title |
Bitsets |
The stdlib_bitsets
module implements bitset types. A bitset is a
compact representation of a sequence of bits
binary values. It can
equivalently be considered as a sequence of logical values or as a
subset of the integers 0 ... bits-1
. For example, the value 1110
can be considered as defining the subset of integers [1, 2, 3].
The bits are indexed from 0 to bits(bitset)-1
A bitset is used when space savings are critical in applications
that require a large number of closely related logical values.
It may also improve performance by reducing memory traffic. To
implement bitsets the module
defines three bitset types, multiple constants, a character string
literal that can be read to and from strings and formatted files, a
simple character string literal that can be read to and from strings,
assignments, procedures, methods, and operators. Note that the module
assumes two's complement integers, but all current Fortran 95 and later
processors use such integers.
Note that the module defines a number of "binary" procedures,
procedures with two bitset arguments. These arguments must be of the
same type and should have the same number of bits
. For reasons of
performance the module does not enforce the bits
constraint, but
failure to obey that constraint results in undefined behavior. This
undefined behavior includes undefined values for those bits that
exceed the defined number of bits
in the smaller bitset. The
undefined behavior may also include a "segmentation fault" for
attempting to address bits in the smaller bitset, beyond the defined
number of bits
. Other problems are also possible.
The module defines several public integer constants, almost all
intended to serve as error codes in reporting problems through an
optional stat
argument. One constant, bits_kind
the integer kind value for indexing bits and reporting counts of
bits. The other constants that are error codes are summarized below:
Error Code | Summary |
success |
No problems found |
alloc_fault |
Failure with a memory allocation |
array_size_invalid_error |
Attempt to define either negative bits or more than 64 bits in a bitset_64 |
char_string_invalid_error |
Invalid character found in a character string |
char_string_too_large_error |
Character string was too large to be encoded in the bitset |
char_string_too_small_error |
Character string was too small to hold the expected number of bits |
index_invalid_error |
Index to a bitstring was less than zero or greater than the number of bits |
integer_overflow_error |
Attempt to define an integer value bigger than huge(0_bits_kind ) |
read_failure |
Failure on a read statement |
eof_failure |
An unexpected "End-of-File" on a read statement |
write_failure |
Failure on a write statement |
The stdlib_bitsets
module defines three derived types,
, bitset_64
, and bitset_large
. bitset_type
is an abstract
type that serves as the ancestor of bitset_64
. bitset_type
defines one method, bits
, and all of its
other methods are deferred to its extensions. bitset_64
is a bitset
that can handle up to 64 bits. bitset_large
is a bitset that can handle
up huge(0_bits_kind)
bits. All attributes of the bitset types are
private. The various types each define a sequence of binary values: 0
or 1. In some cases it is useful to associate a logical value, test
for each element of the sequence, where test
is .true.
if the value
is 1 and .false.
otherwise. The number of such values in an entity
of that type is to be termed, bits
. The bits are ordered in terms of
position, that, in turn, is indexed from 0 to bits-1
. bitset_type
used only as a class
to define entities that can be either a bitset_64
a bitset_large
. The syntax for using the types are:
class([[stdlib_bitset(module):bitset_type(class)]]) :: variable
type([[stdlib_bitset(module):bitset_64(type)]]) :: variable
type([[stdlib_bitset(module):bitset_large(type)]]) :: variable
A bitset value may be represented as a bitset-literal-constant character string in source code or as a bitset-literal in formatted files and non-constant strings.
bitset-literal-constant is ' bitset-literal ' or " bitset-literal "
bitset-literal is bitsize-literal binary-literal
bitsize-literal is S digit [ digit ] ...
binary-literal is B binary-digit [ binary-digit ] ...
digit is 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9
binary-digit is 0 or 1
The bitset-literal consists of two parts: a bitsize-literal and a
binary-literal. The sequence of decimal digits that is part of the
bitsize-literal is interpreted as the decimal value of bits
The binary-literal value is interpreted as a sequence of bit
values and there must be as many binary digits in the literal as there
are bits
. The sequence of binary digits are treated as if they were
an unsigned integer with the i-th digit corresponding to the bits-i
bit position.
In defining the bitset-literal we also defined a binary-literal. While not suitable for file I/0, the binary-literal is suitable for transfer to and from character strings. In that case the length of the string is the number of bits and all characters in the string must be either "0" or "1".
The stdlib_bitsets
module defines a number of operations:
- "unary" methods of class
, - "binary" procedure overloads of type
, - assignments, and
- "binary" comparison operators of type
Each category will be discussed separately.
