Python library for reading and processing ALC (Automated Lidars and Ceilometers) measurements. A-Profiles supports E-PROFILE ceilometer data. This library is used by V-Profiles.
The official documentation is available here.
aprofiles is directly available on pip. This will install the latest released version of aprofiles and its depencencies.
- with pip
pip install aprofiles
- with pipx
pipx install aprofiles
clone this repository
git clone
with pip (>21.3)
pip install .
with pipx
pipx install .
with poetry
poetry install
In order to install directly the package from source with pip, you can also use the combined command
pip install "git+ssh://[email protected]/AugustinMortier/A-Profiles.git"
# import library
import aprofiles as apro
# read local NetCDF L2 data
path = "examples/data/E-PROFILE/"
profiles = apro.reader.ReadProfiles(path).read()
# extrapolate lowest layers for removing outliers
profiles.extrapolate_below(z=150, inplace=True)
# image plotting of backscatter signal in log scale
profiles.plot(zref='agl', vmin=1e-2, vmax=1e1, log=True)
# fog/condensation detection
# clouds detection
# planetary boundary layer
profiles.pbl(zmin=200, zmax=3000, under_clouds=True)
# image plotting with additional retrievals
profiles.plot(show_fog=True, show_clouds=True, show_pbl=True, vmin=1e-2, vmax=1e1, log=True)
# plot single profile at 21:20
datetime = np.datetime64('2021-09-09T21:20:00')
profiles.plot(datetime=datetime, vmin=-1, vmax=10, zmax=12000, show_clouds=True, show_pbl=True)
A-Profiles is developed by MET Norway and supported by EUMETNET.