": resizerPos = dragPos.left; break; + case "south": resizerPos = sC.offsetHeight - - o.spacing_open; break; + case "east": resizerPos = sC.offsetWidth - dragPos.left - o.spacing_open; break; + }; + // remove container margin from resizer position to get the pane size + var newSize = resizerPos - sC["inset"+ c.side]; + + // Disable OR Resize Mask(s) created in drag.start + if (!resizingDone) { + // ensure we meet liveResizingTolerance criteria + if (Math.abs(newSize - s.size) < o.liveResizingTolerance) + return; // SKIP resize this time + // resize the pane + manualSizePane(pane, newSize, false, true); // true = noAnimation + sizeMasks(); // resize all visible masks + } + else { // resizingDone + // ondrag_end callback + if (false !== _runCallbacks("ondrag_end", pane)) + manualSizePane(pane, newSize, false, true); // true = noAnimation + hideMasks(); // hide all masks, which include panes with 'content/iframe-masks' + if (s.isSliding && masks) // RE-SHOW only 'object-masks' so objects won't show through sliding pane + showMasks( masks, true ); // true = onlyForObjects + } + }; + } + + /** + * sizeMask + * + * Needed to overlay a DIV over an IFRAME-pane because mask CANNOT be *inside* the pane + * Called when mask created, and during livePaneResizing + */ +, sizeMask = function () { + var $M = $(this) + , pane = $"layoutMask") // eg: "west" + , s = state[pane] + ; + // only masks over an IFRAME-pane need manual resizing + if (s.tagName == "IFRAME" && s.isVisible) // no need to mask closed/hidden panes + $M.css({ + top: s.offsetTop + , left: s.offsetLeft + , width: s.outerWidth + , height: s.outerHeight + }); + /* ALT Method... + var $P = $Ps[pane]; + $M.css( $P.position() ).css({ width: $P[0].offsetWidth, height: $P[0].offsetHeight }); + */ + } +, sizeMasks = function () { + $Ms.each( sizeMask ); // resize all 'visible' masks + } + +, showMasks = function (panes, onlyForObjects) { + var a = panes ? panes.split(",") : $.layout.config.allPanes + , z = options.zIndexes + , o, s; + $.each(a, function(i,p){ + s = state[p]; + o = options[p]; + if (s.isVisible && ( (!onlyForObjects && o.maskContents) || o.maskObjects )) { + getMasks(p).each(function(){ +; + = s.isSliding ? z.pane_sliding+1 : z.pane_normal+1 + = "block"; + }); + } + }); + } + +, hideMasks = function () { + // ensure no pane is resizing - could be a timing issue + var skip; + $.each( $.layout.config.borderPanes, function(i,p){ + if (state[p].isResizing) { + skip = true; + return false; // BREAK + } + }); + if (!skip) + $Ms.hide(); // hide ALL masks + } + +, getMasks = function (pane) { + var $Masks = $([]) + , $M, i = 0, c = $Ms.length + ; + for (; i CSS + if (sC.tagName === "BODY" && ($N = $("html")).data(css)) // RESET CSS + $N.css( $ ).removeData(css); + + // trigger plugins for this layout, if there are any + runPluginCallbacks( Instance, $.layout.onDestroy ); + + // trigger state-management and onunload callback + unload(); + + // clear the Instance of everything except for container & options (so could recreate) + // RE-CREATE: myLayout = myLayout.container.layout( myLayout.options ); + for (n in Instance) + if (!n.match(/^(container|options)$/)) delete Instance[ n ]; + // add a 'destroyed' flag to make it easy to check + Instance.destroyed = true; + + // if this is a child layout, CLEAR the child-pointer in the parent + /* for now the pointer REMAINS, but with only container, options and destroyed keys + if (parentPane) { + var layout ="parentLayout"); + parentPane.child = layout.children[ ] = null; + } + */ + + return Instance; // for coding convenience + } + + /** + * Remove a pane from the layout - subroutine of destroy() + * + * @see destroy() + * @param {string|Object} evt_or_pane The pane to process + * @param {boolean=} [remove=false] Remove the DOM element? + * @param {boolean=} [skipResize=false] Skip calling resizeAll()? + * @param {boolean=} [destroyChild=true] Destroy Child-layouts? If not passed, obeys options setting + */ +, removePane = function (evt_or_pane, remove, skipResize, destroyChild) { + if (!isInitialized()) return; + var pane =, evt_or_pane) + , $P = $Ps[pane] + , $C = $Cs[pane] + , $R = $Rs[pane] + , $T = $Ts[pane] + ; + // NOTE: elements can still exist even after remove() + // so check for missing data(), which is cleared by removed() + if ($P && $.isEmptyObject( $ )) $P = false; + if ($C && $.isEmptyObject( $ )) $C = false; + if ($R && $.isEmptyObject( $ )) $R = false; + if ($T && $.isEmptyObject( $ )) $T = false; + + if ($P) $P.stop(true, true); + + // check for a child layout + var o = options[pane] + , s = state[pane] + , d = "layout" + , css = "layoutCSS" + , child = children[pane] || ($P ? $ : 0) || ($C ? $ : 0) || null + , destroy = destroyChild !== undefined ? destroyChild : o.destroyChildLayout + ; + + // FIRST destroy the child-layout(s) + if (destroy && child && !child.destroyed) { + child.destroy(true); // tell child-layout to destroy ALL its child-layouts too + if (child.destroyed) // destroy was successful + child = null; // clear pointer for logic below + } + + if ($P && remove && !child) + $P.remove(); + else if ($P && $P[0]) { + // create list of ALL pane-classes that need to be removed + var root = o.paneClass // default="ui-layout-pane" + , pRoot = root +"-"+ pane // eg: "ui-layout-pane-west" + , _open = "-open" + , _sliding= "-sliding" + , _closed = "-closed" + , classes = [ root, root+_open, root+_closed, root+_sliding, // generic classes + pRoot, pRoot+_open, pRoot+_closed, pRoot+_sliding ] // pane-specific classes + ; + $.merge(classes, getHoverClasses($P, true)); // ADD hover-classes + // remove all Layout classes from pane-element + $P .removeClass( classes.join(" ") ) // remove ALL pane-classes + .removeData("parentLayout") + .removeData("layoutPane") + .removeData("layoutRole") + .removeData("layoutEdge") + .removeData("autoHidden") // in case set + .unbind("."+ sID) // remove ALL Layout events + // TODO: remove these extra unbind commands when jQuery is fixed + //.unbind("mouseenter"+ sID) + //.unbind("mouseleave"+ sID) + ; + // do NOT reset CSS if this pane/content is STILL the container of a nested layout! + // the nested layout will reset its 'container' CSS when/if it is destroyed + if ($C && $ { + // a content-div may not have a specific width, so give it one to contain the Layout + $C.width( $C.width() ); + child.resizeAll(); // now resize the Layout + } + else if ($C) + $C.css( $ ).removeData(css).removeData("layoutRole"); + // remove pane AFTER content in case there was a nested layout + if (!$ + $P.css( $ ).removeData(css); + } + + // REMOVE pane resizer and toggler elements + if ($T) $T.remove(); + if ($R) $R.remove(); + + // CLEAR all pointers and state data + Instance[pane] = $Ps[pane] = $Cs[pane] = $Rs[pane] = $Ts[pane] = children[pane] = false; + s = { removed: true }; + + if (!skipResize) + resizeAll(); + } + + +/* + * ########################### + * ACTION METHODS + * ########################### + */ + +, _hidePane = function (pane) { + var $P = $Ps[pane] + , o = options[pane] + , s = $P[0].style + ; + if (o.useOffscreenClose) { + if (!$ + $, { left: s.left, right: s.right }); + $P.css( _c.offscreenCSS ); + } + else + $P.hide().removeData(_c.offscreenReset); + } + +, _showPane = function (pane) { + var $P = $Ps[pane] + , o = options[pane] + , off = _c.offscreenCSS + , old = $ + , s = $P[0].style + ; + $P .show() // ALWAYS show, just in case + .removeData(_c.offscreenReset); + if (o.useOffscreenClose && old) { + if (s.left == off.left) + s.left = old.left; + if (s.right == off.right) + s.right = old.right; + } + } + + + /** + * Completely 'hides' a pane, including its spacing - as if it does not exist + * The pane is not actually 'removed' from the source, so can use 'show' to un-hide it + * + * @param {string|Object} evt_or_pane The pane being hidden, ie: north, south, east, or west + * @param {boolean=} [noAnimation=false] + */ +, hide = function (evt_or_pane, noAnimation) { + if (!isInitialized()) return; + var pane =, evt_or_pane) + , o = options[pane] + , s = state[pane] + , $P = $Ps[pane] + , $R = $Rs[pane] + ; + if (!$P || s.isHidden) return; // pane does not exist OR is already hidden + + // onhide_start callback - will CANCEL hide if returns false + if (state.initialized && false === _runCallbacks("onhide_start", pane)) return; + + s.isSliding = false; // just in case + + // now hide the elements + if ($R) $R.hide(); // hide resizer-bar + if (!state.initialized || s.isClosed) { + s.isClosed = true; // to trigger open-animation on show() + s.isHidden = true; + s.isVisible = false; + if (!state.initialized) + _hidePane(pane); // no animation when loading page + sizeMidPanes(_c[pane].dir === "horz" ? "" : "center"); + if (state.initialized || o.triggerEventsOnLoad) + _runCallbacks("onhide_end", pane); + } + else { + s.isHiding = true; // used by onclose + close(pane, false, noAnimation); // adjust all panes to fit + } + } + + /** + * Show a hidden pane - show as 'closed' by default unless openPane = true + * + * @param {string|Object} evt_or_pane The pane being opened, ie: north, south, east, or west + * @param {boolean=} [openPane=false] + * @param {boolean=} [noAnimation=false] + * @param {boolean=} [noAlert=false] + */ +, show = function (evt_or_pane, openPane, noAnimation, noAlert) { + if (!isInitialized()) return; + var pane =, evt_or_pane) + , o = options[pane] + , s = state[pane] + , $P = $Ps[pane] + , $R = $Rs[pane] + ; + if (!$P || !s.isHidden) return; // pane does not exist OR is not hidden + + // onshow_start callback - will CANCEL show if returns false + if (false === _runCallbacks("onshow_start", pane)) return; + + s.isSliding = false; // just in case + s.isShowing = true; // used by onopen/onclose + //s.isHidden = false; - will be set by open/close - if not cancelled + + // now show the elements + //if ($R) $; - will be shown by open/close + if (openPane === false) + close(pane, true); // true = force + else + open(pane, false, noAnimation, noAlert); // adjust all panes to fit + } + + + /** + * Toggles a pane open/closed by calling either open or close + * + * @param {string|Object} evt_or_pane The pane being toggled, ie: north, south, east, or west + * @param {boolean=} [slide=false] + */ +, toggle = function (evt_or_pane, slide) { + if (!isInitialized()) return; + var evt = evtObj(evt_or_pane) + , pane =, evt_or_pane) + , s = state[pane] + ; + if (evt) // called from to $R.dblclick OR triggerPaneEvent + evt.stopImmediatePropagation(); + if (s.isHidden) + show(pane); // will call 'open' after unhiding it + else if (s.isClosed) + open(pane, !!slide); + else + close(pane); + } + + + /** + * Utility method used during init or other auto-processes + * + * @param {string} pane The pane being closed + * @param {boolean=} [setHandles=false] + */ +, _closePane = function (pane, setHandles) { + var + $P = $Ps[pane] + , s = state[pane] + ; + _hidePane(pane); + s.isClosed = true; + s.isVisible = false; + // UNUSED: if (setHandles) setAsClosed(pane, true); // true = force + } + + /** + * Close the specified pane (animation optional), and resize all other panes as needed + * + * @param {string|Object} evt_or_pane The pane being closed, ie: north, south, east, or west + * @param {boolean=} [force=false] + * @param {boolean=} [noAnimation=false] + * @param {boolean=} [skipCallback=false] + */ +, close = function (evt_or_pane, force, noAnimation, skipCallback) { + var pane =, evt_or_pane); + // if pane has been initialized, but NOT the complete layout, close pane instantly + if (!state.initialized && $Ps[pane]) { + _closePane(pane); // INIT pane as closed + return; + } + if (!isInitialized()) return; + + var + $P = $Ps[pane] + , $R = $Rs[pane] + , $T = $Ts[pane] + , o = options[pane] + , s = state[pane] + , c = _c[pane] + , doFX, isShowing, isHiding, wasSliding; + + // QUEUE in case another action/animation is in progress + $N.queue(function( queueNext ){ + + if ( !$P + || (!o.closable && !s.isShowing && !s.isHiding) // invalid request // (!o.resizable && !o.closable) ??? + || (!force && s.isClosed && !s.isShowing) // already closed + ) return queueNext(); + + // onclose_start callback - will CANCEL hide if returns false + // SKIP if just 'showing' a hidden pane as 'closed' + var abort = !s.isShowing && false === _runCallbacks("onclose_start", pane); + + // transfer logic vars to temp vars + isShowing = s.isShowing; + isHiding = s.isHiding; + wasSliding = s.isSliding; + // now clear the logic vars (REQUIRED before aborting) + delete s.isShowing; + delete s.isHiding; + + if (abort) return queueNext(); + + doFX = !noAnimation && !s.isClosed && (o.fxName_close != "none"); + s.isMoving = true; + s.isClosed = true; + s.isVisible = false; + // update isHidden BEFORE sizing panes + if (isHiding) s.isHidden = true; + else if (isShowing) s.isHidden = false; + + if (s.isSliding) // pane is being closed, so UNBIND trigger events + bindStopSlidingEvents(pane, false); // will set isSliding=false + else // resize panes adjacent to this one + sizeMidPanes(_c[pane].dir === "horz" ? "" : "center", false); // false = NOT skipCallback + + // if this pane has a resizer bar, move it NOW - before animation + setAsClosed(pane); + + // CLOSE THE PANE + if (doFX) { // animate the close + // mask panes with objects + var masks = "center"+ (c.dir=="horz" ? ",west,east" : ""); + showMasks( masks, true ); // true = ONLY mask panes with maskObjects=true + lockPaneForFX(pane, true); // need to set left/top so animation will work + $P.hide( o.fxName_close, o.fxSettings_close, o.fxSpeed_close, function () { + lockPaneForFX(pane, false); // undo + if (s.isClosed) close_2(); + queueNext(); + }); + } + else { // hide the pane without animation + _hidePane(pane); + close_2(); + queueNext(); + }; + }); + + // SUBROUTINE + function close_2 () { + s.isMoving = false; + bindStartSlidingEvent(pane, true); // will enable if o.slidable = true + + // if opposite-pane was autoClosed, see if it can be autoOpened now + var altPane = _c.oppositeEdge[pane]; + if (state[ altPane ].noRoom) { + setSizeLimits( altPane ); + makePaneFit( altPane ); + } + + // hide any masks shown while closing + hideMasks(); + + if (!skipCallback && (state.initialized || o.triggerEventsOnLoad)) { + // onclose callback - UNLESS just 'showing' a hidden pane as 'closed' + if (!isShowing) _runCallbacks("onclose_end", pane); + // onhide OR onshow callback + if (isShowing) _runCallbacks("onshow_end", pane); + if (isHiding) _runCallbacks("onhide_end", pane); + } + } + } + + /** + * @param {string} pane The pane just closed, ie: north, south, east, or west + */ +, setAsClosed = function (pane) { + var + $P = $Ps[pane] + , $R = $Rs[pane] + , $T = $Ts[pane] + , o = options[pane] + , s = state[pane] + , side = _c[pane].side.toLowerCase() + , inset = "inset"+ _c[pane].side + , rClass = o.resizerClass + , tClass = o.togglerClass + , _pane = "-"+ pane // used for classNames + , _open = "-open" + , _sliding= "-sliding" + , _closed = "-closed" + ; + $R + .css(side, sC[inset]) // move the resizer + .removeClass( rClass+_open +" "+ rClass+_pane+_open ) + .removeClass( rClass+_sliding +" "+ rClass+_pane+_sliding ) + .addClass( rClass+_closed +" "+ rClass+_pane+_closed ) + .unbind("dblclick."+ sID) + ; + // DISABLE 'resizing' when closed - do this BEFORE bindStartSlidingEvent? + if (o.resizable && $.layout.plugins.draggable) + $R + .draggable("disable") + .removeClass("ui-state-disabled") // do NOT apply disabled styling - not suitable here + .css("cursor", "default") + .attr("title","") + ; + + // if pane has a toggler button, adjust that too + if ($T) { + $T + .removeClass( tClass+_open +" "+ tClass+_pane+_open ) + .addClass( tClass+_closed +" "+ tClass+_pane+_closed ) + .attr("title", // may be blank + ; + // toggler-content - if exists + $T.children(".content-open").hide(); + $T.children(".content-closed").css("display","block"); + } + + // sync any 'pin buttons' + syncPinBtns(pane, false); + + if (state.initialized) { + // resize 'length' and position togglers for adjacent panes + sizeHandles(); + } + } + + /** + * Open the specified pane (animation optional), and resize all other panes as needed + * + * @param {string|Object} evt_or_pane The pane being opened, ie: north, south, east, or west + * @param {boolean=} [slide=false] + * @param {boolean=} [noAnimation=false] + * @param {boolean=} [noAlert=false] + */ +, open = function (evt_or_pane, slide, noAnimation, noAlert) { + if (!isInitialized()) return; + var pane =, evt_or_pane) + , $P = $Ps[pane] + , $R = $Rs[pane] + , $T = $Ts[pane] + , o = options[pane] + , s = state[pane] + , c = _c[pane] + , doFX, isShowing + ; + // QUEUE in case another action/animation is in progress + $N.queue(function( queueNext ){ + + if ( !$P + || (!o.resizable && !o.closable && !s.isShowing) // invalid request + || (s.isVisible && !s.isSliding) // already open + ) return queueNext(); + + // pane can ALSO be unhidden by just calling show(), so handle this scenario + if (s.isHidden && !s.isShowing) { + queueNext(); // call before show() because it needs the queue free + show(pane, true); + return; + } + + if (o.autoResize && s.size != o.size) // resize pane to original size set in options + sizePane(pane, o.size, true, true, true); // true=skipCallback/forceResize/noAnimation + else + // make sure there is enough space available to open the pane + setSizeLimits(pane, slide); + + // onopen_start callback - will CANCEL open if returns false + var cbReturn = _runCallbacks("onopen_start", pane); + + if (cbReturn === "abort") + return queueNext(); + + // update pane-state again in case options were changed in onopen_start + if (cbReturn !== "NC") // NC = "No Callback" + setSizeLimits(pane, slide); + + if (s.minSize > s.maxSize) { // INSUFFICIENT ROOM FOR PANE TO OPEN! + syncPinBtns(pane, false); // make sure pin-buttons are reset + if (!noAlert && + alert(; + return queueNext(); // ABORT + } + + if (slide) // START Sliding - will set isSliding=true + bindStopSlidingEvents(pane, true); // BIND trigger events to close sliding-pane + else if (s.isSliding) // PIN PANE (stop sliding) - open pane 'normally' instead + bindStopSlidingEvents(pane, false); // UNBIND trigger events - will set isSliding=false + else if (o.slidable) + bindStartSlidingEvent(pane, false); // UNBIND trigger events + + s.noRoom = false; // will be reset by makePaneFit if 'noRoom' + makePaneFit(pane); + + // transfer logic var to temp var + isShowing = s.isShowing; + // now clear the logic var + delete s.isShowing; + + doFX = !noAnimation && s.isClosed && (o.fxName_open != "none"); + s.isMoving = true; + s.isVisible = true; + s.isClosed = false; + // update isHidden BEFORE sizing panes - WHY??? Old? + if (isShowing) s.isHidden = false; + + if (doFX) { // ANIMATE + // mask panes with objects + var masks = "center"+ (c.dir=="horz" ? ",west,east" : ""); + if (s.isSliding) masks += ","+ _c.oppositeEdge[pane]; + showMasks( masks, true ); // true = ONLY mask panes with maskObjects=true + lockPaneForFX(pane, true); // need to set left/top so animation will work + $ o.fxName_open, o.fxSettings_open, o.fxSpeed_open, function() { + lockPaneForFX(pane, false); // undo + if (s.isVisible) open_2(); // continue + queueNext(); + }); + } + else { // no animation + _showPane(pane);// just show pane and... + open_2(); // continue + queueNext(); + }; + }); + + // SUBROUTINE + function open_2 () { + s.isMoving = false; + + // cure iframe display issues + _fixIframe(pane); + + // NOTE: if isSliding, then other panes are NOT 'resized' + if (!s.isSliding) { // resize all panes adjacent to this one + hideMasks(); // remove any masks shown while opening + sizeMidPanes(_c[pane].dir=="vert" ? "center" : "", false); // false = NOT skipCallback + } + + // set classes, position handles and execute callbacks... + setAsOpen(pane); + }; + + } + + /** + * @param {string} pane The pane just opened, ie: north, south, east, or west + * @param {boolean=} [skipCallback=false] + */ +, setAsOpen = function (pane, skipCallback) { + var + $P = $Ps[pane] + , $R = $Rs[pane] + , $T = $Ts[pane] + , o = options[pane] + , s = state[pane] + , side = _c[pane].side.toLowerCase() + , inset = "inset"+ _c[pane].side + , rClass = o.resizerClass + , tClass = o.togglerClass + , _pane = "-"+ pane // used for classNames + , _open = "-open" + , _closed = "-closed" + , _sliding= "-sliding" + ; + $R + .css(side, sC[inset] + getPaneSize(pane)) // move the resizer + .removeClass( rClass+_closed +" "+ rClass+_pane+_closed ) + .addClass( rClass+_open +" "+ rClass+_pane+_open ) + ; + if (s.isSliding) + $R.addClass( rClass+_sliding +" "+ rClass+_pane+_sliding ) + else // in case 'was sliding' + $R.removeClass( rClass+_sliding +" "+ rClass+_pane+_sliding ) + + if (o.resizerDblClickToggle) + $R.bind("dblclick", toggle ); + removeHover( 0, $R ); // remove hover classes + if (o.resizable && $.layout.plugins.draggable) + $R .draggable("enable") + .css("cursor", o.resizerCursor) + .attr("title",; + else if (!s.isSliding) + $R.css("cursor", "default"); // n-resize, s-resize, etc + + // if pane also has a toggler button, adjust that too + if ($T) { + $T .removeClass( tClass+_closed +" "+ tClass+_pane+_closed ) + .addClass( tClass+_open +" "+ tClass+_pane+_open ) + .attr("title",; // may be blank + removeHover( 0, $T ); // remove hover classes + // toggler-content - if exists + $T.children(".content-closed").hide(); + $T.children(".content-open").css("display","block"); + } + + // sync any 'pin buttons' + syncPinBtns(pane, !s.isSliding); + + // update pane-state dimensions - BEFORE resizing content + $.extend(s, elDims($P)); + + if (state.initialized) { + // resize resizer & toggler sizes for all panes + sizeHandles(); + // resize content every time pane opens - to be sure + sizeContent(pane, true); // true = remeasure headers/footers, even if 'pane.isMoving' + } + + if (!skipCallback && (state.initialized || o.triggerEventsOnLoad) && $":visible")) { + // onopen callback + _runCallbacks("onopen_end", pane); + // onshow callback - TODO: should this be here? + if (s.isShowing) _runCallbacks("onshow_end", pane); + + // ALSO call onresize because layout-size *may* have changed while pane was closed + if (state.initialized) + _runCallbacks("onresize_end", pane); + } + + // TODO: Somehow sizePane("north") is being called after this point??? + } + + + /** + * slideOpen / slideClose / slideToggle + * + * Pass-though methods for sliding + */ +, slideOpen = function (evt_or_pane) { + if (!isInitialized()) return; + var evt = evtObj(evt_or_pane) + , pane =, evt_or_pane) + , s = state[pane] + , delay = options[pane].slideDelay_open + ; + // prevent event from triggering on NEW resizer binding created below + if (evt) evt.stopImmediatePropagation(); + + if (s.isClosed && evt && evt.type === "mouseenter" && delay > 0) + // trigger = mouseenter - use a delay + timer.set(pane+"_openSlider", open_NOW, delay); + else + open_NOW(); // will unbind events if is already open + + /** + * SUBROUTINE for timed open + */ + function open_NOW () { + if (!s.isClosed) // skip if no longer closed! + bindStopSlidingEvents(pane, true); // BIND trigger events to close sliding-pane + else if (!s.isMoving) + open(pane, true); // true = slide - open() will handle binding + }; + } + +, slideClose = function (evt_or_pane) { + if (!isInitialized()) return; + var evt = evtObj(evt_or_pane) + , pane =, evt_or_pane) + , o = options[pane] + , s = state[pane] + , delay = s.isMoving ? 1000 : 300 // MINIMUM delay - option may override + ; + if (s.isClosed || s.isResizing) + return; // skip if already closed OR in process of resizing + else if (o.slideTrigger_close === "click") + close_NOW(); // close immediately onClick + else if (o.preventQuickSlideClose && s.isMoving) + return; // handle Chrome quick-close on slide-open + else if (o.preventPrematureSlideClose && evt && $.layout.isMouseOverElem(evt, $Ps[pane])) + return; // handle incorrect mouseleave trigger, like when over a SELECT-list in IE + else if (evt) // trigger = mouseleave - use a delay + // 1 sec delay if 'opening', else .3 sec + timer.set(pane+"_closeSlider", close_NOW, max(o.slideDelay_close, delay)); + else // called programically + close_NOW(); + + /** + * SUBROUTINE for timed close + */ + function close_NOW () { + if (s.isClosed) // skip 'close' if already closed! + bindStopSlidingEvents(pane, false); // UNBIND trigger events - TODO: is this needed here? + else if (!s.isMoving) + close(pane); // close will handle unbinding + }; + } + + /** + * @param {string|Object} evt_or_pane The pane being opened, ie: north, south, east, or west + */ +, slideToggle = function (evt_or_pane) { + var pane =, evt_or_pane); + toggle(pane, true); + } + + + /** + * Must set left/top on East/South panes so animation will work properly + * + * @param {string} pane The pane to lock, 'east' or 'south' - any other is ignored! + * @param {boolean} doLock true = set left/top, false = remove + */ +, lockPaneForFX = function (pane, doLock) { + var $P = $Ps[pane] + , s = state[pane] + , o = options[pane] + , z = options.zIndexes + ; + if (doLock) { + $P.css({ zIndex: z.pane_animate }); // overlay all elements during animation + if (pane=="south") + $P.css({ top: sC.insetTop + sC.innerHeight - $P.outerHeight() }); + else if (pane=="east") + $P.css({ left: sC.insetLeft + sC.innerWidth - $P.outerWidth() }); + } + else { // animation DONE - RESET CSS + // TODO: see if this can be deleted. It causes a quick-close when sliding in Chrome + $P.css({ zIndex: (s.isSliding ? z.pane_sliding : z.pane_normal) }); + if (pane=="south") + $P.css({ top: "auto" }); + // if pane is positioned 'off-screen', then DO NOT screw with it! + else if (pane=="east" && !$P.css("left").match(/\-99999/)) + $P.css({ left: "auto" }); + // fix anti-aliasing in IE - only needed for animations that change opacity + if (browser.msie && o.fxOpacityFix && o.fxName_open != "slide" && $P.css("filter") && $P.css("opacity") == 1) + $P[0].style.removeAttribute('filter'); + } + } + + + /** + * Toggle sliding functionality of a specific pane on/off by adding removing 'slide open' trigger + * + * @see open(), close() + * @param {string} pane The pane to enable/disable, 'north', 'south', etc. + * @param {boolean} enable Enable or Disable sliding? + */ +, bindStartSlidingEvent = function (pane, enable) { + var o = options[pane] + , $P = $Ps[pane] + , $R = $Rs[pane] + , evtName = o.slideTrigger_open.toLowerCase() + ; + if (!$R || (enable && !o.slidable)) return; + + // make sure we have a valid event + if (evtName.match(/mouseover/)) + evtName = o.slideTrigger_open = "mouseenter"; + else if (!evtName.match(/(click|dblclick|mouseenter)/)) + evtName = o.slideTrigger_open = "click"; + + $R + // add or remove event + [enable ? "bind" : "unbind"](evtName +'.'+ sID, slideOpen) + // set the appropriate cursor & title/tip + .css("cursor", enable ? o.sliderCursor : "default") + .attr("title", enable ? : "") + ; + } + + /** + * Add or remove 'mouseleave' events to 'slide close' when pane is 'sliding' open or closed + * Also increases zIndex when pane is sliding open + * See bindStartSlidingEvent for code to control 'slide open' + * + * @see slideOpen(), slideClose() + * @param {string} pane The pane to process, 'north', 'south', etc. + * @param {boolean} enable Enable or Disable events? + */ +, bindStopSlidingEvents = function (pane, enable) { + var o = options[pane] + , s = state[pane] + , c = _c[pane] + , z = options.zIndexes + , evtName = o.slideTrigger_close.toLowerCase() + , action = (enable ? "bind" : "unbind") + , $P = $Ps[pane] + , $R = $Rs[pane] + ; + s.isSliding = enable; // logic + timer.clear(pane+"_closeSlider"); // just in case + + // remove 'slideOpen' event from resizer + // ALSO will raise the zIndex of the pane & resizer + if (enable) bindStartSlidingEvent(pane, false); + + // RE/SET zIndex - increases when pane is sliding-open, resets to normal when not + $P.css("zIndex", enable ? z.pane_sliding : z.pane_normal); + $R.css("zIndex", enable ? z.pane_sliding+2 : z.resizer_normal); // NOTE: mask = pane_sliding+1 + + // make sure we have a valid event + if (!evtName.match(/(click|mouseleave)/)) + evtName = o.slideTrigger_close = "mouseleave"; // also catches 'mouseout' + + // add/remove slide triggers + $R[action](evtName, slideClose); // base event on resize + // need extra events for mouseleave + if (evtName === "mouseleave") { + // also close on pane.mouseleave + $P[action]("mouseleave."+ sID, slideClose); + // cancel timer when mouse moves between 'pane' and 'resizer' + $R[action]("mouseenter."+ sID, cancelMouseOut); + $P[action]("mouseenter."+ sID, cancelMouseOut); + } + + if (!enable) + timer.clear(pane+"_closeSlider"); + else if (evtName === "click" && !o.resizable) { + // IF pane is not resizable (which already has a cursor and tip) + // then set the a cursor & title/tip on resizer when sliding + $R.css("cursor", enable ? o.sliderCursor : "default"); + $R.attr("title", enable ? : ""); // use Toggler-tip, eg: "Close Pane" + } + + // SUBROUTINE for mouseleave timer clearing + function cancelMouseOut (evt) { + timer.clear(pane+"_closeSlider"); + evt.stopPropagation(); + } + } + + + /** + * Hides/closes a pane if there is insufficient room - reverses this when there is room again + * MUST have already called setSizeLimits() before calling this method + * + * @param {string} pane The pane being resized + * @param {boolean=} [isOpening=false] Called from onOpen? + * @param {boolean=} [skipCallback=false] Should the onresize callback be run? + * @param {boolean=} [force=false] + */ +, makePaneFit = function (pane, isOpening, skipCallback, force) { + var + o = options[pane] + , s = state[pane] + , c = _c[pane] + , $P = $Ps[pane] + , $R = $Rs[pane] + , isSidePane = c.dir==="vert" + , hasRoom = false + ; + // special handling for center & east/west panes + if (pane === "center" || (isSidePane && s.noVerticalRoom)) { + // see if there is enough room to display the pane + // ERROR: hasRoom = s.minHeight <= s.maxHeight && (isSidePane || s.minWidth <= s.maxWidth); + hasRoom = (s.maxHeight >= 0); + if (hasRoom && s.noRoom) { // previously hidden due to noRoom, so show now + _showPane(pane); + if ($R) $; + s.isVisible = true; + s.noRoom = false; + if (isSidePane) s.noVerticalRoom = false; + _fixIframe(pane); + } + else if (!hasRoom && !s.noRoom) { // not currently hidden, so hide now + _hidePane(pane); + if ($R) $R.hide(); + s.isVisible = false; + s.noRoom = true; + } + } + + // see if there is enough room to fit the border-pane + if (pane === "center") { + // ignore center in this block + } + else if (s.minSize <= s.maxSize) { // pane CAN fit + hasRoom = true; + if (s.size > s.maxSize) // pane is too big - shrink it + sizePane(pane, s.maxSize, skipCallback, force, true); // true = noAnimation + else if (s.size < s.minSize) // pane is too small - enlarge it + sizePane(pane, s.minSize, skipCallback, force, true); + // need s.isVisible because new pseudoClose method keeps pane visible, but off-screen + else if ($R && s.isVisible && $":visible")) { + // make sure resizer-bar is positioned correctly + // handles situation where nested layout was 'hidden' when initialized + var side = c.side.toLowerCase() + , pos = s.size + sC["inset"+ c.side] + ; + if ($.layout.cssNum($R, side) != pos) $R.css( side, pos ); + } + + // if was previously hidden due to noRoom, then RESET because NOW there is room + if (s.noRoom) { + // s.noRoom state will be set by open or show + if (s.wasOpen && o.closable) { + if (o.autoReopen) + open(pane, false, true, true); // true = noAnimation, true = noAlert + else // leave the pane closed, so just update state + s.noRoom = false; + } + else + show(pane, s.wasOpen, true, true); // true = noAnimation, true = noAlert + } + } + else { // !hasRoom - pane CANNOT fit + if (!s.noRoom) { // pane not set as noRoom yet, so hide or close it now... + s.noRoom = true; // update state + s.wasOpen = !s.isClosed && !s.isSliding; + if (s.isClosed){} // SKIP + else if (o.closable) // 'close' if possible + close(pane, true, true); // true = force, true = noAnimation + else // 'hide' pane if cannot just be closed + hide(pane, true); // true = noAnimation + } + } + } + + + /** + * sizePane / manualSizePane + * sizePane is called only by internal methods whenever a pane needs to be resized + * manualSizePane is an exposed flow-through method allowing extra code when pane is 'manually resized' + * + * @param {string|Object} evt_or_pane The pane being resized + * @param {number} size The *desired* new size for this pane - will be validated + * @param {boolean=} [skipCallback=false] Should the onresize callback be run? + * @param {boolean=} [noAnimation=false] + */ +, manualSizePane = function (evt_or_pane, size, skipCallback, noAnimation) { + if (!isInitialized()) return; + var pane =, evt_or_pane) + , o = options[pane] + , s = state[pane] + // if resizing callbacks have been delayed and resizing is now DONE, force resizing to complete... + , forceResize = o.livePaneResizing && !s.isResizing + ; + // ANY call to manualSizePane disables autoResize - ie, percentage sizing + o.autoResize = false; + // flow-through... + sizePane(pane, size, skipCallback, forceResize, noAnimation); // will animate resize if option enabled + } + + /** + * @param {string|Object} evt_or_pane The pane being resized + * @param {number} size The *desired* new size for this pane - will be validated + * @param {boolean=} [skipCallback=false] Should the onresize callback be run? + * @param {boolean=} [force=false] Force resizing even if does not seem necessary + * @param {boolean=} [noAnimation=false] + */ +, sizePane = function (evt_or_pane, size, skipCallback, force, noAnimation) { + if (!isInitialized()) return; + var pane =, evt_or_pane) // probably NEVER called from event? + , o = options[pane] + , s = state[pane] + , $P = $Ps[pane] + , $R = $Rs[pane] + , side = _c[pane].side.toLowerCase() + , dimName = _c[pane].sizeType.toLowerCase() + , inset = "inset"+ _c[pane].side + , skipResizeWhileDragging = s.isResizing && !o.triggerEventsDuringLiveResize + , doFX = noAnimation !== true && o.animatePaneSizing + , oldSize, newSize + ; + // QUEUE in case another action/animation is in progress + $N.queue(function( queueNext ){ + // calculate 'current' min/max sizes + setSizeLimits(pane); // update pane-state + oldSize = s.size; + size = _parseSize(pane, size); // handle percentages & auto + size = max(size, _parseSize(pane, o.minSize)); + size = min(size, s.maxSize); + if (size < s.minSize) { // not enough room for pane! + queueNext(); // call before makePaneFit() because it needs the queue free + makePaneFit(pane, false, skipCallback); // will hide or close pane + return; + } + + // IF newSize is same as oldSize, then nothing to do - abort + if (!force && size === oldSize) + return queueNext(); + + // onresize_start callback CANNOT cancel resizing because this would break the layout! + if (!skipCallback && state.initialized && s.isVisible) + _runCallbacks("onresize_start", pane); + + // resize the pane, and make sure its visible + newSize = cssSize(pane, size); + + if (doFX && $":visible")) { // ANIMATE + var fx = $.layout.effects.size[pane] || $.layout.effects.size.all + , easing = o.fxSettings_size.easing || fx.easing + , z = options.zIndexes + , props = {}; + props[ dimName ] = newSize +'px'; + s.isMoving = true; + // overlay all elements during animation + $P.css({ zIndex: z.pane_animate }) + .show().animate( props, o.fxSpeed_size, easing, function(){ + // reset zIndex after animation + $P.css({ zIndex: (s.isSliding ? z.pane_sliding : z.pane_normal) }); + s.isMoving = false; + sizePane_2(); // continue + queueNext(); + }); + } + else { // no animation + $P.css( dimName, newSize ); // resize pane + // if pane is visible, then + if ($":visible")) + sizePane_2(); // continue + else { + // pane is NOT VISIBLE, so just update state data... + // when pane is *next opened*, it will have the new size + s.size = size; // update state.size + $.extend(s, elDims($P)); // update state dimensions + } + queueNext(); + }; + + }); + + // SUBROUTINE + function sizePane_2 () { + /* Panes are sometimes not sized precisely in some browsers!? + * This code will resize the pane up to 3 times to nudge the pane to the correct size + */ + var actual = dimName==='width' ? $P.outerWidth() : $P.outerHeight() + , tries = [{ + pane: pane + , count: 1 + , target: size + , actual: actual + , correct: (size === actual) + , attempt: size + , cssSize: newSize + }] + , lastTry = tries[0] + , thisTry = {} + , msg = 'Inaccurate size after resizing the '+ pane +'-pane.' + ; + while ( !lastTry.correct ) { + thisTry = { pane: pane, count: lastTry.count+1, target: size }; + + if (lastTry.actual > size) + thisTry.attempt = max(0, lastTry.attempt - (lastTry.actual - size)); + else // lastTry.actual < size + thisTry.attempt = max(0, lastTry.attempt + (size - lastTry.actual)); + + thisTry.cssSize = cssSize(pane, thisTry.attempt); + $P.css( dimName, thisTry.cssSize ); + + thisTry.actual = dimName=='width' ? $P.outerWidth() : $P.outerHeight(); + thisTry.correct = (size === thisTry.actual); + + // log attempts and alert the user of this *non-fatal error* (if showDebugMessages) + if ( tries.length === 1) { + _log(msg, false, true); + _log(lastTry, false, true); + } + _log(thisTry, false, true); + // after 4 tries, is as close as its gonna get! + if (tries.length > 3) break; + + tries.push( thisTry ); + lastTry = tries[ tries.length - 1 ]; + } + // END TESTING CODE + + // update pane-state dimensions + s.size = size; + $.extend(s, elDims($P)); + + if (s.isVisible && $":visible")) { + // reposition the resizer-bar + if ($R) $R.css( side, size + sC[inset] ); + // resize the content-div + sizeContent(pane); + } + + if (!skipCallback && !skipResizeWhileDragging && state.initialized && s.isVisible) + _runCallbacks("onresize_end", pane); + + // resize all the adjacent panes, and adjust their toggler buttons + // when skipCallback passed, it means the controlling method will handle 'other panes' + if (!skipCallback) { + // also no callback if live-resize is in progress and NOT triggerEventsDuringLiveResize + if (!s.isSliding) sizeMidPanes(_c[pane].dir=="horz" ? "" : "center", skipResizeWhileDragging, force); + sizeHandles(); + } + + // if opposite-pane was autoClosed, see if it can be autoOpened now + var altPane = _c.oppositeEdge[pane]; + if (size < oldSize && state[ altPane ].noRoom) { + setSizeLimits( altPane ); + makePaneFit( altPane, false, skipCallback ); + } + + // DEBUG - ALERT user/developer so they know there was a sizing problem + if (tries.length > 1) + _log(msg +'\nSee the Error Console for details.', true, true); + } + } + + /** + * @see initPanes(), sizePane(), resizeAll(), open(), close(), hide() + * @param {Array.|string} panes The pane(s) being resized, comma-delmited string + * @param {boolean=} [skipCallback=false] Should the onresize callback be run? + * @param {boolean=} [force=false] + */ +, sizeMidPanes = function (panes, skipCallback, force) { + panes = (panes ? panes : "east,west,center").split(","); + + $.each(panes, function (i, pane) { + if (!$Ps[pane]) return; // NO PANE - skip + var + o = options[pane] + , s = state[pane] + , $P = $Ps[pane] + , $R = $Rs[pane] + , isCenter= (pane=="center") + , hasRoom = true + , CSS = {} + , newCenter = calcNewCenterPaneDims() + ; + // update pane-state dimensions + $.extend(s, elDims($P)); + + if (pane === "center") { + if (!force && s.isVisible && newCenter.width === s.outerWidth && newCenter.height === s.outerHeight) + return true; // SKIP - pane already the correct size + // set state for makePaneFit() logic + $.extend(s, cssMinDims(pane), { + maxWidth: newCenter.width + , maxHeight: newCenter.height + }); + CSS = newCenter; + // convert OUTER width/height to CSS width/height + CSS.width = cssW($P, CSS.width); + // NEW - allow pane to extend 'below' visible area rather than hide it + CSS.height = cssH($P, CSS.height); + hasRoom = CSS.width >= 0 && CSS.height >= 0; // height >= 0 = ALWAYS TRUE NOW + // during layout init, try to shrink east/west panes to make room for center + if (!state.initialized && o.minWidth > s.outerWidth) { + var + reqPx = o.minWidth - s.outerWidth + , minE = options.east.minSize || 0 + , minW = options.west.minSize || 0 + , sizeE = state.east.size + , sizeW = state.west.size + , newE = sizeE + , newW = sizeW + ; + if (reqPx > 0 && state.east.isVisible && sizeE > minE) { + newE = max( sizeE-minE, sizeE-reqPx ); + reqPx -= sizeE-newE; + } + if (reqPx > 0 && state.west.isVisible && sizeW > minW) { + newW = max( sizeW-minW, sizeW-reqPx ); + reqPx -= sizeW-newW; + } + // IF we found enough extra space, then resize the border panes as calculated + if (reqPx === 0) { + if (sizeE && sizeE != minE) + sizePane('east', newE, true, force, true); // true = skipCallback/noAnimation - initPanes will handle when done + if (sizeW && sizeW != minW) + sizePane('west', newW, true, force, true); + // now start over! + sizeMidPanes('center', skipCallback, force); + return; // abort this loop + } + } + } + else { // for east and west, set only the height, which is same as center height + // set state.min/maxWidth/Height for makePaneFit() logic + if (s.isVisible && !s.noVerticalRoom) + $.extend(s, elDims($P), cssMinDims(pane)) + if (!force && !s.noVerticalRoom && newCenter.height === s.outerHeight) + return true; // SKIP - pane already the correct size + // east/west have same top, bottom & height as center + =; + CSS.bottom = newCenter.bottom; + // NEW - allow pane to extend 'below' visible area rather than hide it + CSS.height = cssH($P, newCenter.height); + s.maxHeight = CSS.height; + hasRoom = (s.maxHeight >= 0); // ALWAYS TRUE NOW + if (!hasRoom) s.noVerticalRoom = true; // makePaneFit() logic + } + + if (hasRoom) { + // resizeAll passes skipCallback because it triggers callbacks after ALL panes are resized + if (!skipCallback && state.initialized) + _runCallbacks("onresize_start", pane); + + $P.css(CSS); // apply the CSS to pane + if (pane !== "center") + sizeHandles(pane); // also update resizer length + if (s.noRoom && !s.isClosed && !s.isHidden) + makePaneFit(pane); // will re-open/show auto-closed/hidden pane + if (s.isVisible) { + $.extend(s, elDims($P)); // update pane dimensions + if (state.initialized) sizeContent(pane); // also resize the contents, if exists + } + } + else if (!s.noRoom && s.isVisible) // no room for pane + makePaneFit(pane); // will hide or close pane + + if (!s.isVisible) + return true; // DONE - next pane + + /* + * Extra CSS for IE6 or IE7 in Quirks-mode - add 'width' to NORTH/SOUTH panes + * Normally these panes have only 'left' & 'right' positions so pane auto-sizes + * ALSO required when pane is an IFRAME because will NOT default to 'full width' + * TODO: Can I use width:100% for a north/south iframe? + * TODO: Sounds like a job for $P.outerWidth( sC.innerWidth ) SETTER METHOD + */ + if (pane === "center") { // finished processing midPanes + var fix = browser.isIE6 || !browser.boxModel; + if ($Ps.north && (fix || state.north.tagName=="IFRAME")) + $Ps.north.css("width", cssW($Ps.north, sC.innerWidth)); + if ($Ps.south && (fix || state.south.tagName=="IFRAME")) + $Ps.south.css("width", cssW($Ps.south, sC.innerWidth)); + } + + // resizeAll passes skipCallback because it triggers callbacks after ALL panes are resized + if (!skipCallback && state.initialized) + _runCallbacks("onresize_end", pane); + }); + } + + + /** + * @see window.onresize(), callbacks or custom code + */ +, resizeAll = function (evt) { + // stopPropagation if called by trigger("layoutdestroy") - use evtPane utility + evtPane(evt); + + if (!state.initialized) { + _initLayoutElements(); + return; // no need to resize since we just initialized! + } + var oldW = sC.innerWidth + , oldH = sC.innerHeight + ; + // cannot size layout when 'container' is hidden or collapsed + if (!$":visible") ) return; + $.extend(state.container, elDims( $N )); // UPDATE container dimensions + if (!sC.outerHeight) return; + + // onresizeall_start will CANCEL resizing if returns false + // state.container has already been set, so user can access this info for calcuations + if (false === _runCallbacks("onresizeall_start")) return false; + + var // see if container is now 'smaller' than before + shrunkH = (sC.innerHeight < oldH) + , shrunkW = (sC.innerWidth < oldW) + , $P, o, s, dir + ; + // NOTE special order for sizing: S-N-E-W + $.each(["south","north","east","west"], function (i, pane) { + if (!$Ps[pane]) return; // no pane - SKIP + s = state[pane]; + o = options[pane]; + dir = _c[pane].dir; + + if (o.autoResize && s.size != o.size) // resize pane to original size set in options + sizePane(pane, o.size, true, true, true); // true=skipCallback/forceResize/noAnimation + else { + setSizeLimits(pane); + makePaneFit(pane, false, true, true); // true=skipCallback/forceResize + } + }); + + sizeMidPanes("", true, true); // true=skipCallback, true=forceResize + sizeHandles(); // reposition the toggler elements + + // trigger all individual pane callbacks AFTER layout has finished resizing + o = options; // reuse alias + $.each(_c.allPanes, function (i, pane) { + $P = $Ps[pane]; + if (!$P) return; // SKIP + if (state[pane].isVisible) // undefined for non-existent panes + _runCallbacks("onresize_end", pane); // callback - if exists + }); + + _runCallbacks("onresizeall_end"); + //_triggerLayoutEvent(pane, 'resizeall'); + } + + /** + * Whenever a pane resizes or opens that has a nested layout, trigger resizeAll + * + * @param {string|Object} evt_or_pane The pane just resized or opened + */ +, resizeChildLayout = function (evt_or_pane) { + var pane =, evt_or_pane); + if (!options[pane].resizeChildLayout) return; + var $P = $Ps[pane] + , $C = $Cs[pane] + , d = "layout" + , P = Instance[pane] + , L = children[pane] + ; + // user may have manually set EITHER instance pointer, so handle that + if (P.child && !L) { + // have to reverse the pointers! + var el = P.child.container; + L = children[pane] = (el ? : 0) || null; // set pointer _directly_ to layout instance + } + + // if a layout-pointer exists, see if child has been destroyed + if (L && L.destroyed) + L = children[pane] = null; // clear child pointers + // no child layout pointer is set - see if there is a child layout NOW + if (!L) L = children[pane] = $ || ($C ? $ : 0) || null; // set/update child pointers + + // ALWAYS refresh the pane.child alias + P.child = children[pane]; + + if (L) L.resizeAll(); + } + + + /** + * IF pane has a content-div, then resize all elements inside pane to fit pane-height + * + * @param {string|Object} evt_or_panes The pane(s) being resized + * @param {boolean=} [remeasure=false] Should the content (header/footer) be remeasured? + */ +, sizeContent = function (evt_or_panes, remeasure) { + if (!isInitialized()) return; + + var panes =, evt_or_panes); + panes = panes ? panes.split(",") : _c.allPanes; + + $.each(panes, function (idx, pane) { + var + $P = $Ps[pane] + , $C = $Cs[pane] + , o = options[pane] + , s = state[pane] + , m = s.content // m = measurements + ; + if (!$P || !$C || !$":visible")) return true; // NOT VISIBLE - skip + + // if content-element was REMOVED, update OR remove the pointer + if (!$C.length) { + initContent(pane, false); // false = do NOT sizeContent() - already there! + if (!$C) return; // no replacement element found - pointer have been removed + } + + // onsizecontent_start will CANCEL resizing if returns false + if (false === _runCallbacks("onsizecontent_start", pane)) return; + + // skip re-measuring offsets if live-resizing + if ((!s.isMoving && !s.isResizing) || o.liveContentResizing || remeasure || == undefined) { + _measure(); + // if any footers are below pane-bottom, they may not measure correctly, + // so allow pane overflow and re-measure + if (m.hiddenFooters > 0 && $P.css("overflow") === "hidden") { + $P.css("overflow", "visible"); + _measure(); // remeasure while overflowing + $P.css("overflow", "hidden"); + } + } + // NOTE: spaceAbove/Below *includes* the pane paddingTop/Bottom, but not pane.borders + var newH = s.innerHeight - (m.spaceAbove - s.css.paddingTop) - (m.spaceBelow - s.css.paddingBottom); + + if (!$":visible") || m.height != newH) { + // size the Content element to fit new pane-size - will autoHide if not enough room + setOuterHeight($C, newH, true); // true=autoHide + m.height = newH; // save new height + }; + + if (state.initialized) + _runCallbacks("onsizecontent_end", pane); + + function _below ($E) { + return max(s.css.paddingBottom, (parseInt($E.css("marginBottom"), 10) || 0)); + }; + + function _measure () { + var + ignore = options[pane].contentIgnoreSelector + , $Fs = $C.nextAll().not(ignore || ':lt(0)') // not :lt(0) = ALL + , $Fs_vis = $Fs.filter(':visible') + , $F = $Fs_vis.filter(':last') + ; + m = { + top: $C[0].offsetTop + , height: $C.outerHeight() + , numFooters: $Fs.length + , hiddenFooters: $Fs.length - $Fs_vis.length + , spaceBelow: 0 // correct if no content footer ($E) + } + m.spaceAbove =; // just for state - not used in calc + m.bottom = + m.height; + if ($F.length) + //spaceBelow = ( + LastFooter.height) [footerBottom] - Content.bottom + max(LastFooter.marginBottom, pane.paddingBotom) + m.spaceBelow = ($F[0].offsetTop + $F.outerHeight()) - m.bottom + _below($F); + else // no footer - check marginBottom on Content element itself + m.spaceBelow = _below($C); + }; + }); + } + + + /** + * Called every time a pane is opened, closed, or resized to slide the togglers to 'center' and adjust their length if necessary + * + * @see initHandles(), open(), close(), resizeAll() + * @param {string|Object} evt_or_panes The pane(s) being resized + */ +, sizeHandles = function (evt_or_panes) { + var panes =, evt_or_panes) + panes = panes ? panes.split(",") : _c.borderPanes; + + $.each(panes, function (i, pane) { + var + o = options[pane] + , s = state[pane] + , $P = $Ps[pane] + , $R = $Rs[pane] + , $T = $Ts[pane] + , $TC + ; + if (!$P || !$R) return; + + var + dir = _c[pane].dir + , _state = (s.isClosed ? "_closed" : "_open") + , spacing = o["spacing"+ _state] + , togAlign = o["togglerAlign"+ _state] + , togLen = o["togglerLength"+ _state] + , paneLen + , left + , offset + , CSS = {} + ; + + if (spacing === 0) { + $R.hide(); + return; + } + else if (!s.noRoom && !s.isHidden) // skip if resizer was hidden for any reason + $; // in case was previously hidden + + // Resizer Bar is ALWAYS same width/height of pane it is attached to + if (dir === "horz") { // north/south + //paneLen = $P.outerWidth(); // s.outerWidth || + paneLen = sC.innerWidth; // handle offscreen-panes + s.resizerLength = paneLen; + left = $.layout.cssNum($P, "left") + $R.css({ + width: cssW($R, paneLen) // account for borders & padding + , height: cssH($R, spacing) // ditto + , left: left > -9999 ? left : sC.insetLeft // handle offscreen-panes + }); + } + else { // east/west + paneLen = $P.outerHeight(); // s.outerHeight || + s.resizerLength = paneLen; + $R.css({ + height: cssH($R, paneLen) // account for borders & padding + , width: cssW($R, spacing) // ditto + , top: sC.insetTop + getPaneSize("north", true) // TODO: what if no North pane? + //, top: $.layout.cssNum($Ps["center"], "top") + }); + } + + // remove hover classes + removeHover( o, $R ); + + if ($T) { + if (togLen === 0 || (s.isSliding && o.hideTogglerOnSlide)) { + $T.hide(); // always HIDE the toggler when 'sliding' + return; + } + else + $; // in case was previously hidden + + if (!(togLen > 0) || togLen === "100%" || togLen > paneLen) { + togLen = paneLen; + offset = 0; + } + else { // calculate 'offset' based on options.PANE.togglerAlign_open/closed + if (isStr(togAlign)) { + switch (togAlign) { + case "top": + case "left": offset = 0; + break; + case "bottom": + case "right": offset = paneLen - togLen; + break; + case "middle": + case "center": + default: offset = round((paneLen - togLen) / 2); // 'default' catches typos + } + } + else { // togAlign = number + var x = parseInt(togAlign, 10); // + if (togAlign >= 0) offset = x; + else offset = paneLen - togLen + x; // NOTE: x is negative! + } + } + + if (dir === "horz") { // north/south + var width = cssW($T, togLen); + $T.css({ + width: width // account for borders & padding + , height: cssH($T, spacing) // ditto + , left: offset // TODO: VERIFY that toggler positions correctly for ALL values + , top: 0 + }); + // CENTER the toggler content SPAN + $T.children(".content").each(function(){ + $TC = $(this); + $TC.css("marginLeft", round((width-$TC.outerWidth())/2)); // could be negative + }); + } + else { // east/west + var height = cssH($T, togLen); + $T.css({ + height: height // account for borders & padding + , width: cssW($T, spacing) // ditto + , top: offset // POSITION the toggler + , left: 0 + }); + // CENTER the toggler content SPAN + $T.children(".content").each(function(){ + $TC = $(this); + $TC.css("marginTop", round((height-$TC.outerHeight())/2)); // could be negative + }); + } + + // remove ALL hover classes + removeHover( 0, $T ); + } + + // DONE measuring and sizing this resizer/toggler, so can be 'hidden' now + if (!state.initialized && (o.initHidden || s.noRoom)) { + $R.hide(); + if ($T) $T.hide(); + } + }); + } + + + /** + * @param {string|Object} evt_or_pane + */ +, enableClosable = function (evt_or_pane) { + if (!isInitialized()) return; + var pane =, evt_or_pane) + , $T = $Ts[pane] + , o = options[pane] + ; + if (!$T) return; + o.closable = true; + $T .bind("click."+ sID, function(evt){ evt.stopPropagation(); toggle(pane); }) + .css("visibility", "visible") + .css("cursor", "pointer") + .attr("title", state[pane].isClosed ? : // may be blank + .show(); + } + /** + * @param {string|Object} evt_or_pane + * @param {boolean=} [hide=false] + */ +, disableClosable = function (evt_or_pane, hide) { + if (!isInitialized()) return; + var pane =, evt_or_pane) + , $T = $Ts[pane] + ; + if (!$T) return; + options[pane].closable = false; + // is closable is disable, then pane MUST be open! + if (state[pane].isClosed) open(pane, false, true); + $T .unbind("."+ sID) + .css("visibility", hide ? "hidden" : "visible") // instead of hide(), which creates logic issues + .css("cursor", "default") + .attr("title", ""); + } + + + /** + * @param {string|Object} evt_or_pane + */ +, enableSlidable = function (evt_or_pane) { + if (!isInitialized()) return; + var pane =, evt_or_pane) + , $R = $Rs[pane] + ; + if (!$R || !$'draggable')) return; + options[pane].slidable = true; + if (state[pane].isClosed) + bindStartSlidingEvent(pane, true); + } + /** + * @param {string|Object} evt_or_pane + */ +, disableSlidable = function (evt_or_pane) { + if (!isInitialized()) return; + var pane =, evt_or_pane) + , $R = $Rs[pane] + ; + if (!$R) return; + options[pane].slidable = false; + if (state[pane].isSliding) + close(pane, false, true); + else { + bindStartSlidingEvent(pane, false); + $R .css("cursor", "default") + .attr("title", ""); + removeHover(null, $R[0]); // in case currently hovered + } + } + + + /** + * @param {string|Object} evt_or_pane + */ +, enableResizable = function (evt_or_pane) { + if (!isInitialized()) return; + var pane =, evt_or_pane) + , $R = $Rs[pane] + , o = options[pane] + ; + if (!$R || !$'draggable')) return; + o.resizable = true; + $R.draggable("enable"); + if (!state[pane].isClosed) + $R .css("cursor", o.resizerCursor) + .attr("title",; + } + /** + * @param {string|Object} evt_or_pane + */ +, disableResizable = function (evt_or_pane) { + if (!isInitialized()) return; + var pane =, evt_or_pane) + , $R = $Rs[pane] + ; + if (!$R || !$'draggable')) return; + options[pane].resizable = false; + $R .draggable("disable") + .css("cursor", "default") + .attr("title", ""); + removeHover(null, $R[0]); // in case currently hovered + } + + + /** + * Move a pane from source-side (eg, west) to target-side (eg, east) + * If pane exists on target-side, move that to source-side, ie, 'swap' the panes + * + * @param {string|Object} evt_or_pane1 The pane/edge being swapped + * @param {string} pane2 ditto + */ +, swapPanes = function (evt_or_pane1, pane2) { + if (!isInitialized()) return; + var pane1 =, evt_or_pane1); + // change state.edge NOW so callbacks can know where pane is headed... + state[pane1].edge = pane2; + state[pane2].edge = pane1; + // run these even if NOT state.initialized + if (false === _runCallbacks("onswap_start", pane1) + || false === _runCallbacks("onswap_start", pane2) + ) { + state[pane1].edge = pane1; // reset + state[pane2].edge = pane2; + return; + } + + var + oPane1 = copy( pane1 ) + , oPane2 = copy( pane2 ) + , sizes = {} + ; + sizes[pane1] = oPane1 ? oPane1.state.size : 0; + sizes[pane2] = oPane2 ? oPane2.state.size : 0; + + // clear pointers & state + $Ps[pane1] = false; + $Ps[pane2] = false; + state[pane1] = {}; + state[pane2] = {}; + + // ALWAYS remove the resizer & toggler elements + if ($Ts[pane1]) $Ts[pane1].remove(); + if ($Ts[pane2]) $Ts[pane2].remove(); + if ($Rs[pane1]) $Rs[pane1].remove(); + if ($Rs[pane2]) $Rs[pane2].remove(); + $Rs[pane1] = $Rs[pane2] = $Ts[pane1] = $Ts[pane2] = false; + + // transfer element pointers and data to NEW Layout keys + move( oPane1, pane2 ); + move( oPane2, pane1 ); + + // cleanup objects + oPane1 = oPane2 = sizes = null; + + // make panes 'visible' again + if ($Ps[pane1]) $Ps[pane1].css(_c.visible); + if ($Ps[pane2]) $Ps[pane2].css(_c.visible); + + // fix any size discrepancies caused by swap + resizeAll(); + + // run these even if NOT state.initialized + _runCallbacks("onswap_end", pane1); + _runCallbacks("onswap_end", pane2); + + return; + + function copy (n) { // n = pane + var + $P = $Ps[n] + , $C = $Cs[n] + ; + return !$P ? false : { + pane: n + , P: $P ? $P[0] : false + , C: $C ? $C[0] : false + , state: $.extend(true, {}, state[n]) + , options: $.extend(true, {}, options[n]) + } + }; + + function move (oPane, pane) { + if (!oPane) return; + var + P = oPane.P + , C = oPane.C + , oldPane = oPane.pane + , c = _c[pane] + , side = c.side.toLowerCase() + , inset = "inset"+ c.side + // save pane-options that should be retained + , s = $.extend(true, {}, state[pane]) + , o = options[pane] + // RETAIN side-specific FX Settings - more below + , fx = { resizerCursor: o.resizerCursor } + , re, size, pos + ; + $.each("fxName,fxSpeed,fxSettings".split(","), function (i, k) { + fx[k +"_open"] = o[k +"_open"]; + fx[k +"_close"] = o[k +"_close"]; + fx[k +"_size"] = o[k +"_size"]; + }); + + // update object pointers and attributes + $Ps[pane] = $(P) + .data({ + layoutPane: Instance[pane] // NEW pointer to pane-alias-object + , layoutEdge: pane + }) + .css(_c.hidden) + .css(c.cssReq) + ; + $Cs[pane] = C ? $(C) : false; + + // set options and state + options[pane] = $.extend(true, {}, oPane.options, fx); + state[pane] = $.extend(true, {}, oPane.state); + + // change classNames on the pane, eg: ui-layout-pane-east ==> ui-layout-pane-west + re = new RegExp(o.paneClass +"-"+ oldPane, "g"); + P.className = P.className.replace(re, o.paneClass +"-"+ pane); + + // ALWAYS regenerate the resizer & toggler elements + initHandles(pane); // create the required resizer & toggler + + // if moving to different orientation, then keep 'target' pane size + if (c.dir != _c[oldPane].dir) { + size = sizes[pane] || 0; + setSizeLimits(pane); // update pane-state + size = max(size, state[pane].minSize); + // use manualSizePane to disable autoResize - not useful after panes are swapped + manualSizePane(pane, size, true, true); // true/true = skipCallback/noAnimation + } + else // move the resizer here + $Rs[pane].css(side, sC[inset] + (state[pane].isVisible ? getPaneSize(pane) : 0)); + + + // ADD CLASSNAMES & SLIDE-BINDINGS + if (oPane.state.isVisible && !s.isVisible) + setAsOpen(pane, true); // true = skipCallback + else { + setAsClosed(pane); + bindStartSlidingEvent(pane, true); // will enable events IF option is set + } + + // DESTROY the object + oPane = null; + }; + } + + + /** + * INTERNAL method to sync pin-buttons when pane is opened or closed + * Unpinned means the pane is 'sliding' - ie, over-top of the adjacent panes + * + * @see open(), setAsOpen(), setAsClosed() + * @param {string} pane These are the params returned to callbacks by layout() + * @param {boolean} doPin True means set the pin 'down', False means 'up' + */ +, syncPinBtns = function (pane, doPin) { + if ($.layout.plugins.buttons) + $.each(state[pane].pins, function (i, selector) { + $.layout.buttons.setPinState(Instance, $(selector), pane, doPin); + }); + } + +; // END var DECLARATIONS + + /** + * Capture keys when enableCursorHotkey - toggle pane if hotkey pressed + * + * @see document.keydown() + */ + function keyDown (evt) { + if (!evt) return true; + var code = evt.keyCode; + if (code < 33) return true; // ignore special keys: ENTER, TAB, etc + + var + PANE = { + 38: "north" // Up Cursor - $.ui.keyCode.UP + , 40: "south" // Down Cursor - $.ui.keyCode.DOWN + , 37: "west" // Left Cursor - $.ui.keyCode.LEFT + , 39: "east" // Right Cursor - $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT + } + , ALT = evt.altKey // no worky! + , SHIFT = evt.shiftKey + , CTRL = evt.ctrlKey + , CURSOR = (CTRL && code >= 37 && code <= 40) + , o, k, m, pane + ; + + if (CURSOR && options[PANE[code]].enableCursorHotkey) // valid cursor-hotkey + pane = PANE[code]; + else if (CTRL || SHIFT) // check to see if this matches a custom-hotkey + $.each(_c.borderPanes, function (i, p) { // loop each pane to check its hotkey + o = options[p]; + k = o.customHotkey; + m = o.customHotkeyModifier; // if missing or invalid, treated as "CTRL+SHIFT" + if ((SHIFT && m=="SHIFT") || (CTRL && m=="CTRL") || (CTRL && SHIFT)) { // Modifier matches + if (k && code === (isNaN(k) || k <= 9 ? k.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0) : k)) { // Key matches + pane = p; + return false; // BREAK + } + } + }); + + // validate pane + if (!pane || !$Ps[pane] || !options[pane].closable || state[pane].isHidden) + return true; + + toggle(pane); + + evt.stopPropagation(); + evt.returnValue = false; // CANCEL key + return false; + }; + + +/* + * ###################################### + * UTILITY METHODS + * called externally or by initButtons + * ###################################### + */ + + /** + * Change/reset a pane overflow setting & zIndex to allow popups/drop-downs to work + * + * @param {Object=} [el] (optional) Can also be 'bound' to a click, mouseOver, or other event + */ + function allowOverflow (el) { + if (!isInitialized()) return; + if (this && this.tagName) el = this; // BOUND to element + var $P; + if (isStr(el)) + $P = $Ps[el]; + else if ($(el).data("layoutRole")) + $P = $(el); + else + $(el).parents().each(function(){ + if ($(this).data("layoutRole")) { + $P = $(this); + return false; // BREAK + } + }); + if (!$P || !$P.length) return; // INVALID + + var + pane = $"layoutEdge") + , s = state[pane] + ; + + // if pane is already raised, then reset it before doing it again! + // this would happen if allowOverflow is attached to BOTH the pane and an element + if (s.cssSaved) + resetOverflow(pane); // reset previous CSS before continuing + + // if pane is raised by sliding or resizing, or its closed, then abort + if (s.isSliding || s.isResizing || s.isClosed) { + s.cssSaved = false; + return; + } + + var + newCSS = { zIndex: (options.zIndexes.resizer_normal + 1) } + , curCSS = {} + , of = $P.css("overflow") + , ofX = $P.css("overflowX") + , ofY = $P.css("overflowY") + ; + // determine which, if any, overflow settings need to be changed + if (of != "visible") { + curCSS.overflow = of; + newCSS.overflow = "visible"; + } + if (ofX && !ofX.match(/(visible|auto)/)) { + curCSS.overflowX = ofX; + newCSS.overflowX = "visible"; + } + if (ofY && !ofY.match(/(visible|auto)/)) { + curCSS.overflowY = ofX; + newCSS.overflowY = "visible"; + } + + // save the current overflow settings - even if blank! + s.cssSaved = curCSS; + + // apply new CSS to raise zIndex and, if necessary, make overflow 'visible' + $P.css( newCSS ); + + // make sure the zIndex of all other panes is normal + $.each(_c.allPanes, function(i, p) { + if (p != pane) resetOverflow(p); + }); + + }; + /** + * @param {Object=} [el] (optional) Can also be 'bound' to a click, mouseOver, or other event + */ + function resetOverflow (el) { + if (!isInitialized()) return; + if (this && this.tagName) el = this; // BOUND to element + var $P; + if (isStr(el)) + $P = $Ps[el]; + else if ($(el).data("layoutRole")) + $P = $(el); + else + $(el).parents().each(function(){ + if ($(this).data("layoutRole")) { + $P = $(this); + return false; // BREAK + } + }); + if (!$P || !$P.length) return; // INVALID + + var + pane = $"layoutEdge") + , s = state[pane] + , CSS = s.cssSaved || {} + ; + // reset the zIndex + if (!s.isSliding && !s.isResizing) + $P.css("zIndex", options.zIndexes.pane_normal); + + // reset Overflow - if necessary + $P.css( CSS ); + + // clear var + s.cssSaved = false; + }; + +/* + * ##################### + * CREATE/RETURN LAYOUT + * ##################### + */ + + // validate that container exists + var $N = $(this).eq(0); // FIRST matching Container element + if (!$N.length) { + return _log( options.errors.containerMissing ); + }; + + // Users retrieve Instance of a layout with: $N.layout() OR $"layout") + // return the Instance-pointer if layout has already been initialized + if ($"layoutContainer") && $"layout")) + return $"layout"); // cached pointer + + // init global vars + var + $Ps = {} // Panes x5 - set in initPanes() + , $Cs = {} // Content x5 - set in initPanes() + , $Rs = {} // Resizers x4 - set in initHandles() + , $Ts = {} // Togglers x4 - set in initHandles() + , $Ms = $([]) // Masks - up to 2 masks per pane (IFRAME + DIV) + // aliases for code brevity + , sC = state.container // alias for easy access to 'container dimensions' + , sID = // alias for unique layout ID/namespace - eg: "layout435" + ; + + // create Instance object to expose data & option Properties, and primary action Methods + var Instance = { + // layout data + options: options // property - options hash + , state: state // property - dimensions hash + // object pointers + , container: $N // property - object pointers for layout container + , panes: $Ps // property - object pointers for ALL Panes: panes.north, + , contents: $Cs // property - object pointers for ALL Content: contents.north, + , resizers: $Rs // property - object pointers for ALL Resizers, eg: resizers.north + , togglers: $Ts // property - object pointers for ALL Togglers, eg: togglers.north + // border-pane open/close + , hide: hide // method - ditto + , show: show // method - ditto + , toggle: toggle // method - pass a 'pane' ("north", "west", etc) + , open: open // method - ditto + , close: close // method - ditto + , slideOpen: slideOpen // method - ditto + , slideClose: slideClose // method - ditto + , slideToggle: slideToggle // method - ditto + // pane actions + , setSizeLimits: setSizeLimits // method - pass a 'pane' - update state min/max data + , _sizePane: sizePane // method -intended for user by plugins only! + , sizePane: manualSizePane // method - pass a 'pane' AND an 'outer-size' in pixels or percent, or 'auto' + , sizeContent: sizeContent // method - pass a 'pane' + , swapPanes: swapPanes // method - pass TWO 'panes' - will swap them + , showMasks: showMasks // method - pass a 'pane' OR list of panes - default = all panes with mask option set + , hideMasks: hideMasks // method - ditto' + // pane element methods + , initContent: initContent // method - ditto + , addPane: addPane // method - pass a 'pane' + , removePane: removePane // method - pass a 'pane' to remove from layout, add 'true' to delete the pane-elem + , createChildLayout: createChildLayout// method - pass a 'pane' and (optional) layout-options (OVERRIDES options[pane].childOptions + // special pane option setting + , enableClosable: enableClosable // method - pass a 'pane' + , disableClosable: disableClosable // method - ditto + , enableSlidable: enableSlidable // method - ditto + , disableSlidable: disableSlidable // method - ditto + , enableResizable: enableResizable // method - ditto + , disableResizable: disableResizable// method - ditto + // utility methods for panes + , allowOverflow: allowOverflow // utility - pass calling element (this) + , resetOverflow: resetOverflow // utility - ditto + // layout control + , destroy: destroy // method - no parameters + , initPanes: isInitialized // method - no parameters + , resizeAll: resizeAll // method - no parameters + // callback triggering + , runCallbacks: _runCallbacks // method - pass evtName & pane (if a pane-event), eg: trigger("onopen", "west") + // alias collections of options, state and children - created in addPane and extended elsewhere + , hasParentLayout: false // set by initContainer() + , children: children // pointers to child-layouts, eg: Instance.children["west"] + , north: false // alias group: { name: pane, pane: $Ps[pane], options: options[pane], state: state[pane], child: children[pane] } + , south: false // ditto + , west: false // ditto + , east: false // ditto + , center: false // ditto + }; + + // create the border layout NOW + if (_create() === 'cancel') // onload_start callback returned false to CANCEL layout creation + return null; + else // true OR false -- if layout-elements did NOT init (hidden or do not exist), can auto-init later + return Instance; // return the Instance object + +} + + +/* OLD versions of jQuery only set $.support.boxModel after page is loaded + * so if this is IE, use support.boxModel to test for quirks-mode (ONLY IE changes boxModel). + */ +$(function(){ + var b = $.layout.browser; + if (b.msie) b.boxModel = $.support.boxModel; +}); + + +/** + * jquery.layout.state 1.0 + * $Date: 2011-07-16 08:00:00 (Sat, 16 July 2011) $ + * + * Copyright (c) 2010 + * Kevin Dalman ( + * + * Dual licensed under the GPL ( + * and MIT ( licenses. + * + * @dependancies: UI Layout 1.3.0.rc30.1 or higher + * @dependancies: $.ui.cookie (above) + * + * @support: + */ +/* + * State-management options stored in options.stateManagement, which includes a .cookie hash + * Default options saves ALL KEYS for ALL PANES, ie: pane.size, pane.isClosed, pane.isHidden + * + * // STATE/COOKIE OPTIONS + * @example $(el).layout({ + stateManagement: { + enabled: true + , stateKeys: "east.size,west.size,east.isClosed,west.isClosed" + , cookie: { name: "appLayout", path: "/" } + } + }) + * @example $(el).layout({ stateManagement__enabled: true }) // enable auto-state-management using cookies + * @example $(el).layout({ stateManagement__cookie: { name: "appLayout", path: "/" } }) + * @example $(el).layout({ stateManagement__cookie__name: "appLayout", stateManagement__cookie__path: "/" }) + * + * // STATE/COOKIE METHODS + * @example myLayout.saveCookie( "west.isClosed,north.size,south.isHidden", {expires: 7} ); + * @example myLayout.loadCookie(); + * @example myLayout.deleteCookie(); + * @example var JSON = myLayout.readState(); // CURRENT Layout State + * @example var JSON = myLayout.readCookie(); // SAVED Layout State (from cookie) + * @example var JSON = myLayout.state.stateData; // LAST LOADED Layout State (cookie saved in layout.state hash) + * + * CUSTOM STATE-MANAGEMENT (eg, saved in a database) + * @example var JSON = myLayout.readState( "west.isClosed,north.size,south.isHidden" ); + * @example myLayout.loadState( JSON ); + */ + +/** + * UI COOKIE UTILITY + * + * A $.cookie OR $.ui.cookie namespace *should be standard*, but until then... + * This creates $.ui.cookie so Layout does not need the cookie.jquery.js plugin + * NOTE: This utility is REQUIRED by the layout.state plugin + * + * Cookie methods in Layout are created as part of State Management + */ +if (!$.ui) $.ui = {}; +$.ui.cookie = { + + // cookieEnabled is not in DOM specs, but DOES works in all browsers,including IE6 + acceptsCookies: !!navigator.cookieEnabled + +, read: function (name) { + var + c = document.cookie + , cs = c ? c.split(';') : [] + , pair // loop var + ; + for (var i=0, n=cs.length; i < n; i++) { + pair = $.trim(cs[i]).split('='); // name=value pair + if (pair[0] == name) // found the layout cookie + return decodeURIComponent(pair[1]); + + } + return null; + } + +, write: function (name, val, cookieOpts) { + var + params = '' + , date = '' + , clear = false + , o = cookieOpts || {} + , x = o.expires + ; + if (x && x.toUTCString) + date = x; + else if (x === null || typeof x === 'number') { + date = new Date(); + if (x > 0) + date.setDate(date.getDate() + x); + else { + date.setFullYear(1970); + clear = true; + } + } + if (date) params += ';expires='+ date.toUTCString(); + if (o.path) params += ';path='+ o.path; + if (o.domain) params += ';domain='+ o.domain; + if ( params += ';secure'; + document.cookie = name +'='+ (clear ? "" : encodeURIComponent( val )) + params; // write or clear cookie + } + +, clear: function (name) { + $.ui.cookie.write(name, '', {expires: -1}); + } + +}; +// if cookie.jquery.js is not loaded, create an alias to replicate it +// this may be useful to other plugins or code dependent on that plugin +if (!$.cookie) $.cookie = function (k, v, o) { + var C = $.ui.cookie; + if (v === null) + C.clear(k); + else if (v === undefined) + return; + else + C.write(k, v, o); +}; + + +// tell Layout that the state plugin is available +$.layout.plugins.stateManagement = true; + +// Add State-Management options to layout.defaults +$.layout.config.optionRootKeys.push("stateManagement"); +$.layout.defaults.stateManagement = { + enabled: false // true = enable state-management, even if not using cookies +, autoSave: true // Save a state-cookie when page exits? +, autoLoad: true // Load the state-cookie when Layout inits? + // List state-data to save - must be pane-specific +, stateKeys: "north.size,south.size,east.size,west.size,"+ + "north.isClosed,south.isClosed,east.isClosed,west.isClosed,"+ + "north.isHidden,south.isHidden,east.isHidden,west.isHidden" +, cookie: { + name: "" // If not specified, will use, else just "Layout" + , domain: "" // blank = current domain + , path: "" // blank = current page, '/' = entire website + , expires: "" // 'days' to keep cookie - leave blank for 'session cookie' + , secure: false + } +}; +// Set stateManagement as a layout-option, NOT a pane-option +$.layout.optionsMap.layout.push("stateManagement"); + +/* + * State Management methods + */ +$.layout.state = { + + /** + * Get the current layout state and save it to a cookie + * + * myLayout.saveCookie( keys, cookieOpts ) + * + * @param {Object} inst + * @param {(string|Array)=} keys + * @param {Object=} cookieOpts + */ + saveCookie: function (inst, keys, cookieOpts) { + var o = inst.options + , oS = o.stateManagement + , oC = $.extend(true, {}, oS.cookie, cookieOpts || null) + , data = inst.state.stateData = inst.readState( keys || oS.stateKeys ) // read current panes-state + ; + $.ui.cookie.write( || || "Layout", $.layout.state.encodeJSON(data), oC ); + return $.extend(true, {}, data); // return COPY of state.stateData data + } + + /** + * Remove the state cookie + * + * @param {Object} inst + */ +, deleteCookie: function (inst) { + var o = inst.options; + $.ui.cookie.clear( || || "Layout" ); + } + + /** + * Read & return data from the cookie - as JSON + * + * @param {Object} inst + */ +, readCookie: function (inst) { + var o = inst.options; + var c = $ || || "Layout" ); + // convert cookie string back to a hash and return it + return c ? $.layout.state.decodeJSON(c) : {}; + } + + /** + * Get data from the cookie and USE IT to loadState + * + * @param {Object} inst + */ +, loadCookie: function (inst) { + var c = $.layout.state.readCookie(inst); // READ the cookie + if (c) { + inst.state.stateData = $.extend(true, {}, c); // SET state.stateData + inst.loadState(c); // LOAD the retrieved state + } + return c; + } + + /** + * Update layout options from the cookie, if one exists + * + * @param {Object} inst + * @param {Object=} stateData + * @param {boolean=} animate + */ +, loadState: function (inst, stateData, animate) { + stateData = $.layout.transformData( stateData ); // panes = default subkey + if ($.isEmptyObject( stateData )) return; + $.extend(true, inst.options, stateData); // update layout options + // if layout has already been initialized, then UPDATE layout state + if (inst.state.initialized) { + var pane, vis, o, s, h, c + , noAnimate = (animate===false) + ; + $.each($.layout.config.borderPanes, function (idx, pane) { + state = inst.state[pane]; + o = stateData[ pane ]; + if (typeof o != 'object') return; // no key, continue + s = o.size; + c = o.initClosed; + h = o.initHidden; + vis = state.isVisible; + // resize BEFORE opening + if (!vis) + inst.sizePane(pane, s, false, false); + if (h === true) inst.hide(pane, noAnimate); + else if (c === false) (pane, false, noAnimate); + else if (c === true) inst.close(pane, false, noAnimate); + else if (h === false) (pane, false, noAnimate); + // resize AFTER any other actions + if (vis) + inst.sizePane(pane, s, false, noAnimate); // animate resize if option passed + }); + }; + } + + /** + * Get the *current layout state* and return it as a hash + * + * @param {Object=} inst + * @param {(string|Array)=} keys + */ +, readState: function (inst, keys) { + var + data = {} + , alt = { isClosed: 'initClosed', isHidden: 'initHidden' } + , state = inst.state + , panes = $.layout.config.allPanes + , pair, pane, key, val + ; + if (!keys) keys = inst.options.stateManagement.stateKeys; // if called by user + if ($.isArray(keys)) keys = keys.join(","); + // convert keys to an array and change delimiters from '__' to '.' + keys = keys.replace(/__/g, ".").split(','); + // loop keys and create a data hash + for (var i=0, n=keys.length; i < n; i++) { + pair = keys[i].split("."); + pane = pair[0]; + key = pair[1]; + if ($.inArray(pane, panes) < 0) continue; // bad pane! + val = state[ pane ][ key ]; + if (val == undefined) continue; + if (key=="isClosed" && state[pane]["isSliding"]) + val = true; // if sliding, then *really* isClosed + ( data[pane] || (data[pane]={}) )[ alt[key] ? alt[key] : key ] = val; + } + return data; + } + + /** + * Stringify a JSON hash so can save in a cookie or db-field + */ +, encodeJSON: function (JSON) { + return parse(JSON); + function parse (h) { + var D=[], i=0, k, v, t; // k = key, v = value + for (k in h) { + v = h[k]; + t = typeof v; + if (t == 'string') // STRING - add quotes + v = '"'+ v +'"'; + else if (t == 'object') // SUB-KEY - recurse into it + v = parse(v); + D[i++] = '"'+ k +'":'+ v; + } + return '{'+ D.join(',') +'}'; + }; + } + + /** + * Convert stringified JSON back to a hash object + * @see $.parseJSON(), adding in jQuery 1.4.1 + */ +, decodeJSON: function (str) { + try { return $.parseJSON ? $.parseJSON(str) : window["eval"]("("+ str +")") || {}; } + catch (e) { return {}; } + } + + +, _create: function (inst) { + var _ = $.layout.state; + // ADD State-Management plugin methods to inst + $.extend( inst, { + // readCookie - update options from cookie - returns hash of cookie data + readCookie: function () { return _.readCookie(inst); } + // deleteCookie + , deleteCookie: function () { _.deleteCookie(inst); } + // saveCookie - optionally pass keys-list and cookie-options (hash) + , saveCookie: function (keys, cookieOpts) { return _.saveCookie(inst, keys, cookieOpts); } + // loadCookie - readCookie and use to loadState() - returns hash of cookie data + , loadCookie: function () { return _.loadCookie(inst); } + // loadState - pass a hash of state to use to update options + , loadState: function (stateData, animate) { _.loadState(inst, stateData, animate); } + // readState - returns hash of current layout-state + , readState: function (keys) { return _.readState(inst, keys); } + // add JSON utility methods too... + , encodeJSON: _.encodeJSON + , decodeJSON: _.decodeJSON + }); + + // init state.stateData key, even if plugin is initially disabled + inst.state.stateData = {}; + + // read and load cookie-data per options + var oS = inst.options.stateManagement; + if (oS.enabled) { + if (oS.autoLoad) // update the options from the cookie + inst.loadCookie(); + else // don't modify options - just store cookie data in state.stateData + inst.state.stateData = inst.readCookie(); + } + } + +, _unload: function (inst) { + var oS = inst.options.stateManagement; + if (oS.enabled) { + if (oS.autoSave) // save a state-cookie automatically + inst.saveCookie(); + else // don't save a cookie, but do store state-data in state.stateData key + inst.state.stateData = inst.readState(); + } + } + +}; + +// add state initialization method to Layout's onCreate array of functions +$.layout.onCreate.push( $.layout.state._create ); +$.layout.onUnload.push( $.layout.state._unload ); + + + + +/** + * jquery.layout.buttons 1.0 + * $Date: 2011-07-16 08:00:00 (Sat, 16 July 2011) $ + * + * Copyright (c) 2010 + * Kevin Dalman ( + * + * Dual licensed under the GPL ( + * and MIT ( licenses. + * + * @dependancies: UI Layout 1.3.0.rc30.1 or higher + * + * @support: + * + * Docs: [ to come ] + * Tips: [ to come ] + */ + +// tell Layout that the state plugin is available +$.layout.plugins.buttons = true; + +// Add buttons options to layout.defaults +$.layout.defaults.autoBindCustomButtons = false; +// Specify autoBindCustomButtons as a layout-option, NOT a pane-option +$.layout.optionsMap.layout.push("autoBindCustomButtons"); + +/* + * Button methods + */ +$.layout.buttons = { + + /** + * Searches for .ui-layout-button-xxx elements and auto-binds them as layout-buttons + * + * @see _create() + * + * @param {Object} inst Layout Instance object + */ + init: function (inst) { + var pre = "ui-layout-button-" + , layout = || "" + , name; + $.each("toggle,open,close,pin,toggle-slide,open-slide".split(","), function (i, action) { + $.each($.layout.config.borderPanes, function (ii, pane) { + $("."+pre+action+"-"+pane).each(function(){ + // if button was previously 'bound', data.layoutName was set, but is blank if layout has no 'name' + name = $(this).data("layoutName") || $(this).attr("layoutName"); + if (name == undefined || name === layout) + inst.bindButton(this, action, pane); + }); + }); + }); + } + + /** + * Helper function to validate params received by addButton utilities + * + * Two classes are added to the element, based on the buttonClass... + * The type of button is appended to create the 2nd className: + * - ui-layout-button-pin // action btnClass + * - ui-layout-button-pin-west // action btnClass + pane + * - ui-layout-button-toggle + * - ui-layout-button-open + * - ui-layout-button-close + * + * @param {Object} inst Layout Instance object + * @param {(string|!Object)} selector jQuery selector (or element) for button, eg: ".ui-layout-north .toggle-button" + * @param {string} pane Name of the pane the button is for: 'north', 'south', etc. + * + * @return {Array.} If both params valid, the element matching 'selector' in a jQuery wrapper - otherwise returns null + */ +, get: function (inst, selector, pane, action) { + var $E = $(selector) + , o = inst.options + , err = o.errors.addButtonError + ; + if (!$E.length) { // element not found + $.layout.msg(err +" "+ o.errors.selector +": "+ selector, true); + } + else if ($.inArray(pane, $.layout.config.borderPanes) < 0) { // invalid 'pane' sepecified + $.layout.msg(err +" "+ o.errors.pane +": "+ pane, true); + $E = $(""); // NO BUTTON + } + else { // VALID + var btn = o[pane].buttonClass +"-"+ action; + $E .addClass( btn +" "+ btn +"-"+ pane ) + .data("layoutName",; // add layout identifier - even if blank! + } + return $E; + } + + + /** + * NEW syntax for binding layout-buttons - will eventually replace addToggle, addOpen, etc. + * + * @param {Object} inst Layout Instance object + * @param {(string|!Object)} selector jQuery selector (or element) for button, eg: ".ui-layout-north .toggle-button" + * @param {string} action + * @param {string} pane + */ +, bind: function (inst, selector, action, pane) { + var _ = $.layout.buttons; + switch (action.toLowerCase()) { + case "toggle": _.addToggle (inst, selector, pane); break; + case "open": _.addOpen (inst, selector, pane); break; + case "close": _.addClose (inst, selector, pane); break; + case "pin": _.addPin (inst, selector, pane); break; + case "toggle-slide": _.addToggle (inst, selector, pane, true); break; + case "open-slide": _.addOpen (inst, selector, pane, true); break; + } + return inst; + } + + /** + * Add a custom Toggler button for a pane + * + * @param {Object} inst Layout Instance object + * @param {(string|!Object)} selector jQuery selector (or element) for button, eg: ".ui-layout-north .toggle-button" + * @param {string} pane Name of the pane the button is for: 'north', 'south', etc. + * @param {boolean=} slide true = slide-open, false = pin-open + */ +, addToggle: function (inst, selector, pane, slide) { + $.layout.buttons.get(inst, selector, pane, "toggle") + .click(function(evt){ + inst.toggle(pane, !!slide); + evt.stopPropagation(); + }); + return inst; + } + + /** + * Add a custom Open button for a pane + * + * @param {Object} inst Layout Instance object + * @param {(string|!Object)} selector jQuery selector (or element) for button, eg: ".ui-layout-north .toggle-button" + * @param {string} pane Name of the pane the button is for: 'north', 'south', etc. + * @param {boolean=} slide true = slide-open, false = pin-open + */ +, addOpen: function (inst, selector, pane, slide) { + $.layout.buttons.get(inst, selector, pane, "open") + .attr("title", inst.options[pane].tips.Open) + .click(function (evt) { +, !!slide); + evt.stopPropagation(); + }); + return inst; + } + + /** + * Add a custom Close button for a pane + * + * @param {Object} inst Layout Instance object + * @param {(string|!Object)} selector jQuery selector (or element) for button, eg: ".ui-layout-north .toggle-button" + * @param {string} pane Name of the pane the button is for: 'north', 'south', etc. + */ +, addClose: function (inst, selector, pane) { + $.layout.buttons.get(inst, selector, pane, "close") + .attr("title", inst.options[pane].tips.Close) + .click(function (evt) { + inst.close(pane); + evt.stopPropagation(); + }); + return inst; + } + + /** + * Add a custom Pin button for a pane + * + * Four classes are added to the element, based on the paneClass for the associated pane... + * Assuming the default paneClass and the pin is 'up', these classes are added for a west-pane pin: + * - ui-layout-pane-pin + * - ui-layout-pane-west-pin + * - ui-layout-pane-pin-up + * - ui-layout-pane-west-pin-up + * + * @param {Object} inst Layout Instance object + * @param {(string|!Object)} selector jQuery selector (or element) for button, eg: ".ui-layout-north .toggle-button" + * @param {string} pane Name of the pane the pin is for: 'north', 'south', etc. + */ +, addPin: function (inst, selector, pane) { + var _ = $.layout.buttons + , $E = _.get(inst, selector, pane, "pin"); + if ($E.length) { + var s = inst.state[pane]; + $ (evt) { + _.setPinState(inst, $(this), pane, (s.isSliding || s.isClosed)); + if (s.isSliding || s.isClosed) pane ); // change from sliding to open + else inst.close( pane ); // slide-closed + evt.stopPropagation(); + }); + // add up/down pin attributes and classes + _.setPinState(inst, $E, pane, (!s.isClosed && !s.isSliding)); + // add this pin to the pane data so we can 'sync it' automatically + // PANE.pins key is an array so we can store multiple pins for each pane + s.pins.push( selector ); // just save the selector string + } + return inst; + } + + /** + * Change the class of the pin button to make it look 'up' or 'down' + * + * @see addPin(), syncPins() + * + * @param {Object} inst Layout Instance object + * @param {Array.} $Pin The pin-span element in a jQuery wrapper + * @param {string} pane These are the params returned to callbacks by layout() + * @param {boolean} doPin true = set the pin 'down', false = set it 'up' + */ +, setPinState: function (inst, $Pin, pane, doPin) { + var updown = $Pin.attr("pin"); + if (updown && doPin === (updown=="down")) return; // already in correct state + var + o = inst.options[pane] + , pin = o.buttonClass +"-pin" + , side = pin +"-"+ pane + , UP = pin +"-up "+ side +"-up" + , DN = pin +"-down "+side +"-down" + ; + $Pin + .attr("pin", doPin ? "down" : "up") // logic + .attr("title", doPin ? : + .removeClass( doPin ? UP : DN ) + .addClass( doPin ? DN : UP ) + ; + } + + /** + * INTERNAL function to sync 'pin buttons' when pane is opened or closed + * Unpinned means the pane is 'sliding' - ie, over-top of the adjacent panes + * + * @see open(), close() + * + * @param {Object} inst Layout Instance object + * @param {string} pane These are the params returned to callbacks by layout() + * @param {boolean} doPin True means set the pin 'down', False means 'up' + */ +, syncPinBtns: function (inst, pane, doPin) { + // REAL METHOD IS _INSIDE_ LAYOUT - THIS IS HERE JUST FOR REFERENCE + $.each(inst.state[pane].pins, function (i, selector) { + $.layout.buttons.setPinState(inst, $(selector), pane, doPin); + }); + } + + +, _load: function (inst) { + var _ = $.layout.buttons; + // ADD Button methods to Layout Instance + // Note: sel = jQuery Selector string + $.extend( inst, { + bindButton: function (sel, action, pane) { return _.bind(inst, sel, action, pane); } + // DEPRECATED METHODS + , addToggleBtn: function (sel, pane, slide) { return _.addToggle(inst, sel, pane, slide); } + , addOpenBtn: function (sel, pane, slide) { return _.addOpen(inst, sel, pane, slide); } + , addCloseBtn: function (sel, pane) { return _.addClose(inst, sel, pane); } + , addPinBtn: function (sel, pane) { return _.addPin(inst, sel, pane); } + }); + + // init state array to hold pin-buttons + for (var i=0; i<4; i++) { + var pane = $.layout.config.borderPanes[i]; + inst.state[pane].pins = []; + } + + // auto-init buttons onLoad if option is enabled + if ( inst.options.autoBindCustomButtons ) + _.init(inst); + } + +, _unload: function (inst) { + // TODO: unbind all buttons??? + } + +}; + +// add initialization method to Layout's onLoad array of functions +$.layout.onLoad.push( $.layout.buttons._load ); +//$.layout.onUnload.push( $.layout.buttons._unload ); + + + +/** + * jquery.layout.browserZoom 1.0 + * $Date: 2011-12-29 08:00:00 (Thu, 29 Dec 2011) $ + * + * Copyright (c) 2012 + * Kevin Dalman ( + * + * Dual licensed under the GPL ( + * and MIT ( licenses. + * + * @dependancies: UI Layout 1.3.0.rc30.1 or higher + * + * @support: + * + * @todo: Extend logic to handle other problematic zooming in browsers + * @todo: Add hotkey/mousewheel bindings to _instantly_ respond to these zoom event + */ + +// tell Layout that the plugin is available +$.layout.plugins.browserZoom = true; + +$.layout.defaults.browserZoomCheckInterval = 1000; +$.layout.optionsMap.layout.push("browserZoomCheckInterval"); + +/* + * browserZoom methods + */ +$.layout.browserZoom = { + + _init: function (inst) { + // abort if browser does not need this check + if ($.layout.browserZoom.ratio() !== false) + $.layout.browserZoom._setTimer(inst); + } + +, _setTimer: function (inst) { + // abort if layout destroyed or browser does not need this check + if (inst.destroyed) return; + var o = inst.options + , s = inst.state + // don't need check if inst has parentLayout, but check occassionally in case parent destroyed! + // MINIMUM 100ms interval, for performance + , ms = inst.hasParentLayout ? 5000 : Math.max( o.browserZoomCheckInterval, 100 ) + ; + // set the timer + setTimeout(function(){ + if (inst.destroyed || !o.resizeWithWindow) return; + var d = $.layout.browserZoom.ratio(); + if (d !== s.browserZoom) { + s.browserZoom = d; + inst.resizeAll(); + } + // set a NEW timeout + $.layout.browserZoom._setTimer(inst); + } + , ms ); + } + +, ratio: function () { + var w = window + , s = screen + , d = document + , dE = d.documentElement || d.body + , b = $.layout.browser + , v = b.version + , r, sW, cW + ; + // we can ignore all browsers that fire window.resize event onZoom + if ((b.msie && v > 8) + || !b.msie + ) return false; // don't need to track zoom + + if (s.deviceXDPI) + return calc(s.deviceXDPI, s.systemXDPI); + // everything below is just for future reference! + if (b.webkit && (r = d.body.getBoundingClientRect)) + return calc((r.left - r.right), d.body.offsetWidth); + if (b.webkit && (sW = w.outerWidth)) + return calc(sW, w.innerWidth); + if ((sW = s.width) && (cW = dE.clientWidth)) + return calc(sW, cW); + return false; // no match, so cannot - or don't need to - track zoom + + function calc (x,y) { return (parseInt(x,10) / parseInt(y,10) * 100).toFixed(); } + } + +}; +// add initialization method to Layout's onLoad array of functions +$.layout.onReady.push( $.layout.browserZoom._init ); + + + +})( jQuery ); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/lib/modernizr.custom.js b/api/scala/lib/modernizr.custom.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4688d63 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/lib/modernizr.custom.js @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +/* Modernizr 2.5.3 (Custom Build) | MIT & BSD + * Build: + */ +;window.Modernizr=function(a,b,c){function u(a){i.cssText=a}function v(a,b){return u(prefixes.join(a+";")+(b||""))}function w(a,b){return typeof a===b}function x(a,b){return!!~(""+a).indexOf(b)}function y(a,b,d){for(var e in a){var f=b[a[e]];if(f!==c)return d===!1?a[e]:w(f,"function")?f.bind(d||b):f}return!1}var d="2.5.3",e={},f=b.documentElement,g="modernizr",h=b.createElement(g),,j,k={}.toString,l={svg:""},m={},n={},o={},p=[],q=p.slice,r,s={}.hasOwnProperty,t;!w(s,"undefined")&&!w(,"undefined")?t=function(a,b){return,b)}:t=function(a,b){return b in a&&w(a.constructor.prototype[b],"undefined")},Function.prototype.bind||(Function.prototype.bind=function(b){var c=this;if(typeof c!="function")throw new TypeError;var,1),e=function(){if(this instanceof e){var a=function(){};a.prototype=c.prototype;var f=new a,g=c.apply(f,d.concat(;return Object(g)===g?g:f}return c.apply(b,d.concat(};return e}),m.inlinesvg=function(){var a=b.createElement("div");return a.innerHTML="",(a.firstChild&&a.firstChild.namespaceURI)==l.svg};for(var z in m)t(m,z)&&(r=z.toLowerCase(),e[r]=m[z](),p.push((e[r]?"":"no-")+r));return u(""),h=j=null,e._version=d,e}(this,this.document); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/lib/navigation-li-a.png b/api/scala/lib/navigation-li-a.png new file mode 100644 index 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z6bc1uwHk>;f_OYm7>2A?D*?O+EgGd1gTdhJNU>Nv*R$D-#bOcBYr}DzUs^PVVKALe z&zd4stJO>TTWDKJrBXB+4Z<+wUv#@&gor%jS?C-%olbb3M=TaYDaB+mIS-Y~WjxP| zXdrZO$HU=35Ci}$mrKUuF~i{yfbDk6e!mAe0{7Ck?ML7>@NPbzlg(!FeV^TK$7ZuZ zDaB|sV!d7id;#tZ{f#UgToaJ|k0bCE_ze7%wrv9_-~spnya2C&H^39{9ry^`=|27p Y0AfCQM(Z-J8vp 0) { + var fn = scheduler.queues[idx].shift(); + } + return fn; + } + this.add = function(labelName, fn, self, args) { + var doWork = function() { + scheduler.timeout = setTimeout(function() { + var work = scheduler.nextWork(); + if (work != undefined) { + if (work.args == undefined) { work.args = new Array(0); } + work.fn.apply(work.self, work.args); + doWork(); + } + else { + scheduler.timeout = undefined; + } + }, resolution); + } + var idx = 0; + while (idx < scheduler.labels.length && scheduler.labels[idx].name != labelName) { idx = idx + 1; } + if (idx < scheduler.queues.length && scheduler.labels[idx].name == labelName) { + scheduler.queues[idx].push(new, self, args)); + if (scheduler.timeout == undefined) doWork(); + } + else throw("queue for add is non existant"); + } + this.clear = function(labelName) { + var idx = 0; + while (idx < scheduler.labels.length && scheduler.labels[idx].name != labelName) { idx = idx + 1; } + if (idx < scheduler.queues.length && scheduler.labels[idx].name == labelName) { + scheduler.queues[idx] = new Array(); + } + } +}; diff --git a/api/scala/lib/selected-implicits.png b/api/scala/lib/selected-implicits.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bc29efb3e60134039e702d5449e685a3bc103f06 GIT binary patch literal 1150 zcmV-^1cCdBP)Px#24YJ`L;(K){{a7>y{D4^000SaNLh0L01FcU01FcV0GgZ_00007bV*G`2iyb% z5H~J^JxS;Q00aI>L_t(|+U?vuZxlxy$MNqx?(E$@E}a zfjgk2pr?ZZI(iC9{1RM5N`az8f(nF?5D#);fpbJL7e%q}e0%#alfpQ%40!>*o6k0< z)o$~be)`Ys+>8hzu;10IR{^+p@16iY2d04rkO6`yI{X6A1$Kbce*=Su~m%6x<};NBO|^=w zk&&8I8D)eJLdB9s!^&AlTBkBiQk->uv$J_(rL!`)+`6oQUo`M-?(?sntUozBH8I6_ zIxd}cS_u`9v4GL=Q$k^s5ms8Mgc48JpPpKtTHbQf?P%cW>elMKv(Ak-$BSmt)JB*% 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+} + +#definition > h1 { +/* padding: 12px 0 12px 6px;*/ + color: white; + text-shadow: 3px black; + text-shadow: black 0px 2px 0px; + font-size: 24pt; + display: inline-block; + overflow: hidden; + margin-top: 10px; +} + +#definition h1 > a { + color: #ffffff; + font-size: 24pt; + text-shadow: black 0px 2px 0px; +/* text-shadow: black 0px 0px 0px;*/ +text-decoration: none; +} + +#definition #owner { + color: #ffffff; + margin-top: 4px; + font-size: 10pt; + overflow: hidden; +} + +#definition #owner > a { + color: #ffffff; +} + +#definition #owner > a:hover { + text-decoration: none; +} + +#signature { + background-image:url('signaturebg2.gif'); + background-color: #d7d7d7; + min-height: 18px; + background-repeat:repeat-x; + font-size: 11.5pt; +/* margin-bottom: 10px;*/ + padding: 8px; +} + +#signature > span.modifier_kind { + display: inline; + float: left; + text-align: left; + width: auto; + position: static; + text-shadow: 2px white; + text-shadow: white 0px 1px 0px; +} + +#signature > span.symbol { + text-align: left; + display: inline; + padding-left: 0.7em; + text-shadow: 2px white; + text-shadow: white 0px 1px 0px; +} + +/* Linear super types and known subclasses */ +.hiddenContent { + display: none; +} + +.toggleContainer .toggle { + cursor: pointer; + padding-left: 15px; + background: url("arrow-right.png") no-repeat 0 3px transparent; +} + +.toggleContainer { + background: url("arrow-down.png") no-repeat 0 3px transparent; +} + +.toggleContainer .hiddenContent { + margin-top: 5px; +} + +.value #definition { + background-color: #2C475C; /* blue */ + background-image:url('defbg-blue.gif'); + background-repeat:repeat-x; +} + +.type #definition { + background-color: #316555; /* green */ + background-image:url('defbg-green.gif'); + background-repeat:repeat-x; +} + +#template { + margin-bottom: 50px; +} + +h3 { + color: white; + padding: 5px 10px; + font-size: 12pt; + font-weight: bold; + text-shadow: black 1px 1px 0px; +} + +dl.attributes > dt { + display: block; + float: left; + font-style: italic; +} + +dl.attributes > dt.implicit { + font-weight: bold; + color: darkgreen; +} + +dl.attributes > dd { + display: block; + padding-left: 10em; + margin-bottom: 5px; +} + +#template .values > h3 { + background: #2C475C url("valuemembersbg.gif") repeat-x bottom left; /* grayish blue */ + height: 18px; +} + +#values ol li:last-child { + margin-bottom: 5px; +} + +#template .types > h3 { + background: #316555 url("typebg.gif") repeat-x bottom left; /* green */ + height: 18px; +} + +#constructors > h3 { + background: #4f504f url("constructorsbg.gif") repeat-x bottom left; /* gray */ + height: 18px; +} + +#inheritedMembers > div.parent > h3 { + background: #dadada url("constructorsbg.gif") repeat-x bottom left; /* gray */ + height: 17px; + font-style: italic; + font-size: 12pt; +} + +#inheritedMembers > div.parent > h3 * { + color: white; +} + +#inheritedMembers > div.conversion > h3 { + background: #dadada url("conversionbg.gif") repeat-x bottom left; /* gray */ + height: 17px; + font-style: italic; + font-size: 12pt; +} + +#inheritedMembers > div.conversion > h3 * { + color: white; +} + +#groupedMembers > > h3 { + background: #dadada url("typebg.gif") repeat-x bottom left; /* green */ + height: 17px; + font-size: 12pt; +} + +#groupedMembers > > h3 * { + color: white; +} + + +/* Member cells */ + +div.members > ol { + background-color: white; + list-style: none +} + +div.members > ol > li { + display: block; + border-bottom: 1px solid gray; + padding: 5px 0 6px; + margin: 0 10px; + position: relative; +} + +div.members > ol > li:last-child { + border: 0; + padding: 5px 0 5px; +} + +/* Member signatures */ + +#tooltip { + background: #EFD5B5; + border: 1px solid gray; + color: black; + display: none; + padding: 5px; + position: absolute; +} + +.signature { + font-family: monospace; + font-size: 10pt; + line-height: 18px; + clear: both; + display: block; + text-shadow: 2px white; + text-shadow: white 0px 1px 0px; +} + +.signature .modifier_kind { + position: absolute; + text-align: right; + width: 14em; +} + +.signature > a > .symbol > .name { + text-decoration: underline; +} + +.signature > a:hover > .symbol > .name { + text-decoration: none; +} + +.signature > a { + text-decoration: none; +} + +.signature > .symbol { + display: block; + padding-left: 14.7em; +} + +.signature .name { + display: inline-block; + font-weight: bold; +} + +.signature .symbol > .implicit { + display: inline-block; + font-weight: bold; + text-decoration: underline; + color: darkgreen; +} + +.signature .symbol .shadowed { + color: darkseagreen; +} + +.signature .symbol .params > .implicit { + font-style: italic; +} + +.signature .symbol .deprecated { + text-decoration: line-through; +} + +.signature .symbol .params .default { + font-style: italic; +} + +#template .signature.closed { + background: url("arrow-right.png") no-repeat 0 5px transparent; + cursor: pointer; +} + +#template .signature.opened { + background: url("arrow-down.png") no-repeat 0 5px transparent; + cursor: pointer; +} + +#template .values .signature .name { + color: darkblue; +} + +#template .types .signature .name { + color: darkgreen; +} + +.full-signature-usecase h4 span { + font-size: 10pt; +} + +.full-signature-usecase > #signature { + padding-top: 0px; +} + +#template .full-signature-usecase > .signature.closed { + background: none; +} + +#template .full-signature-usecase > .signature.opened { + background: none; +} + +.full-signature-block { + padding: 5px 0 0; + border-top: 1px solid #EBEBEB; + margin-top: 5px; + margin-bottom: 5px; +} + + +/* Comments text formating */ + +.cmt {} + +.cmt p { + margin: 0.7em 0; +} + +.cmt p:first-child { + margin-top: 0; +} + +.cmt p:last-child { + margin-bottom: 0; +} + +.cmt h3, +.cmt h4, +.cmt h5, +.cmt h6 { + margin-bottom: 0.7em; + margin-top: 1.4em; + display: block; + text-align: left; + font-weight: bold; +} + +.cmt h3 { + font-size: 14pt; +} + +.cmt h4 { + font-size: 13pt; +} + +.cmt h5 { + font-size: 12pt; +} + +.cmt h6 { + font-size: 11pt; +} + +.cmt pre { + padding: 5px; + border: 1px solid #ddd; + background-color: #eee; + margin: 5px 0; + display: block; + font-family: monospace; +} + +.cmt pre span.ano { + color: blue; +} + +.cmt pre span.cmt { + color: green; +} + +.cmt pre { + font-weight: bold; +} + +.cmt pre span.lit { + color: #c71585; +} + +.cmt pre span.num { + color: #1e90ff; /* dodgerblue */ +} + +.cmt pre span.std { + color: #008080; /* teal */ +} + +.cmt ul { + display: block; + list-style: circle; + padding-left: 20px; +} + +.cmt ol { + display: block; + padding-left:20px; +} + +.cmt ol.decimal { + list-style: decimal; +} + +.cmt ol.lowerAlpha { + list-style: lower-alpha; +} + +.cmt ol.upperAlpha { + list-style: upper-alpha; +} + +.cmt ol.lowerRoman { + list-style: lower-roman; +} + +.cmt ol.upperRoman { + list-style: upper-roman; +} + +.cmt li { + display: list-item; +} + +.cmt code { + font-family: monospace; +} + +.cmt a { + font-style: bold; +} + +.cmt em, .cmt i { + font-style: italic; +} + +.cmt strong, .cmt b { + font-weight: bold; +} + +/* Comments structured layout */ + > div.comment { + padding-top: 5px; + padding-bottom: 5px; + padding-right: 5px; + padding-left: 5px; + border: 1px solid #ddd; + background-color: #eeeee; + margin-top:5px; + margin-bottom:5px; + margin-right:5px; + margin-left:5px; + display: block; +} + +p.comment { + display: block; + margin-left: 14.7em; + margin-top: 5px; +} + +.shortcomment { + display: block; + margin: 5px 10px; +} + +div.fullcommenttop { + padding: 10px 10px; + background-image:url('fullcommenttopbg.gif'); + background-repeat:repeat-x; +} + +div.fullcomment { + margin: 5px 10px; +} + +#template div.fullcommenttop, +#template div.fullcomment { + display:none; + margin: 5px 0 0 14.7em; +} + +#template .shortcomment { + margin: 5px 0 0 14.7em; + padding: 0; +} + +div.fullcomment .block { + padding: 5px 0 0; + border-top: 1px solid #EBEBEB; + margin-top: 5px; + overflow: hidden; +} + +div.fullcommenttop .block { + padding: 5px 0 0; + border-top: 1px solid #EBEBEB; + margin-top: 5px; + margin-bottom: 5px +} + +div.fullcomment div.block ol li p, +div.fullcomment div.block ol li { + display:inline +} + +div.fullcomment .block > h5 { + font-style: italic; + font-weight: normal; + display: inline-block; +} + +div.fullcomment .comment { + margin: 5px 0 10px; +} + +div.fullcommenttop .comment:last-child, +div.fullcomment .comment:last-child { + margin-bottom: 0; +} + +div.fullcommenttop dl.paramcmts { + margin-bottom: 0.8em; + padding-bottom: 0.8em; +} + +div.fullcommenttop dl.paramcmts > dt, +div.fullcomment dl.paramcmts > dt { + display: block; + float: left; + font-weight: bold; + min-width: 70px; +} + +div.fullcommenttop dl.paramcmts > dd, +div.fullcomment dl.paramcmts > dd { + display: block; + padding-left: 10px; + margin-bottom: 5px; + margin-left: 70px; +} + +/* Members filter tool */ + +#textfilter { + position: relative; + display: block; + height: 20px; + margin-bottom: 5px; +} + +#textfilter > .pre { + display: block; + position: absolute; + top: 0; + left: 0; + height: 23px; + width: 21px; + background: url("filter_box_left.png"); +} + +#textfilter > .input { + display: block; + position: absolute; + top: 0; + right: 20px; + left: 20px; +} + +#textfilter > .input > input { + height: 20px; + padding: 1px; + font-weight: bold; + color: #000000; + background: #ffffff url("filterboxbarbg.png") repeat-x top left; + width: 100%; +} + +#textfilter > .post { + display: block; + position: absolute; + top: 0; + right: 0; + height: 23px; + width: 21px; + background: url("filter_box_right.png"); +} + +#mbrsel { + padding: 5px 10px; + background-color: #ededee; /* light gray */ + background-image:url('filterboxbg.gif'); + background-repeat:repeat-x; + font-size: 9.5pt; + display: block; + margin-top: 1em; +/* margin-bottom: 1em; */ +} + +#mbrsel > div { + margin-bottom: 5px; +} + +#mbrsel > div:last-child { + margin-bottom: 0; +} + +#mbrsel > div > span.filtertype { + padding: 4px; + margin-right: 5px; + float: left; + display: inline-block; + color: #000000; + font-weight: bold; + text-shadow: white 0px 1px 0px; + width: 4.5em; +} + +#mbrsel > div > ol { + display: inline-block; +} + +#mbrsel > div > a { + position:relative; + top: -8px; + font-size: 11px; + text-shadow: #ffffff 0 1px 0; +} + +#mbrsel > div > ol#linearization { + display: table; + margin-left: 70px; +} + +#mbrsel > div > ol#linearization > { + text-decoration: none; + float: left; + padding-right: 10px; + margin-right: 5px; + background: url(selected-right.png) no-repeat; + background-position: right 0px; +} + +#mbrsel > div > ol#linearization > > span{ + color: #404040; + float: left; + padding: 1px 0 1px 10px; + background: url(selected.png) no-repeat; + background-position: 0px 0px; + text-shadow: #ffffff 0 1px 0; +} + +#mbrsel > div > ol#implicits { + display: table; + margin-left: 70px; +} + +#mbrsel > div > ol#implicits > { + text-decoration: none; + float: left; + padding-right: 10px; + margin-right: 5px; + background: url(selected-right-implicits.png) no-repeat; + background-position: right 0px; +} + +#mbrsel > div > ol#implicits > > span{ + color: #404040; + float: left; + padding: 1px 0 1px 10px; + background: url(selected-implicits.png) no-repeat; + background-position: 0px 0px; + text-shadow: #ffffff 0 1px 0; +} + +#mbrsel > div > ol > li { +/* padding: 3px 10px;*/ + line-height: 16pt; + display: inline-block; + cursor: pointer; +} + +#mbrsel > div > ol > { + text-decoration: none; + float: left; + padding-right: 10px; + margin-right: 5px; + background: url(selected-right.png) no-repeat; + background-position: right 0px; +} + +#mbrsel > div > ol > > span{ + color: #404040; + float: left; + padding: 1px 0 1px 10px; + background: url(selected.png) no-repeat; + background-position: 0px 0px; + text-shadow: #ffffff 0 1px 0; +} + +#mbrsel > div > ol > li.out { + text-decoration: none; + float: left; + padding-right: 10px; + margin-right: 5px; +} + +#mbrsel > div > ol > li.out > span{ + color: #747474; +/* background-color: #999; */ + float: left; + padding: 1px 0 1px 10px; +/* background: url(unselected.png) no-repeat;*/ + background-position: 0px -1px; + text-shadow: #ffffff 0 1px 0; +} +/* +#mbrsel .hideall { + color: #4C4C4C; + line-height: 16px; + font-weight: bold; +} + +#mbrsel .hideall span { + color: #4C4C4C; + font-weight: bold; +} + +#mbrsel .showall { + color: #4C4C4C; + line-height: 16px; + font-weight: bold; +} + +#mbrsel .showall span { + color: #4C4C4C; + font-weight: bold; +}*/ + +.badge { + display: inline-block; + padding: 2px 4px; + font-size: 11.844px; + font-weight: bold; + line-height: 14px; + color: #ffffff; + text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); + white-space: nowrap; + vertical-align: baseline; + background-color: #999999; + padding-right: 9px; + padding-left: 9px; + -webkit-border-radius: 9px; + -moz-border-radius: 9px; + border-radius: 9px; +} + +.badge-red { + background-color: #b94a48; +} diff --git a/api/scala/lib/template.js b/api/scala/lib/template.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6d1caf6 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/lib/template.js @@ -0,0 +1,466 @@ +// © 2009–2010 EPFL/LAMP +// code by Gilles Dubochet with contributions by Pedro Furlanetto + +$(document).ready(function(){ + + // Escapes special characters and returns a valid jQuery selector + function escapeJquery(str){ + return str.replace(/([;&,\.\+\*\~':"\!\^#$%@\[\]\(\)=>\|])/g, '\\$1'); + } + + // highlight and jump to selected member + if (window.location.hash) { + var temp = window.location.hash.replace('#', ''); + var elem = '#'+escapeJquery(temp); + + window.scrollTo(0, 0); + $(elem).parent().effect("highlight", {color: "#FFCC85"}, 3000); + $('html,body').animate({scrollTop:$(elem).parent().offset().top}, 1000); + } + + var isHiddenClass = function (name) { + return name == 'scala.Any' || + name == 'scala.AnyRef'; + }; + + var isHidden = function (elem) { + return $(elem).attr("data-hidden") == 'true'; + }; + + $("#linearization li:gt(0)").filter(function(){ + return isHiddenClass($(this).attr("name")); + }).removeClass("in").addClass("out"); + + $("#implicits li").filter(function(){ + return isHidden(this); + }).removeClass("in").addClass("out"); + + // Pre-filter members + filter(); + + // Member filter box + var input = $("#textfilter input"); + input.bind("keyup", function(event) { + + switch ( event.keyCode ) { + + case 27: // escape key + input.val(""); + filter(true); + break; + + case 38: // up + input.val(""); + filter(false); + window.scrollTo(0, $("body").offset().top); + input.focus(); + break; + + case 33: //page up + input.val(""); + filter(false); + break; + + case 34: //page down + input.val(""); + filter(false); + break; + + default: + window.scrollTo(0, $("#mbrsel").offset().top); + filter(true); + break; + + } + }); + input.focus(function(event) { +; + }); + $("#textfilter > .post").click(function() { + $("#textfilter input").attr("value", ""); + filter(); + }); + $(document).keydown(function(event) { + + if (event.keyCode == 9) { // tab + $("#index-input", window.parent.document).focus(); + input.attr("value", ""); + return false; + } + }); + + $("#linearization li").click(function(){ + if ($(this).hasClass("in")) { + $(this).removeClass("in"); + $(this).addClass("out"); + } + else if ($(this).hasClass("out")) { + $(this).removeClass("out"); + $(this).addClass("in"); + }; + filter(); + }); + + $("#implicits li").click(function(){ + if ($(this).hasClass("in")) { + $(this).removeClass("in"); + $(this).addClass("out"); + } + else if ($(this).hasClass("out")) { + $(this).removeClass("out"); + $(this).addClass("in"); + }; + filter(); + }); + + $("#mbrsel > div[id=ancestors] > ol > li.hideall").click(function() { + $("#linearization").removeClass("in").addClass("out"); + $("#linearization li:first").removeClass("out").addClass("in"); + $("#implicits").removeClass("in").addClass("out"); + + if ($(this).hasClass("out") && $("#mbrsel > div[id=ancestors] > ol > li.showall").hasClass("in")) { + $(this).removeClass("out").addClass("in"); + $("#mbrsel > div[id=ancestors] > ol > li.showall").removeClass("in").addClass("out"); + } + + filter(); + }) + $("#mbrsel > div[id=ancestors] > ol > li.showall").click(function() { + var filteredLinearization = + $("#linearization li.out").filter(function() { + return ! isHiddenClass($(this).attr("name")); + }); + filteredLinearization.removeClass("out").addClass("in"); + + var filteredImplicits = + $("#implicits li.out").filter(function() { + return ! isHidden(this); + }); + filteredImplicits.removeClass("out").addClass("in"); + + if ($(this).hasClass("out") && $("#mbrsel > div[id=ancestors] > ol > li.hideall").hasClass("in")) { + $(this).removeClass("out").addClass("in"); + $("#mbrsel > div[id=ancestors] > ol > li.hideall").removeClass("in").addClass("out"); + } + + filter(); + }); + $("#visbl > ol > li.public").click(function() { + if ($(this).hasClass("out")) { + $(this).removeClass("out").addClass("in"); + $("#visbl > ol > li.all").removeClass("in").addClass("out"); + filter(); + }; + }) + $("#visbl > ol > li.all").click(function() { + if ($(this).hasClass("out")) { + $(this).removeClass("out").addClass("in"); + $("#visbl > ol > li.public").removeClass("in").addClass("out"); + filter(); + }; + }); + $("#order > ol > li.alpha").click(function() { + if ($(this).hasClass("out")) { + orderAlpha(); + }; + }) + $("#order > ol > li.inherit").click(function() { + if ($(this).hasClass("out")) { + orderInherit(); + }; + }); + $("#order > ol >").click(function() { + if ($(this).hasClass("out")) { + orderGroup(); + }; + }); + $("#groupedMembers").hide(); + + initInherit(); + + // Create tooltips + $(".extype").add(".defval").tooltip({ + tip: "#tooltip", + position:"top center", + predelay: 500, + onBeforeShow: function(ev) { + $(this.getTip()).text(this.getTrigger().attr("name")); + } + }); + + /* Add toggle arrows */ + //var docAllSigs = $("#template li").has(".fullcomment").find(".signature"); + // trying to speed things up a little bit + var docAllSigs = $("#template li[fullComment=yes] .signature"); + + function commentToggleFct(signature){ + var parent = signature.parent(); + var shortComment = $(".shortcomment", parent); + var fullComment = $(".fullcomment", parent); + var vis = $(":visible", fullComment); + signature.toggleClass("closed").toggleClass("opened"); + if (vis.length > 0) { + shortComment.slideDown(100); + fullComment.slideUp(100); + } + else { + shortComment.slideUp(100); + fullComment.slideDown(100); + } + }; + docAllSigs.addClass("closed"); + { + commentToggleFct($(this)); + }); + + /* Linear super types and known subclasses */ + function toggleShowContentFct(e){ + e.toggleClass("open"); + var content = $(".hiddenContent", e.parent().get(0)); + if (':visible')) { + content.slideUp(100); + } + else { + content.slideDown(100); + } + }; + + $(".toggle:not(.diagram-link)").click(function() { + toggleShowContentFct($(this)); + }); + + // Set parent window title + windowTitle(); + + if ($("#order > ol >").length == 1) { orderGroup(); }; +}); + +function orderAlpha() { + $("#order > ol > li.alpha").removeClass("out").addClass("in"); + $("#order > ol > li.inherit").removeClass("in").addClass("out"); + $("#order > ol >").removeClass("in").addClass("out"); + $("#template > div.parent").hide(); + $("#template > div.conversion").hide(); + $("#mbrsel > div[id=ancestors]").show(); + filter(); +}; + +function orderInherit() { + $("#order > ol > li.inherit").removeClass("out").addClass("in"); + $("#order > ol > li.alpha").removeClass("in").addClass("out"); + $("#order > ol >").removeClass("in").addClass("out"); + $("#template > div.parent").show(); + $("#template > div.conversion").show(); + $("#mbrsel > div[id=ancestors]").hide(); + filter(); +}; + +function orderGroup() { + $("#order > ol >").removeClass("out").addClass("in"); + $("#order > ol > li.alpha").removeClass("in").addClass("out"); + $("#order > ol > li.inherit").removeClass("in").addClass("out"); + $("#template > div.parent").hide(); + $("#template > div.conversion").hide(); + $("#mbrsel > div[id=ancestors]").show(); + filter(); +}; + +/** Prepares the DOM for inheritance-based display. To do so it will: + * - hide all statically-generated parents headings; + * - copy all members from the value and type members lists (flat members) to corresponding lists nested below the + * parent headings (inheritance-grouped members); + * - initialises a control variable used by the filter method to control whether filtering happens on flat members + * or on inheritance-grouped members. */ +function initInherit() { + // inheritParents is a map from fully-qualified names to the DOM node of parent headings. + var inheritParents = new Object(); + var groupParents = new Object(); + $("#inheritedMembers > div.parent").each(function(){ + inheritParents[$(this).attr("name")] = $(this); + }); + $("#inheritedMembers > div.conversion").each(function(){ + inheritParents[$(this).attr("name")] = $(this); + }); + $("#groupedMembers >").each(function(){ + groupParents[$(this).attr("name")] = $(this); + }); + + $("#types > ol > li").each(function(){ + var mbr = $(this); + this.mbrText = mbr.find("> .fullcomment .cmt").text(); + var qualName = mbr.attr("name"); + var owner = qualName.slice(0, qualName.indexOf("#")); + var name = qualName.slice(qualName.indexOf("#") + 1); + var inheritParent = inheritParents[owner]; + if (inheritParent != undefined) { + var types = $("> .types > ol", inheritParent); + if (types.length == 0) { + inheritParent.append("