The bitset_type
class has a number of methods. All except one, bits
are deferred. The methods consist of all procedures with one argument
of class bitset_type
. The procedures with two arguments of type
or bitset_large
are not methods and are
summarized in a separate table of procedures. The methods are
summarized below:
Method name | Class | Summary |
all |
function | .true. if all bits are 1, .false. otherwise |
any |
function | .true. if any bits are 1, .false. otherwise |
bit_count |
function | returns the number of bits that are 1 |
bits |
function | returns the number of bits in the bitset |
clear |
subroutine | sets a sequence of one or more bits to 0 |
flip |
subroutine | flips the value of a sequence of one or more bits |
from_string |
subroutine | reads the bitset from a string treating it as a binary literal |
init |
subroutine | creates a new bitset of size bits with no bits set |
input |
subroutine | reads a bitset from an unformatted I/O unit |
none |
function | .true. if no bits are 1, .false. otherwise |
not |
subroutine | performs a logical not operation on all the bits |
output |
subroutine | writes a bitset to an unformatted I/O unit |
read_bitset |
subroutine | reads a bitset from a bitset literal in a character string or formatted I/O unit |
set |
subroutine | sets a sequence of one or more bits to 1 |
test |
function | .true. if the bit at pos is 1, .false. otherwise |
to_string |
subroutine | represents the bitset as a binary literal |
value |
function | 1 if the bit at pos is 1, 0 otherwise |
write_bitset |
subroutine | writes a bitset as a bitset literal to a character string or formatted I/O unit |
The procedures with two arguments of type bitset_large
must have both arguments of the same known type which
prevents them from being methods. The bitwise "logical" procedures,
, and_not
, or
, and xor
also require that the two bitset
arguments have the same number of bits, otherwise the results are
undefined. These procedures are summarized in the following table:
Procedure name | Class | Summary |
and |
elemental subroutine | Sets self to the bitwise and of the original bits in self and set2 |
and_not |
elemental subroutine | Sets self to the bitwise and of the original bits in self and the negation of set2 |
extract |
subroutine | creates a new bitset, new , from a range in old |
or |
elemental subroutine | Sets self to the bitwise or of the original bits in self and set2 |
xor |
elemental subroutine | Sets self to the bitwise exclusive or of the original bits in self and set2 |
The module defines an assignment operation, =
, that creates a
duplicate of an original bitset. It also defines assignments to and
from rank one arrays of logical type of kinds int8
, int16
, and int64
. In the assignment to and from logical arrays
array index, i
, is mapped to bit position, pos=i-1
, and .true.
is mapped to a set bit, and .false.
is mapped to an unset bit.
program demo_assignment
use stdlib_bitsets
logical(int8) :: logical1(64) = .true.
logical(int32), allocatable :: logical2(:)
type(bitset_64) :: set0, set1
set0 = logical1
if ( set0 % bits() /= 64 ) then
error stop procedure // &
' initialization with logical(int8) failed to set' // &
' the right size.'
else if ( .not. set0 % all() ) then
error stop procedure // ' initialization with' // &
' logical(int8) failed to set the right values.'
write(*,*) 'Initialization with logical(int8) succeeded.'
end if
set1 = set0
if ( set1 == set0 ) &
write(*,*) 'Initialization by assignment succeeded'
logical2 = set1
if ( all( logical2 ) ) then
write(*,*) 'Initialization of logical(int32) succeeded.'
end if
end program demo_assignment
The comparison operators with two arguments of type bitset_large
must have both arguments of the same known type which
prevents them from being methods. The operands must also have the same
number of bits otherwise the results are undefined. These operators
are summarized in the following table:
Operator | Description |
== , .eq. |
.true. if all bits in set1 and set2 have the same value, .false. otherwise |
/= , .ne. |
.true. if any bits in set1 and set2 differ in value, .false. otherwise |
> , .gt. |
.true. if the bits in set1 and set2 differ in value and the highest order differing bit is 1 in set1 and 0 in set2 , .false. otherwise |
>= , .ge. |
.true. if the bits in set1 and set2 are the same or the highest order differing bit is 1 in set1 and 0 in set2 , .false. otherwise |
< , .lt. |
.true. if the bits in set1 and set2 differ in value and the highest order differing bit is 0 in set1 and 1 in set2 , .false. otherwise |
<= , .le. |
.true. if the bits in set1 and set2 are the same or the highest order differing bit is 0 in set1 and 1 in set2 , .false. otherwise |
Determines whether all bits are set to 1 in self
result = self % [[bitset_type(class):all(bound)]]()
Elemental function.
: shall be a scalar expression of class bitset_type
. It is an
The result is a default logical scalar.
The result is .true.
if all bits in self
are set,
otherwise it is .false.
program demo_all
use stdlib_bitsets
character(*), parameter :: &
bits_all = '111111111111111111111111111111111'
type(bitset_64) :: set0
call set0 % from_string( bits_all )
if ( .not. set0 % all() ) then
error stop "FROM_STRING failed to interpret" // &
"BITS_ALL's value properly."
write(*,*) "FROM_STRING transferred BITS_ALL properly" // &
" into set0."
end if
end program demo_all
Sets the bits in set1
to the bitwise and
of the original bits in
and set2
. Note that set1
and set2
must have the same
number of bits, otherwise the result is undefined.
call [[stdlib_bitsets(module):and(interface]] (set1, set2)
Elemental subroutine.
: shall be a bitset_64
or bitset_large
scalar variable. It
is an intent(inout)
argument. On return the values of the bits in
are the bitwise and
of the original bits in set1
with the
corresponding bits in set2
: shall be a scalar expression of the same type as set1
. It is
an intent(in)
argument. Note that set2
must also have the same
number of bits as set1
program demo_and
use stdlib_bitsets
type(bitset_large) :: set0, set1
call set0 % init(166)
call set1 % init(166)
call and( set0, set1 ) ! none none
if ( none(set0) ) write(*,*) 'First test of AND worked.'
call set0 % not()
call and( set0, set1 ) ! all none
if ( none(set0) ) write(*,*) 'Second test of AND worked.'
call set1 % not()
call and( set0, set1 ) ! none all
if ( none(set0) ) write(*,*) 'Third test of AND worked.'
call set0 % not()
call and( set0, set1 ) ! all all
if ( all(set0) ) write(*,*) 'Fourth test of AND worked.'
end program demo_and
Sets the bits of set1
to bitwise and
of the bits of set1
the bitwise negation of the corresponding bits of set2
. Note that
and set2
must have the same number of bits, otherwise the
result is undefined.
call [[stdlib_bitsets(module):and_not(interface)]](set1, set2)
Elemental subroutine.
