Helper scripts to aid upgrading magento 2 websites, or when upgrading a magento module
This tool looks for files which have been modified as part of an upgrade and highlights any overrides for those specific files in your magento instance. This allows you to focus in on only the things that have changed, and gives you an actionable list of things to review specifically for your site.
This tool does a number of checks split into three categories
- Warning level items are something that you should review and often require direct code changes. Something you or a third party have customised may need adjustment or no longer be valid based on the upgraded codebase.INFO
- Information level items are something that you may want to know, but there is not always direct action necessary. These items are hidden by default and exposed with--show-info
- Ignore level items are something that you can ignore. The vendor file change which triggered the analysis was actually a comment/whitespace or other non functional change so there is nothing to check. These items are hidden by default and exposed with--show-ignore
This tool checks for the following
- Preferences (in global/frontend/adminhtml di.xml)
- Overrides
- phtml / js
- layout xml
- html (knockout templates)
- Plugins for methods which have been affected by the upgrade.
- Queue consumers which were added or removed
- Declarative schema
- db_schema.xml table additions/removals/changes
- Setup Patch Data patches
- Setup Schema Data patches
- Setup Scripts
For a detailed breakdown of each check, an example, and the recommended actions please see docs/
If you have any improvements please raise a PR or an Issue.
- Gui
- Github action
All the below should be used on a local setup, never do any of this anywhere near a production website.
It is most reliable if you use this when the instance has been built and is plugged into a database just in case you have theme configuration stored there. Running this without it being plugged into a database could cause some of the theme analysis to be missed.
In your project composer install
and move the original vendor directory to a backup location
cd /path/to/magento2/
composer install
mv vendor/ vendor_orig/
Update your magento version (or third party module) to the one required, with b2b or other extensions if applicable.
composer install
composer require magento/product-enterprise-edition 2.2.6 --no-update
composer require magento/extension-b2b 1.0.6 --no-update
composer require thirdparty/some-module "^2.0"
composer update magento/extension-b2b magento/product-enterprise-edition thirdparty/some-module --with-dependencies
At this point you may receive errors of incompatible modules, often they are tied to a specific version of magento. Correct the module dependencies and composer require the updated version until you can run composer install
Once you have a completed the composer steps you can create a diff which can be analysed.
diff -ur -N vendor_orig/ vendor/ > vendor.patch
By generating the diff in this manner (as opposed to using wget
) we can guarantee that all enterprise and magento extensions are also covered in one patch file.
In a clone of this repository you can analyse the project and patch file.
git clone
cd ampersand-magento2-upgrade-patch-helper
composer install
php bin/patch-helper.php analyse /path/to/magento2/
This will output a grid of files that need to be reviewed and possibly updated to match the changes defined in the newly generated vendor_files_to_check.patch
For those of you who would prefer to work over these results in a GUI rather than a CLI you may want to check out elgentos/magento2-upgrade-gui
| Level | Type | File | To Check |
| WARN | DB schema added | vendor/ampersand/upgrade-patch-helper-test-module/src/module/etc/db_schema.xml | sales_order |
| WARN | DB schema changed | vendor/ampersand/upgrade-patch-helper-test-module/src/module/etc/db_schema.xml | customer_entity |
| WARN | DB schema removed | vendor/ampersand/upgrade-patch-helper-test-module-to-be-removed/src/module/etc/db_schema.xml | catalog_category_entity |
| WARN | DB schema removed | vendor/ampersand/upgrade-patch-helper-test-module/src/module/etc/db_schema.xml | wishlist |
| WARN | DB schema target changed | vendor/magento/module-wishlist/etc/db_schema.xml | app/code/Ampersand/Test/etc/db_schema.xml (wishlist_item) |
