File system abstraction with access management This is the DataBase adapter for the core interface
API provides common file operations for file info stored in a database. Any operations outside for not owned files will be blocked. Also, it possible to configure a custom policy for read/write operations.
Can be used as backend for Webix File Manager
import (
db ""
_ ""
conn, err := sqlx.Connect("mysql", "root:1@(localhost:3306)/files?parseTime=true")
// connection, temp folder, table name, root item, drive config
fs, err := db.NewDBDrive(conn, "/tmp", "entity", 0, nil)
create table files.entity
id int auto_increment primary key,
name varchar(255) not null,
folder int not null,
content varchar(32) default '' not null,
type tinyint not null,
modified datetime not null,
size int default 0 not null,
tree int not null,
path varchar(2048) not null
create index entity_path_index
on files.entity (path);