# Summary

This is the summary of my book.

* [REST Overview 总览](docs/REST Overview.md)
* [Getting Started 开始](docs/Getting Started.md)
* [Exploring the Newly Created Project 探索新项目](docs/Exploring the Newly Created Project.md)
* [Rapid Development 快速开发](docs/Rapid Development.md)
* [Custom ResourceConfig 自定义资源配置](docs/Custom ResourceConfig.md)
* [Handle JSON and XML 处理 JSON 和 XML](docs/Handle JSON and XML.md)
* [Encoding Format 处理编码问题](docs/Encoding Format.md)
* [Java SE Deployment Environments 使用 Java SE 部署环境](docs/Java SE Deployment Environments.md)
* [Simulation of CURD 模拟CURD操作](docs/Simulation of CURD.md)
* [Parameter Annotations 常用参数注解](docs/Parameter Annotations.md)
* [File Upload and Download 文件上传、下载](docs/File Upload and Download.md)
* [Build Real-Time Web App with SSE 用 SSE 构建实时 Web 应用](docs/Build Real-Time Web App with SSE.md)
* [References 参考引用](docs/Ref.md)
* To be continued ...未完待续...