A simple to follow configuration and Usage Tutorial - Promised!
For the Complicated, long (250+ min read) Tutorials of both the Cosmos SDK and EVMOS
Install the lastest GO version and remove previous version using Linux CLI:
rm -rf /usr/local/go
cd /usr/local
wget https://go.dev/dl/go1.22.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.22.1.linux-amd64.tar.gz
run -> go version
in the CLI -> Expected result: go version go1.22.1 linux/amd64
Once GO version shows the right version add GO to the env global path export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin
Run the command go version
again from Any OTHER folder on the OS and it should bring the same result go version go1.22.1 linux/amd64
2.1 first run sudo apt install jq
and verify the install success by running
next jq --version
which should result in **jq-1.6**
(or higher version)
2.3 Install Node sudo apt install npm
2.4 install GNUmake sudo apt install make
2.5 Clone EVMOS from git and build it by using:
git clone https://github.com/evmos/evmos.git
cd evmos
git fetch
git checkout <tag>
make install
evmosd version
2.6 If a evmosd: command not found
error message is returned ->
you have misconfigured Go homedir or installed a wrong version (below 1.21)
Once the evmosd version is displayed we can proceed to install Rust.
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
Make sure you are using the min same version as used below v0.45.4
``` mkdir cosmos cd cosmos git clone https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk cd cosmos-sdk git checkout v0.45.4 ```
make build
once the build has been completed without errors.
./build/simd version
which should return 0.45.4
Recomended you watch this short 5min vid to review the next steps
Change dir to /home/CosmosSDK/cosmos-sdk/build
run in folder #
./simd init demo
the output should be in a format of a Genenis basic json file) (starting with "moniker": "demo") -
run /home/CosmosSDK/cosmos-sdk/build #
./simd keys list
Next create keys by running
./simd keys add b9lab
and the expected output should be:**Important** write this mnemonic phrase in a safe place. It is the only way to recover your account if you ever forget your password. **happy fast write warm make glory easy ride light woman mean loving confirmed taste clear apple garden burden calm twelve visual dance high social rich** Press 'Enter' key to continue.
- address: cosmos15n5glgs7n8shcptapfte6klvcwpwz3qc20t4e2 name: b9lab pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey", "key":"Ah+vpcVHqLpwbBAzKqcecPtucu5c1HZRW8gYHxGAhY+"}' type: local
Define the amount of tokens to create followed by the token name ('stake') in our chain /cosmos-sdk/build #
./simd genesis add-genesis-account b9lab 100000000stake
Define the cost of staking for a Validator Node (use the chain-id name from the Genesis json_1 file) /cosmos-sdk/build #
./simd genesis gentx b9lab 70000000stake --chain-id test-chain-tgFWQe Genesis transaction written to "/root/.simapp/config/gentx/gentx- eee5fe21000bcbfd270e34d19f227be66cfa5084.json"
Finally we run /cosmos-sdk/build #
./simd genesis collect-gentxs
which will output a Cosmos sdk complete Genesis.json file including the keys and chain,tokens, allocations,gas prices and more
run ./simd start
You will see the chain initiating and the blocks getting generated with an increasing Height value which represents the block number:
The blocks will keep increasing which indicates our new blockchain is running successfully:
Open a new terminal and check the balance for the account named b9lab: ./simd query bank balances $(./simd keys show b9lab-1)
The result will indicate the wallet balance has been decreased by the staking costs we defined for our Validator Node:
- amount: "30000000"
denom: stake
total: "1"
Create a new wallet account named student: ./simd keys add student
The result will generate another unique MNMC phrase for the student's wallet:
**Important** write this mnemonic phrase in a safe place.
It is the only way to recover your account if you ever forget your password.
**skate apart write warm make glory blossom ball material fat mean confirm taste demand apple uncle burden calm twelve visual dance disease audit federal**
Press 'Enter' key to continue.
