diff --git a/lib/std/crypto/ml_kem.zig b/lib/std/crypto/ml_kem.zig
index c3cb5805eef5..23ea7bb8ec3e 100644
--- a/lib/std/crypto/ml_kem.zig
+++ b/lib/std/crypto/ml_kem.zig
@@ -677,10 +677,10 @@ fn montReduce(x: i32) i16 {
// Note gcd(2¹⁶, q) = 1 as q is prime. Write q' := 62209 = q⁻¹ mod R.
// First we compute
- // m := ((x mod R) q') mod R
+ // m := ((x mod R) q') mod R
// = x q' mod R
- // = int16(x q')
- // = int16(int32(x) * int32(q'))
+ // = int16(x q')
+ // = int16(int32(x) * int32(q'))
// Note that x q' might be as big as 2³² and could overflow the int32
// multiplication in the last line. However for any int32s a and b,
diff --git a/lib/std/macho.zig b/lib/std/macho.zig
index d477befbc4cd..75aa91e5361d 100644
--- a/lib/std/macho.zig
+++ b/lib/std/macho.zig
@@ -203,8 +203,7 @@ pub const symtab_command = extern struct {
/// local symbols (static and debugging symbols) - grouped by module
/// defined external symbols - grouped by module (sorted by name if not lib)
/// undefined external symbols (sorted by name if MH_BINDATLOAD is not set,
-/// and in order the were seen by the static
-/// linker if MH_BINDATLOAD is set)
+/// and in order the were seen by the static linker if MH_BINDATLOAD is set)
/// In this load command there are offsets and counts to each of the three groups
/// of symbols.
@@ -219,9 +218,9 @@ pub const symtab_command = extern struct {
/// shared library. For executable and object modules, which are files
/// containing only one module, the information that would be in these three
/// tables is determined as follows:
-/// table of contents - the defined external symbols are sorted by name
-/// module table - the file contains only one module so everything in the
-/// file is part of the module.
+/// table of contents - the defined external symbols are sorted by name
+/// module table - the file contains only one module so everything in the file
+/// is part of the module.
/// reference symbol table - is the defined and undefined external symbols
/// For dynamically linked shared library files this load command also contains
diff --git a/lib/std/unicode.zig b/lib/std/unicode.zig
index bab075114d50..a8fa1454a531 100644
--- a/lib/std/unicode.zig
+++ b/lib/std/unicode.zig
@@ -95,16 +95,13 @@ pub inline fn utf8EncodeComptime(comptime c: u21) [
const Utf8DecodeError = Utf8Decode2Error || Utf8Decode3Error || Utf8Decode4Error;
-/// Decodes the UTF-8 codepoint encoded in the given slice of bytes.
-/// bytes.len must be equal to utf8ByteSequenceLength(bytes[0]) catch unreachable.
-/// If you already know the length at comptime, you can call one of
-/// utf8Decode2,utf8Decode3,utf8Decode4 directly instead of this function.
+/// Deprecated. This function has an awkward API that is too easy to use incorrectly.
pub fn utf8Decode(bytes: []const u8) Utf8DecodeError!u21 {
return switch (bytes.len) {
- 1 => @as(u21, bytes[0]),
- 2 => utf8Decode2(bytes),
- 3 => utf8Decode3(bytes),
- 4 => utf8Decode4(bytes),
+ 1 => bytes[0],
+ 2 => utf8Decode2(bytes[0..2].*),
+ 3 => utf8Decode3(bytes[0..3].*),
+ 4 => utf8Decode4(bytes[0..4].*),
else => unreachable,
@@ -113,8 +110,7 @@ const Utf8Decode2Error = error{
-pub fn utf8Decode2(bytes: []const u8) Utf8Decode2Error!u21 {
- assert(bytes.len == 2);
+pub fn utf8Decode2(bytes: [2]u8) Utf8Decode2Error!u21 {
assert(bytes[0] & 0b11100000 == 0b11000000);
var value: u21 = bytes[0] & 0b00011111;
@@ -130,7 +126,7 @@ pub fn utf8Decode2(bytes: []const u8) Utf8Decode2Error!u21 {
const Utf8Decode3Error = Utf8Decode3AllowSurrogateHalfError || error{
-pub fn utf8Decode3(bytes: []const u8) Utf8Decode3Error!u21 {
+pub fn utf8Decode3(bytes: [3]u8) Utf8Decode3Error!u21 {
const value = try utf8Decode3AllowSurrogateHalf(bytes);
if (0xd800 <= value and value <= 0xdfff) return error.Utf8EncodesSurrogateHalf;
@@ -142,8 +138,7 @@ const Utf8Decode3AllowSurrogateHalfError = error{
-pub fn utf8Decode3AllowSurrogateHalf(bytes: []const u8) Utf8Decode3AllowSurrogateHalfError!u21 {
- assert(bytes.len == 3);
+pub fn utf8Decode3AllowSurrogateHalf(bytes: [3]u8) Utf8Decode3AllowSurrogateHalfError!u21 {
assert(bytes[0] & 0b11110000 == 0b11100000);
var value: u21 = bytes[0] & 0b00001111;
@@ -165,8 +160,7 @@ const Utf8Decode4Error = error{
-pub fn utf8Decode4(bytes: []const u8) Utf8Decode4Error!u21 {
- assert(bytes.len == 4);
+pub fn utf8Decode4(bytes: [4]u8) Utf8Decode4Error!u21 {
assert(bytes[0] & 0b11111000 == 0b11110000);
var value: u21 = bytes[0] & 0b00000111;
@@ -1637,12 +1631,13 @@ pub fn wtf8Encode(c: u21, out: []u8) error{CodepointTooLarge}!u3 {
const Wtf8DecodeError = Utf8Decode2Error || Utf8Decode3AllowSurrogateHalfError || Utf8Decode4Error;
+/// Deprecated. This function has an awkward API that is too easy to use incorrectly.