: shall be a scalar bitset_64
or bitset_large
variable. It
is an intent(inout)
argument. On return the values of the bits in
are the bitwise and
of the original bits in set1
with the
corresponding negation of the bits in set2
: shall be a scalar expression of the same type as set1
. It is
an intent(in)
argument. Note that it should also have the same
number of bits as set1
, otherwise the result is undefined.
program demo_and_not
use stdlib_bitsets
type(bitset_large) :: set0, set1
call set0 % init(166)
call set1 % init(166)
call and_not( set0, set1 ) ! none none
if ( none(set0) ) write(*,*) 'First test of AND_NOT worked.'
call set0 % not()
call and_not( set0, set1 ) ! all none
if ( all(set0) ) write(*,*) 'Second test of AND_NOT worked.'
call set0 % not()
call set1 % not()
call and_not( set0, set1 ) ! none all
if ( none(set0) ) write(*,*) 'Third test of AND_NOT worked.'
call set0 % not()
call and_not( set0, set1 ) ! all all
if ( none(set0) ) write(*,*) 'Fourth test of AND_NOT worked.'
end program demo_and_not
Determines whether any bits are set in self
result = self % [[bitset_type(class):any(bound)]]()
Elemental function.
: shall be a scalar expression of class bitset_type
. It is an
The result is a default logical scalar. The result is .true.
if any bits in self
are set, otherwise it
is .false.
program demo_any
use stdlib_bitsets
character(*), parameter :: &
bits_0 = '0000000000000000000'
type(bitset_64) :: set0
call set0 % from_string( bits_0 )
if ( .not. set0 % any() ) then
write(*,*) "FROM_STRING interpreted " // &
"BITS_0's value properly."
end if
call set0 % set(5)
if ( set0 % any() ) then
write(*,*) "ANY interpreted SET0's value properly."
end if
end program demo_any
Returns the number of bits that are set to one in self
result = self % [[bitset_type(class):bit_count(bound)]] ()
Elemental function.
: shall be a scalar expression of class bitset_type
. It is an
The result is an integer scalar of kind bits_kind
equal to the number of bits that are set in self
program demo_bit_count
use stdlib_bitsets
character(*), parameter :: &
bits_0 = '0000000000000000000'
type(bitset_64) :: set0
call set0 % from_string( bits_0 )
if ( set0 % bit_count() == 0 ) then
write(*,*) "FROM_STRING interpreted " // &
"BITS_0's value properly."
end if
call set0 % set(5)
if ( set0 % bit_count() == 1 ) then
write(*,*) "BIT_COUNT interpreted SET0's value properly."
end if
end program demo_bit_count
Reports the number of bits in self
result = self % [[bitset_type(class):bits(bound)]] ()
Elemental function.
: shall be a scalar expression of class bitset_type
. It is an
The result is an integer scalar of kind bits_kind
, equal to
the number of defined bits in self
program demo_bits
use stdlib_bitsets
character(*), parameter :: &
bits_0 = '0000000000000000000'
type(bitset_64) :: set0
call set0 % from_string( bits_0 )
if ( set0 % bits() == 19 ) then
write(*,*) "FROM_STRING interpreted " // &
"BITS_0's size properly."
end if
end program demo_bits
If only
is present, clears the bit with positionpos
. -
are present withend_pos >= start_pos
clears the bits with positions fromstart_pos
. -
are present withend_pos < start_pos
is unmodified.
Note: Positions outside the range 0 to bits(set) -1
are ignored.
`call self % [bitset_type(class):clear(bound)]'
call self % [[bitset_type(class):clear(bound)]](start_pos, end_pos)
Elemental subroutine
: shall be a scalar variable of class bitset_type
. It is an
: shall be a scalar integer expression of kind bits_kind
. It is
an intent(in)
: shall be a scalar integer expression of kind
. It is an intent(in)
: shall be a scalar integer expression of kind
. It is an intent(in)
program demo_clear
use stdlib_bitsets
type(bitset_large) :: set0
call set0 % init(166)
call set0 % not()
if ( set0 % all() ) write(*,*) 'SET0 is properly initialized.'
call set0 % clear(165)
if ( .not. set0 % test(165) ) write(*,*) 'Bit 165 is cleared.'
call set0 % clear(0,164)
if ( set0 % none() ) write(*,*) 'All bits are cleared.'
end program demo_clear
Creates a new bitset, new
, from a range, start_pos
to stop_pos
in bitset old
. If start_pos
is greater than stop_pos
the new
bitset is empty. If start_pos
is less than zero or stop_pos
greater than bits(old)-1
then if status
is present it has the
value index_invalid_error
, otherwise processing stops with an
informative message.
call [[stdlib_bitsets(module):extract(interface)]](new, old, start_pos, stop_pos, status )
: shall be a scalar bitset_64
or bitset_large
variable. It
is an intent(out)
argument. It will be the new bitset.
: shall be a scalar expression of the same type as new
. It is
an intent(in)
argument. It will be the source bitset.
: shall be a scalar integer expression of the kind
. It is an intent(in)
: shall be a scalar integer expression of the kind
. It is an intent(in)
(optional): shall be a scalar default integer variable. It is
an intent(out)
argument. If present it shall have one of the values:
- no problems found -
was less than zero orstop_pos
was greater thanbits(old)-1
program demo_extract
use stdlib_bitsets
type(bitset_large) :: set0, set1
call set0 % init(166)
call set0 % set(100,150)
call extract( set1, set0, 100, 150)
if ( set1 % bits() == 51 ) &
write(*,*) 'SET1 has the proper size.'
if ( set1 % all() ) write(*,*) 'SET1 has the proper values.'
end program demo_extract
Flip the values of a sequence of one or more bits.