address: cosmos1u7209hpnrajperpznlsy9zmdvr3jx2npfu7w4u name: student pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"Anu7Dkoa51eJK7tj65KdzfZ9Cn9lq6RqFxG7B85cdQOn"}' type: local
We have created a wallet for the student. In this stage the wallet has 0 balance and isnt known by the blockchain
lets send him some tokens so the blockchain registers his wallet and transaction:
./simd tx bank send $(./simd keys show b9lab -a) $(./simd keys show student -a) 10stake --chain-id test-chain-tgFWQe
we will get a summary of the planned transaction and a confirmation prompt:
Next confirm the transaction before signing and broadcasting [y/N]: y code: 0 codespace: "" data: "" events: [] gas_used: "0" gas_wanted: "0" height: "0" info: "" logs: [] raw_log: "" timestamp: "" tx: null txhash: 5ABB74F59F8424BDD6635E2605F83157F9F44D91DC5634907750A633EAB01ED9
The Transcation will take a few seconds to be registered in the blockchain, we can query the balance of the student to check:
./simd query bank balances $(./simd keys show student -a)
balances: - amount: "10" denom: stake pagination: total: "1"
All the steps in the tutorial are described in the cosmos.network tutorials portal
Genesis JSON 2 Created
"moniker": "demo",
"chain_id": "test-chain-tgFWQe",
"node_id": "eee5fe21000bcbfd270e34d19f227be66cfa5084",
"gentxs_dir": "/root/.simapp/config/gentx",
"app_message": {
"auth": {
"params": {
"max_memo_characters": "256",
"tx_sig_limit": "7",
"tx_size_cost_per_byte": "10",
"sig_verify_cost_ed25519": "590",
"sig_verify_cost_secp256k1": "1000"
"accounts": [
"@type": "/cosmos.auth.v1beta1.BaseAccount",
"address": "cosmos15n5glgs7n8shcptapfte6klvcwpwz3qc20t4e2",
"pub_key": null,
"account_number": "0",
"sequence": "0"
"authz": {
"authorization": []
"bank": {
"params": {
"send_enabled": [],
"default_send_enabled": true
"balances": [
"address": "cosmos15n5glgs7n8shcptapfte6klvcwpwz3qc20t4e2",
"coins": [
"denom": "stake",
"amount": "100000000"
"supply": [
"denom": "stake",
"amount": "100000000"
"denom_metadata": [],
"send_enabled": []
"circuit": {
"account_permissions": [],
"disabled_type_urls": []
"consensus": {},
"distribution": {
"params": {
"community_tax": "0.020000000000000000",
"base_proposer_reward": "0.000000000000000000",
"bonus_proposer_reward": "0.000000000000000000",
"withdraw_addr_enabled": true
"fee_pool": {
"community_pool": [],
"decimal_pool": []
"delegator_withdraw_infos": [],
"previous_proposer": "",
"outstanding_rewards": [],
"validator_accumulated_commissions": [],
"validator_historical_rewards": [],
"validator_current_rewards": [],
"delegator_starting_infos": [],
"validator_slash_events": []
"evidence": {
"evidence": []
"feegrant": {
"allowances": []
"genutil": {
"gen_txs": [
"body": {
"messages": [
"@type": "/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgCreateValidator",
"description": {
"moniker": "demo"
"commission": {
"rate": "100000000000000000",
"max_rate": "200000000000000000",
"max_change_rate": "10000000000000000"
"min_self_delegation": "1",
"validator_address": "cosmosvaloper15n5glgs7n8shcptapfte6klvcwpwz3qc0mlq4e",
"pubkey": {
"@type": "/cosmos.crypto.ed25519.PubKey",
"key": "7GfKExkRy0rm1wxHL+PK1qA2YNzAXz+d7VZbq1MF4ig="
"value": {
"denom": "stake",
"amount": "70000000"
"memo": "[email protected]:26656"
"auth_info": {
"signer_infos": [
"public_key": {
"@type": "/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey",
"key": "Ah+vpcVHqLpwbBAzKqGfeFPtucu5c1HZRW8gYHxGAhY+"
"mode_info": {
"single": {
"fee": {
"gas_limit": "200000",
"payer": "cosmos15n5glgs7n8shcptapfte6klvcwpwz3qc20t4e2"
"signatures": [
"gov": {
"starting_proposal_id": "1",
"deposits": [],
"votes": [],
"proposals": [],
"deposit_params": null,
"voting_params": null,
"tally_params": null,
"params": {
"min_deposit": [
"denom": "stake",
"amount": "10000000"
"max_deposit_period": "172800s",
"voting_period": "172800s",
"quorum": "0.334000000000000000",
"threshold": "0.500000000000000000",
"veto_threshold": "0.334000000000000000",
"min_initial_deposit_ratio": "0.000000000000000000",
"proposal_cancel_ratio": "0.500000000000000000",
"proposal_cancel_dest": "",
"expedited_voting_period": "86400s",
"expedited_threshold": "0.667000000000000000",
"expedited_min_deposit": [
"denom": "stake",
"amount": "50000000"
"burn_vote_quorum": false,
"burn_proposal_deposit_prevote": false,
"burn_vote_veto": true,
"min_deposit_ratio": "0.010000000000000000",
"proposal_cancel_max_period": "0.500000000000000000",
"optimistic_authorized_addresses": [],
"optimistic_rejected_threshold": "0.100000000000000000",
"yes_quorum": "0.000000000000000000",
"expedited_quorum": "0.500000000000000000"
"constitution": ""
"group": {
"group_seq": "0",
"groups": [],
"group_members": [],
"group_policy_seq": "0",
"group_policies": [],
"proposal_seq": "0",
"proposals": [],
"votes": []
"mint": {