                  Type Members

                    "); + types = $("> .types > ol", inheritParent); + } + var clone = mbr.clone(); + clone[0].mbrText = this.mbrText; + types.append(clone); + } + var group = mbr.attr("group") + var groupParent = groupParents[group]; + if (groupParent != undefined) { + var types = $("> .types > ol", groupParent); + if (types.length == 0) { + groupParent.append("
                      "); + types = $("> .types > ol", groupParent); + } + var clone = mbr.clone(); + clone[0].mbrText = this.mbrText; + types.append(clone); + } + }); + + $("#values > ol > li").each(function(){ + var mbr = $(this); + this.mbrText = mbr.find("> .fullcomment .cmt").text(); + var qualName = mbr.attr("name"); + var owner = qualName.slice(0, qualName.indexOf("#")); + var name = qualName.slice(qualName.indexOf("#") + 1); + var inheritParent = inheritParents[owner]; + if (inheritParent != undefined) { + var values = $("> .values > ol", inheritParent); + if (values.length == 0) { + inheritParent.append("

                      Value Members

                        "); + values = $("> .values > ol", inheritParent); + } + var clone = mbr.clone(); + clone[0].mbrText = this.mbrText; + values.append(clone); + } + var group = mbr.attr("group") + var groupParent = groupParents[group]; + if (groupParent != undefined) { + var values = $("> .values > ol", groupParent); + if (values.length == 0) { + groupParent.append("
                          "); + values = $("> .values > ol", groupParent); + } + var clone = mbr.clone(); + clone[0].mbrText = this.mbrText; + values.append(clone); + } + }); + $("#inheritedMembers > div.parent").each(function() { + if ($("> div.members", this).length == 0) { $(this).remove(); }; + }); + $("#inheritedMembers > div.conversion").each(function() { + if ($("> div.members", this).length == 0) { $(this).remove(); }; + }); + $("#groupedMembers >").each(function() { + if ($("> div.members", this).length == 0) { $(this).remove(); }; + }); +}; + +/* filter used to take boolean scrollToMember */ +function filter() { + var query = $.trim($("#textfilter input").val()).toLowerCase(); + query = query.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#]/g, "\\$&").replace(/\s+/g, "|"); + var queryRegExp = new RegExp(query, "i"); + var privateMembersHidden = $("#visbl > ol > li.public").hasClass("in"); + var orderingAlphabetic = $("#order > ol > li.alpha").hasClass("in"); + var orderingInheritance = $("#order > ol > li.inherit").hasClass("in"); + var orderingGroups = $("#order > ol >").hasClass("in"); + var hiddenSuperclassElementsLinearization = orderingInheritance ? $("#linearization > li:gt(0)") : $("#linearization > li.out"); + var hiddenSuperclassesLinearization = { + return $(this).attr("name"); + }).get(); + var hiddenSuperclassElementsImplicits = orderingInheritance ? $("#implicits > li") : $("#implicits > li.out"); + var hiddenSuperclassesImplicits = { + return $(this).attr("name"); + }).get(); + + var hideInheritedMembers; + + if (orderingAlphabetic) { + $("#allMembers").show(); + $("#inheritedMembers").hide(); + $("#groupedMembers").hide(); + hideInheritedMembers = true; + $("#allMembers > .members").each(filterFunc); + } else if (orderingGroups) { + $("#groupedMembers").show(); + $("#inheritedMembers").hide(); + $("#allMembers").hide(); + hideInheritedMembers = true; + $("#groupedMembers > .group > .members").each(filterFunc); + $("#groupedMembers >").each(function() { + $(this).show(); + if ($("> div.members", this).not(":hidden").length == 0) { + $(this).hide(); + } else { + $(this).show(); + } + }); + } else if (orderingInheritance) { + $("#inheritedMembers").show(); + $("#groupedMembers").hide(); + $("#allMembers").hide(); + hideInheritedMembers = false; + $("#inheritedMembers > .parent > .members").each(filterFunc); + $("#inheritedMembers > .conversion > .members").each(filterFunc); + } + + + function filterFunc() { + var membersVisible = false; + var members = $(this); + members.find("> ol > li").each(function() { + var mbr = $(this); + if (privateMembersHidden && mbr.attr("visbl") == "prt") { + mbr.hide(); + return; + } + var name = mbr.attr("name"); + // Owner filtering must not happen in "inherited from" member lists + if (hideInheritedMembers) { + var ownerIndex = name.indexOf("#"); + if (ownerIndex < 0) { + ownerIndex = name.lastIndexOf("."); + } + var owner = name.slice(0, ownerIndex); + for (var i = 0; i < hiddenSuperclassesLinearization.length; i++) { + if (hiddenSuperclassesLinearization[i] == owner) { + mbr.hide(); + return; + } + }; + for (var i = 0; i < hiddenSuperclassesImplicits.length; i++) { + if (hiddenSuperclassesImplicits[i] == owner) { + mbr.hide(); + return; + } + }; + } + if (query && !(queryRegExp.test(name) || queryRegExp.test(this.mbrText))) { + mbr.hide(); + return; + } +; + membersVisible = true; + }); + + if (membersVisible) +; + else + members.hide(); + }; + + return false; +}; + +function windowTitle() +{ + try { + parent.document.title=document.title; + } + catch(e) { + // Chrome doesn't allow settings the parent's title when + // used on the local file system. + } +}; diff --git a/api/scala/lib/tools.tooltip.js b/api/scala/lib/tools.tooltip.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0af34ec --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/lib/tools.tooltip.js @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +/* + * tools.tooltip 1.1.3 - Tooltips done right. + * + * Copyright (c) 2009 Tero Piirainen + * + * + * Dual licensed under MIT and GPL 2+ licenses + * + * + * Launch : November 2008 + * Date: ${date} + * Revision: ${revision} + */ +(function(c){var d=[];||{};{version:"1.1.3",conf:{effect:"toggle",fadeOutSpeed:"fast",tip:null,predelay:0,delay:30,opacity:1,lazy:undefined,position:["top","center"],offset:[0,0],cancelDefault:true,relative:false,oneInstance:true,events:{def:"mouseover,mouseout",input:"focus,blur",widget:"focus mouseover,blur mouseout",tooltip:"mouseover,mouseout"},api:false},addEffect:function(e,g,f){b[e]=[g,f]}};var b={toggle:[function(e){var f=this.getConf(),g=this.getTip(),h=f.opacity;if(h<1){g.css({opacity:h})};},function(e){this.getTip().hide();}],fade:[function(e){this.getTip().fadeIn(this.getConf().fadeInSpeed,e)},function(e){this.getTip().fadeOut(this.getConf().fadeOutSpeed,e)}]};function a(f,g){var p=this,k=c(this);"tooltip",p);var;if(g.tip){l=c(g.tip);if(l.length>1){l=f.nextAll(g.tip).eq(0);if(!l.length){l=f.parent().nextAll(g.tip).eq(0)}}}function o(u){var 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zj`u%>wK17E%#y=eOs7$jg-dm_xWWY@4Ga;OCI-XO2W~Mk4I?mZ8ioU+XdgfZDG{~B zevg;Q1X8t@fYeG@Di$(G1tx;11R@?Ul*<+Q`0)LL*z6E6I8?+Jg>ZcR_}t(iE{8k7 z6=O;r3ag0$uIe+_cTldS6;Pb?EQU46LRb~5!BF6R$^vBYSiA?-`^Z%d9t(F+E{hC? zWhv~x3O%qzc8_KGsclK)Q{%&GvfDLeTemlSSw(&=%~EktjN#goZ7tzWkmK?P5!pej zcgbngf{{xfoysL(v+nXQ%V%{s8|-goFJRRzm(JR?+Cz5Dqrf!(w;eBS^2Qbbyz`?P z!dmMqkhh4rBr`&DuXwy7?8M666TRIP!-Kxd6IZT;-`w47yRIJLS&eDFPkXt3%K^K0 zxvd>{PEz7$&yN26$`x-%mz9NYMy!!sV%a`j^Hs;A+6_meQ|#(84dYrLzs#D0a-9-> zXp5TI*lAt)^L4$LtW3r!u0(7U$M3WNxbFl#Y6)sfCuM_h0Dj+_NI#oU82h zEYn8MB55VEC76D(^U%6(537s|`qy0xuZxiTBPUkw7FpA|oa|q3x&rEbad)k3?r)?p z@(*3r=L{pJ@|ua7?#u&Zb4jDw}LwD`?cl&LflP?-Dcam`y7@w(rfe&hxxzG!8Rq zd3cU-TVqO9e@jct0m#uM%YI6=c)izt$FXzkCGNCDn?3f0)m2qh)oXI)+J))tQ`J%yf$?jzi#;wb6p+pl6@I6FDcU8S@0 z2yYs0)wkxB8$U4cUAkWXYVtGH@3;Xl6o>{ z`8r;g@W#_6H@AB)wLXucXl($Gw>h+!R+r@OGB4r}H<=k5E!h!hFNAsK@*auZUlX^W z*9BWOitVMP{KWY9K4SyCd2$@CpV8szA3vS`;7CnPa`sOhN%_yZfk4XNe)i15yy{pC4X~ch)SnB{P)qSs-VcSX*DP3r<@Yyzrk~MM=TqvuBRvF tur|z~H^sL5c+!MS88ch*;^?;{KuWlJ)Eh;9cd6x9Ck+V~n}X*q`v(^B>01B* literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/api/scala/lib/valuemembersbg.gif b/api/scala/lib/valuemembersbg.gif new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2a949311d7869cb769ef7fd48a9c03a57937b60d GIT binary patch literal 1206 zcmZ?wbhEHbWMq(GIKsdnZ{h0@Uu7LxEUIN)Ic=RqSb?mWkG6ZfPfmw%K&HM|vRQDB zZ(f&YMvIb7kh)W(qIH0ZeVAK%lWR)7rb~>DTbx&Ro3x3ip?;Zqle1Gx6p~WYGxKbf-tXS8q>!0ns}yePYv5bpoSKp8QB{;0 zT;&&%T$P<{nWAKGr(jcIRgqhen_7~nP?4LHS8P>btCX0MpOk6^WP^nDl@!2AO0sR0 z96=HaAUmD&i&7O#^$c{A4a^J_%nbDmjZMtW&2GK4GRy>*)Z*l#%z~24{5%DaiHS-1r6smXK$k+ikXryZHm_I@>>a)2{9OHt!~%Uo zJp+)JUEg{v+u2}(t{7puX=A(aKG`a!A1`K3k4sX*n*AgcnUy@&(kzb(T9BiuKo0y!L2jYX(`}$gW<`tJD<|U_ky4WfKP0-8COtCUC zHgGd=G%zu>baFB@bTx2tbGCGLH8L}|G;wk?F*1Sab;(aI%}vcKf$2>_=rzTu7nBro z3xGDeq!wkCrKY$Q<>xAZy=;|<+bu>o&4cPq!R;1foO<VgsyL#pFrHdENpF4Zz^r@34jvqUEVojbN~+qz}*ri~lc zuUorj^{SOCmM>enWbvYf3+B(8J7@N+nKPzOn>uCkq=^&y`+9r2yE;4C+ge+in;IMH z>uPJNt12tX%Sua%iwXi?qaq{1!$L!Xg8~Em{d|4A zy*xeK-CSLqog5wP?QCtVtt>6f%}h;V~x zOjJZzNKk;EkC%s=i<5($jg^I&iIIUp@h1zoq|gD8pz?@;RXoAfpyR4Xuvm`MMwJ;w P0sc=M8VWO=IT)+~jV+!7 literal 0 HcmV?d00001 diff --git a/api/scala/org/package.html b/api/scala/org/package.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f9ee074 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/package.html @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ + + + + + org - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + + +


                          + +

                          + + + package + + + org + +

                          + +
                          + + +
                          + + +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + package + + + vertx + +

                            + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +
                          + + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/package.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/package.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d0c1a97 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/package.html @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ + + + + + vertx - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + package + + + vertx + +

                          + +
                          + + +
                          + + +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + package + + + scala + +

                            + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +
                          + + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/Wrap.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/Wrap.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..34b53ae --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/Wrap.html @@ -0,0 +1,438 @@ + + + + + Wrap - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.Wrap + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + trait + + + Wrap extends AnyRef + +

                          + + + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. Wrap
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): Wrap.this.type + +

                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/FunctionConverters$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/FunctionConverters$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..da4c440 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/FunctionConverters$.html @@ -0,0 +1,554 @@ + + + + + FunctionConverters - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.FunctionConverters + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + object + + + FunctionConverters extends FunctionConverters + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes + +
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. FunctionConverters
                          2. FunctionConverters
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + asyncHandler[A, B, C](handler: (AsyncResult[A]) ⇒ B, f: (C) ⇒ A): Handler[AsyncResult[C]] + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + asyncResultConverter[ST, JT](mapFn: (JT) ⇒ ST)(handler: (AsyncResult[ST]) ⇒ Unit): Handler[AsyncResult[JT]] + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          10. + + +

                            + + implicit + def + + + convertFunctionToParameterisedAsyncHandler[T](func: (AsyncResult[T]) ⇒ Unit): AsyncResultHandler[T] + +

                            Definition Classes
                          11. + + +

                            + + implicit + def + + + convertFunctionToVoidAsyncHandler(func: () ⇒ Unit): AsyncResultHandler[Void] + +

                            Definition Classes
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          15. + + +

                            + + implicit + def + + + fnToHandler[T](func: (T) ⇒ Unit): Handler[T] + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          17. + + +

                            + + implicit + def + + + handlerToFn[T](handler: Handler[T]): (T) ⇒ Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + implicit + def + + + lazyToVoidHandler(func: ⇒ Unit): Handler[Void] + +

                            Definition Classes
                          21. + + +

                            + + implicit + def + + + messageFnToJMessageHandler[T](func: (Message[T]) ⇒ Unit): Handler[Message[T]] + +

                            Definition Classes
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          26. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          27. + + +

                            + + implicit + def + + + tryToAsyncResultHandler[X](tryHandler: (Try[X]) ⇒ Unit): (AsyncResult[X]) ⇒ Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          28. + + +

                            + + + def + + + voidAsyncHandler(handler: (AsyncResult[Unit]) ⇒ Unit): Handler[AsyncResult[Void]] + +

                            Definition Classes
                          29. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          30. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          31. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from FunctionConverters


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/FunctionConverters.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/FunctionConverters.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d072b05 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/FunctionConverters.html @@ -0,0 +1,555 @@ + + + + + FunctionConverters - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.FunctionConverters + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + trait + + + FunctionConverters extends AnyRef + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + Known Subclasses + +
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. FunctionConverters
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + asyncHandler[A, B, C](handler: (AsyncResult[A]) ⇒ B, f: (C) ⇒ A): Handler[AsyncResult[C]] + +

                            + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + asyncResultConverter[ST, JT](mapFn: (JT) ⇒ ST)(handler: (AsyncResult[ST]) ⇒ Unit): Handler[AsyncResult[JT]] + +

                            + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          10. + + +

                            + + implicit + def + + + convertFunctionToParameterisedAsyncHandler[T](func: (AsyncResult[T]) ⇒ Unit): AsyncResultHandler[T] + +

                            + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + implicit + def + + + convertFunctionToVoidAsyncHandler(func: () ⇒ Unit): AsyncResultHandler[Void] + +

                            + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          15. + + +

                            + + implicit + def + + + fnToHandler[T](func: (T) ⇒ Unit): Handler[T] + +

                            + +
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          17. + + +

                            + + implicit + def + + + handlerToFn[T](handler: Handler[T]): (T) ⇒ Unit + +

                            + +
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + implicit + def + + + lazyToVoidHandler(func: ⇒ Unit): Handler[Void] + +

                            + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + implicit + def + + + messageFnToJMessageHandler[T](func: (Message[T]) ⇒ Unit): Handler[Message[T]] + +

                            + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          26. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          27. + + +

                            + + implicit + def + + + tryToAsyncResultHandler[X](tryHandler: (Try[X]) ⇒ Unit): (AsyncResult[X]) ⇒ Unit + +

                            + +
                          28. + + +

                            + + + def + + + voidAsyncHandler(handler: (AsyncResult[Unit]) ⇒ Unit): Handler[AsyncResult[Void]] + +

                            + +
                          29. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          30. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          31. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/VertxExecutionContext$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/VertxExecutionContext$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..49e540d --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/VertxExecutionContext$.html @@ -0,0 +1,494 @@ + + + + + VertxExecutionContext - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.VertxExecutionContext + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + object + + + VertxExecutionContext extends VertxExecutionContext + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          VertxExecutionContext, ExecutionContext, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. VertxExecutionContext
                          2. VertxExecutionContext
                          3. ExecutionContext
                          4. AnyRef
                          5. Any
                          6. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + HasLogger = AnyRef { def logger: org.vertx.scala.core.logging.Logger } + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + execute(runnable: Runnable): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            VertxExecutionContext → ExecutionContext
                          11. + + +

                            + + implicit + val + + + executionContext: VertxExecutionContext.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + prepare(): ExecutionContext + +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reportFailure(t: Throwable): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            VertxExecutionContext → ExecutionContext
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          24. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from VertxExecutionContext


                          Inherited from ExecutionContext


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/VertxExecutionContext.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/VertxExecutionContext.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2b1dfe9 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/VertxExecutionContext.html @@ -0,0 +1,495 @@ + + + + + VertxExecutionContext - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.VertxExecutionContext + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + trait + + + VertxExecutionContext extends ExecutionContext + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          ExecutionContext, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. VertxExecutionContext
                          2. ExecutionContext
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + HasLogger = AnyRef { def logger: org.vertx.scala.core.logging.Logger } + +

                            + +
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + execute(runnable: Runnable): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            VertxExecutionContext → ExecutionContext
                          11. + + +

                            + + implicit + val + + + executionContext: VertxExecutionContext.type + +

                            + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + prepare(): ExecutionContext + +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reportFailure(t: Throwable): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            VertxExecutionContext → ExecutionContext
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          24. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from ExecutionContext


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/WrappedClientSSLSupport.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/WrappedClientSSLSupport.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..563ebb3 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/WrappedClientSSLSupport.html @@ -0,0 +1,662 @@ + + + + + WrappedClientSSLSupport - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.WrappedClientSSLSupport + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + trait + + + WrappedClientSSLSupport extends WrappedSSLSupport + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          WrappedSSLSupport, VertxWrapper, Wrap, AnyRef, Any
                          + Known Subclasses + +
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. WrappedClientSSLSupport
                          2. WrappedSSLSupport
                          3. VertxWrapper
                          4. Wrap
                          5. AnyRef
                          6. Any
                          7. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + abstract + type + + + InternalType <: ClientSSLSupport[_] + +


                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedClientSSLSupport → WrappedSSLSupport → VertxWrapper
                          + +

                          Abstract Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + abstract + val + + + internal: InternalType + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                          + +

                          Concrete Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getKeyStorePassword(): String + +



                            Get the key store password +

                            Definition Classes
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getKeyStorePath(): String + +



                            Get the key store path +

                            Definition Classes
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getTrustStorePassword(): String + +



                            Get trust store password +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getTrustStorePath(): String + +



                            Get the trust store path +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isSSL(): Boolean + +



                            Is SSL enabled? +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isTrustAll(): Boolean + +

                            + +
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          23. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setKeyStorePassword(pwd: String): WrappedClientSSLSupport.this.type + +


                            Set the password for the SSL key store.

