import torch import numpy as np import random from data_generator import DataLoader from model import KAReader from util import get_config, cal_accuracy, load_documents from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter def f1_and_hits(answers, candidate2prob, eps): retrieved = [] correct = 0 best_ans, max_prob = -1, 0 for c, prob in candidate2prob.items(): if prob > max_prob: max_prob = prob best_ans = c if prob > eps: retrieved.append(c) if c in answers: correct += 1 if len(answers) == 0: if len(retrieved) == 0: return 1.0, 1.0 else: return 0.0, 1.0 else: hits = float(best_ans in answers) if len(retrieved) == 0: return 0.0, hits else: p, r = correct / len(retrieved), correct / len(answers) f1 = 2.0 / (1.0 / p + 1.0 / r) if p != 0 and r != 0 else 0.0 return f1, hits def get_best_ans(candidate2prob): best_ans, max_prob = -1, 0 for c, prob in candidate2prob.items(): if prob > max_prob: max_prob = prob best_ans = c return best_ans def train(cfg): tf_logger = SummaryWriter('tf_logs/' + cfg['model_id']) # train and test share the same set of documents documents = load_documents(cfg['data_folder'] + cfg['{}_documents'.format(cfg['mode'])]) # train data train_data = DataLoader(cfg, documents) valid_data = DataLoader(cfg, documents, mode='dev') model = KAReader(cfg) model ='cuda')) trainable = filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, model.parameters()) optim = torch.optim.Adam(trainable, lr=cfg['learning_rate']) if cfg['lr_schedule']: scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR(optim, [30], gamma=0.5) model.train() best_val_f1 = 0 best_val_hits = 0 for epoch in range(cfg['num_epoch']): batcher = train_data.batcher(shuffle=True) train_loss = [] for feed in batcher: loss, pred, pred_dist = model(feed) train_loss.append(loss.item()) # acc, max_acc = cal_accuracy(pred, feed['answers'].cpu().numpy()) # train_acc.append(acc) # train_max_acc.append(max_acc) optim.zero_grad() loss.backward() if cfg['gradient_clip'] != 0: torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(trainable, cfg['gradient_clip']) optim.step() tf_logger.add_scalar('avg_batch_loss', np.mean(train_loss), epoch) val_f1, val_hits = test(model, valid_data, cfg['eps']) if cfg['lr_schedule']: scheduler.step() tf_logger.add_scalar('eval_f1', val_f1, epoch) tf_logger.add_scalar('eval_hits', val_hits, epoch) if val_f1 > best_val_f1: best_val_f1 = val_f1 if val_hits > best_val_hits: best_val_hits = val_hits, 'model/{}/{}'.format(cfg['name'], cfg['model_id'])) print('evaluation best f1:{} current:{}'.format(best_val_f1, val_f1)) print('evaluation best hits:{} current:{}'.format(best_val_hits, val_hits)) print('save final model'), 'model/{}/{}'.format(cfg['name'], cfg['model_id'])) # model_save_path = 'model/{}/{}'.format(cfg['name'], cfg['model_id']) # model.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_save_path)) print('\n..........Finished training, start testing.......') test_data = DataLoader(cfg, documents, mode='test') model.eval() print('finished training, testing final model...') test(model, test_data, cfg['eps']) # print('testing best model...') # model_save_path = 'model/{}/{}'.format(cfg['name'], cfg['model_id']) # model.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_save_path)) # model.eval() # test(model, test_data, cfg['eps']) def test(model, test_data, eps): model.eval() batcher = test_data.batcher() id2entity = test_data.id2entity f1s, hits = [], [] questions = [] pred_answers = [] for feed in batcher: _, pred, pred_dist = model(feed) acc, max_acc = cal_accuracy(pred, feed['answers'].cpu().numpy()) batch_size = pred_dist.size(0) batch_answers = feed['answers_'] questions += feed['questions_'] batch_candidates = feed['candidate_entities'] pad_ent_id = len(id2entity) for batch_id in range(batch_size): answers = batch_answers[batch_id] candidates = batch_candidates[batch_id,:].tolist() probs = pred_dist[batch_id, :].tolist() candidate2prob = {} for c, p in zip(candidates, probs): if c == pad_ent_id: continue else: candidate2prob[c] = p f1, hit = f1_and_hits(answers, candidate2prob, eps) best_ans = get_best_ans(candidate2prob) best_ans = id2entity.get(best_ans, '') pred_answers.append(best_ans) f1s.append(f1) hits.append(hit) print('evaluation.......') print('how many eval samples......', len(f1s)) print('avg_f1', np.mean(f1s)) print('avg_hits', np.mean(hits)) model.train() return np.mean(f1s), np.mean(hits) if __name__ == "__main__": # config_file = sys.argv[2] cfg = get_config() random.seed(cfg['seed']) np.random.seed(cfg['seed']) torch.manual_seed(cfg['seed']) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(cfg['seed']) if cfg['mode'] == 'train': train(cfg) elif cfg['mode'] == 'test': documents = load_documents(cfg['data_folder'] + cfg['{}_documents'.format(cfg['mode'])]) test_data = DataLoader(cfg, documents, mode='test') model = KAReader(cfg) model ='cuda')) model_save_path = 'model/{}/{}'.format(cfg['name'], cfg['model_id']) model.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_save_path)) model.eval() test(model, test_data, cfg['eps']) else: assert False, "--train or --test?"