diff --git a/ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/__main__.py b/ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/__main__.py
index a3cfd6fd86b2..49997f62dca7 100644
--- a/ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/__main__.py
+++ b/ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/__main__.py
@@ -1,242 +1,7 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 import argparse
-import ydb
-import time
-import random
-import threading
-from enum import Enum
-from ydb.tests.stress.common.common import WorkloadBase, YdbClient
-supported_pk_types = [
-    # Bool https://github.com/ydb-platform/ydb/issues/13037
-    "Int8",
-    "Int16",
-    "Int32",
-    "Int64",
-    "Uint8",
-    "Uint16",
-    "Uint32",
-    "Uint64",
-    "Decimal(22,9)",
-    # "DyNumber", https://github.com/ydb-platform/ydb/issues/13048
-    "String",
-    "Utf8",
-    # Uuid", https://github.com/ydb-platform/ydb/issues/13047
-    "Date",
-    "Datetime",
-    "Datetime64",
-    "Timestamp",
-    # "Interval", https://github.com/ydb-platform/ydb/issues/13050
-supported_types = supported_pk_types + [
-    "Float",
-    "Double",
-    "Json",
-    "JsonDocument",
-    "Yson"
-class WorkloadTablesCreateDrop(WorkloadBase):
-    class TableStatus(Enum):
-        CREATING = "Creating",
-        AVAILABLE = "Available",
-        DELITING = "Deleting"
-    def __init__(self, client, prefix, stop, allow_nullables_in_pk):
-        super().__init__(client, prefix, "create_drop", stop)
-        self.allow_nullables_in_pk = allow_nullables_in_pk
-        self.created = 0
-        self.deleted = 0
-        self.tables = {}
-        self.lock = threading.Lock()
-    def get_stat(self):
-        with self.lock:
-            return f"Created: {self.created}, Deleted: {self.deleted}, Exists: {len(self.tables)}"
-    def _generate_new_table_n(self):
-        while True:
-            r = random.randint(1, 40000)
-            with self.lock:
-                if r not in self.tables:
-                    self.tables[r] = WorkloadTablesCreateDrop.TableStatus.CREATING
-                    return r
-    def _get_table_to_delete(self):
-        with self.lock:
-            for n, s in self.tables.items():
-                if s == WorkloadTablesCreateDrop.TableStatus.AVAILABLE:
-                    self.tables[n] = WorkloadTablesCreateDrop.TableStatus.DELITING
-                    return n
-        return None
-    def create_table(self, table):
-        path = self.get_table_path(table)
-        column_n = random.randint(1, 10000)
-        primary_key_column_n = random.randint(1, column_n)
-        partition_key_column_n = random.randint(1, primary_key_column_n)
-        column_defs = []
-        for i in range(column_n):
-            if i < primary_key_column_n:
-                c = random.choice(supported_pk_types)
-                if not self.allow_nullables_in_pk or random.choice([False, True]):
-                    c += " NOT NULL"
-            else:
-                c = random.choice(supported_types)
-                if random.choice([False, True]):
-                    c += " NOT NULL"
-            column_defs.append(c)
-        stmt = f"""
-                CREATE TABLE `{path}` (
-                    {", ".join(["c" + str(i) + " " + column_defs[i] for i in range(column_n)])},
-                    PRIMARY KEY({", ".join(["c" + str(i) for i in range(primary_key_column_n)])})
-                )
-                PARTITION BY HASH({", ".join(["c" + str(i) for i in range(partition_key_column_n)])})
-                WITH (
-                    STORE = COLUMN
-                )
-            """
-        self.client.query(stmt, True)
-    def _create_tables_loop(self):
-        while not self.is_stop_requested():
-            n = self._generate_new_table_n()
-            self.create_table(str(n))
-            with self.lock:
-                self.tables[n] = WorkloadTablesCreateDrop.TableStatus.AVAILABLE
-                self.created += 1
-    def _delete_tables_loop(self):
-        while not self.is_stop_requested():
-            n = self._get_table_to_delete()
-            if n is None:
-                print("create_drop: No tables to delete")
-                time.sleep(10)
-                continue
-            self.client.drop_table(self.get_table_path(str(n)))
-            with self.lock:
-                del self.tables[n]
-                self.deleted += 1
-    def get_workload_thread_funcs(self):
-        r = [self._create_tables_loop for x in range(0, 10)]
-        r.append(self._delete_tables_loop)
-        return r
-class WorkloadInsertDelete(WorkloadBase):
-    def __init__(self, client, prefix, stop):
-        super().__init__(client, prefix, "insert_delete", stop)
-        self.inserted = 0
-        self.current = 0
-        self.table_name = "table"
-        self.lock = threading.Lock()
-    def get_stat(self):
-        with self.lock:
-            return f"Inserted: {self.inserted}, Current: {self.current}"
-    def _loop(self):
-        table_path = self.get_table_path(self.table_name)
-        self.client.query(
-            f"""
-                CREATE TABLE `{table_path}` (
-                id Int64 NOT NULL,
-                i64Val Int64,
-                PRIMARY KEY(id)
-                )
-                PARTITION BY HASH(id)
-                WITH (
-                    STORE = COLUMN
-                )
-        """,
-            True,
-        )
-        i = 1
-        while not self.is_stop_requested():
-            self.client.query(
-                f"""
-                INSERT INTO `{table_path}` (`id`, `i64Val`)
-                VALUES
-                ({i * 2}, {i * 10}),
-                ({i * 2 + 1}, {i * 10 + 1})
-            """,
-                False,
-            )
-            self.client.query(
-                f"""
-                DELETE FROM `{table_path}`
-                WHERE i64Val % 2 == 1
-            """,
-                False,
-            )
-            actual = self.client.query(
-                f"""
-                SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt, SUM(i64Val) as vals, SUM(id) as ids FROM `{table_path}`
-            """,
-                False,
-            )[0].rows[0]
-            expected = {"cnt": i, "vals": i * (i + 1) * 5, "ids": i * (i + 1)}
-            if actual != expected:
-                raise Exception(f"Incorrect result: expected:{expected}, actual:{actual}")
-            i += 1
-            with self.lock:
-                self.inserted += 2
-                self.current = actual["cnt"]
-    def get_workload_thread_funcs(self):
-        return [self._loop]
-class WorkloadRunner:
-    def __init__(self, client, name, duration, allow_nullables_in_pk):
-        self.client = client
-        self.name = args.path
-        self.tables_prefix = "/".join([self.client.database, self.name])
-        self.duration = args.duration
-        self.allow_nullables_in_pk = allow_nullables_in_pk
-    def __enter__(self):
-        self._cleanup()
-        return self
-    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
-        self._cleanup()
-    def _cleanup(self):
-        print(f"Cleaning up {self.tables_prefix}...")
-        deleted = client.remove_recursively(self.tables_prefix)
-        print(f"Cleaning up {self.tables_prefix}... done, {deleted} tables deleted")
-    def run(self):
-        stop = threading.Event()
-        workloads = [
-            WorkloadTablesCreateDrop(self.client, self.name, stop, self.allow_nullables_in_pk),
-            WorkloadInsertDelete(self.client, self.name, stop),
-        ]
-        for w in workloads:
-            w.start()
-        started_at = started_at = time.time()
-        while time.time() - started_at < self.duration:
-            print(f"Elapsed {(int)(time.time() - started_at)} seconds, stat:")
-            for w in workloads:
-                print(f"\t{w.name}: {w.get_stat()}")
-            time.sleep(10)
-        stop.set()
-        print("Waiting for stop...")
