Data format determines the way content of HTTP message should be composed or parsed, e.g. it determines how [[\yii\httpclient\Message::$data]] should be converted into [[\yii\httpclient\Message::$content]] and vice versa.
Following formats are supported by default:
- [[\yii\httpclient\Client::FORMAT_JSON]] - JSON format
- [[\yii\httpclient\Client::FORMAT_URLENCODED]] - urlencoded by RFC1738 query string
- [[\yii\httpclient\Client::FORMAT_RAW_URLENCODED]] - urlencoded by PHP_QUERY_RFC3986 query string
- [[\yii\httpclient\Client::FORMAT_XML]] - XML format
Each format is covered by two entities: 'formatter' and 'parser'. Formatter determines the way content of the request should be composed from data. Parser determines how raw response content should be parsed into data.
[[\yii\httpclient\Client]] automatically chooses corresponding formatter and parser for all format mentioned above. However you can alter this behavior using [[\yii\httpclient\Client::$formatters]] and [[\yii\httpclient\Client::$parsers]]. With these fields you can add you own formats or alter standard ones. For example:
use yii\httpclient\Client;
$client = new Client([
'formatters' => [
'myformat' => 'app\components\http\MyFormatter', // add new formatter
Client::FORMAT_XML => 'app\components\http\MyXMLFormatter', // override default XML formatter
'parsers' => [
// configure options of the JsonParser, parse JSON as objects
Client::FORMAT_JSON => [
'class' => 'yii\httpclient\JsonParser',
'asArray' => false,
While creating your own parser you should implement [[\yii\httpclient\ParserInterface]], while creating formatter - [[\yii\httpclient\FormatterInterface]]. For example:
use yii\httpclient\FormatterInterface;
use yii\httpclient\ParserInterface;
use yii\httpclient\Response;
class ParserIni implements ParserInterface
public function parse(Response $response)
return parse_ini_string($response->content);
class FormatterIni implements FormatterInterface
public function format(Request $request)
$request->getHeaders()->set('Content-Type', 'text/ini; charset=UTF-8');
$pairs = [];
foreach ($request->data as $name => $value) {
$pairs[] = "$name=$value";
$request->setContent(implode("\n", $pairs));
return $request;