This document provides an overview of the key aspects of implementing the Supplier's Node in the WindingTree Market Protocol network. It focuses on orchestrating node functionality, managing events, and interacting with the blockchain.
Located in ./packages/node/src/controllers/nodeController.ts
, the NodeController orchestrates the Supplier's Node functionality within the decentralized WindingTree Market Protocol network, emphasizing efficient node management, event handling, and seamless blockchain interactions.
The script leverages the protocol SDK and configurations to initialize a coordination server and node instance:
// Import server and node creation functions from the SDK
import { createServer } from '@windingtree/sdk-server';
import { createNode, NodeOptions } from '@windingtree/sdk-node';
// Define node options and create the node
const options: NodeOptions = {
/* Node configuration details */
const node = createNode<RequestQuery, OfferOptions>(options);
// Create the API server with server options
const apiServer = createServer({
/* Server configuration details */
Listeners are set up to manage errors and ensure the system can shut down gracefully in case of unexpected failures:
// Process-wide listener for unhandled promise rejections
process.once('unhandledRejection', (error) => {
logger.trace('🛸 Unhandled rejection captured', error);
Specific logic is instantiated for processing tasks such as offer creation and deal management:
// Handler for processing offers and managing deal claims
const dealHandler = createJobHandler<
OfferData<RequestQuery, OfferOptions>,
>(async (offer, options) => {
// Deal processing logic
// Handler for managing incoming requests
const createRequestsHandler = (
node: Node<RequestQuery, OfferOptions>,
options: RequestHandlerOptions,
) => {
// Request processing logic
Dynamic response mechanisms are implemented for network events and blockchain log updates:
// Node event listener for processing messages
node.addEventListener('message', (e) => {
const { topic, data } = e.detail;
// Logic to process incoming messages
// Subscribe to change status events
const unsubscribe = await subscribeChangeStatusEvent({
// Configuration details for the subscription
A RESTful interface is set up for external clients to interact with the node:
// Define API routes and middlewares
const appRouter = router({
service: serviceRouter,
admin: adminRouter,
// Additional routers
// Start the API server with the defined routes
For details please head over this article.
Asynchronous tasks are orderly executed using a configured queue system:
// Configure the task queue
const queue = new Queue({
storage: queueStorage,
idsKeyName: 'jobsIds',
concurrencyLimit: 3,
// Register a handler for claim tasks
// Handler configuration
A methodical shutdown process ensures that resources are cleanly released:
// Define the shutdown process
const shutdown = () => {
.catch((error) => {
logger.trace('Shutdown error:', error);
.finally(() => process.exit(0));
// Attach shutdown process to SIGTERM and SIGINT signals
process.once('SIGTERM', shutdown);
process.once('SIGINT', shutdown);
Smart contract operations, such as offer creation and deal status updates, are facilitated through the SDK:
// Initialize the contracts manager for smart contract operations
const contractsManager = new ProtocolContracts({
contracts: contractsConfig[targetChain],
// Configuration for the clients
// Claim a deal using the contracts manager
await contractsManager.claimDeal(offer /* Additional callbacks and options */);
For production deployment, the node is set to accept connections securely via SSL, facilitated by nginx
as a reverse proxy:
# SSL-enabled reverse proxy configuration for the node server
server {
listen 443 ssl;
// SSL certificate configuration
ssl_certificate /path/to/ssl/certificate.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /path/to/ssl/private.key;
// Let's Encrypt SSL options and Diffie-Hellman parameter
include /path/to/ssl/options-ssl-nginx.conf;
ssl_dhparam /path/to/ssl/ssl-dhparams.pem;
// WebSocket support and proxy settings
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:3456;
// Additional proxy settings
The nginx
configuration details are outlined in the ./setup/nginx.mvp.conf
file within the project repository, ensuring secure and efficient network communications.