- If only
is present flip the bit value with positionpos
. - If
are present withend_pos >= start_pos
flip the bit values with positions fromstart_pos
. - If
end_pos < start_pos
is unmodified.
call self % [[bitset_type(class):flip(bound)]] (pos)
call self % [[bitset_type(class):flip(bound)]] (start_pos, end_pos)
Elemental subroutine.
: shall be a scalar class bitset_type
variable It is an
: shall be a scalar integer expression of kind bits_kind
. It is
an intent(in)
: shall be a scalar integer expression of kind
. It is an intent(in)
: shall be a scalar integer expression of kind
. It is an intent(in)
program demo_flip
use stdlib_bitsets
type(bitset_large) :: set0
call set0 % init(166)
if ( set0 % none() ) write(*,*) 'SET0 is properly initialized.'
call set0 % flip(165)
if ( set0 % test(165) ) write(*,*) 'Bit 165 is flipped.'
call set0 % flip(0,164)
if ( set0 % all() ) write(*,*) 'All bits are flipped.'
end program demo_flip
Initializes the bitset self
from string
, treating string
as a
binary literal.
call self % [[bitset_type(class):from_string(bound)]](string[, status])
: shall be a scalar class bitset_type
variable. It is an
: shall be a scalar default character expression. It is an
argument. It shall consist only of the characters "0",
and "1".
(optional): shall be a scalar default integer variable. It is
an intent(out)
argument. If present, on return its value shall be
one of the error codes defined in this module. If absent, and its
value would not have been success
, then processing will stop with an
informative text as its stop code. It shall have one of the error
- if no problems were found, -
- if allocation of the bitset failed -
- ifstring
was too large, or -
- if string had an invalid character.
program demo_from_string
use stdlib_bitsets
character(*), parameter :: &
bits_all = '111111111111111111111111111111111'
type(bitset_64) :: set0
call set0 % from_string( bits_all )
if ( bits(set0) /= 33 ) then
error stop "FROM_STRING failed to interpret " // &
'BITS_ALL's size properly."
else if ( .not. set0 % all() ) then
error stop "FROM_STRING failed to interpret" // &
"BITS_ALL's value properly."
write(*,*) "FROM_STRING transferred BITS_ALL properly" // &
" into set0."
end if
end program demo_from_string
initialization routine.
call [[stdlib_bitsets(module):init(interface)]] (self, bits [, status])
: shall be a scalar bitset_64
or bitset_large
variable. It
is an intent(out)
(optional): shall be a scalar integer expression of kind
. It is an intent(in)
argument that if present
specifies the number of bits in set
. A negative value, or a value
greater than 64 if self
is of type bitset_64
, is an error.
(optional): shall be a scalar default integer variable. It is
an intent(out)
argument that, if present, returns an error code
indicating any problem found in processing init
, and if absent and
an error was found result in stopping processing with an informative
stop code. It can have any of the following error codes:
- no problem found -
was of typebitset_large
and memory allocation failed -
- bits was present with either a negative value, or a value greater than 64 whenself
was of typebitset_64
program demo_init
use stdlib_bitsets
type(bitset_large) :: set0
call set0 % init(166)
if ( set0 % bits() == 166 ) &
write(*,*) `SET0 has the proper size.'
if ( set0 % none() ) write(*,*) 'SET0 is properly initialized.'
end program demo_init
Reads a bitset from its binary representation in an unformatted file.
call self % [[bitset_type(class):input(bound)]] (unit [, status])
: shall be a scalar variable of class bitset_64
. It is an intent(out)
: shall be a scalar default integer expression. It is an
argument. Its value must be that of a logical unit
number for an open unformatted file with read
or readwrite
access positioned at the start of a bitset value written by a
subroutine by the same processor.
(optional): shall be a scalar default integer variable. If
present its value shall be of one of the error codes defined in this
module. If absent and it would have had a value other than success
processing will stop with an informative stop code. Allowed error code
values for this status
- no problem found -
was of typebitset_large
and allocation of memory failed. -
- if the number of bits read fromunit
is either negative or greater than 64, if class ofself
. -
- failure during a read statement
program demo_input
character(*), parameter :: &
bits_0 = '000000000000000000000000000000000', &
bits_1 = '000000000000000000000000000000001', &
bits_33 = '100000000000000000000000000000000'
integer :: unit
type(bitset_64) :: set0, set1, set2, set3, set4, set5
call set0 % from_string( bits_0 )
call set1 % from_string( bits_1 )
call set2 % from_string( bits_33 )
open( newunit=unit, file='test.bin', status='replace', &
form='unformatted', action='write' )
call set2 % output(unit)
call set1 % output(unit)
call set0 % output(unit)
close( unit )
open( newunit=unit, file='test.bin', status='old', &
form='unformatted', action='read' )
call set5 % input(unit)
call set4 % input(unit)
call set3 % input(unit)
close( unit )
if ( set3 /= set0 .or. set4 /= set1 .or. set5 /= set2 ) then
error stop 'Transfer to and from units using ' // &
' output and input failed.'
write(*,*) 'Transfer to and from units using ' // &
'output and input succeeded.'
end if
end program demo_input
Determines whether no bits are set in self
result = self % [[bitset_type(class):none(bound)]] ()
Elemental function.
: shall be a scalar expression of class bitset_type
. It is an
The result is a default logical scalar.
