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The WindingTree Market Protocol Smart Contracts

You can find the smart contract code and utilities in the official contracts repository:

Below are some helpful notes and guidelines for setting up, configuring, and deploying the contracts. All contracts are developed with the latest stable version of the Solidity language and can be deployed on any EVM-compatible blockchain networks.


git clone [email protected]:windingtree/contracts.git ./wt-contracts
cd ./wt-contracts
pnpm install
pnpm build

Environment Configuration

Below is an example .env file for an MVP-related deployment.

# Network-specific node URI: "ETH_NODE_URI_" + networkName.toUpperCase()

# Network-specific mnemonic: "MNEMONIC_" + networkName.toUpperCase()
MNEMONIC_CHIADO="<contract owner account mnemonic>"

# CoinMarketCap API key for gas reports (optional)

# Etherscan API key

Hardhat Configuration

You can find the Hardhat framework configuration file at the root of the repository folder, named ./hardhat.config.ts. Most options can remain default, but pay special attention to the network configuration. Adapt the following example for your needs if you plan to deploy on a network other than chiado.

chiado: { // Network name
  url: "", // Use an RPC from Alchemy, Infura, or another provider
  gasPrice: 1000000000, // Set the gas price value that's current for your network
  accounts: accounts("chiado"), // Assumes you have defined MNEMONIC_CHIADO in your environment
  verify: {
    etherscan: {
      apiUrl: "", // Blockchain explorer API URL for your network

Deployment Configuration

To deploy smart contracts on a network other than chiado, while using the default configuration, simply add the name of your network to the file ./deploy/002.ts at line 56:

if (!['chiado', '<add your network name here>'].includes( {

If you're deploying to the Mainnet, you may want to disable lines related to the deployment of test tokens, including the test LIF token. Alternatively, add instructions for deploying your custom tokens.


Execute the following command from the root of the repository:

Ensure the wallet account specified in .env via MNEMONIC_CHIADO has sufficient funds for transactions.

pnpm hardhat --network chiado deploy

After deployment, a ./deployments/chiado/* directory will be created in the root repository folder. Preserve this directory for future contract upgrades.

Deployments and upgrades are managed by the hardhat-deploy plugin. Learn more about its functionality here:

Contracts Verification

It's recommended to verify contracts using the Sourcify service. Learn more about this verification method here: Hardhat integrates Sourcify verification, so simply run:

pnpm hardhat --network chiado sourcify

After verification, you can check the status on the blockchain explorer. For example, here's a verified Market contract on the official Gnosis Chiado blockchain explorer:


Ensure you've retained the ./deployments/chiado/* directory created during the initial contract deployment.

To deploy changes to a contract, use the same command as for the initial deployment, and verify the contract with Sourcify as before.

Preparing for MVP Usage

Chiado Testnet and Native Tokens

Find official Chiado Testnet documentation here. To add this testnet to your Metamask wallet, go to the Chiado Testnet documentation, click on the "Add to Metamask" link, and confirm in your Metamask wallet.

You'll need some test xDAI for transactions on Chiado. Obtain these tokens from the official Gnosis Chiado faucet by entering your wallet address, selecting xDAI, and completing the captcha. You'll receive 1 xDAI shortly.

Test Stablecoins

For transactions in the MVP, we utilize ERC-20-compatible tokens. The list of these tokens is available in our smart contracts repository.

To mint a token, navigate to the Chiado Blockchain explorer using links from the token list and interact with the smart contract. Here's a quick guide for STABLE6 token:

After the transaction, the tokens will appear in your wallet. It's advisable to mint both STABLE6 and STABLE18 tokens for comprehensive testing.