                            Set the password for the SSL key store. This method should only be used in SSL mode, i.e. after #setSSL(boolean) +has been set to true.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setKeyStorePath(path: String): WrappedClientSSLSupport.this.type + +


                            Set the path to the SSL key store.

                            Set the path to the SSL key store. This method should only be used in SSL mode, i.e. after #setSSL(boolean) +has been set to true.

                            The SSL key store is a standard Java Key Store, and will contain the client certificate. Client certificates are +only required if the server requests client authentication.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                            Definition Classes
                          25. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setSSL(ssl: Boolean): WrappedClientSSLSupport.this.type + +


                            If ssl is true, this signifies that any connections will be SSL connections.

                            If ssl is true, this signifies that any connections will be SSL connections.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                            Definition Classes
                          26. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTrustAll(trustAll: Boolean): WrappedClientSSLSupport.this.type + +

                            + +
                          27. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTrustStorePassword(pwd: String): WrappedClientSSLSupport.this.type + +


                            Set the password for the SSL trust store.

                            Set the password for the SSL trust store. This method should only be used in SSL mode, i.e. after #setSSL(boolean) +has been set to true.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                            Definition Classes
                          28. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTrustStorePath(path: String): WrappedClientSSLSupport.this.type + +


                            Set the path to the SSL trust store.

                            Set the path to the SSL trust store. This method should only be used in SSL mode, i.e. after #setSSL(boolean) +has been set to true.

                            The trust store is a standard Java Key Store, and should contain the certificates of any servers that the client trusts.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                            Definition Classes
                          29. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          30. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                          31. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          32. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          33. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          34. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          35. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): WrappedClientSSLSupport.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from WrappedSSLSupport


                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/WrappedCloseable.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/WrappedCloseable.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..22abd76 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/WrappedCloseable.html @@ -0,0 +1,528 @@ + + + + + WrappedCloseable - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.WrappedCloseable + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + trait + + + WrappedCloseable extends VertxWrapper + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          VertxWrapper, Wrap, AnyRef, Any
                          + Known Subclasses + +
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. WrappedCloseable
                          2. VertxWrapper
                          3. Wrap
                          4. AnyRef
                          5. Any
                          6. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + CloseType = AnyRef { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ } + +

                            + +
                          2. + + +

                            + + abstract + type + + + InternalType <: CloseType + +


                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedCloseable → VertxWrapper
                          + +

                          Abstract Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + abstract + val + + + internal: InternalType + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                          + +

                          Concrete Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + close(handler: Handler[AsyncResult[Void]]): Unit + +

                            + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + close(): Unit + +

                            + +
                          10. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          24. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          25. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): WrappedCloseable.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/WrappedSSLSupport.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/WrappedSSLSupport.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..415acd0 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/WrappedSSLSupport.html @@ -0,0 +1,634 @@ + + + + + WrappedSSLSupport - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.WrappedSSLSupport + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + trait + + + WrappedSSLSupport extends VertxWrapper + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          VertxWrapper, Wrap, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. WrappedSSLSupport
                          2. VertxWrapper
                          3. Wrap
                          4. AnyRef
                          5. Any
                          6. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + abstract + type + + + InternalType <: SSLSupport[_] + +


                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedSSLSupport → VertxWrapper
                          + +

                          Abstract Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + abstract + val + + + internal: InternalType + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                          + +

                          Concrete Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getKeyStorePassword(): String + +



                            Get the key store password +

                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getKeyStorePath(): String + +



                            Get the key store path +

                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getTrustStorePassword(): String + +



                            Get trust store password +

                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getTrustStorePath(): String + +



                            Get the trust store path +

                          16. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isSSL(): Boolean + +



                            Is SSL enabled? +

                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setKeyStorePassword(pwd: String): WrappedSSLSupport.this.type + +


                            Set the password for the SSL key store.

                            Set the password for the SSL key store. This method should only be used in SSL mode, i.e. after #setSSL(boolean) +has been set to true.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                          23. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setKeyStorePath(path: String): WrappedSSLSupport.this.type + +


                            Set the path to the SSL key store.

                            Set the path to the SSL key store. This method should only be used in SSL mode, i.e. after #setSSL(boolean) +has been set to true.

                            The SSL key store is a standard Java Key Store, and will contain the client certificate. Client certificates are +only required if the server requests client authentication.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setSSL(ssl: Boolean): WrappedSSLSupport.this.type + +


                            If ssl is true, this signifies that any connections will be SSL connections.

                            If ssl is true, this signifies that any connections will be SSL connections.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                          25. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTrustStorePassword(pwd: String): WrappedSSLSupport.this.type + +


                            Set the password for the SSL trust store.

                            Set the password for the SSL trust store. This method should only be used in SSL mode, i.e. after #setSSL(boolean) +has been set to true.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                          26. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTrustStorePath(path: String): WrappedSSLSupport.this.type + +


                            Set the path to the SSL trust store.

                            Set the path to the SSL trust store. This method should only be used in SSL mode, i.e. after #setSSL(boolean) +has been set to true.

                            The trust store is a standard Java Key Store, and should contain the certificates of any servers that the client trusts.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                          27. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          28. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                          29. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          30. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          31. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          32. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          33. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): WrappedSSLSupport.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/WrappedServerSSLSupport.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/WrappedServerSSLSupport.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a03e2b2 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/WrappedServerSSLSupport.html @@ -0,0 +1,666 @@ + + + + + WrappedServerSSLSupport - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.WrappedServerSSLSupport + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + trait + + + WrappedServerSSLSupport extends WrappedSSLSupport + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          WrappedSSLSupport, VertxWrapper, Wrap, AnyRef, Any
                          + Known Subclasses + +
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. WrappedServerSSLSupport
                          2. WrappedSSLSupport
                          3. VertxWrapper
                          4. Wrap
                          5. AnyRef
                          6. Any
                          7. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + abstract + type + + + InternalType <: ServerSSLSupport[_] + +


                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedServerSSLSupport → WrappedSSLSupport → VertxWrapper
                          + +

                          Abstract Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + abstract + val + + + internal: InternalType + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                          + +

                          Concrete Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getKeyStorePassword(): String + +



                            Get the key store password +

                            Definition Classes
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getKeyStorePath(): String + +



                            Get the key store path +

                            Definition Classes
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getTrustStorePassword(): String + +



                            Get trust store password +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getTrustStorePath(): String + +



                            Get the trust store path +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isClientAuthRequired(): Boolean + +


                            Is client auth required? +

                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isSSL(): Boolean + +



                            Is SSL enabled? +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          23. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setClientAuthRequired(required: Boolean): WrappedServerSSLSupport.this.type + +


                            Set required to true if you want the server to request client authentication from any connecting clients.

                            Set required to true if you want the server to request client authentication from any connecting clients. This +is an extra level of security in SSL, and requires clients to provide client certificates. Those certificates must be added +to the server trust store.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setKeyStorePassword(pwd: String): WrappedServerSSLSupport.this.type + +


                            Set the password for the SSL key store.

                            Set the password for the SSL key store. This method should only be used in SSL mode, i.e. after #setSSL(boolean) +has been set to true.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                            Definition Classes
                          25. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setKeyStorePath(path: String): WrappedServerSSLSupport.this.type + +


                            Set the path to the SSL key store.

                            Set the path to the SSL key store. This method should only be used in SSL mode, i.e. after #setSSL(boolean) +has been set to true.

                            The SSL key store is a standard Java Key Store, and will contain the client certificate. Client certificates are +only required if the server requests client authentication.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                            Definition Classes
                          26. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setSSL(ssl: Boolean): WrappedServerSSLSupport.this.type + +


                            If ssl is true, this signifies that any connections will be SSL connections.

                            If ssl is true, this signifies that any connections will be SSL connections.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                            Definition Classes
                          27. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTrustStorePassword(pwd: String): WrappedServerSSLSupport.this.type + +


                            Set the password for the SSL trust store.

                            Set the password for the SSL trust store. This method should only be used in SSL mode, i.e. after #setSSL(boolean) +has been set to true.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                            Definition Classes
                          28. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTrustStorePath(path: String): WrappedServerSSLSupport.this.type + +


                            Set the path to the SSL trust store.

                            Set the path to the SSL trust store. This method should only be used in SSL mode, i.e. after #setSSL(boolean) +has been set to true.

                            The trust store is a standard Java Key Store, and should contain the certificates of any servers that the client trusts.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                            Definition Classes
                          29. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          30. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                          31. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          32. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          33. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          34. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          35. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): WrappedServerSSLSupport.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from WrappedSSLSupport


                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/WrappedServerTCPSupport.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/WrappedServerTCPSupport.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b6a2dcc --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/WrappedServerTCPSupport.html @@ -0,0 +1,746 @@ + + + + + WrappedServerTCPSupport - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.WrappedServerTCPSupport + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + trait + + + WrappedServerTCPSupport extends WrappedTCPSupport + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          WrappedTCPSupport, VertxWrapper, Wrap, AnyRef, Any
                          + Known Subclasses + +
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. WrappedServerTCPSupport
                          2. WrappedTCPSupport
                          3. VertxWrapper
                          4. Wrap
                          5. AnyRef
                          6. Any
                          7. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + abstract + type + + + InternalType <: ServerTCPSupport[_] + +


                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedServerTCPSupport → WrappedTCPSupport → VertxWrapper
                          + +

                          Abstract Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + abstract + val + + + internal: InternalType + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                          + +

                          Concrete Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getAcceptBacklog(): Int + +



                            The accept backlog +

                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getReceiveBufferSize(): Int + +



                            The TCP receive buffer size +

                            Definition Classes
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getSendBufferSize(): Int + +



                            The TCP send buffer size +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getSoLinger(): Int + +



                            the value of TCP so linger +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getTrafficClass(): Int + +



                            the value of TCP traffic class +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isReuseAddress(): Boolean + +



                            The value of TCP reuse address +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isTCPKeepAlive(): Boolean + +



                            true if TCP keep alive is enabled +

                            Definition Classes
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isTCPNoDelay(): Boolean + +



                            true if Nagle's algorithm is disabled. +

                            Definition Classes
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isUsePooledBuffers(): Boolean + +



                            true if pooled buffers are used +

                            Definition Classes
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          26. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setAcceptBacklog(backlog: Int): WrappedServerTCPSupport.this.type + +


                            Set the accept backlog

                            Set the accept backlog


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                          27. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setReceiveBufferSize(size: Int): WrappedServerTCPSupport.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP receive buffer size for connections created by this instance to size in bytes.

                            Set the TCP receive buffer size for connections created by this instance to size in bytes.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          28. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setReuseAddress(reuse: Boolean): WrappedServerTCPSupport.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP reuseAddress setting for connections created by this instance to reuse.

                            Set the TCP reuseAddress setting for connections created by this instance to reuse.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          29. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setSendBufferSize(size: Int): WrappedServerTCPSupport.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP send buffer size for connections created by this instance to size in bytes.

                            Set the TCP send buffer size for connections created by this instance to size in bytes.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          30. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setSoLinger(linger: Int): WrappedServerTCPSupport.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP soLinger setting for connections created by this instance to linger.

                            Set the TCP soLinger setting for connections created by this instance to linger. +Using a negative value will disable soLinger.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together

                            Definition Classes
                          31. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTCPKeepAlive(keepAlive: Boolean): WrappedServerTCPSupport.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP keepAlive setting for connections created by this instance to keepAlive.

                            Set the TCP keepAlive setting for connections created by this instance to keepAlive.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          32. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTCPNoDelay(tcpNoDelay: Boolean): WrappedServerTCPSupport.this.type + +


                            If tcpNoDelay is set to true then Nagle's algorithm +will turned off for the TCP connections created by this instance.

                            If tcpNoDelay is set to true then Nagle's algorithm +will turned off for the TCP connections created by this instance.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          33. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTrafficClass(trafficClass: Int): WrappedServerTCPSupport.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP trafficClass setting for connections created by this instance to trafficClass.

                            Set the TCP trafficClass setting for connections created by this instance to trafficClass.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          34. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setUsePooledBuffers(pooledBuffers: Boolean): WrappedServerTCPSupport.this.type + +


                            Set if vertx should use pooled buffers for performance reasons.

                            Set if vertx should use pooled buffers for performance reasons. Doing so will give the best throughput but +may need a bit higher memory footprint.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          35. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          36. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                          37. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          38. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          39. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          40. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          41. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): WrappedServerTCPSupport.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from WrappedTCPSupport


                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/WrappedTCPSupport.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/WrappedTCPSupport.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eb88c7b --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/WrappedTCPSupport.html @@ -0,0 +1,716 @@ + + + + + WrappedTCPSupport - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.WrappedTCPSupport + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + trait + + + WrappedTCPSupport extends VertxWrapper + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          VertxWrapper, Wrap, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. WrappedTCPSupport
                          2. VertxWrapper
                          3. Wrap
                          4. AnyRef
                          5. Any
                          6. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + abstract + type + + + InternalType <: TCPSupport[_] + +


                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedTCPSupport → VertxWrapper
                          + +

                          Abstract Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + abstract + val + + + internal: InternalType + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                          + +

                          Concrete Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getReceiveBufferSize(): Int + +



                            The TCP receive buffer size +

                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getSendBufferSize(): Int + +



                            The TCP send buffer size +

                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getSoLinger(): Int + +



                            the value of TCP so linger +

                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getTrafficClass(): Int + +



                            the value of TCP traffic class +

                          16. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isReuseAddress(): Boolean + +



                            The value of TCP reuse address +

                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isTCPKeepAlive(): Boolean + +



                            true if TCP keep alive is enabled +

                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isTCPNoDelay(): Boolean + +



                            true if Nagle's algorithm is disabled. +

                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isUsePooledBuffers(): Boolean + +



                            true if pooled buffers are used +

                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          25. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setReceiveBufferSize(size: Int): WrappedTCPSupport.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP receive buffer size for connections created by this instance to size in bytes.

                            Set the TCP receive buffer size for connections created by this instance to size in bytes.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                          26. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setReuseAddress(reuse: Boolean): WrappedTCPSupport.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP reuseAddress setting for connections created by this instance to reuse.

                            Set the TCP reuseAddress setting for connections created by this instance to reuse.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                          27. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setSendBufferSize(size: Int): WrappedTCPSupport.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP send buffer size for connections created by this instance to size in bytes.

                            Set the TCP send buffer size for connections created by this instance to size in bytes.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                          28. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setSoLinger(linger: Int): WrappedTCPSupport.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP soLinger setting for connections created by this instance to linger.

                            Set the TCP soLinger setting for connections created by this instance to linger. +Using a negative value will disable soLinger.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together

                          29. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTCPKeepAlive(keepAlive: Boolean): WrappedTCPSupport.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP keepAlive setting for connections created by this instance to keepAlive.

                            Set the TCP keepAlive setting for connections created by this instance to keepAlive.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                          30. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTCPNoDelay(tcpNoDelay: Boolean): WrappedTCPSupport.this.type + +


                            If tcpNoDelay is set to true then Nagle's algorithm +will turned off for the TCP connections created by this instance.

                            If tcpNoDelay is set to true then Nagle's algorithm +will turned off for the TCP connections created by this instance.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                          31. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTrafficClass(trafficClass: Int): WrappedTCPSupport.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP trafficClass setting for connections created by this instance to trafficClass.

                            Set the TCP trafficClass setting for connections created by this instance to trafficClass.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                          32. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setUsePooledBuffers(pooledBuffers: Boolean): WrappedTCPSupport.this.type + +


                            Set if vertx should use pooled buffers for performance reasons.

                            Set if vertx should use pooled buffers for performance reasons. Doing so will give the best throughput but +may need a bit higher memory footprint.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                          33. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          34. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                          35. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          36. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          37. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          38. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          39. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): WrappedTCPSupport.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/Buffer$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/Buffer$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2308170 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/Buffer$.html @@ -0,0 +1,524 @@ + + + + + Buffer - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.buffer.Buffer + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + object + + + Buffer + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. Buffer
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + apply(buffer: ByteBuf): Buffer + +


                            Create a new Buffer from a Netty ByteBuf instance.

                            Create a new Buffer from a Netty ByteBuf instance. +This method is meant for internal use only. +

                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + apply(str: String): Buffer + +


                            Create a new Buffer that contains the contents of String str encoded with UTF-8 encoding +

                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + apply(str: String, enc: String): Buffer + +


                            Create a new Buffer that contains the contents of a String str encoded according to the encoding enc +

                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + apply(bytes: Array[Byte]): Buffer + +


                            Create a new Buffer that contains the contents of a byte[] +

                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + apply(initialSizeHint: Int): Buffer + +


                            Creates a new empty Buffer that is expected to have a size of initialSizeHint after data has been +written to it.

                            Creates a new empty Buffer that is expected to have a size of initialSizeHint after data has been +written to it.

                            Please note that length of the Buffer immediately after creation will be zero.

                            The initialSizeHint is merely a hint to the system for how much memory to initially allocate to the buffer to prevent excessive +automatic re-allocations as data is written to it. +

                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + apply(jbuffer: java.core.buffer.Buffer): Buffer + +


                            Create a buffer from a java buffer +

                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + apply(): Buffer + +


                            Create an empty buffer +

                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          25. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          27. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          28. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/Buffer.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/Buffer.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8566ac2 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/Buffer.html @@ -0,0 +1,910 @@ + + + + + Buffer - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.buffer.Buffer + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + class + + + Buffer extends VertxWrapper + +

                          + +

                          A Buffer represents a sequence of zero or more bytes that can be written to or read from, and which expands as +necessary to accommodate any bytes written to it.

                          There are two ways to write data to a Buffer: The first method involves methods that take the form setXXX. +These methods write data into the buffer starting at the specified position. The position does not have to be inside data that +has already been written to the buffer; the buffer will automatically expand to encompass the position plus any data that needs +to be written. All positions are measured in bytes and start with zero.

                          The second method involves methods that take the form appendXXX; these methods append data +at the end of the buffer.

                          Methods exist to both set and append all primitive types, java.lang.String, java.nio.ByteBuffer and +other instances of Buffer.

                          Data can be read from a buffer by invoking methods which take the form getXXX. These methods take a parameter +representing the position in the Buffer from where to read data.

                          Once a buffer has been written to a socket or other write stream, the same buffer instance can't be written again to another WriteStream.

                          Instances of this class are not thread-safe.

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          VertxWrapper, Wrap, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. Buffer
                          2. VertxWrapper
                          3. Wrap
                          4. AnyRef
                          5. Any
                          6. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + Buffer(internal: java.core.buffer.Buffer) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = java.core.buffer.Buffer + +


                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            Buffer → VertxWrapper
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + append[T](value: T)(implicit arg0: BufferType[T]): Buffer + +


                            Appends the specified T to the end of the Buffer.

                            Appends the specified T to the end of the Buffer. The buffer will expand as necessary +to accommodate any bytes written.

                            Returns a reference to this so multiple operations can be appended together. +


                            The value to append to the Buffer.


                            A reference to this so multiple operations can be appended together. +

                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + canEqual(other: Any): Boolean + +

                            + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + copy(): Buffer + +


                            Returns a copy of the entire Buffer.

                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(other: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            Buffer → AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getBuffer(start: Int, end: Int): Buffer + +


                            Returns a copy of a sub-sequence the Buffer as a Buffer starting at position start +and ending at position end - 1 +

                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getByte(pos: Int): Byte + +


                            Returns the byte at position pos in the Buffer.

                            Returns the byte at position pos in the Buffer. +

                            Exceptions thrown

                            if the specified pos is less than 0 or pos + 1 is greater than the length of the Buffer. +

                          16. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getByteBuf(): ByteBuf + +


                            Returns the Buffer as a Netty ByteBuf.

                            Returns the Buffer as a Netty ByteBuf.

                            This method is meant for internal use only. +

                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getBytes(start: Int, end: Int): Array[Byte] + +


                            Returns a copy of a sub-sequence the Buffer as a byte[] starting at position start +and ending at position end - 1 +

                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getBytes(): Array[Byte] + +


                            Returns a copy of the entire Buffer as a byte[] +

                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getDouble(pos: Int): Double + +


                            Returns the double at position pos in the Buffer.

                            Returns the double at position pos in the Buffer. +

                            Exceptions thrown

                            if the specified pos is less than 0 or pos + 8 is greater than the length of the Buffer. +

                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getFloat(pos: Int): Float + +


                            Returns the float at position pos in the Buffer.

                            Returns the float at position pos in the Buffer. +

                            Exceptions thrown

                            if the specified pos is less than 0 or pos + 4 is greater than the length of the Buffer. +

                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getInt(pos: Int): Int + +


                            Returns the int at position pos in the Buffer.

                            Returns the int at position pos in the Buffer. +

                            Exceptions thrown

                            if the specified pos is less than 0 or pos + 4 is greater than the length of the Buffer. +

                          23. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getLong(pos: Int): Long + +


                            Returns the long at position pos in the Buffer.

                            Returns the long at position pos in the Buffer. +

                            Exceptions thrown

                            if the specified pos is less than 0 or pos + 8 is greater than the length of the Buffer. +

                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getShort(pos: Int): Short + +


                            Returns the short at position pos in the Buffer.

                            Returns the short at position pos in the Buffer. +

                            Exceptions thrown

                            if the specified pos is less than 0 or pos + 2 is greater than the length of the Buffer. +

                          25. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getString(start: Int, end: Int): String + +


                            Returns a copy of a sub-sequence the Buffer as a String starting at position start +and ending at position end - 1 interpreted as a String in UTF-8 encoding +

                          26. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getString(start: Int, end: Int, enc: String): String + +


                            Returns a copy of a sub-sequence the Buffer as a String starting at position start +and ending at position end - 1 interpreted as a String in the specified encoding +

                          27. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          28. + + +

                            + + + val + + + internal: java.core.buffer.Buffer + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            Buffer → VertxWrapper
                          29. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          30. + + +

                            + + + def + + + length(): Int + +


                            Returns the length of the buffer, measured in bytes.

                            Returns the length of the buffer, measured in bytes. +All positions are indexed from zero. +

                          31. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          32. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          33. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          34. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setBuffer(pos: Int, b: Buffer): Buffer + +


                            Sets the bytes at position pos in the Buffer to the bytes represented by the Buffer b.

                            Sets the bytes at position pos in the Buffer to the bytes represented by the Buffer b.

                            The buffer will expand as necessary to accommodate any value written. +

                          35. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setByte(pos: Int, b: Byte): Buffer + +


                            Sets the byte at position pos in the Buffer to the value b.

                            Sets the byte at position pos in the Buffer to the value b.

                            The buffer will expand as necessary to accommodate any value written. +

                          36. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setBytes(pos: Int, b: Array[Byte]): Buffer + +


                            Sets the bytes at position pos in the Buffer to the bytes represented by the byte[] b.

                            Sets the bytes at position pos in the Buffer to the bytes represented by the byte[] b.

                            The buffer will expand as necessary to accommodate any value written. +

                          37. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setBytes(pos: Int, b: ByteBuffer): Buffer + +


                            Sets the bytes at position pos in the Buffer to the bytes represented by the ByteBuffer b.

                            Sets the bytes at position pos in the Buffer to the bytes represented by the ByteBuffer b.

                            The buffer will expand as necessary to accommodate any value written. +

                          38. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setDouble(pos: Int, d: Double): Buffer + +


                            Sets the double at position pos in the Buffer to the value d.

                            Sets the double at position pos in the Buffer to the value d.

                            The buffer will expand as necessary to accommodate any value written. +

                          39. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setFloat(pos: Int, f: Float): Buffer + +


                            Sets the float at position pos in the Buffer to the value f.

                            Sets the float at position pos in the Buffer to the value f.

                            The buffer will expand as necessary to accommodate any value written. +

                          40. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setInt(pos: Int, i: Int): Buffer + +


                            Sets the int at position pos in the Buffer to the value i.

                            Sets the int at position pos in the Buffer to the value i.

                            The buffer will expand as necessary to accommodate any value written. +

                          41. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setLong(pos: Int, l: Long): Buffer + +


                            Sets the long at position pos in the Buffer to the value l.

                            Sets the long at position pos in the Buffer to the value l.

                            The buffer will expand as necessary to accommodate any value written. +

                          42. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setShort(pos: Int, s: Short): Buffer + +


                            Sets the short at position pos in the Buffer to the value s.

                            Sets the short at position pos in the Buffer to the value s.

                            The buffer will expand as necessary to accommodate any value written. +

                          43. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setString(pos: Int, str: String, enc: String): Buffer + +


                            Sets the bytes at position pos in the Buffer to the value of str encoded in encoding enc.

                            Sets the bytes at position pos in the Buffer to the value of str encoded in encoding enc.

                            The buffer will expand as necessary to accommodate any value written. +

                          44. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setString(pos: Int, str: String): Buffer + +


                            Sets the bytes at position pos in the Buffer to the value of str encoded in UTF-8.

                            Sets the bytes at position pos in the Buffer to the value of str encoded in UTF-8.

                            The buffer will expand as necessary to accommodate any value written. +

                          45. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          46. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                          47. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(enc: String): String + +


                            Returns a String representation of the Buffer with the encoding specified by enc

                            Returns a String representation of the Buffer with the encoding specified by enc


                            The encoding to use to compute the String.


                            A string representation of the Buffer. +

                          48. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +


                            Returns a String representation of the Buffer assuming it contains a String encoding in UTF-8.

                            Returns a String representation of the Buffer assuming it contains a String encoding in UTF-8.


                            A string representation of the Buffer. +

                            Definition Classes
                            Buffer → AnyRef → Any
                          49. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          50. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          51. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          52. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): Buffer.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package$$BufferElem$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package$$BufferElem$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..935482a --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package$$BufferElem$.html @@ -0,0 +1,437 @@ + + + + + BufferElem - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.buffer.BufferElem + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + implicit + object + + + BufferElem extends BufferType[Buffer] + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes + +
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. BufferElem
                          2. BufferType
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + appendToBuffer(buffer: java.core.buffer.Buffer, value: Buffer): java.core.buffer.Buffer + +

                            Definition Classes
                            BufferElem → BufferType
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from BufferType[Buffer]


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package$$BufferType.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package$$BufferType.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cfaa81c --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package$$BufferType.html @@ -0,0 +1,441 @@ + + + + + BufferType - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.buffer.BufferType + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + trait + + + BufferType[T] extends AnyRef + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. BufferType
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + +

                          Abstract Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + abstract + def + + + appendToBuffer(buffer: java.core.buffer.Buffer, value: T): java.core.buffer.Buffer + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Concrete Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package$$ByteElem$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package$$ByteElem$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3be8bfc --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package$$ByteElem$.html @@ -0,0 +1,437 @@ + + + + + ByteElem - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.buffer.ByteElem + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + implicit + object + + + ByteElem extends BufferType[Byte] + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          BufferType[Byte], AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. ByteElem
                          2. BufferType
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + appendToBuffer(buffer: java.core.buffer.Buffer, value: Byte): java.core.buffer.Buffer + +

                            Definition Classes
                            ByteElem → BufferType
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from BufferType[Byte]


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package$$BytesElem$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package$$BytesElem$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a68c250 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package$$BytesElem$.html @@ -0,0 +1,437 @@ + + + + + BytesElem - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.buffer.BytesElem + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + implicit + object + + + BytesElem extends BufferType[Array[Byte]] + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          BufferType[Array[Byte]], AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. BytesElem
                          2. BufferType
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + appendToBuffer(buffer: java.core.buffer.Buffer, value: Array[Byte]): java.core.buffer.Buffer + +

                            Definition Classes
                            BytesElem → BufferType
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from BufferType[Array[Byte]]


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package$$DoubleElem$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package$$DoubleElem$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..270976c --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package$$DoubleElem$.html @@ -0,0 +1,437 @@ + + + + + DoubleElem - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.buffer.DoubleElem + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + implicit + object + + + DoubleElem extends BufferType[Double] + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          BufferType[Double], AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. DoubleElem
                          2. BufferType
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + appendToBuffer(buffer: java.core.buffer.Buffer, value: Double): java.core.buffer.Buffer + +

                            Definition Classes
                            DoubleElem → BufferType
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from BufferType[Double]


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package$$FloatElem$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package$$FloatElem$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fcc635b --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package$$FloatElem$.html @@ -0,0 +1,437 @@ + + + + + FloatElem - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.buffer.FloatElem + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + implicit + object + + + FloatElem extends BufferType[Float] + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          BufferType[Float], AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. FloatElem
                          2. BufferType
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + appendToBuffer(buffer: java.core.buffer.Buffer, value: Float): java.core.buffer.Buffer + +

                            Definition Classes
                            FloatElem → BufferType
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from BufferType[Float]


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package$$IntElem$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package$$IntElem$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b6d1fa3 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package$$IntElem$.html @@ -0,0 +1,437 @@ + + + + + IntElem - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.buffer.IntElem + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + implicit + object + + + IntElem extends BufferType[Int] + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          BufferType[Int], AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. IntElem
                          2. BufferType
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + appendToBuffer(buffer: java.core.buffer.Buffer, value: Int): java.core.buffer.Buffer + +

                            Definition Classes
                            IntElem → BufferType
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from BufferType[Int]


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package$$LongElem$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package$$LongElem$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aeeae31 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package$$LongElem$.html @@ -0,0 +1,437 @@ + + + + + LongElem - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.buffer.LongElem + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + implicit + object + + + LongElem extends BufferType[Long] + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          BufferType[Long], AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. LongElem
                          2. BufferType
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + appendToBuffer(buffer: java.core.buffer.Buffer, value: Long): java.core.buffer.Buffer + +

                            Definition Classes
                            LongElem → BufferType
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from BufferType[Long]


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package$$ShortElem$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package$$ShortElem$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..77a3ad5 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package$$ShortElem$.html @@ -0,0 +1,437 @@ + + + + + ShortElem - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.buffer.ShortElem + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + implicit + object + + + ShortElem extends BufferType[Short] + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          BufferType[Short], AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. ShortElem
                          2. BufferType
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + appendToBuffer(buffer: java.core.buffer.Buffer, value: Short): java.core.buffer.Buffer + +

                            Definition Classes
                            ShortElem → BufferType
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from BufferType[Short]


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package$$StringElem$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package$$StringElem$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed69e61 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package$$StringElem$.html @@ -0,0 +1,437 @@ + + + + + StringElem - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.buffer.StringElem + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + implicit + object + + + StringElem extends BufferType[String] + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          BufferType[String], AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. StringElem
                          2. BufferType
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + appendToBuffer(buffer: java.core.buffer.Buffer, value: String): java.core.buffer.Buffer + +

                            Definition Classes
                            StringElem → BufferType
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from BufferType[String]


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package$$StringWithEncodingElem$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package$$StringWithEncodingElem$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..668dd4c --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package$$StringWithEncodingElem$.html @@ -0,0 +1,437 @@ + + + + + StringWithEncodingElem - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.buffer.StringWithEncodingElem + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + implicit + object + + + StringWithEncodingElem extends BufferType[(String, String)] + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          BufferType[(String, String)], AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. StringWithEncodingElem
                          2. BufferType
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + appendToBuffer(buffer: java.core.buffer.Buffer, value: (String, String)): java.core.buffer.Buffer + +

                            Definition Classes
                            StringWithEncodingElem → BufferType
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from BufferType[(String, String)]


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a279b0b --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/buffer/package.html @@ -0,0 +1,305 @@ + + + + + buffer - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.buffer + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + package + + + buffer + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. buffer
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + class + + + Buffer extends VertxWrapper + +


                            A Buffer represents a sequence of zero or more bytes that can be written to or read from, and which expands as +necessary to accommodate any bytes written to it.

                          2. + + +

                            + + + trait + + + BufferType[T] extends AnyRef + +

                            + +
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + object + + + Buffer + +

                            + +
                          2. + + +

                            + + implicit + object + + + BufferElem extends BufferType[Buffer] + +

                            + +
                          3. + + +

                            + + implicit + object + + + ByteElem extends BufferType[Byte] + +

                            + +
                          4. + + +

                            + + implicit + object + + + BytesElem extends BufferType[Array[Byte]] + +

                            + +
                          5. + + +

                            + + implicit + object + + + DoubleElem extends BufferType[Double] + +

                            + +
                          6. + + +

                            + + implicit + object + + + FloatElem extends BufferType[Float] + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + implicit + object + + + IntElem extends BufferType[Int] + +

                            + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + implicit + object + + + LongElem extends BufferType[Long] + +

                            + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + implicit + object + + + ShortElem extends BufferType[Short] + +

                            + +
                          10. + + +

                            + + implicit + object + + + StringElem extends BufferType[String] + +

                            + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + implicit + object + + + StringWithEncodingElem extends BufferType[(String, String)] + +

                            + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + bufferHandlerToJava(handler: (Buffer) ⇒ Unit): Handler[java.core.buffer.Buffer] + +

                            + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/BADKEY$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/BADKEY$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..401d333 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/BADKEY$.html @@ -0,0 +1,433 @@ + + + + + BADKEY - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.dns.BADKEY + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + object + + + BADKEY extends DnsResponseCode with Product with Serializable + +

                          + +

                          ID 13, bad key +

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          Serializable, Serializable, Product, Equals, DnsResponseCode, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. BADKEY
                          2. Serializable
                          3. Serializable
                          4. Product
                          5. Equals
                          6. DnsResponseCode
                          7. AnyRef
                          8. Any
                          9. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): java.core.dns.DnsResponseCode + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            DnsResponseCode → AnyRef → Any
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from Serializable


                          Inherited from Serializable


                          Inherited from Product


                          Inherited from Equals


                          Inherited from DnsResponseCode


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/BADSIG$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/BADSIG$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f9019f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/BADSIG$.html @@ -0,0 +1,433 @@ + + + + + BADSIG - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.dns.BADSIG + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + object + + + BADSIG extends DnsResponseCode with Product with Serializable + +

                          + +

                          ID 12, bad signature +

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          Serializable, Serializable, Product, Equals, DnsResponseCode, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. BADSIG
                          2. Serializable
                          3. Serializable
                          4. Product
                          5. Equals
                          6. DnsResponseCode
                          7. AnyRef
                          8. Any
                          9. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): java.core.dns.DnsResponseCode + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            DnsResponseCode → AnyRef → Any
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from Serializable


                          Inherited from Serializable


                          Inherited from Product


                          Inherited from Equals


                          Inherited from DnsResponseCode


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/BADTIME$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/BADTIME$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b9a385 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/BADTIME$.html @@ -0,0 +1,433 @@ + + + + + BADTIME - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.dns.BADTIME + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + object + + + BADTIME extends DnsResponseCode with Product with Serializable + +

                          + +

                          ID 14, bad timestamp +

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          Serializable, Serializable, Product, Equals, DnsResponseCode, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. BADTIME
                          2. Serializable
                          3. Serializable
                          4. Product
                          5. Equals
                          6. DnsResponseCode
                          7. AnyRef
                          8. Any
                          9. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): java.core.dns.DnsResponseCode + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            DnsResponseCode → AnyRef → Any
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from Serializable


                          Inherited from Serializable


                          Inherited from Product


                          Inherited from Equals


                          Inherited from DnsResponseCode


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/BADVERS$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/BADVERS$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9f03258 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/BADVERS$.html @@ -0,0 +1,433 @@ + + + + + BADVERS - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.dns.BADVERS + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + object + + + BADVERS extends DnsResponseCode with Product with Serializable + +

                          + +

                          ID 11, bad extension mechanism for version +

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          Serializable, Serializable, Product, Equals, DnsResponseCode, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. BADVERS
                          2. Serializable
                          3. Serializable
                          4. Product
                          5. Equals
                          6. DnsResponseCode
                          7. AnyRef
                          8. Any
                          9. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): java.core.dns.DnsResponseCode + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            DnsResponseCode → AnyRef → Any
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from Serializable


                          Inherited from Serializable


                          Inherited from Product


                          Inherited from Equals


                          Inherited from DnsResponseCode


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/DnsClient$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/DnsClient$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..986a23f --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/DnsClient$.html @@ -0,0 +1,435 @@ + + + + + DnsClient - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.dns.DnsClient + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + object + + + DnsClient + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. DnsClient
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + apply(internal: java.core.dns.DnsClient): DnsClient + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/DnsClient.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/DnsClient.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d6bedcb --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/DnsClient.html @@ -0,0 +1,714 @@ + + + + + DnsClient - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.dns.DnsClient + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + class + + + DnsClient extends VertxWrapper + +

                          + +

                          Provides a way to asynchronous lookup informations from DNS-Servers. +

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          VertxWrapper, Wrap, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. DnsClient
                          2. VertxWrapper
                          3. Wrap
                          4. AnyRef
                          5. Any
                          6. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + DnsClient(internal: java.core.dns.DnsClient) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = java.core.dns.DnsClient + +


                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            DnsClient → VertxWrapper
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + val + + + internal: java.core.dns.DnsClient + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            DnsClient → VertxWrapper
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + lookup(name: String, handler: (AsyncResult[InetAddress]) ⇒ Unit): DnsClient + +


                            Try to lookup the A (ipv4) or AAAA (ipv6) record for the given name.

                            Try to lookup the A (ipv4) or AAAA (ipv6) record for the given name. The first found will be used. +


                            The name to resolve


                            the Handler to notify with the AsyncResult. The AsyncResult will get + notified with the resolved InetAddress if a record was found. If non was found it will + get notifed with null. + If an error accours it will get failed.


                            itself for method-chaining. +

                          16. + + +

                            + + + def + + + lookup4(name: String, handler: (AsyncResult[Inet4Address]) ⇒ Unit): DnsClient + +


                            Try to lookup the A (ipv4) record for the given name.

                            Try to lookup the A (ipv4) record for the given name. The first found will be used. +


                            The name to resolve


                            the Handler to notify with the AsyncResult. The AsyncResult will get + notified with the resolved Inet4Address if a record was found. If non was found it will + get notifed with null. + If an error accours it will get failed.


                            itself for method-chaining. +

                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + lookup6(name: String, handler: (AsyncResult[Inet6Address]) ⇒ Unit): DnsClient + +


                            Try to lookup the AAAA (ipv6) record for the given name.

                            Try to lookup the AAAA (ipv6) record for the given name. The first found will be used. +


                            The name to resolve


                            the Handler to notify with the AsyncResult. The AsyncResult will get + notified with the resolved Inet6Address if a record was found. If non was found it will + get notifed with null. + If an error accours it will get failed.


                            itself for method-chaining. +

                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + resolveA(name: String, handler: (AsyncResult[List[Inet4Address]]) ⇒ Unit): DnsClient + +


                            Try to resolve all A (ipv4) records for the given name.

                            Try to resolve all A (ipv4) records for the given name.


                            The name to resolve


                            the to notify with the The will get + notified with a java.util.List that contains all the resolved If non was found + and empty java.util.List will be used. + If an error accours it will get failed.


                            itself for method-chaining. +

                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + resolveAAAA(name: String, handler: (AsyncResult[List[Inet6Address]]) ⇒ Unit): DnsClient + +


                            Try to resolve all AAAA (ipv6) records for the given name.

                            Try to resolve all AAAA (ipv6) records for the given name.


                            The name to resolve


                            the to notify with the The will get + notified with a java.util.List that contains all the resolved If non was found + and empty java.util.List will be used. + If an error accours it will get failed.


                            itself for method-chaining. +

                          23. + + +

                            + + + def + + + resolveCNAME(name: String, handler: (AsyncResult[List[String]]) ⇒ Unit): DnsClient + +


                            Try to resolve the CNAME record for the given name.

                            Try to resolve the CNAME record for the given name. +


                            The name to resolve the CNAME for


                            the Handler to notify with the AsyncResult. The AsyncResult will get + notified with the resolved String if a record was found. If non was found it will + get notified with null. + If an error accours it will get failed.


                            itself for method-chaining. +

                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + resolveMX(name: String, handler: (AsyncResult[List[MxRecord]]) ⇒ Unit): DnsClient + +


                            Try to resolve the MX records for the given name.

                            Try to resolve the MX records for the given name.


                            The name for which the MX records should be resolved


                            the to notify with the The will get + notified with a List that contains all resolved, sorted by their + If non was found it will get notified with an empty java.util.List + If an error accours it will get failed.


                            itself for method-chaining. +

                          25. + + +

                            + + + def + + + resolveNS(name: String, handler: (AsyncResult[List[String]]) ⇒ Unit): DnsClient + +


                            Try to resolve the NS records for the given name.

                            Try to resolve the NS records for the given name. +


                            The name for which the NS records should be resolved


                            the Handler to notify with the AsyncResult. The AsyncResult will get + notified with a List that contains all resolved Strings. If non was found it will + get notified with an empty List + If an error accours it will get failed.


                            itself for method-chaining. +

                          26. + + +

                            + + + def + + + resolvePTR(name: String, handler: (AsyncResult[String]) ⇒ Unit): DnsClient + +


                            Try to resolve the PTR record for the given name.

                            Try to resolve the PTR record for the given name. +


                            The name to resolve the PTR for


                            the Handler to notify with the AsyncResult. The AsyncResult will get + notified with the resolved String if a record was found. If non was found it will + get notified with null. + If an error accours it will get failed.


                            itself for method-chaining. +

                          27. + + +

                            + + + def + + + resolveSRV(name: String, handler: (AsyncResult[List[SrvRecord]]) ⇒ Unit): DnsClient + +


                            Try to resolve the SRV records for the given name.

                            Try to resolve the SRV records for the given name. +


                            The name for which the SRV records should be resolved


                            the Handler to notify with the AsyncResult. The AsyncResult will get + notified with a List that contains all resolved SrvRecords. If non was found it will + get notified with an empty List + If an error accours it will get failed.


                            itself for method-chaining. +

                          28. + + +

                            + + + def + + + resolveTXT(name: String, handler: (AsyncResult[List[String]]) ⇒ Unit): DnsClient + +


                            Try to resolve the TXT records for the given name.

                            Try to resolve the TXT records for the given name. +


                            The name for which the TXT records should be resolved


                            the Handler to notify with the AsyncResult. The AsyncResult will get + notified with a List that contains all resolved Strings. If non was found it will + get notified with an empty List + If an error accours it will get failed.


                            itself for method-chaining. +

                          29. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reverseLookup(ipaddress: String, handler: (AsyncResult[InetAddress]) ⇒ Unit): DnsClient + +


                            Try to do a reverse lookup of an ipaddress.

                            Try to do a reverse lookup of an ipaddress. This is basically the same as doing trying to resolve a PTR record +but allows you to just pass in the ipaddress and not a valid ptr query string. +


                            The ipaddress to resolve the PTR for


                            the Handler to notify with the AsyncResult. The AsyncResult will get + notified with the resolved String if a record was found. If non was found it will + get notified with null. + If an error accours it will get failed.


                            itself for method-chaining. +

                          30. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          31. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                          32. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          33. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          34. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          35. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          36. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): DnsClient.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/DnsException.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/DnsException.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1d40ec3 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/DnsException.html @@ -0,0 +1,593 @@ + + + + + DnsException - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.dns.DnsException + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + case class + + + DnsException(code: DnsResponseCode) extends Exception with Product with Serializable + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          Serializable, Product, Equals, Exception, Throwable, Serializable, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. DnsException
                          2. Serializable
                          3. Product
                          4. Equals
                          5. Exception
                          6. Throwable
                          7. Serializable
                          8. AnyRef
                          9. Any
                          10. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + DnsException(code: DnsResponseCode) + +

                            + +
                          + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + addSuppressed(arg0: Throwable): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + + val + + + code: DnsResponseCode + +

                            + +
                          10. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + fillInStackTrace(): Throwable + +

                            Definition Classes
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getCause(): Throwable + +

                            Definition Classes
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getLocalizedMessage(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getMessage(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getStackTrace(): Array[StackTraceElement] + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getSuppressed(): Array[Throwable] + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + initCause(arg0: Throwable): Throwable + +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + printStackTrace(arg0: PrintWriter): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          25. + + +

                            + + + def + + + printStackTrace(arg0: PrintStream): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          26. + + +

                            + + + def + + + printStackTrace(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          27. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setStackTrace(arg0: Array[StackTraceElement]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          28. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          29. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            Throwable → AnyRef → Any
                          30. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          31. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          32. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from Serializable


                          Inherited from Product


                          Inherited from Equals


                          Inherited from Exception


                          Inherited from Throwable


                          Inherited from Serializable


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/DnsResponseCode$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/DnsResponseCode$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e3c030e --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/DnsResponseCode$.html @@ -0,0 +1,435 @@ + + + + + DnsResponseCode - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.dns.DnsResponseCode + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + object + + + DnsResponseCode + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. DnsResponseCode
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + fromJava(x: java.core.dns.DnsResponseCode): Product with Serializable with DnsResponseCode + +

                            + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/DnsResponseCode.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/DnsResponseCode.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f716db7 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/DnsResponseCode.html @@ -0,0 +1,454 @@ + + + + + DnsResponseCode - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.dns.DnsResponseCode + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + sealed abstract + class + + + DnsResponseCode extends AnyRef + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. DnsResponseCode
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + DnsResponseCode(code: Int, message: String) + +

                            + +
                          + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): java.core.dns.DnsResponseCode + +

                            + +
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            DnsResponseCode → AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/FORMERROR$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/FORMERROR$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1513f7c --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/FORMERROR$.html @@ -0,0 +1,433 @@ + + + + + FORMERROR - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.dns.FORMERROR + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + object + + + FORMERROR extends DnsResponseCode with Product with Serializable + +

                          + +

                          ID 1, format error +

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          Serializable, Serializable, Product, Equals, DnsResponseCode, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. FORMERROR
                          2. Serializable
                          3. Serializable
                          4. Product
                          5. Equals
                          6. DnsResponseCode
                          7. AnyRef
                          8. Any
                          9. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): java.core.dns.DnsResponseCode + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            DnsResponseCode → AnyRef → Any
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from Serializable


                          Inherited from Serializable


                          Inherited from Product


                          Inherited from Equals


                          Inherited from DnsResponseCode


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/MxRecord$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/MxRecord$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f8f7168 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/MxRecord$.html @@ -0,0 +1,435 @@ + + + + + MxRecord - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.dns.MxRecord + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + object + + + MxRecord + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. MxRecord
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + apply(internal: java.core.dns.MxRecord): MxRecord + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/MxRecord.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/MxRecord.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..20dd9db --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/MxRecord.html @@ -0,0 +1,527 @@ + + + + + MxRecord - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.dns.MxRecord + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + class + + + MxRecord extends VertxWrapper + +

                          + +

                          Represent a Mail-Exchange-Record (MX) which was resolved for a domain. +

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          VertxWrapper, Wrap, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. MxRecord
                          2. VertxWrapper
                          3. Wrap
                          4. AnyRef
                          5. Any
                          6. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + MxRecord(internal: java.core.dns.MxRecord) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = java.core.dns.MxRecord + +


                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            MxRecord → VertxWrapper
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + val + + + internal: java.core.dns.MxRecord + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            MxRecord → VertxWrapper
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + name(): String + +


                            The name of the MX record +

                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + priority(): Int + +


                            The priority of the MX record.

                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          24. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          26. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): MxRecord.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/NOERROR$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/NOERROR$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d978a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/NOERROR$.html @@ -0,0 +1,433 @@ + + + + + NOERROR - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.dns.NOERROR + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + object + + + NOERROR extends DnsResponseCode with Product with Serializable + +

                          + +

                          ID 0, no error +

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          Serializable, Serializable, Product, Equals, DnsResponseCode, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. NOERROR
                          2. Serializable
                          3. Serializable
                          4. Product
                          5. Equals
                          6. DnsResponseCode
                          7. AnyRef
                          8. Any
                          9. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): java.core.dns.DnsResponseCode + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            DnsResponseCode → AnyRef → Any
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from Serializable


                          Inherited from Serializable


                          Inherited from Product


                          Inherited from Equals


                          Inherited from DnsResponseCode


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/NOTAUTH$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/NOTAUTH$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..917edca --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/NOTAUTH$.html @@ -0,0 +1,433 @@ + + + + + NOTAUTH - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.dns.NOTAUTH + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + object + + + NOTAUTH extends DnsResponseCode with Product with Serializable + +

                          + +

                          ID 9, not authoritative for zone +

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          Serializable, Serializable, Product, Equals, DnsResponseCode, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. NOTAUTH
                          2. Serializable
                          3. Serializable
                          4. Product
                          5. Equals
                          6. DnsResponseCode
                          7. AnyRef
                          8. Any
                          9. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): java.core.dns.DnsResponseCode + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            DnsResponseCode → AnyRef → Any
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from Serializable


                          Inherited from Serializable


                          Inherited from Product


                          Inherited from Equals


                          Inherited from DnsResponseCode


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/NOTIMPL$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/NOTIMPL$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..68e2507 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/NOTIMPL$.html @@ -0,0 +1,433 @@ + + + + + NOTIMPL - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.dns.NOTIMPL + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + object + + + NOTIMPL extends DnsResponseCode with Product with Serializable + +

                          + +

                          ID 4, not implemented +

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          Serializable, Serializable, Product, Equals, DnsResponseCode, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. NOTIMPL
                          2. Serializable
                          3. Serializable
                          4. Product
                          5. Equals
                          6. DnsResponseCode
                          7. AnyRef
                          8. Any
                          9. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): java.core.dns.DnsResponseCode + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            DnsResponseCode → AnyRef → Any
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from Serializable


                          Inherited from Serializable


                          Inherited from Product


                          Inherited from Equals


                          Inherited from DnsResponseCode


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/NOTZONE$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/NOTZONE$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..79ad62d --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/NOTZONE$.html @@ -0,0 +1,433 @@ + + + + + NOTZONE - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.dns.NOTZONE + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + object + + + NOTZONE extends DnsResponseCode with Product with Serializable + +

                          + +

                          ID 10, name not in zone +

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          Serializable, Serializable, Product, Equals, DnsResponseCode, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. NOTZONE
                          2. Serializable
                          3. Serializable
                          4. Product
                          5. Equals
                          6. DnsResponseCode
                          7. AnyRef
                          8. Any
                          9. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): java.core.dns.DnsResponseCode + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            DnsResponseCode → AnyRef → Any
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from Serializable


                          Inherited from Serializable


                          Inherited from Product


                          Inherited from Equals


                          Inherited from DnsResponseCode


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/NXDOMAIN$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/NXDOMAIN$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..005a8aa --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/NXDOMAIN$.html @@ -0,0 +1,433 @@ + + + + + NXDOMAIN - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.dns.NXDOMAIN + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + object + + + NXDOMAIN extends DnsResponseCode with Product with Serializable + +

                          + +

                          ID 3, name error +

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          Serializable, Serializable, Product, Equals, DnsResponseCode, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. NXDOMAIN
                          2. Serializable
                          3. Serializable
                          4. Product
                          5. Equals
                          6. DnsResponseCode
                          7. AnyRef
                          8. Any
                          9. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): java.core.dns.DnsResponseCode + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            DnsResponseCode → AnyRef → Any
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from Serializable


                          Inherited from Serializable


                          Inherited from Product


                          Inherited from Equals


                          Inherited from DnsResponseCode


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/NXRRSET$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/NXRRSET$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..78001dc --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/NXRRSET$.html @@ -0,0 +1,433 @@ + + + + + NXRRSET - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.dns.NXRRSET + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + object + + + NXRRSET extends DnsResponseCode with Product with Serializable + +

                          + +

                          ID 8, rrset does not exist +

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          Serializable, Serializable, Product, Equals, DnsResponseCode, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. NXRRSET
                          2. Serializable
                          3. Serializable
                          4. Product
                          5. Equals
                          6. DnsResponseCode
                          7. AnyRef
                          8. Any
                          9. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): java.core.dns.DnsResponseCode + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            DnsResponseCode → AnyRef → Any
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from Serializable


                          Inherited from Serializable


                          Inherited from Product


                          Inherited from Equals


                          Inherited from DnsResponseCode


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/REFUSED$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/REFUSED$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8615eeb --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/REFUSED$.html @@ -0,0 +1,433 @@ + + + + + REFUSED - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.dns.REFUSED + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + object + + + REFUSED extends DnsResponseCode with Product with Serializable + +

                          + +

                          ID 5, operation refused +

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          Serializable, Serializable, Product, Equals, DnsResponseCode, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. REFUSED
                          2. Serializable
                          3. Serializable
                          4. Product
                          5. Equals
                          6. DnsResponseCode
                          7. AnyRef
                          8. Any
                          9. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): java.core.dns.DnsResponseCode + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            DnsResponseCode → AnyRef → Any
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from Serializable


                          Inherited from Serializable


                          Inherited from Product


                          Inherited from Equals


                          Inherited from DnsResponseCode


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/SERVFAIL$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/SERVFAIL$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..abac3d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/SERVFAIL$.html @@ -0,0 +1,433 @@ + + + + + SERVFAIL - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.dns.SERVFAIL + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + object + + + SERVFAIL extends DnsResponseCode with Product with Serializable + +

                          + +

                          ID 2, server failure +

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          Serializable, Serializable, Product, Equals, DnsResponseCode, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. SERVFAIL
                          2. Serializable
                          3. Serializable
                          4. Product
                          5. Equals
                          6. DnsResponseCode
                          7. AnyRef
                          8. Any
                          9. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): java.core.dns.DnsResponseCode + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            DnsResponseCode → AnyRef → Any
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from Serializable


                          Inherited from Serializable


                          Inherited from Product


                          Inherited from Equals


                          Inherited from DnsResponseCode


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/SrvRecord$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/SrvRecord$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..76c8b03 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/SrvRecord$.html @@ -0,0 +1,435 @@ + + + + + SrvRecord - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.dns.SrvRecord + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + object + + + SrvRecord + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. SrvRecord
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + apply(internal: java.core.dns.SrvRecord): SrvRecord + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/SrvRecord.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/SrvRecord.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d788224 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/SrvRecord.html @@ -0,0 +1,593 @@ + + + + + SrvRecord - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.dns.SrvRecord + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + class + + + SrvRecord extends VertxWrapper + +

                          + +

                          Represent a Service-Record (SRV) which was resolved for a domain. +

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          VertxWrapper, Wrap, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. SrvRecord
                          2. VertxWrapper
                          3. Wrap
                          4. AnyRef
                          5. Any
                          6. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + SrvRecord(internal: java.core.dns.SrvRecord) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = java.core.dns.SrvRecord + +


                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            SrvRecord → VertxWrapper
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + val + + + internal: java.core.dns.SrvRecord + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            SrvRecord → VertxWrapper
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + name(): String + +


                            Returns the name for the server being queried.

                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + port(): Int + +


                            Returns the port the service is running on.

                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + priority(): Int + +


                            Returns the priority for this service record.

                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + protocol(): String + +


                            Returns the protocol for the service being queried (i.

                            Returns the protocol for the service being queried (i.e. "_tcp"). +

                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + service(): String + +


                            Returns the service's name (i.

                            Returns the service's name (i.e. "_http"). +

                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + target(): String + +


                            Returns the name of the host for the service.

                          25. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                          26. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          27. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          28. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          29. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          30. + + +

                            + + + def + + + weight(): Int + +


                            Returns the weight of this service record.

                          31. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): SrvRecord.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/YXDOMAIN$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/YXDOMAIN$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..23f5429 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/YXDOMAIN$.html @@ -0,0 +1,433 @@ + + + + + YXDOMAIN - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.dns.YXDOMAIN + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + object + + + YXDOMAIN extends DnsResponseCode with Product with Serializable + +

                          + +

                          ID 6, domain name should not exist +

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          Serializable, Serializable, Product, Equals, DnsResponseCode, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. YXDOMAIN
                          2. Serializable
                          3. Serializable
                          4. Product
                          5. Equals
                          6. DnsResponseCode
                          7. AnyRef
                          8. Any
                          9. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): java.core.dns.DnsResponseCode + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            DnsResponseCode → AnyRef → Any
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from Serializable


                          Inherited from Serializable


                          Inherited from Product


                          Inherited from Equals


                          Inherited from DnsResponseCode


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/YXRRSET$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/YXRRSET$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e3cd262 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/YXRRSET$.html @@ -0,0 +1,433 @@ + + + + + YXRRSET - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.dns.YXRRSET + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + object + + + YXRRSET extends DnsResponseCode with Product with Serializable + +

                          + +

                          ID 7, resource record set should not exist +

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          Serializable, Serializable, Product, Equals, DnsResponseCode, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. YXRRSET
                          2. Serializable
                          3. Serializable
                          4. Product
                          5. Equals
                          6. DnsResponseCode
                          7. AnyRef
                          8. Any
                          9. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): java.core.dns.DnsResponseCode + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            DnsResponseCode → AnyRef → Any
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from Serializable


                          Inherited from Serializable


                          Inherited from Product


                          Inherited from Equals


                          Inherited from DnsResponseCode


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/package.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/package.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b04a18d --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/dns/package.html @@ -0,0 +1,422 @@ + + + + + dns - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.dns + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + package + + + dns + +

                          + +
                          + + +
                          + + +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + class + + + DnsClient extends VertxWrapper + +


                            Provides a way to asynchronous lookup informations from DNS-Servers.

                          2. + + +

                            + + + case class + + + DnsException(code: DnsResponseCode) extends Exception with Product with Serializable + +

                            + +
                          3. + + +

                            + + sealed abstract + class + + + DnsResponseCode extends AnyRef + +

                            + +
                          4. + + +

                            + + + class + + + MxRecord extends VertxWrapper + +


                            Represent a Mail-Exchange-Record (MX) which was resolved for a domain.

                          5. + + +

                            + + + class + + + SrvRecord extends VertxWrapper + +


                            Represent a Service-Record (SRV) which was resolved for a domain.

                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + object + + + BADKEY extends DnsResponseCode with Product with Serializable + +


                            ID 13, bad key +

                          2. + + +

                            + + + object + + + BADSIG extends DnsResponseCode with Product with Serializable + +


                            ID 12, bad signature +

                          3. + + +

                            + + + object + + + BADTIME extends DnsResponseCode with Product with Serializable + +


                            ID 14, bad timestamp +

                          4. + + +

                            + + + object + + + BADVERS extends DnsResponseCode with Product with Serializable + +


                            ID 11, bad extension mechanism for version +

                          5. + + +

                            + + + object + + + DnsClient + +

                            + +
                          6. + + +

                            + + + object + + + DnsResponseCode + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + + object + + + FORMERROR extends DnsResponseCode with Product with Serializable + +


                            ID 1, format error +

                          8. + + +

                            + + + object + + + MxRecord + +

                            + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + + object + + + NOERROR extends DnsResponseCode with Product with Serializable + +


                            ID 0, no error +

                          10. + + +

                            + + + object + + + NOTAUTH extends DnsResponseCode with Product with Serializable + +


                            ID 9, not authoritative for zone +

                          11. + + +

                            + + + object + + + NOTIMPL extends DnsResponseCode with Product with Serializable + +


                            ID 4, not implemented +

                          12. + + +

                            + + + object + + + NOTZONE extends DnsResponseCode with Product with Serializable + +


                            ID 10, name not in zone +

                          13. + + +

                            + + + object + + + NXDOMAIN extends DnsResponseCode with Product with Serializable + +


                            ID 3, name error +

                          14. + + +

                            + + + object + + + NXRRSET extends DnsResponseCode with Product with Serializable + +


                            ID 8, rrset does not exist +

                          15. + + +

                            + + + object + + + REFUSED extends DnsResponseCode with Product with Serializable + +


                            ID 5, operation refused +

                          16. + + +

                            + + + object + + + SERVFAIL extends DnsResponseCode with Product with Serializable + +


                            ID 2, server failure +

                          17. + + +

                            + + + object + + + SrvRecord + +

                            + +
                          18. + + +

                            + + + object + + + YXDOMAIN extends DnsResponseCode with Product with Serializable + +


                            ID 6, domain name should not exist +

                          19. + + +

                            + + + object + + + YXRRSET extends DnsResponseCode with Product with Serializable + +


                            ID 7, resource record set should not exist +

                          + + + + +
                          + +
                          + + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/EventBus$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/EventBus$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1d417db --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/EventBus$.html @@ -0,0 +1,435 @@ + + + + + EventBus - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.eventbus.EventBus + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + object + + + EventBus + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. EventBus
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + apply(actual: java.core.eventbus.EventBus): EventBus + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/EventBus.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/EventBus.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8d6f596 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/EventBus.html @@ -0,0 +1,642 @@ + + + + + EventBus - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.eventbus.EventBus + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + class + + + EventBus extends VertxWrapper + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          VertxWrapper, Wrap, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. EventBus
                          2. VertxWrapper
                          3. Wrap
                          4. AnyRef
                          5. Any
                          6. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + EventBus(internal: java.core.eventbus.EventBus) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = java.core.eventbus.EventBus + +


                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            EventBus → VertxWrapper
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + close(doneHandler: (AsyncResult[Void]) ⇒ Unit): Unit + +

                            + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + + val + + + internal: java.core.eventbus.EventBus + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            EventBus → VertxWrapper
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + publish[T](address: String, value: T)(implicit arg0: (T) ⇒ MessageData): EventBus + +

                            + +
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + registerHandler[T](address: String, handler: (Message[T]) ⇒ Unit, resultHandler: (AsyncResult[Void]) ⇒ Unit)(implicit arg0: (T) ⇒ MessageData): EventBus + +


                            Please bear in mind that you cannot unregister handlers you register with this method.

                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + registerHandler[T](address: String, handler: (Message[T]) ⇒ Unit)(implicit arg0: (T) ⇒ MessageData): EventBus + +


                            Please bear in mind that you cannot unregister handlers you register with this method.

                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + registerLocalHandler[T](address: String, handler: (Message[T]) ⇒ Unit)(implicit arg0: (T) ⇒ MessageData): EventBus + +

                            + +
                          23. + + +

                            + + + def + + + registerUnregisterableHandler[X](address: String, handler: Handler[java.core.eventbus.Message[X]], resultHandler: (AsyncResult[Void]) ⇒ Unit): EventBus + +

                            + +
                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + registerUnregisterableHandler[X](address: String, handler: Handler[java.core.eventbus.Message[X]]): EventBus + +

                            + +
                          25. + + +

                            + + + def + + + send[T](address: String, value: T, handler: (Message[T]) ⇒ Unit)(implicit arg0: (T) ⇒ MessageData): EventBus + +

                            + +
                          26. + + +

                            + + + def + + + send[T](address: String, value: T)(implicit arg0: (T) ⇒ MessageData): EventBus + +

                            + +
                          27. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          28. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                          29. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          30. + + +

                            + + + def + + + unregisterHandler[T](address: String, handler: Handler[java.core.eventbus.Message[T]], resultHandler: (AsyncResult[Void]) ⇒ Unit)(implicit arg0: (T) ⇒ MessageData): EventBus + +

                            + +
                          31. + + +

                            + + + def + + + unregisterHandler[T](address: String, handler: Handler[java.core.eventbus.Message[T]])(implicit arg0: (T) ⇒ MessageData): EventBus + +

                            + +
                          32. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          33. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          34. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          35. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): EventBus.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/Message$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/Message$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ded7ef6 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/Message$.html @@ -0,0 +1,435 @@ + + + + + Message - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.eventbus.Message + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + object + + + Message + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. Message
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + apply[X](jmessage: java.core.eventbus.Message[X])(implicit arg0: (X) ⇒ MessageData): Message[X] + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/Message.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/Message.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1a5aae3 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/Message.html @@ -0,0 +1,590 @@ + + + + + Message - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.eventbus.Message + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + class + + + Message[T] extends VertxWrapper + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          VertxWrapper, Wrap, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. Message
                          2. VertxWrapper
                          3. Wrap
                          4. AnyRef
                          5. Any
                          6. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + Message(internal: java.core.eventbus.Message[T])(implicit arg0: (T) ⇒ MessageData) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = java.core.eventbus.Message[T] + +


                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            Message → VertxWrapper
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + body(): T + +


                            The body of the message.

                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + + val + + + internal: java.core.eventbus.Message[T] + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            Message → VertxWrapper
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reply[B](handler: (Message[B]) ⇒ Unit)(implicit arg0: (B) ⇒ MessageData): Unit + +


                            The same as reply() but you can specify handler for the reply - i.

                            The same as reply() but you can specify handler for the reply - i.e. +to receive the reply to the reply. +

                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reply[B](value: MessageData, handler: (Message[B]) ⇒ Unit)(implicit arg0: (B) ⇒ MessageData): Unit + +


                            The same as reply(MessageData) but you can specify handler for the reply - i.

                            The same as reply(MessageData) but you can specify handler for the reply - i.e. +to receive the reply to the reply. +

                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reply(value: MessageData): Unit + +


                            Reply to this message.

                            Reply to this message. If the message was sent specifying a reply handler, that handler will be +called when it has received a reply. If the message wasn't sent specifying a receipt handler +this method does nothing. +


                            Some data to send with the reply. +

                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reply(): Unit + +


                            Reply to this message.

                            Reply to this message. If the message was sent specifying a reply handler, that handler will be +called when it has received a reply. If the message wasn't sent specifying a receipt handler +this method does nothing. +

                          23. + + +

                            + + + def + + + replyAddress(): Option[String] + +


                            The reply address (if any).