-        for w in workloads:
-            w.join()
-        print("Waiting for stop... stopped")
+from ydb.tests.stress.common.common import YdbClient
+from ydb.tests.stress.olap_workload.workload import WorkloadRunner
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/tests/test_workload.py b/ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/tests/test_workload.py
index 157c14efd391..a12d5178f3c1 100644
--- a/ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/tests/test_workload.py
+++ b/ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/tests/test_workload.py
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import yatest
 from ydb.tests.library.harness.kikimr_runner import KiKiMR
 from ydb.tests.library.harness.kikimr_config import KikimrConfigGenerator
 from ydb.tests.library.common.types import Erasure
+from ydb.tests.stress.common.common import YdbClient
+from ydb.tests.stress.olap_workload.workload import WorkloadRunner
 class TestYdbWorkload(object):
@@ -22,14 +22,7 @@ def teardown_class(cls):
     def test(self):
-        workload_path = yatest.common.build_path("ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/olap_workload")
-        yatest.common.execute(
-            [
-                workload_path,
-                "--endpoint", f"grpc://localhost:{self.cluster.nodes[1].grpc_port}",
-                "--database=/Root",
-                "--duration", "120",
-                "--allow-nullables-in-pk", "1",
-            ],
-            wait=True
-        )
+        client = YdbClient(f'grpc://localhost:{self.cluster.nodes[1].grpc_port}', '/Root', True)
+        client.wait_connection()
+        with WorkloadRunner(client, 'olap_workload', 120, True) as runner:
+            runner.run()
diff --git a/ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/tests/ya.make b/ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/tests/ya.make
index ac97247e0826..73cf8d439be6 100644
--- a/ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/tests/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/tests/ya.make
@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ SIZE(MEDIUM)
-    ydb/apps/ydb
-    ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload
+    ydb/tests/stress/common
+    ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/workload
diff --git a/ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/workload/__init__.py b/ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/workload/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7dc9aeec3654
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/workload/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import ydb
+import time
+import random
+import threading
+from enum import Enum
+from ydb.tests.stress.common.common import WorkloadBase
+supported_pk_types = [
+    # Bool https://github.com/ydb-platform/ydb/issues/13037
+    "Int8",
+    "Int16",
+    "Int32",
+    "Int64",
+    "Uint8",
+    "Uint16",
+    "Uint32",
+    "Uint64",
+    "Decimal(22,9)",
+    # "DyNumber", https://github.com/ydb-platform/ydb/issues/13048
+    "String",
+    "Utf8",
+    # Uuid", https://github.com/ydb-platform/ydb/issues/13047
+    "Date",
+    "Datetime",
+    "Datetime64",
+    "Timestamp",
+    # "Interval", https://github.com/ydb-platform/ydb/issues/13050
+supported_types = supported_pk_types + [
+    "Float",
+    "Double",
+    "Json",
+    "JsonDocument",
+    "Yson"
+class WorkloadTablesCreateDrop(WorkloadBase):
+    class TableStatus(Enum):
+        CREATING = "Creating",
+        AVAILABLE = "Available",
+        DELITING = "Deleting"
+    def __init__(self, client, prefix, stop, allow_nullables_in_pk):
+        super().__init__(client, prefix, "create_drop", stop)
+        self.allow_nullables_in_pk = allow_nullables_in_pk
+        self.created = 0
+        self.deleted = 0
+        self.tables = {}
+        self.lock = threading.Lock()
+    def get_stat(self):
+        with self.lock:
+            return f"Created: {self.created}, Deleted: {self.deleted}, Exists: {len(self.tables)}"
+    def _generate_new_table_n(self):
+        while True:
+            r = random.randint(1, 40000)
+            with self.lock:
+                if r not in self.tables:
+                    self.tables[r] = WorkloadTablesCreateDrop.TableStatus.CREATING
+                    return r
+    def _get_table_to_delete(self):
+        with self.lock:
+            for n, s in self.tables.items():
+                if s == WorkloadTablesCreateDrop.TableStatus.AVAILABLE:
+                    self.tables[n] = WorkloadTablesCreateDrop.TableStatus.DELITING
+                    return n
+        return None
+    def create_table(self, table):
+        path = self.get_table_path(table)
+        column_n = random.randint(1, 10000)
+        primary_key_column_n = random.randint(1, column_n)
+        partition_key_column_n = random.randint(1, primary_key_column_n)
+        column_defs = []
+        for i in range(column_n):
+            if i < primary_key_column_n:
+                c = random.choice(supported_pk_types)
+                if not self.allow_nullables_in_pk or random.choice([False, True]):
+                    c += " NOT NULL"
+            else:
+                c = random.choice(supported_types)
+                if random.choice([False, True]):
+                    c += " NOT NULL"
+            column_defs.append(c)
+        stmt = f"""
+                CREATE TABLE `{path}` (
+                    {", ".join(["c" + str(i) + " " + column_defs[i] for i in range(column_n)])},
+                    PRIMARY KEY({", ".join(["c" + str(i) for i in range(primary_key_column_n)])})
+                )
+                PARTITION BY HASH({", ".join(["c" + str(i) for i in range(partition_key_column_n)])})
+                WITH (
+                    STORE = COLUMN
+                )
+            """
+        self.client.query(stmt, True)
+    def _create_tables_loop(self):
+        while not self.is_stop_requested():
+            n = self._generate_new_table_n()
+            self.create_table(str(n))
+            with self.lock:
+                self.tables[n] = WorkloadTablesCreateDrop.TableStatus.AVAILABLE
+                self.created += 1
+    def _delete_tables_loop(self):
+        while not self.is_stop_requested():
+            n = self._get_table_to_delete()
+            if n is None:
+                print("create_drop: No tables to delete")
+                time.sleep(10)
+                continue
+            self.client.drop_table(self.get_table_path(str(n)))
+            with self.lock:
+                del self.tables[n]
+                self.deleted += 1
+    def get_workload_thread_funcs(self):
+        r = [self._create_tables_loop for x in range(0, 10)]
+        r.append(self._delete_tables_loop)
+        return r
+class WorkloadInsertDelete(WorkloadBase):
+    def __init__(self, client, prefix, stop):
+        super().__init__(client, prefix, "insert_delete", stop)
+        self.inserted = 0
+        self.current = 0
+        self.table_name = "table"
+        self.lock = threading.Lock()
+    def get_stat(self):
+        with self.lock:
+            return f"Inserted: {self.inserted}, Current: {self.current}"
+    def _loop(self):
+        table_path = self.get_table_path(self.table_name)
+        self.client.query(
+            f"""
+                CREATE TABLE `{table_path}` (
+                id Int64 NOT NULL,
+                i64Val Int64,
+                PRIMARY KEY(id)
+                )
+                PARTITION BY HASH(id)
+                WITH (
+                    STORE = COLUMN
+                )
+        """,
+            True,
+        )
+        i = 1
+        while not self.is_stop_requested():
+            self.client.query(
+                f"""
+                INSERT INTO `{table_path}` (`id`, `i64Val`)
+                VALUES
+                ({i * 2}, {i * 10}),
+                ({i * 2 + 1}, {i * 10 + 1})
+            """,
+                False,
+            )
+            self.client.query(
+                f"""
+                DELETE FROM `{table_path}`
+                WHERE i64Val % 2 == 1
+            """,
+                False,
+            )
+            actual = self.client.query(
+                f"""
+                SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt, SUM(i64Val) as vals, SUM(id) as ids FROM `{table_path}`
+            """,
+                False,
+            )[0].rows[0]
+            expected = {"cnt": i, "vals": i * (i + 1) * 5, "ids": i * (i + 1)}
+            if actual != expected:
+                raise Exception(f"Incorrect result: expected:{expected}, actual:{actual}")
+            i += 1
+            with self.lock:
+                self.inserted += 2
+                self.current = actual["cnt"]
+    def get_workload_thread_funcs(self):
+        return [self._loop]
+class WorkloadRunner:
+    def __init__(self, client, path, duration, allow_nullables_in_pk):
+        self.client = client
+        self.name = path
+        self.tables_prefix = "/".join([self.client.database, self.name])
+        self.duration = duration
+        self.allow_nullables_in_pk = allow_nullables_in_pk
+        ydb.interceptor.monkey_patch_event_handler()
+    def __enter__(self):
+        self._cleanup()
+        return self
+    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
+        self._cleanup()
+    def _cleanup(self):
+        print(f"Cleaning up {self.tables_prefix}...")
+        deleted = self.client.remove_recursively(self.tables_prefix)
+        print(f"Cleaning up {self.tables_prefix}... done, {deleted} tables deleted")
+    def run(self):
+        stop = threading.Event()
+        workloads = [
+            WorkloadTablesCreateDrop(self.client, self.name, stop, self.allow_nullables_in_pk),
+            WorkloadInsertDelete(self.client, self.name, stop),
+        ]
+        for w in workloads:
+            w.start()
+        started_at = started_at = time.time()
+        while time.time() - started_at < self.duration:
+            print(f"Elapsed {(int)(time.time() - started_at)} seconds, stat:")
+            for w in workloads:
+                print(f"\t{w.name}: {w.get_stat()}")
+            time.sleep(10)
+        stop.set()
+        print("Waiting for stop...")