| WARN | Override (phtml/js/html) | vendor/magento/module-catalog/view/frontend/layout/catalog_category_view.xml | app/design/frontend/Ampersand/theme/Magento_Catalog/layout/catalog_category_view.xml |
| WARN | Override (phtml/js/html) | vendor/magento/module-checkout/view/frontend/templates/cart/form.phtml | app/design/frontend/Ampersand/theme/Magento_Checkout/templates/cart/form.phtml |
| WARN | Override (phtml/js/html) | vendor/magento/module-checkout/view/frontend/web/js/model/place-order.js | app/design/frontend/Ampersand/theme/Magento_Checkout/web/js/model/place-order.js |
| WARN | Override (phtml/js/html) | vendor/magento/module-customer/view/frontend/email/password_reset_confirmation.html | app/design/frontend/Ampersand/theme/Magento_Customer/email/password_reset_confirmation.html |
| WARN | Override (phtml/js/html) | vendor/magento/module-sales/view/frontend/layout/sales_order_print.xml | app/design/frontend/Ampersand/theme/Magento_Sales/layout/sales_order_print.xml |
| WARN | Override (phtml/js/html) | vendor/magento/module-ui/view/base/web/templates/grid/masonry.html | app/design/frontend/Ampersand/theme/Magento_Ui/web/templates/grid/masonry.html |
| WARN | Plugin | vendor/magento/framework/Stdlib/Cookie/PhpCookieManager.php | Ampersand\Test\Plugin\PhpCookieManager::beforeSetPublicCookie |
| WARN | Plugin | vendor/magento/module-adobe-ims/Model/UserProfile.php | Ampersand\Test\Plugin\AdobeImsUserProfile::afterGetUpdatedAt |
| WARN | Plugin | vendor/magento/module-adobe-ims/Model/UserProfile.php | Ampersand\Test\Plugin\AdobeImsUserProfile::aroundGetUpdatedAt |
| WARN | Preference | vendor/magento/framework/Locale/Format.php | Ampersand\Test\Model\Locale\Format |
| WARN | Preference | vendor/magento/module-advanced-pricing-import-export/Model/Export/AdvancedPricing.php | Ampersand\Test\Model\Admin\Export\AdvancedPricing |
| WARN | Preference | vendor/magento/module-weee/Model/Total/Quote/Weee.php | Ampersand\Test\Model\Frontend\Total\Quote\Weee |
| WARN | Preference | vendor/magento/module-weee/Model/Total/Quote/Weee.php | Ampersand\Test\Model\Total\Quote\Weee |
| WARN | Redundant Override | vendor/ampersand/some-nice-theme/Magento_Ui/web/templates/redundant.html | app/design/frontend/Ampersand/theme/Magento_Ui/web/templates/redundant.html |
WARN count: 18
INFO count: 381 (to view re-run this tool with --show-info)
You should review the above 18 items alongside ./dev/instances/magentom24nodb/vendor_files_to_check.patch
php bin/patch-helper.php analyse /path/to/magento2/ --show-info
Show all INFO
level items, this can be a lot more output and give you a broader view of the system changes.
php bin/patch-helper.php analyse /path/to/magento2/ --show-ignore
Show all IGNR
level items, see
php bin/patch-helper.php analyse /path/to/magento2/ --auto-theme-update 5
For template files the optional argument will automatically apply the changes to the local theme files.
The fuzz factor defines the level of strict comparing. With a fuzz factor of 0 only changes, where all lines of the context match, are applied. With a factor of 1 the first and the last line of the context is ignored. With a factor of n accordingly the first n and the last n lines. If a change could not be applied, a .rej file with the remaining changes is automatically created in the folder of the template file.
As it is recommended to check all changes afterwards anyway, a big fuzz factor can be chosen.
php bin/patch-helper.php analyse /path/to/magento2/ analyse --vendor-namespaces Ampersand,Amazon
This option allows you to filter the results to only the defined list of namespaces. Useful when you only care about overrides in your project namespace.
php bin/patch-helper.php analyse /path/to/magento2/ --sort-by-type
Sorts the output table by the type of override
php bin/patch-helper.php analyse /path/to/magento2/ --phpstorm-threeway-diff-commands
Also print out a series of threeway diff commands for use in phpstorm
For example
Outputting diff commands below
phpstorm diff vendor/ampersand/upgrade-patch-helper-test-module/src/module/Api/ExampleInterface.php app/code/Ampersand/Test/Model/Example.php vendor_orig/ampersand/upgrade-patch-helper-test-module/src/module/Api/ExampleInterface.php