Web scraper python application for the INF8007 winter 2020.
- Amine El hattami
- Khizer Uddin
This code has been tested with python 3.7
, but should work with any python version 3.3+
1- Create a virtual environment
python3.7 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
2- Install required libraries
pip install -r requirements.txt # or requirement-dev.txt to install dev libraries
usage: main.py [-h] [--show_exception_tb] [--verbose] [--disable_crawling]
[--throttle_duration_sec THROTTLE_DURATION_SEC]
{url,file,html,file_list,url_list} ...
Web crawler application
positional arguments:
Resource type
url Crawl URL. url -h for more details
file Crawl a file. file -h for more details
html Crawl html content from stdin. html -h for more
file_list Crawl file list from stdin. file_list -h for more
url_list Crawl url list from stdin. url_list -h for more
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--show_exception_tb Show exception trace back
--verbose Show debug messages
--disable_crawling Disable crawling (go depth of 1). only for urls
--throttle_duration_sec THROTTLE_DURATION_SEC
Sleep time in secs between each 10 pages (to void rate
limiters). only for urls
usage: main.py url [-h] [--trottle TROTTLE] [--disable_crawling] resource
positional arguments:
resource Url for the web page to crawl
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
python main.py url https://webscraper.io
usage: main.py file [-h] resource
positional arguments:
resource file path of the html page to crawl
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
python main.py file resources/webscraper.io.html
usage: main.py html [-h] [html_content]
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
python main.py html < resources/webscraper.io.html
# or using a pipe
cat resources/webscraper.io.html | python main.py html
usage: main.py file_list [-h] [file_list]
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
python main.py file_list < resources/file_list_1
# or using a pipe from a file
cat resources/file_list_2 | python main.py file_list
# or using a pip from stdout
(echo resources/webscraper.io.html && echo resources/invalid.html) | python main.py file_list
usage: main.py url_list [-h] [url_list]
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
python main.py url_list < resources/url_list_1
# or using a pipe from a file
cat resources/url_list_2 | python main.py url_list
# or using a pip from stdout
(echo https://webscraper.io && echo invalid_url) | python main.py url_list
Some websites use rate limiter which blocks the scrapper, to avoid this use the --throtlle_duration_sec
argument to sleep after each 10
Note that this argument is only applicable for url and url list
python main.py --throttle_duration_sec 5 url https://webscraper.io
To disable crawling (go only to depth of 1), use the --disable_crawling
Note that this argument is only applicable for url and url list
python main.py --disable_crawling url https://webscraper.io
To start the application in verbose mode, use the --verbose
python main.py --verbose url https://webscraper.io
python main.py --verbose file resources/webscraper.io.html
By default the exception trace back are not shown for a cleaner output. However, to enable the
printing trace back, use --show_exception_tb
python main.py --show_exception_tb url https://webscraper.io
python main.py --show_exception_tb file resources/webscraper.io.html
INFO:src.crawler:Visited 501 page(s)
INFO:__main__:dead links:
Link Reason
------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
https://www.youtube.com/yt/about/en Bad status code: 404 'Not Found'
https://www.wbs-law.de/eng/practice-areas/internet-law/it-law Bad status code: 410 'Gone'
https://website.com Connection error
https://api.webscraper.io/api/v1/sitemap?api_token=< Bad status code: 405 'Method Not Allowed'
http://webscraper.io/" Bad status code: 404 'Not Found'
https://api.webscraper.io/api/v1/sitemap/< Bad status code: 401 'Unauthorized'
https://api.webscraper.io/api/v1/sitemaps?api_token=< Bad status code: 401 'Unauthorized'
https://api.webscraper.io/api/v1/scraping-job?api_token=< Bad status code: 405 'Method Not Allowed'
https://api.webscraper.io/api/v1/scraping-job/< Bad status code: 401 'Unauthorized'
https://api.webscraper.io/api/v1/scraping-jobs?api_token=< Bad status code: 401 'Unauthorized'
https://api.webscraper.io/api/v1/account?api_token=< Bad status code: 401 'Unauthorized'
https://example.com/robots.txt Connection error
https://example.com/sitemap.xml Connection error
http://example.com/page Connection error
http://example.com/page/1 Connection error
http://example.com/page/2 Connection error
http://example.com/page/3 Connection error
http://example.com/page/001 Connection error
http://example.com/page/002 Connection error
http://example.com/page/003 Connection error
http://example.com/page/0 Connection error
http://example.com/page/10 Connection error
http://example.com/page/20 Connection error
About Connection error
A connection error can refer to a reset/refused by peer or timeout connection. To know the exact error, use the --show_exception_tb
0: Success (but some pages might not been crawled (bad links, rate limiters)
1: Fatal error (exceptions, ...)