+        for w in workloads:
+            w.join()
+        print("Waiting for stop... stopped")
diff --git a/ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/workload/ya.make b/ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/workload/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ec5f262063dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/workload/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+    __init__.py
+    ydb/public/sdk/python
+    ydb/public/sdk/python/enable_v3_new_behavior
+    ydb/tests/stress/common
diff --git a/ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/ya.make b/ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/ya.make
index c5d99bcebc08..e5ae09e3fc1a 100644
--- a/ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/ya.make
@@ -6,9 +6,7 @@ PY_SRCS(
-    ydb/public/sdk/python
-    ydb/public/sdk/python/enable_v3_new_behavior
-    library/python/monlib
+    ydb/tests/stress/olap_workload/workload
diff --git a/ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/__main__.py b/ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/__main__.py
index 172b369db5d3..d1fc93674708 100644
--- a/ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/__main__.py
+++ b/ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/__main__.py
@@ -1,194 +1,8 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 import argparse
-import ydb
-import time
-import threading
-from ydb.tests.stress.common.common import WorkloadBase, YdbClient
-supported_pk_types = [
-    "Int64",
-    "Uint64",
-    "Int32",
-    "Uint32",
-    "Int16",
-    "Uint16",
-    "Int8",
-    "Uint8",
-    "Bool",
-    "Decimal(1,0)",
-    "Decimal(22,9)",
-    "Decimal(35,10)",
-    "DyNumber",
-    "String",
-    "Utf8",
-    "Uuid",
-    "Date",
-    "Datetime",
-    "Timestamp",
-    "Interval",
-    "Date32",
-    "Datetime64",
-    "Timestamp64",
-    "Interval64"
-supported_types = supported_pk_types + [
-    "Float",
-    "Double",
-    "Json",
-    "JsonDocument",
-    "Yson"
-null_types = [
-    "Int64",
-    "Decimal(22,9)",
-    "Decimal(35,10)",
-    "String",
-class WorkloadInsertDeleteAllTypes(WorkloadBase):
-    def __init__(self, client, prefix, stop):
-        super().__init__(client, prefix, "insert_delete_all_types", stop)
-        self.inserted = 0
-        self.current = 0
-        self.table_name = "table"
-        self.lock = threading.Lock()
-    def get_stat(self):
-        with self.lock:
-            return f"Inserted: {self.inserted}, Current: {self.current}"
-    def _loop(self):
-        table_path = self.get_table_path(self.table_name)
-        create_sql = f"""
-            CREATE TABLE `{table_path}` (
-                {", ".join(["pk" + str(i) + " " + supported_pk_types[i] for i in range(len(supported_pk_types))])},
-                {", ".join(["null_pk" + str(i) + " " + null_types[i] for i in range(len(null_types))])},
-                {", ".join(["col" + str(i) + " " + supported_types[i] for i in range(len(supported_types))])},
-                {", ".join(["null_col" + str(i) + " " + null_types[i] for i in range(len(null_types))])},
-                PRIMARY KEY(
-                {", ".join(["pk" + str(i) for i in range(len(supported_pk_types))])},
-                {", ".join(["null_pk" + str(i) for i in range(len(null_types))])}
-                )
-            )
-        """
-        # print(create_sql)
-        self.client.query(create_sql, True,)
-        i = 1
-        while not self.is_stop_requested():
-            insert_sql = f"""
-                INSERT INTO `{table_path}` (
-                {", ".join(["pk" + str(i) for i in range(len(supported_pk_types))])},
-                {", ".join(["null_pk" + str(i) for i in range(len(null_types))])},
-                {", ".join(["col" + str(i) for i in range(len(supported_types))])},
-                {", ".join(["null_col" + str(i) for i in range(len(null_types))])}
-                )
-                VALUES
-                ({i * 2}, {i * 10},
-                -2147483648, 0, -32768, 0, -128, 0, false,
-                    CAST('1' AS Decimal(1,0)), CAST('1234567890123456789.000000001' AS Decimal(22,9)), CAST('1234567890123456789123456789.000000001' AS Decimal(35,10)),
-                    CAST('-1.234' AS DyNumber), 'AnotherString', 'AnotherUtf8', CAST('123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-556642440000' AS Uuid),
-                    CAST('2023-10-02' AS Date), CAST('2023-10-02T11:00:00' AS Datetime), CAST(1696243200000000 AS Timestamp), CAST(-86400 AS Interval),
-                    Date32('998-06-02'), CAST('2023-10-02T11:00:00.654321' AS Datetime64), Timestamp64('0998-06-02T12:30:00.123456Z'),Interval64('PT2S'),
-                    NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
-                -2000000, {i * 10}, -222, 222, -22, 22, -2, 2, true,
-                    CAST('2' AS Decimal(1,0)), CAST('2234567890123456789.000000001' AS Decimal(22,9)), CAST('2234567890123456789123456789.000000001' AS Decimal(35,10)),
-                    CAST('123E4' AS DyNumber), 'SampleString', 'SampleUtf8', CAST('550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000' AS Uuid),
-                    CAST('2023-10-01' AS Date), CAST('2023-10-01T10:00:00' AS Datetime), CAST(1696156800000000 AS Timestamp), CAST(3600 AS Interval),
-                    Date32('998-06-01'), CAST('2023-10-01T10:00:00.123456' AS Datetime64), Timestamp64('0998-06-02T12:30:00.678901Z'),Interval64('-PT2S'), 3.14f, 2.71828,
-                    CAST('{{"json_key":"json_value"}}' AS Json), CAST('{{"doc_key":"doc_value"}}' AS JsonDocument),  CAST('<yson><key1>value1</key1></yson>' AS Yson),
-                    NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL),
-                ({i * 2 + 1}, {i * 10 + 1},
-                2147483647, 4294967295, 32767, 65535, 127, 255, true,
-                    CAST('3' AS Decimal(1,0)), CAST('3234567890123456789.000000001' AS Decimal(22,9)), CAST('3234567890123456789123456789.000000001' AS Decimal(35,10)),
-                    CAST('4.567E-3' AS DyNumber), 'ExampleString', 'ExampleUtf8', CAST('00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff' AS Uuid),
-                    CAST('2022-12-31' AS Date), CAST('2022-12-31T23:59:59' AS Datetime), CAST(1672444799000000 AS Timestamp), CAST(172800 AS Interval),
-                    Date32('1000-01-01'), CAST('2022-12-31T23:59:59.999999' AS Datetime64), Timestamp64('1000-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z'), Interval64('PT1440M'),
-                    NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
-                -4000000, {i * 10 + 1}, -444, 444, -44, 44, -4, 4, false,
-                    CAST('4' AS Decimal(1,0)), CAST('4234567890123456789.000000001' AS Decimal(22,9)), CAST('4234567890123456789123456789.000000001' AS Decimal(35,10)),
-                    CAST('-987E-4' AS DyNumber), 'NewString', 'NewUtf8', CAST('01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef' AS Uuid),
-                    CAST('1980-03-15' AS Date), CAST('1980-03-15T08:00:00' AS Datetime), CAST(315532800000000 AS Timestamp), CAST(-31536000 AS Interval),
-                    Date32('2000-02-29'), CAST('1980-03-15T08:00:00.123456' AS Datetime64), Timestamp64('2000-02-29T12:30:00.999999Z'), Interval64('-PT600S'), -0.123f, 2.71828,
-                    CAST('{{"another_key":"another_value"}}' AS Json), CAST('{{"another_doc_key":"another_doc_value"}}' AS JsonDocument),  CAST('<yson><key2>value2</key2></yson>' AS Yson),
-                    NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-            """
-            # print(insert_sql)
-            self.client.query(insert_sql, False,)
-            self.client.query(
-                f"""
-                DELETE FROM `{table_path}`
-                WHERE col1 % 2 == 1 AND null_pk0 IS NULL
-            """,
-                False,
-            )
-            actual = self.client.query(
-                f"""
-                SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt, SUM(col1) as vals, SUM(pk0) as ids FROM `{table_path}`
-            """,
-                False,
-            )[0].rows[0]
-            expected = {"cnt": i, "vals": i * (i + 1) * 5, "ids": i * (i + 1)}
-            if actual != expected:
-                raise Exception(f"Incorrect result: expected:{expected}, actual:{actual}")
-            i += 1
-            with self.lock:
-                self.inserted += 2
-                self.current = actual["cnt"]
-    def get_workload_thread_funcs(self):
-        return [self._loop]
-class WorkloadRunner:
-    def __init__(self, client, name, duration):
-        self.client = client
-        self.name = args.path
-        self.tables_prefix = "/".join([self.client.database, self.name])
-        self.duration = args.duration
-    def __enter__(self):
-        self._cleanup()
-        return self
-    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
-        self._cleanup()
-    def _cleanup(self):
-        print(f"Cleaning up {self.tables_prefix}...")
-        deleted = client.remove_recursively(self.tables_prefix)
-        print(f"Cleaning up {self.tables_prefix}... done, {deleted} tables deleted")
-    def run(self):
-        stop = threading.Event()
-        workloads = [
-            WorkloadInsertDeleteAllTypes(self.client, self.name, stop),
-        ]
-        for w in workloads:
-            w.start()
-        started_at = started_at = time.time()
-        while time.time() - started_at < self.duration:
-            print(f"Elapsed {(int)(time.time() - started_at)} seconds, stat:")
-            for w in workloads:
-                print(f"\t{w.name}: {w.get_stat()}")
-            time.sleep(10)
-        stop.set()
-        print("Waiting for stop...")