pub fn wtf8Decode(bytes: []const u8) Wtf8DecodeError!u21 {
return switch (bytes.len) {
- 1 => @as(u21, bytes[0]),
- 2 => utf8Decode2(bytes),
- 3 => utf8Decode3AllowSurrogateHalf(bytes),
- 4 => utf8Decode4(bytes),
+ 1 => bytes[0],
+ 2 => utf8Decode2(bytes[0..2].*),
+ 3 => utf8Decode3AllowSurrogateHalf(bytes[0..3].*),
+ 4 => utf8Decode4(bytes[0..4].*),
else => unreachable,
diff --git a/lib/std/zig/Ast.zig b/lib/std/zig/Ast.zig
index f55d78b6cedd..1f734cef63f0 100644
--- a/lib/std/zig/Ast.zig
+++ b/lib/std/zig/Ast.zig
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ pub fn parse(gpa: Allocator, source: [:0]const u8, mode: Mode) Allocator.Error!A
const token = tokenizer.next();
try tokens.append(gpa, .{
.tag = token.tag,
- .start = @as(u32, @intCast(token.loc.start)),
+ .start = @intCast(token.loc.start),
if (token.tag == .eof) break;
diff --git a/lib/std/zig/AstGen.zig b/lib/std/zig/AstGen.zig
index a6be743c2bc0..c24aa6d06325 100644
--- a/lib/std/zig/AstGen.zig
+++ b/lib/std/zig/AstGen.zig
@@ -11351,6 +11351,9 @@ fn failWithStrLitError(astgen: *AstGen, err: std.zig.string_literal.Error, token
+ .empty_char_literal => {
+ return astgen.failOff(token, offset, "empty character literal", .{});
+ },
@@ -13820,21 +13823,9 @@ fn lowerAstErrors(astgen: *AstGen) !void {
var msg: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u8) = .{};
defer msg.deinit(gpa);
- const token_starts = tree.tokens.items(.start);
- const token_tags = tree.tokens.items(.tag);
var notes: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(u32) = .{};
defer notes.deinit(gpa);
- const tok = parse_err.token + @intFromBool(parse_err.token_is_prev);
- if (token_tags[tok] == .invalid) {
- const bad_off: u32 = @intCast(tree.tokenSlice(tok).len);
- const byte_abs = token_starts[tok] + bad_off;
- try notes.append(gpa, try astgen.errNoteTokOff(tok, bad_off, "invalid byte: '{'}'", .{
- std.zig.fmtEscapes(tree.source[byte_abs..][0..1]),
- }));
- }
for (tree.errors[1..]) |note| {
if (!note.is_note) break;
diff --git a/lib/std/zig/parser_test.zig b/lib/std/zig/parser_test.zig
index 5130ce403757..530aa924d08c 100644
--- a/lib/std/zig/parser_test.zig
+++ b/lib/std/zig/parser_test.zig
@@ -6061,7 +6061,6 @@ test "recovery: invalid container members" {
, &[_]Error{
- .expected_type_expr,
diff --git a/lib/std/zig/string_literal.zig b/lib/std/zig/string_literal.zig
index c160d16b07bd..69178098379b 100644
--- a/lib/std/zig/string_literal.zig
+++ b/lib/std/zig/string_literal.zig
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
const std = @import("../std.zig");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
-const utf8Decode = std.unicode.utf8Decode;
const utf8Encode = std.unicode.utf8Encode;
pub const ParseError = error{
@@ -37,12 +36,16 @@ pub const Error = union(enum) {
expected_single_quote: usize,
/// The character at this index cannot be represented without an escape sequence.
invalid_character: usize,
+ /// `''`. Not returned for string literals.
+ empty_char_literal,
-/// Only validates escape sequence characters.
-/// Slice must be valid utf8 starting and ending with "'" and exactly one codepoint in between.
+/// Asserts the slice starts and ends with single-quotes.
+/// Returns an error if there is not exactly one UTF-8 codepoint in between.
pub fn parseCharLiteral(slice: []const u8) ParsedCharLiteral {
- assert(slice.len >= 3 and slice[0] == '\'' and slice[slice.len - 1] == '\'');
+ if (slice.len < 3) return .{ .failure = .empty_char_literal };
+ assert(slice[0] == '\'');
+ assert(slice[slice.len - 1] == '\'');
switch (slice[1]) {
'\\' => {
@@ -55,7 +58,18 @@ pub fn parseCharLiteral(slice: []const u8) ParsedCharLiteral {
0 => return .{ .failure = .{ .invalid_character = 1 } },
else => {
- const codepoint = utf8Decode(slice[1 .. slice.len - 1]) catch unreachable;
+ const inner = slice[1 .. slice.len - 1];
+ const n = std.unicode.utf8ByteSequenceLength(inner[0]) catch return .{
+ .failure = .{ .invalid_unicode_codepoint = 1 },
+ };
+ if (inner.len > n) return .{ .failure = .{ .expected_single_quote = 1 + n } };
+ const codepoint = switch (n) {
+ 1 => inner[0],
+ 2 => std.unicode.utf8Decode2(inner[0..2].*),
+ 3 => std.unicode.utf8Decode3(inner[0..3].*),
+ 4 => std.unicode.utf8Decode4(inner[0..4].*),
+ else => unreachable,
+ } catch return .{ .failure = .{ .invalid_unicode_codepoint = 1 } };
return .{ .success = codepoint };
diff --git a/lib/std/zig/system/darwin/macos.zig b/lib/std/zig/system/darwin/macos.zig
index bf26079e5ab0..0bc08b319cc4 100644
--- a/lib/std/zig/system/darwin/macos.zig
+++ b/lib/std/zig/system/darwin/macos.zig
@@ -303,16 +303,16 @@ test "detect" {
- \\ ProductBuildVersion
- \\ 7W98
- \\ ProductCopyright
- \\ Apple Computer, Inc. 1983-2004
- \\ ProductName
- \\ Mac OS X
- \\ ProductUserVisibleVersion
- \\ 10.3.9
- \\ ProductVersion
- \\ 10.3.9
+ \\ ProductBuildVersion
+ \\ 7W98
+ \\ ProductCopyright
+ \\ Apple Computer, Inc. 1983-2004
+ \\ ProductName
+ \\ Mac OS X
+ \\ ProductUserVisibleVersion
+ \\ 10.3.9
+ \\ ProductVersion
+ \\ 10.3.9
@@ -323,18 +323,18 @@ test "detect" {
- \\ ProductBuildVersion
- \\ 19G68
- \\ ProductCopyright
- \\ 1983-2020 Apple Inc.
- \\ ProductName
- \\ Mac OS X
- \\ ProductUserVisibleVersion
- \\ 10.15.6
- \\ ProductVersion
- \\ 10.15.6
- \\ iOSSupportVersion
- \\ 13.6
+ \\ ProductBuildVersion
+ \\ 19G68
+ \\ ProductCopyright
+ \\ 1983-2020 Apple Inc.
+ \\ ProductName
+ \\ Mac OS X
+ \\ ProductUserVisibleVersion
+ \\ 10.15.6
+ \\ ProductVersion
+ \\ 10.15.6
+ \\ iOSSupportVersion
+ \\ 13.6
@@ -345,18 +345,18 @@ test "detect" {
- \\ ProductBuildVersion
- \\ 20A2408
- \\ ProductCopyright
- \\ 1983-2020 Apple Inc.
- \\ ProductName
- \\ macOS
- \\ ProductUserVisibleVersion
- \\ 11.0
- \\ ProductVersion
- \\ 11.0
- \\ iOSSupportVersion
- \\ 14.2
+ \\ ProductBuildVersion
+ \\ 20A2408
+ \\ ProductCopyright
+ \\ 1983-2020 Apple Inc.