This repository also provides a bash script that will run the crawler against a node web server
The bash script requires the following binaries:
- git (we used version 2.24.1)
- npm (we used version 6.13.4)
- lsof (we used version 4.91)
- curl (we used 7.64.1)
Usage: run.sh node_webserver_git_repo node_webserver_port [git_clone_dest]
positional arguments
node_webserver_git_repo: The node webserver git repository
node_webserver_port: The port to start the node webserver
git_clone_dest: Set the destination for git clone. Optional default to pwd
The script will perform the following:
- Clones the web server source code using the provided git repository in the provided destination
- Install the npm packages
- Run the server on the provided port
- Run the crawler
- Terminate the server
- Since the script does not control the cloned web server, we assumed that it a working webserver. Any error will be just dumped to the user.
- If the git destination folder exists, a prompt will ask if repository needs to be re-cloned
scratch directory exits already. Do you want to delete and re-clone [y/N] ?
/scripts/run.sh https://github.com/bhanushalimahesh3/node-website.git 4000 scratch
# Command line arguments
node_webserver_git_repo = https://github.com/bhanushalimahesh3/node-website.git
node_webserver_port = 4000
git_clone_dest = scratch
# Check requirements
git ... Found
npm ... Found
lsof ... Found
curl ... Found
Python env ... enabled!
Checking requirements ... OK!
# Setup webserver
>>> Cloning https://github.com/bhanushalimahesh3/node-website.git
scratch directory exits already. Do you want to delete and re-clone [y/N] ?
Cloning into 'scratch'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 1146, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (1146/1146), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (842/842), done.
remote: Total 1146 (delta 242), reused 1143 (delta 242), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (1146/1146), 1.53 MiB | 2.92 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (242/242), done.
>>> Installing npm package
npm WARN saveError ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/amineelhattami/work/INF8007-web-scraper/package.json'
npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/amineelhattami/work/INF8007-web-scraper/package.json'
npm WARN INF8007-web-scraper No description
npm WARN INF8007-web-scraper No repository field.
npm WARN INF8007-web-scraper No README data
npm WARN INF8007-web-scraper No license field.
up to date in 0.552s
found 0 vulnerabilities
>>> Running the web server
>>> Waiting for server to start ...
> [email protected] start /Users/amineelhattami/work/INF8007-web-scraper/scratch
> node ./bin/www
# Running the crawler
2020-04-02 19:49:12,958 - src.crawler - DEBUG - Crawling: http://localhost:4000. Found 2 link(s)
2020-04-02 19:49:12,964 - src.crawler - DEBUG - Checking: http://localhost:4000/about OK!
2020-04-02 19:49:12,970 - src.crawler - DEBUG - Crawling: http://localhost:4000/about. Found 2 link(s)
2020-04-02 19:49:12,976 - src.crawler - DEBUG - Checking: http://localhost:4000/contact OK!
2020-04-02 19:49:12,983 - src.crawler - DEBUG - Crawling: http://localhost:4000/contact. Found 2 link(s)
2020-04-02 19:49:12,983 - src.crawler - INFO - Visited 2 page(s)
2020-04-02 19:49:12,983 - __main__ - INFO - No dead links found
# Clean up
>>> Terminating the server
We use black to format the source code and make sure it follows PEP8 standards.
# Current directory is assumed to be root folder of the project
black .
We use pylint to link the source code.
# Current directory is assumed to be root folder of the project
pylint .
For bash scripts we follow The google style guide