-        for w in workloads:
-            w.join()
-        print("Waiting for stop... stopped")
+from ydb.tests.stress.oltp_workload.workload import WorkloadRunner
+from ydb.tests.stress.common.common import YdbClient
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/tests/test_workload.py b/ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/tests/test_workload.py
index d3478f06469d..b2f93992c630 100644
--- a/ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/tests/test_workload.py
+++ b/ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/tests/test_workload.py
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import yatest
 from ydb.tests.library.harness.kikimr_runner import KiKiMR
 from ydb.tests.library.harness.kikimr_config import KikimrConfigGenerator
+from ydb.tests.stress.oltp_workload.workload import WorkloadRunner
+from ydb.tests.stress.common.common import YdbClient
 class TestYdbWorkload(object):
@@ -16,13 +16,7 @@ def teardown_class(cls):
     def test(self):
-        workload_path = yatest.common.build_path("ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/oltp_workload")
-        yatest.common.execute(
-            [
-                workload_path,
-                "--endpoint", f"grpc://localhost:{self.cluster.nodes[1].grpc_port}",
-                "--database=/Root",
-                "--duration", "120",
-            ],
-            wait=True
-        )
+        client = YdbClient(f'grpc://localhost:{self.cluster.nodes[1].grpc_port}', '/Root', True)
+        client.wait_connection()
+        with WorkloadRunner(client, 'oltp_workload', 120) as runner:
+            runner.run()
diff --git a/ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/tests/ya.make b/ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/tests/ya.make
index a7f7cb8e5e3d..142a5373ed94 100644
--- a/ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/tests/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/tests/ya.make
@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ SIZE(MEDIUM)
-    ydb/apps/ydb
-    ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload
+    ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/workload
+    ydb/tests/stress/common
diff --git a/ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/workload/__init__.py b/ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/workload/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..319d9b7c5790
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/workload/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import ydb
+import time
+import threading
+from ydb.tests.stress.common.common import WorkloadBase
+supported_pk_types = [
+    "Int64",
+    "Uint64",
+    "Int32",
+    "Uint32",
+    "Int16",
+    "Uint16",
+    "Int8",
+    "Uint8",
+    "Bool",
+    "Decimal(1,0)",
+    "Decimal(22,9)",
+    "Decimal(35,10)",
+    "DyNumber",
+    "String",
+    "Utf8",
+    "Uuid",
+    "Date",
+    "Datetime",
+    "Timestamp",
+    "Interval",
+    "Date32",
+    "Datetime64",
+    "Timestamp64",
+    "Interval64"
+supported_types = supported_pk_types + [
+    "Float",
+    "Double",
+    "Json",
+    "JsonDocument",
+    "Yson"
+null_types = [
+    "Int64",
+    "Decimal(22,9)",
+    "Decimal(35,10)",
+    "String",
+class WorkloadInsertDeleteAllTypes(WorkloadBase):
+    def __init__(self, client, prefix, stop):
+        super().__init__(client, prefix, "insert_delete_all_types", stop)
+        self.inserted = 0
+        self.current = 0
+        self.table_name = "table"
+        self.lock = threading.Lock()
+    def get_stat(self):
+        with self.lock:
+            return f"Inserted: {self.inserted}, Current: {self.current}"
+    def _loop(self):
+        table_path = self.get_table_path(self.table_name)
+        create_sql = f"""
+            CREATE TABLE `{table_path}` (
+                {", ".join(["pk" + str(i) + " " + supported_pk_types[i] for i in range(len(supported_pk_types))])},
+                {", ".join(["null_pk" + str(i) + " " + null_types[i] for i in range(len(null_types))])},
+                {", ".join(["col" + str(i) + " " + supported_types[i] for i in range(len(supported_types))])},
+                {", ".join(["null_col" + str(i) + " " + null_types[i] for i in range(len(null_types))])},
+                PRIMARY KEY(
+                {", ".join(["pk" + str(i) for i in range(len(supported_pk_types))])},
+                {", ".join(["null_pk" + str(i) for i in range(len(null_types))])}
+                )
+            )
+        """
+        # print(create_sql)
+        self.client.query(create_sql, True,)
+        i = 1
+        while not self.is_stop_requested():
+            insert_sql = f"""
+                INSERT INTO `{table_path}` (
+                {", ".join(["pk" + str(i) for i in range(len(supported_pk_types))])},
+                {", ".join(["null_pk" + str(i) for i in range(len(null_types))])},
+                {", ".join(["col" + str(i) for i in range(len(supported_types))])},
+                {", ".join(["null_col" + str(i) for i in range(len(null_types))])}
+                )
+                VALUES
+                ({i * 2}, {i * 10},
+                -2147483648, 0, -32768, 0, -128, 0, false,
+                    CAST('1' AS Decimal(1,0)), CAST('1234567890123456789.000000001' AS Decimal(22,9)), CAST('1234567890123456789123456789.000000001' AS Decimal(35,10)),
+                    CAST('-1.234' AS DyNumber), 'AnotherString', 'AnotherUtf8', CAST('123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-556642440000' AS Uuid),
+                    CAST('2023-10-02' AS Date), CAST('2023-10-02T11:00:00' AS Datetime), CAST(1696243200000000 AS Timestamp), CAST(-86400 AS Interval),
+                    Date32('998-06-02'), CAST('2023-10-02T11:00:00.654321' AS Datetime64), Timestamp64('0998-06-02T12:30:00.123456Z'),Interval64('PT2S'),
+                    NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+                -2000000, {i * 10}, -222, 222, -22, 22, -2, 2, true,
+                    CAST('2' AS Decimal(1,0)), CAST('2234567890123456789.000000001' AS Decimal(22,9)), CAST('2234567890123456789123456789.000000001' AS Decimal(35,10)),
+                    CAST('123E4' AS DyNumber), 'SampleString', 'SampleUtf8', CAST('550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000' AS Uuid),
+                    CAST('2023-10-01' AS Date), CAST('2023-10-01T10:00:00' AS Datetime), CAST(1696156800000000 AS Timestamp), CAST(3600 AS Interval),
+                    Date32('998-06-01'), CAST('2023-10-01T10:00:00.123456' AS Datetime64), Timestamp64('0998-06-02T12:30:00.678901Z'),Interval64('-PT2S'), 3.14f, 2.71828,
+                    CAST('{{"json_key":"json_value"}}' AS Json), CAST('{{"doc_key":"doc_value"}}' AS JsonDocument),  CAST('<yson><key1>value1</key1></yson>' AS Yson),
+                    NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL),
+                ({i * 2 + 1}, {i * 10 + 1},
+                2147483647, 4294967295, 32767, 65535, 127, 255, true,
+                    CAST('3' AS Decimal(1,0)), CAST('3234567890123456789.000000001' AS Decimal(22,9)), CAST('3234567890123456789123456789.000000001' AS Decimal(35,10)),
+                    CAST('4.567E-3' AS DyNumber), 'ExampleString', 'ExampleUtf8', CAST('00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff' AS Uuid),
+                    CAST('2022-12-31' AS Date), CAST('2022-12-31T23:59:59' AS Datetime), CAST(1672444799000000 AS Timestamp), CAST(172800 AS Interval),
+                    Date32('1000-01-01'), CAST('2022-12-31T23:59:59.999999' AS Datetime64), Timestamp64('1000-01-01T00:00:00.000000Z'), Interval64('PT1440M'),
+                    NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+                -4000000, {i * 10 + 1}, -444, 444, -44, 44, -4, 4, false,
+                    CAST('4' AS Decimal(1,0)), CAST('4234567890123456789.000000001' AS Decimal(22,9)), CAST('4234567890123456789123456789.000000001' AS Decimal(35,10)),
+                    CAST('-987E-4' AS DyNumber), 'NewString', 'NewUtf8', CAST('01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef' AS Uuid),
+                    CAST('1980-03-15' AS Date), CAST('1980-03-15T08:00:00' AS Datetime), CAST(315532800000000 AS Timestamp), CAST(-31536000 AS Interval),
+                    Date32('2000-02-29'), CAST('1980-03-15T08:00:00.123456' AS Datetime64), Timestamp64('2000-02-29T12:30:00.999999Z'), Interval64('-PT600S'), -0.123f, 2.71828,
+                    CAST('{{"another_key":"another_value"}}' AS Json), CAST('{{"another_doc_key":"another_doc_value"}}' AS JsonDocument),  CAST('<yson><key2>value2</key2></yson>' AS Yson),
+                    NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+            """
+            # print(insert_sql)
+            self.client.query(insert_sql, False,)
+            self.client.query(
+                f"""
+                DELETE FROM `{table_path}`
+                WHERE col1 % 2 == 1 AND null_pk0 IS NULL
+            """,
+                False,
+            )
+            actual = self.client.query(
+                f"""
+                SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt, SUM(col1) as vals, SUM(pk0) as ids FROM `{table_path}`
+            """,
+                False,
+            )[0].rows[0]
+            expected = {"cnt": i, "vals": i * (i + 1) * 5, "ids": i * (i + 1)}
+            if actual != expected:
+                raise Exception(f"Incorrect result: expected:{expected}, actual:{actual}")
+            i += 1
+            with self.lock:
+                self.inserted += 2
+                self.current = actual["cnt"]
+    def get_workload_thread_funcs(self):
+        return [self._loop]
+class WorkloadRunner:
+    def __init__(self, client, path, duration):
+        self.client = client
+        self.name = path
+        self.tables_prefix = "/".join([self.client.database, self.name])
+        self.duration = duration
+        ydb.interceptor.monkey_patch_event_handler()
+    def __enter__(self):
+        self._cleanup()
+        return self
+    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
+        self._cleanup()
+    def _cleanup(self):
+        print(f"Cleaning up {self.tables_prefix}...")
+        deleted = self.client.remove_recursively(self.tables_prefix)
+        print(f"Cleaning up {self.tables_prefix}... done, {deleted} tables deleted")
+    def run(self):
+        stop = threading.Event()
+        workloads = [
+            WorkloadInsertDeleteAllTypes(self.client, self.name, stop),
+        ]
+        for w in workloads:
+            w.start()
+        started_at = started_at = time.time()
+        while time.time() - started_at < self.duration:
+            print(f"Elapsed {(int)(time.time() - started_at)} seconds, stat:")
+            for w in workloads:
+                print(f"\t{w.name}: {w.get_stat()}")
+            time.sleep(10)
+        stop.set()
+        print("Waiting for stop...")