+ \\ ProductName
+ \\ macOS
+ \\ ProductUserVisibleVersion
+ \\ 11.0
+ \\ ProductVersion
+ \\ 11.0
+ \\ iOSSupportVersion
+ \\ 14.2
@@ -367,18 +367,18 @@ test "detect" {
- \\ ProductBuildVersion
- \\ 20C63
- \\ ProductCopyright
- \\ 1983-2020 Apple Inc.
- \\ ProductName
- \\ macOS
- \\ ProductUserVisibleVersion
- \\ 11.1
- \\ ProductVersion
- \\ 11.1
- \\ iOSSupportVersion
- \\ 14.3
+ \\ ProductBuildVersion
+ \\ 20C63
+ \\ ProductCopyright
+ \\ 1983-2020 Apple Inc.
+ \\ ProductName
+ \\ macOS
+ \\ ProductUserVisibleVersion
+ \\ 11.1
+ \\ ProductVersion
+ \\ 11.1
+ \\ iOSSupportVersion
+ \\ 14.3
diff --git a/lib/std/zig/system/linux.zig b/lib/std/zig/system/linux.zig
index 5f58d6d926a5..7e37185f3e2b 100644
--- a/lib/std/zig/system/linux.zig
+++ b/lib/std/zig/system/linux.zig
@@ -109,12 +109,12 @@ const RiscvCpuinfoParser = CpuinfoParser(RiscvCpuinfoImpl);
test "cpuinfo: RISC-V" {
try testParser(RiscvCpuinfoParser, .riscv64, &Target.riscv.cpu.sifive_u74,
- \\processor : 0
- \\hart : 1
- \\isa : rv64imafdc
- \\mmu : sv39
- \\isa-ext :
- \\uarch : sifive,u74-mc
+ \\processor : 0
+ \\hart : 1
+ \\isa : rv64imafdc
+ \\mmu : sv39
+ \\isa-ext :
+ \\uarch : sifive,u74-mc
@@ -177,16 +177,16 @@ const PowerpcCpuinfoParser = CpuinfoParser(PowerpcCpuinfoImpl);
test "cpuinfo: PowerPC" {
try testParser(PowerpcCpuinfoParser, .powerpc, &Target.powerpc.cpu.@"970",
- \\processor : 0
- \\cpu : PPC970MP, altivec supported
- \\clock : 1250.000000MHz
- \\revision : 1.1 (pvr 0044 0101)
+ \\processor : 0
+ \\cpu : PPC970MP, altivec supported
+ \\clock : 1250.000000MHz
+ \\revision : 1.1 (pvr 0044 0101)
try testParser(PowerpcCpuinfoParser, .powerpc64le, &Target.powerpc.cpu.pwr8,
- \\processor : 0
- \\cpu : POWER8 (raw), altivec supported
- \\clock : 2926.000000MHz
- \\revision : 2.0 (pvr 004d 0200)
+ \\processor : 0
+ \\cpu : POWER8 (raw), altivec supported
+ \\clock : 2926.000000MHz
+ \\revision : 2.0 (pvr 004d 0200)
@@ -304,25 +304,25 @@ test "cpuinfo: ARM" {
\\CPU revision : 7
try testParser(ArmCpuinfoParser, .arm, &Target.arm.cpu.cortex_a7,
- \\processor : 0
- \\model name : ARMv7 Processor rev 3 (v7l)
- \\BogoMIPS : 18.00
- \\Features : half thumb fastmult vfp edsp neon vfpv3 tls vfpv4 idiva idivt vfpd32 lpae
- \\CPU implementer : 0x41
+ \\processor : 0
+ \\model name : ARMv7 Processor rev 3 (v7l)
+ \\BogoMIPS : 18.00
+ \\Features : half thumb fastmult vfp edsp neon vfpv3 tls vfpv4 idiva idivt vfpd32 lpae
+ \\CPU implementer : 0x41
\\CPU architecture: 7
- \\CPU variant : 0x0
- \\CPU part : 0xc07
- \\CPU revision : 3
+ \\CPU variant : 0x0
+ \\CPU part : 0xc07
+ \\CPU revision : 3
- \\processor : 4
- \\model name : ARMv7 Processor rev 3 (v7l)
- \\BogoMIPS : 90.00
- \\Features : half thumb fastmult vfp edsp neon vfpv3 tls vfpv4 idiva idivt vfpd32 lpae
- \\CPU implementer : 0x41
+ \\processor : 4
+ \\model name : ARMv7 Processor rev 3 (v7l)
+ \\BogoMIPS : 90.00
+ \\Features : half thumb fastmult vfp edsp neon vfpv3 tls vfpv4 idiva idivt vfpd32 lpae
+ \\CPU implementer : 0x41
\\CPU architecture: 7
- \\CPU variant : 0x2
- \\CPU part : 0xc0f
- \\CPU revision : 3
+ \\CPU variant : 0x2
+ \\CPU part : 0xc0f
+ \\CPU revision : 3
try testParser(ArmCpuinfoParser, .aarch64, &Target.aarch64.cpu.cortex_a72,
\\processor : 0
diff --git a/lib/std/zig/tokenizer.zig b/lib/std/zig/tokenizer.zig
index 36cbf9a856fb..c375818770ab 100644
--- a/lib/std/zig/tokenizer.zig
+++ b/lib/std/zig/tokenizer.zig
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ pub const Token = struct {
pub fn symbol(tag: Tag) []const u8 {
return tag.lexeme() orelse switch (tag) {
- .invalid => "invalid bytes",
+ .invalid => "invalid token",
.identifier => "an identifier",
.string_literal, .multiline_string_literal_line => "a string literal",
.char_literal => "a character literal",
@@ -338,22 +338,22 @@ pub const Tokenizer = struct {
buffer: [:0]const u8,
index: usize,
- /// For debugging purposes
+ /// For debugging purposes.
pub fn dump(self: *Tokenizer, token: *const Token) void {
std.debug.print("{s} \"{s}\"\n", .{ @tagName(token.tag), self.buffer[token.loc.start..token.loc.end] });
pub fn init(buffer: [:0]const u8) Tokenizer {
- // Skip the UTF-8 BOM if present
- const src_start: usize = if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, buffer, "\xEF\xBB\xBF")) 3 else 0;
- return Tokenizer{
+ // Skip the UTF-8 BOM if present.