                            The reply address (if any). +


                            An optional String containing the reply address. +

                          24. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          25. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                          26. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          27. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          28. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          29. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          30. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): Message.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$BooleanData.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$BooleanData.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e60fbbe --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$BooleanData.html @@ -0,0 +1,534 @@ + + + + + BooleanData - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.eventbus.BooleanData + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + implicit + class + + + BooleanData extends MessageData + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes + +
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. BooleanData
                          2. MessageData
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + BooleanData(data: Boolean) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            BooleanData → MessageData
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + val + + + data: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            BooleanData → MessageData
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + publish(eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            BooleanData → MessageData
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reply[A, B](msg: java.core.eventbus.Message[A], handler: Handler[java.core.eventbus.Message[B]]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            BooleanData → MessageData
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reply[A](msg: java.core.eventbus.Message[A]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            BooleanData → MessageData
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + send[T](eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String, handler: Handler[java.core.eventbus.Message[T]]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            BooleanData → MessageData
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + send(eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            BooleanData → MessageData
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          27. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from MessageData


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$BufferData.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$BufferData.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0d4046d --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$BufferData.html @@ -0,0 +1,534 @@ + + + + + BufferData - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.eventbus.BufferData + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + implicit + class + + + BufferData extends MessageData + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes + +
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. BufferData
                          2. MessageData
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + BufferData(data: Buffer) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = Buffer + +

                            Definition Classes
                            BufferData → MessageData
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + val + + + data: Buffer + +

                            Definition Classes
                            BufferData → MessageData
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + publish(eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            BufferData → MessageData
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reply[A, B](msg: java.core.eventbus.Message[A], handler: Handler[java.core.eventbus.Message[B]]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            BufferData → MessageData
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reply[A](msg: java.core.eventbus.Message[A]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            BufferData → MessageData
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + send[T](eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String, handler: Handler[java.core.eventbus.Message[T]]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            BufferData → MessageData
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + send(eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            BufferData → MessageData
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          27. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from MessageData


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$ByteArrayData.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$ByteArrayData.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d52976a --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$ByteArrayData.html @@ -0,0 +1,534 @@ + + + + + ByteArrayData - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.eventbus.ByteArrayData + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + implicit + class + + + ByteArrayData extends MessageData + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes + +
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. ByteArrayData
                          2. MessageData
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + ByteArrayData(data: Array[Byte]) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = Array[Byte] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            ByteArrayData → MessageData
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + val + + + data: Array[Byte] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            ByteArrayData → MessageData
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + publish(eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            ByteArrayData → MessageData
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reply[A, B](msg: java.core.eventbus.Message[A], handler: Handler[java.core.eventbus.Message[B]]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            ByteArrayData → MessageData
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reply[A](msg: java.core.eventbus.Message[A]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            ByteArrayData → MessageData
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + send[T](eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String, handler: Handler[java.core.eventbus.Message[T]]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            ByteArrayData → MessageData
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + send(eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            ByteArrayData → MessageData
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          27. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from MessageData


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$CharacterData.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$CharacterData.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..26d652c --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$CharacterData.html @@ -0,0 +1,534 @@ + + + + + CharacterData - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.eventbus.CharacterData + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + implicit + class + + + CharacterData extends MessageData + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes + +
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. CharacterData
                          2. MessageData
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + CharacterData(data: Character) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = Character + +

                            Definition Classes
                            CharacterData → MessageData
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + val + + + data: Character + +

                            Definition Classes
                            CharacterData → MessageData
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + publish(eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            CharacterData → MessageData
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reply[A, B](msg: java.core.eventbus.Message[A], handler: Handler[java.core.eventbus.Message[B]]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            CharacterData → MessageData
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reply[A](msg: java.core.eventbus.Message[A]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            CharacterData → MessageData
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + send[T](eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String, handler: Handler[java.core.eventbus.Message[T]]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            CharacterData → MessageData
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + send(eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            CharacterData → MessageData
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          27. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from MessageData


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$DoubleData.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$DoubleData.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7492071 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$DoubleData.html @@ -0,0 +1,534 @@ + + + + + DoubleData - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.eventbus.DoubleData + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + implicit + class + + + DoubleData extends MessageData + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes + +
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. DoubleData
                          2. MessageData
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + DoubleData(data: Double) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = Double + +

                            Definition Classes
                            DoubleData → MessageData
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + val + + + data: Double + +

                            Definition Classes
                            DoubleData → MessageData
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + publish(eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            DoubleData → MessageData
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reply[A, B](msg: java.core.eventbus.Message[A], handler: Handler[java.core.eventbus.Message[B]]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            DoubleData → MessageData
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reply[A](msg: java.core.eventbus.Message[A]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            DoubleData → MessageData
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + send[T](eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String, handler: Handler[java.core.eventbus.Message[T]]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            DoubleData → MessageData
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + send(eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            DoubleData → MessageData
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          27. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from MessageData


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$FloatData.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$FloatData.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d087582 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$FloatData.html @@ -0,0 +1,534 @@ + + + + + FloatData - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.eventbus.FloatData + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + implicit + class + + + FloatData extends MessageData + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes + +
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. FloatData
                          2. MessageData
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + FloatData(data: Float) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = Float + +

                            Definition Classes
                            FloatData → MessageData
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + val + + + data: Float + +

                            Definition Classes
                            FloatData → MessageData
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + publish(eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            FloatData → MessageData
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reply[A, B](msg: java.core.eventbus.Message[A], handler: Handler[java.core.eventbus.Message[B]]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            FloatData → MessageData
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reply[A](msg: java.core.eventbus.Message[A]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            FloatData → MessageData
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + send[T](eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String, handler: Handler[java.core.eventbus.Message[T]]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            FloatData → MessageData
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + send(eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            FloatData → MessageData
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          27. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from MessageData


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$IntegerData.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$IntegerData.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..be71d47 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$IntegerData.html @@ -0,0 +1,534 @@ + + + + + IntegerData - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.eventbus.IntegerData + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + implicit + class + + + IntegerData extends MessageData + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes + +
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. IntegerData
                          2. MessageData
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + IntegerData(data: Int) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            IntegerData → MessageData
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + val + + + data: Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            IntegerData → MessageData
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + publish(eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            IntegerData → MessageData
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reply[A, B](msg: java.core.eventbus.Message[A], handler: Handler[java.core.eventbus.Message[B]]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            IntegerData → MessageData
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reply[A](msg: java.core.eventbus.Message[A]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            IntegerData → MessageData
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + send[T](eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String, handler: Handler[java.core.eventbus.Message[T]]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            IntegerData → MessageData
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + send(eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            IntegerData → MessageData
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          27. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from MessageData


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$JBufferData.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$JBufferData.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4560bba --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$JBufferData.html @@ -0,0 +1,549 @@ + + + + + JBufferData - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.eventbus.JBufferData + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + implicit + class + + + JBufferData extends JMessageData + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes + +
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. JBufferData
                          2. JMessageData
                          3. MessageData
                          4. AnyRef
                          5. Any
                          6. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + JBufferData(data: Buffer) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = Buffer + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JBufferData → MessageData
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + val + + + data: Buffer + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JBufferData → MessageData
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + publish(eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JBufferData → MessageData
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reply[A, B](msg: java.core.eventbus.Message[A], handler: Handler[java.core.eventbus.Message[B]]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JBufferData → MessageData
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reply[A](msg: java.core.eventbus.Message[A]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JBufferData → MessageData
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + send[T](eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String, handler: Handler[java.core.eventbus.Message[T]]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JBufferData → MessageData
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + send(eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JBufferData → MessageData
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toScalaMessageData(): BufferData + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JBufferData → JMessageData
                          25. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          27. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          28. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from JMessageData


                          Inherited from MessageData


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$JMessageData.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$JMessageData.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e0e9314 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$JMessageData.html @@ -0,0 +1,537 @@ + + + + + JMessageData - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.eventbus.JMessageData + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + sealed + trait + + + JMessageData extends MessageData + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes + +
                          + Known Subclasses + +
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. JMessageData
                          2. MessageData
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + abstract + type + + + InternalType + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + +

                          Abstract Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + abstract + val + + + data: InternalType + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + abstract + def + + + publish(eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + abstract + def + + + reply[A, B](msg: java.core.eventbus.Message[A], resultHandler: Handler[java.core.eventbus.Message[B]]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          4. + + +

                            + + abstract + def + + + reply[A](msg: java.core.eventbus.Message[A]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + abstract + def + + + send[X](eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String, resultHandler: Handler[java.core.eventbus.Message[X]]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + abstract + def + + + send(eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + abstract + def + + + toScalaMessageData(): MessageData + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Concrete Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from MessageData


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$JsonArrayData.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$JsonArrayData.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..61caae1 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$JsonArrayData.html @@ -0,0 +1,534 @@ + + + + + JsonArrayData - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.eventbus.JsonArrayData + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + implicit + class + + + JsonArrayData extends MessageData + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes + +
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. JsonArrayData
                          2. MessageData
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + JsonArrayData(data: JsonArray) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = JsonArray + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JsonArrayData → MessageData
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + val + + + data: JsonArray + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JsonArrayData → MessageData
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + publish(eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JsonArrayData → MessageData
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reply[A, B](msg: java.core.eventbus.Message[A], handler: Handler[java.core.eventbus.Message[B]]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JsonArrayData → MessageData
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reply[A](msg: java.core.eventbus.Message[A]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JsonArrayData → MessageData
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + send[T](eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String, handler: Handler[java.core.eventbus.Message[T]]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JsonArrayData → MessageData
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + send(eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JsonArrayData → MessageData
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          27. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from MessageData


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$JsonObjectData.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$JsonObjectData.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d93cdca --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$JsonObjectData.html @@ -0,0 +1,534 @@ + + + + + JsonObjectData - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.eventbus.JsonObjectData + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + implicit + class + + + JsonObjectData extends MessageData + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes + +
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. JsonObjectData
                          2. MessageData
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + JsonObjectData(data: JsonObject) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = JsonObject + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JsonObjectData → MessageData
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + val + + + data: JsonObject + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JsonObjectData → MessageData
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + publish(eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JsonObjectData → MessageData
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reply[A, B](msg: java.core.eventbus.Message[A], handler: Handler[java.core.eventbus.Message[B]]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JsonObjectData → MessageData
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reply[A](msg: java.core.eventbus.Message[A]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JsonObjectData → MessageData
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + send[T](eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String, handler: Handler[java.core.eventbus.Message[T]]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JsonObjectData → MessageData
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + send(eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JsonObjectData → MessageData
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          27. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from MessageData


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$LongData.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$LongData.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d4a6459 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$LongData.html @@ -0,0 +1,534 @@ + + + + + LongData - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.eventbus.LongData + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + implicit + class + + + LongData extends MessageData + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes + +
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. LongData
                          2. MessageData
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + LongData(data: Long) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = Long + +

                            Definition Classes
                            LongData → MessageData
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + val + + + data: Long + +

                            Definition Classes
                            LongData → MessageData
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + publish(eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            LongData → MessageData
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reply[A, B](msg: java.core.eventbus.Message[A], handler: Handler[java.core.eventbus.Message[B]]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            LongData → MessageData
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reply[A](msg: java.core.eventbus.Message[A]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            LongData → MessageData
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + send[T](eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String, handler: Handler[java.core.eventbus.Message[T]]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            LongData → MessageData
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + send(eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            LongData → MessageData
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          27. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from MessageData


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$MessageData.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$MessageData.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a8738ab --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$MessageData.html @@ -0,0 +1,522 @@ + + + + + MessageData - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.eventbus.MessageData + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + sealed + trait + + + MessageData extends AnyRef + +

                          + + + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. MessageData
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + abstract + type + + + InternalType + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Abstract Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + abstract + val + + + data: InternalType + +

                            + +
                          2. + + +

                            + + abstract + def + + + publish(eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String): Unit + +

                            + +
                          3. + + +

                            + + abstract + def + + + reply[A, B](msg: java.core.eventbus.Message[A], resultHandler: Handler[java.core.eventbus.Message[B]]): Unit + +

                            + +
                          4. + + +

                            + + abstract + def + + + reply[A](msg: java.core.eventbus.Message[A]): Unit + +

                            + +
                          5. + + +

                            + + abstract + def + + + send[X](eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String, resultHandler: Handler[java.core.eventbus.Message[X]]): Unit + +

                            + +
                          6. + + +

                            + + abstract + def + + + send(eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String): Unit + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Concrete Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$ShortData.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$ShortData.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8445301 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$ShortData.html @@ -0,0 +1,534 @@ + + + + + ShortData - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.eventbus.ShortData + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + implicit + class + + + ShortData extends MessageData + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes + +
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. ShortData
                          2. MessageData
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + ShortData(data: Short) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = Short + +

                            Definition Classes
                            ShortData → MessageData
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + val + + + data: Short + +

                            Definition Classes
                            ShortData → MessageData
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + publish(eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            ShortData → MessageData
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reply[A, B](msg: java.core.eventbus.Message[A], handler: Handler[java.core.eventbus.Message[B]]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            ShortData → MessageData
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reply[A](msg: java.core.eventbus.Message[A]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            ShortData → MessageData
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + send[T](eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String, handler: Handler[java.core.eventbus.Message[T]]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            ShortData → MessageData
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + send(eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            ShortData → MessageData
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          27. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from MessageData


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$StringData.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$StringData.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..daff8eb --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package$$StringData.html @@ -0,0 +1,534 @@ + + + + + StringData - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.eventbus.StringData + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + implicit + class + + + StringData extends MessageData + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes + +
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. StringData
                          2. MessageData
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + StringData(data: String) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            StringData → MessageData
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + val + + + data: String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            StringData → MessageData
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + publish(eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            StringData → MessageData
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reply[A, B](msg: java.core.eventbus.Message[A], handler: Handler[java.core.eventbus.Message[B]]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            StringData → MessageData
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reply[A](msg: java.core.eventbus.Message[A]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            StringData → MessageData
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + send[T](eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String, handler: Handler[java.core.eventbus.Message[T]]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            StringData → MessageData
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + send(eb: java.core.eventbus.EventBus, address: String): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            StringData → MessageData
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          27. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from MessageData


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..447644b --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/eventbus/package.html @@ -0,0 +1,382 @@ + + + + + eventbus - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.eventbus + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + package + + + eventbus + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. eventbus
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + implicit + class + + + BooleanData extends MessageData + +

                            + +
                          2. + + +

                            + + implicit + class + + + BufferData extends MessageData + +

                            + +
                          3. + + +

                            + + implicit + class + + + ByteArrayData extends MessageData + +

                            + +
                          4. + + +

                            + + implicit + class + + + CharacterData extends MessageData + +

                            + +
                          5. + + +

                            + + implicit + class + + + DoubleData extends MessageData + +

                            + +
                          6. + + +

                            + + + class + + + EventBus extends VertxWrapper + +


                          7. + + +

                            + + implicit + class + + + FloatData extends MessageData + +

                            + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + implicit + class + + + IntegerData extends MessageData + +

                            + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + implicit + class + + + JBufferData extends JMessageData + +

                            + +
                          10. + + +

                            + + sealed + trait + + + JMessageData extends MessageData + +

                            + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + implicit + class + + + JsonArrayData extends MessageData + +

                            + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + implicit + class + + + JsonObjectData extends MessageData + +

                            + +
                          13. + + +

                            + + implicit + class + + + LongData extends MessageData + +

                            + +
                          14. + + +

                            + + + class + + + Message[T] extends VertxWrapper + +

                            + +
                          15. + + +

                            + + sealed + trait + + + MessageData extends AnyRef + +

                            + +
                          16. + + +

                            + + implicit + class + + + ShortData extends MessageData + +

                            + +
                          17. + + +

                            + + implicit + class + + + StringData extends MessageData + +

                            + +
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + object + + + EventBus + +

                            + +
                          2. + + +

                            + + + object + + + Message + +


                          3. + + +

                            + + implicit + def + + + anyToMessageData(any: Any): MessageData + +

                            + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/file/AsyncFile$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/file/AsyncFile$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b8504ae --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/file/AsyncFile$.html @@ -0,0 +1,435 @@ + + + + + AsyncFile - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.file.AsyncFile + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + object + + + AsyncFile + +

                          + +

                          Factory for file.AsyncFile instances.

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. AsyncFile
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + apply(internal: java.core.file.AsyncFile): AsyncFile + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/file/AsyncFile.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/file/AsyncFile.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..77bf1c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/file/AsyncFile.html @@ -0,0 +1,794 @@ + + + + + AsyncFile - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.file.AsyncFile + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + class + + + AsyncFile extends WrappedReadWriteStream + +

                          + +

                          Represents a file on the file-system which can be read from, or written to asynchronously.

                          This class also implements and + This allows the data to be pumped to and from +other streams, e.g. an instance, +using the class

                          Instances of AsyncFile are not thread-safe

                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. AsyncFile
                          2. WrappedReadWriteStream
                          3. WrappedWriteStream
                          4. WriteStream
                          5. WrappedReadStream
                          6. ReadStream
                          7. WrappedExceptionSupport
                          8. VertxWrapper
                          9. Wrap
                          10. ExceptionSupport
                          11. AnyRef
                          12. Any
                          13. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + AsyncFile(internal: java.core.file.AsyncFile) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = java.core.file.AsyncFile + +


                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            AsyncFile → WrappedReadWriteStream → WriteStream → ReadStream → WrappedExceptionSupport → VertxWrapper → ExceptionSupport
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + close(handler: (AsyncResult[Void]) ⇒ Unit): Unit + +


                            Close the file.

                            Close the file. The actual close happens asynchronously. +The handler will be called when the close is complete, or an error occurs. +

                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + close(): Unit + +


                            Close the file.

                            Close the file. The actual close happens asynchronously. +

                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + dataHandler(handler: (Buffer) ⇒ Unit): AsyncFile.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + dataHandler(handler: Handler[Buffer]): AsyncFile.this.type + +


                            Set a data handler.

                            Set a data handler. As data is read, the handler will be called with the data. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + drainHandler(handler: ⇒ Unit): AsyncFile.this.type + +


                            Set a drain handler on the stream.

                            Set a drain handler on the stream. If the write queue is full, then the handler will be called when the write +queue has been reduced to maxSize / 2. See Pump for an example of this being used. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + drainHandler(handler: Handler[Void]): AsyncFile.this.type + +


                            Set a drain handler on the stream.

                            Set a drain handler on the stream. If the write queue is full, then the handler will be called when the write +queue has been reduced to maxSize / 2. See Pump for an example of this being used. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + endHandler(handler: ⇒ Unit): AsyncFile.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + endHandler(handler: Handler[Void]): AsyncFile.this.type + +


                            Set an end handler.

                            Set an end handler. Once the stream has ended, and there is no more data to be read, this handler will be called. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + exceptionHandler(handler: (Throwable) ⇒ Unit): AsyncFile.this.type + +


                            Set an exception handler.

                            Set an exception handler. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedExceptionSupport → ExceptionSupport
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + exceptionHandler(handler: java.core.Handler[Throwable]): AsyncFile.this.type + +


                            Set an exception handler.

                            Set an exception handler. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedExceptionSupport → ExceptionSupport
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + flush(handler: (AsyncResult[Void]) ⇒ Unit): AsyncFile + +


                            Same as #flush but the handler will be called when the flush is complete or if an error occurs +

                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + flush(): AsyncFile + +


                            Flush any writes made to this file to underlying persistent storage.

                            Flush any writes made to this file to underlying persistent storage.

                            If the file was opened with flush set to true then calling this method will have no effect.

                            The actual flush will happen asynchronously. +

                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          25. + + +

                            + + + val + + + internal: java.core.file.AsyncFile + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            AsyncFile → VertxWrapper
                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          27. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          28. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          29. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          30. + + +

                            + + + def + + + pause(): AsyncFile.this.type + +


                            Pause the ReadStream.

                            Pause the ReadStream. While the stream is paused, no data will be sent to the dataHandler +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          31. + + +

                            + + + def + + + read(buffer: Buffer, offset: Int, position: Int, length: Int, handler: (AsyncResult[Buffer]) ⇒ Unit): AsyncFile + +


                            Reads length bytes of data from the file at position position in the file, asynchronously.

                            Reads length bytes of data from the file at position position in the file, asynchronously. +The read data will be written into the specified Buffer buffer at position offset.

                            If data is read past the end of the file then zero bytes will be read.

                            When multiple reads are invoked on the same file there are no guarantees as to order in which those reads actually occur.

                            The handler will be called when the close is complete, or if an error occurs. +

                          32. + + +

                            + + + def + + + resume(): AsyncFile.this.type + +


                            Resume reading.

                            Resume reading. If the ReadStream has been paused, reading will recommence on it. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          33. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setWriteQueueMaxSize(maxSize: Int): AsyncFile.this.type + +


                            Set the maximum size of the write queue to maxSize.

                            Set the maximum size of the write queue to maxSize. You will still be able to write to the stream even +if there is more than maxSize bytes in the write queue. This is used as an indicator by classes such as + Pump to provide flow control. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          34. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          35. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WrappedExceptionSupport → VertxWrapper → ExceptionSupport
                          36. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          37. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          38. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          39. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          40. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): AsyncFile.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          41. + + +

                            + + + def + + + write(buffer: Buffer, position: Int, handler: (AsyncResult[Void]) ⇒ Unit): AsyncFile + +


                            Write a Buffer to the file at position position in the file, asynchronously.

                            Write a Buffer to the file at position position in the file, asynchronously. +If position lies outside of the current size +of the file, the file will be enlarged to encompass it.

                            When multiple writes are invoked on the same file +there are no guarantees as to order in which those writes actually occur.

                            The handler will be called when the write is complete, or if an error occurs. +

                          42. + + +

                            + + + def + + + write(data: Buffer): AsyncFile.this.type + +


                            Write some data to the stream.

                            Write some data to the stream. The data is put on an internal write queue, and the write actually happens +asynchronously. To avoid running out of memory by putting too much on the write queue, +check the #writeQueueFull method before writing. This is done automatically if using a Pump. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          43. + + +

                            + + + def + + + writeQueueFull(): Boolean + +


                            This will return true if there are more bytes in the write queue than the value set using +#setWriteQueueMaxSize +

                            This will return true if there are more bytes in the write queue than the value set using +#setWriteQueueMaxSize +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from WrappedReadWriteStream


                          Inherited from WrappedWriteStream


                          Inherited from WriteStream


                          Inherited from WrappedReadStream


                          Inherited from ReadStream


                          Inherited from WrappedExceptionSupport


                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from ExceptionSupport


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/file/FileProps$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/file/FileProps$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..18c1271 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/file/FileProps$.html @@ -0,0 +1,435 @@ + + + + + FileProps - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.file.FileProps + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + object + + + FileProps + +

                          + +

                          Factory for file.FileProps instances.

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. FileProps
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + apply(internal: java.core.file.FileProps): FileProps + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/file/FileProps.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/file/FileProps.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3859944 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/file/FileProps.html @@ -0,0 +1,611 @@ + + + + + FileProps - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.file.FileProps + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + class + + + FileProps extends VertxWrapper + +

                          + +

                          Represents properties of a file on the file system

                          Instances of FileProps are thread-safe

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          VertxWrapper, Wrap, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. FileProps
                          2. VertxWrapper
                          3. Wrap
                          4. AnyRef
                          5. Any
                          6. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + FileProps(internal: java.core.file.FileProps) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = java.core.file.FileProps + +


                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            FileProps → VertxWrapper
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + creationTime(): Date + +


                            The date the file was created +

                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + + val + + + internal: java.core.file.FileProps + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            FileProps → VertxWrapper
                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isDirectory(): Boolean + +


                            Is the file a directory? +

                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isOther(): Boolean + +


                            Is the file some other type? (I.

                            Is the file some other type? (I.e. not a directory, regular file or symbolic link) +

                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isRegularFile(): Boolean + +


                            Is the file a regular file? +

                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isSymbolicLink(): Boolean + +


                            Is the file a symbolic link? +

                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + lastAccessTime(): Date + +


                            The date the file was last accessed +

                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + lastModifiedTime(): Date + +


                            The date the file was last modified +

                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          25. + + +

                            + + + def + + + size(): Long + +


                            The size of the file, in bytes +

                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          27. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                          28. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          29. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          30. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          31. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          32. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): FileProps.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/file/FileSystem$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/file/FileSystem$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6c744e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/file/FileSystem$.html @@ -0,0 +1,435 @@ + + + + + FileSystem - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.file.FileSystem + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + object + + + FileSystem + +

                          + +

                          Factory for file.FileSystem instances.

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. FileSystem
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + apply(internal: java.core.file.FileSystem): FileSystem + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/file/FileSystem.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/file/FileSystem.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f4d1fc8 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/file/FileSystem.html @@ -0,0 +1,1382 @@ + + + + + FileSystem - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.file.FileSystem + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + class + + + FileSystem extends VertxWrapper + +

                          + +

                          Contains a broad set of operations for manipulating files.

                          An asynchronous and a synchronous version of each operation is provided.

                          The asynchronous versions take a handler which is called when the operation completes or an error occurs.

                          The synchronous versions return the results, or throw exceptions directly.

                          It is highly recommended the asynchronous versions are used unless you are sure the operation +will not block for a significant period of time.

                          Instances of FileSystem are thread-safe.

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          VertxWrapper, Wrap, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. FileSystem
                          2. VertxWrapper
                          3. Wrap
                          4. AnyRef
                          5. Any
                          6. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + FileSystem(internal: java.core.file.FileSystem) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = java.core.file.FileSystem + +


                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            FileSystem → VertxWrapper
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + chmod(path: String, perms: String, dirPerms: String, handler: (AsyncResult[Void]) ⇒ Unit): FileSystem + +


                            Change the permissions on the file represented by path to perms, asynchronously.

                            Change the permissions on the file represented by path to perms, asynchronously. +The permission String takes the form rwxr-x--- as +specified in {here}.

                            If the file is directory then all contents will also have their permissions changed recursively. Any directory permissions will +be set to dirPerms, whilst any normal file permissions will be set to perms.

                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + chmod(path: String, perms: String, handler: (AsyncResult[Void]) ⇒ Unit): FileSystem + +


                            Change the permissions on the file represented by path to perms, asynchronously.

                            Change the permissions on the file represented by path to perms, asynchronously. +The permission String takes the form rwxr-x--- as +specified here.

                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + chmodSync(path: String, perms: String, dirPerms: String): FileSystem + +


                            Synchronous version of #chmod(String, String, String, Handler) +

                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + chmodSync(path: String, perms: String): FileSystem + +


                            Synchronous version of #chmod(String, String, Handler) +

                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + copy(from: String, to: String, recursive: Boolean, handler: (AsyncResult[Void]) ⇒ Unit): FileSystem + +


                            Copy a file from the path from to path to, asynchronously.

                            Copy a file from the path from to path to, asynchronously.

                            If recursive is true and from represents a directory, then the directory and its contents +will be copied recursively to the destination to.

                            The copy will fail if the destination if the destination already exists.

                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + copy(from: String, to: String, handler: (AsyncResult[Void]) ⇒ Unit): FileSystem + +


                            Copy a file from the path from to path to, asynchronously.

                            Copy a file from the path from to path to, asynchronously.

                            The copy will fail if the destination already exists.

                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + copySync(from: String, to: String, recursive: Boolean): FileSystem + +


                            Synchronous version of #copy(String, String, boolean, Handler) +

                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + copySync(from: String, to: String): FileSystem + +


                            Synchronous version of #copy(String, String, Handler) +

                          16. + + +

                            + + + def + + + createFile(path: String, perms: String, handler: (AsyncResult[Void]) ⇒ Unit): FileSystem + +


                            Creates an empty file with the specified path and permissions perms, asynchronously.

                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + createFile(path: String, handler: (AsyncResult[Void]) ⇒ Unit): FileSystem + +


                            Creates an empty file with the specified path, asynchronously.

                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + createFileSync(path: String, perms: String): FileSystem + +


                            Synchronous version of #createFile(String, String, Handler) +

                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + createFileSync(path: String): FileSystem + +


                            Synchronous version of #createFile(String, Handler) +

                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + delete(path: String, recursive: Boolean, handler: (AsyncResult[Void]) ⇒ Unit): FileSystem + +


                            Deletes the file represented by the specified path, asynchronously.

                            Deletes the file represented by the specified path, asynchronously.

                            If the path represents a directory and recursive = true then the directory and its contents will be +deleted recursively. +

                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + delete(path: String, handler: (AsyncResult[Void]) ⇒ Unit): FileSystem + +


                            Deletes the file represented by the specified path, asynchronously.

                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + deleteSync(path: String, recursive: Boolean): FileSystem + +


                            Synchronous version of #delete(String, boolean, Handler) +

                          23. + + +

                            + + + def + + + deleteSync(path: String): FileSystem + +


                            Synchronous version of #delete(String, Handler) +

                          24. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          25. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          26. + + +

                            + + + def + + + exists(path: String, handler: (AsyncResult[Boolean]) ⇒ Unit): FileSystem + +


                            Determines whether the file as specified by the path path exists, asynchronously.

                          27. + + +

                            + + + def + + + existsSync(path: String): Boolean + +


                            Synchronous version of #exists(String, Handler) +

                          28. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          29. + + +

                            + + + def + + + fsProps(path: String, handler: (AsyncResult[FileSystemProps]) ⇒ Unit): FileSystem + +


                            Returns properties of the file-system being used by the specified path, asynchronously.

                          30. + + +

                            + + + def + + + fsPropsSync(path: String): FileSystemProps + +


                            Synchronous version of #fsProps(String, Handler) +

                          31. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          32. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          33. + + +

                            + + + val + + + internal: java.core.file.FileSystem + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            FileSystem → VertxWrapper
                          34. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          35. + + +

                            + + + def + + + link(link: String, existing: String, handler: (AsyncResult[Void]) ⇒ Unit): FileSystem + +


                            Create a hard link on the file system from link to existing, asynchronously.

                          36. + + +

                            + + + def + + + linkSync(link: String, existing: String): FileSystem + +


                            Synchronous version of #link(String, String, Handler) +

                          37. + + +

                            + + + def + + + lprops(path: String, handler: (AsyncResult[FileProps]) ⇒ Unit): FileSystem + +


                            Obtain properties for the link represented by path, asynchronously.

                            Obtain properties for the link represented by path, asynchronously. +The link will not be followed. +

                          38. + + +

                            + + + def + + + lpropsSync(path: String): FileProps + +


                            Synchronous version of #lprops(String, Handler) +

                          39. + + +

                            + + + def + + + mkdir(path: String, perms: String, createParents: Boolean, handler: (AsyncResult[Void]) ⇒ Unit): FileSystem + +


                            Create the directory represented by path, asynchronously.

                            Create the directory represented by path, asynchronously.

                            The new directory will be created with permissions as specified by perms. +The permission String takes the form rwxr-x--- as specified +in here.

                            If createParents is set to true then any non-existent parent directories of the directory +will also be created.

                            The operation will fail if the directory already exists.

                          40. + + +

                            + + + def + + + mkdir(path: String, perms: String, handler: (AsyncResult[Void]) ⇒ Unit): FileSystem + +


                            Create the directory represented by path, asynchronously.

                            Create the directory represented by path, asynchronously.

                            The new directory will be created with permissions as specified by perms. +The permission String takes the form rwxr-x--- as specified +in here.

                            The operation will fail if the directory already exists. +

                          41. + + +

                            + + + def + + + mkdir(path: String, createParents: Boolean, handler: (AsyncResult[Void]) ⇒ Unit): FileSystem + +


                            Create the directory represented by path, asynchronously.

                            Create the directory represented by path, asynchronously.

                            If createParents is set to true then any non-existent parent directories of the directory +will also be created.

                            The operation will fail if the directory already exists. +

                          42. + + +

                            + + + def + + + mkdir(path: String, handler: (AsyncResult[Void]) ⇒ Unit): FileSystem + +


                            Create the directory represented by path, asynchronously.

                            Create the directory represented by path, asynchronously.

                            The operation will fail if the directory already exists. +

                          43. + + +

                            + + + def + + + mkdirSync(path: String, perms: String, createParents: Boolean): FileSystem + +


                            Synchronous version of #mkdir(String, String, boolean, Handler) +

                          44. + + +

                            + + + def + + + mkdirSync(path: String, perms: String): FileSystem + +


                            Synchronous version of #mkdir(String, String, Handler) +

                          45. + + +

                            + + + def + + + mkdirSync(path: String, createParents: Boolean): FileSystem + +


                            Synchronous version of #mkdir(String, boolean, Handler) +

                          46. + + +

                            + + + def + + + mkdirSync(path: String): FileSystem + +


                            Synchronous version of #mkdir(String, Handler) +

                          47. + + +

                            + + + def + + + move(from: String, to: String, handler: (AsyncResult[Void]) ⇒ Unit): FileSystem + +


                            Move a file from the path from to path to, asynchronously.

                            Move a file from the path from to path to, asynchronously.

                            The move will fail if the destination already exists.

                          48. + + +

                            + + + def + + + moveSync(from: String, to: String): FileSystem + +


                            Synchronous version of #move(String, String, Handler) +

                          49. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          50. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          51. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          52. + + +

                            + + + def + + + open(path: String, perms: String, read: Boolean, write: Boolean, createNew: Boolean, flush: Boolean, handler: (AsyncResult[AsyncFile]) ⇒ Unit): FileSystem + +


                            Open the file represented by path, asynchronously.

                            Open the file represented by path, asynchronously.

                            If read is true the file will be opened for reading. If write is true the file +will be opened for writing.

                            If the file does not already exist and + createNew is true it will be created with the permissions as specified by perms, otherwise +the operation will fail.

                            If flush is true then all writes will be automatically flushed through OS buffers to the underlying +storage on each write. +

                          53. + + +

                            + + + def + + + open(path: String, perms: String, read: Boolean, write: Boolean, createNew: Boolean, handler: (AsyncResult[AsyncFile]) ⇒ Unit): FileSystem + +


                            Open the file represented by path, asynchronously.

                            Open the file represented by path, asynchronously.

                            If read is true the file will be opened for reading. If write is true the file +will be opened for writing.

                            If the file does not already exist and + createNew is true it will be created with the permissions as specified by perms, otherwise +the operation will fail.

                            Write operations will not automatically flush to storage. +

                          54. + + +

                            + + + def + + + open(path: String, perms: String, createNew: Boolean, handler: (AsyncResult[AsyncFile]) ⇒ Unit): FileSystem + +


                            Open the file represented by path, asynchronously.

                            Open the file represented by path, asynchronously.

                            The file is opened for both reading and writing. If the file does not already exist and + createNew is true it will be created with the permissions as specified by perms, otherwise +the operation will fail. +Write operations will not automatically flush to storage. +

                          55. + + +

                            + + + def + + + open(path: String, perms: String, handler: (AsyncResult[AsyncFile]) ⇒ Unit): FileSystem + +


                            Open the file represented by path, asynchronously.

                            Open the file represented by path, asynchronously.

                            The file is opened for both reading and writing. If the file does not already exist it will be created with the +permissions as specified by perms. +Write operations will not automatically flush to storage. +

                          56. + + +

                            + + + def + + + open(path: String, handler: (AsyncResult[AsyncFile]) ⇒ Unit): FileSystem + +


                            Open the file represented by path, asynchronously.

                            Open the file represented by path, asynchronously.

                            The file is opened for both reading and writing. If the file does not already exist it will be created. +Write operations will not automatically flush to storage. +

                          57. + + +

                            + + + def + + + openSync(path: String, perms: String, read: Boolean, write: Boolean, createNew: Boolean, flush: Boolean): AsyncFile + +


                            Synchronous version of #open(String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, Handler) +

                          58. + + +

                            + + + def + + + openSync(path: String, perms: String, read: Boolean, write: Boolean, createNew: Boolean): AsyncFile + +


                            Synchronous version of #open(String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, Handler) +

                          59. + + +

                            + + + def + + + openSync(path: String, perms: String, createNew: Boolean): AsyncFile + +


                            Synchronous version of #open(String, String, boolean, Handler) +

                          60. + + +

                            + + + def + + + openSync(path: String, perms: String): AsyncFile + +


                            Synchronous version of #open(String, String, Handler) +

                          61. + + +

                            + + + def + + + openSync(path: String): AsyncFile + +


                            Synchronous version of #open(String, Handler) +

                          62. + + +

                            + + + def + + + props(path: String, handler: (AsyncResult[FileProps]) ⇒ Unit): FileSystem + +


                            Obtain properties for the file represented by path, asynchronously.

                            Obtain properties for the file represented by path, asynchronously. +If the file is a link, the link will be followed. +

                          63. + + +

                            + + + def + + + propsSync(path: String): FileProps + +


                            Synchronous version of #props(String, Handler) +

                          64. + + +

                            + + + def + + + readDir(path: String, filter: String, handler: (AsyncResult[Array[String]]) ⇒ Unit): FileSystem + +


                            Read the contents of the directory specified by path, asynchronously.

                            Read the contents of the directory specified by path, asynchronously.

                            The parameter filter is a regular expression. If filter is specified then only the paths that +match @{filter}will be returned.

                            The result is an array of String representing the paths of the files inside the directory. +

                          65. + + +

                            + + + def + + + readDir(path: String, handler: (AsyncResult[Array[String]]) ⇒ Unit): FileSystem + +


                            Read the contents of the directory specified by path, asynchronously.

                            Read the contents of the directory specified by path, asynchronously.

                            The result is an array of String representing the paths of the files inside the directory. +

                          66. + + +

                            + + + def + + + readDirSync(path: String, filter: String): Array[String] + +


                            Synchronous version of #readDir(String, String, Handler) +

                          67. + + +

                            + + + def + + + readDirSync(path: String): Array[String] + +


                            Synchronous version of #readDir(String, Handler) +

                          68. + + +

                            + + + def + + + readFile(path: String, handler: (AsyncResult[Buffer]) ⇒ Unit): FileSystem + +


                            Reads the entire file as represented by the path path as a Buffer, asynchronously.

                            Reads the entire file as represented by the path path as a Buffer, asynchronously.

                            Do not user this method to read very large files or you risk running out of available RAM. +

                          69. + + +

                            + + + def + + + readFileSync(path: String): Buffer + +


                            Synchronous version of #readFile(String, Handler) +

                          70. + + +

                            + + + def + + + readSymlink(link: String, handler: (AsyncResult[String]) ⇒ Unit): FileSystem + +


                            Returns the path representing the file that the symbolic link specified by link points to, asynchronously.

                          71. + + +

                            + + + def + + + readSymlinkSync(link: String): String + +


                            Synchronous version of #readSymlink(String, Handler) +

                          72. + + +

                            + + + def + + + symlink(link: String, existing: String, handler: (AsyncResult[Void]) ⇒ Unit): FileSystem + +


                            Create a symbolic link on the file system from link to existing, asynchronously.

                          73. + + +

                            + + + def + + + symlinkSync(link: String, existing: String): FileSystem + +


                            Synchronous version of #link(String, String, Handler) +

                          74. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          75. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                          76. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          77. + + +

                            + + + def + + + truncate(path: String, len: Long, handler: (AsyncResult[Void]) ⇒ Unit): FileSystem + +


                            Truncate the file represented by path to length len in bytes, asynchronously.

                            Truncate the file represented by path to length len in bytes, asynchronously.

                            The operation will fail if the file does not exist or len is less than zero. +

                          78. + + +

                            + + + def + + + truncateSync(path: String, len: Long): FileSystem + +


                            Synchronous version of #truncate(String, long, Handler) +

                          79. + + +

                            + + + def + + + unlink(link: String, handler: (AsyncResult[Void]) ⇒ Unit): FileSystem + +


                            Unlinks the link on the file system represented by the path link, asynchronously.

                          80. + + +

                            + + + def + + + unlinkSync(link: String): FileSystem + +


                            Synchronous version of #unlink(String, Handler) +

                          81. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          82. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          83. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          84. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): FileSystem.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          85. + + +

                            + + + def + + + writeFile(path: String, data: Buffer, handler: (AsyncResult[Void]) ⇒ Unit): FileSystem + +


                            Creates the file, and writes the specified Buffer data to the file represented by the path path, +asynchronously.

                          86. + + +

                            + + + def + + + writeFileSync(path: String, data: Buffer): FileSystem + +


                            Synchronous version of #writeFile(String, Buffer, Handler) +

                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/file/FileSystemProps$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/file/FileSystemProps$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5ac1a93 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/file/FileSystemProps$.html @@ -0,0 +1,435 @@ + + + + + FileSystemProps - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.file.FileSystemProps + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + object + + + FileSystemProps + +

                          + +

                          Factory for file.FileSystemProps instances.

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. FileSystemProps
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + apply(internal: java.core.file.FileSystemProps): FileSystemProps + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/file/FileSystemProps.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/file/FileSystemProps.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..43b91a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/file/FileSystemProps.html @@ -0,0 +1,541 @@ + + + + + FileSystemProps - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.file.FileSystemProps + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + class + + + FileSystemProps extends VertxWrapper + +

                          + +

                          Represents properties of the file system.

                          Instances of FileSystemProps are thread-safe.

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          VertxWrapper, Wrap, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. FileSystemProps
                          2. VertxWrapper
                          3. Wrap
                          4. AnyRef
                          5. Any
                          6. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + FileSystemProps(internal: java.core.file.FileSystemProps) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = java.core.file.FileSystemProps + +


                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            FileSystemProps → VertxWrapper
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + val + + + internal: java.core.file.FileSystemProps + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            FileSystemProps → VertxWrapper
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + totalSpace(): Long + +


                            The total space on the file system, in bytes +

                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + unallocatedSpace(): Long + +


                            The total un-allocated space on the file system, in bytes +

                          23. + + +

                            + + + def + + + usableSpace(): Long + +


                            The total usable space on the file system, in bytes +

                          24. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          27. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): FileSystemProps.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/file/package.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/file/package.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e91cd40 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/file/package.html @@ -0,0 +1,199 @@ + + + + + file - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.file + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + package + + + file + +

                          + +
                          + + +
                          + + +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + class + + + AsyncFile extends WrappedReadWriteStream + +


                            Represents a file on the file-system which can be read from, or written to asynchronously.

                          2. + + +

                            + + + class + + + FileProps extends VertxWrapper + +


                            Represents properties of a file on the file system

                          3. + + +

                            + + + class + + + FileSystem extends VertxWrapper + +


                            Contains a broad set of operations for manipulating files.

                          4. + + +

                            + + + class + + + FileSystemProps extends VertxWrapper + +


                            Represents properties of the file system.

                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + object + + + AsyncFile + +


                            Factory for file.AsyncFile instances.

                          2. + + +

                            + + + object + + + FileProps + +


                            Factory for file.FileProps instances.

                          3. + + +

                            + + + object + + + FileSystem + +


                            Factory for file.FileSystem instances.

                          4. + + +

                            + + + object + + + FileSystemProps + +


                            Factory for file.FileSystemProps instances.

                          + + + + +
                          + +
                          + + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpClient$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpClient$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a5fee0d --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpClient$.html @@ -0,0 +1,435 @@ + + + + + HttpClient - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpClient + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + object + + + HttpClient + +

                          + +

                          Factory for http.HttpClient instances by wrapping a Java instance.

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. HttpClient
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + apply(actual: java.core.http.HttpClient): HttpClient + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpClient.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpClient.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b5271e --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpClient.html @@ -0,0 +1,1333 @@ + + + + + HttpClient - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpClient + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + class + + + HttpClient extends WrappedTCPSupport with WrappedClientSSLSupport + +

                          + +

                          An HTTP client that maintains a pool of connections to a specific host, at a specific port. The client supports +pipelining of requests.

                          As well as HTTP requests, the client can act as a factory for WebSocket websockets.

                          If an instance is instantiated from an event loop then the handlers +of the instance will always be called on that same event loop. +If an instance is instantiated from some other arbitrary Java thread (i.e. when running embedded) then +and event loop will be assigned to the instance and used when any of its handlers +are called.

                          Instances of HttpClient are thread-safe.

                          + Linear Supertypes + +
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. HttpClient
                          2. WrappedClientSSLSupport
                          3. WrappedSSLSupport
                          4. WrappedTCPSupport
                          5. VertxWrapper
                          6. Wrap
                          7. AnyRef
                          8. Any
                          9. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + HttpClient(internal: java.core.http.HttpClient) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = java.core.http.HttpClient + +


                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            HttpClient → WrappedClientSSLSupport → WrappedSSLSupport → WrappedTCPSupport → VertxWrapper
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + close(): Unit + +


                            Close the HTTP client.

                            Close the HTTP client. This will cause any pooled HTTP connections to be closed. +

                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + connect(uri: String, responseHandler: (HttpClientResponse) ⇒ Unit): HttpClientRequest + +


                            This method returns an HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP CONNECT request with the specified uri.

                            This method returns an HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP CONNECT request with the specified uri.

                            When an HTTP response is received from the server the responseHandler is called passing in the response. +

                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + connectWebsocket(uri: String, wsVersion: WebSocketVersion, headers: MultiMap, wsConnect: (WebSocket) ⇒ Unit): HttpClient + +


                            Attempt to connect an HTML5 websocket to the specified URI

                            Attempt to connect an HTML5 websocket to the specified URI

                            This version of the method allows you to specify the websockets version using the wsVersion parameter +You can also specify a set of headers to append to the upgrade request +The connect is done asynchronously and wsConnect is called back with the websocket +

                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + connectWebsocket(uri: String, wsVersion: WebSocketVersion, wsConnect: (WebSocket) ⇒ Unit): HttpClient + +


                            Attempt to connect an HTML5 websocket to the specified URI

                            Attempt to connect an HTML5 websocket to the specified URI

                            This version of the method allows you to specify the websockets version using the wsVersion parameter +The connect is done asynchronously and wsConnect is called back with the websocket +

                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + connectWebsocket(uri: String, wsConnect: (WebSocket) ⇒ Unit): HttpClient + +


                            Attempt to connect an HTML5 websocket to the specified URI

                            Attempt to connect an HTML5 websocket to the specified URI

                            The connect is done asynchronously and wsConnect is called back with the websocket +

                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + delete(uri: String, responseHandler: (HttpClientResponse) ⇒ Unit): HttpClientRequest + +


                            This method returns an HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP DELETE request with the specified uri.

                            This method returns an HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP DELETE request with the specified uri.

                            When an HTTP response is received from the server the responseHandler is called passing in the response. +

                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          16. + + +

                            + + + def + + + exceptionHandler(handler: (Throwable) ⇒ Unit): HttpClient + +


                            Set an exception handler +

                            Set an exception handler +


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + get(uri: String, responseHandler: (HttpClientResponse) ⇒ Unit): HttpClientRequest + +


                            This method returns an HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP GET request with the specified uri.

                            This method returns an HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP GET request with the specified uri.

                            When an HTTP response is received from the server the responseHandler is called passing in the response. +

                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getConnectTimeout(): Int + +



                            The connect timeout in milliseconds +

                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getHost(): String + +



                            The host +

                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getKeyStorePassword(): String + +



                            Get the key store password +

                            Definition Classes
                          23. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getKeyStorePath(): String + +



                            Get the key store path +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getMaxPoolSize(): Int + +


                            Returns the maximum number of connections in the pool +

                          25. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getNow(uri: String, headers: MultiMap, responseHandler: (HttpClientResponse) ⇒ Unit): HttpClient + +


                            This method works in the same manner as #getNow(String,, +except that it allows you specify a set of headers that will be sent with the request.

                          26. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getNow(uri: String, responseHandler: (HttpClientResponse) ⇒ Unit): HttpClient + +


                            This is a quick version of the #get(String, +method where you do not want to do anything with the request before sending.

                            This is a quick version of the #get(String, +method where you do not want to do anything with the request before sending.

                            Normally with any of the HTTP methods you create the request then when you are ready to send it you call + HttpClientRequest#end() on it. With this method the request is immediately sent.

                            When an HTTP response is received from the server the responseHandler is called passing in the response. +

                          27. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getPort(): Int + +



                            The port +

                          28. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getReceiveBufferSize(): Int + +



                            The TCP receive buffer size +

                            Definition Classes
                          29. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getSendBufferSize(): Int + +



                            The TCP send buffer size +

                            Definition Classes
                          30. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getSoLinger(): Int + +



                            the value of TCP so linger +

                            Definition Classes
                          31. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getTrafficClass(): Int + +



                            the value of TCP traffic class +

                            Definition Classes
                          32. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getTrustStorePassword(): String + +



                            Get trust store password +

                            Definition Classes
                          33. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getTrustStorePath(): String + +



                            Get the trust store path +

                            Definition Classes
                          34. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          35. + + +

                            + + + def + + + head(uri: String, responseHandler: (HttpClientResponse) ⇒ Unit): HttpClientRequest + +


                            This method returns an HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP HEAD request with the specified uri.

                            This method returns an HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP HEAD request with the specified uri.

                            When an HTTP response is received from the server the responseHandler is called passing in the response. +

                          36. + + +

                            + + + val + + + internal: java.core.http.HttpClient + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            HttpClient → VertxWrapper
                          37. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          38. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isKeepAlive(): Boolean + +



                            Is the client keep alive? +

                          39. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isReuseAddress(): Boolean + +



                            The value of TCP reuse address +

                            Definition Classes
                          40. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isSSL(): Boolean + +



                            Is SSL enabled? +

                            Definition Classes
                          41. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isTCPKeepAlive(): Boolean + +



                            true if TCP keep alive is enabled +

                            Definition Classes
                          42. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isTCPNoDelay(): Boolean + +



                            true if Nagle's algorithm is disabled. +

                            Definition Classes
                          43. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isTrustAll(): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          44. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isUsePooledBuffers(): Boolean + +



                            true if pooled buffers are used +

                            Definition Classes
                          45. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isVerifyHost(): Boolean + +



                            true if this client will validate the remote server's certificate hostname against the requested host +

                          46. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          47. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          48. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          49. + + +

                            + + + def + + + options(uri: String, responseHandler: (HttpClientResponse) ⇒ Unit): HttpClientRequest + +


                            This method returns an HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP OPTIONS request with the specified uri.

                            This method returns an HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP OPTIONS request with the specified uri.

                            When an HTTP response is received from the server the responseHandler is called passing in the response. +

                          50. + + +

                            + + + def + + + patch(uri: String, responseHandler: (HttpClientResponse) ⇒ Unit): HttpClientRequest + +


                            This method returns an HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP PATCH request with the specified uri.

                            This method returns an HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP PATCH request with the specified uri.

                            When an HTTP response is received from the server the responseHandler is called passing in the response. +

                          51. + + +

                            + + + def + + + post(uri: String, responseHandler: (HttpClientResponse) ⇒ Unit): HttpClientRequest + +


                            This method returns an HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP POST request with the specified uri.

                            This method returns an HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP POST request with the specified uri.

                            When an HTTP response is received from the server the responseHandler is called passing in the response. +

                          52. + + +

                            + + + def + + + put(uri: String, responseHandler: (HttpClientResponse) ⇒ Unit): HttpClientRequest + +


                            This method returns an HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP PUT request with the specified uri.

                            This method returns an HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP PUT request with the specified uri.

                            When an HTTP response is received from the server the responseHandler is called passing in the response. +

                          53. + + +

                            + + + def + + + request(method: String, uri: String, responseHandler: (HttpClientResponse) ⇒ Unit): HttpClientRequest + +


                            This method returns an HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP request with the specified uri.

                            This method returns an HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP request with the specified uri. +The specific HTTP method (e.g. GET, POST, PUT etc) is specified using the parameter method

                            When an HTTP response is received from the server the responseHandler is called passing in the response. +

                          54. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setConnectTimeout(timeout: Int): HttpClient + +


                            Set the connect timeout in milliseconds.

                            Set the connect timeout in milliseconds.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                          55. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setHost(host: String): HttpClient + +


                            Set the host that the client will attempt to connect to the server on to host.

                            Set the host that the client will attempt to connect to the server on to host. The default value is + localhost


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                          56. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setKeepAlive(keepAlive: Boolean): HttpClient + +


                            If keepAlive is true then, after the request has ended the connection will be returned to the pool +where it can be used by another request.

                            If keepAlive is true then, after the request has ended the connection will be returned to the pool +where it can be used by another request. In this manner, many HTTP requests can be pipe-lined over an HTTP connection. +Keep alive connections will not be closed until the #close() close() method is invoked.

                            If keepAlive is false then a new connection will be created for each request and it won't ever go in the pool, +the connection will closed after the response has been received. Even with no keep alive, +the client will not allow more than #getMaxPoolSize() connections to be created at any one time.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                          57. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setKeyStorePassword(pwd: String): HttpClient.this.type + +


                            Set the password for the SSL key store.

                            Set the password for the SSL key store. This method should only be used in SSL mode, i.e. after #setSSL(boolean) +has been set to true.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                            Definition Classes
                          58. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setKeyStorePath(path: String): HttpClient.this.type + +


                            Set the path to the SSL key store.

                            Set the path to the SSL key store. This method should only be used in SSL mode, i.e. after #setSSL(boolean) +has been set to true.

                            The SSL key store is a standard Java Key Store, and will contain the client certificate. Client certificates are +only required if the server requests client authentication.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                            Definition Classes
                          59. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setMaxPoolSize(maxConnections: Int): HttpClient + +


                            Set the maximum pool size

                            Set the maximum pool size

                            The client will maintain up to maxConnections HTTP connections in an internal pool


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                          60. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setPort(port: Int): HttpClient + +


                            Set the port that the client will attempt to connect to the server on to port.

                            Set the port that the client will attempt to connect to the server on to port. The default value is + 80


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                          61. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setReceiveBufferSize(size: Int): HttpClient.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP receive buffer size for connections created by this instance to size in bytes.

                            Set the TCP receive buffer size for connections created by this instance to size in bytes.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          62. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setReuseAddress(reuse: Boolean): HttpClient.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP reuseAddress setting for connections created by this instance to reuse.

                            Set the TCP reuseAddress setting for connections created by this instance to reuse.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          63. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setSSL(ssl: Boolean): HttpClient.this.type + +


                            If ssl is true, this signifies that any connections will be SSL connections.

                            If ssl is true, this signifies that any connections will be SSL connections.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                            Definition Classes
                          64. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setSendBufferSize(size: Int): HttpClient.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP send buffer size for connections created by this instance to size in bytes.

                            Set the TCP send buffer size for connections created by this instance to size in bytes.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          65. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setSoLinger(linger: Int): HttpClient.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP soLinger setting for connections created by this instance to linger.

                            Set the TCP soLinger setting for connections created by this instance to linger. +Using a negative value will disable soLinger.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together

                            Definition Classes
                          66. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTCPKeepAlive(keepAlive: Boolean): HttpClient.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP keepAlive setting for connections created by this instance to keepAlive.

                            Set the TCP keepAlive setting for connections created by this instance to keepAlive.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          67. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTCPNoDelay(tcpNoDelay: Boolean): HttpClient.this.type + +


                            If tcpNoDelay is set to true then Nagle's algorithm +will turned off for the TCP connections created by this instance.

                            If tcpNoDelay is set to true then Nagle's algorithm +will turned off for the TCP connections created by this instance.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          68. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTrafficClass(trafficClass: Int): HttpClient.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP trafficClass setting for connections created by this instance to trafficClass.

                            Set the TCP trafficClass setting for connections created by this instance to trafficClass.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          69. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTrustAll(trustAll: Boolean): HttpClient.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          70. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTrustStorePassword(pwd: String): HttpClient.this.type + +


                            Set the password for the SSL trust store.

                            Set the password for the SSL trust store. This method should only be used in SSL mode, i.e. after #setSSL(boolean) +has been set to true.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                            Definition Classes
                          71. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTrustStorePath(path: String): HttpClient.this.type + +


                            Set the path to the SSL trust store.

                            Set the path to the SSL trust store. This method should only be used in SSL mode, i.e. after #setSSL(boolean) +has been set to true.

                            The trust store is a standard Java Key Store, and should contain the certificates of any servers that the client trusts.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                            Definition Classes
                          72. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setUsePooledBuffers(pooledBuffers: Boolean): HttpClient.this.type + +


                            Set if vertx should use pooled buffers for performance reasons.

                            Set if vertx should use pooled buffers for performance reasons. Doing so will give the best throughput but +may need a bit higher memory footprint.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          73. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setVerifyHost(verifyHost: Boolean): HttpClient + +


                            If verifyHost is true, then the client will try to validate the remote server's certificate +hostname against the requested host.

                            If verifyHost is true, then the client will try to validate the remote server's certificate +hostname against the requested host. Should default to 'true'. +This method should only be used in SSL mode, i.e. after #setSSL(boolean) has been set to true.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                          74. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          75. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                          76. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          77. + + +

                            + + + def + + + trace(uri: String, responseHandler: (HttpClientResponse) ⇒ Unit): HttpClientRequest + +


                            This method returns an HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP TRACE request with the specified uri.

                            This method returns an HttpClientRequest instance which represents an HTTP TRACE request with the specified uri.

                            When an HTTP response is received from the server the responseHandler is called passing in the response. +

                          78. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          79. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          80. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          81. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): HttpClient.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from WrappedClientSSLSupport


                          Inherited from WrappedSSLSupport


                          Inherited from WrappedTCPSupport


                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpClientRequest$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpClientRequest$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..86e7c6c --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpClientRequest$.html @@ -0,0 +1,435 @@ + + + + + HttpClientRequest - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpClientRequest + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + object + + + HttpClientRequest + +

                          + +

                          Factory for http.HttpClientRequest instances, by wrapping a Java instance.

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. HttpClientRequest
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + apply(internal: java.core.http.HttpClientRequest): HttpClientRequest + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpClientRequest.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpClientRequest.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..84349bb --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpClientRequest.html @@ -0,0 +1,851 @@ + + + + + HttpClientRequest - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpClientRequest + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + class + + + HttpClientRequest extends WrappedWriteStream + +

                          + +

                          Represents a client-side HTTP request.

                          Instances are created by an HttpClient instance, via one of the methods corresponding to the +specific HTTP methods, or the generic HttpClient#request method.

                          Once a request has been obtained, headers can be set on it, and data can be written to its body if required. Once +you are ready to send the request, the #end() method should be called.

                          Nothing is actually sent until the request has been internally assigned an HTTP connection. The HttpClient +instance will return an instance of this class immediately, even if there are no HTTP connections available in the pool. Any requests +sent before a connection is assigned will be queued internally and actually sent when an HTTP connection becomes +available from the pool.

                          The headers of the request are actually sent either when the #end() method is called, or, when the first +part of the body is written, whichever occurs first.

                          This class supports both chunked and non-chunked HTTP.

                          It implements WriteStream so it can be used with + to pump data with flow control.

                          An example of using this class is as follows:

                          +val req ="/some-url", { (response: HttpClientResponse) =>
                          +  println("Got response: " + response.statusCode)
                          +req.headers().put("some-header", "hello")
                          +    .put("Content-Length", 5)
                          +    .write(new Buffer(Array[Byte](1, 2, 3, 4, 5)))
                          +    .write(new Buffer(Array[Byte](6, 7, 8, 9, 10)))
                          +    .end()
                          +Instances of HttpClientRequest are not thread-safe. +

                          + Linear Supertypes + +
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. HttpClientRequest
                          2. WrappedWriteStream
                          3. WriteStream
                          4. WrappedExceptionSupport
                          5. VertxWrapper
                          6. Wrap
                          7. ExceptionSupport
                          8. AnyRef
                          9. Any
                          10. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + HttpClientRequest(internal: java.core.http.HttpClientRequest) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = java.core.http.HttpClientRequest + +


                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            HttpClientRequest → WriteStream → WrappedExceptionSupport → VertxWrapper → ExceptionSupport
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + continueHandler(handler: Handler[Void]): HttpClientRequest + +


                            If you send an HTTP request with the header Expect set to the value 100-continue +and the server responds with an interim HTTP response with a status code of 100 and a continue handler +has been set using this method, then the handler will be called.

                            If you send an HTTP request with the header Expect set to the value 100-continue +and the server responds with an interim HTTP response with a status code of 100 and a continue handler +has been set using this method, then the handler will be called.

                            You can then continue to write data to the request body and later end it. This is normally used in conjunction with +the #sendHead() method to force the request header to be written before the request has ended.


                            A reference to this, so multiple method calls can be chained. +

                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + drainHandler(handler: ⇒ Unit): HttpClientRequest.this.type + +


                            Set a drain handler on the stream.

                            Set a drain handler on the stream. If the write queue is full, then the handler will be called when the write +queue has been reduced to maxSize / 2. See Pump for an example of this being used. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + drainHandler(handler: Handler[Void]): HttpClientRequest.this.type + +


                            Set a drain handler on the stream.

                            Set a drain handler on the stream. If the write queue is full, then the handler will be called when the write +queue has been reduced to maxSize / 2. See Pump for an example of this being used. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + end(): Unit + +


                            Ends the request.

                            Ends the request. If no data has been written to the request body, and #sendHead() has not been called then +the actual request won't get written until this method gets called.

                            Once the request has ended, it cannot be used any more, and if keep alive is true the underlying connection will +be returned to the HttpClient pool so it can be assigned to another request. +

                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + end(chunk: Buffer): Unit + +


                            Same as #end() but writes some data to the request body before ending.

                            Same as #end() but writes some data to the request body before ending. If the request is not chunked and +no other data has been written then the Content-Length header will be automatically set. +

                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + end(chunk: String, enc: String): Unit + +


                            Same as #end(Buffer) but writes a String with the specified encoding.

                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + end(chunk: String): Unit + +


                            Same as #end(Buffer) but writes a String with the default encoding.

                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + exceptionHandler(handler: (Throwable) ⇒ Unit): HttpClientRequest.this.type + +


                            Set an exception handler.

                            Set an exception handler. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedExceptionSupport → ExceptionSupport
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + exceptionHandler(handler: java.core.Handler[Throwable]): HttpClientRequest.this.type + +


                            Set an exception handler.

                            Set an exception handler. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedExceptionSupport → ExceptionSupport
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + headers(): MultiMap + +


                            Returns the HTTP headers.

                            Returns the HTTP headers.


                            The HTTP headers. +

                          23. + + +

                            + + + val + + + internal: java.core.http.HttpClientRequest + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            HttpClientRequest → VertxWrapper
                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isChunked(): Boolean + +


                            Checks whether the request is chunked.

                            Checks whether the request is chunked. +


                            True if the request is chunked. +

                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          27. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          28. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          29. + + +

                            + + + def + + + putHeader(name: String, values: Iterable[String]): HttpClientRequest + +


                            Put an HTTP header - fluent API.

                            Put an HTTP header - fluent API. +


                            The header name


                            The header values


                            A reference to this, so multiple method calls can be chained. +

                          30. + + +

                            + + + def + + + putHeader(name: String, value: String): HttpClientRequest + +


                            Put an HTTP header - fluent API.

                            Put an HTTP header - fluent API. +


                            The header name


                            The header value


                            A reference to this, so multiple method calls can be chained. +

                          31. + + +

                            + + + def + + + sendHead(): HttpClientRequest + +


                            Forces the head of the request to be written before #end() is called on the request or +any data is written to it.

                            Forces the head of the request to be written before #end() is called on the request or +any data is written to it. This is normally used to implement HTTP 100-continue handling, see + #continueHandler( for more information. +


                            A reference to this, so multiple method calls can be chained. +

                          32. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setChunked(chunked: Boolean): HttpClientRequest + +


                            If chunked is true then the request will be set into HTTP chunked mode.

                            If chunked is true then the request will be set into HTTP chunked mode. +


                            True if you want the request to be in chunked mode.


                            A reference to this, so multiple method calls can be chained. +

                          33. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTimeout(timeoutMs: Long): HttpClientRequest + +


                            Sets the amount of time after which if a response is not received TimeoutException() +will be sent to the exception handler of this request.

                            Sets the amount of time after which if a response is not received TimeoutException() +will be sent to the exception handler of this request. Calling this method more than once +has the effect of canceling any existing timeout and starting the timeout from scratch. +


                            The quantity of time in milliseconds.


                            A reference to this, so multiple method calls can be chained. +

                          34. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setWriteQueueMaxSize(maxSize: Int): HttpClientRequest.this.type + +


                            Set the maximum size of the write queue to maxSize.

                            Set the maximum size of the write queue to maxSize. You will still be able to write to the stream even +if there is more than maxSize bytes in the write queue. This is used as an indicator by classes such as + Pump to provide flow control. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          35. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          36. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WrappedExceptionSupport → VertxWrapper → ExceptionSupport
                          37. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          38. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          39. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          40. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          41. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): HttpClientRequest.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          42. + + +

                            + + + def + + + write(chunk: String, enc: String): HttpClientRequest + +


                            Write a String to the request body, encoded using the encoding enc.

                            Write a String to the request body, encoded using the encoding enc. +


                            A reference to this, so multiple method calls can be chained. +

                          43. + + +

                            + + + def + + + write(chunk: String): HttpClientRequest + +


                            Write a String to the request body, encoded in UTF-8.

                            Write a String to the request body, encoded in UTF-8. +


                            A reference to this, so multiple method calls can be chained. +

                          44. + + +

                            + + + def + + + write(data: Buffer): HttpClientRequest.this.type + +


                            Write some data to the stream.

                            Write some data to the stream. The data is put on an internal write queue, and the write actually happens +asynchronously. To avoid running out of memory by putting too much on the write queue, +check the #writeQueueFull method before writing. This is done automatically if using a Pump. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          45. + + +

                            + + + def + + + writeQueueFull(): Boolean + +


                            This will return true if there are more bytes in the write queue than the value set using +#setWriteQueueMaxSize +

                            This will return true if there are more bytes in the write queue than the value set using +#setWriteQueueMaxSize +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from WrappedWriteStream


                          Inherited from WriteStream


                          Inherited from WrappedExceptionSupport


                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from ExceptionSupport


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpClientResponse$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpClientResponse$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d13bf94 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpClientResponse$.html @@ -0,0 +1,435 @@ + + + + + HttpClientResponse - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpClientResponse + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + object + + + HttpClientResponse + +

                          + +

                          Factory for http.HttpClient instances by wrapping a Java instance.

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. HttpClientResponse
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + apply(internal: java.core.http.HttpClientResponse): HttpClientResponse + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpClientResponse.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpClientResponse.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8fb3b02 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpClientResponse.html @@ -0,0 +1,728 @@ + + + + + HttpClientResponse - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpClientResponse + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + class + + + HttpClientResponse extends WrappedReadStream + +

                          + +

                          Represents a client-side HTTP response.

                          An instance is provided to the user via a +instance that was specified when one of the HTTP method operations, or the +generic HttpClient#request(String, String, +method was called on an instance of HttpClient.

                          It implements so it can be used with + to pump data with flow control.

                          Instances of this class are not thread-safe.

                          + Linear Supertypes + +
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. HttpClientResponse
                          2. WrappedReadStream
                          3. ReadStream
                          4. WrappedExceptionSupport
                          5. VertxWrapper
                          6. Wrap
                          7. ExceptionSupport
                          8. AnyRef
                          9. Any
                          10. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + HttpClientResponse(internal: java.core.http.HttpClientResponse) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = java.core.http.HttpClientResponse + +


                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            HttpClientResponse → ReadStream → WrappedExceptionSupport → VertxWrapper → ExceptionSupport
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + bodyHandler(handler: (Buffer) ⇒ Unit): HttpClientResponse + +


                            Convenience method for receiving the entire request body in one piece.

                            Convenience method for receiving the entire request body in one piece. This saves the user having to manually +set a data and end handler and append the chunks of the body until the whole body received. +Don't use this if your request body is large - you could potentially run out of RAM. +

                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + cookies(): List[String] + +


                            Returns the Set-Cookie headers (including trailers).

                            Returns the Set-Cookie headers (including trailers). +


                            The Set-Cookie headers (including trailers). +

                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + dataHandler(handler: (Buffer) ⇒ Unit): HttpClientResponse.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + dataHandler(handler: Handler[Buffer]): HttpClientResponse.this.type + +


                            Set a data handler.

                            Set a data handler. As data is read, the handler will be called with the data. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + endHandler(handler: ⇒ Unit): HttpClientResponse.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + endHandler(handler: Handler[Void]): HttpClientResponse.this.type + +


                            Set an end handler.

                            Set an end handler. Once the stream has ended, and there is no more data to be read, this handler will be called. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          16. + + +

                            + + + def + + + exceptionHandler(handler: (Throwable) ⇒ Unit): HttpClientResponse.this.type + +


                            Set an exception handler.

                            Set an exception handler. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedExceptionSupport → ExceptionSupport
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + exceptionHandler(handler: java.core.Handler[Throwable]): HttpClientResponse.this.type + +


                            Set an exception handler.

                            Set an exception handler. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedExceptionSupport → ExceptionSupport
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + headers(): MultiMap + +


                            Returns the HTTP headers.

                            Returns the HTTP headers. +


                            The HTTP headers. +

                          22. + + +

                            + + + val + + + internal: java.core.http.HttpClientResponse + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            HttpClientResponse → VertxWrapper
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          25. + + +

                            + + + def + + + netSocket(): NetSocket + +


                            Get a net socket for the underlying connection of this request.

                            Get a net socket for the underlying connection of this request. USE THIS WITH CAUTION! +Writing to the socket directly if you don't know what you're doing can easily break the HTTP protocol. +


                            the net socket +

                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          27. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          28. + + +

                            + + + def + + + pause(): HttpClientResponse.this.type + +


                            Pause the ReadStream.

                            Pause the ReadStream. While the stream is paused, no data will be sent to the dataHandler +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          29. + + +

                            + + + def + + + resume(): HttpClientResponse.this.type + +


                            Resume reading.

                            Resume reading. If the ReadStream has been paused, reading will recommence on it. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          30. + + +

                            + + + def + + + statusCode(): Int + +


                            Returns the HTTP status code of the response.

                            Returns the HTTP status code of the response. +


                            The HTTP status code of the response. +

                          31. + + +

                            + + + def + + + statusMessage(): String + +


                            Returns the HTTP status message of the response.

                            Returns the HTTP status message of the response. +


                            The HTTP status message of the response. +

                          32. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          33. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → WrappedExceptionSupport → VertxWrapper → ExceptionSupport
                          34. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          35. + + +

                            + + + def + + + trailers(): MultiMap + +


                            Returns the HTTP trailers.

                            Returns the HTTP trailers. +


                            The HTTP trailers. +

                          36. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          37. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          38. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          39. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): HttpClientResponse.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from WrappedReadStream


                          Inherited from ReadStream


                          Inherited from WrappedExceptionSupport


                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from ExceptionSupport


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpServer$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpServer$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3319754 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpServer$.html @@ -0,0 +1,435 @@ + + + + + HttpServer - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpServer + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + object + + + HttpServer + +

                          + +

                          Factory for http.HttpServer instances by wrapping a Java instance.

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. HttpServer
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + apply(internal: java.core.http.HttpServer): HttpServer + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpServer.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpServer.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..12b6440 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpServer.html @@ -0,0 +1,1104 @@ + + + + + HttpServer - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpServer + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + class + + + HttpServer extends WrappedCloseable with WrappedServerTCPSupport with WrappedServerSSLSupport + +

                          + +

                          An HTTP and WebSockets server

                          If an instance is instantiated from an event loop then the handlers +of the instance will always be called on that same event loop. +If an instance is instantiated from some other arbitrary Java thread then +an event loop will be assigned to the instance and used when any of its handlers +are called.

                          Instances of HttpServer are thread-safe.

                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. HttpServer
                          2. WrappedServerSSLSupport
                          3. WrappedSSLSupport
                          4. WrappedServerTCPSupport
                          5. WrappedTCPSupport
                          6. WrappedCloseable
                          7. VertxWrapper
                          8. Wrap
                          9. AnyRef
                          10. Any
                          11. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + HttpServer(internal: java.core.http.HttpServer) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + CloseType = AnyRef { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ } + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = java.core.http.HttpServer + +


                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            HttpServer → WrappedServerSSLSupport → WrappedSSLSupport → WrappedServerTCPSupport → WrappedTCPSupport → WrappedCloseable → VertxWrapper
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + close(handler: Handler[AsyncResult[Void]]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + close(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getAcceptBacklog(): Int + +



                            The accept backlog +

                            Definition Classes
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getKeyStorePassword(): String + +



                            Get the key store password +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getKeyStorePath(): String + +



                            Get the key store path +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getReceiveBufferSize(): Int + +



                            The TCP receive buffer size +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getSendBufferSize(): Int + +



                            The TCP send buffer size +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getSoLinger(): Int + +



                            the value of TCP so linger +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getTrafficClass(): Int + +



                            the value of TCP traffic class +

                            Definition Classes
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getTrustStorePassword(): String + +



                            Get trust store password +

                            Definition Classes
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getTrustStorePath(): String + +



                            Get the trust store path +

                            Definition Classes
                          23. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          24. + + +

                            + + + val + + + internal: java.core.http.HttpServer + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            HttpServer → VertxWrapper
                          25. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isClientAuthRequired(): Boolean + +


                            Is client auth required? +

                            Is client auth required? +

                            Definition Classes
                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          27. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isReuseAddress(): Boolean + +



                            The value of TCP reuse address +

                            Definition Classes
                          28. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isSSL(): Boolean + +



                            Is SSL enabled? +

                            Definition Classes
                          29. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isTCPKeepAlive(): Boolean + +



                            true if TCP keep alive is enabled +

                            Definition Classes
                          30. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isTCPNoDelay(): Boolean + +



                            true if Nagle's algorithm is disabled. +

                            Definition Classes
                          31. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isUsePooledBuffers(): Boolean + +



                            true if pooled buffers are used +

                            Definition Classes
                          32. + + +

                            + + + def + + + listen(port: Int): HttpServer + +


                            Tell the server to start listening on all available interfaces and port port.

                            Tell the server to start listening on all available interfaces and port port. Be aware this is an +async operation and the server may not bound on return of the method. +


                            The port to listen on. +

                          33. + + +

                            + + + def + + + listen(port: Int, listenHandler: (AsyncResult[HttpServer]) ⇒ Unit): HttpServer + +


                            Tell the server to start listening on all available interfaces and port port.

                            Tell the server to start listening on all available interfaces and port port. +


                            The port to listen on.


                            Callback when bind is done. +

                          34. + + +

                            + + + def + + + listen(port: Int, host: String): HttpServer + +


                            Tell the server to start listening on port port and hostname or ip address given by host.