+        for w in workloads:
+            w.join()
+        print("Waiting for stop... stopped")
diff --git a/ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/workload/ya.make b/ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/workload/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0303e5d573b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/workload/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+    __init__.py
+    ydb/tests/stress/common
+    ydb/public/sdk/python
+    ydb/public/sdk/python/enable_v3_new_behavior
diff --git a/ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/ya.make b/ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/ya.make
index 061a5c0c3c7b..4e202d987b31 100644
--- a/ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/ya.make
@@ -5,10 +5,8 @@ PY_SRCS(
-    ydb/tests/stress/common    
-    ydb/public/sdk/python
-    ydb/public/sdk/python/enable_v3_new_behavior
-    library/python/monlib
+    ydb/tests/stress/common
+    ydb/tests/stress/oltp_workload/workload
diff --git a/ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/__main__.py b/ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/__main__.py
index b20661aa013e..0e30383ec0dd 100644
--- a/ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/__main__.py
+++ b/ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/__main__.py
@@ -1,528 +1,6 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 import argparse
-import copy
-import os
-import random
-import time
-import logging
-import string
-import threading
-import collections
-import itertools
-import queue
-import ydb
-from library.python.monlib.metric_registry import MetricRegistry
-import socket
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-BLOB_MIN_SIZE = 128 * 1024
-def random_string(size):
-    return ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(size)])
-def generate_blobs(count=32):
-    return [random_string(idx * BLOB_MIN_SIZE) for idx in range(1, count + 1)]
-class EventKind(object):
-    ALTER_TABLE = 'alter_table'
-    COPY_TABLE = 'copy_table'
-    DROP_TABLE = 'drop_table'
-    START_READ_TABLE = 'start_read_table'
-    READ_TABLE_CHUNK = 'read_table_chunk'
-    WRITE = 'write'
-    REMOVE_OUTDATED = 'remove_outdated'
-    FIND_OUTDATED = 'find_outdated'
-    SCAN_QUERY_CHUNK = 'scan_query_chunk'
-    START_SCAN_QUERY = 'start_scan_query'
-    @classmethod
-    def periodic_tasks(cls):
-        return (
-            cls.START_READ_TABLE,
-            cls.START_SCAN_QUERY,
-        )
-    @classmethod
-    def rare(cls):
-        return (
-            cls.ALTER_TABLE,
-            cls.DROP_TABLE,
-            cls.COPY_TABLE,
-            cls.START_READ_TABLE,
-            cls.START_SCAN_QUERY,
-        )
-    @classmethod
-    def list(cls):
-        return (
-            cls.COPY_TABLE,
-            cls.DROP_TABLE,
-            cls.ALTER_TABLE,
-            cls.START_READ_TABLE,
-            cls.READ_TABLE_CHUNK,
-            cls.FIND_OUTDATED,
-            cls.REMOVE_OUTDATED,
-            cls.WRITE,
-            cls.START_SCAN_QUERY,
-            cls.SCAN_QUERY_CHUNK,
-        )
-def get_table_description(table_name, mode):
-    if mode == "row":
-        store_entry = "STORE = ROW,"
-        ttl_entry = """TTL = Interval("PT240S") ON `timestamp` AS SECONDS,"""
-    elif mode == "column":
-        store_entry = "STORE = COLUMN,"
-        ttl_entry = ""
-    else:
-        raise RuntimeError("Unkown mode: {}".format(mode))
-    return f"""
-        CREATE TABLE `{table_name}` (
-            key Uint64 NOT NULL,
-            `timestamp` Uint64 NOT NULL,
-            value Utf8 FAMILY lz4_family NOT NULL,
-            PRIMARY KEY (key),
-            FAMILY lz4_family (
-                COMPRESSION = "lz4"
-            ),
-            INDEX by_timestamp GLOBAL ON (`timestamp`)
-        )
-        WITH (
-            {store_entry}
-            {ttl_entry}
-        );
-    """.format(table_name=table_name)
-def timestamp():
-    return int(time.time())
-def extract_keys(response):
-    try:
-        result_sets = response.result()
-        return result_sets[0].rows
-    except Exception:
-        return []
-def status_code_to_label(status=None):
-    if status is None:
-        return 'Success'
-    return status.name.lower().capitalize()
-class WorkloadStats(object):
-    def __init__(self, *evs):
-        self.lock = threading.Lock()
-        self.registry = MetricRegistry()
-        self.by_events_stats = {}
-        for ev in evs:
-            self.init_kind(ev)
-    def int_gauge(self, sensor, **labels):
-        all_labels = copy.deepcopy(labels)
-        all_labels.update({'sensor': sensor})
-        return self.registry.int_gauge(all_labels)
-    def rate(self, sensor, **labels):
-        all_labels = copy.deepcopy(labels)
-        all_labels.update({'sensor': sensor})
-        return self.registry.rate(all_labels)
-    def init_kind(self, ev_kind):
-        self.by_events_stats[ev_kind] = {}
-        for status in list(ydb.StatusCode):
-            if status == ydb.StatusCode.STATUS_CODE_UNSPECIFIED:
-                continue
-            label = status_code_to_label(status)
-            self.by_events_stats[ev_kind][label] = self.rate(
-                label, event=ev_kind)
-    def save_event(self, ev_kind, details=None):
-        label = status_code_to_label(details)
-        if ev_kind not in self.by_events_stats:
-            return
-        self.by_events_stats[ev_kind][label].inc()
-    def print_stats(self):
-        report = ["=" * 120]
-        for event_kind, stats in self.by_events_stats.items():
-            something_appended = False
-            total_response_count = sum([responses_count.get() for responses_count in stats.values()])
-            if total_response_count == 0:
-                continue
-            for response_kind, responses_count in stats.items():
-                value = responses_count.get()
-                is_success = response_kind == status_code_to_label()
-                if value > 0 or is_success:
-                    something_appended = True
-                    line = "EventKind: {event_kind}, {response_kind} responses count: {responses_count}".format(
-                        event_kind=event_kind,
-                        response_kind=response_kind,
-                        responses_count=value,
-                    )
-                    if is_success:
-                        line += " ({:.2f}%)".format(100.0 * value / total_response_count)
-                    report.append(line)
-            if something_appended:
-                report.append("")
-        report.append("=" * 120)
-        print("\n".join(report))
-class YdbQueue(object):
-    def __init__(self, idx, database, stats, driver, pool, mode):
-        self.working_dir = os.path.join(database, socket.gethostname().split('.')[0].replace('-', '_') + "_" + str(idx))
-        self.copies_dir = os.path.join(self.working_dir, 'copies')
-        self.table_name = self.table_name_with_timestamp()
-        self.queries = {}
-        self.pool = pool
-        self.driver = driver
-        self.stats = stats
-        self.blobs = generate_blobs(16)
-        self.blobs_iter = itertools.cycle(self.blobs)
-        self.outdated_period = 60 * 2
-        self.database = database
-        self.ops = ydb.BaseRequestSettings().with_operation_timeout(19).with_timeout(20)
-        self.driver.scheme_client.make_directory(self.working_dir)
-        self.driver.scheme_client.make_directory(self.copies_dir)
-        self.mode = mode
-        print("Working dir %s" % self.working_dir)
-        f = self.prepare_new_queue(self.table_name)
-        f.result()
-        # a queue with tables to drop
-        self.drop_queue = collections.deque()
-        # a set with keys that are ready to be removed
-        self.outdated_keys = collections.deque()
-        self.outdated_keys_max_size = 50
-    def table_name_with_timestamp(self, working_dir=None):
-        if working_dir is not None:
-            return os.path.join(working_dir, "queue_" + str(timestamp()))
-        return os.path.join(self.working_dir, "queue_" + str(timestamp()))
-    def prepare_new_queue(self, table_name=None):
