- Browser (latest 2 versions)
- Typescript
- React.js
- tRPC (external API)
- viem (blockchain connectivity)
packages (protocol features)
graph TB
walletConnect[Wallet Connect]
protocolCtrl[Protocol Controller]
nodeCtrl[Node Controller]
subgraph walletWidget[Wallet UI]
balance[Native Balance]
balanceStable[Stablecoins Balances]
subgraph profile[Supplier Profile UI]
governance[Supplier Governance]
subgraph auth[Auth UI]
adminLogin[Admin Login]
managerLogin[Manager Login]
loginStatus[Login Status]
subgraph manager[Manager UI]
bookings[Bookings List]
subgraph store[Storage]
Connection of in-browser and external wallet must follow the usual and recommended WalletConnect UX.
The application will support only one blockchain network (supported by the protocol). In case of user's wallet is connected to the wrong chain the application must request a switching connection chain to the right one.
When the wallet is connected the application must provide the user with UI that displays a balance of the chain native currency and balances of stablecoins supported by the protocol.
Assuming that the supplier has connected his wallet already
participant supplier as Supplier
participant ui as UI
participant protocolCtrl as Protocol Controller
participant contract as Smart Contract
supplier ->> ui: Complete registration form
ui ->> ui: Validates form
ui ->> ui: Generates wallet<br>for node signer
ui -->> supplier: Displays signer's wallet
ui ->> ui: Prepares registration metadata
ui ->> protocolCtrl: Creates registration request
protocolCtrl ->> contract: Sends registration Tx
contract ->> contract: Executes registration request
contract -->> protocolCtrl: Tx receipt
protocolCtrl -->> ui: Tx receipt
ui -->> supplier: Registration confirmation
ui ->> ui: Prepares the Node<br>configuration file
ui -->> supplier: Displays the Node config
supplier ->> supplier: Copies the Node config
For using governance features the supplier must connect the wallet used during the entity registration
Here the following features that can be used for the supplier entity governance.
- Tokens deposit and withdrawal
- Changing of the Node signer address
- Toggling of the supplier entity
All these features are transactions to the smart contract, so they are must be implemented as usual.
Assuming that the supplier has connected his wallet already
participant supplier as Supplier
participant ui as UI
participant walletConnect as Wallet Connect
participant nodeCtrl as Node Controller
participant node as Node
supplier ->> ui: Starts log-in procedure
ui ->> ui: Prepares log-in voucher
ui ->> walletConnect: Requests voucher signature
walletConnect -->> supplier: Requests signature confirmation
supplier ->> walletConnect: Confirms signature
walletConnect ->> walletConnect: Signing voucher
walletConnect -->> ui: Signed voucher
ui ->> nodeCtrl: Starts log in procedure
nodeCtrl ->> node: Send log-in voucher to the Node API
node ->> node: Validates voucher
Note over node: Validation includes the check<br>- is supplier is registered<br>on the smart contract
alt Voucher is valid
node ->> node: Generates session
node -->> nodeCtrl: Saves session to http-only cookie
nodeCtrl -->> ui: Confirms successful log-in
ui -->> supplier: Displays confirmation
else Invalid voucher
node -->> nodeCtrl: Returns log-in error
nodeCtrl -->> ui: Log-in error
ui -->> supplier: Displays log-in error
Assuming that the supplier has logged in already
participant supplier as Supplier
participant ui as UI
participant nodeCtrl as Node Controller
participant node as Node
Note over ui: login & password
supplier ->> ui: Completes user creation form
ui ->> ui: Validates form
ui ->> nodeCtrl: Starts user creation
nodeCtrl ->> nodeCtrl: Prepares API request
nodeCtrl ->> node: Sends user creation request
node ->> node: Validates creation rules
alt User creation request is valid
node ->> node: Creates new user
node -->> nodeCtrl: User created
nodeCtrl -->> ui: User created
ui -->> supplier: Displays confirmation<br>of user creation
else User creation request not valid
node -->> nodeCtrl: User creation error
nodeCtrl -->> ui: User creation error
ui -->> supplier: Displays user creation error
participant user as User
participant ui as UI
participant nodeCtrl as Node Controller
participant node as Node
Note over ui: login & password
user ->> ui: Completes user log-in form
ui ->> ui: Validates form
ui ->> nodeCtrl: Starts user log-in
nodeCtrl ->> nodeCtrl: Prepares API request
nodeCtrl ->> node: Sends user log-in request
node ->> node: Logs in the user
alt User log-in is successful
node ->> node: Generates session
node -->> nodeCtrl: User log-in success
nodeCtrl -->> ui: User log-in success
ui -->> user: Displays confirmation<br>of log-in
else User log-in failed
node -->> nodeCtrl: Log-in error
nodeCtrl -->> ui: Log-in error
ui -->> user: Displays log-in error
Logged in user is able to change his password. A password changing flow is almost the same as a user creation flow.
To log-out the user or supplier are must send the log-out request to the Node.
Tariffs are configuration parameters dedicated to the calculation of an offer price.
- Local Development: Outline the process of setting up a local development environment, including required software, dependencies, and environment variables.
- Version Control: GitHub. Same as for SDK flow (
- Style Guide: prettier config, the same as in the SDK
- Code Reviews: a mandatory code review process to maintain code quality and knowledge sharing among team members.
- Unit Testing: Emphasize the importance of writing unit tests for all new code and major refactoring, aiming for high code coverage.
- Integration Testing: Detail how to write integration tests to check the interactions between different parts of the application.
- End-to-End Testing: Implement end-to-end tests for critical user flows and interactions.
- In-Code Documentation: Encourage thorough in-code documentation for complex logic and critical code sections.
- External Documentation:
- Node manager Dapp Help
- Automated Testing: Set up CI pipelines to run tests on every commit and pull request.
- Build Process: Automate the build process to ensure reproducible builds.
- Staging Environment: Use a staging environment that mirrors production to test changes in a live setting.
- Rolling Updates: Implement rolling updates to minimize downtime and allow for rollback in case of issues
^^^ Must be discussed
- Logging: Simple console logging. Must be used
- Security Audits: Conduct regular security audits to identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities.
^^^ Must be discussed
- Dependency Management: Regularly update dependencies to incorporate security patches.