+ return .{
.buffer = buffer,
- .index = src_start,
+ .index = if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, buffer, "\xEF\xBB\xBF")) 3 else 0,
const State = enum {
+ expect_newline,
@@ -361,10 +361,6 @@ pub const Tokenizer = struct {
- char_literal_hex_escape,
- char_literal_unicode_escape_saw_u,
- char_literal_unicode_escape,
- char_literal_end,
@@ -400,30 +396,33 @@ pub const Tokenizer = struct {
+ invalid,
+ /// After this returns invalid, it will reset on the next newline, returning tokens starting from there.
+ /// An eof token will always be returned at the end.
pub fn next(self: *Tokenizer) Token {
var state: State = .start;
- var result = Token{
- .tag = .eof,
+ var result: Token = .{
+ .tag = undefined,
.loc = .{
.start = self.index,
.end = undefined,
- var seen_escape_digits: usize = undefined;
while (true) : (self.index += 1) {
const c = self.buffer[self.index];
switch (state) {
.start => switch (c) {
0 => {
- if (self.index != self.buffer.len) {
- result.tag = .invalid;
- result.loc.end = self.index;
- self.index += 1;
- return result;
- }
- break;
+ if (self.index == self.buffer.len) return .{
+ .tag = .eof,
+ .loc = .{
+ .start = self.index,
+ .end = self.index,
+ },
+ };
+ state = .invalid;
' ', '\n', '\t', '\r' => {
result.loc.start = self.index + 1;
@@ -434,6 +433,7 @@ pub const Tokenizer = struct {
'\'' => {
state = .char_literal;
+ result.tag = .char_literal;
'a'...'z', 'A'...'Z', '_' => {
state = .identifier;
@@ -545,14 +545,44 @@ pub const Tokenizer = struct {
result.tag = .number_literal;
else => {
+ state = .invalid;
+ },
+ },
+ .expect_newline => switch (c) {
+ 0 => {
+ if (self.index == self.buffer.len) {
+ result.tag = .invalid;
+ break;
+ }
+ state = .invalid;
+ },
+ '\n' => {
+ result.loc.start = self.index + 1;
+ state = .start;
+ },
+ else => {
+ state = .invalid;
+ },
+ },
+ .invalid => switch (c) {
+ 0 => if (self.index == self.buffer.len) {
result.tag = .invalid;
- result.loc.end = self.index;
- self.index += std.unicode.utf8ByteSequenceLength(c) catch 1;
- return result;
+ break;
+ '\n' => {
+ result.tag = .invalid;
+ break;
+ },
+ else => continue,
.saw_at_sign => switch (c) {
+ 0, '\n' => {
+ result.tag = .invalid;
+ break;
+ },
'"' => {
result.tag = .identifier;
state = .string_literal;
@@ -562,8 +592,7 @@ pub const Tokenizer = struct {
result.tag = .builtin;
else => {
- result.tag = .invalid;
- break;
+ state = .invalid;
@@ -698,7 +727,7 @@ pub const Tokenizer = struct {
.identifier => switch (c) {
- 'a'...'z', 'A'...'Z', '_', '0'...'9' => {},
+ 'a'...'z', 'A'...'Z', '_', '0'...'9' => continue,
else => {
if (Token.getKeyword(self.buffer[result.loc.start..self.index])) |tag| {
result.tag = tag;
@@ -707,26 +736,37 @@ pub const Tokenizer = struct {
.builtin => switch (c) {
- 'a'...'z', 'A'...'Z', '_', '0'...'9' => {},
+ 'a'...'z', 'A'...'Z', '_', '0'...'9' => continue,
else => break,
.backslash => switch (c) {
+ 0 => {
+ result.tag = .invalid;
+ break;
+ },
'\\' => {
state = .multiline_string_literal_line;
- else => {
+ '\n' => {
result.tag = .invalid;
+ else => {
+ state = .invalid;
+ },
.string_literal => switch (c) {
- 0, '\n' => {
- result.tag = .invalid;
- result.loc.end = self.index;
+ 0 => {
if (self.index != self.buffer.len) {
- self.index += 1;
+ state = .invalid;
+ continue;
- return result;
+ result.tag = .invalid;
+ break;
+ },
+ '\n' => {
+ result.tag = .invalid;
+ break;
'\\' => {
state = .string_literal_backslash;
@@ -735,150 +775,74 @@ pub const Tokenizer = struct {
self.index += 1;
- else => {
- if (self.invalidCharacterLength()) |len| {
- result.tag = .invalid;
- result.loc.end = self.index;
- self.index += len;
- return result;
- }
- self.index += (std.unicode.utf8ByteSequenceLength(c) catch unreachable) - 1;
+ 0x01...0x09, 0x0b...0x1f, 0x7f => {
+ state = .invalid;
+ else => continue,
.string_literal_backslash => switch (c) {
0, '\n' => {
result.tag = .invalid;
- result.loc.end = self.index;
- if (self.index != self.buffer.len) {
- self.index += 1;
- }
- return result;
+ break;
else => {
state = .string_literal;
- if (self.invalidCharacterLength()) |len| {
- result.tag = .invalid;
- result.loc.end = self.index;
- self.index += len;
- return result;
- }
- self.index += (std.unicode.utf8ByteSequenceLength(c) catch unreachable) - 1;
.char_literal => switch (c) {
- 0, '\n', '\'' => {
- result.tag = .invalid;
- result.loc.end = self.index;
+ 0 => {
if (self.index != self.buffer.len) {
- self.index += 1;
+ state = .invalid;
+ continue;
- return result;
+ result.tag = .invalid;
+ break;
+ },
+ '\n' => {
+ result.tag = .invalid;
+ break;
'\\' => {
state = .char_literal_backslash;
- else => {
- state = .char_literal_end;
- if (self.invalidCharacterLength()) |len| {
- result.tag = .invalid;
- result.loc.end = self.index;
- self.index += len;
- return result;
- }
- self.index += (std.unicode.utf8ByteSequenceLength(c) catch unreachable) - 1;
+ '\'' => {
+ self.index += 1;
+ break;
+ 0x01...0x09, 0x0b...0x1f, 0x7f => {
+ state = .invalid;
+ },
+ else => continue,
.char_literal_backslash => switch (c) {
- 0, '\n' => {
- result.tag = .invalid;
- result.loc.end = self.index;
+ 0 => {
if (self.index != self.buffer.len) {
- self.index += 1;
- }
- return result;
- },
- 'x' => {
- state = .char_literal_hex_escape;
- seen_escape_digits = 0;
- },
- 'u' => {
- state = .char_literal_unicode_escape_saw_u;
- },
- else => {
- state = .char_literal_end;
- if (self.invalidCharacterLength()) |len| {
- result.tag = .invalid;
- result.loc.end = self.index;
- self.index += len;
- return result;
+ state = .invalid;
+ continue;
- self.index += (std.unicode.utf8ByteSequenceLength(c) catch unreachable) - 1;
- },
- },
- .char_literal_hex_escape => switch (c) {
- '0'...'9', 'a'...'f', 'A'...'F' => {
- seen_escape_digits += 1;
- if (seen_escape_digits == 2) {
- state = .char_literal_end;
- }
- },
