All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Removed rxjs-compat dependency #435
- Remove deprecated @angular/http, and move to @angular/common/http #436
- Update to angular version 9 #439
- Angular 6 support
- Merge PR #401 RxJS upgrade to v6, plus a few lint corrections.
- Remove
from import list (fix issue #393) it should now be imported by the App module
Fix issue with Observable relative link in package
Release Ver 2 final
Library structure and build now uses angular-library-starter
- Angular version support changed to 5.x.x
- Use rxjs 5.5.x lettable operators
- Use Angular 4
- Removed
method. UseRemoteData.requestOptions({headers: HttpHeaders})
- Using number on presenting text is causing an 'is not function' error #220
- Error when ngModel initialized with a non string value #307
- Add selectOnFocus
- 'clearUnselected' attribute not working when using tab key #287
- Material design demo is not working #293
- Duplicate keyup event #284
- Fix package dependencies #288
- Error: ViewDestroyedError #266
- Clear selected and input value when
- Cannot read property 'dataSourceChange' of undefined #279
- RemoteData search - dropdown list not showing after first http request error (e.g. no Internet connection) #131
- Add
to detect changes in the data source
- Add a blur() method? #217
- Dropdown is not opened when using backspace after a value is selected #261
- On text paste the search doesn't get triggered #265
- "flase" should be "false" on line 202 @ ng2-completer/demo/native-cmp.html #271
- Demo not working on Android Chrome 59 #270
- ng build --prod error: #245
- Dropdown doesn't open when typing one character #255
- Scroll issues
- Add strict null check to tsconfig.json #201
- performance improvements
- prevent flickering when not using
- add
to component
- prevent esc key from bubbling up when dropdown is open
- autofocus causing an error
- AOT build issue with
- searching the same term twice causes different results #216
- minimum search length behavior weird. #232
- Events for when dropdown is opened and closed and property to interrogate current state #146
- openOnFocus - automatically open the dropdown and perform search when the input gets focus
- Setting
now triggers search - Search doesn't open the dropdown only focus or open via API will do that
- Add option for preselected value #191
- Support for
changes - Add
option that will auto highlight the best matching result - Feature request: option to hide the drop-down if there are no results found #189
- feature proposal: keyUp output event #186
- how to empty search box? #114
- Completer doesn't close when the field is cleared #194
- Setting overrideSuggested = true gives different behavior when selecting with mouse or tab/keyboard #200
- onselect gives setImmediate is not defined #187
- Please add
event along withblur
one #175 - Demo redo
- No link to Github in demo #133
- added focus() method to completer component #152
- Add inputId property to ng2-completer component (analogy to existing inputName property) #128
- Relax peer dependencies to support Angular 4.0 #184
- ng2-completer closes when scrollbar is clicked on IE browser #158
- Can't bind to 'selected' since it isn't a known property of 'ng2-completer'. #155
- Autofocus does not work. #150
- Replaced the source URL of remote formatter because of Google API limits
- Replace
and accept Array or URL string as input fordatasource
. Note:dataService
will be depreacated in future releases
- Since last commit searchFields does not behave as stated in the docs #144
- Fixed ionic build
- Fix material design demo
- Fix demo of remote URL formatter
- searchFields and titleField are mandatory #100
- (selected) not called when text is highlighted and then deleted #121
- Clicking in a pre-filled ng2-completer with [overrideSuggested]="true", then immediately clicking another element clears the ngModel to a blank string #122
- required not working when intializing ngModel with a value #126
- First item is selected on enter #134
- Input box doesn't have a type! #73
- new ctr-input property 'fillHighlighted' that controls setting of input value when item is highlighted #123 (by @mdudek)
- Cannot access entered text when not selected from list #72
- ng2-completer input autofocus? #125
- Set
of dropdown in demo
- ngModelChange doesn't work #97
- Material design dropdown pushes everything down #115
- NgModel now reflects the vlue of the input. to get only selected values use
- reorder of the folder structure
- Apply class to child input for styling purposes #40
- Annoying flickering when clearing data #82
- Open dropdown programmatically. #84
- Problem with OnPush change detection strategy #69
- AutoMatch doesn't remove binded value if nothing match (angucomplete-alt does) #101
- Why version 0.3.2 requires @angular/*@2.2.4? #103
- Build with @angular version 2.3.1 to fix issue with metadata version
- Form is submitted when we select an option from dropdown using enter key #52
- Change deployment method now using ngc and rollup for the package and webpack for dev and demo
- AOT support #60
- TS5023 Build:Unknown compiler option 'forceConsistentCasingInFileName' #74
- .completer-selected-row is missing in the description #78
- originalObject is null for CompleterService in version 0.2.3 #81
- Clear selection when search changes #45
- fix for overrideSuggested
- Added support for async local data
- Not able to capture blur event #50
- textSearching not display in first search #55
- Added material2 component to demo
- Mouse click doesn't select the item, Enter Key does! #46
This is a rewrite of the completer component using directives that implement most of the functionality.
- Support for custom HTML and CSS #13 #21
- Bump version dependency to angular 2.0.0 #39