The result is .true.
if no bits in self
are set, otherwise it is
program demo_none
use stdlib_bitsets
character(*), parameter :: &
bits_0 = '0000000000000000000'
type(bitset_large) :: set0
call set0 % from_string( bits_0 )
if ( set0 % none() ) then
write(*,*) "FROM_STRING interpreted " // &
"BITS_0's value properly."
end if
call set0 % set(5)
if ( .not. set0 % none() ) then
write(*,*) "NONE interpreted SET0's value properly."
end if
end program demo_none
Performs the logical complement on the bits of self
call self % [[bitset_type(class):not(bound)]] ()
Elemental subroutine.
shall be a scalar variable of class bitset_type
. It is an
argument. On return its bits shall be the logical
complement of their values on input.
program demo_not
use stdlib_bitsets
type(bitset_large) :: set0
call set0 % init( 155 )
if ( set0 % none() ) then
write(*,*) "FROM_STRING interpreted " // &
"BITS_0's value properly."
end if
call set0 % not()
if ( set0 % all() ) then
write(*,*) "ALL interpreted SET0's value properly."
end if
end program demo_not
Replaces the original bits of set1
with the bitwise or
of those
bits with the bits of set2
. Note set1
and set2
must have the
same number of bits, otherwise the result is undefined.
call [[stdlib_bitsets(module):or(interface)]](set1, set2)
Elemental subroutine.
: shall be a scalar bitset_64
or bitset_large
variable. It
is an intent(inout)
argument. On return the values of the bits in
are the bitwise or
of the original bits in set1
with the
corresponding bits in set2
: shall be a scalar expression of the same type as set1
. It is
an intent(in)
argument. Note bits(set2)
must equal bits(set1)
otherwise the results are undefined.
program demo_or
use stdlib_bitsets
type(bitset_large) :: set0, set1
call set0 % init(166)
call set1 % init(166)
call or( set0, set1 ) ! none none
if ( none(set0) ) write(*,*) 'First test of OR worked.'
call set0 % not()
call or( set0, set1 ) ! all none
if ( all(set0) ) write(*,*) 'Second test of OR worked.'
call set0 % not()
call set1 % not()
call or( set0, set1 ) ! none all
if ( all(set0) ) write(*,*) 'Third test of OR worked.'
call set0 % not()
call or( set0, set1 ) ! all all
if ( all(set0) ) write(*,*) 'Fourth test of OR worked.'
end program demo_or
Writes a binary representation of a bitset to an unformatted file.
call self % [[bitset_type(class):output(bound)]] (unit[, status])
: shall be a scalar expression of class bitset_64
. It is an intent(in)
: shall be a scalar default integer expression. It is an
argument. Its value must be that of an I/O unit number
for an open unformatted file with write
or readwrite
(optional): shall be a scalar default integer variable. It is
an intent(out)
argument. If present on return it will have the value
of success
or write_failure
. If absent and it would not have the
value of success
then processing will stop with an informative stop
code. The two code values have the meaning:
- no problem found -
- a failure occurred in a write statement.
program demo_output
character(*), parameter :: &
bits_0 = '000000000000000000000000000000000', &
bits_1 = '000000000000000000000000000000001', &
bits_33 = '100000000000000000000000000000000'
integer :: unit
type(bitset_64) :: set0, set1, set2, set3, set4, set5
call set0 % from_string( bits_0 )
call set1 % from_string( bits_1 )
call set2 % from_string( bits_33 )
open( newunit=unit, file='test.bin', status='replace', &
form='unformatted', action='write' )
call set2 % output(unit)
call set1 % output(unit)
call set0 % output(unit)
close( unit )
open( newunit=unit, file='test.bin', status='old', &
form='unformatted', action='read' )
call set5 % input(unit)
call set4 % input(unit)
call set3 % input(unit)
close( unit )
if ( set3 /= set0 .or. set4 /= set1 .or. set5 /= set2 ) then
error stop 'Transfer to and from units using ' // &
' output and input failed.'
write(*,*) 'Transfer to and from units using ' // &
'output and input succeeded.'
end if
end program demo_output
Reads a bitset-literal and initializes self
with the corresponding
call self % [[bitset_type(class):read_bitset(bound)]](string[, status])
call self % [[bitset_type(class):read_bitset(bound)]](unit[, advance, status])
: shall be a scalar variable of class bitset_type
. It is an
argument. Upon a successful return it is initialized with
the value of a bitset-literal.
(optional): shall be a scalar default character
expression. It is an intent(in)
argument. It will consist of a left
justified bitset-literal, terminated by either the end of the string
or a blank.
(optional): shall be a scalar default integer expression. It is
an intent(in)
argument. Its value must be that of an I/O unit number
for an open formatted file with read
or readwrite
positioned at the start of a bitset-literal.
(optional): shall be a scalar default character
expression. It is an intent(in)
argument. It is the advance
specifier for the final read of unit
. If present it should have
the value 'yes'
or 'no'
. If absent it has the default value of
(optional): shall be a scalar default integer variable. It is
an intent(out)
argument. If present on return it shall have the
value of one of the error codes of this module. If absent and it would
not have had the value success
processing will stop with a message
as its error code. The possible error codes are:
- no problems found; -
- ifself
is of classbitset_large
and allocation of the bits failed; -
- if the bitset-literal has a bits value greater than 64 andself
is of classbitset_64
; -
- if thebitset-literal
has an invalid character; -
- ifstring
ends before all the bits are read; -
- if aread
statement reached an end-of-file before completing the read of the bitset literal, -
- if the bitset-literal has abits
value larger thanhuge(0_bits_kind)
; or -
- if a read statement failed.
