[[\yii\httpclient\Client]] provides several different ways to actually send an HTTP message - several transports. Predefined transports are:
- [[\yii\httpclient\StreamTransport]] - sends HTTP messages using Streams. This transport is used by default. It does not require any additional PHP extensions or libraries installed, but does not support advanced features like batch sending.
- [[\yii\httpclient\CurlTransport]] - sends HTTP messages using Client URL Library (cURL) This transport requires PHP 'curl' extension to be installed, but provides support for advanced features, like batch sending.
- [[\yii\httpclient\MockTransport]] - useful in test automation context. It does not send any real request and returns the responses it is instructed to return.
You may configure the transport to be used by particular client using [[\yii\httpclient\Client::$transport]]:
use yii\httpclient\Client;
$client = new Client([
'transport' => 'yii\httpclient\CurlTransport'
You may create your own transport, which will perform message sending in its own way. To do so you should
extend [[\yii\httpclient\Transport]] class and implement at least send()
method. All you need to do is
determine HTTP response content and headers, then you can compose a response object from them using
use yii\httpclient\Transport;
class MyTransport extends Transport
* @inheritdoc
public function send($request)
$responseContent = '???';
$responseHeaders = ['???'];
return $request->client->createResponse($responseContent, $responseHeaders);
You may as well override batchSend()
method if there is a way to send multiple requests with better performance
like sending them asynchronously in parallel.