Home Assistant HACS Integration:
The Gaggiuino REST API Wrapper is a Python library that provides a simple and efficient way to interact with Gaggiuino-enabled espresso machines. This asynchronous client allows users to manage coffee profiles, retrieve shot data, and control their Gaggiuino-modified espresso machines through a REST API interface.
The library offers comprehensive profile management capabilities, including retrieving and selecting brewing profiles, accessing historical shot data, and handling machine communication with built-in error handling and connection management. It leverages modern Python features and async/await patterns to provide non-blocking operations, making it suitable for integration into larger applications or automation systems.
- Python 3.13 or higher
- A running Gaggiuino-enabled espresso machine
- Network access to the Gaggiuino device (default: http://gaggiuino.local:80)
pip install gaggiuino_api
import asyncio
from gaggiuino_api import GaggiuinoAPI
async def main():
async with GaggiuinoAPI() as client:
# Get the status
status = await client.get_status()
print(f"Status: {status}")
# Get all available profiles
profiles = await client.get_profiles()
# Select a profile by ID
await client.select_profile(profiles[0])
# Get shot data
shot = await client.get_shot(1)
print(f"Shot duration: {shot.duration}ms")
if __name__ == "__main__":
from gaggiuino_api import GaggiuinoAPI
async def profile_management():
async with GaggiuinoAPI(base_url="http://custom.gaggiuino.local") as client:
# Get all profiles
profiles = await client.get_profiles()
# Print profile details
for profile in profiles:
print(f"Profile: {} (ID: {})")
print(f"Water Temperature: {profile.waterTemperature}°C")
# Print phases
for phase in profile.phases:
print(f"Phase Type: {phase.type.type}")
print(f"Restriction: {phase.restriction}")
from gaggiuino_api import GaggiuinoAPI
async def analyze_shot():
async with GaggiuinoAPI() as client:
latest_shot_id_result = await client.get_latest_shot_id()
latest_shot_id = latest_shot_id_result.lastShotId
shot = await client.get_shot(latest_shot_id)
# Access shot metrics
print(f"Latest Shot ID: {latest_shot_id}")
print(f"Duration: {shot.duration}ms")
print(f"Timestamp: {shot.timestamp}")
# Access datapoints
pressure_points = shot.datapoints.pressure
flow_points = shot.datapoints.pumpFlow
temperature_points = shot.datapoints.temperature
- Problem: Unable to connect to Gaggiuino device
from gaggiuino_api import GaggiuinoAPI, GaggiuinoConnectionError async def main(): try: async with GaggiuinoAPI() as client: profiles = await client.get_profiles() except GaggiuinoConnectionError: print("Check if Gaggiuino is powered on and connected to network") print("Verify the device is accessible at gaggiuino.local")
- Problem: API endpoint returns 404
from gaggiuino_api import GaggiuinoAPI, GaggiuinoEndpointNotFoundError async def main(): try: async with GaggiuinoAPI() as client: shot = await client.get_shot(999) except GaggiuinoEndpointNotFoundError: print("Shot ID not found - verify the shot exists")
The Gaggiuino API wrapper manages communication between your Python application and the Gaggiuino-enabled espresso machine through HTTP requests.
[Python App] <-> [GaggiuinoAPI] <-> [HTTP/REST] <-> [Gaggiuino Device]
| | |
| | |
+--- Profiles +---- HTTP Requests ------------------- Machine Control
| | |
+--- Shot Data +---- Response Parsing --------------- Sensor Data
Key component interactions:
- GaggiuinoAPI class handles all HTTP communication using aiohttp
- Async context manager ensures proper connection handling and resource cleanup
- JSON responses are automatically parsed into typed data models
- Error handling provides specific exceptions for common failure modes
- Connection management includes automatic session creation and cleanup
- All API operations are asynchronous for non-blocking operation
I have no idea what this readme is about. It's all ChatGPT.