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Getting YugabyteDB-K8s-Operator running on M1 Mac for local development.

Getting YugabyteDB-K8s-Operator running on M1 Mac for local development. This guide will help us set up and run Colima with specific configurations on a Mac M1/M2 (Apple Silicon) and then deploy Kubernetes on it. Once Kubernetes cluster is up and running we will follow the install instructions for yugabyte-k8s-operator to get it to run and create yugabyte-db universes


  • Mac M1 with macOS
  • Homebrew installed
  • Colima installed
  • kubectl installed

Step 1: Install Homebrew

If no homebrew is installed lets install homebrew, open the terminal and run:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Step 2: Install Colima

Install Colima using Homebrew:

brew install colima

Step 3: Install kubectl

Install kubectl using Homebrew:

brew install kubectl

Step 4: Start Colima with Specified Arguments

Open the terminal and start Colima with the specified arguments:

colima start -p amd64 --arch x86_64 --cpu 8 --memory 12 --cpu-type max,+avx,+avx2 --disk 20 --kubernetes

This command configures Colima to use an x86_64 architecture, allocates 8 CPUs, 12GB of memory, enables AVX and AVX2 CPU features, and sets a disk size of 20GB.

Step 5: Install Docker (if not already installed)

Colima uses Docker, so we need Docker installed on our system:

brew install docker

Step 6: Set Up Docker Context

Configure Docker to use the Colima context:

docker context use colima

Step 7: Verify Kubernetes Installation

Ensure that Kubernetes is running:

kubectl version --short

We should see the Client and Server versions of Kubernetes.

Step 8: Test Kubernetes Deployment

Deploy a test application to ensure Kubernetes is functioning correctly:

kubectl create deployment hello-world
kubectl expose deployment hello-world --type=LoadBalancer --port=8080

Check the status of the deployment:

kubectl get services

Access the application using the IP address and port listed under the services.

Step 9: Colima is up

We have successfully set up and run Colima with Kubernetes on our Mac using the specified configurations. We can now manage and deploy our applications within this environment.

Step 10: Edit Kubernetes Nodes metadata

Once colima is deployed, next thing to do is add zone and region lables to the kuberntes nodes.

kubectl edit node

Add these labels region-1 region-1-zone-1

Step 11: Deploy Kubernetes Operator

Once these are added, we can follow the yugabyte-k8s-operator installation instructions mentioned at

Note Since we are deploying x86_64 VMs on arm64, some things are slower.

This may cause some startup jobs to timeout, however these jobs are retried by the helm post install hook.

Step 12: Deploy Kubernetes Custom Resources

At this point operator should be up, at this point we can start creating custom resources based on this or a similar CR

kubectl apply -f ./miniKubeSampleCr.yaml -n operator-test

anijhawan@Amans-MacBook-Pro chart % cat ./miniKubeSampleCr.yaml

kind: YBUniverse
  name: oss-demo-test-20
  numNodes:    1  
  replicationFactor:  1 
  enableYSQL: true
  enableNodeToNodeEncrypt: true
  enableClientToNodeEncrypt: true
  enableLoadBalancer: false 
  ybSoftwareVersion: ""
  enableYSQLAuth: false 
  enableYCQL: true
  enableYCQLAuth: false 
    tserverGFlags: {}
    masterGFlags: {}
    volumeSize: 10 
    numVolumes: 1
    storageClass: "local-path"
          cpu: 1 
          memory: 1Gi 
          cpu: 1
          memory: 1Gi
          cpu:  1 
          memory: 1Gi 
          cpu: 1 
          memory: 1Gi