                            Tell the server to start listening on port port and hostname or ip address given by host. Be aware this is an

                            async operation and the server may not bound on return of the method.


                            The port to listen on.


                            The hostname or ip address. +

                          35. + + +

                            + + + def + + + listen(port: Int, host: String, listenHandler: (AsyncResult[HttpServer]) ⇒ Unit): HttpServer + +


                            Tell the server to start listening on port port and hostname or ip address given by host.

                            Tell the server to start listening on port port and hostname or ip address given by host. +


                            The port to listen on.


                            The hostname or ip address.


                            Callback when bind is done. +

                          36. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          37. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          38. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          39. + + +

                            + + + def + + + requestHandler(requestHandler: (HttpServerRequest) ⇒ Unit): HttpServer + +


                            Set the request handler for the server to requestHandler.

                            Set the request handler for the server to requestHandler. As HTTP requests are received by the server, +instances of HttpServerRequest will be created and passed to this handler. +


                            a reference to this, so methods can be chained. +

                          40. + + +

                            + + + def + + + requestHandler(): (HttpServerRequest) ⇒ Unit + +


                            Get the request handler.

                            Get the request handler. +


                            The request handler. +

                          41. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setAcceptBacklog(backlog: Int): HttpServer.this.type + +


                            Set the accept backlog

                            Set the accept backlog


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          42. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setClientAuthRequired(required: Boolean): HttpServer.this.type + +


                            Set required to true if you want the server to request client authentication from any connecting clients.

                            Set required to true if you want the server to request client authentication from any connecting clients. This +is an extra level of security in SSL, and requires clients to provide client certificates. Those certificates must be added +to the server trust store.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                            Definition Classes
                          43. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setKeyStorePassword(pwd: String): HttpServer.this.type + +


                            Set the password for the SSL key store.

                            Set the password for the SSL key store. This method should only be used in SSL mode, i.e. after #setSSL(boolean) +has been set to true.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                            Definition Classes
                          44. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setKeyStorePath(path: String): HttpServer.this.type + +


                            Set the path to the SSL key store.

                            Set the path to the SSL key store. This method should only be used in SSL mode, i.e. after #setSSL(boolean) +has been set to true.

                            The SSL key store is a standard Java Key Store, and will contain the client certificate. Client certificates are +only required if the server requests client authentication.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                            Definition Classes
                          45. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setReceiveBufferSize(size: Int): HttpServer.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP receive buffer size for connections created by this instance to size in bytes.

                            Set the TCP receive buffer size for connections created by this instance to size in bytes.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          46. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setReuseAddress(reuse: Boolean): HttpServer.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP reuseAddress setting for connections created by this instance to reuse.

                            Set the TCP reuseAddress setting for connections created by this instance to reuse.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          47. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setSSL(ssl: Boolean): HttpServer.this.type + +


                            If ssl is true, this signifies that any connections will be SSL connections.

                            If ssl is true, this signifies that any connections will be SSL connections.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                            Definition Classes
                          48. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setSendBufferSize(size: Int): HttpServer.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP send buffer size for connections created by this instance to size in bytes.

                            Set the TCP send buffer size for connections created by this instance to size in bytes.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          49. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setSoLinger(linger: Int): HttpServer.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP soLinger setting for connections created by this instance to linger.

                            Set the TCP soLinger setting for connections created by this instance to linger. +Using a negative value will disable soLinger.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together

                            Definition Classes
                          50. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTCPKeepAlive(keepAlive: Boolean): HttpServer.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP keepAlive setting for connections created by this instance to keepAlive.

                            Set the TCP keepAlive setting for connections created by this instance to keepAlive.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          51. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTCPNoDelay(tcpNoDelay: Boolean): HttpServer.this.type + +


                            If tcpNoDelay is set to true then Nagle's algorithm +will turned off for the TCP connections created by this instance.

                            If tcpNoDelay is set to true then Nagle's algorithm +will turned off for the TCP connections created by this instance.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          52. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTrafficClass(trafficClass: Int): HttpServer.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP trafficClass setting for connections created by this instance to trafficClass.

                            Set the TCP trafficClass setting for connections created by this instance to trafficClass.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          53. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTrustStorePassword(pwd: String): HttpServer.this.type + +


                            Set the password for the SSL trust store.

                            Set the password for the SSL trust store. This method should only be used in SSL mode, i.e. after #setSSL(boolean) +has been set to true.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                            Definition Classes
                          54. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTrustStorePath(path: String): HttpServer.this.type + +


                            Set the path to the SSL trust store.

                            Set the path to the SSL trust store. This method should only be used in SSL mode, i.e. after #setSSL(boolean) +has been set to true.

                            The trust store is a standard Java Key Store, and should contain the certificates of any servers that the client trusts.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                            Definition Classes
                          55. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setUsePooledBuffers(pooledBuffers: Boolean): HttpServer.this.type + +


                            Set if vertx should use pooled buffers for performance reasons.

                            Set if vertx should use pooled buffers for performance reasons. Doing so will give the best throughput but +may need a bit higher memory footprint.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          56. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          57. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                          58. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          59. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          60. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          61. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          62. + + +

                            + + + def + + + websocketHandler(wsHandler: (ServerWebSocket) ⇒ Unit): HttpServer + +


                            Set the websocket handler for the server to wsHandler.

                            Set the websocket handler for the server to wsHandler. If a websocket connect handshake is successful a +new ServerWebSocket instance will be created and passed to the handler. +


                            a reference to this, so methods can be chained. +

                          63. + + +

                            + + + def + + + websocketHandler(): (ServerWebSocket) ⇒ Unit + +


                            Get the websocket handler

                            Get the websocket handler


                            The websocket handler +

                          64. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): HttpServer.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from WrappedServerSSLSupport


                          Inherited from WrappedSSLSupport


                          Inherited from WrappedServerTCPSupport


                          Inherited from WrappedTCPSupport


                          Inherited from WrappedCloseable


                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpServerRequest$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpServerRequest$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f4f0a77 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpServerRequest$.html @@ -0,0 +1,448 @@ + + + + + HttpServerRequest - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpServerRequest + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + object + + + HttpServerRequest + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. HttpServerRequest
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + apply(internal: java.core.http.HttpServerRequest): HttpServerRequest + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + unapply(request: HttpServerRequest): java.core.http.HttpServerRequest + +

                            + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpServerRequest.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpServerRequest.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..16e3c4f --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpServerRequest.html @@ -0,0 +1,861 @@ + + + + + HttpServerRequest - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpServerRequest + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + class + + + HttpServerRequest extends WrappedReadStream with VertxWrapper + +

                          + +

                          Represents a server-side HTTP request.

                          Instances are created for each request that is handled by the server +and is passed to the user via the instance +registered with the HttpServer using the method HttpServer#requestHandler(

                          Each instance of this class is associated with a corresponding HttpServerResponse instance via +the response field.

                          It implements so it can be used with + to pump data with flow control.

                          Instances of this class are not thread-safe

                          + Linear Supertypes + +
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. HttpServerRequest
                          2. WrappedReadStream
                          3. ReadStream
                          4. WrappedExceptionSupport
                          5. VertxWrapper
                          6. Wrap
                          7. ExceptionSupport
                          8. AnyRef
                          9. Any
                          10. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + HttpServerRequest(internal: java.core.http.HttpServerRequest) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = java.core.http.HttpServerRequest + +


                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            HttpServerRequest → ReadStream → WrappedExceptionSupport → VertxWrapper → ExceptionSupport
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + absoluteURI(): URI + +


                            Get the absolute URI corresponding to the the HTTP request

                            Get the absolute URI corresponding to the the HTTP request


                            the URI +

                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + bodyHandler(handler: (Buffer) ⇒ Unit): HttpServerRequest + +


                            Convenience method for receiving the entire request body in one piece.

                            Convenience method for receiving the entire request body in one piece. This saves the user having to manually +set a data and end handler and append the chunks of the body until the whole body received. +Don't use this if your request body is large - you could potentially run out of RAM. +

                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + dataHandler(handler: (Buffer) ⇒ Unit): HttpServerRequest.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + dataHandler(handler: Handler[Buffer]): HttpServerRequest.this.type + +


                            Set a data handler.

                            Set a data handler. As data is read, the handler will be called with the data. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + endHandler(handler: ⇒ Unit): HttpServerRequest.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + endHandler(handler: Handler[Void]): HttpServerRequest.this.type + +


                            Set an end handler.

                            Set an end handler. Once the stream has ended, and there is no more data to be read, this handler will be called. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          16. + + +

                            + + + def + + + exceptionHandler(handler: (Throwable) ⇒ Unit): HttpServerRequest.this.type + +


                            Set an exception handler.

                            Set an exception handler. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedExceptionSupport → ExceptionSupport
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + exceptionHandler(handler: java.core.Handler[Throwable]): HttpServerRequest.this.type + +


                            Set an exception handler.

                            Set an exception handler. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedExceptionSupport → ExceptionSupport
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + expectMultiPart(expect: Boolean): HttpServerRequest + +


                            Call this with true if you are expecting a multi-part form to be submitted in the request +This must be called before the body of the request has been received.

                            Call this with true if you are expecting a multi-part form to be submitted in the request +This must be called before the body of the request has been received.



                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + formAttributes(): MultiMap + +


                            Returns a map of all form attributes which was found in the request.

                            Returns a map of all form attributes which was found in the request. Be aware that this message should only get +called after the endHandler was notified as the map will be filled on-the-fly. + #expectMultiPart(boolean) must be called first before trying to get the formAttributes +

                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          23. + + +

                            + + + def + + + headers(): MultiMap + +


                            A map of all headers in the request, If the request contains multiple headers with the same key, the values +will be concatenated together into a single header with the same key value, with each value separated by a comma, +as specified here.

                            A map of all headers in the request, If the request contains multiple headers with the same key, the values +will be concatenated together into a single header with the same key value, with each value separated by a comma, +as specified here. +The headers will be automatically lower-cased when they reach the server +

                          24. + + +

                            + + + val + + + internal: java.core.http.HttpServerRequest + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            HttpServerRequest → VertxWrapper
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          26. + + +

                            + + + def + + + method(): String + +


                            The HTTP method for the request.

                            The HTTP method for the request. One of GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, TRACE, CONNECT, OPTIONS or HEAD +

                          27. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          28. + + +

                            + + + def + + + netSocket(): NetSocket + +


                            Get a net socket for the underlying connection of this request.

                            Get a net socket for the underlying connection of this request. USE THIS WITH CAUTION! +Writing to the socket directly if you don't know what you're doing can easily break the HTTP protocol


                            the net socket +

                          29. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          30. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          31. + + +

                            + + + def + + + params(): MultiMap + +


                            Returns a map of all the parameters in the request.

                            Returns a map of all the parameters in the request. +


                            A map of all the parameters in the request. +

                          32. + + +

                            + + + def + + + path(): String + +


                            The path part of the uri.

                            The path part of the uri. For example /somepath/somemorepath/ +

                          33. + + +

                            + + + def + + + pause(): HttpServerRequest.this.type + +


                            Pause the ReadStream.

                            Pause the ReadStream. While the stream is paused, no data will be sent to the dataHandler +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          34. + + +

                            + + + def + + + peerCertificateChain(): Array[X509Certificate] + +



                            an array of the peer certificates. Returns null if connection is + not SSL.

                            Exceptions thrown

                            SSL peer's identity has not been verified. +

                          35. + + +

                            + + + def + + + query(): String + +


                            The query part of the uri.

                            The query part of the uri. For example someparam=32&someotherparam=x +

                          36. + + +

                            + + + def + + + remoteAddress(): InetSocketAddress + +


                            Return the remote (client side) address of the request.

                          37. + + +

                            + + + def + + + response(): HttpServerResponse + +


                            The response.

                            The response. Each instance of this class has an HttpServerResponse instance attached to it. This is used +to send the response back to the client. +

                          38. + + +

                            + + + def + + + resume(): HttpServerRequest.this.type + +


                            Resume reading.

                            Resume reading. If the ReadStream has been paused, reading will recommence on it. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          39. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          40. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → WrappedExceptionSupport → VertxWrapper → ExceptionSupport
                          41. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          42. + + +

                            + + + def + + + uploadHandler(handler: Handler[HttpServerFileUpload]): HttpServerRequest + +


                            Set the upload handler.

                            Set the upload handler. The handler will get notified once a new file upload was received and so allow to +get notified by the upload in progress. +

                          43. + + +

                            + + + def + + + uri(): String + +


                            The uri of the request.

                            The uri of the request. For example + +

                          44. + + +

                            + + + def + + + version(): HttpVersion + +


                            The HTTP version of the request +

                          45. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          46. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          47. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          48. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): HttpServerRequest.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from WrappedReadStream


                          Inherited from ReadStream


                          Inherited from WrappedExceptionSupport


                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from ExceptionSupport


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpServerResponse$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpServerResponse$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b649170 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpServerResponse$.html @@ -0,0 +1,436 @@ + + + + + HttpServerResponse - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpServerResponse + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + object + + + HttpServerResponse + +

                          + +

                          Factory for http.HttpServerResponse instances. +

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. HttpServerResponse
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + apply(internal: java.core.http.HttpServerResponse): HttpServerResponse + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpServerResponse.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpServerResponse.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fa74ac0 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/HttpServerResponse.html @@ -0,0 +1,954 @@ + + + + + HttpServerResponse - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpServerResponse + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + class + + + HttpServerResponse extends WrappedWriteStream + +

                          + +

                          Represents a server-side HTTP response.

                          Instances of this class are created and associated to every instance of + HttpServerRequest that is created.

                          It allows the developer to control the HTTP response that is sent back to the +client for a particular HTTP request. It contains methods that allow HTTP +headers and trailers to be set, and for a body to be written out to the response.

                          It also allows files to be streamed by the kernel directly from disk to the +outgoing HTTP connection, bypassing user space altogether (where supported by +the underlying operating system). This is a very efficient way of +serving files from the server since buffers do not have to be read one by one +from the file and written to the outgoing socket.

                          It implements WriteStream so it can be used with + to pump data with flow control.

                          Instances of this class are not thread-safe

                          + Linear Supertypes + +
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. HttpServerResponse
                          2. WrappedWriteStream
                          3. WriteStream
                          4. WrappedExceptionSupport
                          5. VertxWrapper
                          6. Wrap
                          7. ExceptionSupport
                          8. AnyRef
                          9. Any
                          10. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + HttpServerResponse(internal: java.core.http.HttpServerResponse) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = java.core.http.HttpServerResponse + +


                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            HttpServerResponse → WriteStream → WrappedExceptionSupport → VertxWrapper → ExceptionSupport
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + close(): Unit + +


                            Close the underlying TCP connection +

                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + closeHandler(handler: ⇒ Unit): HttpServerResponse + +


                            Set a close handler for the response.

                            Set a close handler for the response. This will be called if the underlying connection closes before the response +is complete.



                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + drainHandler(handler: ⇒ Unit): HttpServerResponse.this.type + +


                            Set a drain handler on the stream.

                            Set a drain handler on the stream. If the write queue is full, then the handler will be called when the write +queue has been reduced to maxSize / 2. See Pump for an example of this being used. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + drainHandler(handler: Handler[Void]): HttpServerResponse.this.type + +


                            Set a drain handler on the stream.

                            Set a drain handler on the stream. If the write queue is full, then the handler will be called when the write +queue has been reduced to maxSize / 2. See Pump for an example of this being used. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + end(chunk: String): Unit + +


                            Same as #end(Buffer) but writes a String with the default encoding before ending the response.

                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + end(chunk: String, enc: String): Unit + +


                            Same as #end(Buffer) but writes a String with the specified encoding before ending the response.

                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + end(chunk: Buffer): Unit + +


                            Same as #end() but writes some data to the response body before ending.

                            Same as #end() but writes some data to the response body before ending. If the response is not chunked and +no other data has been written then the Content-Length header will be automatically set +

                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + end(): Unit + +


                            Ends the response.

                            Ends the response. If no data has been written to the response body, +the actual response won't get written until this method gets called.

                            Once the response has ended, it cannot be used any more. +

                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + exceptionHandler(handler: (Throwable) ⇒ Unit): HttpServerResponse.this.type + +


                            Set an exception handler.

                            Set an exception handler. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedExceptionSupport → ExceptionSupport
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + exceptionHandler(handler: java.core.Handler[Throwable]): HttpServerResponse.this.type + +


                            Set an exception handler.

                            Set an exception handler. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedExceptionSupport → ExceptionSupport
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getStatusCode(): Int + +


                            The HTTP status code of the response.

                            The HTTP status code of the response. The default is 200 representing OK. +


                            The status code. +

                          23. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getStatusMessage(): String + +


                            The HTTP status message of the response.

                            The HTTP status message of the response. If this is not specified a default value will be used depending on what + #setStatusCode has been set to. +


                            The status message. +

                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          25. + + +

                            + + + def + + + headers(): java.core.MultiMap + +


                            Returns the HTTP headers.

                            Returns the HTTP headers. +


                            The HTTP headers. +

                          26. + + +

                            + + + val + + + internal: java.core.http.HttpServerResponse + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            HttpServerResponse → VertxWrapper
                          27. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isChunked(): Boolean + +


                            Is the response chunked? +

                          28. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          29. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          30. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          31. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          32. + + +

                            + + + def + + + putHeader(name: String, value: String): HttpServerResponse + +


                            Put an HTTP header - fluent API.

                            Put an HTTP header - fluent API. +


                            The header name


                            The header value.


                            A reference to this, so multiple method calls can be chained. +

                          33. + + +

                            + + + def + + + putHeader(name: String, values: Iterable[String]): HttpServerResponse + +


                            Put an HTTP header - fluent API.

                            Put an HTTP header - fluent API. +


                            The header name


                            The header values.


                            A reference to this, so multiple method calls can be chained. +

                          34. + + +

                            + + + def + + + putTrailer(name: String, value: String): HttpServerResponse + +


                            Put an HTTP trailer - fluent API.

                            Put an HTTP trailer - fluent API. +


                            The trailer name


                            The trailer value


                            A reference to this, so multiple method calls can be chained. +

                          35. + + +

                            + + + def + + + putTrailer(name: String, values: Seq[String]): HttpServerResponse + +


                            Put an HTTP trailer - fluent API.

                            Put an HTTP trailer - fluent API. +


                            The trailer name


                            The trailer values


                            A reference to this, so multiple method calls can be chained. +

                          36. + + +

                            + + + def + + + sendFile(filename: String): HttpServerResponse + +


                            Tell the kernel to stream a file as specified by filename directly +from disk to the outgoing connection, bypassing userspace altogether +(where supported by the underlying operating system.

                            Tell the kernel to stream a file as specified by filename directly +from disk to the outgoing connection, bypassing userspace altogether +(where supported by the underlying operating system. +This is a very efficient way to serve files.


                            The file to send.


                            A reference to this for a fluent API. +

                          37. + + +

                            + + + def + + + sendFile(filename: String, notFoundFile: String): HttpServerResponse + +


                            Same as #sendFile(String) but also takes the path to a resource to serve if the resource is not found.

                          38. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setChunked(chunked: Boolean): HttpServerResponse + +


                            If chunked is true, this response will use HTTP chunked encoding, and each call to write to the body +will correspond to a new HTTP chunk sent on the wire.

                            If chunked is true, this response will use HTTP chunked encoding, and each call to write to the body +will correspond to a new HTTP chunk sent on the wire.

                            If chunked encoding is used the HTTP header Transfer-Encoding with a value of Chunked will be +automatically inserted in the response.

                            If chunked is false, this response will not use HTTP chunked encoding, and therefore if any data is written the +body of the response, the total size of that data must be set in the Content-Length header before any +data is written to the response body.

                            An HTTP chunked response is typically used when you do not know the total size of the request body up front. +


                            Sets the mode to chunked (true) or not (false).


                            A reference to this, so multiple method calls can be chained. +

                          39. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setStatusCode(statusCode: Int): HttpServerResponse + +


                            Set the status code.

                            Set the status code. +


                            The status code.


                            A reference to this, so multiple method calls can be chained. +

                          40. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setStatusMessage(statusMessage: String): HttpServerResponse + +


                            Set the status message.

                            Set the status message. +


                            The status message.


                            A reference to this, so multiple method calls can be chained. +

                          41. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setWriteQueueMaxSize(maxSize: Int): HttpServerResponse.this.type + +


                            Set the maximum size of the write queue to maxSize.

                            Set the maximum size of the write queue to maxSize. You will still be able to write to the stream even +if there is more than maxSize bytes in the write queue. This is used as an indicator by classes such as + Pump to provide flow control. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          42. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          43. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WrappedExceptionSupport → VertxWrapper → ExceptionSupport
                          44. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          45. + + +

                            + + + def + + + trailers(): MultiMap + +


                            Returns the HTTP trailers.

                            Returns the HTTP trailers. +


                            The HTTP trailers. +

                          46. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          47. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          48. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          49. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): HttpServerResponse.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          50. + + +

                            + + + def + + + write(chunk: String, enc: String): HttpServerResponse + +


                            Write a String to the response body, encoded using the encoding enc.

                            Write a String to the response body, encoded using the encoding enc. +


                            The String to write.


                            The encoding to use.


                            A reference to this, so multiple method calls can be chained. +

                          51. + + +

                            + + + def + + + write(chunk: String): HttpServerResponse + +


                            Write a String to the response body, encoded in UTF-8.

                            Write a String to the response body, encoded in UTF-8. +


                            The String to write.


                            A reference to this, so multiple method calls can be chained. +

                          52. + + +

                            + + + def + + + write(data: Buffer): HttpServerResponse.this.type + +


                            Write some data to the stream.

                            Write some data to the stream. The data is put on an internal write queue, and the write actually happens +asynchronously. To avoid running out of memory by putting too much on the write queue, +check the #writeQueueFull method before writing. This is done automatically if using a Pump. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          53. + + +

                            + + + def + + + writeQueueFull(): Boolean + +


                            This will return true if there are more bytes in the write queue than the value set using +#setWriteQueueMaxSize +

                            This will return true if there are more bytes in the write queue than the value set using +#setWriteQueueMaxSize +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from WrappedWriteStream


                          Inherited from WriteStream


                          Inherited from WrappedExceptionSupport


                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from ExceptionSupport


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/RouteMatcher.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/RouteMatcher.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d80aec8 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/RouteMatcher.html @@ -0,0 +1,789 @@ + + + + + RouteMatcher - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.http.RouteMatcher + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + class + + + RouteMatcher extends java.core.Handler[HttpServerRequest] with (HttpServerRequest) ⇒ Unit with Wrap + +

                          + +

                          Not sure whether this kind of RouteMatcher should stay in Scala... +

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          Wrap, (HttpServerRequest) ⇒ Unit, java.core.Handler[HttpServerRequest], AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. RouteMatcher
                          2. Wrap
                          3. Function1
                          4. Handler
                          5. AnyRef
                          6. Any
                          7. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + RouteMatcher(internal: java.core.http.RouteMatcher = ...) + +

                            + +
                          + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + all(uri: String, handler: (HttpServerRequest) ⇒ Unit): RouteMatcher + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + allWithRegEx(regex: String, handler: (HttpServerRequest) ⇒ Unit): RouteMatcher + +

                            + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + andThen[A](g: (Unit) ⇒ A): (HttpServerRequest) ⇒ A + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @unspecialized() + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + apply(request: HttpServerRequest): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            RouteMatcher → Function1
                          10. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + compose[A](g: (A) ⇒ HttpServerRequest): (A) ⇒ Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @unspecialized() + +
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + connect(uri: String, handler: (HttpServerRequest) ⇒ Unit): RouteMatcher + +

                            + +
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + connectWithRegEx(regex: String, handler: (HttpServerRequest) ⇒ Unit): RouteMatcher + +

                            + +
                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + delete(uri: String, handler: (HttpServerRequest) ⇒ Unit): RouteMatcher + +

                            + +
                          16. + + +

                            + + + def + + + deleteWithRegEx(regex: String, handler: (HttpServerRequest) ⇒ Unit): RouteMatcher + +

                            + +
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + get(uri: String, handler: (HttpServerRequest) ⇒ Unit): RouteMatcher + +

                            + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getWithRegEx(regex: String, handler: (HttpServerRequest) ⇒ Unit): RouteMatcher + +

                            + +
                          23. + + +

                            + + + def + + + handle(request: HttpServerRequest): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            RouteMatcher → Handler
                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          25. + + +

                            + + + def + + + head(uri: String, handler: (HttpServerRequest) ⇒ Unit): RouteMatcher + +

                            + +
                          26. + + +

                            + + + def + + + headWithRegEx(regex: String, handler: (HttpServerRequest) ⇒ Unit): RouteMatcher + +

                            + +
                          27. + + +

                            + + + val + + + internal: java.core.http.RouteMatcher + +

                            + +
                          28. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          29. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          30. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          31. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          32. + + +

                            + + + def + + + options(uri: String, handler: (HttpServerRequest) ⇒ Unit): RouteMatcher + +

                            + +
                          33. + + +

                            + + + def + + + optionsWithRegEx(regex: String, handler: (HttpServerRequest) ⇒ Unit): RouteMatcher + +

                            + +
                          34. + + +

                            + + + def + + + patch(uri: String, handler: (HttpServerRequest) ⇒ Unit): RouteMatcher + +

                            + +
                          35. + + +

                            + + + def + + + patchWithRegEx(regex: String, handler: (HttpServerRequest) ⇒ Unit): RouteMatcher + +

                            + +
                          36. + + +

                            + + + def + + + post(uri: String, handler: (HttpServerRequest) ⇒ Unit): RouteMatcher + +

                            + +
                          37. + + +

                            + + + def + + + postWithRegEx(regex: String, handler: (HttpServerRequest) ⇒ Unit): RouteMatcher + +

                            + +
                          38. + + +

                            + + + def + + + put(uri: String, handler: (HttpServerRequest) ⇒ Unit): RouteMatcher + +

                            + +
                          39. + + +

                            + + + def + + + putWithRegEx(regex: String, handler: (HttpServerRequest) ⇒ Unit): RouteMatcher + +

                            + +
                          40. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          41. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            Function1 → AnyRef → Any
                          42. + + +

                            + + + def + + + trace(uri: String, handler: (HttpServerRequest) ⇒ Unit): RouteMatcher + +

                            + +
                          43. + + +

                            + + + def + + + traceWithRegEx(regex: String, handler: (HttpServerRequest) ⇒ Unit): RouteMatcher + +

                            + +
                          44. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          45. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          46. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          47. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): RouteMatcher.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from (HttpServerRequest) ⇒ Unit


                          Inherited from java.core.Handler[HttpServerRequest]


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/ServerWebSocket$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/ServerWebSocket$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a6290de --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/ServerWebSocket$.html @@ -0,0 +1,448 @@ + + + + + ServerWebSocket - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.http.ServerWebSocket + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + object + + + ServerWebSocket + +

                          + +

                          Factory for http.ServerWebSocket instances.

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. ServerWebSocket
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + apply(socket: java.core.http.ServerWebSocket): ServerWebSocket + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + unapply(socket: ServerWebSocket): java.core.http.ServerWebSocket + +

                            + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/ServerWebSocket.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/ServerWebSocket.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..685982a --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/ServerWebSocket.html @@ -0,0 +1,841 @@ + + + + + ServerWebSocket - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.http.ServerWebSocket + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + class + + + ServerWebSocket extends WrappedWebSocketBase + +

                          + +

                          Represents a server side WebSocket that is passed into a the websocketHandler of an HttpServer

                          Instances of this class are not thread-safe

                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. ServerWebSocket
                          2. WrappedWebSocketBase
                          3. WrappedReadWriteStream
                          4. WrappedWriteStream
                          5. WriteStream
                          6. WrappedReadStream
                          7. ReadStream
                          8. WrappedExceptionSupport
                          9. VertxWrapper
                          10. Wrap
                          11. ExceptionSupport
                          12. AnyRef
                          13. Any
                          14. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + ServerWebSocket(internal: java.core.http.ServerWebSocket) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = java.core.http.ServerWebSocket + +


                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            ServerWebSocket → WrappedWebSocketBase → WrappedReadWriteStream → WriteStream → ReadStream → WrappedExceptionSupport → VertxWrapper → ExceptionSupport
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + binaryHandlerID(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + close(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + closeHandler(handler: Handler[Void]): ServerWebSocket.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + dataHandler(handler: (Buffer) ⇒ Unit): ServerWebSocket.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + dataHandler(handler: Handler[Buffer]): ServerWebSocket.this.type + +


                            Set a data handler.

                            Set a data handler. As data is read, the handler will be called with the data. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + drainHandler(handler: ⇒ Unit): ServerWebSocket.this.type + +


                            Set a drain handler on the stream.

                            Set a drain handler on the stream. If the write queue is full, then the handler will be called when the write +queue has been reduced to maxSize / 2. See Pump for an example of this being used. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + drainHandler(handler: Handler[Void]): ServerWebSocket.this.type + +


                            Set a drain handler on the stream.

                            Set a drain handler on the stream. If the write queue is full, then the handler will be called when the write +queue has been reduced to maxSize / 2. See Pump for an example of this being used. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + endHandler(handler: ⇒ Unit): ServerWebSocket.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          16. + + +

                            + + + def + + + endHandler(handler: Handler[Void]): ServerWebSocket.this.type + +


                            Set an end handler.

                            Set an end handler. Once the stream has ended, and there is no more data to be read, this handler will be called. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + exceptionHandler(handler: (Throwable) ⇒ Unit): ServerWebSocket.this.type + +


                            Set an exception handler.

                            Set an exception handler. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedExceptionSupport → ExceptionSupport
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + exceptionHandler(handler: java.core.Handler[Throwable]): ServerWebSocket.this.type + +


                            Set an exception handler.

                            Set an exception handler. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedExceptionSupport → ExceptionSupport
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          23. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + headers(): java.core.MultiMap + +


                            A map of all headers in the request to upgrade to websocket +

                          25. + + +

                            + + + val + + + internal: java.core.http.ServerWebSocket + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            ServerWebSocket → VertxWrapper
                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          27. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          28. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          29. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          30. + + +

                            + + + def + + + path(): String + +


                            The path the websocket is attempting to connect at +

                          31. + + +

                            + + + def + + + pause(): ServerWebSocket.this.type + +


                            Pause the ReadStream.

                            Pause the ReadStream. While the stream is paused, no data will be sent to the dataHandler +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          32. + + +

                            + + + def + + + query(): String + +


                            The query string passed on the websocket uri +

                          33. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reject(): ServerWebSocket + +


                            Reject the WebSocket

                            Reject the WebSocket

                            Calling this method from the websocketHandler gives you the opportunity to reject +the websocket, which will cause the websocket handshake to fail by returning +a 404 response code.

                            You might use this method, if for example you only want to accept websockets +with a particular path. +

                          34. + + +

                            + + + def + + + resume(): ServerWebSocket.this.type + +


                            Resume reading.

                            Resume reading. If the ReadStream has been paused, reading will recommence on it. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          35. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setWriteQueueMaxSize(maxSize: Int): ServerWebSocket.this.type + +


                            Set the maximum size of the write queue to maxSize.

                            Set the maximum size of the write queue to maxSize. You will still be able to write to the stream even +if there is more than maxSize bytes in the write queue. This is used as an indicator by classes such as + Pump to provide flow control. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          36. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          37. + + +

                            + + + def + + + textHandlerID(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                          38. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WrappedExceptionSupport → VertxWrapper → ExceptionSupport
                          39. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          40. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          41. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          42. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          43. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): ServerWebSocket.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          44. + + +

                            + + + def + + + write(data: Buffer): ServerWebSocket.this.type + +


                            Write some data to the stream.

                            Write some data to the stream. The data is put on an internal write queue, and the write actually happens +asynchronously. To avoid running out of memory by putting too much on the write queue, +check the #writeQueueFull method before writing. This is done automatically if using a Pump. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          45. + + +

                            + + + def + + + writeBinaryFrame(data: Buffer): ServerWebSocket.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          46. + + +

                            + + + def + + + writeQueueFull(): Boolean + +


                            This will return true if there are more bytes in the write queue than the value set using +#setWriteQueueMaxSize +

                            This will return true if there are more bytes in the write queue than the value set using +#setWriteQueueMaxSize +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          47. + + +

                            + + + def + + + writeTextFrame(str: String): ServerWebSocket.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from WrappedWebSocketBase


                          Inherited from WrappedReadWriteStream


                          Inherited from WrappedWriteStream


                          Inherited from WriteStream


                          Inherited from WrappedReadStream


                          Inherited from ReadStream


                          Inherited from WrappedExceptionSupport


                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from ExceptionSupport


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/WebSocket$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/WebSocket$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7464c0c --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/WebSocket$.html @@ -0,0 +1,435 @@ + + + + + WebSocket - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.http.WebSocket + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + object + + + WebSocket + +

                          + +

                          Factory for http.WebSocket instances.

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. WebSocket
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + apply(jsocket: java.core.http.WebSocket): WebSocket + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/WebSocket.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/WebSocket.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3a02399 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/WebSocket.html @@ -0,0 +1,782 @@ + + + + + WebSocket - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.http.WebSocket + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + class + + + WebSocket extends WrappedWebSocketBase + +

                          + +

                          Represents a client side WebSocket.

                          Instances of this class are not thread-safe

                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. WebSocket
                          2. WrappedWebSocketBase
                          3. WrappedReadWriteStream
                          4. WrappedWriteStream
                          5. WriteStream
                          6. WrappedReadStream
                          7. ReadStream
                          8. WrappedExceptionSupport
                          9. VertxWrapper
                          10. Wrap
                          11. ExceptionSupport
                          12. AnyRef
                          13. Any
                          14. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + WebSocket(internal: java.core.http.WebSocket) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = java.core.http.WebSocket + +


                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            WebSocket → WrappedWebSocketBase → WrappedReadWriteStream → WriteStream → ReadStream → WrappedExceptionSupport → VertxWrapper → ExceptionSupport
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + binaryHandlerID(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + close(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + closeHandler(handler: Handler[Void]): WebSocket.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + dataHandler(handler: (Buffer) ⇒ Unit): WebSocket.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + dataHandler(handler: Handler[Buffer]): WebSocket.this.type + +


                            Set a data handler.

                            Set a data handler. As data is read, the handler will be called with the data. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + drainHandler(handler: ⇒ Unit): WebSocket.this.type + +


                            Set a drain handler on the stream.

                            Set a drain handler on the stream. If the write queue is full, then the handler will be called when the write +queue has been reduced to maxSize / 2. See Pump for an example of this being used. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + drainHandler(handler: Handler[Void]): WebSocket.this.type + +


                            Set a drain handler on the stream.

                            Set a drain handler on the stream. If the write queue is full, then the handler will be called when the write +queue has been reduced to maxSize / 2. See Pump for an example of this being used. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + endHandler(handler: ⇒ Unit): WebSocket.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          16. + + +

                            + + + def + + + endHandler(handler: Handler[Void]): WebSocket.this.type + +


                            Set an end handler.

                            Set an end handler. Once the stream has ended, and there is no more data to be read, this handler will be called. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + exceptionHandler(handler: (Throwable) ⇒ Unit): WebSocket.this.type + +


                            Set an exception handler.

                            Set an exception handler. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedExceptionSupport → ExceptionSupport
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + exceptionHandler(handler: java.core.Handler[Throwable]): WebSocket.this.type + +


                            Set an exception handler.

                            Set an exception handler. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedExceptionSupport → ExceptionSupport
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          23. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          24. + + +

                            + + + val + + + internal: java.core.http.WebSocket + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            WebSocket → VertxWrapper
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          27. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          28. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          29. + + +

                            + + + def + + + pause(): WebSocket.this.type + +


                            Pause the ReadStream.

                            Pause the ReadStream. While the stream is paused, no data will be sent to the dataHandler +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          30. + + +

                            + + + def + + + resume(): WebSocket.this.type + +


                            Resume reading.

                            Resume reading. If the ReadStream has been paused, reading will recommence on it. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          31. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setWriteQueueMaxSize(maxSize: Int): WebSocket.this.type + +


                            Set the maximum size of the write queue to maxSize.

                            Set the maximum size of the write queue to maxSize. You will still be able to write to the stream even +if there is more than maxSize bytes in the write queue. This is used as an indicator by classes such as + Pump to provide flow control. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          32. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          33. + + +

                            + + + def + + + textHandlerID(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                          34. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WrappedExceptionSupport → VertxWrapper → ExceptionSupport
                          35. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          36. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          37. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          38. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          39. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): WebSocket.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          40. + + +

                            + + + def + + + write(data: Buffer): WebSocket.this.type + +


                            Write some data to the stream.

                            Write some data to the stream. The data is put on an internal write queue, and the write actually happens +asynchronously. To avoid running out of memory by putting too much on the write queue, +check the #writeQueueFull method before writing. This is done automatically if using a Pump. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          41. + + +

                            + + + def + + + writeBinaryFrame(data: Buffer): WebSocket.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          42. + + +

                            + + + def + + + writeQueueFull(): Boolean + +


                            This will return true if there are more bytes in the write queue than the value set using +#setWriteQueueMaxSize +

                            This will return true if there are more bytes in the write queue than the value set using +#setWriteQueueMaxSize +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          43. + + +

                            + + + def + + + writeTextFrame(str: String): WebSocket.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from WrappedWebSocketBase


                          Inherited from WrappedReadWriteStream


                          Inherited from WrappedWriteStream


                          Inherited from WriteStream


                          Inherited from WrappedReadStream


                          Inherited from ReadStream


                          Inherited from WrappedExceptionSupport


                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from ExceptionSupport


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/WrappedWebSocketBase.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/WrappedWebSocketBase.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bcf51ee --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/WrappedWebSocketBase.html @@ -0,0 +1,770 @@ + + + + + WrappedWebSocketBase - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.http.WrappedWebSocketBase + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + trait + + + WrappedWebSocketBase extends WrappedReadWriteStream + +

                          + + + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. WrappedWebSocketBase
                          2. WrappedReadWriteStream
                          3. WrappedWriteStream
                          4. WriteStream
                          5. WrappedReadStream
                          6. ReadStream
                          7. WrappedExceptionSupport
                          8. VertxWrapper
                          9. Wrap
                          10. ExceptionSupport
                          11. AnyRef
                          12. Any
                          13. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + abstract + type + + + InternalType <: WebSocketBase[InternalType] + +


                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWebSocketBase → WrappedReadWriteStream → WriteStream → ReadStream → WrappedExceptionSupport → VertxWrapper → ExceptionSupport
                          + +

                          Abstract Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + abstract + val + + + internal: InternalType + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                          + +

                          Concrete Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + binaryHandlerID(): String + +

                            + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + close(): Unit + +

                            + +
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + closeHandler(handler: Handler[Void]): WrappedWebSocketBase.this.type + +

                            + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + dataHandler(handler: (Buffer) ⇒ Unit): WrappedWebSocketBase.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + dataHandler(handler: Handler[Buffer]): WrappedWebSocketBase.this.type + +


                            Set a data handler.

                            Set a data handler. As data is read, the handler will be called with the data. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + drainHandler(handler: ⇒ Unit): WrappedWebSocketBase.this.type + +


                            Set a drain handler on the stream.

                            Set a drain handler on the stream. If the write queue is full, then the handler will be called when the write +queue has been reduced to maxSize / 2. See Pump for an example of this being used. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + drainHandler(handler: Handler[Void]): WrappedWebSocketBase.this.type + +


                            Set a drain handler on the stream.

                            Set a drain handler on the stream. If the write queue is full, then the handler will be called when the write +queue has been reduced to maxSize / 2. See Pump for an example of this being used. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + endHandler(handler: ⇒ Unit): WrappedWebSocketBase.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          16. + + +

                            + + + def + + + endHandler(handler: Handler[Void]): WrappedWebSocketBase.this.type + +


                            Set an end handler.

                            Set an end handler. Once the stream has ended, and there is no more data to be read, this handler will be called. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + exceptionHandler(handler: (Throwable) ⇒ Unit): WrappedWebSocketBase.this.type + +


                            Set an exception handler.

                            Set an exception handler. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedExceptionSupport → ExceptionSupport
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + exceptionHandler(handler: java.core.Handler[Throwable]): WrappedWebSocketBase.this.type + +


                            Set an exception handler.

                            Set an exception handler. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedExceptionSupport → ExceptionSupport
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          23. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          24. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          27. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          28. + + +

                            + + + def + + + pause(): WrappedWebSocketBase.this.type + +


                            Pause the ReadStream.

                            Pause the ReadStream. While the stream is paused, no data will be sent to the dataHandler +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          29. + + +

                            + + + def + + + resume(): WrappedWebSocketBase.this.type + +


                            Resume reading.

                            Resume reading. If the ReadStream has been paused, reading will recommence on it. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          30. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setWriteQueueMaxSize(maxSize: Int): WrappedWebSocketBase.this.type + +


                            Set the maximum size of the write queue to maxSize.

                            Set the maximum size of the write queue to maxSize. You will still be able to write to the stream even +if there is more than maxSize bytes in the write queue. This is used as an indicator by classes such as + Pump to provide flow control. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          31. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          32. + + +

                            + + + def + + + textHandlerID(): String + +

                            + +
                          33. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WrappedExceptionSupport → VertxWrapper → ExceptionSupport
                          34. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          35. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          36. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          37. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          38. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): WrappedWebSocketBase.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          39. + + +

                            + + + def + + + write(data: Buffer): WrappedWebSocketBase.this.type + +


                            Write some data to the stream.

                            Write some data to the stream. The data is put on an internal write queue, and the write actually happens +asynchronously. To avoid running out of memory by putting too much on the write queue, +check the #writeQueueFull method before writing. This is done automatically if using a Pump. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          40. + + +

                            + + + def + + + writeBinaryFrame(data: Buffer): WrappedWebSocketBase.this.type + +

                            + +
                          41. + + +

                            + + + def + + + writeQueueFull(): Boolean + +


                            This will return true if there are more bytes in the write queue than the value set using +#setWriteQueueMaxSize +

                            This will return true if there are more bytes in the write queue than the value set using +#setWriteQueueMaxSize +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          42. + + +

                            + + + def + + + writeTextFrame(str: String): WrappedWebSocketBase.this.type + +

                            + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from WrappedReadWriteStream


                          Inherited from WrappedWriteStream


                          Inherited from WriteStream


                          Inherited from WrappedReadStream


                          Inherited from ReadStream


                          Inherited from WrappedExceptionSupport


                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from ExceptionSupport


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/package.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/package.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6eceb85 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/http/package.html @@ -0,0 +1,408 @@ + + + + + http - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.http + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + package + + + http + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. http
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + class + + + HttpClient extends WrappedTCPSupport with WrappedClientSSLSupport + +


                            An HTTP client that maintains a pool of connections to a specific host, at a specific port.

                          2. + + +

                            + + + class + + + HttpClientRequest extends WrappedWriteStream + +


                            Represents a client-side HTTP request.

                          3. + + +

                            + + + class + + + HttpClientResponse extends WrappedReadStream + +


                            Represents a client-side HTTP response.

                          4. + + +

                            + + + class + + + HttpServer extends WrappedCloseable with WrappedServerTCPSupport with WrappedServerSSLSupport + +


                            An HTTP and WebSockets server

                          5. + + +

                            + + + type + + + HttpServerFileUpload = java.core.http.HttpServerFileUpload + +

                            + +
                          6. + + +

                            + + + class + + + HttpServerRequest extends WrappedReadStream with VertxWrapper + +


                            Represents a server-side HTTP request.

                          7. + + +

                            + + + class + + + HttpServerResponse extends WrappedWriteStream + +


                            Represents a server-side HTTP response.

                          8. + + +

                            + + + type + + + HttpVersion = java.core.http.HttpVersion + +

                            + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + + class + + + RouteMatcher extends java.core.Handler[HttpServerRequest] with (HttpServerRequest) ⇒ Unit with Wrap + +


                            Not sure whether this kind of RouteMatcher should stay in Scala.

                          10. + + +

                            + + + class + + + ServerWebSocket extends WrappedWebSocketBase + +


                            Represents a server side WebSocket that is passed into a the websocketHandler of an HttpServer

                          11. + + +

                            + + + class + + + WebSocket extends WrappedWebSocketBase + +


                            Represents a client side WebSocket.

                          12. + + +

                            + + + type + + + WebSocketVersion = java.core.http.WebSocketVersion + +

                            + +
                          13. + + +

                            + + + trait + + + WrappedWebSocketBase extends WrappedReadWriteStream + +

                            + +
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + object + + + HttpClient + +


                            Factory for http.HttpClient instances by wrapping a Java instance.

                          2. + + +

                            + + + object + + + HttpClientRequest + +


                            Factory for http.HttpClientRequest instances, by wrapping a Java instance.

                          3. + + +

                            + + + object + + + HttpClientResponse + +


                            Factory for http.HttpClient instances by wrapping a Java instance.

                          4. + + +

                            + + + object + + + HttpServer + +


                            Factory for http.HttpServer instances by wrapping a Java instance.

                          5. + + +

                            + + + object + + + HttpServerRequest + +

                            + +
                          6. + + +

                            + + + object + + + HttpServerResponse + +


                            Factory for http.HttpServerResponse instances.

                          7. + + +

                            + + + object + + + ServerWebSocket + +


                            Factory for http.ServerWebSocket instances.

                          8. + + +

                            + + + object + + + WebSocket + +


                            Factory for http.WebSocket instances.

                          9. + + +

                            + + implicit + def + + + multiMapToScalaMultiMap(n: java.core.MultiMap): scala.collection.mutable.MultiMap[String, String] + +


                            Implicit conversion for to scala.collection.mutable.MultiMap.

                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/Json$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/Json$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3c0c78d --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/Json$.html @@ -0,0 +1,512 @@ + + + + + Json - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.json.Json + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + object + + + Json + +

                          + +

                          Helper to construct JsonObjects and JsonArrays. +

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. Json
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + arr(fields: Any*): JsonArray + +


                            Creates a JsonArray from a sequence of values.

                            Creates a JsonArray from a sequence of values. +


                            A JsonArray containing the provided elements. +

                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + emptyArr(): JsonArray + +


                            Creates an empty JsonArray.

                            Creates an empty JsonArray. +


                            An empty JsonArray. +

                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + emptyObj(): JsonObject + +


                            Creates an empty JsonObject.

                            Creates an empty JsonObject. +


                            An empty JsonObject. +

                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + fromArrayString(json: String): JsonArray + +


                            Creates a JsonArray from an encoded JSON string.

                            Creates a JsonArray from an encoded JSON string. +


                            The JSON string.


                            The decoded JsonArray. +

                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + fromObjectString(json: String): JsonObject + +


                            Creates a JsonObject from an encoded JSON string.

                            Creates a JsonObject from an encoded JSON string.


                            The JSON string.


                            The decoded JsonObject. +

                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + obj(fields: (String, Any)*): JsonObject + +


                            Constructs a JsonObject from a fieldName -> value pairs.

                            Constructs a JsonObject from a fieldName -> value pairs. +


                            The fieldName -> value pairs


                            A JsonObject containing the name -> value pairs. +

                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          27. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/JsonElemOps$$JsonAnyElem$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/JsonElemOps$$JsonAnyElem$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1aa0ff9 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/JsonElemOps$$JsonAnyElem$.html @@ -0,0 +1,450 @@ + + + + + JsonAnyElem - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.json.JsonElemOps.JsonAnyElem + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + implicit + object + + + JsonAnyElem extends JsonElemOps[Any] + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          JsonElemOps[Any], AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. JsonAnyElem
                          2. JsonElemOps
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + addToArr(a: JsonArray, v: Any): JsonArray + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JsonAnyElem → JsonElemOps
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + addToObj(o: JsonObject, key: String, v: Any): JsonObject + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JsonAnyElem → JsonElemOps
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          10. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from JsonElemOps[Any]


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/JsonElemOps$$JsonBinaryElem$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/JsonElemOps$$JsonBinaryElem$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a2ba6b --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/JsonElemOps$$JsonBinaryElem$.html @@ -0,0 +1,450 @@ + + + + + JsonBinaryElem - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.json.JsonElemOps.JsonBinaryElem + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + implicit + object + + + JsonBinaryElem extends JsonElemOps[Array[Byte]] + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          JsonElemOps[Array[Byte]], AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. JsonBinaryElem
                          2. JsonElemOps
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + addToArr(a: JsonArray, v: Array[Byte]): JsonArray + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JsonBinaryElem → JsonElemOps
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + addToObj(o: JsonObject, key: String, v: Array[Byte]): JsonObject + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JsonBinaryElem → JsonElemOps
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          10. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from JsonElemOps[Array[Byte]]


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/JsonElemOps$$JsonBoolElem$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/JsonElemOps$$JsonBoolElem$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6735562 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/JsonElemOps$$JsonBoolElem$.html @@ -0,0 +1,450 @@ + + + + + JsonBoolElem - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.json.JsonElemOps.JsonBoolElem + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + implicit + object + + + JsonBoolElem extends JsonElemOps[Boolean] + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          JsonElemOps[Boolean], AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. JsonBoolElem
                          2. JsonElemOps
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + addToArr(a: JsonArray, v: Boolean): JsonArray + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JsonBoolElem → JsonElemOps
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + addToObj(o: JsonObject, key: String, v: Boolean): JsonObject + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JsonBoolElem → JsonElemOps
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          10. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from JsonElemOps[Boolean]


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/JsonElemOps$$JsonFloatElem$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/JsonElemOps$$JsonFloatElem$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed4059d --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/JsonElemOps$$JsonFloatElem$.html @@ -0,0 +1,450 @@ + + + + + JsonFloatElem - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.json.JsonElemOps.JsonFloatElem + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + implicit + object + + + JsonFloatElem extends JsonElemOps[Float] + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          JsonElemOps[Float], AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. JsonFloatElem
                          2. JsonElemOps
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + addToArr(a: JsonArray, v: Float): JsonArray + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JsonFloatElem → JsonElemOps
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + addToObj(o: JsonObject, key: String, v: Float): JsonObject + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JsonFloatElem → JsonElemOps
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          10. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from JsonElemOps[Float]


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/JsonElemOps$$JsonIntElem$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/JsonElemOps$$JsonIntElem$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e6c3d64 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/JsonElemOps$$JsonIntElem$.html @@ -0,0 +1,450 @@ + + + + + JsonIntElem - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.json.JsonElemOps.JsonIntElem + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + implicit + object + + + JsonIntElem extends JsonElemOps[Int] + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          JsonElemOps[Int], AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. JsonIntElem
                          2. JsonElemOps
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + addToArr(a: JsonArray, v: Int): JsonArray + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JsonIntElem → JsonElemOps
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + addToObj(o: JsonObject, key: String, v: Int): JsonObject + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JsonIntElem → JsonElemOps
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          10. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from JsonElemOps[Int]


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/JsonElemOps$$JsonJsArrayElem$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/JsonElemOps$$JsonJsArrayElem$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..36e32f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/JsonElemOps$$JsonJsArrayElem$.html @@ -0,0 +1,450 @@ + + + + + JsonJsArrayElem - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.json.JsonElemOps.JsonJsArrayElem + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + implicit + object + + + JsonJsArrayElem extends JsonElemOps[JsonArray] + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes + +
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. JsonJsArrayElem
                          2. JsonElemOps
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + addToArr(a: JsonArray, v: JsonArray): JsonArray + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JsonJsArrayElem → JsonElemOps
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + addToObj(o: JsonObject, key: String, v: JsonArray): JsonObject + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JsonJsArrayElem → JsonElemOps
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          10. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from JsonElemOps[JsonArray]


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/JsonElemOps$$JsonJsElem$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/JsonElemOps$$JsonJsElem$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6878777 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/JsonElemOps$$JsonJsElem$.html @@ -0,0 +1,450 @@ + + + + + JsonJsElem - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.json.JsonElemOps.JsonJsElem + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + implicit + object + + + JsonJsElem extends JsonElemOps[JsonElement] + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes + +
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. JsonJsElem
                          2. JsonElemOps
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + addToArr(a: JsonArray, v: JsonElement): JsonArray + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JsonJsElem → JsonElemOps
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + addToObj(o: JsonObject, key: String, v: JsonElement): JsonObject + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JsonJsElem → JsonElemOps
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          10. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from JsonElemOps[JsonElement]


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/JsonElemOps$$JsonJsObjectElem$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/JsonElemOps$$JsonJsObjectElem$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a3f3d60 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/JsonElemOps$$JsonJsObjectElem$.html @@ -0,0 +1,450 @@ + + + + + JsonJsObjectElem - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.json.JsonElemOps.JsonJsObjectElem + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + implicit + object + + + JsonJsObjectElem extends JsonElemOps[JsonObject] + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes + +
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. JsonJsObjectElem
                          2. JsonElemOps
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + addToArr(a: JsonArray, v: JsonObject): JsonArray + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JsonJsObjectElem → JsonElemOps
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + addToObj(o: JsonObject, key: String, v: JsonObject): JsonObject + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JsonJsObjectElem → JsonElemOps
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          10. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from JsonElemOps[JsonObject]


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/JsonElemOps$$JsonStringElem$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/JsonElemOps$$JsonStringElem$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f3fad73 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/JsonElemOps$$JsonStringElem$.html @@ -0,0 +1,450 @@ + + + + + JsonStringElem - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.json.JsonElemOps.JsonStringElem + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + implicit + object + + + JsonStringElem extends JsonElemOps[String] + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          JsonElemOps[String], AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. JsonStringElem
                          2. JsonElemOps
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + addToArr(a: JsonArray, v: String): JsonArray + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JsonStringElem → JsonElemOps
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + addToObj(o: JsonObject, key: String, v: String): JsonObject + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JsonStringElem → JsonElemOps
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          10. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from JsonElemOps[String]


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/JsonElemOps$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/JsonElemOps$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e1e4336 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/JsonElemOps$.html @@ -0,0 +1,539 @@ + + + + + JsonElemOps - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.json.JsonElemOps + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + object + + + JsonElemOps + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. JsonElemOps
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + implicit + object + + + JsonAnyElem extends JsonElemOps[Any] + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + implicit + object + + + JsonBinaryElem extends JsonElemOps[Array[Byte]] + +

                            + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + implicit + object + + + JsonBoolElem extends JsonElemOps[Boolean] + +

                            + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + implicit + object + + + JsonFloatElem extends JsonElemOps[Float] + +

                            + +
                          10. + + +

                            + + implicit + object + + + JsonIntElem extends JsonElemOps[Int] + +

                            + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + implicit + object + + + JsonJsArrayElem extends JsonElemOps[JsonArray] + +

                            + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + implicit + object + + + JsonJsElem extends JsonElemOps[JsonElement] + +

                            + +
                          13. + + +

                            + + implicit + object + + + JsonJsObjectElem extends JsonElemOps[JsonObject] + +

                            + +
                          14. + + +

                            + + implicit + object + + + JsonStringElem extends JsonElemOps[String] + +

                            + +
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          27. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          28. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          29. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          30. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/JsonElemOps.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/JsonElemOps.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a354a37 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/JsonElemOps.html @@ -0,0 +1,460 @@ + + + + + JsonElemOps - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.json.JsonElemOps + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + trait + + + JsonElemOps[T] extends AnyRef + +

                          + +
                          + @implicitNotFound( + + ... + ) + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. JsonElemOps
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + +

                          Abstract Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + abstract + def + + + addToArr(a: JsonArray, v: T): JsonArray + +

                            + +
                          2. + + +

                            + + abstract + def + + + addToObj(o: JsonObject, key: String, v: T): JsonObject + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Concrete Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/package$$JsObject.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/package$$JsObject.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c6db497 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/package$$JsObject.html @@ -0,0 +1,254 @@ + + + + + JsObject - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.json.JsObject + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + implicit final + class + + + JsObject extends AnyVal + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyVal, NotNull, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. JsObject
                          2. AnyVal
                          3. NotNull
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + JsObject(internal: JsonObject) + +

                            + +
                          + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + + def + + + asMap: Map[String, AnyRef] + +

                            + +
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyVal] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyVal → Any
                          7. + + +

                            + + + val + + + internal: JsonObject + +

                            + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyVal


                          Inherited from NotNull


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/package.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/package.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4ea86d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/json/package.html @@ -0,0 +1,232 @@ + + + + + json - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.json + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + package + + + json + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. json
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + implicit final + class + + + JsObject extends AnyVal + +

                            + +
                          2. + + +

                            + + + type + + + JsonArray = java.core.json.JsonArray + +

                            + +
                          3. + + +

                            + + + trait + + + JsonElemOps[T] extends AnyRef + +

                            + @implicitNotFound( + + ... + ) + +
                          4. + + +

                            + + + type + + + JsonElement = java.core.json.JsonElement + +

                            + +
                          5. + + +

                            + + + type + + + JsonObject = java.core.json.JsonObject + +

                            + +
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + object + + + Json + +


                            Helper to construct JsonObjects and JsonArrays.

                          2. + + +

                            + + + object + + + JsonElemOps + +

                            + +
                          3. + + +

                            + + implicit + def + + + toJsonObject(js: JsObject): JsonObject + +

                            + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/logging/Logger.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/logging/Logger.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1f9d657 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/logging/Logger.html @@ -0,0 +1,634 @@ + + + + + Logger - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.logging.Logger + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + class + + + Logger extends AnyRef + +

                          + +

                          Small helper class to check for log level and delegate it to the real logger if enabled. +

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. Logger
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + Logger(delegate: java.core.logging.Logger) + +

                            + +
                          + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + debug(message: ⇒ AnyRef, t: ⇒ Throwable): Unit + +

                            + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + debug(message: ⇒ AnyRef): Unit + +

                            + +
                          10. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + error(message: ⇒ AnyRef, t: ⇒ Throwable): Unit + +

                            + +
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + error(message: ⇒ AnyRef): Unit + +

                            + +
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + fatal(message: ⇒ AnyRef, t: ⇒ Throwable): Unit + +

                            + +
                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + fatal(message: ⇒ AnyRef): Unit + +

                            + +
                          16. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + info(message: ⇒ AnyRef, t: ⇒ Throwable): Unit + +

                            + +
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + info(message: ⇒ AnyRef): Unit + +

                            + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isDebugEnabled(): Boolean + +

                            + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isInfoEnabled(): Boolean + +

                            + +
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isTraceEnabled(): Boolean + +

                            + +
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          27. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          28. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          29. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          30. + + +

                            + + + def + + + trace(message: ⇒ AnyRef, t: ⇒ Throwable): Unit + +

                            + +
                          31. + + +

                            + + + def + + + trace(message: ⇒ AnyRef): Unit + +

                            + +
                          32. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          33. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          34. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          35. + + +

                            + + + def + + + warn(message: ⇒ AnyRef, t: ⇒ Throwable): Unit + +

                            + +
                          36. + + +

                            + + + def + + + warn(message: ⇒ AnyRef): Unit + +

                            + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/logging/package.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/logging/package.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..73480bb --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/logging/package.html @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ + + + + + logging - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.logging + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + package + + + logging + +

                          + +
                          + + +
                          + + +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + class + + + Logger extends AnyRef + +


                            Small helper class to check for log level and delegate it to the real logger if enabled.

                          + + + + + + + + +
                          + +
                          + + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/net/NetClient$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/net/NetClient$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8d4f3bd --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/net/NetClient$.html @@ -0,0 +1,435 @@ + + + + + NetClient - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + object + + + NetClient + +

                          + +

                          Factory for net.NetClient instances.

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. NetClient
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + apply(actual: NetClient + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/net/NetClient.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/net/NetClient.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..57384af --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/net/NetClient.html @@ -0,0 +1,1045 @@ + + + + + NetClient - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + class + + + NetClient extends WrappedTCPSupport with WrappedClientSSLSupport + +

                          + +

                          A TCP/SSL client.

                          Multiple connections to different servers can be made using the same instance.

                          This client supports a configurable number of connection attempts and a configurable delay +between attempts.

                          If an instance is instantiated from an event loop then the handlers of the instance will always +be called on that same event loop. If an instance is instantiated from some other arbitrary Java +thread (i.e. when using embedded) then an event loop will be assigned to the instance and used +when any of its handlers are called.

                          Instances of this class are thread-safe.

                          + Linear Supertypes + +
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. NetClient
                          2. WrappedClientSSLSupport
                          3. WrappedSSLSupport
                          4. WrappedTCPSupport
                          5. VertxWrapper
                          6. Wrap
                          7. AnyRef
                          8. Any
                          9. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + NetClient(internal: + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = + +


                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            NetClient → WrappedClientSSLSupport → WrappedSSLSupport → WrappedTCPSupport → VertxWrapper
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + close(): Unit + +


                            Close the client.

                            Close the client. Any sockets which have not been closed manually will be closed here. +

                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + connect(port: Int, host: String, connectHandler: (AsyncResult[NetSocket]) ⇒ Unit): NetClient + +


                            Attempt to open a connection to a server at the specific port and host.

                            Attempt to open a connection to a server at the specific port and host. + host can be a valid host name or IP address. The connect is done asynchronously and on success, a + NetSocket instance is supplied via the connectHandler instance. +


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + connect(port: Int, connectCallback: (AsyncResult[NetSocket]) ⇒ Unit): NetClient + +


                            Attempt to open a connection to a server at the specific port and host localhost +The connect is done asynchronously and on success, a + NetSocket instance is supplied via the connectHandler instance.

                            Attempt to open a connection to a server at the specific port and host localhost +The connect is done asynchronously and on success, a + NetSocket instance is supplied via the connectHandler instance. +


                            A reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together. +

                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getConnectTimeout(): Int + +


                            Returns the connect timeout in milliseconds.

                            Returns the connect timeout in milliseconds. +


                            The connect timeout in milliseconds. +

                          16. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getKeyStorePassword(): String + +



                            Get the key store password +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getKeyStorePath(): String + +



                            Get the key store path +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getReceiveBufferSize(): Int + +



                            The TCP receive buffer size +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getReconnectAttempts(): Int + +


                            Get the number of reconnect attempts.

                            Get the number of reconnect attempts. +


                            The number of reconnect attempts. +

                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getReconnectInterval(): Long + +


                            Get the reconnect interval, in milliseconds.

                            Get the reconnect interval, in milliseconds. +


                            The reconnect interval in milliseconds. +

                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getSendBufferSize(): Int + +



                            The TCP send buffer size +

                            Definition Classes
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getSoLinger(): Int + +



                            the value of TCP so linger +

                            Definition Classes
                          23. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getTrafficClass(): Int + +



                            the value of TCP traffic class +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getTrustStorePassword(): String + +



                            Get trust store password +

                            Definition Classes
                          25. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getTrustStorePath(): String + +



                            Get the trust store path +

                            Definition Classes
                          26. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          27. + + +

                            + + + val + + + internal: + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            NetClient → VertxWrapper
                          28. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          29. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isReuseAddress(): Boolean + +



                            The value of TCP reuse address +

                            Definition Classes
                          30. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isSSL(): Boolean + +



                            Is SSL enabled? +

                            Definition Classes
                          31. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isTCPKeepAlive(): Boolean + +



                            true if TCP keep alive is enabled +

                            Definition Classes
                          32. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isTCPNoDelay(): Boolean + +



                            true if Nagle's algorithm is disabled. +

                            Definition Classes
                          33. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isTrustAll(): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          34. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isUsePooledBuffers(): Boolean + +



                            true if pooled buffers are used +

                            Definition Classes
                          35. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          36. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          37. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          38. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setConnectTimeout(timeout: Int): NetClient + +


                            Set the connect timeout in milliseconds.

                            Set the connect timeout in milliseconds. +


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                          39. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setKeyStorePassword(pwd: String): NetClient.this.type + +


                            Set the password for the SSL key store.

                            Set the password for the SSL key store. This method should only be used in SSL mode, i.e. after #setSSL(boolean) +has been set to true.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                            Definition Classes
                          40. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setKeyStorePath(path: String): NetClient.this.type + +


                            Set the path to the SSL key store.

                            Set the path to the SSL key store. This method should only be used in SSL mode, i.e. after #setSSL(boolean) +has been set to true.

                            The SSL key store is a standard Java Key Store, and will contain the client certificate. Client certificates are +only required if the server requests client authentication.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                            Definition Classes
                          41. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setReceiveBufferSize(size: Int): NetClient.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP receive buffer size for connections created by this instance to size in bytes.

                            Set the TCP receive buffer size for connections created by this instance to size in bytes.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          42. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setReconnectAttempts(attempts: Int): NetClient + +


                            Set the number of reconnection attempts.

                            Set the number of reconnection attempts. In the event a connection attempt fails, the client will attempt +to connect a further number of times, before it fails. Default value is zero. +

                          43. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setReconnectInterval(interval: Long): NetClient + +


                            Set the reconnect interval, in milliseconds.

                          44. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setReuseAddress(reuse: Boolean): NetClient.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP reuseAddress setting for connections created by this instance to reuse.

                            Set the TCP reuseAddress setting for connections created by this instance to reuse.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          45. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setSSL(ssl: Boolean): NetClient.this.type + +


                            If ssl is true, this signifies that any connections will be SSL connections.

                            If ssl is true, this signifies that any connections will be SSL connections.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                            Definition Classes
                          46. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setSendBufferSize(size: Int): NetClient.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP send buffer size for connections created by this instance to size in bytes.

                            Set the TCP send buffer size for connections created by this instance to size in bytes.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          47. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setSoLinger(linger: Int): NetClient.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP soLinger setting for connections created by this instance to linger.

                            Set the TCP soLinger setting for connections created by this instance to linger. +Using a negative value will disable soLinger.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together

                            Definition Classes
                          48. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTCPKeepAlive(keepAlive: Boolean): NetClient.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP keepAlive setting for connections created by this instance to keepAlive.

                            Set the TCP keepAlive setting for connections created by this instance to keepAlive.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          49. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTCPNoDelay(tcpNoDelay: Boolean): NetClient.this.type + +


                            If tcpNoDelay is set to true then Nagle's algorithm +will turned off for the TCP connections created by this instance.

                            If tcpNoDelay is set to true then Nagle's algorithm +will turned off for the TCP connections created by this instance.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          50. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTrafficClass(trafficClass: Int): NetClient.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP trafficClass setting for connections created by this instance to trafficClass.

                            Set the TCP trafficClass setting for connections created by this instance to trafficClass.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          51. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTrustAll(trustAll: Boolean): NetClient.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          52. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTrustStorePassword(pwd: String): NetClient.this.type + +


                            Set the password for the SSL trust store.

                            Set the password for the SSL trust store. This method should only be used in SSL mode, i.e. after #setSSL(boolean) +has been set to true.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                            Definition Classes
                          53. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTrustStorePath(path: String): NetClient.this.type + +


                            Set the path to the SSL trust store.

                            Set the path to the SSL trust store. This method should only be used in SSL mode, i.e. after #setSSL(boolean) +has been set to true.

                            The trust store is a standard Java Key Store, and should contain the certificates of any servers that the client trusts.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                            Definition Classes
                          54. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setUsePooledBuffers(pooledBuffers: Boolean): NetClient.this.type + +


                            Set if vertx should use pooled buffers for performance reasons.

                            Set if vertx should use pooled buffers for performance reasons. Doing so will give the best throughput but +may need a bit higher memory footprint.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          55. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          56. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                          57. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          58. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          59. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          60. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          61. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): NetClient.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from WrappedClientSSLSupport


                          Inherited from WrappedSSLSupport


                          Inherited from WrappedTCPSupport


                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/net/NetServer$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/net/NetServer$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dde969b --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/net/NetServer$.html @@ -0,0 +1,435 @@ + + + + + NetServer - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + object + + + NetServer + +

                          + +

                          Factory for net.NetServer instances.

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. NetServer
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + apply(actual: NetServer + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/net/NetServer.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/net/NetServer.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5c55810 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/net/NetServer.html @@ -0,0 +1,1084 @@ + + + + + NetServer - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + class + + + NetServer extends WrappedCloseable with WrappedServerSSLSupport with WrappedServerTCPSupport + +

                          + +

                          Represents a TCP or SSL server

                          If an instance is instantiated from an event loop then the handlers +of the instance will always be called on that same event loop. +If an instance is instantiated from some other arbitrary Java thread (i.e. when running embedded) then +and event loop will be assigned to the instance and used when any of its handlers +are called.

                          Instances of this class are thread-safe.

                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. NetServer
                          2. WrappedServerTCPSupport
                          3. WrappedTCPSupport
                          4. WrappedServerSSLSupport
                          5. WrappedSSLSupport
                          6. WrappedCloseable
                          7. VertxWrapper
                          8. Wrap
                          9. AnyRef
                          10. Any
                          11. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + NetServer(internal: + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + CloseType = AnyRef { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ } + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = + +


                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            NetServer → WrappedServerTCPSupport → WrappedTCPSupport → WrappedServerSSLSupport → WrappedSSLSupport → WrappedCloseable → VertxWrapper
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + close(handler: Handler[AsyncResult[Void]]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + close(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + connectHandler(connectHandler: (NetSocket) ⇒ Unit): NetServer + +


                            Supply a connect handler for this server.

                            Supply a connect handler for this server. The server can only have at most one connect handler at any one time. +As the server accepts TCP or SSL connections it creates an instance of and passes it to the +connect handler.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getAcceptBacklog(): Int + +



                            The accept backlog +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          16. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getKeyStorePassword(): String + +



                            Get the key store password +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getKeyStorePath(): String + +



                            Get the key store path +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getReceiveBufferSize(): Int + +



                            The TCP receive buffer size +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getSendBufferSize(): Int + +



                            The TCP send buffer size +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getSoLinger(): Int + +



                            the value of TCP so linger +

                            Definition Classes
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getTrafficClass(): Int + +



                            the value of TCP traffic class +

                            Definition Classes
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getTrustStorePassword(): String + +



                            Get trust store password +

                            Definition Classes
                          23. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getTrustStorePath(): String + +



                            Get the trust store path +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          25. + + +

                            + + + def + + + host(): String + +


                            The host.

                          26. + + +

                            + + + val + + + internal: + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            NetServer → VertxWrapper
                          27. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isClientAuthRequired(): Boolean + +


                            Is client auth required? +

                            Is client auth required? +

                            Definition Classes
                          28. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          29. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isReuseAddress(): Boolean + +



                            The value of TCP reuse address +

                            Definition Classes
                          30. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isSSL(): Boolean + +



                            Is SSL enabled? +

                            Definition Classes
                          31. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isTCPKeepAlive(): Boolean + +



                            true if TCP keep alive is enabled +

                            Definition Classes
                          32. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isTCPNoDelay(): Boolean + +



                            true if Nagle's algorithm is disabled. +

                            Definition Classes
                          33. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isUsePooledBuffers(): Boolean + +



                            true if pooled buffers are used +

                            Definition Classes
                          34. + + +

                            + + + def + + + listen(port: Int, host: String, listenHandler: (java.core.AsyncResult[NetServer]) ⇒ Unit): NetServer + +


                            Instruct the server to listen for incoming connections on the specified port and host.