- else => {
result.tag = .invalid;
- },
- .char_literal_unicode_escape_saw_u => switch (c) {
- '{' => {
- state = .char_literal_unicode_escape;
- },
- else => {
- result.tag = .invalid;
- break;
- },
- },
- .char_literal_unicode_escape => switch (c) {
- '0'...'9', 'a'...'f', 'A'...'F' => {},
- '}' => {
- state = .char_literal_end; // too many/few digits handled later
- },
- else => {
+ '\n' => {
result.tag = .invalid;
- },
- .char_literal_end => switch (c) {
- '\'' => {
- result.tag = .char_literal;
- self.index += 1;
- break;
+ 0x01...0x09, 0x0b...0x1f, 0x7f => {
+ state = .invalid;
else => {
- result.tag = .invalid;
- break;
+ state = .char_literal;
.multiline_string_literal_line => switch (c) {
0 => {
if (self.index != self.buffer.len) {
- result.tag = .invalid;
- result.loc.end = self.index;
- self.index += 1;
- return result;
+ state = .invalid;
+ continue;
@@ -886,17 +850,18 @@ pub const Tokenizer = struct {
self.index += 1;
- '\t' => {},
- else => {
- if (self.invalidCharacterLength()) |len| {
- result.tag = .invalid;
- result.loc.end = self.index;
- self.index += len;
- return result;
+ '\r' => {
+ if (self.buffer[self.index + 1] == '\n') {
+ self.index += 2;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ state = .invalid;
- self.index += (std.unicode.utf8ByteSequenceLength(c) catch unreachable) - 1;
+ 0x01...0x09, 0x0b...0x0c, 0x0e...0x1f, 0x7f => {
+ state = .invalid;
+ },
+ else => continue,
.bang => switch (c) {
@@ -1113,12 +1078,16 @@ pub const Tokenizer = struct {
.line_comment_start => switch (c) {
0 => {
if (self.index != self.buffer.len) {
- result.tag = .invalid;
- result.loc.end = self.index;
- self.index += 1;
- return result;
+ state = .invalid;
+ continue;
- break;
+ return .{
+ .tag = .eof,
+ .loc = .{
+ .start = self.index,
+ .end = self.index,
+ },
+ };
'/' => {
state = .doc_comment_start;
@@ -1127,105 +1096,91 @@ pub const Tokenizer = struct {
result.tag = .container_doc_comment;
state = .doc_comment;
+ '\r' => {
+ state = .expect_newline;
+ },
'\n' => {
state = .start;
result.loc.start = self.index + 1;
- '\t' => {
- state = .line_comment;
+ 0x01...0x09, 0x0b...0x0c, 0x0e...0x1f, 0x7f => {
+ state = .invalid;
else => {
state = .line_comment;
- if (self.invalidCharacterLength()) |len| {
- result.tag = .invalid;
- result.loc.end = self.index;
- self.index += len;
- return result;
- }
- self.index += (std.unicode.utf8ByteSequenceLength(c) catch unreachable) - 1;
.doc_comment_start => switch (c) {
- '/' => {
- state = .line_comment;
+ 0, '\n' => {
+ result.tag = .doc_comment;
+ break;
- 0 => {
- if (self.index != self.buffer.len) {
- result.tag = .invalid;
- result.loc.end = self.index;
+ '\r' => {
+ if (self.buffer[self.index + 1] == '\n') {
self.index += 1;
- return result;
+ result.tag = .doc_comment;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ state = .invalid;
- result.tag = .doc_comment;
- break;
- '\n' => {
- result.tag = .doc_comment;
- break;
+ '/' => {
+ state = .line_comment;
- '\t' => {
- state = .doc_comment;
- result.tag = .doc_comment;
+ 0x01...0x09, 0x0b...0x0c, 0x0e...0x1f, 0x7f => {
+ state = .invalid;
else => {
state = .doc_comment;
result.tag = .doc_comment;
- if (self.invalidCharacterLength()) |len| {
- result.tag = .invalid;
- result.loc.end = self.index;
- self.index += len;
- return result;
- }
- self.index += (std.unicode.utf8ByteSequenceLength(c) catch unreachable) - 1;
.line_comment => switch (c) {
0 => {
if (self.index != self.buffer.len) {
- result.tag = .invalid;
- result.loc.end = self.index;
- self.index += 1;
- return result;
+ state = .invalid;
+ continue;
- break;
+ return .{
+ .tag = .eof,
+ .loc = .{
+ .start = self.index,
+ .end = self.index,
+ },
+ };
+ },
+ '\r' => {
+ state = .expect_newline;
'\n' => {
state = .start;
result.loc.start = self.index + 1;
- '\t' => {},
- else => {
- if (self.invalidCharacterLength()) |len| {
- result.tag = .invalid;
- result.loc.end = self.index;
- self.index += len;
- return result;
- }
- self.index += (std.unicode.utf8ByteSequenceLength(c) catch unreachable) - 1;
+ 0x01...0x09, 0x0b...0x0c, 0x0e...0x1f, 0x7f => {
+ state = .invalid;
+ else => continue,
.doc_comment => switch (c) {
- 0, '\n' => break,
- '\t' => {},
- else => {
- if (self.invalidCharacterLength()) |len| {
- result.tag = .invalid;
- result.loc.end = self.index;
- self.index += len;
- return result;
+ 0, '\n' => {
+ break;
+ },
+ '\r' => {
+ if (self.buffer[self.index + 1] == '\n') {
+ self.index += 1;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ state = .invalid;
- self.index += (std.unicode.utf8ByteSequenceLength(c) catch unreachable) - 1;
+ 0x01...0x09, 0x0b...0x0c, 0x0e...0x1f, 0x7f => {
+ state = .invalid;
+ },
+ else => continue,
.int => switch (c) {
'.' => state = .int_period,
- '_', 'a'...'d', 'f'...'o', 'q'...'z', 'A'...'D', 'F'...'O', 'Q'...'Z', '0'...'9' => {},
+ '_', 'a'...'d', 'f'...'o', 'q'...'z', 'A'...'D', 'F'...'O', 'Q'...'Z', '0'...'9' => continue,
'e', 'E', 'p', 'P' => state = .int_exponent,
else => break,
@@ -1249,7 +1204,7 @@ pub const Tokenizer = struct {
.float => switch (c) {
- '_', 'a'...'d', 'f'...'o', 'q'...'z', 'A'...'D', 'F'...'O', 'Q'...'Z', '0'...'9' => {},
+ '_', 'a'...'d', 'f'...'o', 'q'...'z', 'A'...'D', 'F'...'O', 'Q'...'Z', '0'...'9' => continue,
'e', 'E', 'p', 'P' => state = .float_exponent,
else => break,
@@ -1263,57 +1218,9 @@ pub const Tokenizer = struct {
- if (result.tag == .eof) {
- result.loc.start = self.index;
- }
result.loc.end = self.index;
return result;
- fn invalidCharacterLength(self: *Tokenizer) ?u3 {
- const c0 = self.buffer[self.index];
- if (std.ascii.isAscii(c0)) {
- if (c0 == '\r') {
- if (self.index + 1 < self.buffer.len and self.buffer[self.index + 1] == '\n') {
- // Carriage returns are *only* allowed just before a linefeed as part of a CRLF pair, otherwise
- // they constitute an illegal byte!
