1 - Install from here- https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install. 2 - Add path_to_flutter_sdk/[flutter/bin] to environment variable. 3 - Connect an android device to pc. 4 - Turn on USB debugging mode [https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/dev-options] . 5 - clone repo . 6 - Navigate to path_to_repo[Chat_App/] . 7 - Run cmd - flutter run
Used Firebase Cloud Firestore as well as the Firebase authentication package to equip our app with a cloud-based NoSQL database and secure authentication methods.
Modern group messaging app where users can sign up and log in to chat.
- Firebase into your Flutter projects.
- Firebase authentication to register and sign in users.
- Create beautiful animations using the Flutter Hero widget.
- create custom animations using Flutter's animation controller.
- Used Streams.
- Used ListViews to build scrolling views.
- Firebase Cloud Firestore to store and retrieve data on the fly.