program demo_read_bitset
character(*), parameter :: &
bits_0 = 'S33B000000000000000000000000000000000', &
bits_1 = 'S33B000000000000000000000000000000001', &
bits_33 = 'S33B100000000000000000000000000000000'
character(:), allocatable :: test_0, test_1, test_2
integer :: unit
type(bitset_64) :: set0, set1, set2, set3, set4, set5
call set0 % read_bitset( bits_0, status )
call set1 % read_bitset( bits_1, status )
call set2 % read_bitset( bits_2, status )
call set0 % write_bitset( test_0, status )
call set1 % write_bitset( test_1, status )
call set2 % write_bitset( test_2, status )
if ( bits_0 == test_0 .and. bits_1 == test_1 .and. &
bits_2 == test_2 ) then
write(*,*) 'READ_BITSET to WRITE_BITSET strings worked.'
end if
open( newunit=unit, file='test.txt', status='replace', &
form='formatted', action='write' )
call set2 % write_bitset(unit, advance='no')
call set1 % write_bitset(unit, advance='no')
call set0 % write_bitset(unit)
close( unit )
open( newunit=unit, file='test.txt', status='old', &
form='formatted', action='read' )
call set3 % read_bitset(unit, advance='no')
call set4 % read_bitset(unit, advance='no')
call set5 % read_bitset(unit)
if ( set3 == set0 .and. set4 == set1 .and. set5 == set2 ) then
write(*,*) WRITE_BITSET to READ_BITSET through unit worked.'
end if
end program demo_read_bitset
Sets a sequence of one or more bits in self
to 1.
are absent sets the bit at positionpos
to 1. -
are present withend_pos >= start_pos
set the bits at positions fromstart_pos
to 1. -
are present withend_pos < start_pos
is unchanged. -
Positions outside the range 0 to
are ignored.
call self % [[bitset_type(class):set(bound)]] (POS)
call self % [[bitset_type(class):set(bound)]] (START_POS, END_POS)
Elemental subroutine
: shall be a scalar variable of class bitset_type
. It is an
(optional): shall be a scalar integer expression of kind
. It is an intent(in)
(optional): shall be a scalar integer expression of kind
. It is an intent(in)
(optional): shall be a scalar integer expression of kind
. It is an intent(in)
program demo_set
use stdlib_bitsets
type(bitset_large) :: set0
call set0 % init(166)
if ( set0 % none() ) write(*,*) 'SET0 is properly initialized.'
call set0 % set(165)
if ( set0 % test(165) ) write(*,*) 'Bit 165 is set.'
call set0 % set(0,164)
if ( set0 % all() ) write(*,*) 'All bits are set.'
end program demo_set
Determine whether the bit at position pos
is set to 1 in self
result = self % [[bitset_type(class):test(bound)]](pos)
Elemental function.
: shall be a scalar expression of class bitset_type
. It is an
: shall be a scalar integer expression of kind bits_kind
. It is
an intent(in)
The result is a default logical scalar.
The result is .true.
if the bit at pos
in self
is set,
otherwise it is .false.
. If pos
is outside the range
0... bits(self)-1
the result is .false.
program demo_test
use stdlib_bitsets
type(bitset_large) :: set0
call set0 % init(166)
call set0 % not()
if ( set0 % all() ) write(*,*) 'SET0 is properly initialized.'
call set0 % clear(165)
if ( .not. set0 % test(165) ) write(*,*) 'Bit 165 is cleared.'
call set0 % set(165)
if ( set0 % test(165) ) write(*,*) 'Bit 165 is set.'
end program demo_test
Represents the value of self
as a binary literal in string
call self % [[bitset_type(class):to_string(bound)]](string[, status])
: shall be a scalar expression of class bitset_type
. It is an
: shall be a scalar default character variable of allocatable
length. It is an intent(out)
argument. On return it shall have a
binary-literal representation of the bitset self
(optional): shall be a scalar default integer variable. It is
an intent(out)
argument. If present it shall have either the value
or alloc_fault
. If absent and it would have had the value
then processing will stop with an informative test as
the stop code. The values have the following meanings:
- no problem found.
- allocation of string
program demo_to_string
use stdlib_bitsets
character(*), parameter :: &
bits_all = '111111111111111111111111111111111'
type(bitset_64) :: set0
character(:), allocatable :: new_string
call set0 % init(33)
call set0 % not()
call set0 % to_string( new_string )
if ( new_string == bits_all ) then
write(*,*) "TO_STRING transferred BITS0 properly" // &
" into NEW_STRING."
end if
end program demo_to_string
Determines the value of the bit at position, pos
, in self
result = self % [[bitset_type(class):value(bound)]](pos)
Elemental function.
: shall be a scalar expression of class bitset_type
. It is an
: shall be a scalar integer expression of kind bits_kind
. It is
an intent(in)
The result is a default integer scalar.
The result is one if the bit at pos
in self
is set, otherwise it
is zero. If pos
is outside the range 0... bits(set)-1
the result
is zero.
program demo_value
use stdlib_bitsets
type(bitset_large) :: set0
call set0 % init(166)
call set0 % not()
if ( set0 % all() ) write(*,*) 'SET0 is properly initialized.'
call set0 % clear(165)
if ( set0 % value(165) == 0 ) write(*,*) 'Bit 165 is cleared.'
call set0 % set(165)
if ( set0 % value(165) == 1 ) write(*,*) 'Bit 165 is set.'
end program demo_value
Writes a bitset-literal representing self
's current value to a
character string or formatted file.
call self % [[bitset_type(class):write_bitset(bound)]](string[, status])
call self % [[bitset_type(class):write_bitset(bound)]] (unit[, advance, status])
: shall be a scalar expression of class bitset_type
. It is an
(optional): shall be a scalar default character variable of
allocatable length. It is an intent(out)
(optional): shall be a scalar default logical expression. It is
an intent(in)
argument. Its value must be that of a I/O unit number
for an open formatted file with write
or readwrite
(optional): shall be a scalar default character
expression. It is an intent(in)
argument. It is the advance
specifier for the write to unit
. If present it must have the value
or 'no'
. It has the default value of 'yes'
is not present or is present with a value of'no'
then the bitset's bitset-literal is written tounit
followed by a blank, and the current record is not advanced. -
is present with a value of'yes'
then the bitset's bitset-literal is written tounit
and the record is immediately advanced.