- return null;
- } else {
- return 1;
- }
- } else if (std.ascii.isControl(c0)) {
- // ascii control codes are never allowed
- // (note that \n was checked before we got here)
- return 1;
- }
- // looks fine to me.
- return null;
- } else {
- // check utf8-encoded character.
- const length = std.unicode.utf8ByteSequenceLength(c0) catch return 1;
- if (self.index + length > self.buffer.len) {
- return @as(u3, @intCast(self.buffer.len - self.index));
- }
- const bytes = self.buffer[self.index .. self.index + length];
- switch (length) {
- 2 => {
- const value = std.unicode.utf8Decode2(bytes) catch return length;
- if (value == 0x85) return length; // U+0085 (NEL)
- },
- 3 => {
- const value = std.unicode.utf8Decode3(bytes) catch return length;
- if (value == 0x2028) return length; // U+2028 (LS)
- if (value == 0x2029) return length; // U+2029 (PS)
- },
- 4 => {
- _ = std.unicode.utf8Decode4(bytes) catch return length;
- },
- else => unreachable,
- }
- return null;
- }
- }
test "keywords" {
@@ -1355,7 +1262,7 @@ test "code point literal with hex escape" {
, &.{.char_literal});
try testTokenize(
- , &.{ .invalid, .invalid });
+ , &.{.char_literal});
test "newline in char literal" {
@@ -1396,40 +1303,30 @@ test "code point literal with unicode escapes" {
// Invalid unicode escapes
try testTokenize(
- , &.{ .invalid, .invalid });
+ , &.{.char_literal});
try testTokenize(
- , &.{ .invalid, .l_brace, .invalid });
+ , &.{.char_literal});
try testTokenize(
, &.{.char_literal});
try testTokenize(
- , &.{
- .invalid,
- .identifier,
- .r_brace,
- .invalid,
- });
+ , &.{.char_literal});
try testTokenize(
- , &.{
- .invalid,
- .identifier,
- .r_brace,
- .invalid,
- });
+ , &.{.char_literal});
try testTokenize(
- , &.{ .invalid, .invalid }); // 4a is valid
+ , &.{.char_literal});
// Test old-style unicode literals
try testTokenize(
- , &.{ .invalid, .number_literal, .invalid });
+ , &.{.char_literal});
try testTokenize(
- , &.{ .invalid, .number_literal, .invalid });
+ , &.{.char_literal});
test "code point literal with unicode code point" {
@@ -1465,24 +1362,15 @@ test "invalid token characters" {
try testTokenize("`", &.{.invalid});
try testTokenize("'c", &.{.invalid});
try testTokenize("'", &.{.invalid});
- try testTokenize("''", &.{.invalid});
+ try testTokenize("''", &.{.char_literal});
try testTokenize("'\n'", &.{ .invalid, .invalid });
test "invalid literal/comment characters" {
- try testTokenize("\"\x00\"", &.{
- .invalid,
- .invalid, // Incomplete string literal starting after invalid
- });
- try testTokenize("//\x00", &.{
- .invalid,
- });
- try testTokenize("//\x1f", &.{
- .invalid,
- });
- try testTokenize("//\x7f", &.{
- .invalid,
- });
+ try testTokenize("\"\x00\"", &.{.invalid});
+ try testTokenize("//\x00", &.{.invalid});
+ try testTokenize("//\x1f", &.{.invalid});
+ try testTokenize("//\x7f", &.{.invalid});
test "utf8" {
@@ -1491,46 +1379,24 @@ test "utf8" {
test "invalid utf8" {
- try testTokenize("//\x80", &.{
- .invalid,
- });
- try testTokenize("//\xbf", &.{
- .invalid,
- });
- try testTokenize("//\xf8", &.{
- .invalid,
- });
- try testTokenize("//\xff", &.{
- .invalid,
- });
- try testTokenize("//\xc2\xc0", &.{
- .invalid,
- });
- try testTokenize("//\xe0", &.{
- .invalid,
- });
- try testTokenize("//\xf0", &.{
- .invalid,
- });
- try testTokenize("//\xf0\x90\x80\xc0", &.{
- .invalid,
- });
+ try testTokenize("//\x80", &.{});
+ try testTokenize("//\xbf", &.{});
+ try testTokenize("//\xf8", &.{});
+ try testTokenize("//\xff", &.{});
+ try testTokenize("//\xc2\xc0", &.{});
+ try testTokenize("//\xe0", &.{});
+ try testTokenize("//\xf0", &.{});
+ try testTokenize("//\xf0\x90\x80\xc0", &.{});
test "illegal unicode codepoints" {
// unicode newline characters.U+0085, U+2028, U+2029
try testTokenize("//\xc2\x84", &.{});
- try testTokenize("//\xc2\x85", &.{
- .invalid,
- });
+ try testTokenize("//\xc2\x85", &.{});
try testTokenize("//\xc2\x86", &.{});
try testTokenize("//\xe2\x80\xa7", &.{});
- try testTokenize("//\xe2\x80\xa8", &.{
- .invalid,
- });
- try testTokenize("//\xe2\x80\xa9", &.{
- .invalid,
- });
+ try testTokenize("//\xe2\x80\xa8", &.{});
+ try testTokenize("//\xe2\x80\xa9", &.{});
try testTokenize("//\xe2\x80\xaa", &.{});
@@ -1549,30 +1415,6 @@ test "string identifier and builtin fns" {
-test "multiline string literal with literal tab" {
- try testTokenize(
- \\\\foo bar
- , &.{
- .multiline_string_literal_line,
- });
-test "comments with literal tab" {
- try testTokenize(
- \\//foo bar
- \\//!foo bar
- \\///foo bar
- \\// foo
- \\/// foo
- \\/// /foo
- , &.{
- .container_doc_comment,
- .doc_comment,
- .doc_comment,
- .doc_comment,
- });
test "pipe and then invalid" {
try testTokenize("||=", &.{
@@ -1892,8 +1734,8 @@ test "multi line string literal with only 1 backslash" {
test "invalid builtin identifiers" {
- try testTokenize("@()", &.{ .invalid, .l_paren, .r_paren });
- try testTokenize("@0()", &.{ .invalid, .number_literal, .l_paren, .r_paren });
+ try testTokenize("@()", &.{.invalid});
+ try testTokenize("@0()", &.{.invalid});
test "invalid token with unfinished escape right before eof" {
@@ -1921,21 +1763,78 @@ test "saturating operators" {
test "null byte before eof" {
- try testTokenize("123 \x00 456", &.{ .number_literal, .invalid, .number_literal });
+ try testTokenize("123 \x00 456", &.{ .number_literal, .invalid });
try testTokenize("//\x00", &.{.invalid});
try testTokenize("\\\\\x00", &.{.invalid});
try testTokenize("\x00", &.{.invalid});
try testTokenize("// NUL\x00\n", &.{.invalid});
- try testTokenize("///\x00\n", &.{.invalid});
+ try testTokenize("///\x00\n", &.{ .doc_comment, .invalid });
try testTokenize("/// NUL\x00\n", &.{ .doc_comment, .invalid });
+test "invalid tabs and carriage returns" {
+ // "Inside Line Comments and Documentation Comments, Any TAB is rejected by
+ // the grammar since it is ambiguous how it should be rendered."