                            Instruct the server to listen for incoming connections on the specified port and host. host can +be a host name or an IP address. +

                          35. + + +

                            + + + def + + + listen(port: Int, host: String): NetServer + +


                            Tell the server to start listening on port port and hostname or ip address given by host.

                            Tell the server to start listening on port port and hostname or ip address given by host. Be aware this is an +async operation and the server may not bound on return of the method.

                          36. + + +

                            + + + def + + + listen(port: Int, listenHandler: (java.core.AsyncResult[NetServer]) ⇒ Unit): NetServer + +


                            Instruct the server to listen for incoming connections on the specified port and all available interfaces.

                          37. + + +

                            + + + def + + + listen(port: Int): NetServer + +


                            Tell the server to start listening on all available interfaces and port port.

                            Tell the server to start listening on all available interfaces and port port. Be aware this is an +async operation and the server may not bound on return of the method. +

                          38. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          39. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          40. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          41. + + +

                            + + + def + + + port(): Int + +


                            The actual port the server is listening on.

                            The actual port the server is listening on. This is useful if you bound the server specifying 0 as port number +signifying an ephemeral port +

                          42. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setAcceptBacklog(backlog: Int): NetServer.this.type + +


                            Set the accept backlog

                            Set the accept backlog


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          43. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setClientAuthRequired(required: Boolean): NetServer.this.type + +


                            Set required to true if you want the server to request client authentication from any connecting clients.

                            Set required to true if you want the server to request client authentication from any connecting clients. This +is an extra level of security in SSL, and requires clients to provide client certificates. Those certificates must be added +to the server trust store.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                            Definition Classes
                          44. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setKeyStorePassword(pwd: String): NetServer.this.type + +


                            Set the password for the SSL key store.

                            Set the password for the SSL key store. This method should only be used in SSL mode, i.e. after #setSSL(boolean) +has been set to true.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                            Definition Classes
                          45. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setKeyStorePath(path: String): NetServer.this.type + +


                            Set the path to the SSL key store.

                            Set the path to the SSL key store. This method should only be used in SSL mode, i.e. after #setSSL(boolean) +has been set to true.

                            The SSL key store is a standard Java Key Store, and will contain the client certificate. Client certificates are +only required if the server requests client authentication.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                            Definition Classes
                          46. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setReceiveBufferSize(size: Int): NetServer.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP receive buffer size for connections created by this instance to size in bytes.

                            Set the TCP receive buffer size for connections created by this instance to size in bytes.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          47. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setReuseAddress(reuse: Boolean): NetServer.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP reuseAddress setting for connections created by this instance to reuse.

                            Set the TCP reuseAddress setting for connections created by this instance to reuse.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          48. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setSSL(ssl: Boolean): NetServer.this.type + +


                            If ssl is true, this signifies that any connections will be SSL connections.

                            If ssl is true, this signifies that any connections will be SSL connections.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                            Definition Classes
                          49. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setSendBufferSize(size: Int): NetServer.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP send buffer size for connections created by this instance to size in bytes.

                            Set the TCP send buffer size for connections created by this instance to size in bytes.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          50. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setSoLinger(linger: Int): NetServer.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP soLinger setting for connections created by this instance to linger.

                            Set the TCP soLinger setting for connections created by this instance to linger. +Using a negative value will disable soLinger.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together

                            Definition Classes
                          51. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTCPKeepAlive(keepAlive: Boolean): NetServer.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP keepAlive setting for connections created by this instance to keepAlive.

                            Set the TCP keepAlive setting for connections created by this instance to keepAlive.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          52. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTCPNoDelay(tcpNoDelay: Boolean): NetServer.this.type + +


                            If tcpNoDelay is set to true then Nagle's algorithm +will turned off for the TCP connections created by this instance.

                            If tcpNoDelay is set to true then Nagle's algorithm +will turned off for the TCP connections created by this instance.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          53. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTrafficClass(trafficClass: Int): NetServer.this.type + +


                            Set the TCP trafficClass setting for connections created by this instance to trafficClass.

                            Set the TCP trafficClass setting for connections created by this instance to trafficClass.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          54. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTrustStorePassword(pwd: String): NetServer.this.type + +


                            Set the password for the SSL trust store.

                            Set the password for the SSL trust store. This method should only be used in SSL mode, i.e. after #setSSL(boolean) +has been set to true.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                            Definition Classes
                          55. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTrustStorePath(path: String): NetServer.this.type + +


                            Set the path to the SSL trust store.

                            Set the path to the SSL trust store. This method should only be used in SSL mode, i.e. after #setSSL(boolean) +has been set to true.

                            The trust store is a standard Java Key Store, and should contain the certificates of any servers that the client trusts.


                            A reference to this, so multiple invocations can be chained together. +

                            Definition Classes
                          56. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setUsePooledBuffers(pooledBuffers: Boolean): NetServer.this.type + +


                            Set if vertx should use pooled buffers for performance reasons.

                            Set if vertx should use pooled buffers for performance reasons. Doing so will give the best throughput but +may need a bit higher memory footprint.


                            a reference to this so multiple method calls can be chained together +

                            Definition Classes
                          57. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          58. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                          59. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          60. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          61. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          62. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          63. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): NetServer.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from WrappedServerTCPSupport


                          Inherited from WrappedTCPSupport


                          Inherited from WrappedServerSSLSupport


                          Inherited from WrappedSSLSupport


                          Inherited from WrappedCloseable


                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/net/NetSocket$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/net/NetSocket$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7a99780 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/net/NetSocket$.html @@ -0,0 +1,435 @@ + + + + + NetSocket - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + object + + + NetSocket + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. NetSocket
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + apply(socket: NetSocket + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/net/NetSocket.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/net/NetSocket.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..478a9e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/net/NetSocket.html @@ -0,0 +1,824 @@ + + + + + NetSocket - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + class + + + NetSocket extends WrappedReadWriteStream + +

                          + +

                          Represents a socket-like interface to a TCP/SSL connection on either the +client or the server side.

                          Instances of this class are created on the client side by an NetClient +when a connection to a server is made, or on the server side by a NetServer +when a server accepts a connection.

                          It implements both ReadStream and WriteStream so it can be used with + to pump data with flow control.

                          Instances of this class are not thread-safe.

                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. NetSocket
                          2. WrappedReadWriteStream
                          3. WrappedWriteStream
                          4. WriteStream
                          5. WrappedReadStream
                          6. ReadStream
                          7. WrappedExceptionSupport
                          8. VertxWrapper
                          9. Wrap
                          10. ExceptionSupport
                          11. AnyRef
                          12. Any
                          13. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + NetSocket(internal: + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = + +


                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            NetSocket → WrappedReadWriteStream → WriteStream → ReadStream → WrappedExceptionSupport → VertxWrapper → ExceptionSupport
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + close(): Unit + +


                            Close the NetSocket +

                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + closeHandler(handler: ⇒ Unit): NetSocket + +


                            Set a handler that will be called when the NetSocket is closed +

                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + dataHandler(handler: (Buffer) ⇒ Unit): NetSocket.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + dataHandler(handler: Handler[Buffer]): NetSocket.this.type + +


                            Set a data handler.

                            Set a data handler. As data is read, the handler will be called with the data. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + drainHandler(handler: ⇒ Unit): NetSocket.this.type + +


                            Set a drain handler on the stream.

                            Set a drain handler on the stream. If the write queue is full, then the handler will be called when the write +queue has been reduced to maxSize / 2. See Pump for an example of this being used. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + drainHandler(handler: Handler[Void]): NetSocket.this.type + +


                            Set a drain handler on the stream.

                            Set a drain handler on the stream. If the write queue is full, then the handler will be called when the write +queue has been reduced to maxSize / 2. See Pump for an example of this being used. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + endHandler(handler: ⇒ Unit): NetSocket.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + endHandler(handler: Handler[Void]): NetSocket.this.type + +


                            Set an end handler.

                            Set an end handler. Once the stream has ended, and there is no more data to be read, this handler will be called. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + exceptionHandler(handler: (Throwable) ⇒ Unit): NetSocket.this.type + +


                            Set an exception handler.

                            Set an exception handler. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedExceptionSupport → ExceptionSupport
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + exceptionHandler(handler: java.core.Handler[Throwable]): NetSocket.this.type + +


                            Set an exception handler.

                            Set an exception handler. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedExceptionSupport → ExceptionSupport
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          23. + + +

                            + + + val + + + internal: + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            NetSocket → VertxWrapper
                          24. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          25. + + +

                            + + + def + + + localAddress(): InetSocketAddress + +


                            Return the local address for this socket +

                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          27. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          28. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          29. + + +

                            + + + def + + + pause(): NetSocket.this.type + +


                            Pause the ReadStream.

                            Pause the ReadStream. While the stream is paused, no data will be sent to the dataHandler +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          30. + + +

                            + + + def + + + remoteAddress(): InetSocketAddress + +


                            Return the remote address for this socket +

                          31. + + +

                            + + + def + + + resume(): NetSocket.this.type + +


                            Resume reading.

                            Resume reading. If the ReadStream has been paused, reading will recommence on it. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          32. + + +

                            + + + def + + + sendFile(filename: String): NetSocket + +


                            Tell the kernel to stream a file as specified by filename directly from disk to the outgoing connection, +bypassing userspace altogether (where supported by the underlying operating system.

                            Tell the kernel to stream a file as specified by filename directly from disk to the outgoing connection, +bypassing userspace altogether (where supported by the underlying operating system. This is a very efficient way to stream files. +

                          33. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setWriteQueueMaxSize(maxSize: Int): NetSocket.this.type + +


                            Set the maximum size of the write queue to maxSize.

                            Set the maximum size of the write queue to maxSize. You will still be able to write to the stream even +if there is more than maxSize bytes in the write queue. This is used as an indicator by classes such as + Pump to provide flow control. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          34. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          35. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WrappedExceptionSupport → VertxWrapper → ExceptionSupport
                          36. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          37. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          38. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          39. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          40. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): NetSocket.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          41. + + +

                            + + + def + + + write(data: String, enc: String): NetSocket + +


                            Write a String to the connection, encoded using the encoding enc.

                            Write a String to the connection, encoded using the encoding enc.


                            A reference to this, so multiple method calls can be chained. +

                          42. + + +

                            + + + def + + + write(data: String): NetSocket + +


                            Write a String to the connection, encoded in UTF-8.

                            Write a String to the connection, encoded in UTF-8.


                            A reference to this, so multiple method calls can be chained. +

                          43. + + +

                            + + + def + + + write(data: Buffer): NetSocket.this.type + +


                            Write some data to the stream.

                            Write some data to the stream. The data is put on an internal write queue, and the write actually happens +asynchronously. To avoid running out of memory by putting too much on the write queue, +check the #writeQueueFull method before writing. This is done automatically if using a Pump. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          44. + + +

                            + + + def + + + writeHandlerID(): String + +


                            When a NetSocket is created it automatically registers an event handler with the event bus, the ID of that +handler is given by writeHandlerID.

                            When a NetSocket is created it automatically registers an event handler with the event bus, the ID of that +handler is given by writeHandlerID.

                            Given this ID, a different event loop can send a buffer to that event handler using the event bus and +that buffer will be received by this instance in its own event loop and written to the underlying connection. This +allows you to write data to other connections which are owned by different event loops. +

                          45. + + +

                            + + + def + + + writeQueueFull(): Boolean + +


                            This will return true if there are more bytes in the write queue than the value set using +#setWriteQueueMaxSize +

                            This will return true if there are more bytes in the write queue than the value set using +#setWriteQueueMaxSize +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from WrappedReadWriteStream


                          Inherited from WrappedWriteStream


                          Inherited from WriteStream


                          Inherited from WrappedReadStream


                          Inherited from ReadStream


                          Inherited from WrappedExceptionSupport


                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from ExceptionSupport


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/net/package.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/net/package.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..da67194 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/net/package.html @@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ + + + + + net - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + package + + + net + +

                          + +
                          + + +
                          + + +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + class + + + NetClient extends WrappedTCPSupport with WrappedClientSSLSupport + +


                            A TCP/SSL client.

                          2. + + +

                            + + + class + + + NetServer extends WrappedCloseable with WrappedServerSSLSupport with WrappedServerTCPSupport + +


                            Represents a TCP or SSL server

                          3. + + +

                            + + + class + + + NetSocket extends WrappedReadWriteStream + +


                            Represents a socket-like interface to a TCP/SSL connection on either the +client or the server side.

                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + object + + + NetClient + +


                            Factory for net.NetClient instances.

                          2. + + +

                            + + + object + + + NetServer + +


                            Factory for net.NetServer instances.

                          3. + + +

                            + + + object + + + NetSocket + +

                            + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +
                          + + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/package$$Vertx.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/package$$Vertx.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d5d5606 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/package$$Vertx.html @@ -0,0 +1,685 @@ + + + + + Vertx - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.Vertx + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + implicit + class + + + Vertx extends AnyRef + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. Vertx
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + Vertx(internal: java.core.Vertx) + +

                            + +
                          + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + cancelTimer(id: Long): Boolean + +


                            Cancel the timer with the specified id.

                            Cancel the timer with the specified id. Returns true if the timer was successfully cancelled, or + false if the timer does not exist. +

                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + createDnsClient(dnsServers: InetSocketAddress*): DnsClient + +


                            Return the DnsClient +

                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + createHttpClient(): HttpClient + +


                            Create a HTTP/HTTPS client.

                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + createHttpServer(): HttpServer + +


                            Create an HTTP/HTTPS server.

                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + createNetClient(): NetClient + +


                            Create a TCP/SSL client.

                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + createNetServer(): NetServer + +


                            Create a TCP/SSL server.

                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + createSockJSServer(httpServer: HttpServer): SockJSServer + +


                            Create a SockJS server that wraps an HTTP server.

                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + currentContext(): Context + +



                            The current context. +

                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          18. + + +

                            + + + val + + + eventBus: EventBus + +


                            The event bus.

                          19. + + +

                            + + + val + + + fileSystem: FileSystem + +


                            The File system object.

                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          23. + + +

                            + + + val + + + internal: java.core.Vertx + +

                            + +
                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isEventLoop(): Boolean + +


                            Is the current thread an event loop thread?

                            Is the current thread an event loop thread?


                            true if current thread is an event loop thread. +

                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          26. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isWorker(): Boolean + +


                            Is the current thread an worker thread?

                            Is the current thread an worker thread?


                            true if current thread is an worker thread. +

                          27. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          28. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          29. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          30. + + +

                            + + + def + + + runOnContext(action: ⇒ Unit): Unit + +


                            Put the handler on the event queue for the current loop (or worker context) so it will be run asynchronously ASAP after this event has +been processed.

                          31. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setPeriodic(delay: Long, handler: (Long) ⇒ Unit): Long + +


                            Set a periodic timer to fire every delay milliseconds, at which point handler will be called with +the id of the timer.

                            Set a periodic timer to fire every delay milliseconds, at which point handler will be called with +the id of the timer.


                            the unique ID of the timer. +

                          32. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setTimer(delay: Long, handler: (Long) ⇒ Unit): Long + +


                            Set a one-shot timer to fire after delay milliseconds, at which point handler will be called with +the id of the timer.

                            Set a one-shot timer to fire after delay milliseconds, at which point handler will be called with +the id of the timer.


                            The unique ID of the timer. +

                          33. + + +

                            + + + val + + + sharedData: SharedData + +


                            The shared data object.

                          34. + + +

                            + + + def + + + stop(): Unit + +


                            Stop the eventbus and any resource managed by the eventbus.

                          35. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          36. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          37. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          38. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          39. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/package.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/package.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..722d9f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/package.html @@ -0,0 +1,499 @@ + + + + + core - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + package + + + core + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. core
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + AsyncResult[T] = java.core.AsyncResult[T] + +

                            + +
                          2. + + +

                            + + + trait + + + FunctionConverters extends AnyRef + +


                          3. + + +

                            + + + type + + + Handler[T] = java.core.Handler[T] + +

                            + +
                          4. + + +

                            + + + type + + + MultiMap = java.core.MultiMap + +

                            + +
                          5. + + +

                            + + implicit + class + + + Vertx extends AnyRef + +

                            + +
                          6. + + +

                            + + + trait + + + VertxExecutionContext extends ExecutionContext + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + + trait + + + WrappedClientSSLSupport extends WrappedSSLSupport + +

                            + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + trait + + + WrappedCloseable extends VertxWrapper + +

                            + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + + trait + + + WrappedSSLSupport extends VertxWrapper + +

                            + +
                          10. + + +

                            + + + trait + + + WrappedServerSSLSupport extends WrappedSSLSupport + +


                          11. + + +

                            + + + trait + + + WrappedServerTCPSupport extends WrappedTCPSupport + +


                          12. + + +

                            + + + trait + + + WrappedTCPSupport extends VertxWrapper + +

                            + +
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + object + + + FunctionConverters extends FunctionConverters + +

                            + +
                          2. + + +

                            + + + object + + + VertxExecutionContext extends VertxExecutionContext + +

                            + +
                          3. + + +

                            + + + package + + + buffer + +


                          4. + + +

                            + + + package + + + dns + +

                            + +
                          5. + + +

                            + + + package + + + eventbus + +


                          6. + + +

                            + + + package + + + file + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + + package + + + http + +

                            + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + package + + + json + +


                          9. + + +

                            + + + package + + + logging + +

                            + +
                          10. + + +

                            + + + package + + + net + +

                            + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + newVertx(hostname: String): Vertx + +

                            + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + newVertx(port: Int, hostname: String): Vertx + +

                            + +
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + newVertx(): Vertx + +

                            + +
                          14. + + +

                            + + + package + + + parsetools + +

                            + +
                          15. + + +

                            + + + package + + + shareddata + +

                            + +
                          16. + + +

                            + + + package + + + sockjs + +

                            + +
                          17. + + +

                            + + + package + + + streams + +

                            + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/parsetools/RecordParser$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/parsetools/RecordParser$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a7eb708 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/parsetools/RecordParser$.html @@ -0,0 +1,504 @@ + + + + + RecordParser - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.parsetools.RecordParser + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + object + + + RecordParser + +

                          + +

                          A helper class which allows you to easily parse protocols which are delimited by a sequence of bytes, or fixed +size records.

                          Instances of this class take as input Buffer instances containing raw bytes, and output records.

                          For example, if I had a simple ASCII text protocol delimited by '\n' and the input was the following:

                          +buffer1:HELLO\nHOW ARE Y
                          +buffer2:OU?\nI AM
                          +buffer3: DOING OK
                          +Then the output would be:

                          +buffer2:HOW ARE YOU?
                          +buffer3:I AM DOING OK
                          +Instances of this class can be changed between delimited mode and fixed size record mode on the fly as +individual records are read, this allows you to parse protocols where, for example, the first 5 records might +all be fixed size (of potentially different sizes), followed by some delimited records, followed by more fixed +size records.

                          Instances of this class can't currently be used for protocols where the text is encoded with something other than +a 1-1 byte-char mapping. TODO extend this class to cope with arbitrary character encodings

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. RecordParser
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + latin1StringToBytes(str: String): Array[Byte] + +


                            Helper method to convert a latin-1 String to an array of bytes for use as a delimiter +Please do not use this for non latin-1 characters +

                            Helper method to convert a latin-1 String to an array of bytes for use as a delimiter +Please do not use this for non latin-1 characters +


                            The byte[] form of the string +

                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + + def + + + newDelimited(delim: Array[Byte], handler: (Buffer) ⇒ Unit): java.core.parsetools.RecordParser + +


                            Create a new RecordParser instance, initially in delimited mode, and where the delimiter can be represented +by the byte[] delim.

                            Create a new RecordParser instance, initially in delimited mode, and where the delimiter can be represented +by the byte[] delim.

                            output Will receive whole records which have been parsed. +

                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + newDelimited(delim: String, handler: (Buffer) ⇒ Unit): java.core.parsetools.RecordParser + +


                            Create a new RecordParser instance, initially in delimited mode, and where the delimiter can be represented +by the String delim endcoded in latin-1 . Don't use this if your String contains other than latin-1 characters.

                            Create a new RecordParser instance, initially in delimited mode, and where the delimiter can be represented +by the String delim endcoded in latin-1 . Don't use this if your String contains other than latin-1 characters.

                            output Will receive whole records which have been parsed. +

                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + newFixed(size: Int, handler: (Buffer) ⇒ Unit): java.core.parsetools.RecordParser + +


                            Create a new RecordParser instance, initially in fixed size mode, and where the record size is specified +by the size parameter.

                            Create a new RecordParser instance, initially in fixed size mode, and where the record size is specified +by the size parameter.

                            output Will receive whole records which have been parsed. +

                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          24. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/parsetools/package.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/parsetools/package.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a226ff7 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/parsetools/package.html @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ + + + + + parsetools - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.parsetools + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + package + + + parsetools + +

                          + +
                          + + +
                          + + +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + object + + + RecordParser + +


                            A helper class which allows you to easily parse protocols which are delimited by a sequence of bytes, or fixed +size records.

                          + + + + +
                          + +
                          + + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/shareddata/SharedData$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/shareddata/SharedData$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..32b741e --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/shareddata/SharedData$.html @@ -0,0 +1,435 @@ + + + + + SharedData - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.shareddata.SharedData + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + object + + + SharedData + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. SharedData
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + apply(actual: java.core.shareddata.SharedData): SharedData + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/shareddata/SharedData.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/shareddata/SharedData.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a3cf28f --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/shareddata/SharedData.html @@ -0,0 +1,553 @@ + + + + + SharedData - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.shareddata.SharedData + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + class + + + SharedData extends VertxWrapper + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          VertxWrapper, Wrap, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. SharedData
                          2. VertxWrapper
                          3. Wrap
                          4. AnyRef
                          5. Any
                          6. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + SharedData(internal: java.core.shareddata.SharedData) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = java.core.shareddata.SharedData + +


                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            SharedData → VertxWrapper
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getMap[K, V](name: String): ConcurrentSharedMap[K, V] + +


                            Return a Map with the specific name.

                            Return a Map with the specific name. All invocations of this method with the same value of name +are guaranteed to return the same Map instance.

                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getSet[E](name: String): Set[E] + +


                            Return a Set with the specific name.

                            Return a Set with the specific name. All invocations of this method with the same value of name +are guaranteed to return the same Set instance.

                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          15. + + +

                            + + + val + + + internal: java.core.shareddata.SharedData + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            SharedData → VertxWrapper
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + removeMap(name: String): Boolean + +


                            Remove the Map with the specific name.

                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + removeSet(name: String): Boolean + +


                            Remove the Set with the specific name.

                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          23. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          27. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          28. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): SharedData.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/shareddata/package.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/shareddata/package.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..457f189 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/shareddata/package.html @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ + + + + + shareddata - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.shareddata + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + package + + + shareddata + +

                          + +
                          + + +
                          + + +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + class + + + SharedData extends VertxWrapper + +

                            + +
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + object + + + SharedData + +

                            + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +
                          + + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/sockjs/SockJSServer$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/sockjs/SockJSServer$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e4ee443 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/sockjs/SockJSServer$.html @@ -0,0 +1,435 @@ + + + + + SockJSServer - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.sockjs.SockJSServer + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + object + + + SockJSServer + +

                          + +

                          Factory for sockjs.SockJSServer instances.

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. SockJSServer
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + apply(internal: java.core.sockjs.SockJSServer): SockJSServer + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/sockjs/SockJSServer.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/sockjs/SockJSServer.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d633c9c --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/sockjs/SockJSServer.html @@ -0,0 +1,569 @@ + + + + + SockJSServer - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.sockjs.SockJSServer + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + class + + + SockJSServer extends VertxWrapper + +

                          + +

                          This is an implementation of the server side part of SockJS.

                          SockJS enables browsers to communicate with the server using a simple WebSocket-like api for sending +and receiving messages. Under the bonnet SockJS chooses to use one of several protocols depending on browser +capabilities and what appears to be working across the network.

                          Available protocols include:

                          • WebSockets
                          • xhr-polling
                          • xhr-streaming
                          • json-polling
                          • event-source
                          • html-file

                          This means, it should just work irrespective of what browser is being used, and whether there are nasty +things like proxies and load balancers between the client and the server.

                          For more detailed information on SockJS, see their website.

                          On the server side, you interact using instances of SockJSSocket - this allows you to send data to the +client or receive data via the SockJSSocket#dataHandler.

                          You can register multiple applications with the same SockJSServer, each using different path prefixes, each +application will have its own handler, and configuration.

                          Instances of this class are not thread-safe.

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          VertxWrapper, Wrap, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. SockJSServer
                          2. VertxWrapper
                          3. Wrap
                          4. AnyRef
                          5. Any
                          6. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + SockJSServer(internal: java.core.sockjs.SockJSServer) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = java.core.sockjs.SockJSServer + +


                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            SockJSServer → VertxWrapper
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + bridge(sjsConfig: JsonObject, inboundPermitted: JsonArray, outboundPermitted: JsonArray, authTimeout: Long, authAddress: String): SockJSServer + +

                            + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + bridge(sjsConfig: JsonObject, inboundPermitted: JsonArray, outboundPermitted: JsonArray, authTimeout: Long): SockJSServer + +

                            + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + bridge(sjsConfig: JsonObject, inboundPermitted: JsonArray, outboundPermitted: JsonArray): SockJSServer + +

                            + +
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          16. + + +

                            + + + def + + + installApp(config: JsonObject, sockHandler: (SockJSSocket) ⇒ Unit): SockJSServer + +

                            + +
                          17. + + +

                            + + + val + + + internal: java.core.sockjs.SockJSServer + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            SockJSServer → VertxWrapper
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setHook(hook: EventBusBridgeHook): SockJSServer + +

                            + +
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                          25. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          27. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          28. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          29. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): SockJSServer.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/sockjs/SockJSSocket$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/sockjs/SockJSSocket$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..16f5890 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/sockjs/SockJSSocket$.html @@ -0,0 +1,435 @@ + + + + + SockJSSocket - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.sockjs.SockJSSocket + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + object + + + SockJSSocket + +

                          + +

                          Factory for sockjs.SockJSSocket instances.

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. SockJSSocket
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + apply(internal: java.core.sockjs.SockJSSocket): SockJSSocket + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/sockjs/SockJSSocket.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/sockjs/SockJSSocket.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..edaac62 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/sockjs/SockJSSocket.html @@ -0,0 +1,737 @@ + + + + + SockJSSocket - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.sockjs.SockJSSocket + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + class + + + SockJSSocket extends WrappedReadWriteStream + +

                          + +

                          You interact with SockJS clients through instances of SockJS socket.

                          The API is very similar to It implements both + ReadStream and WriteStream so it can be used with + org.vertx.scala.core.streams.Pump to pump data with flow control.

                          Instances of this class are not thread-safe. +

                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. SockJSSocket
                          2. WrappedReadWriteStream
                          3. WrappedWriteStream
                          4. WriteStream
                          5. WrappedReadStream
                          6. ReadStream
                          7. WrappedExceptionSupport
                          8. VertxWrapper
                          9. Wrap
                          10. ExceptionSupport
                          11. AnyRef
                          12. Any
                          13. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + SockJSSocket(internal: java.core.sockjs.SockJSSocket) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = java.core.sockjs.SockJSSocket + +


                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            SockJSSocket → WrappedReadWriteStream → WriteStream → ReadStream → WrappedExceptionSupport → VertxWrapper → ExceptionSupport
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + close(): Unit + +


                            Close it +

                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + dataHandler(handler: (Buffer) ⇒ Unit): SockJSSocket.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + dataHandler(handler: Handler[Buffer]): SockJSSocket.this.type + +


                            Set a data handler.

                            Set a data handler. As data is read, the handler will be called with the data. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + drainHandler(handler: ⇒ Unit): SockJSSocket.this.type + +


                            Set a drain handler on the stream.

                            Set a drain handler on the stream. If the write queue is full, then the handler will be called when the write +queue has been reduced to maxSize / 2. See Pump for an example of this being used. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + drainHandler(handler: Handler[Void]): SockJSSocket.this.type + +


                            Set a drain handler on the stream.

                            Set a drain handler on the stream. If the write queue is full, then the handler will be called when the write +queue has been reduced to maxSize / 2. See Pump for an example of this being used. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + endHandler(handler: ⇒ Unit): SockJSSocket.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + endHandler(handler: Handler[Void]): SockJSSocket.this.type + +


                            Set an end handler.

                            Set an end handler. Once the stream has ended, and there is no more data to be read, this handler will be called. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + exceptionHandler(handler: (Throwable) ⇒ Unit): SockJSSocket.this.type + +


                            Set an exception handler.

                            Set an exception handler. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedExceptionSupport → ExceptionSupport
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + exceptionHandler(handler: java.core.Handler[Throwable]): SockJSSocket.this.type + +


                            Set an exception handler.

                            Set an exception handler. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedExceptionSupport → ExceptionSupport
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          22. + + +

                            + + + val + + + internal: java.core.sockjs.SockJSSocket + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            SockJSSocket → VertxWrapper
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          27. + + +

                            + + + def + + + pause(): SockJSSocket.this.type + +


                            Pause the ReadStream.

                            Pause the ReadStream. While the stream is paused, no data will be sent to the dataHandler +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          28. + + +

                            + + + def + + + resume(): SockJSSocket.this.type + +


                            Resume reading.

                            Resume reading. If the ReadStream has been paused, reading will recommence on it. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          29. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setWriteQueueMaxSize(maxSize: Int): SockJSSocket.this.type + +


                            Set the maximum size of the write queue to maxSize.

                            Set the maximum size of the write queue to maxSize. You will still be able to write to the stream even +if there is more than maxSize bytes in the write queue. This is used as an indicator by classes such as + Pump to provide flow control. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          30. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          31. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WrappedExceptionSupport → VertxWrapper → ExceptionSupport
                          32. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          33. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          34. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          35. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          36. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): SockJSSocket.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          37. + + +

                            + + + def + + + write(data: Buffer): SockJSSocket.this.type + +


                            Write some data to the stream.

                            Write some data to the stream. The data is put on an internal write queue, and the write actually happens +asynchronously. To avoid running out of memory by putting too much on the write queue, +check the #writeQueueFull method before writing. This is done automatically if using a Pump. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          38. + + +

                            + + + def + + + writeHandlerID(): String + +


                            When a SockJSSocket is created it automatically registers an event handler with the event bus, the ID of that +handler is given by writeHandlerID.

                            When a SockJSSocket is created it automatically registers an event handler with the event bus, the ID of that +handler is given by writeHandlerID.

                            Given this ID, a different event loop can send a buffer to that event handler using the event bus and +that buffer will be received by this instance in its own event loop and written to the underlying socket. This +allows you to write data to other sockets which are owned by different event loops. +

                          39. + + +

                            + + + def + + + writeQueueFull(): Boolean + +


                            This will return true if there are more bytes in the write queue than the value set using +#setWriteQueueMaxSize +

                            This will return true if there are more bytes in the write queue than the value set using +#setWriteQueueMaxSize +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from WrappedReadWriteStream


                          Inherited from WrappedWriteStream


                          Inherited from WriteStream


                          Inherited from WrappedReadStream


                          Inherited from ReadStream


                          Inherited from WrappedExceptionSupport


                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from ExceptionSupport


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/sockjs/package.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/sockjs/package.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c3587cf --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/sockjs/package.html @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ + + + + + sockjs - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.sockjs + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + package + + + sockjs + +

                          + +
                          + + +
                          + + +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + class + + + SockJSServer extends VertxWrapper + +


                            This is an implementation of the server side part of SockJS.

                          2. + + +

                            + + + class + + + SockJSSocket extends WrappedReadWriteStream + +


                            You interact with SockJS clients through instances of SockJS socket.

                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + object + + + SockJSServer + +


                            Factory for sockjs.SockJSServer instances.

                          2. + + +

                            + + + object + + + SockJSSocket + +


                            Factory for sockjs.SockJSSocket instances.

                          + + + + +
                          + +
                          + + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/streams/ExceptionSupport.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/streams/ExceptionSupport.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..abdbec0 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/streams/ExceptionSupport.html @@ -0,0 +1,483 @@ + + + + + ExceptionSupport - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.streams.ExceptionSupport + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + trait + + + ExceptionSupport extends AnyRef + +

                          + + + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. ExceptionSupport
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + abstract + type + + + InternalType <: java.core.streams.ExceptionSupport[_] + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Abstract Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + abstract + def + + + exceptionHandler(handler: (Throwable) ⇒ Unit): ExceptionSupport.this.type + +


                            Set an exception handler.

                          2. + + +

                            + + abstract + def + + + exceptionHandler(handler: java.core.Handler[Throwable]): ExceptionSupport.this.type + +


                            Set an exception handler.

                          3. + + +

                            + + abstract + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Concrete Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/streams/Pump$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/streams/Pump$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8479691 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/streams/Pump$.html @@ -0,0 +1,488 @@ + + + + + Pump - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.streams.Pump + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + object + + + Pump + +

                          + +

                          Pumps data from a ReadStream to a WriteStream and performs flow control where necessary to +prevent the write stream buffer from getting overfull.

                          Instances of this class read bytes from a ReadStream and write them to a WriteStream. If data +can be read faster than it can be written this could result in the write queue of the WriteStream growing +without bound, eventually causing it to exhaust all available RAM.

                          To prevent this, after each write, instances of this class check whether the write queue of the +WriteStream is full, and if so, the ReadStream is paused, and a drainHandler is set on the + WriteStream. When the WriteStream has processed half of its backlog, the drainHandler will be +called, which results in the pump resuming the ReadStream.

                          This class can be used to pump from any ReadStream to any WriteStream, +e.g. from an to an, +or from to a

                          Instances of this class are not thread-safe.

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. Pump
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + apply[A <: ReadStream, B <: WriteStream](rs: ReadStream, ws: WriteStream, writeQueueMaxSize: Int): Pump + +


                            Create a new Pump with the given ReadStream and WriteStream and + writeQueueMaxSize +

                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + apply[A <: ReadStream, B <: WriteStream](rs: ReadStream, ws: WriteStream): Pump + +


                            Create a new Pump with the given ReadStream and WriteStream +

                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + createPump[A <: ReadStream, B <: WriteStream](rs: ReadStream, ws: WriteStream, writeQueueMaxSize: Int): Pump + +


                            Create a new Pump with the given ReadStream and WriteStream and + writeQueueMaxSize +

                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + createPump[A <: ReadStream, B <: WriteStream](rs: ReadStream, ws: WriteStream): Pump + +


                            Create a new Pump with the given ReadStream and WriteStream +

                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          16. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          24. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/streams/Pump.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/streams/Pump.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a7c8401 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/streams/Pump.html @@ -0,0 +1,554 @@ + + + + + Pump - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.streams.Pump + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + class + + + Pump extends VertxWrapper + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          VertxWrapper, Wrap, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. Pump
                          2. VertxWrapper
                          3. Wrap
                          4. AnyRef
                          5. Any
                          6. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + Pump(internal: java.core.streams.Pump) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = java.core.streams.Pump + +


                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            Pump → VertxWrapper
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + bytesPumped(): Int + +


                            Return the total number of bytes pumped by this pump.

                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + + val + + + internal: java.core.streams.Pump + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            Pump → VertxWrapper
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setWriteQueueMaxSize(maxSize: Int): Pump + +


                            Set the write queue max size to maxSize +

                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + start(): Pump + +


                            Start the Pump.

                            Start the Pump. The Pump can be started and stopped multiple times. +

                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + stop(): Pump + +


                            Stop the Pump.

                            Stop the Pump. The Pump can be started and stopped multiple times. +

                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          23. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          27. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          28. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): Pump.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/streams/ReadStream.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/streams/ReadStream.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ef71d71 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/streams/ReadStream.html @@ -0,0 +1,572 @@ + + + + + ReadStream - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.streams.ReadStream + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + trait + + + ReadStream extends ExceptionSupport + +

                          + +

                          Represents a stream of data that can be read from.

                          Any class that implements this interface can be used by a Pump to pump data from it +to a WriteStream.

                          This interface exposes a fluent api and the type T represents the type of the object that implements +the interface to allow method chaining +

                          + Linear Supertypes + +
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. ReadStream
                          2. ExceptionSupport
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + abstract + type + + + InternalType <: java.core.streams.ReadStream[_] with java.core.streams.ExceptionSupport[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            ReadStream → ExceptionSupport
                          + +

                          Abstract Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + abstract + def + + + dataHandler(handler: (Buffer) ⇒ Unit): ReadStream.this.type + +

                            + +
                          2. + + +

                            + + abstract + def + + + dataHandler(handler: Handler[Buffer]): ReadStream.this.type + +


                            Set a data handler.

                            Set a data handler. As data is read, the handler will be called with the data. +

                          3. + + +

                            + + abstract + def + + + endHandler(handler: ⇒ Unit): ReadStream.this.type + +

                            + +
                          4. + + +

                            + + abstract + def + + + endHandler(endHandler: Handler[Void]): ReadStream.this.type + +


                            Set an end handler.

                            Set an end handler. Once the stream has ended, and there is no more data to be read, this handler will be called. +

                          5. + + +

                            + + abstract + def + + + exceptionHandler(handler: (Throwable) ⇒ Unit): ReadStream.this.type + +


                            Set an exception handler.

                            Set an exception handler. +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + abstract + def + + + exceptionHandler(handler: java.core.Handler[Throwable]): ReadStream.this.type + +


                            Set an exception handler.

                            Set an exception handler. +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + abstract + def + + + pause(): ReadStream.this.type + +


                            Pause the ReadStream.

                            Pause the ReadStream. While the stream is paused, no data will be sent to the dataHandler +

                          8. + + +

                            + + abstract + def + + + resume(): ReadStream.this.type + +


                            Resume reading.

                            Resume reading. If the ReadStream has been paused, reading will recommence on it. +

                          9. + + +

                            + + abstract + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + +

                          Concrete Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from ExceptionSupport


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/streams/WrappedExceptionSupport.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/streams/WrappedExceptionSupport.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..019d98e --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/streams/WrappedExceptionSupport.html @@ -0,0 +1,519 @@ + + + + + WrappedExceptionSupport - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.streams.WrappedExceptionSupport + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + trait + + + WrappedExceptionSupport extends ExceptionSupport with VertxWrapper + +

                          + + + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. WrappedExceptionSupport
                          2. VertxWrapper
                          3. Wrap
                          4. ExceptionSupport
                          5. AnyRef
                          6. Any
                          7. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + abstract + type + + + InternalType <: java.core.streams.ExceptionSupport[_] + +


                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedExceptionSupport → VertxWrapper → ExceptionSupport
                          + +

                          Abstract Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + abstract + val + + + internal: InternalType + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                          + +

                          Concrete Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + exceptionHandler(handler: (Throwable) ⇒ Unit): WrappedExceptionSupport.this.type + +


                            Set an exception handler.

                            Set an exception handler. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedExceptionSupport → ExceptionSupport
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + exceptionHandler(handler: java.core.Handler[Throwable]): WrappedExceptionSupport.this.type + +


                            Set an exception handler.

                            Set an exception handler. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedExceptionSupport → ExceptionSupport
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedExceptionSupport → VertxWrapper → ExceptionSupport
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          24. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          25. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): WrappedExceptionSupport.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from ExceptionSupport


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/streams/WrappedReadStream.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/streams/WrappedReadStream.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a6b26bc --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/streams/WrappedReadStream.html @@ -0,0 +1,605 @@ + + + + + WrappedReadStream - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.streams.WrappedReadStream + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + trait + + + WrappedReadStream extends WrappedExceptionSupport with ReadStream + +

                          + + + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. WrappedReadStream
                          2. ReadStream
                          3. WrappedExceptionSupport
                          4. VertxWrapper
                          5. Wrap
                          6. ExceptionSupport
                          7. AnyRef
                          8. Any
                          9. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + abstract + type + + + InternalType <: java.core.streams.ReadStream[_] with java.core.streams.ExceptionSupport[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            ReadStream → ExceptionSupport
                          + +

                          Abstract Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + abstract + val + + + internal: InternalType + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                          + +

                          Concrete Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + dataHandler(handler: (Buffer) ⇒ Unit): WrappedReadStream.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + dataHandler(handler: Handler[Buffer]): WrappedReadStream.this.type + +


                            Set a data handler.

                            Set a data handler. As data is read, the handler will be called with the data. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + endHandler(handler: ⇒ Unit): WrappedReadStream.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + endHandler(handler: Handler[Void]): WrappedReadStream.this.type + +


                            Set an end handler.

                            Set an end handler. Once the stream has ended, and there is no more data to be read, this handler will be called. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + exceptionHandler(handler: (Throwable) ⇒ Unit): WrappedReadStream.this.type + +


                            Set an exception handler.

                            Set an exception handler. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedExceptionSupport → ExceptionSupport
                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + exceptionHandler(handler: java.core.Handler[Throwable]): WrappedReadStream.this.type + +


                            Set an exception handler.

                            Set an exception handler. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedExceptionSupport → ExceptionSupport
                          16. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          23. + + +

                            + + + def + + + pause(): WrappedReadStream.this.type + +


                            Pause the ReadStream.

                            Pause the ReadStream. While the stream is paused, no data will be sent to the dataHandler +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + resume(): WrappedReadStream.this.type + +


                            Resume reading.

                            Resume reading. If the ReadStream has been paused, reading will recommence on it. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          26. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → WrappedExceptionSupport → VertxWrapper → ExceptionSupport
                          27. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          28. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          29. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          30. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          31. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): WrappedReadStream.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from ReadStream


                          Inherited from WrappedExceptionSupport


                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from ExceptionSupport


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/streams/WrappedReadWriteStream.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/streams/WrappedReadWriteStream.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..337db44 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/streams/WrappedReadWriteStream.html @@ -0,0 +1,690 @@ + + + + + WrappedReadWriteStream - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.streams.WrappedReadWriteStream + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + trait + + + WrappedReadWriteStream extends WrappedReadStream with WrappedWriteStream with WrappedExceptionSupport + +

                          + + + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. WrappedReadWriteStream
                          2. WrappedWriteStream
                          3. WriteStream
                          4. WrappedReadStream
                          5. ReadStream
                          6. WrappedExceptionSupport
                          7. VertxWrapper
                          8. Wrap
                          9. ExceptionSupport
                          10. AnyRef
                          11. Any
                          12. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + abstract + type + + + InternalType <: java.core.streams.ReadStream[_] with java.core.streams.WriteStream[_] + +


                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadWriteStream → WriteStream → ReadStream → WrappedExceptionSupport → VertxWrapper → ExceptionSupport
                          + +

                          Abstract Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + abstract + val + + + internal: InternalType + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                          + +

                          Concrete Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + dataHandler(handler: (Buffer) ⇒ Unit): WrappedReadWriteStream.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + dataHandler(handler: Handler[Buffer]): WrappedReadWriteStream.this.type + +


                            Set a data handler.

                            Set a data handler. As data is read, the handler will be called with the data. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + drainHandler(handler: ⇒ Unit): WrappedReadWriteStream.this.type + +


                            Set a drain handler on the stream.

                            Set a drain handler on the stream. If the write queue is full, then the handler will be called when the write +queue has been reduced to maxSize / 2. See Pump for an example of this being used. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + drainHandler(handler: Handler[Void]): WrappedReadWriteStream.this.type + +


                            Set a drain handler on the stream.

                            Set a drain handler on the stream. If the write queue is full, then the handler will be called when the write +queue has been reduced to maxSize / 2. See Pump for an example of this being used. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + endHandler(handler: ⇒ Unit): WrappedReadWriteStream.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + endHandler(handler: Handler[Void]): WrappedReadWriteStream.this.type + +


                            Set an end handler.

                            Set an end handler. Once the stream has ended, and there is no more data to be read, this handler will be called. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          16. + + +

                            + + + def + + + exceptionHandler(handler: (Throwable) ⇒ Unit): WrappedReadWriteStream.this.type + +


                            Set an exception handler.

                            Set an exception handler. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedExceptionSupport → ExceptionSupport
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + exceptionHandler(handler: java.core.Handler[Throwable]): WrappedReadWriteStream.this.type + +


                            Set an exception handler.

                            Set an exception handler. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedExceptionSupport → ExceptionSupport
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          25. + + +

                            + + + def + + + pause(): WrappedReadWriteStream.this.type + +


                            Pause the ReadStream.

                            Pause the ReadStream. While the stream is paused, no data will be sent to the dataHandler +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          26. + + +

                            + + + def + + + resume(): WrappedReadWriteStream.this.type + +


                            Resume reading.

                            Resume reading. If the ReadStream has been paused, reading will recommence on it. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedReadStream → ReadStream
                          27. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setWriteQueueMaxSize(maxSize: Int): WrappedReadWriteStream.this.type + +


                            Set the maximum size of the write queue to maxSize.

                            Set the maximum size of the write queue to maxSize. You will still be able to write to the stream even +if there is more than maxSize bytes in the write queue. This is used as an indicator by classes such as + Pump to provide flow control. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          28. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          29. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WrappedExceptionSupport → VertxWrapper → ExceptionSupport
                          30. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          31. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          32. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          33. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          34. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): WrappedReadWriteStream.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          35. + + +

                            + + + def + + + write(data: Buffer): WrappedReadWriteStream.this.type + +


                            Write some data to the stream.

                            Write some data to the stream. The data is put on an internal write queue, and the write actually happens +asynchronously. To avoid running out of memory by putting too much on the write queue, +check the #writeQueueFull method before writing. This is done automatically if using a Pump. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          36. + + +

                            + + + def + + + writeQueueFull(): Boolean + +


                            This will return true if there are more bytes in the write queue than the value set using +#setWriteQueueMaxSize +

                            This will return true if there are more bytes in the write queue than the value set using +#setWriteQueueMaxSize +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from WrappedWriteStream


                          Inherited from WriteStream


                          Inherited from WrappedReadStream


                          Inherited from ReadStream


                          Inherited from WrappedExceptionSupport


                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from ExceptionSupport


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/streams/WrappedWriteStream.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/streams/WrappedWriteStream.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc9d070 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/streams/WrappedWriteStream.html @@ -0,0 +1,602 @@ + + + + + WrappedWriteStream - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.streams.WrappedWriteStream + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + trait + + + WrappedWriteStream extends WrappedExceptionSupport with WriteStream + +

                          + + + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. WrappedWriteStream
                          2. WriteStream
                          3. WrappedExceptionSupport
                          4. VertxWrapper
                          5. Wrap
                          6. ExceptionSupport
                          7. AnyRef
                          8. Any
                          9. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + abstract + type + + + InternalType <: java.core.streams.WriteStream[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            WriteStream → ExceptionSupport
                          + +

                          Abstract Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + abstract + val + + + internal: InternalType + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                          + +

                          Concrete Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + drainHandler(handler: ⇒ Unit): WrappedWriteStream.this.type + +


                            Set a drain handler on the stream.

                            Set a drain handler on the stream. If the write queue is full, then the handler will be called when the write +queue has been reduced to maxSize / 2. See Pump for an example of this being used. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + drainHandler(handler: Handler[Void]): WrappedWriteStream.this.type + +


                            Set a drain handler on the stream.

                            Set a drain handler on the stream. If the write queue is full, then the handler will be called when the write +queue has been reduced to maxSize / 2. See Pump for an example of this being used. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          10. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + exceptionHandler(handler: (Throwable) ⇒ Unit): WrappedWriteStream.this.type + +


                            Set an exception handler.

                            Set an exception handler. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedExceptionSupport → ExceptionSupport
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + exceptionHandler(handler: java.core.Handler[Throwable]): WrappedWriteStream.this.type + +


                            Set an exception handler.

                            Set an exception handler. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedExceptionSupport → ExceptionSupport
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          16. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setWriteQueueMaxSize(maxSize: Int): WrappedWriteStream.this.type + +


                            Set the maximum size of the write queue to maxSize.

                            Set the maximum size of the write queue to maxSize. You will still be able to write to the stream even +if there is more than maxSize bytes in the write queue. This is used as an indicator by classes such as + Pump to provide flow control. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          23. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WrappedExceptionSupport → VertxWrapper → ExceptionSupport
                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          27. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          28. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): WrappedWriteStream.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          29. + + +

                            + + + def + + + write(data: Buffer): WrappedWriteStream.this.type + +


                            Write some data to the stream.

                            Write some data to the stream. The data is put on an internal write queue, and the write actually happens +asynchronously. To avoid running out of memory by putting too much on the write queue, +check the #writeQueueFull method before writing. This is done automatically if using a Pump. +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          30. + + +

                            + + + def + + + writeQueueFull(): Boolean + +


                            This will return true if there are more bytes in the write queue than the value set using +#setWriteQueueMaxSize +

                            This will return true if there are more bytes in the write queue than the value set using +#setWriteQueueMaxSize +

                            Definition Classes
                            WrappedWriteStream → WriteStream
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from WriteStream


                          Inherited from WrappedExceptionSupport


                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from ExceptionSupport


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/streams/WriteStream.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/streams/WriteStream.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a6afa52 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/streams/WriteStream.html @@ -0,0 +1,567 @@ + + + + + WriteStream - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.streams.WriteStream + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + trait + + + WriteStream extends ExceptionSupport + +

                          + +

                          Represents a stream of data that can be written to

                          Any class that implements this interface can be used by a Pump to pump data from a ReadStream +to it.

                          This interface exposes a fluent api and the type T represents the type of the object that implements +the interface to allow method chaining +

                          + Linear Supertypes + +
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. WriteStream
                          2. ExceptionSupport
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + abstract + type + + + InternalType <: java.core.streams.WriteStream[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            WriteStream → ExceptionSupport
                          + +

                          Abstract Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + abstract + def + + + drainHandler(handler: ⇒ Unit): WriteStream.this.type + +


                            Set a drain handler on the stream.

                            Set a drain handler on the stream. If the write queue is full, then the handler will be called when the write +queue has been reduced to maxSize / 2. See Pump for an example of this being used. +

                          2. + + +

                            + + abstract + def + + + drainHandler(handler: Handler[Void]): WriteStream.this.type + +


                            Set a drain handler on the stream.

                            Set a drain handler on the stream. If the write queue is full, then the handler will be called when the write +queue has been reduced to maxSize / 2. See Pump for an example of this being used. +

                          3. + + +

                            + + abstract + def + + + exceptionHandler(handler: (Throwable) ⇒ Unit): WriteStream.this.type + +


                            Set an exception handler.

                            Set an exception handler. +

                            Definition Classes
                          4. + + +

                            + + abstract + def + + + exceptionHandler(handler: java.core.Handler[Throwable]): WriteStream.this.type + +


                            Set an exception handler.

                            Set an exception handler. +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + abstract + def + + + setWriteQueueMaxSize(maxSize: Int): WriteStream.this.type + +


                            Set the maximum size of the write queue to maxSize.

                            Set the maximum size of the write queue to maxSize. You will still be able to write to the stream even +if there is more than maxSize bytes in the write queue. This is used as an indicator by classes such as + Pump to provide flow control. +

                          6. + + +

                            + + abstract + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + abstract + def + + + write(data: Buffer): WriteStream.this.type + +


                            Write some data to the stream.

                            Write some data to the stream. The data is put on an internal write queue, and the write actually happens +asynchronously. To avoid running out of memory by putting too much on the write queue, +check the #writeQueueFull method before writing. This is done automatically if using a Pump. +

                          8. + + +

                            + + abstract + def + + + writeQueueFull(): Boolean + +


                            This will return true if there are more bytes in the write queue than the value set using +#setWriteQueueMaxSize +

                          + +

                          Concrete Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from ExceptionSupport


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/streams/package.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/streams/package.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4479e2d --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/core/streams/package.html @@ -0,0 +1,213 @@ + + + + + streams - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.core.streams + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + package + + + streams + +

                          + +
                          + + +
                          + + +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + trait + + + ExceptionSupport extends AnyRef + +


                          2. + + +

                            + + + class + + + Pump extends VertxWrapper + +

                            + +
                          3. + + +

                            + + + trait + + + ReadStream extends ExceptionSupport + +


                            Represents a stream of data that can be read from.

                          4. + + +

                            + + + trait + + + WrappedExceptionSupport extends ExceptionSupport with VertxWrapper + +

                            + +
                          5. + + +

                            + + + trait + + + WrappedReadStream extends WrappedExceptionSupport with ReadStream + +


                          6. + + +

                            + + + trait + + + WrappedReadWriteStream extends WrappedReadStream with WrappedWriteStream with WrappedExceptionSupport + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + + trait + + + WrappedWriteStream extends WrappedExceptionSupport with WriteStream + +


                          8. + + +

                            + + + trait + + + WriteStream extends ExceptionSupport + +


                            Represents a stream of data that can be written to

                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + object + + + Pump + +


                            Pumps data from a ReadStream to a WriteStream and performs flow control where necessary to +prevent the write stream buffer from getting overfull.

                          + + + + +
                          + +
                          + + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/lang/ScalaInterpreter$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/lang/ScalaInterpreter$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b55b74 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/lang/ScalaInterpreter$.html @@ -0,0 +1,435 @@ + + + + + ScalaInterpreter - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.lang.ScalaInterpreter + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + object + + + ScalaInterpreter + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. ScalaInterpreter
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isVerbose: Boolean + +

                            + +
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/lang/ScalaInterpreter.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/lang/ScalaInterpreter.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..112eb9d --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/lang/ScalaInterpreter.html @@ -0,0 +1,491 @@ + + + + + ScalaInterpreter - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.lang.ScalaInterpreter + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + class + + + ScalaInterpreter extends AnyRef + +

                          + +

                          Scala interpreter +

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. ScalaInterpreter
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + ScalaInterpreter(settings: Settings, vertx: Vertx, container: Container, out: PrintWriter = ...) + +

                            + +
                          + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + addBootClasspathJar(path: String): Unit + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + close(): Unit + +

                            + +
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + compileClass(classFile: File, className: String): Option[Class[_]] + +

                            + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + runScript(script: URL): Result + +

                            + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          24. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/lang/package.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/lang/package.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dc952aa --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/lang/package.html @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ + + + + + lang - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.lang + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + package + + + lang + +

                          + +
                          + + +
                          + + +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + class + + + ScalaInterpreter extends AnyRef + +


                            Scala interpreter +

                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + object + + + ScalaInterpreter + +

                            + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +
                          + + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/mods/ModuleBase.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/mods/ModuleBase.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..03e9748 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/mods/ModuleBase.html @@ -0,0 +1,846 @@ + + + + + ModuleBase - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.mods.ModuleBase + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + trait + + + ModuleBase extends Verticle + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          Verticle, VertxExecutionContext, ExecutionContext, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. ModuleBase
                          2. Verticle
                          3. VertxExecutionContext
                          4. ExecutionContext
                          5. AnyRef
                          6. Any
                          7. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + HasLogger = AnyRef { def logger: org.vertx.scala.core.logging.Logger } + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + +

                          Abstract Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + abstract + def + + + startMod(): Unit + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Concrete Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + var + + + config: JsonObject + +

                            + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + + lazy val + + + container: Container + +


                            A reference to the Vert.

                            A reference to the Vert.x container.


                            A reference to the Container. +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + var + + + eb: EventBus + +

                            + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + execute(runnable: Runnable): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            VertxExecutionContext → ExecutionContext
                          14. + + +

                            + + implicit + val + + + executionContext: VertxExecutionContext.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getMandatoryBooleanConfig(fieldName: String): Boolean + +

                            + +
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getMandatoryIntConfig(fieldName: String): Int + +

                            + +
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getMandatoryLongConfig(fieldName: String): Long + +

                            + +
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getMandatoryObject(fieldName: String, message: Message[JsonObject]): JsonObject + +

                            + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getMandatoryString(fieldName: String, message: Message[JsonObject]): String + +

                            + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getMandatoryStringConfig(fieldName: String): String + +

                            + +
                          23. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getOptionalArrayConfig(fieldName: String, defaultValue: JsonArray): JsonArray + +

                            + +
                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getOptionalBooleanConfig(fieldName: String, defaultValue: Boolean): Boolean + +

                            + +
                          25. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getOptionalIntConfig(fieldName: String, defaultValue: Int): Int + +

                            + +
                          26. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getOptionalLongConfig(fieldName: String, defaultValue: Long): Long + +

                            + +
                          27. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getOptionalObjectConfig(fieldName: String, defaultValue: JsonObject): JsonObject + +

                            + +
                          28. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getOptionalStringConfig(fieldName: String, defaultValue: String): String + +

                            + +
                          29. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          30. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          31. + + +

                            + + + lazy val + + + logger: Logger + +


                            Definition Classes
                          32. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          33. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          34. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          35. + + +

                            + + + def + + + prepare(): ExecutionContext + +

                            Definition Classes
                          36. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reportFailure(t: Throwable): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            VertxExecutionContext → ExecutionContext
                          37. + + +

                            + + + def + + + sendError(message: Message[JsonObject], error: String, e: Exception): Unit + +

                            + +
                          38. + + +

                            + + + def + + + sendError(message: Message[JsonObject], error: String): Unit + +

                            + +
                          39. + + +

                            + + + def + + + sendOK(message: Message[JsonObject], reply: JsonObject = null): Unit + +

                            + +
                          40. + + +

                            + + + def + + + sendOK(message: Message[JsonObject]): Unit + +

                            + +
                          41. + + +

                            + + + def + + + sendStatus(status: String, message: Message[JsonObject], reply: JsonObject = null): Unit + +

                            + +
                          42. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + start(): Unit + +



                            Vert.x calls the start method when the verticle is deployed. +

                            Definition Classes
                            ModuleBase → Verticle
                          43. + + +

                            + + + def + + + start(promise: Promise[Unit]): Unit + +


                            Override this method to signify that start is complete sometime _after_ the start() method has returned.

                            Override this method to signify that start is complete sometime _after_ the start() method has returned. +This is useful if your verticle deploys other verticles or modules and you don't want this verticle to +be considered started until the other modules and verticles have been started. +


                            When you are happy your verticle is started set the result. +

                            Definition Classes
                          44. + + +

                            + + + def + + + stop(): Unit + +



                            Vert.x calls the stop method when the verticle is undeployed. +Put any cleanup code for your verticle in here +

                            Definition Classes
                          45. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          46. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          47. + + +

                            + + + lazy val + + + vertx: Vertx + +


                            A reference to the Vert.

                            A reference to the Vert.x runtime.


                            A reference to a Vertx. +

                            Definition Classes
                          48. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          49. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          50. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from Verticle


                          Inherited from VertxExecutionContext


                          Inherited from ExecutionContext


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/mods/package.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/mods/package.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..544a681 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/mods/package.html @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ + + + + + mods - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.mods + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + package + + + mods + +

                          + +
                          + + +
                          + + +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + trait + + + ModuleBase extends Verticle + +


                          + + + + + + + + +
                          + +
                          + + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/package.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/package.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a0349d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/package.html @@ -0,0 +1,186 @@ + + + + + scala - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + package + + + scala + +

                          + +
                          + + +
                          + + +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + trait + + + Wrap extends AnyRef + +

                            + +
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + package + + + core + +

                            + +
                          2. + + +

                            + + + package + + + lang + +

                            + +
                          3. + + +

                            + + + package + + + mods + +

                            + +
                          4. + + +

                            + + + package + + + platform + +

                            + +
                          5. + + +

                            + + + package + + + testframework + +

                            + +
                          6. + + +

                            + + + package + + + testtools + +

                            + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +
                          + + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/platform/Container$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/platform/Container$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..54f2980 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/platform/Container$.html @@ -0,0 +1,435 @@ + + + + + Container - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.platform.Container + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + object + + + Container + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. Container
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + apply(actual: java.platform.Container): Container + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/platform/Container.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/platform/Container.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3fc0167 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/platform/Container.html @@ -0,0 +1,616 @@ + + + + + Container - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.platform.Container + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + class + + + Container extends VertxWrapper + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          VertxWrapper, Wrap, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. Container
                          2. VertxWrapper
                          3. Wrap
                          4. AnyRef
                          5. Any
                          6. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + Container(internal: java.platform.Container) + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InternalType = java.platform.Container + +


                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            The internal type of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            Container → VertxWrapper
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + config(): JsonObject + +

                            + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + deployModule(name: String, config: JsonObject = defaultJsConfig, instances: Int = 1, handler: (AsyncResult[String]) ⇒ Unit = ar: AsyncResult[String] =>): Unit + +

                            + +
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + deployVerticle(name: String, config: JsonObject = defaultJsConfig, instances: Int = 1, handler: (AsyncResult[String]) ⇒ Unit = ar: AsyncResult[String] =>): Unit + +

                            + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + deployWorkerVerticle(name: String, config: JsonObject = defaultJsConfig, instances: Int = 1, multithreaded: Boolean = false, handler: (AsyncResult[String]) ⇒ Unit = ar: AsyncResult[String] =>): Unit + +

                            + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + env(): Map[String, String] + +

                            + +
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + exit(): Unit + +

                            + +
                          16. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          19. + + +

                            + + + val + + + internal: java.platform.Container + +


                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            The internal instance of the wrapped class.

                            Definition Classes
                            Container → VertxWrapper
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + logger(): Logger + +

                            + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          26. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toJava(): InternalType + +


                            Returns the internal type instance.

                            Returns the internal type instance. +


                            The internal type instance. +

                            Definition Classes
                          27. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          28. + + +

                            + + + def + + + undeployModule(deploymentID: String, handler: () ⇒ Unit): Unit + +

                            + +
                          29. + + +

                            + + + def + + + undeployVerticle(deploymentID: String, handler: () ⇒ Unit): Unit + +

                            + +
                          30. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          31. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          32. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          33. + + +

                            + + + def + + + wrap[X](doStuff: ⇒ X): Container.this.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from VertxWrapper


                          Inherited from Wrap


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/platform/Verticle.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/platform/Verticle.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f6fd468 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/platform/Verticle.html @@ -0,0 +1,584 @@ + + + + + Verticle - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.platform.Verticle + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + trait + + + Verticle extends VertxExecutionContext + +

                          + +

                          A verticle is the unit of execution in the Vert.x platform

                          Vert.x code is packaged into Verticle's and then deployed and executed by the Vert.x platform.

                          Verticles can be written in different languages.

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          VertxExecutionContext, ExecutionContext, AnyRef, Any
                          + Known Subclasses + +
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. Verticle
                          2. VertxExecutionContext
                          3. ExecutionContext
                          4. AnyRef
                          5. Any
                          6. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + HasLogger = AnyRef { def logger: org.vertx.scala.core.logging.Logger } + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + lazy val + + + container: Container + +


                            A reference to the Vert.

                            A reference to the Vert.x container.


                            A reference to the Container. +

                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + execute(runnable: Runnable): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            VertxExecutionContext → ExecutionContext
                          12. + + +

                            + + implicit + val + + + executionContext: VertxExecutionContext.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + + lazy val + + + logger: Logger + +


                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + prepare(): ExecutionContext + +

                            Definition Classes
                          22. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reportFailure(t: Throwable): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            VertxExecutionContext → ExecutionContext
                          23. + + +

                            + + + def + + + start(promise: Promise[Unit]): Unit + +


                            Override this method to signify that start is complete sometime _after_ the start() method has returned.

                            Override this method to signify that start is complete sometime _after_ the start() method has returned. +This is useful if your verticle deploys other verticles or modules and you don't want this verticle to +be considered started until the other modules and verticles have been started. +


                            When you are happy your verticle is started set the result. +

                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + start(): Unit + +



                            Vert.x calls the start method when the verticle is deployed. +

                          25. + + +

                            + + + def + + + stop(): Unit + +



                            Vert.x calls the stop method when the verticle is undeployed. +Put any cleanup code for your verticle in here +

                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          27. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          28. + + +

                            + + + lazy val + + + vertx: Vertx + +


                            A reference to the Vert.

                            A reference to the Vert.x runtime.


                            A reference to a Vertx. +

                          29. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          30. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          31. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from VertxExecutionContext


                          Inherited from ExecutionContext


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/platform/impl/ScalaVerticle$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/platform/impl/ScalaVerticle$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ce27d56 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/platform/impl/ScalaVerticle$.html @@ -0,0 +1,448 @@ + + + + + ScalaVerticle - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.platform.impl.ScalaVerticle + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + object + + + ScalaVerticle + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. ScalaVerticle
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + newVerticle(delegate: Verticle, jvertx: Vertx, jcontainer: java.platform.Container): ScalaVerticle + +

                            + +
                          16. + + +

                            + + + def + + + newVerticle(delegate: Verticle, vertx: Vertx, container: Container): ScalaVerticle + +

                            + +
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/platform/impl/ScalaVerticleFactory$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/platform/impl/ScalaVerticleFactory$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5ec7be5 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/platform/impl/ScalaVerticleFactory$.html @@ -0,0 +1,470 @@ + + + + + ScalaVerticleFactory - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.platform.impl.ScalaVerticleFactory + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + object + + + ScalaVerticleFactory + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. ScalaVerticleFactory
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + val + + + JarFileRegex: Regex + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + findAll(classLoader: ClassLoader, path: String, regex: Regex): Array[File] + +


                            Find all files matching the given regular expression in a path within a +classloader.

                            Find all files matching the given regular expression in a path within a +classloader. Note that the search is not recursive. +


                            class repository where to look for files


                            String representing the path within the classloader where to look for files


                            regular expression to match


                            an scala.Array[File representing the collection of files matching + the regular expression +

                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + findAll(directory: File, regex: Regex): Array[File] + +


                            Find all files matching the given regular expression in the directory.

                            Find all files matching the given regular expression in the directory. +Note that the search is not recursive. +


                            File denoting directory to search files in


                            regular expression to match


                            an scala.Array[File representing the collection of files matching + the regular expression +

                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          24. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/platform/impl/ScalaVerticleFactory.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/platform/impl/ScalaVerticleFactory.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ee0e41a --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/platform/impl/ScalaVerticleFactory.html @@ -0,0 +1,511 @@ + + + + + ScalaVerticleFactory - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.platform.impl.ScalaVerticleFactory + + + + + + + + + + + + +

                          + + + class + + + ScalaVerticleFactory extends VerticleFactory + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          VerticleFactory, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. ScalaVerticleFactory
                          2. VerticleFactory
                          3. AnyRef
                          4. Any
                          5. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + ScalaVerticleFactory() + +

                            + +
                          + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + val + + + SUFFIX: String + +

                          7. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + close(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            ScalaVerticleFactory → VerticleFactory
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + createVerticle(main: String): java.platform.Verticle + +

                            Definition Classes
                            ScalaVerticleFactory → VerticleFactory
                            + @throws( + + classOf[Exception] + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          14. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          16. + + +

                            + + + def + + + init(jvertx: Vertx, jcontainer: java.platform.Container, aloader: ClassLoader): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            ScalaVerticleFactory → VerticleFactory
                          17. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reportException(logger: Logger, t: Throwable): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            ScalaVerticleFactory → VerticleFactory
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          23. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          24. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from VerticleFactory


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/platform/impl/package.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/platform/impl/package.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fd379c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/platform/impl/package.html @@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ + + + + + impl - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.platform.impl + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + package + + + impl + +

                          + +
                          + + +
                          + + +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + class + + + ScalaVerticleFactory extends VerticleFactory + +


                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + object + + + ScalaVerticle + +


                          2. + + +

                            + + + object + + + ScalaVerticleFactory + +

                            + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +
                          + + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/platform/package.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/platform/package.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..47dd9d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/platform/package.html @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ + + + + + platform - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.platform + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + package + + + platform + +

                          + +
                          + + +
                          + + +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + class + + + Container extends VertxWrapper + +

                            + +
                          2. + + +

                            + + + trait + + + Verticle extends VertxExecutionContext + +


                            A verticle is the unit of execution in the Vert.