-        session = self.pool.acquire()
-        table_name = self.table_name_with_timestamp() if table_name is None else table_name
-        f = session.async_execute_scheme(get_table_description(table_name, self.mode), settings=self.ops)
-        f.add_done_callback(lambda x: self.on_received_response(session, x, 'create'))
-        return f
-    def switch(self, switch_to):
-        self.table_name = switch_to
-        self.outdated_keys.clear()
-    def on_received_response(self, session, response, event, callback=None):
-        self.pool.release(session)
-        if callback is not None:
-            callback(response)
-        try:
-            response.result()
-            self.stats.save_event(event)
-        except ydb.Error as e:
-            debug = False
-            if debug:
-                print(event)
-                print(e)
-                print()
-            self.stats.save_event(event, e.status)
-    def send_query(self, query, parameters, event_kind, callback=None):
-        session = self.pool.acquire()
-        f = session.transaction().async_execute(
-            query, parameters=parameters, commit_tx=True, settings=self.ops)
-        f.add_done_callback(
-            lambda response: self.on_received_response(
-                session, response, event_kind, callback
-            )
-        )
-        return f
-    def on_list_response(self, base, f, switch=True):
-        try:
-            response = f.result()
-        except ydb.Error:
-            return
-        tables = []
-        for child in response.children:
-            if child.is_directory():
-                continue
-            tables.append(
-                os.path.join(
-                    base, child.name
-                )
-            )
-        candidates = list(sorted(tables))
-        if switch:
-            switch_to = candidates.pop()
-            self.switch(switch_to)
-        self.drop_queue.extend(candidates)
-    def list_copies_dir(self):
-        f = self.driver.scheme_client.async_list_directory(self.copies_dir)
-        f.add_done_callback(
-            lambda x: self.on_list_response(
-                self.copies_dir, x, switch=False
-            )
-        )
-    def list_working_dir(self):
-        f = self.driver.scheme_client.async_list_directory(self.working_dir)
-        f.add_done_callback(
-            lambda x: self.on_list_response(
-                self.working_dir, x, switch=True,
-            )
-        )
-    def remove_outdated(self):
-        try:
-            keys_set = self.outdated_keys.popleft()
-        except IndexError:
-            return
-        query = ydb.DataQuery(
-            """
-            --!syntax_v1
-            DECLARE $keys as List<Struct<key: Uint64>>;
-            DELETE FROM `{}` ON SELECT `key` FROM AS_TABLE($keys);
-            """.format(self.table_name), {
-                '$keys': ydb.ListType(ydb.StructType().add_member('key', ydb.PrimitiveType.Uint64)).proto
-            }
-        )
-        parameters = {
-            '$keys': keys_set
-        }
-        return self.send_query(query=query, event_kind=EventKind.REMOVE_OUTDATED, parameters=parameters)
-    def on_find_outdated(self, resp):
-        try:
-            rs = resp.result()
-            self.outdated_keys.append(rs[0].rows)
-        except ydb.Error:
-            return
-    def find_outdated(self):
-        # ensure queue is not large enough
-        if len(self.outdated_keys) > self.outdated_keys_max_size:
-            return
-        outdated_timestamp = timestamp() - self.outdated_period
-        query = """
-            --!syntax_v1
-            SELECT `key` FROM `{table_name}`
-            WHERE `key` <= {outdated_timestamp}
-            ORDER BY `key`
-            LIMIT 50;
-            """.format(table_name=self.table_name, outdated_timestamp=outdated_timestamp)
-        parameters = None
-        return self.send_query(query=query, event_kind=EventKind.FIND_OUTDATED, parameters=parameters, callback=self.on_find_outdated)
-    def write(self):
-        current_timestamp = timestamp()
-        blob = next(self.blobs_iter)
-        query = ydb.DataQuery(
-            """
-            --!syntax_v1
-            DECLARE $key as Uint64;
-            DECLARE $value as Utf8;
-            DECLARE $timestamp as Uint64;
-            UPSERT INTO `{}` (`key`, `timestamp`, `value`) VALUES ($key, $timestamp, $value);
-            """.format(self.table_name),
-            {
-                '$key': ydb.PrimitiveType.Uint64.proto,
-                '$value': ydb.PrimitiveType.Utf8.proto,
-                '$timestamp': ydb.PrimitiveType.Uint64.proto,
-            }
-        )
-        parameters = {
-            '$key': current_timestamp,
-            '$value': blob,
-            '$timestamp': current_timestamp,
-        }
-        return self.send_query(query=query, event_kind=EventKind.WRITE, parameters=parameters)
-    def move_iterator(self, it, callback):
-        next_f = next(it)
-        next_f.add_done_callback(lambda x: callback(it, x))
-    def on_read_table_chunk(self, it, f):
-        try:
-            f.result()
-            self.stats.save_event(EventKind.READ_TABLE_CHUNK)
-        except ydb.Error as e:
-            self.stats.save_event(EventKind.READ_TABLE_CHUNK, e.status)
-        except StopIteration:
-            return
-        self.move_iterator(it, self.on_read_table_chunk)
-    def on_scan_query_chunk(self, it, f):
-        try:
-            f.result()
-            self.stats.save_event(EventKind.SCAN_QUERY_CHUNK)
-        except ydb.Error as e:
-            self.stats.save_event(EventKind.SCAN_QUERY_CHUNK, e.status)
-        except StopIteration:
-            return
-        self.move_iterator(it, self.on_scan_query_chunk)
-    def start_scan_query(self):
-        it = self.driver.table_client.async_scan_query('select count(*) as cnt from `%s`' % self.table_name)
-        self.stats.save_event(EventKind.START_SCAN_QUERY)
-        self.move_iterator(it, self.on_scan_query_chunk)
-    def start_read_table(self):
-        with self.pool.checkout() as session:
-            it = session.async_read_table(self.table_name, columns=('key', ))
-            self.stats.save_event(EventKind.START_READ_TABLE)
-            self.move_iterator(it, self.on_read_table_chunk)
-    def alter_table(self):
-        session = self.pool.acquire()
-        query = "ALTER TABLE `{table_name}` ADD COLUMN column_{val} Utf8".format(
-            table_name=self.table_name,
-            val=random.randint(1, 100000),
-        )
-        f = session.async_execute_scheme(query, settings=self.ops)
-        f.add_done_callback(
-            lambda response: self.on_received_response(
-                session, response, EventKind.ALTER_TABLE,
-            )
-        )
-    def drop_table(self):
-        duplicates = set()
-        while len(self.drop_queue) > 0:
-            candidate = self.drop_queue.popleft()
-            if candidate in duplicates:
-                continue
-            duplicates.add(candidate)
-            session = self.pool.acquire()
-            f = session.async_drop_table(candidate, settings=self.ops)
-            f.add_done_callback(
-                lambda response: self.on_received_response(
-                    session, response, EventKind.DROP_TABLE,
-                )
-            )
-    def copy_table(self):
-        session = self.pool.acquire()
-        dst_table = self.table_name_with_timestamp(self.copies_dir)
-        f = session.async_copy_table(self.table_name, dst_table, settings=self.ops)
-        f.add_done_callback(
-            lambda response: self.on_received_response(
-                session, response, EventKind.COPY_TABLE
-            )
-        )
-class Workload(object):
-    def __init__(self, endpoint, database, duration, mode):
-        self.database = database
-        self.driver = ydb.Driver(ydb.DriverConfig(endpoint, database))
-        self.pool = ydb.SessionPool(self.driver, size=200)
-        self.round_size = 1000
-        self.duration = duration
-        self.delayed_events = queue.Queue()
-        self.workload_stats = WorkloadStats(*EventKind.list())
-        # TODO: run both modes in parallel?
