A drawer component for React Native Application (ios / android)
Similar to drawer menu component of QQ mobile.
See at github page
SUGGESTION In iOS, the drawer menu component should only be used in the top level route, because the action that swipes from left side of the screen to right is designed to pop route from navigate stack. You are supposed to avoid the conflict of the UI interactions. At least, don't use the
drawer menu to wrap sub routes, useRight
drawer menu if it's needed.
install from npm
npm install --save react-native-drawer-menu
import in project
import Drawer from 'react-native-drawer-menu';
import {Easing} from 'react-native'; // Customize easing function (Optional)
// in render function
render() {
// prepare your drawer content
var drawerContent = (<View style={styles.drawerContent}>
<View style={styles.leftTop}/>
<View style={styles.leftBottom}>
<View><Text>Drawer Content</Text></View>
// customize drawer's style (Optional)
var customStyles = {
drawer: {
shadowColor: '#000',
shadowOpacity: 0.4,
shadowRadius: 10
mask: {}, // style of mask if it is enabled
main: {} // style of main board
return (
customStyles={{drawer: styles.drawer}}
onDrawerOpen={() => {console.log('Drawer is opened');}}
onDrawerClose={() => {console.log('Drawer is closed')}}
<View style={styles.content}>
<Text>{Object.values(Drawer.positions).join(' ')}</Text>
<Text>{Object.values(Drawer.types).join(' ')}</Text>
Notice: The reference of the drawer is passed to drawer content element, you could use
to invoke Drawer's instance methods likethis.props.drawer.closeDrawer()
Property | Type | Default | Description |
disabled | Bool | false | Whether the drawer menu is disabled or not. |
type | String | ‘default' | Type of the drawer. default / overlay You can also use static value Drawer.types.Default / Drawer.types.Overlay . |
drawerPosition | String | ‘left' | Determine where does the drawer come out. left / right / both You can also use static value Drawer.positions.Left / Drawer.positions.Right / Drawer.positions.Both . |
drawerWidth | Number | 200 | The width of drawer, it’s disabled when use replace type. |
drawerContent | React Component | null | The content of the drawer menu, default is left content. |
leftDrawerContent | React Component | null | The content of the left drawer menu. |
rightDrawerContent | React Component | null | The content of the right drawer menu. |
duration | Number | 160 | The duration of animation to open or close drawer. |
maskAlpha | Number | 0.4 | Maximum value is 0.5, the opactiy value of the mask over the main board when drawer is open. Mask can be disabled with showMask property. |
showMask | Bool | true | Whether show the mask when drawer is open. |
customStyles | Object | {} | Customize drawer styles. You can customize main / mask / drawer / leftDrawer / rightDrawer . |
onDrawerOpen | function | null | Triggers when drawer is totally opened. |
onLeftDrawerOpen | function | null | Triggers when the left drawer is totally opened. |
onRightDrawerOpen | function | null | Triggers when the right drawer is totally opened. |
onDrawerClose | function | null | Triggers when drawer is totally closed. |
onLeftDrawerClose | function | null | Triggers when the left drawer is totally closed. |
onRightDrawerClose | function | null | Triggers when the right drawer is totally closed. |
startCapture | Bool | false | Whether to capture touch events while clicking on screen. |
moveCapture | Bool | false | Whether to capture touch events while swiping over the screen. |
easingFunc | function | null | Easing function of drawer animation, default is Easing.linear . You can pass function like Easing.ease /Easing.bezier(x1, y1, x2, y2) /Easing.sin /Easing.elastic(times) /Easing.bounce etc. |
responderNegotiate | function | null | Customize conditions to set pan responder, evt & gestureState will be passed as arguments. Default condition is left 20% area on screen in left Drawer, or right 20% area on screen in right Drawer. |
Use ref to invoke instance methods.
Method | Description |
openDrawer | Open drawer manually |
openLeftDrawer | Open left drawer manually |
openRightDrawer | Open right drawer manually |
closeDrawer | Close drawer manually. The drawerContent has a ref of drawer instance, you can also trigger with it. |
closeLeftDrawer | Close left drawer manually |
closeRightDrawer | Close right drawer manually |