(optional): shall be a scalar default integer variable. It is
an intent(out)
argument. If present on return it shall have the
value of one of the module's error codes. If absent and a problem was
found processing will stop with an informative stop code. It may have
the following error code values:
- no problem was found -
- allocation of the string failed -
- thewrite
to theunit
program demo_write_bitset
character(*), parameter :: &
bits_0 = 'S33B000000000000000000000000000000000', &
bits_1 = 'S33B000000000000000000000000000000001', &
bits_33 = 'S33B100000000000000000000000000000000'
character(:), allocatable :: test_0, test_1, test_2
integer :: unit
type(bitset_64) :: set0, set1, set2, set3, set4, set5
call set0 % read_bitset( bits_0, status )
call set1 % read_bitset( bits_1, status )
call set2 % read_bitset( bits_2, status )
call set0 % write_bitset( test_0, status )
call set1 % write_bitset( test_1, status )
call set2 % write_bitset( test_2, status )
if ( bits_0 == test_0 .and. bits_1 == test_1 .and. &
bits_2 == test_2 ) then
write(*,*) 'READ_BITSET to WRITE_BITSET strings worked.'
end if
open( newunit=unit, file='test.txt', status='replace', &
form='formatted', action='write' )
call set2 % write_bitset(unit, advance='no')
call set1 % write_bitset(unit, advance='no')
call set0 % write_bitset(unit)
close( unit )
open( newunit=unit, file='test.txt', status='old', &
form='formatted', action='read' )
call set3 % read_bitset(unit, advance='no')
call set4 % read_bitset(unit, advance='no')
call set5 % read_bitset(unit)
if ( set3 == set0 .and. set4 == set1 .and. set5 == set2 ) then
write(*,*) WRITE_BITSET to READ_BITSET through unit worked.'
end if
end program demo_write_bitset
Replaces set1
's bitset with the bitwise exclusive or
of the
original bits of set1
and set2
. Note set1
and set2
must have
the samee number of bits, otherwise the result is undefined.
result = [[stdlib_bitsets(module):xor(interface)]] (set1, set2)
Elemental subroutine
: shall be a scalar bitset_64
or bitset_large
variable. It
is an intent(inout)
argument. On return the values of the bits in
are the bitwise exclusive or
of the original bits in set1
with the corresponding bits in set2
shall be a scalar expression of the same type as set1
. It is
an intent(in)
argument. Note set1
and set2
must have the
samee number of bits, otherwise the result is undefined.
program demo_xor
use stdlib_bitsets
type(bitset_large) :: set0, set1
call set0 % init(166)
call set1 % init(166)
call xor( set0, set1 ) ! none none
if ( none(set0) ) write(*,*) 'First test of XOR worked.'
call set0 % not()
call xor( set0, set1 ) ! all none
if ( all(set0) ) write(*,*) 'Second test of XOR worked.'
call set0 % not()
call set1 % not()
call xor( set0, set1 ) ! none all
if ( all(set0) ) write(*,*) 'Third test of XOR worked.'
call set0 % not()
call xor( set0, set1 ) ! all all
if ( none(set0) ) write(*,*) 'Fourth test of XOR worked.'
end program demo_xor
Returns .true.
if all bits in set1
and set2
have the same value,
result = set1 [[stdlib_bitsets(module):==(interface)]] set2
result = set1 [[stdlib_bitsets(module):.EQ.(interface)]] set2
Elemental operator
: shall be a scalar bitset_64
or bitset_large
expression. It
is an intent(in)
: shall be a scalar expression of the same type as self
. It
will have the same number of bits as set1
. It is an intent(in)
The result is a default logical scalar.
The result is .true.
if the bits in both bitsets are set
to the same value, otherwise the result is .false.
program demo_equality
use stdlib_bitsets
type(bitset_64) :: set0, set1, set2
call set0 % init( 33 )
call set1 % init( 33 )
call set2 % init( 33 )
call set1 % set( 0 )
call set2 % set( 32 )
if ( set0 == set0 .and. set1 == set1 .and. set2 == set2 .and. &
.not. set0 == set1 .and. .not. set0 == set2 .and. .not. &
set1 == set2 ) then
write(*,*) 'Passed 64 bit equality tests.'
error stop 'Failed 64 bit equality tests.'
end if
end program demo_equality
Returns .true.
if any bits in self
and set2
differ in value,
result = set1 [[stdlib_bitsets(module):/=(interface)]] set2
result = set1 [[stdlib_bitsets(module):.NE.(interface)]] set2
Elemental function
: shall be a scalar bitset_64
or bitset_large
expression. It
is an intent(in)
: shall be a scalar expression of the same type as self
. It
will have the same number of bits as set1
. It is an intent(in)
The result is a default logical scalar.