                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + object + + + Container + +


                          2. + + +

                            + + + package + + + impl + +

                            + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +
                          + + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/testframework/TestUtils$.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/testframework/TestUtils$.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fd02771 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/testframework/TestUtils$.html @@ -0,0 +1,487 @@ + + + + + TestUtils - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.testframework.TestUtils + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + object + + + TestUtils + +

                          + +

                          Port of some of the original TestUtils Helper methods

                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. TestUtils
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + bufferEquals(b1: Buffer, b2: Buffer): Boolean + +

                            + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + generateRandomBuffer(length: Int, avoid: Boolean, avoidByte: Byte): Buffer + +

                            + +
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + generateRandomBuffer(length: Int): Buffer + +

                            + +
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + generateRandomByteArray(length: Int, avoid: Boolean, avoidByte: Byte): Array[Byte] + +

                            + +
                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + generateRandomByteArray(length: Int): Array[Byte] + +

                            + +
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          23. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          24. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          25. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/testframework/package.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/testframework/package.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e7156f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/testframework/package.html @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ + + + + + testframework - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.testframework + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + package + + + testframework + +

                          + +
                          + + +
                          + + +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + object + + + TestUtils + +


                            Port of some of the original TestUtils Helper methods

                          + + + + +
                          + +
                          + + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/testtools/ScalaClassRunner.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/testtools/ScalaClassRunner.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd0141c --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/testtools/ScalaClassRunner.html @@ -0,0 +1,1051 @@ + + + + + ScalaClassRunner - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.testtools.ScalaClassRunner + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + class + + + ScalaClassRunner extends JavaClassRunner + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          JavaClassRunner, BlockJUnit4ClassRunner, ParentRunner[FrameworkMethod], Sortable, Filterable, Runner, Describable, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. ScalaClassRunner
                          2. JavaClassRunner
                          3. BlockJUnit4ClassRunner
                          4. ParentRunner
                          5. Sortable
                          6. Filterable
                          7. Runner
                          8. Describable
                          9. AnyRef
                          10. Any
                          11. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + ScalaClassRunner(klass: Class[_]) + +

                            + +
                          + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + childrenInvoker(arg0: RunNotifier): Statement + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + classBlock(arg0: RunNotifier): Statement + +

                            Definition Classes
                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + classRules(): List[TestRule] + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + collectInitializationErrors(arg0: List[Throwable]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            BlockJUnit4ClassRunner → ParentRunner
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + computeTestMethods(): List[FrameworkMethod] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            ScalaClassRunner → JavaClassRunner → BlockJUnit4ClassRunner
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + createTest(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Exception] + ) + +
                          14. + + +

                            + + + def + + + describeChild(arg0: FrameworkMethod): Description + +

                            Definition Classes
                            BlockJUnit4ClassRunner → ParentRunner
                          15. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          16. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + filter(arg0: Filter): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            ParentRunner → Filterable
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          18. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          19. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getActualMethodName(arg0: String): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getAnnotation(): TestVerticleInfo + +

                            Definition Classes
                          21. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getChildren(): List[FrameworkMethod] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            BlockJUnit4ClassRunner → ParentRunner
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          23. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getClassPath(arg0: String): URL + +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getDescription(): Description + +

                            Definition Classes
                            ParentRunner → Runner → Describable
                          25. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getMain(arg0: String): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                          26. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getName(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                          27. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getRunnerAnnotations(): Array[Annotation] + +

                            Definition Classes
                          28. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getTestClass(): TestClass + +

                            Definition Classes
                          29. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getTestMethods(): List[FrameworkMethod] + +

                            Definition Classes
                          30. + + +

                            + + + def + + + getTestRules(arg0: Any): List[TestRule] + +

                            Definition Classes
                          31. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          32. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          33. + + +

                            + + + def + + + methodBlock(arg0: FrameworkMethod): Statement + +

                            Definition Classes
                          34. + + +

                            + + + def + + + methodInvoker(arg0: FrameworkMethod, arg1: Any): Statement + +

                            Definition Classes
                          35. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          36. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          37. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          38. + + +

                            + + + def + + + rules(arg0: Any): List[MethodRule] + +

                            Definition Classes
                          39. + + +

                            + + + def + + + run(arg0: RunNotifier): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            ParentRunner → Runner
                          40. + + +

                            + + + def + + + runChild(arg0: FrameworkMethod, arg1: RunNotifier): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            JavaClassRunner → BlockJUnit4ClassRunner → ParentRunner
                          41. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + runLeaf(arg0: Statement, arg1: Description, arg2: RunNotifier): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          42. + + +

                            + + + def + + + setScheduler(arg0: RunnerScheduler): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          43. + + +

                            + + + def + + + sort(arg0: Sorter): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            ParentRunner → Sortable
                          44. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          45. + + +

                            + + + def + + + testCount(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                          46. + + +

                            + + + def + + + testName(arg0: FrameworkMethod): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                          47. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          48. + + +

                            + + + def + + + validateConstructor(arg0: List[Throwable]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          49. + + +

                            + + + def + + + validateFields(arg0: List[Throwable]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          50. + + +

                            + + + def + + + validateNoNonStaticInnerClass(arg0: List[Throwable]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          51. + + +

                            + + + def + + + validateOnlyOneConstructor(arg0: List[Throwable]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          52. + + +

                            + + + def + + + validatePublicVoidNoArgMethods(arg0: Class[_ <: Annotation], arg1: Boolean, arg2: List[Throwable]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          53. + + +

                            + + + def + + + validateTestMethods(arg0: List[Throwable]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          54. + + +

                            + + + def + + + validateZeroArgConstructor(arg0: List[Throwable]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          55. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          56. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          57. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          58. + + +

                            + + + def + + + withAfterClasses(arg0: Statement): Statement + +

                            Definition Classes
                          59. + + +

                            + + + def + + + withBeforeClasses(arg0: Statement): Statement + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + +

                          Deprecated Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + def + + + possiblyExpectingExceptions(arg0: FrameworkMethod, arg1: Any, arg2: Statement): Statement + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @Deprecated + + @deprecated + +

                            (Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.

                          2. + + +

                            + + + def + + + validateInstanceMethods(arg0: List[Throwable]): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @Deprecated + + @deprecated + +

                            (Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.

                          3. + + +

                            + + + def + + + withAfters(arg0: FrameworkMethod, arg1: Any, arg2: Statement): Statement + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @Deprecated + + @deprecated + +

                            (Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.

                          4. + + +

                            + + + def + + + withBefores(arg0: FrameworkMethod, arg1: Any, arg2: Statement): Statement + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @Deprecated + + @deprecated + +

                            (Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.

                          5. + + +

                            + + + def + + + withPotentialTimeout(arg0: FrameworkMethod, arg1: Any, arg2: Statement): Statement + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @Deprecated + + @deprecated + +

                            (Since version ) see corresponding Javadoc for more information.

                          + +

                          Inherited from JavaClassRunner


                          Inherited from BlockJUnit4ClassRunner


                          Inherited from ParentRunner[FrameworkMethod]


                          Inherited from Sortable


                          Inherited from Filterable


                          Inherited from Runner


                          Inherited from Describable


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/testtools/TestVerticle.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/testtools/TestVerticle.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..06ffccf --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/testtools/TestVerticle.html @@ -0,0 +1,654 @@ + + + + + TestVerticle - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.testtools.TestVerticle + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + abstract + class + + + TestVerticle extends Verticle + +

                          + +
                          + @RunWith() + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          Verticle, VertxExecutionContext, ExecutionContext, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. TestVerticle
                          2. Verticle
                          3. VertxExecutionContext
                          4. ExecutionContext
                          5. AnyRef
                          6. Any
                          7. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +

                          Instance Constructors

                          1. + + +

                            + + + new + + + TestVerticle() + +

                            + +
                          + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + HasLogger = AnyRef { def logger: org.vertx.scala.core.logging.Logger } + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          2. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + !=(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ##(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          4. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ==(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + asInstanceOf[T0]: T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + asyncBefore(): Future[Unit] + +


                            Override this method if you want to do things asynchronously before starting the tests.

                          8. + + +

                            + + + def + + + before(): Unit + +


                            Override this method if you want to do things synchronously before starting the tests.

                          9. + + +

                            + + + def + + + clone(): AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          10. + + +

                            + + + lazy val + + + container: Container + +


                            A reference to the Vert.

                            A reference to the Vert.x container.


                            A reference to the Container. +

                            Definition Classes
                          11. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + equals(arg0: Any): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          13. + + +

                            + + + def + + + execute(runnable: Runnable): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            VertxExecutionContext → ExecutionContext
                          14. + + +

                            + + implicit + val + + + executionContext: VertxExecutionContext.type + +

                            Definition Classes
                          15. + + +

                            + + + def + + + finalize(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + classOf[java.lang.Throwable] + ) + +
                          16. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + getClass(): Class[_] + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          17. + + +

                            + + + def + + + hashCode(): Int + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          18. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + initialize(): Unit + +

                          19. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          20. + + +

                            + + + lazy val + + + logger: Logger + +


                            Definition Classes
                          21. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          22. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notify(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          23. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + notifyAll(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                          24. + + +

                            + + + def + + + prepare(): ExecutionContext + +

                            Definition Classes
                          25. + + +

                            + + + def + + + reportFailure(t: Throwable): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            VertxExecutionContext → ExecutionContext
                          26. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + start(): Unit + +



                            Vert.x calls the start method when the verticle is deployed. +

                            Definition Classes
                            TestVerticle → Verticle
                          27. + + +

                            + + + def + + + start(promise: Promise[Unit]): Unit + +


                            Override this method to signify that start is complete sometime _after_ the start() method has returned.

                            Override this method to signify that start is complete sometime _after_ the start() method has returned. +This is useful if your verticle deploys other verticles or modules and you don't want this verticle to +be considered started until the other modules and verticles have been started. +


                            When you are happy your verticle is started set the result. +

                            Definition Classes
                          28. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + startTests(): Unit + +

                          29. + + +

                            + + + def + + + stop(): Unit + +



                            Vert.x calls the stop method when the verticle is undeployed. +Put any cleanup code for your verticle in here +

                            Definition Classes
                          30. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0 + +

                            Definition Classes
                          31. + + +

                            + + + def + + + toString(): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                            AnyRef → Any
                          32. + + +

                            + + + lazy val + + + vertx: Vertx + +


                            A reference to the Vert.

                            A reference to the Vert.x runtime.


                            A reference to a Vertx. +

                            Definition Classes
                          33. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          34. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          35. + + +

                            + + final + def + + + wait(arg0: Long): Unit + +

                            Definition Classes
                            + @throws( + + ... + ) + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from Verticle


                          Inherited from VertxExecutionContext


                          Inherited from ExecutionContext


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/testtools/package.html b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/testtools/package.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..84f91cb --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/org/vertx/scala/testtools/package.html @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ + + + + + testtools - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - org.vertx.scala.testtools + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + package + + + testtools + +

                          + +
                          + + +
                          + + +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + class + + + ScalaClassRunner extends JavaClassRunner + +

                            + +
                          2. + + +

                            + + abstract + class + + + TestVerticle extends Verticle + +

                            + @RunWith() + +
                          + + + + + + + + +
                          + +
                          + + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/package.html b/api/scala/package.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f61208a --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/package.html @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ + + + + + root - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - _root_ + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + + +

                          root package

                          + +

                          + + + package + + + root + +

                          + +
                          + + +
                          + + +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + package + + + org + +

                            + +
                          2. + + +

                            + + + package + + + scala + +

                            + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +
                          + + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/scala/package.html b/api/scala/scala/package.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9eaf650 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/scala/package.html @@ -0,0 +1,1038 @@ + + + + + scala - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - scala + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + + +


                          + +

                          + + + package + + + scala + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. scala
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + ::[A] = scala.collection.immutable.::[A] + +

                            + +
                          2. + + +

                            + + + type + + + AbstractMethodError = java.lang.AbstractMethodError + +

                            + +
                          3. + + +

                            + + + type + + + AnyRef = AnyRef + +

                            + +
                          4. + + +

                            + + + type + + + ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException = java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException + +

                            + +
                          5. + + +

                            + + + type + + + BigDecimal = scala.math.BigDecimal + +

                            + +
                          6. + + +

                            + + + type + + + BigInt = scala.math.BigInt + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + + type + + + BufferedIterator[+A] = scala.collection.BufferedIterator[A] + +

                            + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + type + + + ClassCastException = java.lang.ClassCastException + +

                            + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + + type + + + Either[+A, +B] = scala.util.Either[A, B] + +

                            + +
                          10. + + +

                            + + + type + + + Equiv[T] = scala.math.Equiv[T] + +

                            + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + + type + + + Error = java.lang.Error + +

                            + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + + type + + + Exception = java.lang.Exception + +

                            + +
                          13. + + +

                            + + + type + + + Fractional[T] = scala.math.Fractional[T] + +

                            + +
                          14. + + +

                            + + + type + + + IllegalArgumentException = java.lang.IllegalArgumentException + +

                            + +
                          15. + + +

                            + + + type + + + IndexOutOfBoundsException = java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException + +

                            + +
                          16. + + +

                            + + + type + + + IndexedSeq[+A] = scala.collection.IndexedSeq[A] + +

                            + +
                          17. + + +

                            + + + type + + + Integral[T] = scala.math.Integral[T] + +

                            + +
                          18. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InterruptedException = java.lang.InterruptedException + +

                            + +
                          19. + + +

                            + + + type + + + Iterable[+A] = scala.collection.Iterable[A] + +

                            + +
                          20. + + +

                            + + + type + + + Iterator[+A] = scala.collection.Iterator[A] + +

                            + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + + type + + + Left[+A, +B] = scala.util.Left[A, B] + +

                            + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + + type + + + List[+A] = scala.collection.immutable.List[A] + +

                            + +
                          23. + + +

                            + + + type + + + NoSuchElementException = java.util.NoSuchElementException + +

                            + +
                          24. + + +

                            + + + type + + + NullPointerException = java.lang.NullPointerException + +

                            + +
                          25. + + +

                            + + + type + + + NumberFormatException = java.lang.NumberFormatException + +

                            + +
                          26. + + +

                            + + + type + + + Numeric[T] = scala.math.Numeric[T] + +

                            + +
                          27. + + +

                            + + + type + + + Ordered[T] = scala.math.Ordered[T] + +

                            + +
                          28. + + +

                            + + + type + + + Ordering[T] = scala.math.Ordering[T] + +

                            + +
                          29. + + +

                            + + + type + + + PartialOrdering[T] = scala.math.PartialOrdering[T] + +

                            + +
                          30. + + +

                            + + + type + + + PartiallyOrdered[T] = scala.math.PartiallyOrdered[T] + +

                            + +
                          31. + + +

                            + + + type + + + Range = scala.collection.immutable.Range + +

                            + +
                          32. + + +

                            + + + type + + + Right[+A, +B] = scala.util.Right[A, B] + +

                            + +
                          33. + + +

                            + + + type + + + RuntimeException = java.lang.RuntimeException + +

                            + +
                          34. + + +

                            + + + type + + + Seq[+A] = scala.collection.Seq[A] + +

                            + +
                          35. + + +

                            + + + type + + + Stream[+A] = scala.collection.immutable.Stream[A] + +

                            + +
                          36. + + +

                            + + + type + + + StringBuilder = scala.collection.mutable.StringBuilder + +

                            + +
                          37. + + +

                            + + + type + + + StringIndexOutOfBoundsException = java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException + +

                            + +
                          38. + + +

                            + + + type + + + Throwable = java.lang.Throwable + +

                            + +
                          39. + + +

                            + + + type + + + Traversable[+A] = scala.collection.Traversable[A] + +

                            + +
                          40. + + +

                            + + + type + + + TraversableOnce[+A] = scala.collection.TraversableOnce[A] + +

                            + +
                          41. + + +

                            + + + type + + + UnsupportedOperationException = java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException + +

                            + +
                          42. + + +

                            + + + type + + + Vector[+A] = scala.collection.immutable.Vector[A] + +

                            + +
                          43. + + +

                            + + + type + + + cloneable = scala.annotation.cloneable + +

                            + @deprecated + +

                            (Since version 2.10.0) instead of @cloneable class C, use class C extends Cloneable

                          44. + + +

                            + + + type + + + serializable = scala.annotation.serializable + +

                            + @deprecated + +

                            (Since version 2.9.0) instead of @serializable class C, use class C extends Serializable

                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + val + + + #::: scala.collection.immutable.Stream.#::.type + +

                            + +
                          2. + + +

                            + + + val + + + +:: scala.collection.+:.type + +

                            + +
                          3. + + +

                            + + + val + + + :+: scala.collection.:+.type + +

                            + +
                          4. + + +

                            + + + val + + + ::: scala.collection.immutable.::.type + +

                            + +
                          5. + + +

                            + + + val + + + AnyRef: Specializable + +

                            + +
                          6. + + +

                            + + + val + + + BigDecimal: scala.math.BigDecimal.type + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + + val + + + BigInt: scala.math.BigInt.type + +

                            + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + val + + + Either: scala.util.Either.type + +

                            + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + + val + + + Equiv: scala.math.Equiv.type + +

                            + +
                          10. + + +

                            + + + val + + + IndexedSeq: scala.collection.IndexedSeq.type + +

                            + +
                          11. + + +

                            + + + val + + + Iterable: scala.collection.Iterable.type + +

                            + +
                          12. + + +

                            + + + val + + + Iterator: scala.collection.Iterator.type + +

                            + +
                          13. + + +

                            + + + val + + + Left: scala.util.Left.type + +

                            + +
                          14. + + +

                            + + + val + + + List: scala.collection.immutable.List.type + +

                            + +
                          15. + + +

                            + + + val + + + Nil: scala.collection.immutable.Nil.type + +

                            + +
                          16. + + +

                            + + + val + + + Numeric: scala.math.Numeric.type + +

                            + +
                          17. + + +

                            + + + val + + + Ordered: scala.math.Ordered.type + +

                            + +
                          18. + + +

                            + + + val + + + Ordering: scala.math.Ordering.type + +

                            + +
                          19. + + +

                            + + + val + + + Range: scala.collection.immutable.Range.type + +

                            + +
                          20. + + +

                            + + + val + + + Right: scala.util.Right.type + +

                            + +
                          21. + + +

                            + + + val + + + Seq: scala.collection.Seq.type + +

                            + +
                          22. + + +

                            + + + val + + + Stream: scala.collection.immutable.Stream.type + +

                            + +
                          23. + + +

                            + + + val + + + StringBuilder: scala.collection.mutable.StringBuilder.type + +

                            + +
                          24. + + +

                            + + + val + + + Traversable: scala.collection.Traversable.type + +

                            + +
                          25. + + +

                            + + + val + + + Vector: scala.collection.immutable.Vector.type + +

                            + +
                          26. + + +

                            + + + package + + + tools + +

                            + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/package.html b/api/scala/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/package.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6fe01bb --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/scala/tools/nsc/interpreter/package.html @@ -0,0 +1,386 @@ + + + + + interpreter - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + package + + + interpreter + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          ReplStrings, ReplConfig, AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. interpreter
                          2. ReplStrings
                          3. ReplConfig
                          4. AnyRef
                          5. Any
                          6. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + InputStream = + +

                            + +
                          2. + + +

                            + + + type + + + JClass = Class[_] + +

                            + +
                          3. + + +

                            + + + type + + + JCollection[T] = Collection[T] + +

                            + +
                          4. + + +

                            + + + type + + + JFile = File + +

                            + +
                          5. + + +

                            + + + type + + + JList[T] = java.util.List[T] + +

                            + +
                          6. + + +

                            + + + type + + + JPrintWriter = PrintWriter + +

                            + +
                          7. + + +

                            + + + type + + + OutputStream = + +

                            + +
                          8. + + +

                            + + + class + + + TapMaker[T] extends AnyRef + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + val + + + IR: Results.type + +

                            + +
                          2. + + +

                            + + + def + + + any2stringOf(x: Any, maxlen: Int): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                          3. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isQuoted(s: String): Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          4. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isReplDebug: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          5. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isReplInfo: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          6. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isReplPower: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          7. + + +

                            + + + def + + + isReplTrace: Boolean + +

                            Definition Classes
                          8. + + +

                            + + implicit + def + + + postfixOps: postfixOps + +

                            + +
                          9. + + +

                            + + + lazy val + + + replProps: ReplProps + +

                            Definition Classes
                          10. + + +

                            + + + def + + + string2code(str: String): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                          11. + + +

                            + + + def + + + string2codeQuoted(str: String): String + +

                            Definition Classes
                          12. + + +

                            + + + def + + + words(s: String): List[String] + +

                            Definition Classes
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from ReplStrings


                          Inherited from ReplConfig


                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/scala/tools/nsc/package.html b/api/scala/scala/tools/nsc/package.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..38a6826 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/scala/tools/nsc/package.html @@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ + + + + + nsc - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + package + + + nsc + +

                          + +
                          + Linear Supertypes +
                          AnyRef, Any
                          + + +
                          + Ordering +
                            + +
                          1. Alphabetic
                          2. +
                          3. By inheritance
                          4. +
                          + Inherited
                          1. nsc
                          2. AnyRef
                          3. Any
                          4. +
                          + +
                          1. Hide All
                          2. +
                          3. Show all
                          4. +
                          + Learn more about member selection +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + +

                          Type Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + type + + + FatalError = reflect.internal.FatalError + +

                            + +
                          2. + + +

                            + + + type + + + MissingRequirementError = reflect.internal.MissingRequirementError + +

                            + +
                          3. + + +

                            + + + type + + + Phase = reflect.internal.Phase + +

                            + +
                          + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + val + + + FatalError: reflect.internal.FatalError.type + +

                            + +
                          2. + + +

                            + + + val + + + ListOfNil: collection.immutable.List[collection.immutable.Nil.type] + +

                            + +
                          3. + + +

                            + + + val + + + MissingRequirementError: reflect.internal.MissingRequirementError.type + +

                            + +
                          4. + + +

                            + + + val + + + NoPhase: reflect.internal.NoPhase.type + +

                            + +
                          5. + + +

                            + + + package + + + interpreter + +

                            + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +

                          Inherited from AnyRef


                          Inherited from Any

                          + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/api/scala/scala/tools/package.html b/api/scala/scala/tools/package.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5cac8d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/api/scala/scala/tools/package.html @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ + + + + + tools - mod-lang-scala 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT API - + + + + + + + + + + +
                          + +




                          + +

                          + + + package + + + tools + +

                          + +
                          + + +
                          + + +
                          + Visibility +
                          1. Public
                          2. All
                          + +
                          + + + + + + +

                          Value Members

                          1. + + +

                            + + + package + + + nsc + +

                            + +
                          + + + + +
                          + +
                          + + +
                          + +


                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/core_manual_scala.html b/core_manual_scala.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9fe5088 --- /dev/null +++ b/core_manual_scala.html @@ -0,0 +1,2545 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + Vert.x + + + + + + + +
                          + +

                          Scala API Manual

                          + +
                          + + +
                          + +

                          Writing Verticles


                          As was described in the main manual, a verticle is the execution unit of Vert.x.


                          To recap, Vert.x is a container which executes packages of code called Verticles, and it ensures that the code in the verticle is never executed concurrently by more than one thread. You can write your verticles in any of the languages that Vert.x supports, and Vert.x supports running many verticle instances concurrently in the same Vert.x instance.


                          All the code you write in a Vert.x application runs inside a Verticle instance.


                          For simple prototyping and trivial tasks you can write raw verticles and run them directly on the command line, but in most cases you will always wrap your verticles inside Vert.x modules.


                          For now, let's try writing a simple raw verticle.


                          As an example we'll write a simple TCP echo server. The server just accepts connections and any data received by it is echoed back on the connection.


                          Copy the following into a text editor and save it as Server.scala

                          +import org.vertx.scala.core.streams.Pump
                          +vertx.createNetServer().connectHandler({ socket: NetSocket =>
                          +  Pump.createPump(socket, socket).start

                          Now run it:

                          vertx run Server.scala

                          The server will now be running. Connect to it using telnet:

                          telnet localhost 1234

                          And notice how data you send (and hit enter) is echoed back to you.


                          Congratulations! You've written your first verticle.


                          Notice how you didn't have to first compile the .scala file to a .class file. Vert.x understands how to run .scala files directly - internally doing the compilation on the fly. (It also supports running .class files too if you prefer)


                          Just as in Java, you can also write classes that extend Verticle like this:

                          +import org.vertx.scala.core.streams.Pump
                          +import org.vertx.scala.platform.Verticle
                          +class Server extends Verticle {
                          +  override def start() {
                          +    vertx.createNetServer().connectHandler({ socket: NetSocket =>
                          +        Pump.createPump(socket, socket).start
                          +    }).listen(1234)
                          +  }

                          Running this works the same way as the script before.


                          Every Scala verticle must extend the class org.vertx.scala.platform.Verticle. You must override the start method - this is called by Vert.x when the verticle is started.


                          In the rest of this manual we'll assume the code snippets are running inside a verticle.


                          Asynchronous start


                          In some cases your Verticle has to do some other stuff asynchronously in its start() method, e.g. start other verticles, and the verticle shouldn't be considered started until those other actions are complete.


                          If this is the case for your verticle you can implement the asynchronous version of the start() method:

                          override def start(startedResult: Promise[Unit]) {
                          +  // For example - deploy some other verticle
                          +  container.deployVerticle("foo.js", Json.obj(), 1, { deployResult: AsyncResult[String] =>
                          +    if (deployResult.succeeded()) {
                          +      startedResult.success(deployResult.result())
                          +    } else {
                          +      startedResult.failure(deployResult.cause())
                          +    }
                          +  })

                          If you overwrite both start methods, the synchronous version (without parameters) gets called before the asynchronous version (with Promise[Unit] parameter).


                          For the AsyncResult[_] you can also use a helper methode like this:

                          implicit def tryToAsyncResultHandler[X](tryHandler: Try[X] => Unit): AsyncResult[X] => Unit = {
                          +    tryHandler.compose { ar: AsyncResult[X] =>
                          +        if (ar.succeeded()) {
                          +            Success(ar.result())
                          +        } else {
                          +            Failure(ar.cause())
                          +        }
                          +    }

                          And than you can use pattern matching with Try[_] like this:

                          override def start(startedResult: Promise[Unit]) {
                          +    container.deployVerticle("foo.js", Json.obj(), 1, { 
                          +        case Success(result) => startedResult.success(result)
                          +        case Failure(x) => startedResult.failure(x)
                          +    }: Try[String] => Unit)

                          Verticle clean-up


                          Servers, clients, event bus handlers and timers will be automatically closed / cancelled when the verticle is stopped. However, if you have any other clean-up logic that you want to execute when the verticle is stopped, you can implement a stop method which will be called when the verticle is undeployed.


                          The container object


                          Each verticle instance has a member variable called container. This represents the Verticle's view of the container in which it is running.


                          The container object contains methods for deploying and undeploying verticle and modules, and also allows config, environment variables and a logger to be accessed.


                          The vertx object


                          Each verticle instance has a member variable called vertx. This provides access to the Vert.x core API. You'll use the Core API to do most things in Vert.x including TCP, HTTP, file system access, event bus, timers etc.


                          Getting Configuration in a Verticle


                          You can pass configuration to a module or verticle from the command line using the -conf option, for example:

                          vertx runmod com.mycompany~my-mod~1.0 -conf myconf.json

                          or for a raw verticle

                          vertx run foo.js -conf myconf.json

                          The argument to -conf is the name of a text file containing a valid JSON object.


                          That configuration is available inside your verticle by calling the config() method on the container member variable of the verticle:

                          val config: JsonObject = container.config()
                          +println("Config is " + config)

                          The config returned is an instance of org.vertx.scala.core.json.Json, which is a class which represents JSON objects (unsurprisingly!). You can use this object to configure the verticle.


                          Allowing verticles to be configured in a consistent way like this allows configuration to be easily passed to them irrespective of the language that deploys the verticle.


                          Logging from a Verticle


                          Each verticle is given its own logger. To get a reference to it invoke the logger() method on the container instance:

                          val logger = container.logger()
                "I am logging something")

                          The logger is an instance of the class org.vertx.scala.core.logging.Logger and has the following methods;

                          • trace
                          • +
                          • debug
                          • +
                          • info
                          • +
                          • warn
                          • +
                          • error
                          • +
                          • fatal
                          • +

                          Which have the normal meanings you would expect.


                          The log files by default go in a file called vertx.log in the system temp directory. On my Linux box this is \tmp.


                          For more information on configuring logging, please see the main manual.


                          Accessing environment variables from a Verticle


                          You can access the map of environment variables from a Verticle with the env() method on the container object.


                          Causing the container to exit


                          You can call the exit() method of the container to cause the Vert.x instance to make a clean shutdown.


                          Deploying and Undeploying Verticles Programmatically


                          You can deploy and undeploy verticles programmatically from inside another verticle. Any verticles deployed this way will be able to see resources (classes, scripts, other files) of the main verticle.


                          Deploying a simple verticle


                          To deploy a verticle programmatically call the function deployVerticle on the container variable.


                          To deploy a single instance of a verticle :


                          Where main is the name of the Verticle (i.e. the name of the script or FQCN of the class).


                          See the chapter on "running Vert.x" in the main manual for a description of what a main is.


                          Deploying Worker Verticles


                          The deployVerticle method deploys standard (non worker) verticles. If you want to deploy worker verticles use the deployWorkerVerticle method. This method takes the same parameters as deployVerticle with the same meanings.


                          Deploying a module programmatically


                          You should use deployModule to deploy a module, for example:

                          container.deployModule("io.vertx~mod-mailer~2.0.0-beta1", config)

                          Would deploy an instance of the io.vertx~mod-mailer~2.0.0-beta1 module with the specified configuration. Please see the modules manual for more information about modules.


                          Passing configuration to a verticle programmatically


                          JSON configuration can be passed to a verticle that is deployed programmatically. Inside the deployed verticle the configuration is accessed with the config() method. For example:

                          val config = Json.obj("foo" -> "wibble", "bar" -> false)
                          +container.deployVerticle("foo.ChildVerticle", config)

                          Then, in ChildVerticle you can access the config via config() as previously explained.


                          Using a Verticle to co-ordinate loading of an application


                          If you have an appplication that is composed of multiple verticles that all need to be started at application start-up, then you can use another verticle that maintains the application configuration and starts all the other verticles. You can think of this as your application starter verticle.


                          For example, you could create a verticle AppStarter as follows:

                          // Application config
                          +val appConfig: JsonObject = container.config()
                          +val verticle1Config = appConfig.getObject("verticle1_conf")
                          +val verticle2Config = appConfig.getObject("verticle2_conf")
                          +val verticle3Config = appConfig.getObject("verticle3_conf")
                          +val verticle4Config = appConfig.getObject("verticle4_conf")
                          +val verticle5Config = appConfig.getObject("verticle5_conf")
                          +// Start the verticles that make up the app
                          +container.deployVerticle("verticle1.js", verticle1Config)
                          +container.deployVerticle("verticle2.rb", verticle2Config)
                          +container.deployVerticle("foo.Verticle3", verticle3Config)
                          +container.deployWorkerVerticle("foo.Verticle4", verticle4Config)
                          +container.deployWorkerVerticle("verticle5.js", verticle5Config, 10)

                          Then create a file 'config.json" with the actual JSON config in it

                          +    "verticle1_conf": {
                          +        "foo": "wibble"
                          +    },
                          +    "verticle2_conf": {
                          +        "age": 1234,
                          +        "shoe_size": 12,
                          +        "pi": 3.14159
                          +    }, 
                          +    "verticle3_conf": {
                          +        "strange": true
                          +    },
                          +    "verticle4_conf": {
                          +        "name": "george"
                          +    },
                          +    "verticle5_conf": {
                          +        "tel_no": "123123123"
                          +    }       

                          Then set the AppStarter as the main of your module and then you can start your entire application by simply running:

                          vertx runmod com.mycompany~my-mod~1.0 -conf config.json

                          If your application is large and actually composed of multiple modules rather than verticles you can use the same technique.


                          More commonly you'd probably choose to write your starter verticle in a scripting language such as JavaScript, Groovy, Ruby or Python - these languages have much better JSON support than Scala, so you can maintain the whole JSON config nicely in the starter verticle itself.


                          Specifying number of instances


                          By default, when you deploy a verticle only one instance of the verticle is deployed. Verticles instances are strictly single threaded so this means you will use at most one core on your server.


                          Vert.x scales by deploying many verticle instances concurrently.


                          If you want more than one instance of a particular verticle or module to be deployed, you can specify the number of instances as follows:

                          container.deployVerticle("foo.ChildVerticle", 10)


                          container.deployModule("io.vertx~some-mod~1.0", 10)

                          The above examples would deploy 10 instances.


                          Getting Notified when Deployment is complete


                          The actual verticle deployment is asynchronous and might not complete until some time after the call to deployVerticle or deployModule has returned. If you want to be notified when the verticle has completed being deployed, you can pass a handler as the final argument to deployVerticle or deployModule:

                          container.deployVerticle("foo.ChildVerticle", Json.obj(), 1, { asyncResult: AsyncResult[String] =>
                          +  if (asyncResult.succeeded()) {
                          +    println("The verticle has been deployed, deployment ID is " + asyncResult.result())
                          +  } else {
                          +    asyncResult.cause().printStackTrace()
                          +  }

                          The handler will get passed an instance of AsyncResult when it completes. You can use the methods succeeded() and failed() on AsyncResult to see if the operation completed ok.


                          The method result() provides the result of the async operation (if any) which in this case is the deployment ID - you will need this if you need to subsequently undeploy the verticle / module.


                          The method cause() provides the Throwable if the action failed.


                          Undeploying a Verticle or Module


                          Any verticles or modules that you deploy programmatically from within a verticle, and all of their children are automatically undeployed when the parent verticle is undeployed, so in many cases you will not need to undeploy a verticle manually, however if you do need to do this, it can be done by calling the method undeployVerticle or undeployModule passing in the deployment id.


                          You can also provide a handler to the undeploy method if you want to be informed when undeployment is complete.


                          Scaling your application


                          A verticle instance is almost always single threaded (the only exception is multi-threaded worker verticles which are an advanced feature), this means a single instance can at most utilise one core of your server.


                          In order to scale across cores you need to deploy more verticle instances. The exact numbers depend on your application - how many verticles there are and of what type.


                          You can deploy more verticle instances programmatically or on the command line when deploying your module using the -instances command line option.



                          The Event Bus


                          The event bus is the nervous system of Vert.x.


                          It allows verticles to communicate with each other irrespective of what language they are written in, and whether they're in the same Vert.x instance, or in a different Vert.x instance.


                          It even allows client side JavaScript running in a browser to communicate on the same event bus. (More on that later).


                          The event bus forms a distributed peer-to-peer messaging system spanning multiple server nodes and multiple browsers.


                          The event bus API is incredibly simple. It basically involves registering handlers, unregistering handlers and sending and publishing messages.


                          First some theory:


                          The Theory




                          Messages are sent on the event bus to an address.


                          Vert.x doesn't bother with any fancy addressing schemes. In Vert.x an address is simply a string, any string is valid. However it is wise to use some kind of scheme, e.g. using periods to demarcate a namespace.


                          Some examples of valid addresses are,, sausages, and X.




                          A handler is a thing that receives messages from the bus. You register a handler at an address.


                          Many different handlers from the same or different verticles can be registered at the same address. A single handler can be registered by the verticle at many different addresses.


                          Publish / subscribe messaging


                          The event bus supports publishing messages. Messages are published to an address. Publishing means delivering the message to all handlers that are registered at that address. This is the familiar publish/subscribe messaging pattern.


                          Point to point and Request-Response messaging


                          The event bus supports point to point messaging. Messages are sent to an address. Vert.x will then route it to just one of the handlers registered at that address. If there is more than one handler registered at the address, one will be chosen using a non-strict round-robin algorithm.


                          With point to point messaging, an optional reply handler can be specified when sending the message. When a message is received by a recipient, and has been handled, the recipient can optionally decide to reply to the message. If they do so that reply handler will be called.


                          When the reply is received back at the sender, it too can be replied to. This can be repeated ad-infinitum, and allows a dialog to be set-up between two different verticles. This is a common messaging pattern called the Request-Response pattern.




                          All messages in the event bus are transient, and in case of failure of all or parts of the event bus, there is a possibility messages will be lost. If your application cares about lost messages, you should code your handlers to be idempotent, and your senders to retry after recovery.


                          If you want to persist your messages you can use a persistent work queue module for that.


                          Types of messages


                          Messages that you send on the event bus can be as simple as a string, a number or a boolean. You can also send Vert.x buffers or JSON messages.


                          It's highly recommended you use JSON messages to communicate between verticles. JSON is easy to create and parse in all the languages that Vert.x supports.


                          Event Bus API


                          Let's jump into the API.


                          Registering and Unregistering Handlers


                          To set a message handler on the address test.address, you do something like the following:

                          val eb = vertx.eventBus
                          +val myHandler = { message: Message[_] =>
                          +  println("I received a message " + message.body)
                          +eb.registerHandler("test.address", myHandler)

                          It's as simple as that. The handler will then receive any messages sent to that address.


                          The class Message is a generic type and specific Message types include Message[Boolean], Message[Buffer], Message[Array[Byte]], Message[Byte], Message[Character], Message[Double], Message[Float], Message[Integer], Message[JsonObject], Message[JsonArray], Message[Long], Message[Short] and Message[String].


                          If you know you'll always be receiving messages of a particular type you can use the specific type in your handler, e.g:

                          val myHandler = { message: Message[String] =>
                          +  val body: String = message.body

                          The return value of registerHandler is the Event Bus itself, i.e. we provide a fluent API so you can chain multiple calls together.


                          When you register a handler on an address and you're in a cluster it can take some time for the knowledge of that new handler to be propagated across the entire cluster. If you want to be notified when that has completed you can optionally specify another handler to the registerHandler method as the third argument. This handler will then be called once the information has reached all nodes of the cluster. E.g. :

                          eb.registerHandler("test.address", myHandler, { asyncResult: AsyncResult[Void] =>
                          +  println("The handler has been registered across the cluster ok? " + asyncResult.succeeded())

                          To unregister a handler it's just as straightforward. You simply call unregisterHandler passing in the address and the handler:

                          eb.unregisterHandler("test.address", myHandler)

                          Current issue for the unregisterHandler: The event bus currently uses anonymous functions as handlers. The implicit conversion of the functions to handlers is causing "unregisterHandler" not to work, as a new Handler[Message[X]] is created from the anonymous function every time.


                          A single handler can be registered multiple times on the same, or different, addresses so in order to identify it uniquely you have to specify both the address and the handler.


                          As with registering, when you unregister a handler and you're in a cluster it can also take some time for the knowledge of that unregistration to be propagated across the entire to cluster. If you want to be notified when that has completed you can optionally specify another function to the registerHandler as the third argument. E.g. :

                          eb.unregisterHandler("test.address", myHandler, { asyncResult: AsyncResult[Void] =>
                          +  println("The handler has been unregistered across the cluster ok? " + asyncResult.succeeded())

                          If you want your handler to live for the full lifetime of your verticle there is no need to unregister it explicitly - Vert.x will automatically unregister any handlers when the verticle is stopped.


                          Publishing messages


                          Publishing a message is also trivially easy. Just publish it specifying the address, for example:

                          eb.publish("test.address", "hello world")

                          That message will then be delivered to all handlers registered against the address "test.address".


                          Sending messages


                          Sending a message will result in only one handler registered at the address receiving the message. This is the point to point messaging pattern. The handler is chosen in a non strict round-robin fashion.

                          eb.send("test.address", "hello world")

                          Replying to messages


                          Sometimes after you send a message you want to receive a reply from the recipient. This is known as the request-response pattern.


                          To do this you send a message, and specify a reply handler as the third argument. When the receiver receives the message they can reply to it by calling the reply method on the message.. When this method is invoked it causes a reply to be sent back to the sender where the reply handler is invoked. An example will make this clear:


                          The receiver:

                          val myHandler = { message: Message[String] =>
                          +  println("I received a message " + message.body)
                          +  // Do some stuff
                          +  // Now reply to it
                          +  message.reply("This is a reply")
                          +eb.registerHandler("test.address", myHandler)

                          The sender:

                          eb.send("test.address", "This is a message", { message: Message[String] =>
                          +  println("I received a reply " + message.body)

                          It is legal also to send an empty reply or a null reply.


                          The replies themselves can also be replied to so you can create a dialog between two different verticles consisting of multiple rounds.


                          Message types


                          The message you send can be any of the following types (or their matching boxed type):

                          • Boolean
                          • +
                          • Array[Byte]
                          • +
                          • Byte
                          • +
                          • Char
                          • +
                          • Double
                          • +
                          • Float
                          • +
                          • Int
                          • +
                          • Long
                          • +
                          • Short
                          • +
                          • String
                          • +
                          • org.vertx.scala.core.json.JsonObject
                          • +
                          • org.vertx.scala.core.json.JsonArray
                          • +
                          • org.vertx.scala.core.buffer.Buffer
                          • +

                          Vert.x buffers and JSON objects and arrays are copied before delivery if they are delivered in the same JVM, so different verticles can't access the exact same object instance which could lead to race conditions.


                          Here are some more examples:


                          Send some numbers:

                          eb.send("test.address", 1234)
                          +eb.send("test.address", 3.14159)

                          Send a boolean:

                          eb.send("test.address", true)

                          Send a JSON object:

                          val obj = Json.obj("foo" -> "wibble")
                          +eb.send("test.address", obj)

                          Null messages can also be sent:

                          eb.send("test.address", null)

                          It's a good convention to have your verticles communicating using JSON - this is because JSON is easy to generate and parse for all the languages that Vert.x supports.


                          Distributed event bus


                          To make each Vert.x instance on your network participate on the same event bus, start each Vert.x instance with the -cluster command line switch.


                          See the chapter in the main manual on running Vert.x for more information on this.


                          Once you've done that, any Vert.x instances started in cluster mode will merge to form a distributed event bus.


                          Shared Data


                          Sometimes it makes sense to allow different verticles instances to share data in a safe way. Vert.x allows simple java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap and java.util.Set data structures to be shared between verticles.


                          There is a caveat: To prevent issues due to mutable data, Vert.x only allows simple immutable types such as number, boolean and string or Buffer to be used in shared data. With a Buffer, it is automatically copied when retrieved from the shared data, so different verticle instances never see the same object instance.


                          Currently data can only be shared between verticles in the same Vert.x instance. In later versions of Vert.x we aim to extend this to allow data to be shared by all Vert.x instances in the cluster.


                          Shared Maps


                          To use a shared map to share data between verticles first we get a reference to the map, and then use it like any other instance of java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap

                          val map: ConcurrentMap[String, Integer] = vertx.sharedData.getMap("demo.mymap")
                          +map.put("some-key", 123)

                          And then, in a different verticle you can access it:

                          val map = vertx.sharedData.getMap("demo.mymap")
                          +// etc

                          To get the information in it use:


                          Shared Sets


                          To use a shared set to share data between verticles first we get a reference to the set.

                          val set = vertx.sharedData.getSet("demo.myset")

                          And then, in a different verticle:

                          val set = vertx.sharedData.getSet("demo.myset")
                          +// etc

                          To get it use:

                            val itr = set.iterator()
                          +  while(itr.hasNext()) {
                          +    val info =
                          +  }



                          Most data in Vert.x is shuffled around using instances of org.vertx.scala.core.buffer.Buffer.


                          A Buffer represents a sequence of zero or more bytes that can be written to or read from, and which expands automatically as necessary to accomodate any bytes written to it. You can perhaps think of a buffer as smart byte array.


                          Creating Buffers


                          Create a new empty buffer:

                          val buff = Buffer()

                          Create a buffer from a String. The String will be encoded in the buffer using UTF-8.

                          val buff = Buffer("some-string")

                          Create a buffer from a String: The String will be encoded using the specified encoding, e.g:

                          val buff = Buffer("some-string", "UTF-16")

                          Create a buffer from a byte[]

                          val bytes = Array[Byte](...)

                          Create a buffer with an initial size hint. If you know your buffer will have a certain amount of data written to it you can create the buffer and specify this size. This makes the buffer initially allocate that much memory and is more efficient than the buffer automatically resizing multiple times as data is written to it.


                          Note that buffers created this way are empty. It does not create a buffer filled with zeros up to the specified size.

                          val buff = Buffer(100000)

                          Writing to a Buffer


                          There are two ways to write to a buffer: appending, and random access. In either case buffers will always expand automatically to encompass the bytes. It's not possible to get an IndexOutOfBoundsException with a buffer.


                          Appending to a Buffer


                          To append to a buffer, you use the appendXXX methods. Append methods exist for appending other buffers, Array[Byte], String and all primitive types.


                          The return value of the appendXXX methods is the buffer itself, so these can be chained:

                          val buff = Buffer()

                          Random access buffer writes


                          You can also write into the buffer at a specific index, by using the setXXX methods. Set methods exist for other buffers, Array[Byte], String and all primitive types. All the set methods take an index as the first argument - this represents the position in the buffer where to start writing the data.


                          The buffer will always expand as necessary to accomodate the data.

                          val buff = Buffer()
                          +buff.setInt(1000, 123)
                          +buff.setBytes(0, Array[Byte](...))

                          Reading from a Buffer


                          Data is read from a buffer using the getXXX methods. Get methods exist for Array[Byte], String and all primitive types. The first argument to these methods is an index in the buffer from where to get the data.

                          val buff = ...
                          +for (i <- 0 until buff.length() by 4) {
                          +    println("int value at " + i + " is " + buff.getInt(i))

                          Other buffer methods:

                          • length(). To obtain the length of the buffer. The length of a buffer is the index of the byte in the buffer with the largest index + 1.
                          • +
                          • copy(). Copy the entire buffer
                          • +

                          See the JavaDoc for more detailed method level documentation.




                          Whereas JavaScript has first class support for JSON, and Ruby has Hash literals which make representing JSON easy within code, things aren't so easy in Scala.


                          For this reason, if you want to use JSON from within your Scala verticles, we provide some simple JSON classes which represent a JSON object and a JSON array. These classes provide methods for setting and getting all types supported in JSON on an object or array.


                          A JSON object is represented by instances of org.vertx.scala.core.json.JsonObject. A JSON array is represented by instances of org.vertx.scala.core.json.JsonArray.


                          A usage example would be using a Scala verticle to send or receive JSON messages from the event bus.

                          val eb = vertx.eventBus
                          +val obj = Json.obj("foo" -> "wibble", "age" -> 1000)                                     
                          +eb.send("some-address", obj)
                          +// ....
                          +// And in a handler somewhere:
                          +def handle(message: Message[JsonObject]) = {
                          +    println("foo is " + message.body.getString("foo"))
                          +    println("age is " + message.body.getNumber("age"))

                          Methods also existing for converting this objects to and from their JSON serialized forms.


                          Delayed and Periodic Tasks


                          It's very common in Vert.x to want to perform an action after a delay, or periodically.


                          In standard verticles you can't just make the thread sleep to introduce a delay, as that will block the event loop thread.


                          Instead you use Vert.x timers. Timers can be one-shot or periodic. We'll discuss both


                          One-shot Timers


                          A one shot timer calls an event handler after a certain delay, expressed in milliseconds.


                          To set a timer to fire once you use the setTimer method passing in the delay and a handler

                          val timerID = vertx.setTimer(1000, { timerID: Long =>
                          +"And one second later this is printed")
                "First this is printed")

                          The return value is a unique timer id which can later be used to cancel the timer. The handler is also passed the timer id.


                          Periodic Timers


                          You can also set a timer to fire periodically by using the setPeriodic method. There will be an initial delay equal to the period. The return value of setPeriodic is a unique timer id (long). This can be later used if the timer needs to be cancelled. The argument passed into the timer event handler is also the unique timer id:

                          val timerID = vertx.setPeriodic(1000, { timerID: Long =>
                          +"And every second this is printed")   
                "First this is printed")

                          Cancelling timers


                          To cancel a periodic timer, call the cancelTimer method specifying the timer id. For example:

                          val timerID = vertx.setPeriodic(1000, { timerID: Long => })
                          +// And immediately cancel it

                          Or you can cancel it from inside the event handler. The following example cancels the timer after it has fired 10 times.

                          var count: Int = 0
                          +val timerID = vertx.setPeriodic(1000, { timerID: Long => 
                          +"In event handler " + count)
                          +    count = count + 1
                          +    if (count == 10) {
                          +        vertx.cancelTimer(timerID)
                          +    }

                          Writing TCP Servers and Clients


                          Creating TCP servers and clients is very easy with Vert.x.


                          Net Server


                          Creating a Net Server


                          To create a TCP server you call the createNetServer method on your vertx instance.

                          val server = vertx.createNetServer()

                          Start the Server Listening


                          To tell that server to listen for connections we do:

                          vertx.createNetServer.listen(1234, "myhost")

                          The first parameter to listen is the port. A wildcard port of 0 can be specified which means a random available port will be chosen to actually listen at. Once the server has completed listening you can then call the port() method of the server to find out the real port it is using.


                          The second parameter is the hostname or ip address. If it is omitted it will default to which means it will listen at all available interfaces.


                          The actual bind is asynchronous so the server might not actually be listening until some time after the call to listen has returned. If you want to be notified when the server is actually listening you can provide a handler to the listen call. For example:

                          server.listen(1234, "myhost", { asyncResult: AsyncResult[NetServer] =>
                          +"Listen succeeded? " + asyncResult.succeeded())

                          Getting Notified of Incoming Connections


                          To be notified when a connection occurs we need to call the connectHandler method of the server, passing in a handler. The handler will then be called when a connection is made:

                          vertx.createNetServer.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket =>
                          +"A client has connected!")
                          +server.listen(1234, "localhost")

                          That's a bit more interesting. Now it displays 'A client has connected!' every time a client connects.


                          The return value of the connectHandler method is the server itself, so multiple invocations can be chained together. That means we can rewrite the above as:

                          val server = vertx.createNetServer()
                          +server.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket =>
                          +"A client has connected!")
                          +}).listen(1234, "localhost")


                          vertx.createNetServer().connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket =>
                          +"A client has connected!")
                          +}).listen(1234, "localhost")

                          This is a common pattern throughout the Vert.x API.


                          Closing a Net Server


                          To close a net server just call the close function.


                          The close is actually asynchronous and might not complete until some time after the close method has returned. If you want to be notified when the actual close has completed then you can pass in a handler to the close method.


                          This handler will then be called when the close has fully completed.

                          server.close({ asyncResult: AsyncResult[Void] =>
                          +"Close succeeded? " + asyncResult.succeeded())

                          If you want your net server to last the entire lifetime of your verticle, you don't need to call close explicitly, the Vert.x container will automatically close any servers that you created when the verticle is undeployed.


                          NetServer Properties


                          NetServer has a set of properties you can set which affect its behaviour. Firstly there are bunch of properties used to tweak the TCP parameters, in most cases you won't need to set these:

                          • +

                            setTCPNoDelay(tcpNoDelay) If true then Nagle's Algorithm is disabled. If false then it is enabled.

                          • +
                          • +

                            setSendBufferSize(size) Sets the TCP send buffer size in bytes.

                          • +
                          • +

                            setReceiveBufferSize(size) Sets the TCP receive buffer size in bytes.

                          • +
                          • +

                            setTCPKeepAlive(keepAlive) if keepAlive is true then TCP keep alive is enabled, if false it is disabled.

                          • +
                          • +

                            setReuseAddress(reuse) if reuse is true then addresses in TIME_WAIT state can be reused after they have been closed.

                          • +
                          • +


                          • +
                          • +


                          • +

                          NetServer has a further set of properties which are used to configure SSL. We'll discuss those later on.


                          Handling Data


                          So far we have seen how to create a NetServer, and accept incoming connections, but not how to do anything interesting with the connections. Let's remedy that now.


                          When a connection is made, the connect handler is called passing in an instance of NetSocket. This is a socket-like interface to the actual connection, and allows you to read and write data as well as do various other things like close the socket.


                          Reading Data from the Socket


                          To read data from the socket you need to set the dataHandler on the socket. This handler will be called with an instance of org.vertx.scala.core.buffer.Buffer every time data is received on the socket. You could try the following code and telnet to it to send some data:

                          vertx.createNetServer.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket =>
                          +    sock.dataHandler({ buffer: Buffer =>
                          +"I received " + buffer.length() + " bytes of data")
                          +    })
                          +}).listen(1234, "localhost")

                          Writing Data to a Socket


                          To write data to a socket, you invoke the write function. This function can be invoked in a few ways:


                          With a single buffer:

                          val myBuffer = Buffer(...)

                          A string. In this case the string will encoded using UTF-8 and the result written to the wire.


                          A string and an encoding. In this case the string will encoded using the specified encoding and the result written to the wire.

                          sock.write("hello", "UTF-16")

                          The write function is asynchronous and always returns immediately after the write has been queued.


                          Let's put it all together.


                          Here's an example of a simple TCP echo server which simply writes back (echoes) everything that it receives on the socket:

                          vertx.createNetServer.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket =>
                          +    sock.dataHandler({ buffer: Buffer =>
                          +        sock.write(buffer)
                          +    })
                          +}).listen(1234, "localhost")

                          Socket Remote Address


                          You can find out the remote address of the socket (i.e. the address of the other side of the TCP IP connection) by calling remoteAddress().


                          Socket Local Address


                          You can find out the local address of the socket (i.e. the address of this side of the TCP IP connection) by calling localAddress().


                          Closing a socket


                          You can close a socket by invoking the close method. This will close the underlying TCP connection.


                          Closed Handler


                          If you want to be notified when a socket is closed, you can set the `closedHandler':

                          vertx.createNetServer.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket =>
                          +    sock.closeHandler({
                          +"The socket is now closed")   
                          +    })
                          +}).listen(1234, "localhost")

                          The closed handler will be called irrespective of whether the close was initiated by the client or server.


                          Exception handler


                          You can set an exception handler on the socket that will be called if an exception occurs asynchronously on the connection:

                          vertx.createNetServer.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket =>
                          +    sock.exceptionHandler({ t: Throwable =>
                          +"Oops, something went wrong", t)
                          +    })
                          +}).listen(1234, "localhost")

                          Event Bus Write Handler


                          Every NetSocket automatically registers a handler on the event bus, and when any buffers are received in this handler, it writes them to itself. This enables you to write data to a NetSocket which is potentially in a completely different verticle or even in a different Vert.x instance by sending the buffer to the address of that handler.


                          The address of the handler is given by the writeHandlerID() method.


                          For example to write some data to the NetSocket from a completely different verticle you could do:

                          val writeHandlerID: String = ... // E.g. retrieve the ID from shared data
                          +vertx.eventBus.send(writeHandlerID, buffer)

                          Read and Write Streams


                          NetSocket also implements org.vertx.scala.core.streams.ReadStream and org.vertx.scala.core.streams.WriteStream. This allows flow control to occur on the connection and the connection data to be pumped to and from other object such as HTTP requests and responses, WebSockets and asynchronous files.


                          This will be discussed in depth in the chapter on streams and pumps.


                          Scaling TCP Servers


                          A verticle instance is strictly single threaded.


                          If you create a simple TCP server and deploy a single instance of it then all the handlers for that server are always executed on the same event loop (thread).


                          This means that if you are running on a server with a lot of cores, and you only have this one instance deployed then you will have at most one core utilised on your server!


                          To remedy this you can simply deploy more instances of the module in the server, e.g.

                          vertx runmod com.mycompany~my-mod~1.0 -instances 20

                          Or for a raw verticle

                          vertx run foo.MyApp -instances 20

                          The above would run 20 instances of the module/verticle in the same Vert.x instance.


                          Once you do this you will find the echo server works functionally identically to before, but, as if by magic, all your cores on your server can be utilised and more work can be handled.


                          At this point you might be asking yourself 'Hold on, how can you have more than one server listening on the same host and port? Surely you will get port conflicts as soon as you try and deploy more than one instance?'


                          Vert.x does a little magic here.


                          When you deploy another server on the same host and port as an existing server it doesn't actually try and create a new server listening on the same host/port.


                          Instead it internally maintains just a single server, and, as incoming connections arrive it distributes them in a round-robin fashion to any of the connect handlers set by the verticles.


                          Consequently Vert.x TCP servers can scale over available cores while each Vert.x verticle instance remains strictly single threaded, and you don't have to do any special tricks like writing load-balancers in order to scale your server on your multi-core machine.




                          A NetClient is used to make TCP connections to servers.


                          Creating a Net Client


                          To create a TCP client you call the createNetClient method on your vertx instance.

                          val client = vertx.createNetClient()

                          Making a Connection


                          To actually connect to a server you invoke the connect method:

                          vertx.createNetClient.connect(1234, "localhost", { asyncResult: AsyncResult[NetSocket] =>
                          +    if (asyncResult.succeeded()) {
                          +"We have connected! Socket is " + asyncResult.result())
                          +    } else {
                          +        asyncResult.cause().printStackTrace()
                          +    }

                          The connect method takes the port number as the first parameter, followed by the hostname or ip address of the server. The third parameter is a connect handler. This handler will be called when the connection actually occurs.


                          The argument passed into the connect handler is an AsyncResult[NetSocket], and the NetSocket can be retrieved from the result() method. You can read and write data from the socket in exactly the same way as you do on the server side.


                          You can also close it, set the closed handler, set the exception handler and use it as a ReadStream or WriteStream exactly the same as the server side NetSocket.


                          Configuring Reconnection


                          A NetClient can be configured to automatically retry connecting or reconnecting to the server in the event that it cannot connect or has lost its connection. This is done by invoking the methods setReconnectAttempts and setReconnectInterval:

                          val client = vertx.createNetClient()

                          ReconnectAttempts determines how many times the client will try to connect to the server before giving up. A value of -1 represents an infinite number of times. The default value is 0. I.e. no reconnection is attempted.


                          ReconnectInterval detemines how long, in milliseconds, the client will wait between reconnect attempts. The default value is 1000.


                          NetClient Properties


                          Just like NetServer, NetClient also has a set of TCP properties you can set which affect its behaviour. They have the same meaning as those on NetServer.


                          NetClient also has a further set of properties which are used to configure SSL. We'll discuss those later on.


                          SSL Servers


                          Net servers can also be configured to work with Transport Layer Security (previously known as SSL).


                          When a NetServer is working as an SSL Server the API of the NetServer and NetSocket is identical compared to when it working with standard sockets. Getting the server to use SSL is just a matter of configuring the NetServer before listen is called.


                          To enabled SSL the function setSSL(true) must be called on the Net Server.


                          The server must also be configured with a key store and an optional trust store.


                          These are both Java keystores which can be managed using the keytool utility which ships with the JDK.


                          The keytool command allows you to create keystores, and import and export certificates from them.


                          The key store should contain the server certificate. This is mandatory - the client will not be able to connect to the server over SSL if the server does not have a certificate.


                          The key store is configured on the server using the setKeyStorePath() and setKeyStorePassword() methods.


                          The trust store is optional and contains the certificates of any clients it should trust. This is only used if client authentication is required.


                          To configure a server to use server certificates only:

                          val server = vertx.createNetServer()
                          +               .setSSL(true)
                          +               .setKeyStorePath("/path/to/your/keystore/server-keystore.jks")
                          +               .setKeyStorePassword("password")

                          Making sure that server-keystore.jks contains the server certificate.


                          To configure a server to also require client certificates:

                          val server = vertx.createNetServer()
                          +               .setSSL(true)
                          +               .setKeyStorePath("/path/to/your/keystore/server-keystore.jks")
                          +               .setKeyStorePassword("password")
                          +               .setTrustStorePath("/path/to/your/truststore/server-truststore.jks")
                          +               .setTrustStorePassword("password")
                          +               .setClientAuthRequired(true)

                          Making sure that server-truststore.jks contains the certificates of any clients who the server trusts.


                          If clientAuthRequired is set to true and the client cannot provide a certificate, or it provides a certificate that the server does not trust then the connection attempt will not succeed.


                          SSL Clients


                          Net Clients can also be easily configured to use SSL. They have the exact same API when using SSL as when using standard sockets.


                          To enable SSL on a NetClient the function setSSL(true) is called.


                          If the setTrustAll(true) is invoked on the client, then the client will trust all server certificates. The connection will still be encrypted but this mode is vulnerable to 'man in the middle' attacks. I.e. you can't be sure who you are connecting to. Use this with caution. Default value is false.


                          If setTrustAll(true) has not been invoked then a client trust store must be configured and should contain the certificates of the servers that the client trusts.


                          The client trust store is just a standard Java key store, the same as the key stores on the server side. The client trust store location is set by using the function setTrustStorePath() on the NetClient. If a server presents a certificate during connection which is not in the client trust store, the connection attempt will not succeed.


                          If the server requires client authentication then the client must present its own certificate to the server when connecting. This certificate should reside in the client key store. Again it's just a regular Java key store. The client keystore location is set by using the function setKeyStorePath() on the NetClient.


                          To configure a client to trust all server certificates (dangerous):

                          val client = vertx.createNetClient()
                          +               .setSSL(true)
                          +               .setTrustAll(true)

                          To configure a client to only trust those certificates it has in its trust store:

                          val client = vertx.createNetClient()
                          +               .setSSL(true)
                          +               .setTrustStorePath("/path/to/your/client/truststore/client-truststore.jks")
                          +               .setTrustStorePassword("password")

                          To configure a client to only trust those certificates it has in its trust store, and also to supply a client certificate:

                          val client = vertx.createNetClient()
                          +               .setSSL(true)
                          +               .setTrustStorePath("/path/to/your/client/truststore/client-truststore.jks")
                          +               .setTrustStorePassword("password")
                          +               .setKeyStorePath("/path/to/keystore/holding/client/cert/client-keystore.jks")
                          +               .setKeyStorePassword("password")


                          Flow Control - Streams and Pumps


                          There are several objects in Vert.x that allow data to be read from and written to in the form of Buffers.


                          In Vert.x, calls to write data return immediately and writes are internally queued.


                          It's not hard to see that if you write to an object faster than it can actually write the data to its underlying resource then the write queue could grow without bound - eventually resulting in exhausting available memory.


                          To solve this problem a simple flow control capability is provided by some objects in the Vert.x API.


                          Any flow control aware object that can be written-to implements org.vertx.scala.core.streams.ReadStream, and any flow control object that can be read-from is said to implement org.vertx.scala.core.streams.WriteStream.


                          Let's take an example where we want to read from a ReadStream and write the data to a WriteStream.


                          A very simple example would be reading from a NetSocket on a server and writing back to the same NetSocket - since NetSocket implements both ReadStream and WriteStream, but you can do this between any ReadStream and any WriteStream, including HTTP requests and response, async files, WebSockets, etc.


                          A naive way to do this would be to directly take the data that's been read and immediately write it to the NetSocket, for example:

                          vertx.createNetServer.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket =>
                          +    sock.dataHandler({ buffer: Buffer =>
                          +        // Write the data straight back
                          +        sock.write(buffer)
                          +    })
                          +}).listen(1234, "localhost")

                          There's a problem with the above example: If data is read from the socket faster than it can be written back to the socket, it will build up in the write queue of the NetSocket, eventually running out of RAM. This might happen, for example if the client at the other end of the socket wasn't reading very fast, effectively putting back-pressure on the connection.


                          Since NetSocket implements WriteStream, we can check if the WriteStream is full before writing to it:

                          vertx.createNetServer.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket =>
                          +    sock.dataHandler({ buffer: Buffer =>
                          +        if (!sock.writeQueueFull()) {
                          +            sock.write(buffer)
                          +        }
                          +    })
                          +}).listen(1234, "localhost")

                          This example won't run out of RAM but we'll end up losing data if the write queue gets full. What we really want to do is pause the NetSocket when the write queue is full. Let's do that:

                          vertx.createNetServer.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket =>
                          +    sock.dataHandler({ buffer: Buffer
                          +        if (!sock.writeQueueFull()) {
                          +            sock.write(buffer)
                          +        } else {
                          +            sock.pause()
                          +        }
                          +    })
                          +}).listen(1234, "localhost")

                          We're almost there, but not quite. The NetSocket now gets paused when the file is full, but we also need to unpause it when the write queue has processed its backlog:

                          vertx.createNetServer.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket =>
                          +    sock.dataHandler({ buffer: Buffer =>
                          +        if (!sock.writeQueueFull()) {
                          +            sock.write(buffer)
                          +        } else {
                          +            sock.pause()
                          +            sock.drainHandler({
                          +                sock.resume()
                          +            }: Unit)
                          +        }
                          +    })
                          +}).listen(1234, "localhost")

                          And there we have it. The drainHandler event handler will get called when the write queue is ready to accept more data, this resumes the NetSocket which allows it to read more data.


                          It's very common to want to do this when writing Vert.x applications, so we provide a helper class called Pump which does all this hard work for you. You just feed it the ReadStream and the WriteStream and it tell it to start:

                          vertx.createNetServer.connectHandler({ sock: NetSocket =>      
                          +    Pump.create(sock, sock).start()
                          +}).listen(1234, "localhost")

                          Which does exactly the same thing as the more verbose example.


                          Let's look at the methods on ReadStream and WriteStream in more detail:




                          ReadStream is implemented by HttpClientResponse, HttpServerRequest, WebSocket, NetSocket, SockJSSocket and AsyncFile.



                          • dataHandler(handler): set a handler which will receive data from the ReadStream. As data arrives the handler will be passed a Buffer.
                          • +
                          • pause(): pause the handler. When paused no data will be received in the dataHandler.
                          • +
                          • resume(): resume the handler. The handler will be called if any data arrives.
                          • +
                          • exceptionHandler(handler): Will be called if an exception occurs on the ReadStream.
                          • +
                          • endHandler(handler): Will be called when end of stream is reached. This might be when EOF is reached if the ReadStream represents a file, or when end of request is reached if it's an HTTP request, or when the connection is closed if it's a TCP socket.
                          • +



                          WriteStream is implemented by , HttpClientRequest, HttpServerResponse, WebSocket, NetSocket, SockJSSocket and AsyncFile.



                          • write(buffer): write a Buffer to the WriteStream. This method will never block. Writes are queued internally and asynchronously written to the underlying resource.
                          • +
                          • setWriteQueueMaxSize(size): set the number of bytes at which the write queue is considered full, and the method writeQueueFull() returns true. Note that, even if the write queue is considered full, if write is called the data will still be accepted and queued.
                          • +
                          • writeQueueFull(): returns true if the write queue is considered full.
                          • +
                          • exceptionHandler(handler): Will be called if an exception occurs on the WriteStream.
                          • +
                          • drainHandler(handler): The handler will be called if the WriteStream is considered no longer full.
                          • +



                          Instances of Pump have the following methods:

                          • start(): Start the pump.
                          • +
                          • stop(): Stops the pump. When the pump starts it is in stopped mode.
                          • +
                          • setWriteQueueMaxSize(): This has the same meaning as setWriteQueueMaxSize on the WriteStream.
                          • +
                          • bytesPumped(): Returns total number of bytes pumped.
                          • +

                          A pump can be started and stopped multiple times.


                          When a pump is first created it is not started. You need to call the start() method to start it.


                          Writing HTTP Servers and Clients


                          Writing HTTP servers


                          Vert.x allows you to easily write full featured, highly performant and scalable HTTP servers.


                          Creating an HTTP Server


                          To create an HTTP server you call the createHttpServer method on your vertx instance.

                          val server = vertx.createHttpServer()

                          Start the Server Listening


                          To tell that server to listen for incoming requests you use the listen method:

                          vertx.createHttpServer.listen(8080, "myhost")

                          The first parameter to listen is the port.


                          The second parameter is the hostname or ip address. If it is omitted it will default to which means it will listen at all available interfaces.


                          The actual bind is asynchronous so the server might not actually be listening until some time after the call to listen has returned. If you want to be notified when the server is actually listening you can provide a handler to the listen call. For example:

                          server.listen(8080, "myhost", { asyncResult: AsyncResult[HttpServer] =>
                          +"Listen succeeded? " + asyncResult.succeeded())

                          Getting Notified of Incoming Requests


                          To be notified when a request arrives you need to set a request handler. This is done by calling the requestHandler method of the server, passing in the handler:

                          vertx.createHttpServer.requestHandler({ request: HttpServerRequest =>
                          +"A request has arrived on the server!")
                          +    request.response().end()
                          +server.listen(8080, "localhost")

                          Every time a request arrives on the server the handler is called passing in an instance of org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpServerRequest.


                          You can try it by running the verticle and pointing your browser at http://localhost:8080.


                          Similarly to NetServer, the return value of the requestHandler method is the server itself, so multiple invocations can be chained together. That means we can rewrite the above with:

                          val server = vertx.createHttpServer()
                          +server.requestHandler({ request: HttpServerRequest =>
                          +"A request has arrived on the server!")
                          +    request.response().end()
                          +}).listen(8080, "localhost")


                          vertx.createHttpServer.requestHandler({ request: HttpServerRequest =>
                          +"A request has arrived on the server!")
                          +    request.response().end()
                          +}).listen(8080, "localhost")

                          Handling HTTP Requests


                          So far we have seen how to create an HttpServer and be notified of requests. Lets take a look at how to handle the requests and do something useful with them.


                          When a request arrives, the request handler is called passing in an instance of HttpServerRequest. This object represents the server side HTTP request.


                          The handler is called when the headers of the request have been fully read. If the request contains a body, that body may arrive at the server some time after the request handler has been called.


                          It contains functions to get the URI, path, request headers and request parameters. It also contains a response() method which returns a reference to an object that represents the server side HTTP response for the object.


                          Request Method


                          The request object has a method method() which returns a string representing what HTTP method was requested. Possible return values for method() are: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, CONNECT, TRACE, PATCH.


                          Request Version


                          The request object has a method version() which returns an enum representing the HTTP version.


                          Request URI


                          The request object has a method uri() which returns the full URI (Uniform Resource Locator) of the request. For example, if the request URI was:


                          Then request.uri() would return the string /a/b/c/page.html?param1=abc&param2=xyz.


                          Request URIs can be relative or absolute (with a domain) depending on what the client sent. In most cases they will be relative.


                          The request uri contains the value as defined in Section 5.1.2 of the HTTP specification - Request-URI


                          Request Path


                          The request object has a method path() which returns the path of the request. For example, if the request URI was:


                          Then request.path() would return the string /a/b/c/page.html


                          Request Query


                          The request object has a method query() which contains the query of the request. For example, if the request URI was:


                          Then request.query() would return the string param1=abc&param2=xyz


                          Request Headers


                          The request headers are available using the headers() method on the request object.


                          The returned object is an instance of org.vertx.scala.core.MultiMap. A MultiMap allows multiple values for the same key, unlike a normal Map.


                          Here's an example that echoes the headers to the output of the response. Run it and point your browser at http://localhost:8080 to see the headers.

                          vertx.createHttpServer.requestHandler({ request: HttpServerRequest =>
                          +    val sb = new StringBuilder()
                          +    for ( header <- request.headers.entries().asInstanceOf[List[JMap.Entry[String, String]]]) {
                          +        sb.append(header.getKey()).append(": ").append(header.getValue()).append("\n")
                          +    }
                          +    request.response().putHeader("content-type", "text/plain")
                          +    request.response().end(sb.toString())        
                          +}).listen(8080, "localhost")

                          Request params


                          Similarly to the headers, the request parameters are available using the params() method on the request object.


                          The returned object is an instance of org.vertx.scala.core.MultiMap.


                          Request parameters are sent on the request URI, after the path. For example if the URI was:


                          Then the params multimap would contain the following entries:

                          param1: 'abc'
                          +param2: 'xyz

                          Remote Address


                          Use the method remoteAddress() to find out the address of the other side of the HTTP connection.


                          Absolute URI


                          Use the method absoluteURI() to return the absolute URI corresponding to the request.


                          Reading Data from the Request Body


                          Sometimes an HTTP request contains a request body that we want to read. As previously mentioned the request handler is called when only the headers of the request have arrived so the HttpServerRequest object does not contain the body. This is because the body may be very large and we don't want to create problems with exceeding available memory.


                          To receive the body, you set the dataHandler on the request object. This will then get called every time a chunk of the request body arrives. Here's an example:

                          vertx.createHttpServer.requestHandler({ request: HttpServerRequest =>
                          +    request.dataHandler({ buffer: Buffer =>
                          +"I received " + buffer.length() + " bytes")
                          +    })
                          +}).listen(8080, "localhost")

                          The dataHandler may be called more than once depending on the size of the body.


                          You'll notice this is very similar to how data from NetSocket is read.


                          The request object implements the ReadStream interface so you can pump the request body to a WriteStream. See the chapter on streams and pumps for a detailed explanation.


                          In many cases, you know the body is not large and you just want to receive it in one go. To do this you could do something like the following:

                          vertx.createHttpServer.requestHandler({ request: HttpServerRequest =>
                          +    val body = Buffer(0)
                          +    request.dataHandler({ buffer: Buffer =>
                          +        body.append(buffer)
                          +    })
                          +    request.endHandler({
                          +        // The entire body has now been received
                          +"The total body received was " + body.length() + " bytes") 
                          +    })
                          +}).listen(8080, "localhost")

                          Like any ReadStream the end handler is invoked when the end of stream is reached - in this case at the end of the request.