-        self.mode = mode
-        self.ydb_queues = [
-            YdbQueue(idx, database, self.workload_stats, self.driver, self.pool, self.mode)
-            for idx in range(2)
-        ]
-    def random_points(self, size=1):
-        return set([random.randint(0, self.round_size) for _ in range(size)])
-    def loop(self):
-        started_at = time.time()
-        round_id_it = itertools.count(start=1)
-        queue_it = itertools.cycle(self.ydb_queues)
-        while time.time() - started_at < self.duration:
-            for ydb_queue in self.ydb_queues:
-                ydb_queue.list_working_dir()
-                ydb_queue.list_copies_dir()
-                print("Table name: %s" % ydb_queue.table_name)
-            round_id = next(round_id_it)
-            if round_id % 10 == 0:
-                for ydb_queue in self.ydb_queues:
-                    ydb_queue.prepare_new_queue()
-            self.workload_stats.print_stats()
-            schedule = []
-            for op in EventKind.rare():
-                schedule.extend([(point, op) for point in self.random_points()])
-            for op in EventKind.periodic_tasks():
-                schedule.extend([(point, op) for point in self.random_points(size=50)])
-            schedule = collections.deque(list(sorted(schedule)))
-            print("Starting round_id %d" % round_id)
-            print("Round schedule %s" % schedule)
-            for step_id in range(self.round_size):
-                if time.time() - started_at > self.duration:
-                    break
-                ydb_queue = next(queue_it)
-                if step_id % 100 == 0:
-                    print("step_id %d" % step_id)
-                yield ydb_queue.write
-                yield ydb_queue.find_outdated
-                yield ydb_queue.remove_outdated
-                while len(schedule) > 0:
-                    scheduled_at, op = schedule[0]
-                    if scheduled_at != step_id:
-                        break
-                    schedule.popleft()
-                    yield getattr(ydb_queue, op)
-    def __enter__(self):
-        return self
-    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
-        self.pool.stop()
-        self.driver.stop()
+from ydb.tests.stress.simple_queue.workload import Workload
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     text = """\033[92mQueue workload\x1b[0m"""
diff --git a/ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/tests/test_workload.py b/ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/tests/test_workload.py
index 5ab92629a78e..625a26f0f6c3 100644
--- a/ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/tests/test_workload.py
+++ b/ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/tests/test_workload.py
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import yatest
+import pytest
 from ydb.tests.library.harness.kikimr_runner import KiKiMR
 from ydb.tests.library.harness.kikimr_config import KikimrConfigGenerator
 from ydb.tests.library.common.types import Erasure
+from ydb.tests.stress.simple_queue.workload import Workload
 class TestYdbWorkload(object):
@@ -13,24 +14,13 @@ def setup_class(cls):
         config_generator.yaml_config["table_service_config"]["allow_olap_data_query"] = True
         cls.cluster = KiKiMR(config_generator)
-        workload_path = yatest.common.build_path("ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/simple_queue")
-        cls.workload_command_prefix = [
-            workload_path,
-            "--endpoint", "grpc://localhost:%d" % cls.cluster.nodes[1].grpc_port,
-            "--database=/Root",
-            "--duration", "60",
-        ]
     def teardown_class(cls):
-    def test_row(self):
-        command = self.workload_command_prefix
-        command.extend(["--mode", "row"])
-        yatest.common.execute(command, wait=True)
-    def test_column(self):
-        command = self.workload_command_prefix
-        command.extend(["--mode", "column"])
-        yatest.common.execute(command, wait=True)
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize('mode', ['row', 'column'])
+    def test(self, mode: str):
+        with Workload(f'grpc://localhost:{self.cluster.nodes[1].grpc_port}', '/Root', 60, mode) as workload:
+            for handle in workload.loop():
+                handle()
diff --git a/ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/tests/ya.make b/ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/tests/ya.make
index 1ec45a49191c..064e7dc7fdd5 100644
--- a/ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/tests/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/tests/ya.make
@@ -13,12 +13,11 @@ SIZE(MEDIUM)
-    ydb/apps/ydb
-    ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue
+    ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/workload
diff --git a/ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/workload/__init__.py b/ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/workload/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9c77d519d57d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/workload/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import copy
+import os
+import random
+import time
+import string
+import threading
+import collections
+import itertools
+import queue
+import ydb
+from library.python.monlib.metric_registry import MetricRegistry
+import socket
+BLOB_MIN_SIZE = 128 * 1024
+def random_string(size):
+    return ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(size)])
+def generate_blobs(count=32):
+    return [random_string(idx * BLOB_MIN_SIZE) for idx in range(1, count + 1)]
+class EventKind(object):
+    ALTER_TABLE = 'alter_table'
+    COPY_TABLE = 'copy_table'
+    DROP_TABLE = 'drop_table'
+    START_READ_TABLE = 'start_read_table'
+    READ_TABLE_CHUNK = 'read_table_chunk'
+    WRITE = 'write'
+    REMOVE_OUTDATED = 'remove_outdated'
+    FIND_OUTDATED = 'find_outdated'
+    SCAN_QUERY_CHUNK = 'scan_query_chunk'
+    START_SCAN_QUERY = 'start_scan_query'
+    @classmethod
+    def periodic_tasks(cls):
+        return (
+            cls.START_READ_TABLE,
+            cls.START_SCAN_QUERY,
+        )
+    @classmethod
+    def rare(cls):
+        return (
+            cls.ALTER_TABLE,
+            cls.DROP_TABLE,
+            cls.COPY_TABLE,
+            cls.START_READ_TABLE,
+            cls.START_SCAN_QUERY,
+        )
+    @classmethod
+    def list(cls):
+        return (
+            cls.COPY_TABLE,
+            cls.DROP_TABLE,
+            cls.ALTER_TABLE,
+            cls.START_READ_TABLE,
+            cls.READ_TABLE_CHUNK,
+            cls.FIND_OUTDATED,
+            cls.REMOVE_OUTDATED,
+            cls.WRITE,
+            cls.START_SCAN_QUERY,
+            cls.SCAN_QUERY_CHUNK,
+        )
+def get_table_description(table_name, mode):
+    if mode == "row":
+        store_entry = "STORE = ROW,"
+        ttl_entry = """TTL = Interval("PT240S") ON `timestamp` AS SECONDS,"""
+    elif mode == "column":
+        store_entry = "STORE = COLUMN,"
+        ttl_entry = ""
+    else:
+        raise RuntimeError("Unkown mode: {}".format(mode))
+    return f"""
+        CREATE TABLE `{table_name}` (
+            key Uint64 NOT NULL,
+            `timestamp` Uint64 NOT NULL,
+            value Utf8 FAMILY lz4_family NOT NULL,
+            PRIMARY KEY (key),
+            FAMILY lz4_family (
+                COMPRESSION = "lz4"
+            ),
+            INDEX by_timestamp GLOBAL ON (`timestamp`)
+        )
+        WITH (
+            {store_entry}
+            {ttl_entry}
+        );
+    """.format(table_name=table_name)
+def timestamp():
+    return int(time.time())
+def extract_keys(response):
+    try:
+        result_sets = response.result()
+        return result_sets[0].rows
+    except Exception:
+        return []
+def status_code_to_label(status=None):
+    if status is None:
+        return 'Success'
+    return status.name.lower().capitalize()
+class WorkloadStats(object):
+    def __init__(self, *evs):
+        self.lock = threading.Lock()
+        self.registry = MetricRegistry()
+        self.by_events_stats = {}
+        for ev in evs:
+            self.init_kind(ev)
+    def int_gauge(self, sensor, **labels):
+        all_labels = copy.deepcopy(labels)
+        all_labels.update({'sensor': sensor})
+        return self.registry.int_gauge(all_labels)
+    def rate(self, sensor, **labels):
+        all_labels = copy.deepcopy(labels)
+        all_labels.update({'sensor': sensor})
+        return self.registry.rate(all_labels)
+    def init_kind(self, ev_kind):
+        self.by_events_stats[ev_kind] = {}
+        for status in list(ydb.StatusCode):
+            if status == ydb.StatusCode.STATUS_CODE_UNSPECIFIED:
+                continue
+            label = status_code_to_label(status)
+            self.by_events_stats[ev_kind][label] = self.rate(
+                label, event=ev_kind)
+    def save_event(self, ev_kind, details=None):
+        label = status_code_to_label(details)
+        if ev_kind not in self.by_events_stats:
+            return
+        self.by_events_stats[ev_kind][label].inc()
+    def print_stats(self):
+        report = ["=" * 120]
+        for event_kind, stats in self.by_events_stats.items():
+            something_appended = False
+            total_response_count = sum([responses_count.get() for responses_count in stats.values()])
+            if total_response_count == 0:
+                continue
+            for response_kind, responses_count in stats.items():
+                value = responses_count.get()
+                is_success = response_kind == status_code_to_label()
+                if value > 0 or is_success:
+                    something_appended = True
+                    line = "EventKind: {event_kind}, {response_kind} responses count: {responses_count}".format(
+                        event_kind=event_kind,
+                        response_kind=response_kind,
+                        responses_count=value,
+                    )
+                    if is_success:
+                        line += " ({:.2f}%)".format(100.0 * value / total_response_count)
+                    report.append(line)
+            if something_appended:
+                report.append("")
+        report.append("=" * 120)
+        print("\n".join(report))
+class YdbQueue(object):
+    def __init__(self, idx, database, stats, driver, pool, mode):
+        self.working_dir = os.path.join(database, socket.gethostname().split('.')[0].replace('-', '_') + "_" + str(idx))
+        self.copies_dir = os.path.join(self.working_dir, 'copies')
+        self.table_name = self.table_name_with_timestamp()
+        self.queries = {}
+        self.pool = pool
+        self.driver = driver
+        self.stats = stats
+        self.blobs = generate_blobs(16)
+        self.blobs_iter = itertools.cycle(self.blobs)
+        self.outdated_period = 60 * 2
+        self.database = database
+        self.ops = ydb.BaseRequestSettings().with_operation_timeout(19).with_timeout(20)
+        self.driver.scheme_client.make_directory(self.working_dir)
+        self.driver.scheme_client.make_directory(self.copies_dir)
+        self.mode = mode
+        print("Working dir %s" % self.working_dir)
+        f = self.prepare_new_queue(self.table_name)
+        f.result()
+        # a queue with tables to drop
+        self.drop_queue = collections.deque()
+        # a set with keys that are ready to be removed
+        self.outdated_keys = collections.deque()
+        self.outdated_keys_max_size = 50