The result is .true.
if any bits in both bitsets differ, otherwise
the result is .false.
program demo_inequality
use stdlib_bitsets
type(bitset_64) :: set0, set1, set2
call set0 % init( 33 )
call set1 % init( 33 )
call set2 % init( 33 )
call set1 % set( 0 )
call set2 % set( 32 )
if ( set0 /= set1 .and. set0 /= set2 .and. set1 /= set2 .and. &
.not. set0 /= set0 .and. .not. set1 /= set1 .and. .not. &
set2 /= set2 ) then
write(*,*) 'Passed 64 bit inequality tests.'
error stop 'Failed 64 bit inequality tests.'
end if
end program demo_inequality
Returns .true.
if the bits in set1
and set2
are the same or the
highest order different bit is set to 1 in set1
and to 0 in set2
. otherwise. The sets must be the same size otherwise the
results are undefined.
result = set1 [[stdlib_bitsets(module):>=(interface)]] set2
result = set1 [[stdlib_bitsets(module):.GE.(interface)]] set2
Elemental operator
: shall be a scalar bitset_64
or bitset_large
expression. It
is an intent(in)
: shall be a scalar expression of the same type as self
. It
will have the same number of bits as set1
. It is an intent(in)
The result is a default logical scalar.
The result is .true.
if the bits in set1
and set2
are the same
or the highest order different bit is set to 1 in set1
and to 0 in
, .false.
program demo_ge
use stdlib_bitsets
type(bitset_64) :: set0, set1, set2
call set0 % init( 33 )
call set1 % init( 33 )
call set2 % init( 33 )
call set1 % set( 0 )
call set2 % set( 32 )
if ( set1 >= set0 .and. set2 >= set1 .and. set2 >= set0 .and. &
set0 >= set0 .and. set1 >= set1 .and. set2 >= set2 .and. &
.not. set0 >= set1 .and. .not. set0 >= set2 .and. .not. &
set1 >= set2 ) then
write(*,*) 'Passed 64 bit greater than or equals tests.'
error stop 'Failed 64 bit greater than or equals tests.'
end if
end program demo_ge
Returns .true.
if the bits in set1
and set2
differ and the
highest order different bit is set to 1 in set1
and to 0 in set2
otherwise. The sets must be the same size otherwise the
results are undefined.
result = set1 [[stdlib_bitsets(module):>(interface)]] set2
result = set1 [[stdlib_bitsets(module):.GT.(interface)]] set2
Elemental operator
: shall be a scalar bitset_64
or bitset_large
expression. It
is an intent(in)
: shall be a scalar expression of the same type as self
. It
will have the same number of bits as set1
. It is an intent(in)
The result is a default logical scalar.
The result is .true.
if the bits in set1
and set2
differ and the
highest order different bit is set to 1 in set1
and to 0 in set2
program demo_gt
use stdlib_bitsets
type(bitset_64) :: set0, set1, set2
call set0 % init( 33 )
call set1 % init( 33 )
call set2 % init( 33 )
call set1 % set( 0 )
call set2 % set( 32 )
if ( set1 > set0 .and. set2 > set1 .and. set2 > set0 .and. &
.not. set0 > set0 .and. .not. set0 > set1 .and. .not. &
set1 > set2 ) then
write(*,*) 'Passed 64 bit greater than tests.'
error stop 'Failed 64 bit greater than tests.'
end if
end program demo_gt
Returns .true.
if the bits in set1
and set2
are the same or the
highest order different bit is set to 0 in set1
and to 1 in set2
otherwise. The sets must be the same size otherwise the
results are undefined.
result = set1 [[stdlib_bitsets(module):<=(interface)]] set2
result = set1 [[stdlib_bitsets(module):.LE.(interface)]] set2
Elemental operator
: shall be a scalar bitset_64
or bitset_large
expression. It
is an intent(in)
: shall be a scalar expression of the same type as self
. It
will have the same number of bits as set1
. It is an intent(in)
The result is a default logical scalar.
The result is .true.
if the bits in set1
and set2
are the same
or the highest order different bit is set to 0 in set1
and to 1 in
, .false.
program demo_le
use stdlib_bitsets
type(bitset_64) :: set0, set1, set2
call set0 % init( 33 )
call set1 % init( 33 )
call set2 % init( 33 )
call set1 % set( 0 )
call set2 % set( 32 )
if ( set0 <= set1 .and. set1 <= set2 .and. set0 <= set2 .and. &
set0 <= set0 .and. set1 <= set1 .and. set2 <= set2 .and. &
.not. set1 <= set0 .and. .not. set2 <= set0 .and. .not. &
set2 <= set1 ) then
write(*,*) 'Passed 64 bit less than or equal tests.'
error stop 'Failed 64 bit less than or equal tests.'
end if
end program demo_le
Returns .true.
if the bits in set1
and set2
differ and the
highest order different bit is set to 0 in set1
and to 1 in set2
otherwise. The sets must be the same size otherwise the
results are undefined.
result = set1 [[stdlib_bitsets(module):<(interface)]] set2
`result = set1 [[stdlib_bitsets(module):.LT.(interface)]] set2
Elemental operator
: shall be a scalar bitset_64
or bitset_large
expression. It
is an intent(in)
: shall be a scalar expression of the same type as self
. It
will have the same number of bits as set1
. It is an intent(in)
The result is a default logical scalar.
The result is .true.
if the bits in set1
and set2
differ and the
highest order different bit is set to 0 in set1
and to 1 in set2
program demo_lt
use stdlib_bitsets
type(bitset_64) :: set0, set1, set2
call set0 % init( 33 )
call set1 % init( 33 )
call set2 % init( 33 )
call set1 % set( 0 )
call set2 % set( 32 )
if ( set0 < set1 .and. set1 < set2 .and. set0 < set2 .and. &
.not. set0 < set0 .and. .not. set2 < set0 .and. .not. &
set2 < set1 ) then
write(*,*) 'Passed 64 bit less than tests.'
error stop 'Failed 64 bit less than tests.'
end if
end program demo_lt