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130 lines (107 loc) · 3.7 KB

File metadata and controls

130 lines (107 loc) · 3.7 KB



This is a Bash interface to the PushBullet API.

It can list your available devices and push different types of data to them. It can also manipulate the pushes in your account, as well as execute commands as new pushes arrive in your account.



  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Make the Pushbullet script executable:
chmod u+x pushbullet-bash/pushbullet
  1. Either add the script directory to your $PATH or add a symbolic link to it to your /usr/local/bin/ directory:
ln -s $(pwd)/pushbullet-bash/pushbullet /usr/local/bin/pushbullet


Create a new file $HOME/.config/pushbullet and add the following:


You can find your API key on your account settings page.

Alternatively, you can call Pushbullet in a single line by setting the variable $CONFIG in the same call to pushbullet. For example:

CONFIG=/path/to/pushbulletconfig bash -c pushbullet...


The script can be invoked to query the list of devices you can push to, push data to all or a specific device, retrieve pushes or stream them.


To retrieve the list of devices:

$ pushbullet list


There are 5 types of data you can push:

  • Note
  • Links
  • Addresses
  • Lists (coming soon)
  • Files (coming soon)

The typical pattern to push is:

$ pushbullet push <Device name> <type> <type args>


Notes accept a title and a body as parameters:

$ pushbullet push <Device name> note <title> <body>


Links accept a title and URL as parameters:

$ pushbullet push <Device name> link <title> <url>


Addresses accept a name and a place address (or map search query):

$ pushbullet push <Device name> address <name> <address>


Recent pushes

You can retrieve a list of recent pushes by using the recent command. You can filter the returned list by optionally including a type. The command will only return the list of recent pushes since the last time the recent command was used without any type. Valid types are note, link, list, address, and file.


$ pushbullet recent
<Returns a JSON array of pushes: 'iden', type, title, name and file name>

Example with type:

$ pushbullet recent note
<Returns a JSON array of notes: 'iden', 'title', 'body'>

Specific push

You can retrieve a specific push by using the get command and including the iden of the push to retrieve.


$ pushbullet get <iden>
<Returns the raw JSON data for the push from Pushbullet>


To delete a push, use the delete command with the iden of the push to delete:

$ pushbullet delete <iden>


The script also allows executing a command on each new push in the account. The iden of the push is passed as the last argument to the command executed.

The command takes the following form:

$ pushbullet stream <command> <command args>

Example echoing the iden of each new push:

$ pushbullet stream echo

Example outputing the information about each new push to stdout:

$ pushbullet stream pushbullet get

If using a complex chain of commands, it is recommended that the complex logic is wrapped in a script where the iden of the push can be passed as an argument.

Also note that the command may be executed for the same iden more than once.