+ // https://github.com/ziglang/zig-spec/issues/38
+ try testTokenize("//\t", &.{.invalid});
+ try testTokenize("// \t", &.{.invalid});
+ try testTokenize("///\t", &.{.invalid});
+ try testTokenize("/// \t", &.{.invalid});
+ try testTokenize("//!\t", &.{.invalid});
+ try testTokenize("//! \t", &.{.invalid});
+ // "Inside Line Comments and Documentation Comments, CR directly preceding
+ // NL is unambiguously part of the newline sequence. It is accepted by the
+ // grammar and removed by zig fmt, leaving only NL. CR anywhere else is
+ // rejected by the grammar."
+ // https://github.com/ziglang/zig-spec/issues/38
+ try testTokenize("//\r", &.{.invalid});
+ try testTokenize("// \r", &.{.invalid});
+ try testTokenize("///\r", &.{.invalid});
+ try testTokenize("/// \r", &.{.invalid});
+ try testTokenize("//\r ", &.{.invalid});
+ try testTokenize("// \r ", &.{.invalid});
+ try testTokenize("///\r ", &.{.invalid});
+ try testTokenize("/// \r ", &.{.invalid});
+ try testTokenize("//\r\n", &.{});
+ try testTokenize("// \r\n", &.{});
+ try testTokenize("///\r\n", &.{.doc_comment});
+ try testTokenize("/// \r\n", &.{.doc_comment});
+ try testTokenize("//!\r", &.{.invalid});
+ try testTokenize("//! \r", &.{.invalid});
+ try testTokenize("//!\r ", &.{.invalid});
+ try testTokenize("//! \r ", &.{.invalid});
+ try testTokenize("//!\r\n", &.{.container_doc_comment});
+ try testTokenize("//! \r\n", &.{.container_doc_comment});
+ // The control characters TAB and CR are rejected by the grammar inside multi-line string literals,
+ // except if CR is directly before NL.
+ // https://github.com/ziglang/zig-spec/issues/38
+ try testTokenize("\\\\\r", &.{.invalid});
+ try testTokenize("\\\\\r ", &.{.invalid});
+ try testTokenize("\\\\ \r", &.{.invalid});
+ try testTokenize("\\\\\t", &.{.invalid});
+ try testTokenize("\\\\\t ", &.{.invalid});
+ try testTokenize("\\\\ \t", &.{.invalid});
+ try testTokenize("\\\\\r\n", &.{.multiline_string_literal_line});
+ // "TAB used as whitespace is...accepted by the grammar. CR used as
+ // whitespace, whether directly preceding NL or stray, is...accepted by the
+ // grammar."
+ // https://github.com/ziglang/zig-spec/issues/38
+ try testTokenize("\tpub\tswitch\t", &.{ .keyword_pub, .keyword_switch });
+ try testTokenize("\rpub\rswitch\r", &.{ .keyword_pub, .keyword_switch });
fn testTokenize(source: [:0]const u8, expected_token_tags: []const Token.Tag) !void {
var tokenizer = Tokenizer.init(source);
for (expected_token_tags) |expected_token_tag| {
const token = tokenizer.next();
try std.testing.expectEqual(expected_token_tag, token.tag);
+ // Last token should always be eof, even when the last token was invalid,
+ // in which case the tokenizer is in an invalid state, which can only be
+ // recovered by opinionated means outside the scope of this implementation.
const last_token = tokenizer.next();
try std.testing.expectEqual(Token.Tag.eof, last_token.tag);
try std.testing.expectEqual(source.len, last_token.loc.start);
diff --git a/src/Package/Manifest.zig b/src/Package/Manifest.zig
index d9c39f5ab3fe..eb82ef039da2 100644
--- a/src/Package/Manifest.zig
+++ b/src/Package/Manifest.zig
@@ -549,6 +549,9 @@ const Parse = struct {
+ .empty_char_literal => {
+ try p.appendErrorOff(token, offset, "empty character literal", .{});
+ },
diff --git a/src/link/tapi/yaml/test.zig b/src/link/tapi/yaml/test.zig
index 8db943588587..d354a94b1dcc 100644
--- a/src/link/tapi/yaml/test.zig
+++ b/src/link/tapi/yaml/test.zig
@@ -237,10 +237,7 @@ test "double quoted string" {
try testing.expectEqualStrings(
\\"here" are some escaped quotes
, arr[1]);
- try testing.expectEqualStrings(
- \\newlines and tabs
- \\are supported
- , arr[2]);
+ try testing.expectEqualStrings("newlines and tabs\nare\tsupported", arr[2]);
try testing.expectEqualStrings(
\\let's have
\\some fun!