+    def table_name_with_timestamp(self, working_dir=None):
+        if working_dir is not None:
+            return os.path.join(working_dir, "queue_" + str(timestamp()))
+        return os.path.join(self.working_dir, "queue_" + str(timestamp()))
+    def prepare_new_queue(self, table_name=None):
+        session = self.pool.acquire()
+        table_name = self.table_name_with_timestamp() if table_name is None else table_name
+        f = session.async_execute_scheme(get_table_description(table_name, self.mode), settings=self.ops)
+        f.add_done_callback(lambda x: self.on_received_response(session, x, 'create'))
+        return f
+    def switch(self, switch_to):
+        self.table_name = switch_to
+        self.outdated_keys.clear()
+    def on_received_response(self, session, response, event, callback=None):
+        self.pool.release(session)
+        if callback is not None:
+            callback(response)
+        try:
+            response.result()
+            self.stats.save_event(event)
+        except ydb.Error as e:
+            debug = False
+            if debug:
+                print(event)
+                print(e)
+                print()
+            self.stats.save_event(event, e.status)
+    def send_query(self, query, parameters, event_kind, callback=None):
+        session = self.pool.acquire()
+        f = session.transaction().async_execute(
+            query, parameters=parameters, commit_tx=True, settings=self.ops)
+        f.add_done_callback(
+            lambda response: self.on_received_response(
+                session, response, event_kind, callback
+            )
+        )
+        return f
+    def on_list_response(self, base, f, switch=True):
+        try:
+            response = f.result()
+        except ydb.Error:
+            return
+        tables = []
+        for child in response.children:
+            if child.is_directory():
+                continue
+            tables.append(
+                os.path.join(
+                    base, child.name
+                )
+            )
+        candidates = list(sorted(tables))
+        if switch:
+            switch_to = candidates.pop()
+            self.switch(switch_to)
+        self.drop_queue.extend(candidates)
+    def list_copies_dir(self):
+        f = self.driver.scheme_client.async_list_directory(self.copies_dir)
+        f.add_done_callback(
+            lambda x: self.on_list_response(
+                self.copies_dir, x, switch=False
+            )
+        )
+    def list_working_dir(self):
+        f = self.driver.scheme_client.async_list_directory(self.working_dir)
+        f.add_done_callback(
+            lambda x: self.on_list_response(
+                self.working_dir, x, switch=True,
+            )
+        )
+    def remove_outdated(self):
+        try:
+            keys_set = self.outdated_keys.popleft()
+        except IndexError:
+            return
+        query = ydb.DataQuery(
+            """
+            --!syntax_v1
+            DECLARE $keys as List<Struct<key: Uint64>>;
+            DELETE FROM `{}` ON SELECT `key` FROM AS_TABLE($keys);
+            """.format(self.table_name), {
+                '$keys': ydb.ListType(ydb.StructType().add_member('key', ydb.PrimitiveType.Uint64)).proto
+            }
+        )
+        parameters = {
+            '$keys': keys_set
+        }
+        return self.send_query(query=query, event_kind=EventKind.REMOVE_OUTDATED, parameters=parameters)
+    def on_find_outdated(self, resp):
+        try:
+            rs = resp.result()
+            self.outdated_keys.append(rs[0].rows)
+        except ydb.Error:
+            return
+    def find_outdated(self):
+        # ensure queue is not large enough
+        if len(self.outdated_keys) > self.outdated_keys_max_size:
+            return
+        outdated_timestamp = timestamp() - self.outdated_period
+        query = """
+            --!syntax_v1
+            SELECT `key` FROM `{table_name}`
+            WHERE `key` <= {outdated_timestamp}
+            ORDER BY `key`
+            LIMIT 50;
+            """.format(table_name=self.table_name, outdated_timestamp=outdated_timestamp)
+        parameters = None
+        return self.send_query(query=query, event_kind=EventKind.FIND_OUTDATED, parameters=parameters, callback=self.on_find_outdated)
+    def write(self):
+        current_timestamp = timestamp()
+        blob = next(self.blobs_iter)
+        query = ydb.DataQuery(
+            """
+            --!syntax_v1
+            DECLARE $key as Uint64;
+            DECLARE $value as Utf8;
+            DECLARE $timestamp as Uint64;
+            UPSERT INTO `{}` (`key`, `timestamp`, `value`) VALUES ($key, $timestamp, $value);
+            """.format(self.table_name),
+            {
+                '$key': ydb.PrimitiveType.Uint64.proto,
+                '$value': ydb.PrimitiveType.Utf8.proto,
+                '$timestamp': ydb.PrimitiveType.Uint64.proto,
+            }
+        )
+        parameters = {
+            '$key': current_timestamp,
+            '$value': blob,
+            '$timestamp': current_timestamp,
+        }
+        return self.send_query(query=query, event_kind=EventKind.WRITE, parameters=parameters)
+    def move_iterator(self, it, callback):
+        next_f = next(it)
+        next_f.add_done_callback(lambda x: callback(it, x))
+    def on_read_table_chunk(self, it, f):
+        try:
+            f.result()
+            self.stats.save_event(EventKind.READ_TABLE_CHUNK)
+        except ydb.Error as e:
+            self.stats.save_event(EventKind.READ_TABLE_CHUNK, e.status)
+        except StopIteration:
+            return
+        self.move_iterator(it, self.on_read_table_chunk)
+    def on_scan_query_chunk(self, it, f):
+        try:
+            f.result()
+            self.stats.save_event(EventKind.SCAN_QUERY_CHUNK)
+        except ydb.Error as e:
+            self.stats.save_event(EventKind.SCAN_QUERY_CHUNK, e.status)
+        except StopIteration:
+            return
+        self.move_iterator(it, self.on_scan_query_chunk)
+    def start_scan_query(self):
+        it = self.driver.table_client.async_scan_query('select count(*) as cnt from `%s`' % self.table_name)
+        self.stats.save_event(EventKind.START_SCAN_QUERY)
+        self.move_iterator(it, self.on_scan_query_chunk)
+    def start_read_table(self):
+        with self.pool.checkout() as session:
+            it = session.async_read_table(self.table_name, columns=('key', ))
+            self.stats.save_event(EventKind.START_READ_TABLE)
+            self.move_iterator(it, self.on_read_table_chunk)
+    def alter_table(self):
+        session = self.pool.acquire()
+        query = "ALTER TABLE `{table_name}` ADD COLUMN column_{val} Utf8".format(
+            table_name=self.table_name,
+            val=random.randint(1, 100000),
+        )
+        f = session.async_execute_scheme(query, settings=self.ops)
+        f.add_done_callback(
+            lambda response: self.on_received_response(
+                session, response, EventKind.ALTER_TABLE,
+            )
+        )
+    def drop_table(self):
+        duplicates = set()
+        while len(self.drop_queue) > 0:
+            candidate = self.drop_queue.popleft()
+            if candidate in duplicates:
+                continue
+            duplicates.add(candidate)
+            session = self.pool.acquire()
+            f = session.async_drop_table(candidate, settings=self.ops)
+            f.add_done_callback(
+                lambda response: self.on_received_response(
+                    session, response, EventKind.DROP_TABLE,
+                )
+            )
+    def copy_table(self):
+        session = self.pool.acquire()
+        dst_table = self.table_name_with_timestamp(self.copies_dir)
+        f = session.async_copy_table(self.table_name, dst_table, settings=self.ops)
+        f.add_done_callback(
+            lambda response: self.on_received_response(
+                session, response, EventKind.COPY_TABLE
+            )
+        )
+class Workload(object):
+    def __init__(self, endpoint, database, duration, mode):
+        self.database = database
+        self.driver = ydb.Driver(ydb.DriverConfig(endpoint, database))
+        self.pool = ydb.SessionPool(self.driver, size=200)
+        self.round_size = 1000
+        self.duration = duration
+        self.delayed_events = queue.Queue()
+        self.workload_stats = WorkloadStats(*EventKind.list())
+        # TODO: run both modes in parallel?
+        self.mode = mode
+        self.ydb_queues = [
+            YdbQueue(idx, database, self.workload_stats, self.driver, self.pool, self.mode)
+            for idx in range(2)
+        ]
+    def random_points(self, size=1):
+        return set([random.randint(0, self.round_size) for _ in range(size)])
+    def loop(self):
+        started_at = time.time()
+        round_id_it = itertools.count(start=1)
+        queue_it = itertools.cycle(self.ydb_queues)
+        while time.time() - started_at < self.duration:
+            for ydb_queue in self.ydb_queues:
+                ydb_queue.list_working_dir()
+                ydb_queue.list_copies_dir()
+                print("Table name: %s" % ydb_queue.table_name)
+            round_id = next(round_id_it)
+            if round_id % 10 == 0:
+                for ydb_queue in self.ydb_queues:
+                    ydb_queue.prepare_new_queue()
+            self.workload_stats.print_stats()
+            schedule = []
+            for op in EventKind.rare():
+                schedule.extend([(point, op) for point in self.random_points()])
+            for op in EventKind.periodic_tasks():
+                schedule.extend([(point, op) for point in self.random_points(size=50)])
+            schedule = collections.deque(list(sorted(schedule)))
+            print("Starting round_id %d" % round_id)
+            print("Round schedule %s" % schedule)
+            for step_id in range(self.round_size):
+                if time.time() - started_at > self.duration:
+                    break
+                ydb_queue = next(queue_it)
+                if step_id % 100 == 0:
+                    print("step_id %d" % step_id)
+                yield ydb_queue.write
+                yield ydb_queue.find_outdated
+                yield ydb_queue.remove_outdated
+                while len(schedule) > 0:
+                    scheduled_at, op = schedule[0]
+                    if scheduled_at != step_id:
+                        break
+                    schedule.popleft()
+                    yield getattr(ydb_queue, op)
+    def __enter__(self):
+        return self
+    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
+        self.pool.stop()
+        self.driver.stop()
diff --git a/ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/workload/ya.make b/ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/workload/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..73aae8bfa949
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/workload/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+    __init__.py
+    library/python/monlib
diff --git a/ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/ya.make b/ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/ya.make
index cd4c38ee24ab..f22406fd8118 100644
--- a/ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/ya.make
+++ b/ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/ya.make
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ PY_SRCS(
-    ydb/public/sdk/python
-    library/python/monlib
+    ydb/tests/stress/simple_queue/workload