"minter": {
"inflation": "0.130000000000000000",
"annual_provisions": "0.000000000000000000"
"params": {
"mint_denom": "stake",
"inflation_rate_change": "0.130000000000000000",
"inflation_max": "0.200000000000000000",
"inflation_min": "0.070000000000000000",
"goal_bonded": "0.670000000000000000",
"blocks_per_year": "6311520"
"nft": {
"classes": [],
"entries": []
"protocolpool": {
"continuous_fund": [],
"budget": [],
"to_distribute": "0"
"runtime": {},
"slashing": {
"params": {
"signed_blocks_window": "100",
"min_signed_per_window": "0.500000000000000000",
"downtime_jail_duration": "600s",
"slash_fraction_double_sign": "0.050000000000000000",
"slash_fraction_downtime": "0.010000000000000000"
"signing_infos": [],
"missed_blocks": []
"staking": {
"params": {
"unbonding_time": "1814400s",
"max_validators": 100,
"max_entries": 7,
"historical_entries": 10000,
"bond_denom": "stake",
"min_commission_rate": "0.000000000000000000",
"key_rotation_fee": {
"denom": "stake",
"amount": "1000000"
"last_total_power": "0",
"last_validator_powers": [],
"validators": [],
"delegations": [],
"unbonding_delegations": [],
"redelegations": [],
"exported": false
"upgrade": {},
"vesting": {}
Genesis JSON 1 - Created on chain init:
"moniker": "demo",
"chain_id": "test-chain-tgFWQe",
"node_id": "eee5fe21000bcbfd270e34d19f227be66cfa5084",
"gentxs_dir": "",
"app_message": {
"auth": {
"params": {
"max_memo_characters": "256",
"tx_sig_limit": "7",
"tx_size_cost_per_byte": "10",
"sig_verify_cost_ed25519": "590",
"sig_verify_cost_secp256k1": "1000"
"accounts": []
"authz": {
"authorization": []
"bank": {
"params": {
"send_enabled": [],
"default_send_enabled": true
"balances": [],
"supply": [],
"denom_metadata": [],
"send_enabled": []
"circuit": {
"account_permissions": [],
"disabled_type_urls": []
"consensus": {},
"distribution": {
"params": {
"community_tax": "0.020000000000000000",
"base_proposer_reward": "0.000000000000000000",
"bonus_proposer_reward": "0.000000000000000000",
"withdraw_addr_enabled": true
"fee_pool": {
"community_pool": [],
"decimal_pool": []
"delegator_withdraw_infos": [],
"previous_proposer": "",
"outstanding_rewards": [],
"validator_accumulated_commissions": [],
"validator_historical_rewards": [],
"validator_current_rewards": [],
"delegator_starting_infos": [],
"validator_slash_events": []
"evidence": {
"evidence": []
"feegrant": {
"allowances": []
"genutil": {
"gen_txs": []
"gov": {
"starting_proposal_id": "1",
"deposits": [],
"votes": [],
"proposals": [],
"deposit_params": null,
"voting_params": null,
"tally_params": null,
"params": {
"min_deposit": [
"denom": "stake",
"amount": "10000000"
"max_deposit_period": "172800s",
"voting_period": "172800s",
"quorum": "0.334000000000000000",
"threshold": "0.500000000000000000",
"veto_threshold": "0.334000000000000000",
"min_initial_deposit_ratio": "0.000000000000000000",
"proposal_cancel_ratio": "0.500000000000000000",
"proposal_cancel_dest": "",
"expedited_voting_period": "86400s",
"expedited_threshold": "0.667000000000000000",
"expedited_min_deposit": [
"denom": "stake",
"amount": "50000000"
"burn_vote_quorum": false,
"burn_proposal_deposit_prevote": false,
"burn_vote_veto": true,
"min_deposit_ratio": "0.010000000000000000",
"proposal_cancel_max_period": "0.500000000000000000",
"optimistic_authorized_addresses": [],
"optimistic_rejected_threshold": "0.100000000000000000",
"yes_quorum": "0.000000000000000000",
"expedited_quorum": "0.500000000000000000"
"constitution": ""
"group": {
"group_seq": "0",
"groups": [],
"group_members": [],
"group_policy_seq": "0",
"group_policies": [],
"proposal_seq": "0",
"proposals": [],
"votes": []
"mint": {
"minter": {
"inflation": "0.130000000000000000",
"annual_provisions": "0.000000000000000000"
"params": {
"mint_denom": "stake",
"inflation_rate_change": "0.130000000000000000",
"inflation_max": "0.200000000000000000",
"inflation_min": "0.070000000000000000",
"goal_bonded": "0.670000000000000000",
"blocks_per_year": "6311520"
"nft": {
"classes": [],
"entries": []
"protocolpool": {
"continuous_fund": [],
"budget": [],
"to_distribute": "0"
"runtime": {},
"slashing": {
"params": {
"signed_blocks_window": "100",
"min_signed_per_window": "0.500000000000000000",
"downtime_jail_duration": "600s",
"slash_fraction_double_sign": "0.050000000000000000",
"slash_fraction_downtime": "0.010000000000000000"
"signing_infos": [],
"missed_blocks": []
"staking": {
"params": {
"unbonding_time": "1814400s",
"max_validators": 100,
"max_entries": 7,
"historical_entries": 10000,
"bond_denom": "stake",
"min_commission_rate": "0.000000000000000000",
"key_rotation_fee": {
"denom": "stake",
"amount": "1000000"
"last_total_power": "0",
"last_validator_powers": [],
"validators": [],
"delegations": [],
"unbonding_delegations": [],
"redelegations": [],
"exported": false
"upgrade": {},
"vesting": {}