                          If the HTTP request is using HTTP chunking, then each HTTP chunk of the request body will correspond to a single call of the data handler.


                          It's a very common use case to want to read the entire body before processing it, so Vert.x allows a bodyHandler to be set on the request object.


                          The body handler is called only once when the entire request body has been read.


                          Beware of doing this with very large requests since the entire request body will be stored in memory.


                          Here's an example using bodyHandler:

                          vertx.createHttpServer.requestHandler({ request: HttpServerRequest =>
                          +    request.bodyHandler({ body: Buffer =>
                          +        // The entire body has now been received
                          +"The total body received was " + body.length() + " bytes")
                          +    })
                          +}).listen(8080, "localhost")

                          Handling Multipart Form Uploads


                          Vert.x understands file uploads submitted from HTML forms in browsers. In order to handle file uploads you should set the uploadHandler on the request. The handler will be called once for each upload in the form.

                          request.uploadHandler({ upload: HttpServerFileUpload => })

                          The HttpServerFileUpload class implements ReadStream so you read the data and stream it to any object that implements WriteStream using a Pump, as previously discussed.


                          You can also stream it directly to disk using the convenience method streamToFileSystem().

                          request.uploadHandler({ upload: HttpServerFileUpload =>
                          +    upload.streamToFileSystem("uploads/" + upload.filename())

                          Handling Multipart Form Attributes


                          If the request corresponds to an HTML form that was submitted you can use the method formAttributes to retrieve a Multi Map of the form attributes. This should only be called after all of the request has been read - this is because form attributes are encoded in the request body not in the request headers.

                          +    // The request has been all ready so now we can look at the form attributes
                          +    val attrs = request.formAttributes()
                          +    // Do something with them

                          HTTP Server Responses


                          As previously mentioned, the HTTP request object contains a method response(). This returns the HTTP response for the request. You use it to write the response back to the client.


                          Setting Status Code and Message


                          To set the HTTP status code for the response use the setStatusCode() method, e.g.

                          vertx.createHttpServer.requestHandler({ request: HttpServerRequest =>    
                          +    request.response().setStatusCode(739).setStatusMessage("Too many gerbils").end()
                          +}).listen(8080, "localhost")

                          You can also use the setStatusMessage() method to set the status message. If you do not set the status message a default message will be used.


                          The default value for statusCode is 200.


                          Writing HTTP responses


                          To write data to an HTTP response, you invoke the write function. This function can be invoked multiple times before the response is ended. It can be invoked in a few ways:


                          With a single buffer:

                          val myBuffer = Buffer(...)

                          A string. In this case the string will encoded using UTF-8 and the result written to the wire.


                          A string and an encoding. In this case the string will encoded using the specified encoding and the result written to the wire.

                          request.response().write("hello", "UTF-16")

                          The write function is asynchronous and always returns immediately after the write has been queued.


                          If you are just writing a single string or Buffer to the HTTP response you can write it and end the response in a single call to the end method.


                          The first call to write results in the response header being being written to the response.


                          Consequently, if you are not using HTTP chunking then you must set the Content-Length header before writing to the response, since it will be too late otherwise. If you are using HTTP chunking you do not have to worry.


                          Ending HTTP responses


                          Once you have finished with the HTTP response you must call the end() function on it.


                          This function can be invoked in several ways:


                          With no arguments, the response is simply ended.


                          The function can also be called with a string or Buffer in the same way write is called. In this case it's just the same as calling write with a string or Buffer followed by calling end with no arguments. For example:

                          request.response().end("That's all folks")

                          Closing the underlying connection


                          You can close the underlying TCP connection of the request by calling the close method.


                          Response headers


                          HTTP response headers can be added to the response by adding them to the multimap returned from the headers() method:

                          request.response().headers().set("Cheese", "Stilton")
                          +request.response().headers().set("Hat colour", "Mauve")

                          Individual HTTP response headers can also be written using the putHeader method. This allows a fluent API since calls to putHeader can be chained:

                          request.response().putHeader("Some-Header", "elephants").putHeader("Pants", "Absent")

                          Response headers must all be added before any parts of the response body are written.


                          Chunked HTTP Responses and Trailers


                          Vert.x supports HTTP Chunked Transfer Encoding. This allows the HTTP response body to be written in chunks, and is normally used when a large response body is being streamed to a client, whose size is not known in advance.


                          You put the HTTP response into chunked mode as follows:


                          Default is non-chunked. When in chunked mode, each call to response.write(...) will result in a new HTTP chunk being written out.


                          When in chunked mode you can also write HTTP response trailers to the response. These are actually written in the final chunk of the response.


                          To add trailers to the response, add them to the multimap returned from the trailers() method:

                          request.response().trailers().add("Philosophy", "Solipsism")
                          +request.response().trailers().add("Favourite-Shakin-Stevens-Song", "Behind the Green Door")

                          Like headers, individual HTTP response trailers can also be written using the putTrailer() method. This allows a fluent API since calls to putTrailer can be chained:

                          request.response().putTrailer("Cat-Food", "Whiskas").putTrailer("Eye-Wear", "Monocle")

                          Serving files directly from disk


                          If you were writing a web server, one way to serve a file from disk would be to open it as an AsyncFile and pump it to the HTTP response. Or you could load it it one go using the file system API and write that to the HTTP response.


                          Alternatively, Vert.x provides a method which allows you to serve a file from disk to an HTTP response in one operation. Where supported by the underlying operating system this may result in the OS directly transferring bytes from the file to the socket without being copied through userspace at all.


                          Using sendFile is usually more efficient for large files, but may be slower for small files than using readFile to manually read the file as a buffer and write it directly to the response.


                          To do this use the sendFile function on the HTTP response. Here's a simple HTTP web server that serves static files from the local web directory:

                          vertx.createHttpServer.requestHandler({ req: HttpServerRequest =>
                          +    var file = ""
                          +    if (req.path().equals("/")) {
                          +        file = "index.html"
                          +    } else if (!req.path().contains("..")) {
                          +        file = req.path()
                          +    }
                          +    req.response().sendFile("web/" + file)
                          +}).listen(8080, "localhost")

                          There's also a version of sendFile which takes the name of a file to serve if the specified file cannot be found:

                          req.response().sendFile("web/" + file, "handler_404.html")

                          Note: If you use sendFile while using HTTPS it will copy through userspace, since if the kernel is copying data directly from disk to socket it doesn't give us an opportunity to apply any encryption.


                          If you're going to write web servers using Vert.x be careful that users cannot exploit the path to access files outside the directory from which you want to serve them.


                          Pumping Responses


                          Since the HTTP Response implements WriteStream you can pump to it from any ReadStream, e.g. an AsyncFile, NetSocket, WebSocket or HttpServerRequest.


                          Here's an example which echoes HttpRequest headers and body back in the HttpResponse. It uses a pump for the body, so it will work even if the HTTP request body is much larger than can fit in memory at any one time:

                          vertx.createHttpServer.requestHandler({ req: HttpServerRequest =>   
                          +    req.response().headers().set(req.headers())  
                          +    Pump.createPump(req, req.response()).start()
                          +    req.endHandler({
                          +        req.response().end()
                          +    })
                          +}).listen(8080, "localhost")

                          Writing HTTP Clients


                          Creating an HTTP Client


                          To create an HTTP client you call the createHttpClient method on your vertx instance:

                          val client = vertx.createHttpClient()

                          You set the port and hostname (or ip address) that the client will connect to using the setHost and setPort functions:

                          val client = vertx.createHttpClient()

                          This, of course, can be chained:

                          val client = vertx.createHttpClient()
                          +    .setPort(8181)
                          +    .setHost("")

                          A single HttpClient always connects to the same host and port. If you want to connect to different servers, create more instances.


                          The default port is 80 and the default host is localhost. So if you don't explicitly set these values that's what the client will attempt to connect to.


                          Pooling and Keep Alive


                          By default the HttpClient pools HTTP connections. As you make requests a connection is borrowed from the pool and returned when the HTTP response has ended.


                          If you do not want connections to be pooled you can call setKeepAlive with false:

                          val client = vertx.createHttpClient()
                          +               .setPort(8181)
                          +               .setHost("")
                          +               .setKeepAlive(false)

                          In this case a new connection will be created for each HTTP request and closed once the response has ended.


                          You can set the maximum number of connections that the client will pool as follows:

                          val client = vertx.createHttpClient()
                          +               .setPort(8181)
                          +               .setHost("")
                          +               .setMaxPoolSize(10)

                          The default value is 1.


                          Closing the client


                          Any HTTP clients created in a verticle are automatically closed for you when the verticle is stopped, however if you want to close it explicitly you can:


                          Making Requests


                          To make a request using the client you invoke one the methods named after the HTTP method that you want to invoke.


                          For example, to make a POST request:

                          val client = vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("")
                          +val request ="/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse =>
                          +"Got a response: " + resp.statusCode())

                          To make a PUT request use the put method, to make a GET request use the get method, etc.


                          Legal request methods are: get, put, post, delete, head, options, connect, trace and patch.


                          The general modus operandi is you invoke the appropriate method passing in the request URI as the first parameter, the second parameter is an event handler which will get called when the corresponding response arrives. The response handler is passed the client response object as an argument.


                          The value specified in the request URI corresponds to the Request-URI as specified in Section 5.1.2 of the HTTP specification. In most cases it will be a relative URI.


                          Please note that the domain/port that the client connects to is determined by setPort and setHost, and is not parsed from the uri.


                          The return value from the appropriate request method is an instance of org.vertx.scala.core.http.HttpClientRequest. You can use this to add headers to the request, and to write to the request body. The request object implements WriteStream.


                          Once you have finished with the request you must call the end() method.


                          If you don't know the name of the request method in advance there is a general request method which takes the HTTP method as a parameter:

                          val client = vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("")
                          +val request = client.request("POST", "/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse =>
                          +"Got a response: " + resp.statusCode())

                          There is also a method called getNow which does the same as get, but automatically ends the request. This is useful for simple GETs which don't have a request body:

                          vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("").getNow("/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse =>
                          +"Got a response: " + resp.statusCode())

                          Handling exceptions


                          You can set an exception handler on the HttpClient class and it will receive all exceptions for the client unless a specific exception handler has been set on a specific HttpClientRequest object.


                          Writing to the request body


                          Writing to the client request body has a very similar API to writing to the server response body.


                          To write data to an HttpClientRequest object, you invoke the write function. This function can be called multiple times before the request has ended. It can be invoked in a few ways:


                          With a single buffer:

                          val myBuffer = Buffer(...)

                          A string. In this case the string will encoded using UTF-8 and the result written to the wire.


                          A string and an encoding. In this case the string will encoded using the specified encoding and the result written to the wire.

                          request.write("hello", "UTF-16")

                          The write function is asynchronous and always returns immediately after the write has been queued. The actual write might complete some time later.


                          If you are just writing a single string or Buffer to the HTTP request you can write it and end the request in a single call to the end function.


                          The first call to write will result in the request headers being written to the request. Consequently, if you are not using HTTP chunking then you must set the Content-Length header before writing to the request, since it will be too late otherwise. If you are using HTTP chunking you do not have to worry.


                          Ending HTTP requests


                          Once you have finished with the HTTP request you must call the end function on it.


                          This function can be invoked in several ways:


                          With no arguments, the request is simply ended.


                          The function can also be called with a string or Buffer in the same way write is called. In this case it's just the same as calling write with a string or Buffer followed by calling end with no arguments.


                          Writing Request Headers


                          To write headers to the request, add them to the multi-map returned from the headers() method:

                          val client = vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("")
                          +val request ="/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse =>
                          +"Got a response: " + resp.statusCode())
                          +request.headers().set("Some-Header", "Some-Value")

                          You can also adds them using the putHeader method. This enables a more fluent API since calls can be chained, for example:

                          request.putHeader("Some-Header", "Some-Value").putHeader("Some-Other", "Blah")

                          These can all be chained together as per the common Vert.x API pattern:

                          client.setHost("").post("/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse =>
                          +"Got a response: " + resp.statusCode())
                          +}).putHeader("Some-Header", "Some-Value").end()

                          Request timeouts


                          You can set a timeout for specific Http Request using the setTimeout() method. If the request does not return any data within the timeout period an exception will be passed to the exception handler (if provided) and the request will be closed.


                          HTTP chunked requests


                          Vert.x supports HTTP Chunked Transfer Encoding for requests. This allows the HTTP request body to be written in chunks, and is normally used when a large request body is being streamed to the server, whose size is not known in advance.


                          You put the HTTP request into chunked mode as follows:


                          Default is non-chunked. When in chunked mode, each call to request.write(...) will result in a new HTTP chunk being written out.


                          HTTP Client Responses


                          Client responses are received as an argument to the response handler that is passed into one of the request methods on the HTTP client.


                          The response object implements ReadStream, so it can be pumped to a WriteStream like any other ReadStream.


                          To query the status code of the response use the statusCode() method. The statusMessage() method contains the status message. For example:

                          vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("").getNow("/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse =>
                          +'server returned status code: ' + resp.statusCode())
                          +'server returned status message: ' + resp.statusMessage())

                          Reading Data from the Response Body


                          The API for reading an HTTP client response body is very similar to the API for reading a HTTP server request body.


                          Sometimes an HTTP response contains a body that we want to read. Like an HTTP request, the client response handler is called when all the response headers have arrived, not when the entire response body has arrived.


                          To receive the response body, you set a dataHandler on the response object which gets called as parts of the HTTP response arrive. Here's an example:

                          vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("").getNow("/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse =>
                          +    resp.dataHandler({ data: Buffer =>
                          +"I received " + data.length() + " bytes")
                          +    })

                          The response object implements the ReadStream interface so you can pump the response body to a WriteStream. See the chapter on streams and pump for a detailed explanation.


                          The dataHandler can be called multiple times for a single HTTP response.


                          As with a server request, if you wanted to read the entire response body before doing something with it you could do something like the following:

                          vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("").getNow("/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse =>
                          +    val body = Buffer(0)
                          +    resp.dataHandler({ data: Buffer =>
                          +        body.append(data)
                          +    })
                          +    resp.endHandler({
                          +        // The entire response body has been received
                          +"The total body received was " + body.length() + " bytes")
                          +    })

                          Like any ReadStream the end handler is invoked when the end of stream is reached - in this case at the end of the response.


                          If the HTTP response is using HTTP chunking, then each chunk of the response body will correspond to a single call to the dataHandler.


                          It's a very common use case to want to read the entire body in one go, so Vert.x allows a bodyHandler to be set on the response object.


                          The body handler is called only once when the entire response body has been read.


                          Beware of doing this with very large responses since the entire response body will be stored in memory.


                          Here's an example using bodyHandler:

                          vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("").getNow("/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse =>    
                          +    resp.bodyHandler( { body: Buffer =>
                          +        // The entire response body has been received
                          +"The total body received was " + body.length() + " bytes")
                          +    })

                          Reading cookies


                          You can read the list of cookies from the response using the method cookies().


                          100-Continue Handling


                          According to the HTTP 1.1 specification a client can set a header Expect: 100-Continue and send the request header before sending the rest of the request body.


                          The server can then respond with an interim response status Status: 100 (Continue) to signify the client is ok to send the rest of the body.


                          The idea here is it allows the server to authorise and accept/reject the request before large amounts of data is sent. Sending large amounts of data if the request might not be accepted is a waste of bandwidth and ties up the server in reading data that it will just discard.


                          Vert.x allows you to set a continueHandler on the client request object. This will be called if the server sends back a Status: 100 (Continue) response to signify it is ok to send the rest of the request.


                          This is used in conjunction with the sendHead function to send the head of the request.


                          An example will illustrate this:

                          val client = vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("")
                          +val request = client.put("/some-path/", { resp: HttpClientResponse =>
                          +"Got a response " + resp.statusCode())
                          +request.putHeader("Expect", "100-Continue")
                          +    // OK to send rest of body            
                          +    request.write("Some data").end()

                          Pumping Requests and Responses


                          The HTTP client and server requests and responses all implement either ReadStream or WriteStream. This means you can pump between them and any other read and write streams.


                          HTTPS Servers


                          HTTPS servers are very easy to write using Vert.x.


                          An HTTPS server has an identical API to a standard HTTP server. Getting the server to use HTTPS is just a matter of configuring the HTTP Server before listen is called.


                          Configuration of an HTTPS server is done in exactly the same way as configuring a NetServer for SSL. Please see SSL server chapter for detailed instructions.


                          HTTPS Clients


                          HTTPS clients can also be very easily written with Vert.x


                          Configuring an HTTP client for HTTPS is done in exactly the same way as configuring a NetClient for SSL. Please see SSL client chapter for detailed instructions.


                          Scaling HTTP servers


                          Scaling an HTTP or HTTPS server over multiple cores is as simple as deploying more instances of the verticle. For example:

                          vertx runmod com.mycompany~my-mod~1.0 -instance 20

                          Or, for a raw verticle:

                          vertx run foo.MyServer -instances 20

                          The scaling works in the same way as scaling a NetServer. Please see the chapter on scaling Net Servers for a detailed explanation of how this works.


                          Routing HTTP requests with Pattern Matching


                          Vert.x lets you route HTTP requests to different handlers based on pattern matching on the request path. It also enables you to extract values from the path and use them as parameters in the request.


                          This is particularly useful when developing REST-style web applications.


                          To do this you simply create an instance of org.vertx.scala.core.http.RouteMatcher and use it as handler in an HTTP server. See the chapter on HTTP servers for more information on setting HTTP handlers. Here's an example:

                          val server = vertx.createHttpServer()
                          +val routeMatcher = new RouteMatcher()
                          +server.requestHandler(routeMatcher).listen(8080, "localhost")

                          Specifying matches.


                          You can then add different matches to the route matcher. For example, to send all GET requests with path /animals/dogs to one handler and all GET requests with path /animals/cats to another handler you would do:

                          val server = vertx.createHttpServer()
                          +val routeMatcher = new RouteMatcher()
                          +routeMatcher.get("/animals/dogs", { req: HttpServerRequest =>
                          +    req.response().end("You requested dogs")
                          +routeMatcher.get("/animals/cats", { req: HttpServerRequest =>
                          +    req.response().end("You requested cats")
                          +server.requestHandler(routeMatcher).listen(8080, "localhost")

                          Corresponding methods exist for each HTTP method - get, post, put, delete, head, options, trace, connect and patch.


                          There's also an all method which applies the match to any HTTP request method.


                          The handler specified to the method is just a normal HTTP server request handler, the same as you would supply to the requestHandler method of the HTTP server.


                          You can provide as many matches as you like and they are evaluated in the order you added them, the first matching one will receive the request.


                          A request is sent to at most one handler.


                          Extracting parameters from the path


                          If you want to extract parameters from the path, you can do this too, by using the : (colon) character to denote the name of a parameter. For example:

                          val server = vertx.createHttpServer()
                          +val routeMatcher = new RouteMatcher()
                          +routeMatcher.put("/:blogname/:post", { req: HttpServerRequest =>
                          +    val blogName = req.params().get("blogname")
                          +    val post = req.params().get("post")
                          +    req.response().end("blogname is " + blogName + ", post is " + post)
                          +server.requestHandler(routeMatcher).listen(8080, "localhost")

                          Any params extracted by pattern matching are added to the map of request parameters.


                          In the above example, a PUT request to /myblog/post1 would result in the variable blogName getting the value myblog and the variable post getting the value post1.


                          Valid parameter names must start with a letter of the alphabet and be followed by any letters of the alphabet or digits or the underscore character.


                          Extracting params using Regular Expressions


                          Regular Expressions can be used to extract more complex matches. In this case capture groups are used to capture any parameters.


                          Since the capture groups are not named they are added to the request with names param0, param1, param2, etc.


                          Corresponding methods exist for each HTTP method - getWithRegEx, postWithRegEx, putWithRegEx, deleteWithRegEx, headWithRegEx, optionsWithRegEx, traceWithRegEx, connectWithRegEx and patchWithRegEx.


                          There's also an allWithRegEx method which applies the match to any HTTP request method.


                          For example:

                          val server = vertx.createHttpServer()
                          +val routeMatcher = new RouteMatcher()
                          +routeMatcher.allWithRegEx("\\/([^\\/]+)\\/([^\\/]+)", { req: HttpServerRequest =>
                          +    val first = req.params().get("param0")
                          +    val second = req.params().get("param1")          
                          +    req.response.end("first is " + first + " and second is " + second)
                          +server.requestHandler(routeMatcher).listen(8080, "localhost")

                          Run the above and point your browser at http://localhost:8080/animals/cats.


                          Handling requests where nothing matches


                          You can use the noMatch method to specify a handler that will be called if nothing matches. If you don't specify a no match handler and nothing matches, a 404 will be returned.

                          routeMatcher.noMatch({ req: HttpServerRequest =>
                          +    req.response().end("Nothing matched")




                          WebSockets are a web technology that allows a full duplex socket-like connection between HTTP servers and HTTP clients (typically browsers).


                          WebSockets on the server


                          To use WebSockets on the server you create an HTTP server as normal, but instead of setting a requestHandler you set a websocketHandler on the server.

                          vertx.createHttpServer.websocketHandler({ ws: ServerWebSocket =>
                          +    // A WebSocket has connected!
                          +}).listen(8080, "localhost")

                          Reading from and Writing to WebSockets


                          The websocket instance passed into the handler implements both ReadStream and WriteStream, so you can read and write data to it in the normal ways. I.e by setting a dataHandler and calling the write method.


                          See the chapter on streams and pumps for more information.


                          For example, to echo all data received on a WebSocket:

                          vertx.createHttpServer.websocketHandler({ ws: ServerWebSocket =>
                          +    Pump.createPump(ws, ws).start()
                          +}).listen(8080, "localhost")

                          The websocket instance also has method writeBinaryFrame for writing binary data. This has the same effect as calling write.


                          Another method writeTextFrame also exists for writing text data. This is equivalent to calling


                          Rejecting WebSockets


                          Sometimes you may only want to accept WebSockets which connect at a specific path.


                          To check the path, you can query the path() method of the websocket. You can then call the reject() method to reject the websocket.

                          vertx.createHttpServer.websocketHandler({ ws: ServerWebSocket =>
                          +    if (ws.path().equals("/services/echo")) {
                          +        Pump.createPump(ws, ws).start()                      
                          +    } else {
                          +        ws.reject()
                          +    }
                          +}).listen(8080, "localhost")

                          Headers on the websocket


                          You can use the headers() method to retrieve the headers passed in the Http Request from the client that caused the upgrade to websockets.


                          WebSockets on the HTTP client


                          To use WebSockets from the HTTP client, you create the HTTP client as normal, then call the connectWebsocket function, passing in the URI that you wish to connect to at the server, and a handler.


                          The handler will then get called if the WebSocket successfully connects. If the WebSocket does not connect - perhaps the server rejects it - then any exception handler on the HTTP client will be called.


                          Here's an example of WebSocket connection;

                          vertx.createHttpClient().setHost("").connectWebsocket("/some-uri", { ws: WebSocket =>
                          +    // Connected!

                          Note that the host (and port) is set on the HttpClient instance, and the uri passed in the connect is typically a relative URI.


                          Again, the client side WebSocket implements ReadStream and WriteStream, so you can read and write to it in the same way as any other stream object.


                          WebSockets in the browser


                          To use WebSockets from a compliant browser, you use the standard WebSocket API. Here's some example client side JavaScript which uses a WebSocket.

                          +    var socket = new WebSocket("ws://");
                          +    socket.onmessage = function(event) {
                          +        alert("Received data from websocket: " +;
                          +    }
                          +    socket.onopen = function(event) {
                          +        alert("Web Socket opened");
                          +        socket.send("Hello World");
                          +    };
                          +    socket.onclose = function(event) {
                          +        alert("Web Socket closed");
                          +    };

                          For more information see the WebSocket API documentation





                          WebSockets are a new technology, and many users are still using browsers that do not support them, or which support older, pre-final, versions.


                          Moreover, WebSockets do not work well with many corporate proxies. This means that's it's not possible to guarantee a WebSockets connection is going to succeed for every user.


                          Enter SockJS.


                          SockJS is a client side JavaScript library and protocol which provides a simple WebSocket-like interface to the client side JavaScript developer irrespective of whether the actual browser or network will allow real WebSockets.


                          It does this by supporting various different transports between browser and server, and choosing one at runtime according to browser and network capabilities. All this is transparent to you - you are simply presented with the WebSocket-like interface which just works.


                          Please see the SockJS website for more information.


                          SockJS Server


                          Vert.x provides a complete server side SockJS implementation.


                          This enables Vert.x to be used for modern, so-called real-time (this is the modern meaning of real-time, not to be confused by the more formal pre-existing definitions of soft and hard real-time systems) web applications that push data to and from rich client-side JavaScript applications, without having to worry about the details of the transport.


                          To create a SockJS server you simply create a HTTP server as normal and then call the createSockJSServer method of your vertx instance passing in the Http server:

                          val httpServer = vertx.createHttpServer()
                          +val sockJSServer = vertx.createSockJSServer(httpServer)

                          Each SockJS server can host multiple applications.


                          Each application is defined by some configuration, and provides a handler which gets called when incoming SockJS connections arrive at the server.


                          For example, to create a SockJS echo application:

                          val httpServer = vertx.createHttpServer()
                          +val sockJSServer = vertx.createSockJSServer(httpServer)
                          +val config = Json.obj("prefix" -> "/echo")
                          +sockJSServer.installApp(config, { sock: SockJSSocket =>
                          +    Pump.createPump(sock, sock).start()

                          The configuration is an instance of org.vertx.scala.core.json.JsonObject, which takes the following fields:

                          • prefix: A url prefix for the application. All http requests whose paths begins with selected prefix will be handled by the application. This property is mandatory.
                          • +
                          • insert_JSESSIONID: Some hosting providers enable sticky sessions only to requests that have JSESSIONID cookie set. This setting controls if the server should set this cookie to a dummy value. By default setting JSESSIONID cookie is enabled. More sophisticated beaviour can be achieved by supplying a function.
                          • +
                          • session_timeout: The server sends a close event when a client receiving connection have not been seen for a while. This delay is configured by this setting. By default the close event will be emitted when a receiving connection wasn't seen for 5 seconds.
                          • +
                          • heartbeat_period: In order to keep proxies and load balancers from closing long running http requests we need to pretend that the connecion is active and send a heartbeat packet once in a while. This setting controlls how often this is done. By default a heartbeat packet is sent every 5 seconds.
                          • +
                          • max_bytes_streaming: Most streaming transports save responses on the client side and don't free memory used by delivered messages. Such transports need to be garbage-collected once in a while. max_bytes_streaming sets a minimum number of bytes that can be send over a single http streaming request before it will be closed. After that client needs to open new request. Setting this value to one effectively disables streaming and will make streaming transports to behave like polling transports. The default value is 128K.
                          • +
                          • library_url: Transports which don't support cross-domain communication natively ('eventsource' to name one) use an iframe trick. A simple page is served from the SockJS server (using its foreign domain) and is placed in an invisible iframe. Code run from this iframe doesn't need to worry about cross-domain issues, as it's being run from domain local to the SockJS server. This iframe also does need to load SockJS javascript client library, and this option lets you specify its url (if you're unsure, point it to the latest minified SockJS client release, this is the default). The default value is
                          • +

                          Reading and writing data from a SockJS server


                          The SockJSSocket object passed into the SockJS handler implements ReadStream and WriteStream much like NetSocket or WebSocket. You can therefore use the standard API for reading and writing to the SockJS socket or using it in pumps.


                          See the chapter on Streams and Pumps for more information.


                          SockJS client


                          For full information on using the SockJS client library please see the SockJS website. A simple example:

                          +   var sock = new SockJS('');
                          +   sock.onopen = function() {
                          +       console.log('open');
                          +   };
                          +   sock.onmessage = function(e) {
                          +       console.log('message',;
                          +   };
                          +   sock.onclose = function() {
                          +       console.log('close');
                          +   };

                          As you can see the API is very similar to the WebSockets API.


                          SockJS - EventBus Bridge


                          Setting up the Bridge


                          By connecting up SockJS and the Vert.x event bus we create a distributed event bus which not only spans multiple Vert.x instances on the server side, but can also include client side JavaScript running in browsers.


                          We can therefore create a huge distributed bus encompassing many browsers and servers. The browsers don't have to be connected to the same server as long as the servers are connected.


                          On the server side we have already discussed the event bus API.


                          We also provide a client side JavaScript library called vertxbus.js which provides the same event bus API, but on the client side.


                          This library internally uses SockJS to send and receive data to a SockJS Vert.x server called the SockJS bridge. It's the bridge's responsibility to bridge data between SockJS sockets and the event bus on the server side.


                          Creating a Sock JS bridge is simple. You just call the bridge method on the SockJS server.


                          You will also need to secure the bridge (see below).


                          The following example bridges the event bus to client side JavaScript:

                          val server = vertx.createHttpServer()
                          +val config = Json.obj("prefix" -> "/echo")
                          +vertx.createSockJSServer(server).bridge(config, new JsonArray(), new JsonArray())

                          Using the Event Bus from client side JavaScript


                          Once you've set up a bridge, you can use the event bus from the client side as follows:


                          In your web page, you need to load the script vertxbus.js, then you can access the Vert.x event bus API. Here's a rough idea of how to use it. For a full working examples, please consult the vert.x examples.

                          <script src=""></script>
                          +<script src='vertxbus.js'></script>
                          +    var eb = new vertx.EventBus('http://localhost:8080/eventbus');
                          +    eb.onopen = function() {
                          +      eb.registerHandler('some-address', function(message) {
                          +        console.log('received a message: ' + JSON.stringify(message);
                          +      });
                          +      eb.send('some-address', {name: 'tim', age: 587});
                          +    }

                          You can find vertxbus.js in the client directory of the Vert.x distribution.


                          The first thing the example does is to create a instance of the event bus

                          var eb = new vertx.EventBus('http://localhost:8080/eventbus');

                          The parameter to the constructor is the URI where to connect to the event bus. Since we create our bridge with the prefix eventbus we will connect there.


                          You can't actually do anything with the bridge until it is opened. When it is open the onopen handler will be called.


                          The client side event bus API for registering and unregistering handlers and for sending messages is the same as the server side one. Please consult the chapter on the event bus for full information.


                          There is one more thing to do before getting this working, please read the following section....


                          Securing the Bridge


                          If you started a bridge like in the above example without securing it, and attempted to send messages through it you'd find that the messages mysteriously disappeared. What happened to them?


                          For most applications you probably don't want client side JavaScript being able to send just any message to any verticle on the server side or to all other browsers.


                          For example, you may have a persistor verticle on the event bus which allows data to be accessed or deleted. We don't want badly behaved or malicious clients being able to delete all the data in your database! Also, we don't necessarily want any client to be able to listen in on any topic.


                          To deal with this, a SockJS bridge will, by default refuse to let through any messages. It's up to you to tell the bridge what messages are ok for it to pass through. (There is an exception for reply messages which are always allowed through).


                          In other words the bridge acts like a kind of firewall which has a default deny-all policy.


                          Configuring the bridge to tell it what messages it should pass through is easy. You pass in two Json arrays that represent matches, as arguments to bridge.


                          The first array is the inbound list and represents the messages that you want to allow through from the client to the server. The second array is the outbound list and represents the messages that you want to allow through from the server to the client.


                          Each match can have up to three fields:

                          1. address: This represents the exact address the message is being sent to. If you want to filter messages based on an exact address you use this field.
                          2. +
                          3. address_re: This is a regular expression that will be matched against the address. If you want to filter messages based on a regular expression you use this field. If the address field is specified this field will be ignored.
                          4. +
                          5. match: This allows you to filter messages based on their structure. Any fields in the match must exist in the message with the same values for them to be passed. This currently only works with JSON messages.
                          6. +

                          When a message arrives at the bridge, it will look through the available permitted entries.

                          • +

                            If an address field has been specified then the address must match exactly with the address of the message for it to be considered matched.

                          • +
                          • +

                            If an address field has not been specified and an address_re field has been specified then the regular expression in address_re must match with the address of the message for it to be considered matched.

                          • +
                          • +

                            If a match field has been specified, then also the structure of the message must match.

                          • +

                          Here is an example:

                          val server = vertx.createHttpServer()
                          +val config = Json.obj("prefix" -> "/echo")
                          +val inboundPermitted = new JsonArray()
                          +// Let through any messages sent to 'demo.orderMgr'
                          +val inboundPermitted1 = Json.obj("address" -> "demo.orderMgr")
                          +// Allow calls to the address 'demo.persistor' as long as the messages
                          +// have an action field with value 'find' and a collection field with value
                          +// 'albums'
                          +val inboundPermitted2 = Json.obj("address" -> "demo.persistor", "match" -> Json.obj("action" -> "find", "collection" -> "albums"))
                          +// Allow through any message with a field `wibble` with value `foo`.                                            
                          +val inboundPermitted3 = Json.obj("match" -> Json.obj("wibble" -> "foo"))
                          +val outboundPermitted = new JsonArray()
                          +// Let through any messages coming from address 'ticker.mystock'
                          +val outboundPermitted1 = Json.obj("address" -> "ticker.mystock")
                          +// Let through any messages from addresses starting with "news." (e.g. news.europe, news.usa, etc)
                          +val outboundPermitted2 = Json.obj("address_re" -> "news\\..+")
                          +vertx.createSockJSServer(server).bridge(config, inboundPermitted, outboundPermitted)

                          To let all messages through you can specify two JSON array with a single empty JSON object which will match all messages.

                          +val permitted = new JsonArray()
                          +vertx.createSockJSServer(server).bridge(config, permitted, permitted)

                          Be very careful!


                          Messages that require authorisation


                          The bridge can also refuse to let certain messages through if the user is not authorised.


                          To enable this you need to make sure an instance of the vertx.auth-mgr module is available on the event bus. (Please see the modules manual for a full description of modules).


                          To tell the bridge that certain messages require authorisation before being passed, you add the field requires_auth with the value of true in the match. The default value is false. For example, the following match:

                          +  address : 'demo.persistor',
                          +  match : {
                          +    action : 'find',
                          +    collection : 'albums'
                          +  },
                          +  requires_auth: true

                          This tells the bridge that any messages to save orders in the orders collection, will only be passed if the user is successful authenticated (i.e. logged in ok) first.


                          File System


                          Vert.x lets you manipulate files on the file system. File system operations are asynchronous and take a handler function as the last argument. This function will be called when the operation is complete, or an error has occurred.


                          The argument passed into the handler is an instance of org.vertx.scala.core.AsyncResult.


                          Synchronous forms


                          For convenience, we also provide synchronous forms of most operations. It's highly recommended the asynchronous forms are always used for real applications.


                          The synchronous form does not take a handler as an argument and returns its results directly. The name of the synchronous function is the same as the name as the asynchronous form with Sync appended.




                          Copies a file.


                          This function can be called in two different ways:

                          • copy(source, destination, handler)
                          • +

                          Non recursive file copy. source is the source file name. destination is the destination file name.


                          Here's an example:

                          vertx.fileSystem.copy("foo.dat", "bar.dat", { ar: AsyncResult[Void] =>
                          +    if (ar.succeeded()) {
                          +"Copy was successful")
                          +    } else {
                          +        logger.error("Failed to copy", ar.cause())
                          +    }
                          • copy(source, destination, recursive, handler)
                          • +

                          Recursive copy. source is the source file name. destination is the destination file name. recursive is a boolean flag - if true and source is a directory, then a recursive copy of the directory and all its contents will be attempted.




                          Moves a file.


                          move(source, destination, handler)


                          source is the source file name. destination is the destination file name.




                          Truncates a file.


                          truncate(file, len, handler)


                          file is the file name of the file to truncate. len is the length in bytes to truncate it to.




                          Changes permissions on a file or directory.


                          This function can be called in two different ways:

                          • chmod(file, perms, handler).
                          • +

                          Change permissions on a file.


                          file is the file name. perms is a Unix style permissions string made up of 9 characters. The first three are the owner's permissions. The second three are the group's permissions and the third three are others permissions. In each group of three if the first character is r then it represents a read permission. If the second character is w it represents write permission. If the third character is x it represents execute permission. If the entity does not have the permission the letter is replaced with -. Some examples:

                          • chmod(file, perms, dirPerms, handler).
                          • +

                          Recursively change permissionson a directory. file is the directory name. perms is a Unix style permissions to apply recursively to any files in the directory. dirPerms is a Unix style permissions string to apply to the directory and any other child directories recursively.




                          Retrieve properties of a file.


                          props(file, handler)


                          file is the file name. The props are returned in the handler. The results is an object with the following methods:

                          • creationTime(): Time of file creation.
                          • +
                          • lastAccessTime(): Time of last file access.
                          • +
                          • lastModifiedTime(): Time file was last modified.
                          • +
                          • isDirectory(): This will have the value true if the file is a directory.
                          • +
                          • isRegularFile(): This will have the value true if the file is a regular file (not symlink or directory).
                          • +
                          • isSymbolicLink(): This will have the value true if the file is a symbolic link.
                          • +
                          • isOther(): This will have the value true if the file is another type.
                          • +

                          Here's an example:

                          vertx.fileSystem.props("foo.dat", { ar: AsyncResult[FileProps] =>
                          +    if (ar.succeeded()) {
                          +"File props are:")
                          +"Last accessed: " + ar.result().lastAccessTime())
                          +        // etc 
                          +    } else {
                          +        logger.error("Failed to get props", ar.cause())
                          +    }



                          Retrieve properties of a link. This is like props but should be used when you want to retrieve properties of a link itself without following it.


                          It takes the same arguments and provides the same results as props.


                          Create a hard link.


                          link(link, existing, handler)


                          link is the name of the link. existing is the exsting file (i.e. where to point the link at).


                          Create a symbolic link.


                          symlink(link, existing, handler)


                          link is the name of the symlink. existing is the exsting file (i.e. where to point the symlink at).


                          Unlink (delete) a link.


                          unlink(link, handler)


                          link is the name of the link to unlink.


                          Reads a symbolic link. I.e returns the path representing the file that the symbolic link specified by link points to.


                          readSymLink(link, handler)


                          link is the name of the link to read. An usage example would be:

                          vertx.fileSystem.readSymlink("somelink", { ar: AsyncResult[String] =>
                          +    if (ar.succeeded()) {                
                          +"Link points at  " + ar.result())               
                          +    } else {
                          +        logger.error("Failed to read", ar.cause())
                          +    }



                          Deletes a file or recursively deletes a directory.


                          This function can be called in two ways:

                          • delete(file, handler)
                          • +

                          Deletes a file. file is the file name.

                          • delete(file, recursive, handler)
                          • +

                          If recursive is true, it deletes a directory with name file, recursively. Otherwise it just deletes a file.




                          Creates a directory.


                          This function can be called in three ways:

                          • mkdir(dirname, handler)
                          • +

                          Makes a new empty directory with name dirname, and default permissions `

                          • mkdir(dirname, createParents, handler)
                          • +

                          If createParents is true, this creates a new directory and creates any of its parents too. Here's an example

                          vertx.fileSystem.mkdir("a/b/c", true, { ar: AsyncResult[Void] =>
                          +    if (ar.succeeded()) {                
                          +"Directory created ok")               
                          +    } else {
                          +        logger.error("Failed to mkdir", ar.cause())
                          +    }
                          • mkdir(dirname, createParents, perms, handler)
                          • +

                          Like mkdir(dirname, createParents, handler), but also allows permissions for the newly created director(ies) to be specified. perms is a Unix style permissions string as explained earlier.




                          Reads a directory. I.e. lists the contents of the directory.


                          This function can be called in two ways:

                          • readDir(dirName)
                          • +

                          Lists the contents of a directory

                          • readDir(dirName, filter)
                          • +

                          List only the contents of a directory which match the filter. Here's an example which only lists files with an extension txt in a directory.

                          vertx.fileSystem.readDir("mydirectory", "^.*\\.txt$", { ar: AsyncResult[Array[String]] =>
                          +    if (ar.succeeded()) {                
                          +"Directory contains these .txt files")
                          +        for (i <- 0 until ar.result().length) {
                          +        }               
                          +    } else {
                          +        logger.error("Failed to read", ar.cause())
                          +    }

                          The filter is a regular expression.




                          Read the entire contents of a file in one go. Be careful if using this with large files since the entire file will be stored in memory at once.


                          readFile(file). Where file is the file name of the file to read.


                          The body of the file will be returned as an instance of org.vertx.scala.core.buffer.Buffer in the handler.


                          Here is an example:

                          vertx.fileSystem.readFile("myfile.dat", { ar: AsyncResult[Buffer] =>
                          +    if (ar.succeeded()) {
                          +"File contains: " + ar.result().length() + " bytes")
                          +    } else {
                          +        logger.error("Failed to read", ar.cause())
                          +    }



                          Writes an entire Buffer or a string into a new file on disk.


                          writeFile(file, data, handler) Where file is the file name. data is a Buffer or string.




                          Creates a new empty file.


                          createFile(file, handler). Where file is the file name.




                          Checks if a file exists.


                          exists(file, handler). Where file is the file name.


                          The result is returned in the handler.

                          vertx.fileSystem.exists("some-file.txt", { ar: AsyncResult[Boolean] =>
                          +    if (ar.succeeded()) {                
                          +"File " + (if(ar.result()) "exists" else "does not exist"))
                          +    } else {
                          +        logger.error("Failed to check existence", ar.cause())
                          +    }



                          Get properties for the file system.


                          fsProps(file, handler). Where file is any file on the file system.


                          The result is returned in the handler. The result object is an instance of org.vertx.scala.core.file.FileSystemProps has the following methods:

                          • totalSpace(): Total space on the file system in bytes.
                          • +
                          • unallocatedSpace(): Unallocated space on the file system in bytes.
                          • +
                          • usableSpace(): Usable space on the file system in bytes.
                          • +

                          Here is an example:

                          vertx.fileSystem.fsProps("mydir", { ar: AsyncResult[FileSystemProps] =>
                          +    if (ar.succeeded()) {                
                          +"total space: " + ar.result().totalSpace())
                          +        // etc            
                          +    } else {
                          +        logger.error("Failed to check existence", ar.cause())
                          +    }



                          Opens an asynchronous file for reading \ writing.


                          This function can be called in four different ways:

                          • open(file, handler)
                          • +

                          Opens a file for reading and writing. file is the file name. It creates it if it does not already exist.

                          • open(file, perms, handler)
                          • +

                          Opens a file for reading and writing. file is the file name. It creates it if it does not already exist and assigns it the permissions as specified by perms.

                          • open(file, perms, createNew, handler)
                          • +

                          Opens a file for reading and writing. file is the file name. It createNew is true it creates it if it does not already exist.

                          • open(file, perms, read, write, createNew, handler)
                          • +

                          Opens a file. file is the file name. If read is true it is opened for reading. If write is true it is opened for writing. It createNew is true it creates it if it does not already exist.

                          • open(file, perms, read, write, createNew, flush, handler)
                          • +

                          Opens a file. file is the file name. If read is true it is opened for reading. If write is true it is opened for writing. It createNew is true it creates it if it does not already exist. If flush is true all writes are immediately flushed through the OS cache (default value of flush is false).


                          When the file is opened, an instance of is passed into the result handler:

                "some-file.dat", { ar: AsyncResult[AsyncFile] =>
                          +    if (ar.succeeded()) {                
                          +"File opened ok!")
                          +        // etc            
                          +    } else {
                          +        logger.error("Failed to open file", ar.cause())
                          +    }



                          Instances of org.vertx.scala.core.file.AsyncFile are returned from calls to open and you use them to read from and write to files asynchronously. They allow asynchronous random file access.


                          AsyncFile implementsReadStream and WriteStream so you can pump files to and from other stream objects such as net sockets, http requests and responses, and WebSockets.


                          They also allow you to read and write directly to them.


                          Random access writes


                          To use an AsyncFile for random access writing you use the write method.


                          write(buffer, position, handler).


                          The parameters to the method are:

                          • buffer: the buffer to write.
                          • +
                          • position: an integer position in the file where to write the buffer. If the position is greater or equal to the size of the file, the file will be enlarged to accomodate the offset.
                          • +

                          Here is an example of random access writes:

                "some-file.dat", { ar: AsyncResult[AsyncFile] =>
                          +    if (ar.succeeded()) {    
                          +        val asyncFile = ar.result()           
                          +        // File open, write a buffer 5 times into a file              
                          +        val buff = Buffer("foo")
                          +        for (i <- 0 until 5) {
                          +            asyncFile.write(buff, buff.length() * i, { ar: AsyncResult[Void] =>
                          +                if (ar.succeeded()) {               
                          +          "Written ok!")
                          +                    // etc            
                          +                } else {
                          +                    logger.error("Failed to write", ar.cause())
                          +                }
                          +            }) 
                          +        }            
                          +    } else {
                          +        logger.error("Failed to open file", ar.cause())
                          +    }

                          Random access reads


                          To use an AsyncFile for random access reads you use the read method.


                          read(buffer, offset, position, length, handler).


                          The parameters to the method are:

                          • buffer: the buffer into which the data will be read.
                          • +
                          • offset: an integer offset into the buffer where the read data will be placed.
                          • +
                          • position: the position in the file where to read data from.
                          • +
                          • length: the number of bytes of data to read
                          • +

                          Here's an example of random access reads:

                "some-file.dat", { ar: AsyncResult[AsyncFile] =>
                          +    if (ar.succeeded()) {    
                          +        val asyncFile = ar.result()
                          +        val buff = Buffer(1000)
                          +        for (i <- 0 until 10) {
                          +  , i * 100, i * 100, 100, { ar: AsyncResult[Buffer] =>
                          +                if (ar.succeeded()) {                
                          +          "Read ok!")
                          +                    // etc            
                          +                } else {
                          +                    logger.error("Failed to write", ar.cause())
                          +                }
                          +            })  
                          +        }      
                          +    } else {
                          +        logger.error("Failed to open file", ar.cause())
                          +    }

                          If you attempt to read past the end of file, the read will not fail but it will simply read zero bytes.


                          Flushing data to underlying storage.


                          If the AsyncFile was not opened with flush = true, then you can manually flush any writes from the OS cache by calling the flush() method.


                          This method can also be called with an handler which will be called when the flush is complete.


                          Using AsyncFile as ReadStream and WriteStream


                          AsyncFile implements ReadStream and WriteStream. You can then use them with a pump to pump data to and from other read and write streams.


                          Here's an example of pumping data from a file on a client to a HTTP request:

                          val client = vertx.createHttpClient.setHost("")
                "some-file.dat", { ar: AsyncResult[AsyncFile] =>
                          +    if (ar.succeeded()) {    
                          +        val request = client.put("/uploads", { resp: HttpClientResponse =>
                          +  "Received response: " + resp.statusCode())
                          +        })
                          +        val asyncFile = ar.result()
                          +        request.setChunked(true)
                          +        Pump.createPump(asyncFile, request).start()
                          +        asyncFile.endHandler({
                          +            // File sent, end HTTP requuest
                          +            request.end()
                          +        })    
                          +    } else {
                          +        logger.error("Failed to open file", ar.cause())
                          +    }

                          Closing an AsyncFile


                          To close an AsyncFile call the close() method. Closing is asynchronous and if you want to be notified when the close has been completed you can specify a handler function as an argument.


                          DNS Client (Work in Progress, useable in lang-scala version 0.3.0)


                          Often you will find yourself in situations where you need to obtain DNS informations in an asynchronous fashion. Unfortunally this is not possible with the API that is shipped with Java itself. Because of this Vert.x offers it's own API for DNS resolution which is fully asynchronous.


                          To obtain a DnsClient instance you will create a new via the Vertx instance.

                          val client = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53), new InetSocketAddress("", 53))

                          Be aware that you can pass in a varargs of InetSocketAddress arguments to specifiy more then one DNS Server to try to query for DNS resolution. The DNS Servers will be queried in the same order as specified here. Where the next will be used once the first produce an error while be used.




                          Try to lookup the A (ipv4) or AAAA (ipv6) record for a given name. The first which is returned will be used, so it behaves the same way as you may be used from when using "nslookup" on your operation system.


                          To lookup the A / AAAA record for "" you would typically use it like:

                          val client = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53))
                          +client.lookup("", { ar: AsyncResult[InetAddress] =>
                          +    if (ar.succeeded()) {
                          +        println(ar.result())
                          +    } else {
                          +        logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause())
                          +    }

                          Be aware that it either would use an Inet4Address or Inet6Address in the AsyncResult depending on if an A or AAAA record was resolved.




                          Try to lookup the A (ipv4) record for a given name. The first which is returned will be used, so it behaves the same way as you may be used from when using "nslookup" on your operation system.


                          To lookup the A record for "" you would typically use it like:

                          val client = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53))
                          +client.lookup4("", { ar: AsyncResult[Inet4Address] =>
                          +    if (ar.succeeded()) {
                          +        println(ar.result())
                          +    } else {
                          +        logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause())
                          +    }

                          As it only resolves A records and so is ipv4 only it will use Inet4Address as result.




                          Try to lookup the AAAA (ipv5) record for a given name. The first which is returned will be used, so it behaves the same way as you may be used from when using "nslookup" on your operation system.


                          To lookup the A record for "" you would typically use it like:

                          val client = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53))
                          +client.lookup6("", { ar: AsyncResult[Inet6Address] =>
                          +    if (ar.succeeded()) {
                          +        println(ar.result())
                          +    } else {
                          +        logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause())
                          +    }

                          As it only resolves AAAA records and so is ipv6 only it will use Inet6Address as result.




                          Try to resolve all A (ipv4) records for a given name. This is quite similar to using "dig" on unix like operation systems.


                          To lookup all the A records for "" you would typically do:

                          val client = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53))
                          +client.resolveA("", { ar: AsyncResult[List[Inet4Address]] =>
                          +    if (ar.succeeded()) {
                          +        for (record <- ar.result()) {
                          +            println(record)
                          +        }
                          +    } else {
                          +        logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause())
                          +    }

                          As it only resolves A records and so is ipv4 only it will use Inet4Address as result.




                          Try to resolve all AAAA (ipv6) records for a given name. This is quite similar to using "dig" on unix like operation systems.


                          To lookup all the AAAAA records for "" you would typically do:

                          val client = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53))
                          +client.resolveAAAA("", { ar: AsyncResult[List[Inet6Address]] =>
                          +    if (ar.succeeded()) {
                          +        for (record <- ar.result()) {
                          +            println(record)
                          +        }
                          +    } else {
                          +        logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause())
                          +    }

                          As it only resolves AAAA records and so is ipv6 only it will use Inet6Address as result.




                          Try to resolve all CNAME records for a given name. This is quite similar to using "dig" on unix like operation systems.


                          To lookup all the CNAME records for "" you would typically do:

                          val client = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53))
                          +client.resolveCNAME("", { ar: AsyncResult[List[String]] =>
                          +    if (ar.succeeded()) {
                          +        for (record <- ar.result()) {
                          +            println(record)
                          +        }
                          +    } else {
                          +        logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause())
                          +    }



                          Try to resolve all MX records for a given name. The MX records are used to define which Mail-Server accepts emails for a given domain.


                          To lookup all the MX records for "" you would typically do:

                          val client = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53))
                          +client.resolveMX("", { ar: AsyncResult[List[MxRecord]] =>
                          +    if (ar.succeeded()) {
                          +        for (record <- ar.result()) {
                          +            println(record)
                          +        }
                          +    } else {
                          +        logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause())
                          +    }

                          Be aware that the List will contain the MxRecords sorted by the priority of them, which means MxRecords with smaller priority coming first in the List.


                          The MxRecord allows you to access the priority and the name of the MX record by offer methods for it like:

                          val record: MxRecord = ...



                          Try to resolve all TXT records for a given name. TXT records are often used to define extra informations for a domain.


                          To resolve all the TXT records for "" you could use something along these lines:

                          val client = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53))
                          +client.resolveTXT("", { ar: AsyncResult[List[String]] =>
                          +    if (ar.succeeded()) {
                          +        for (record <- ar.result()) {
                          +            println(record)
                          +        }
                          +    } else {
                          +        logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause())
                          +    }



                          Try to resolve all NS records for a given name. The NS records specify which DNS Server hosts the DNS informations for a given domain.


                          To resolve all the NS records for "" you could use something along these lines:

                          val client = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53))
                          +client.resolveNS("", { ar: AsyncResult[List[String]] =>
                          +    if (ar.succeeded()) {
                          +        for (record <- ar.result()) {
                          +            println(record)
                          +        }
                          +    } else {
                          +        logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause())
                          +    }



                          Try to resolve all SRV records for a given name. The SRV records are used to define extra informations like port and hostname of services. Some protocols need this extra informations.


                          To lookup all the SRV records for "" you would typically do:

                          val client = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53))
                          +client.resolveMX("", { ar: AsyncResult[List[SrvRecord]] =>
                          +    if (ar.succeeded()) {
                          +        for (record <- ar.result()) {
                          +            println(record)
                          +        }
                          +    } else {
                          +        logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause())
                          +    }

                          Be aware that the List will contain the SrvRecords sorted by the priority of them, which means SrvRecords with smaller priority coming first in the List.


                          The SrvRecord allows you to access all informations contained in the SRV record itself:

                          val record: SrvRecord = ...

                          Please refer to the API docs for the exact details.




                          Try to resolve the PTR record for a given name. The PTR record maps an ipaddress to a name.


                          To resolve the PTR record for the ipaddress you would use the PTR notion of ""

                          val client = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53))
                          +client.resolveTXT("", { ar: AsyncResult[String] =>
                          +    if (ar.succeeded()) {
                          +        println(ar.result())
                          +    } else {
                          +        logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause())
                          +    }



                          Try to do a reverse lookup for an ipaddress. This is basically the same as resolve a PTR record, but allows you to just pass in the ipaddress and not a valid PTR query string.


                          To do a reverse lookup for the ipaddress do something similar like this:

                          val client = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53))
                          +client.reverseLookup("", { ar: AsyncResult[String] =>
                          +    if (ar.succeeded()) {
                          +        println(ar.result())
                          +    } else {
                          +        logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause())
                          +    }

                          Error handling


                          As you saw in previous sections the DnsClient allows you to pass in a Handler which will be notified with an AsyncResult once the query was complete. In case of an error it will be notified with a DnsException which will hole a DnsResponseCode that indicate why the resolution failed. This DnsResponseCode can be used to inspect the cause in more detail.


                          Possible DnsResponseCodes are:




                          No record was found for a given query




                          Format error




                          Server failure




                          Name error




                          Not implemented by DNS Server




                          DNS Server refused the query




                          Domain name should not exist




                          Resource record should not exist




                          RRSET does not exist




                          Name not in zone




                          Bad extension mechanism for version




                          Bad signature




                          Bad key




                          Bad timestamp


                          All of those errors are "generated" by the DNS Server itself.


                          You can obtain the DnsResponseCode from the DnsException like:

                          val client = vertx.createDnsClient(new InetSocketAddress("", 53))
                          +client.lookup("nonexisting.vert.xio", { ar: AsyncResult[InetAddress] =>
                          +    if (ar.succeeded()) {
                          +        println(ar.result())
                          +    } else {
                          +        val cause = ar.cause()
                          +        if (cause.isInstanceOf[DnsException]) {
                          +            val exception = cause.asInstanceOf[DnsException]
                          +            val code = exception.code
                          +            //...
                          +        } else {
                          +            logger.error("Failed to resolve entry", ar.cause())
                          +        }
                          +    }
                          + +
                          + + + diff --git a/core_manual_scala_templ.html b/core_manual_scala_templ.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2add59e --- /dev/null +++ b/core_manual_scala_templ.html @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ + + +
                          + +

                          Scala API Manual

                          + +
                          + +
                          + +
                          + + + diff --git a/docs.html b/docs.html index 7569ea8..2ad3d71 100644 --- a/docs.html +++ b/docs.html @@ -119,6 +119,10 @@


                          Groovy manual | GroovyDoc +
                        1. + Scala manual | ScalaDoc +
                        2. + diff --git a/docs_templ.html b/docs_templ.html index 264a71b..eecb69e 100644 --- a/docs_templ.html +++ b/docs_templ.html @@ -62,6 +62,10 @@


                          Groovy manual | GroovyDoc +
                        3. + Scala manual | ScalaDoc +
                        4. + diff --git a/ b/ index 3ec6831..3a45d6a 100755 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ ./ docs_md/ core_manual_python_templ.html core_manual_python.html ./ docs_md/ core_manual_java_templ.html core_manual_java.html ./ docs_md/ core_manual_groovy_templ.html core_manual_groovy.html +./ docs_md/ core_manual_scala_templ.html core_manual_scala.html ./ docs_md/ install_manual_templ.html install.html ./ docs_md/ dev_guide_templ.html dev_guide.html ./ docs_md/ gradle_dev_templ.html gradle_dev.html From e69e67995f3942032a496238484ca402d092ac4f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Joern Bernhardt Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2013 22:25:03 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 4/6] added eventbus timeouts for scala --- core_manual_scala.html | 54 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- docs_md/ | 60 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 113 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/core_manual_scala.html b/core_manual_scala.html index 9fe5088..d023eeb 100644 --- a/core_manual_scala.html +++ b/core_manual_scala.html @@ -112,7 +112,11 @@

                          Scala API Manual

                        5. Registering and Unregistering Handlers
                        6. Publishing messages
                        7. Sending messages
                        8. -
                        9. Replying to messages
                        10. +
                        11. Replying to messages +
                        12. Message types
                        13. @@ -653,6 +657,54 @@

                          Replying to messages

                          It is legal also to send an empty reply or a null reply.

                          The replies themselves can also be replied to so you can create a dialog between two different verticles consisting of multiple rounds.


                          Specifying timeouts for replies


                          If you send a message specifying a reply handler, and the reply never comes, then, by default, you'll be left with a handler that never gets unregistered.


                          To remedy this you can also specify a AsyncResult[Message] => Unit as a reply handler and a timeout in ms. If a reply is received before timeout your handler will be called with an AsyncResult containing the message, but if no reply is received before timeout, the handler will be automatically unregistered and your handler will be called with a failed result so you can deal with it in your code.


                          Here's an example:

                          eb.sendWithTimeout("test.address", "This is a message", 1000, { ar: AsyncResult[Message[String]] =>
                          +  if (ar.succeeded()) {
                          +    println("I received a reply " + ar.result.body)
                          +  } else {
                          +    println("No reply was received before the 1 second timeout!")
                          +  }

                          If the send times out, the exception it is available with the cause() method of the AsyncResult is of type ReplyException. The return value failureType() on the ReplyException instance is ReplyFailure.TIMEOUT.


                          You can also set a default timeout on the event bus itself - this timeout will be used if you are using the send(...) method on the event bus to send messages with a reply handler. The default value of the default timeout is -1 which means that reply handlers will never timeout (this is for backward compatibility reasons with earlier versions of Vert.x).

                          +eb.send("test.address", "This is a message", { msg: Message[String] =>
                          +  println("I received a reply before the timeout of 5 seconds")

                          When replying to messages you can also provide a timeout and a Handler<AsyncResult<Message>> to get replies to the replies within a timeout. The API used is similar to before:

                          message.replyWithTimeout("This is a reply", 1000, { ar: AsyncResult[Message[String]] =>
                          +  if (ar.succeeded()) {
                          +    println("I received a reply to the reply" + ar.result.body)
                          +  } else {
                          +    println("No reply to the reply was received before the 1 second timeout!")
                          +  }

                          Getting notified of reply failures


                          If you send a message with a timeout and result handler, and there are no handlers available to send the message to, the handler will be called with a failed AsyncResult where the cause() is a ReplyException. The return value failureType() on the ReplyException instance is ReplyFailure.NO_HANDLERS.


                          If you send a message with a timeout and result handler, and the recipent of the message responds by calling, the handler will be called with a failed AsyncResult where the cause() is a ReplyException. The return value failureType() on the ReplyException instance is ReplyFailure.RECIPIENT_FAILURE.


                          For example

                          eb.registerHandler("test.address", { message: Message[String] =>
                          +, "Not enough aardvarks");
                          +eb.sendWithTimeout("test.address", "This is a message", 1000, { ar: AsyncResult[Message[String]] =>
                          +  if (ar.succeeded()) {
                          +    println("I received a reply " + ar.result().body)
                          +  } else {
                          +    val ex = result.cause().asInstanceOf[ReplyException]
                          +    println("Failure type: " + ex.failureType())
                          +    println("Failure code: " + ex.failureCode())
                          +    println("Failure message: " + ex.message())
                          +  }

                          Message types

                          The message you send can be any of the following types (or their matching boxed type):

                            diff --git a/docs_md/ b/docs_md/ index 47a582a..83499a4 100644 --- a/docs_md/ +++ b/docs_md/ @@ -466,6 +466,66 @@ It is legal also to send an empty reply or a null reply. The replies themselves can also be replied to so you can create a dialog between two different verticles consisting of multiple rounds. +#### Specifying timeouts for replies + +If you send a message specifying a reply handler, and the reply never comes, then, by default, you'll be left with a handler that never gets unregistered. + +To remedy this you can also specify a `AsyncResult[Message] => Unit` as a reply handler and a timeout in ms. If a reply is received before timeout your handler will be called with an `AsyncResult` containing the message, but if no reply is received before timeout, the handler will be automatically unregistered and your handler will be called with a failed result so you can deal with it in your code. + +Here's an example: + + eb.sendWithTimeout("test.address", "This is a message", 1000, { ar: AsyncResult[Message[String]] => + if (ar.succeeded()) { + println("I received a reply " + ar.result.body) + } else { + println("No reply was received before the 1 second timeout!") + } + }) + +If the send times out, the exception it is available with the `cause()` method of the `AsyncResult` is of type `ReplyException`. The return value `failureType()` on the `ReplyException` instance is `ReplyFailure.TIMEOUT`. + + +You can also set a default timeout on the event bus itself - this timeout will be used if you are using the `send(...)` method on the event bus to send messages with a reply handler. The default value of the default timeout is `-1` which means that reply handlers will never timeout (this is for backward compatibility reasons with earlier versions of Vert.x). + + eb.setDefaultReplyTimeout(5000) + + eb.send("test.address", "This is a message", { msg: Message[String] => + println("I received a reply before the timeout of 5 seconds") + }) + +When replying to messages you can also provide a timeout and a `Handler>` to get replies to the replies within a timeout. The API used is similar to before: + + message.replyWithTimeout("This is a reply", 1000, { ar: AsyncResult[Message[String]] => + if (ar.succeeded()) { + println("I received a reply to the reply" + ar.result.body) + } else { + println("No reply to the reply was received before the 1 second timeout!") + } + }) + +#### Getting notified of reply failures + +If you send a message with a timeout and result handler, and there are no handlers available to send the message to, the handler will be called with a failed `AsyncResult` where the `cause()` is a `ReplyException`. The return value `failureType()` on the `ReplyException` instance is `ReplyFailure.NO_HANDLERS`. + +If you send a message with a timeout and result handler, and the recipent of the message responds by calling ``, the handler will be called with a failed `AsyncResult` where the `cause()` is a `ReplyException`. The return value `failureType()` on the `ReplyException` instance is `ReplyFailure.RECIPIENT_FAILURE`. + +For example + + eb.registerHandler("test.address", { message: Message[String] => +, "Not enough aardvarks"); + }); + + eb.sendWithTimeout("test.address", "This is a message", 1000, { ar: AsyncResult[Message[String]] => + if (ar.succeeded()) { + println("I received a reply " + ar.result().body) + } else { + val ex = result.cause().asInstanceOf[ReplyException] + println("Failure type: " + ex.failureType()) + println("Failure code: " + ex.failureCode()) + println("Failure message: " + ex.message()) + } + }); + ### Message types The message you send can be any of the following types (or their matching boxed type): From 70015ac323fd7f0ac2444b56487d635d290db28f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Joern Bernhardt Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2013 22:27:31 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 5/6] kicked unnecessary semicolons --- core_manual_scala.html | 6 +++--- docs_md/ | 8 ++++---- 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/core_manual_scala.html b/core_manual_scala.html index d023eeb..5e86b34 100644 --- a/core_manual_scala.html +++ b/core_manual_scala.html @@ -691,8 +691,8 @@

                            Getting notified of reply failuresIf you send a message with a timeout and result handler, and the recipent of the message responds by calling, the handler will be called with a failed AsyncResult where the cause() is a ReplyException. The return value failureType() on the ReplyException instance is ReplyFailure.RECIPIENT_FAILURE.

                            For example

                            eb.registerHandler("test.address", { message: Message[String] =>
                            -, "Not enough aardvarks");
                            +, "Not enough aardvarks")
                             eb.sendWithTimeout("test.address", "This is a message", 1000, { ar: AsyncResult[Message[String]] =>
                               if (ar.succeeded()) {
                            @@ -703,7 +703,7 @@ 

                            Getting notified of reply failures

                            Message types

                            The message you send can be any of the following types (or their matching boxed type):

                            diff --git a/docs_md/ b/docs_md/ index 83499a4..b1a5b95 100644 --- a/docs_md/ +++ b/docs_md/ @@ -512,9 +512,9 @@ If you send a message with a timeout and result handler, and the recipent of the For example eb.registerHandler("test.address", { message: Message[String] => -, "Not enough aardvarks"); - }); - +, "Not enough aardvarks") + }) + eb.sendWithTimeout("test.address", "This is a message", 1000, { ar: AsyncResult[Message[String]] => if (ar.succeeded()) { println("I received a reply " + ar.result().body) @@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ For example println("Failure code: " + ex.failureCode()) println("Failure message: " + ex.message()) } - }); + }) ### Message types From 4b60bda815eb9cac8f22bd7a8cac3887e9014ce0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Joern Bernhardt Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2013 07:39:46 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 6/6] Added HTTP compression docs for Scala --- core_manual_scala.html | 36 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ docs_md/ | 46 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 82 insertions(+) diff --git a/core_manual_scala.html b/core_manual_scala.html index 5e86b34..5db5601 100644 --- a/core_manual_scala.html +++ b/core_manual_scala.html @@ -216,6 +216,7 @@

                            Scala API Manual

                          • Serving files directly from disk
                          • Pumping Responses
                          • +
                          • HTTP Compression
                        14. Writing HTTP Clients
                            @@ -237,6 +238,7 @@

                            Scala API Manual

                        15. 100-Continue Handling
                        16. +
                        17. HTTP Compression
                        18. Pumping Requests and Responses
                        19. @@ -1473,6 +1475,21 @@

                          Pumping Responses

                          }) }).listen(8080, "localhost") +

                          HTTP Compression


                          Vert.x comes with support for HTTP Compression out of the box. +Which means you are able to automatically compress the body of the responses before they are sent back to the Client. +If the client does not support HTTP Compression the responses are sent back without compressing the body. +This allows to handle Client that support HTTP Compression and those that not support it at the same time.


                          To enable compression you only need to do:

                          val server = vertx.createHttpServer()

                          The default is false.


                          When HTTP Compression is enabled the HttpServer will check if the client did include an 'Accept-Encoding' header which +includes the supported compressions. Common used are deflate and gzip. Both are supported by Vert.x. +Once such a header is found the HttpServer will automatically compress the body of the response with one of the supported +compressions and send it back to the client.


                          Be aware that compression may be able to reduce network traffic but is more cpu-intensive.

                          Writing HTTP Clients

                          Creating an HTTP Client

                          To create an HTTP client you call the createHttpClient method on your vertx instance:

                          @@ -1665,6 +1682,25 @@

                          100-Continue Handling

                          request.sendHead() +

                          HTTP Compression


                          Vert.x comes with support for HTTP Compression out of the box. Which means the HTTPClient can let the remote Http server know that it supports compression, and so will be able to handle +compressed response bodies. A Http server is free to either compress with one of the supported compression algorithm or send the body back without compress it at all. So this +is only a hint for the Http server which it may ignore at all.


                          To tell the Http server which compression is supported by the HttpClient it will include a 'Accept-Encoding' header with the supported +compression algorithm as value. Multiple compression algorithms are supported. In case of Vert.x this will result in have the +following header added:

                          Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate

                          The Http Server will choose then from one of these. You can detect if a HttpServer did compress the body by checking for the +'Content-Encoding' header in the response sent back from it.


                          If the body of the response was compressed via gzip it will include for example the following header:

                          Content-Encoding: gzip

                          To enable compression you only need to do:

                          val client = vertx.createHttpClient()

                          The default is false.

                          Pumping Requests and Responses

                          The HTTP client and server requests and responses all implement either ReadStream or WriteStream. This means you can pump between them and any other read and write streams.

                          HTTPS Servers

                          diff --git a/docs_md/ b/docs_md/ index b1a5b95..ca62094 100644 --- a/docs_md/ +++ b/docs_md/ @@ -1607,7 +1607,27 @@ Here's an example which echoes HttpRequest headers and body back in the HttpResp }) }).listen(8080, "localhost") +### HTTP Compression + +Vert.x comes with support for HTTP Compression out of the box. +Which means you are able to automatically compress the body of the responses before they are sent back to the Client. +If the client does not support HTTP Compression the responses are sent back without compressing the body. +This allows to handle Client that support HTTP Compression and those that not support it at the same time. + +To enable compression you only need to do: + val server = vertx.createHttpServer() + server.setCompressionSupported(true) + +The default is `false`. + +When HTTP Compression is enabled the `HttpServer` will check if the client did include an 'Accept-Encoding' header which +includes the supported compressions. Common used are deflate and gzip. Both are supported by Vert.x. +Once such a header is found the `HttpServer` will automatically compress the body of the response with one of the supported +compressions and send it back to the client. + +Be aware that compression may be able to reduce network traffic but is more cpu-intensive. + ## Writing HTTP Clients ### Creating an HTTP Client @@ -1883,6 +1903,32 @@ An example will illustrate this: request.sendHead() +### HTTP Compression + +Vert.x comes with support for HTTP Compression out of the box. Which means the HTTPClient can let the remote Http server know that it supports compression, and so will be able to handle +compressed response bodies. A Http server is free to either compress with one of the supported compression algorithm or send the body back without compress it at all. So this +is only a hint for the Http server which it may ignore at all. + +To tell the Http server which compression is supported by the `HttpClient` it will include a 'Accept-Encoding' header with the supported +compression algorithm as value. Multiple compression algorithms are supported. In case of Vert.x this will result in have the +following header added: + + Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate + +The Http Server will choose then from one of these. You can detect if a HttpServer did compress the body by checking for the +'Content-Encoding' header in the response sent back from it. + +If the body of the response was compressed via gzip it will include for example the following header: + + Content-Encoding: gzip + +To enable compression you only need to do: + + val client = vertx.createHttpClient() + client.setTryUseCompression(true) + +The default is `false`. + ## Pumping Requests and Responses The HTTP client and server requests and responses all implement either `ReadStream` or `WriteStream`. This means you can pump between them and any other read and write streams.