diff --git a/test/cases/compile_errors/empty_char_lit.zig b/test/cases/compile_errors/empty_char_lit.zig
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..99d80778b19b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/cases/compile_errors/empty_char_lit.zig
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+export fn entry() u8 {
+ return '';
+// error
+// backend=stage2
+// target=native
+// :2:12: error: empty character literal
diff --git a/test/cases/compile_errors/invalid_legacy_unicode_escape.zig b/test/cases/compile_errors/invalid_legacy_unicode_escape.zig
index cc4e78f6e4ed..c22d70f3eba3 100644
--- a/test/cases/compile_errors/invalid_legacy_unicode_escape.zig
+++ b/test/cases/compile_errors/invalid_legacy_unicode_escape.zig
@@ -6,5 +6,4 @@ export fn entry() void {
// backend=stage2
// target=native
-// :2:15: error: expected expression, found 'invalid bytes'
-// :2:18: note: invalid byte: '1'
+// :2:17: error: invalid escape character: 'U'
diff --git a/test/cases/compile_errors/invalid_unicode_escape.zig b/test/cases/compile_errors/invalid_unicode_escape.zig
index 1555f2be801a..956b4a37a2c7 100644
--- a/test/cases/compile_errors/invalid_unicode_escape.zig
+++ b/test/cases/compile_errors/invalid_unicode_escape.zig
@@ -6,6 +6,5 @@ export fn entry() void {
// backend=stage2
// target=native
-// :2:15: error: expected expression, found 'invalid bytes'
-// :2:21: note: invalid byte: 'z'
+// :2:21: error: expected hex digit or '}', found 'z'
diff --git a/test/cases/compile_errors/normal_string_with_newline.zig b/test/cases/compile_errors/normal_string_with_newline.zig
index 19e15133ee34..f19ce59ec814 100644
--- a/test/cases/compile_errors/normal_string_with_newline.zig
+++ b/test/cases/compile_errors/normal_string_with_newline.zig
@@ -5,5 +5,4 @@ b";
// backend=stage2
// target=native
-// :1:13: error: expected expression, found 'invalid bytes'
-// :1:15: note: invalid byte: '\n'
+// :1:13: error: expected expression, found 'invalid token'
diff --git a/test/compile_errors.zig b/test/compile_errors.zig
index 5c5a574caf5b..07ad178859db 100644
--- a/test/compile_errors.zig
+++ b/test/compile_errors.zig
@@ -38,15 +38,6 @@ pub fn addCases(ctx: *Cases, b: *std.Build) !void {
- {
- const case = ctx.obj("isolated carriage return in multiline string literal", b.graph.host);
- case.addError("const foo = \\\\\test\r\r rogue carriage return\n;", &[_][]const u8{
- ":1:13: error: expected expression, found 'invalid bytes'",
- ":1:19: note: invalid byte: '\\r'",
- });
- }
const case = ctx.obj("missing semicolon at EOF", b.graph.host);
@@ -179,8 +170,7 @@ pub fn addCases(ctx: *Cases, b: *std.Build) !void {
\\ return true;
, &[_][]const u8{
- ":1:1: error: expected type expression, found 'invalid bytes'",
- ":1:1: note: invalid byte: '\\xff'",
+ ":1:1: error: expected type expression, found 'invalid token'",
@@ -222,8 +212,7 @@ pub fn addCases(ctx: *Cases, b: *std.Build) !void {
const case = ctx.obj("invalid byte in string", b.graph.host);
case.addError("_ = \"\x01Q\";", &[_][]const u8{
- ":1:5: error: expected expression, found 'invalid bytes'",
- ":1:6: note: invalid byte: '\\x01'",
+ ":1:5: error: expected expression, found 'invalid token'",
@@ -231,8 +220,7 @@ pub fn addCases(ctx: *Cases, b: *std.Build) !void {
const case = ctx.obj("invalid byte in comment", b.graph.host);
case.addError("//\x01Q", &[_][]const u8{
- ":1:1: error: expected type expression, found 'invalid bytes'",
- ":1:3: note: invalid byte: '\\x01'",
+ ":1:1: error: expected type expression, found 'invalid token'",
@@ -240,8 +228,7 @@ pub fn addCases(ctx: *Cases, b: *std.Build) !void {
const case = ctx.obj("control character in character literal", b.graph.host);
case.addError("const c = '\x01';", &[_][]const u8{
- ":1:11: error: expected expression, found 'invalid bytes'",
- ":1:12: note: invalid byte: '\\x01'",
+ ":1:11: error: expected expression, found 'invalid token'",
@@ -249,8 +236,7 @@ pub fn addCases(ctx: *Cases, b: *std.Build) !void {
const case = ctx.obj("invalid byte at start of token", b.graph.host);
case.addError("x = \x00Q", &[_][]const u8{
- ":1:5: error: expected expression, found 'invalid bytes'",
- ":1:5: note: invalid byte: '\\x00'",
+ ":1:5: error: expected expression, found 'invalid token'",
diff --git a/test/run_translated_c.zig b/test/run_translated_c.zig
index 744d08f27a1d..73aa7d01f434 100644
--- a/test/run_translated_c.zig
+++ b/test/run_translated_c.zig
@@ -26,17 +26,17 @@ pub fn addCases(cases: *tests.RunTranslatedCContext) void {
\\void baz(void);
\\struct foo { int x; };
\\void bar() {
- \\ struct foo tmp;
+ \\ struct foo tmp;
\\void baz() {
- \\ struct foo tmp;
+ \\ struct foo tmp;
\\int main(void) {
- \\ bar();
- \\ baz();
- \\ return 0;
+ \\ bar();
+ \\ baz();
+ \\ return 0;
, "");
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ pub fn addCases(cases: *tests.RunTranslatedCContext) void {
cases.add("parenthesized string literal",
\\void foo(const char *s) {}
\\int main(void) {
- \\ foo(("bar"));
+ \\ foo(("bar"));
, "");
diff --git a/test/translate_c.zig b/test/translate_c.zig
index c07b29f77248..2100e23ea3ee 100644
--- a/test/translate_c.zig
+++ b/test/translate_c.zig
@@ -133,20 +133,20 @@ pub fn addCases(cases: *tests.TranslateCContext) void {
cases.add("scoped typedef",
\\void foo() {
- \\ typedef union {
- \\ int A;
- \\ int B;
- \\ int C;
- \\ } Foo;
- \\ Foo a = {0};
- \\ {
- \\ typedef union {
- \\ int A;
- \\ int B;
- \\ int C;
- \\ } Foo;
- \\ Foo a = {0};
- \\ }
+ \\ typedef union {
+ \\ int A;
+ \\ int B;
+ \\ int C;
+ \\ } Foo;
+ \\ Foo a = {0};
+ \\ {
+ \\ typedef union {
+ \\ int A;
+ \\ int B;
+ \\ int C;
+ \\ } Foo;
+ \\ Foo a = {0};
+ \\ }
, &[_][]const u8{
\\pub export fn foo() void {
@@ -2043,18 +2043,18 @@ pub fn addCases(cases: *tests.TranslateCContext) void {
\\ break;
\\ }
\\ case 4:
- \\ case 5:
+ \\ case 5:
\\ res = 69;
\\ {
\\ res = 5;
- \\ return;
+ \\ return;
\\ }
\\ case 6:
\\ switch (res) {
\\ case 9: break;
\\ }
\\ res = 1;
- \\ return;
+ \\ return;
\\ }
, &[_][]const u8{