This is the preferred and fast way to have your own local development RP setup, while also having a functional cluster. It uses hacks scripts around a lot of the setup to make things easier to bootstrap and be more sensible for running off of your local laptop.
- Check the specific use-case examples where deploying full RP service can be a better match.
- Your development environment is prepared according to the steps outlined in Prepare Your Dev Environment
Check the
file and copy it by creating your own:cp env.example env
Build the development
az aro
extension:. ./env make az
Verify the ARO extension is registered:
az -v ... Extensions: aro 0.4.0 (dev) /path/to/rp/python/az/aro ... Development extension sources: /path/to/rp/python ...
Note: you will be able to update your development
az aro
extension in the future by simply runninggit pull
. If you need to use the "prod" extension, what is bundled inaz
natively rather than your./python
(found in your./env
If you don't have access to a shared development environment and secrets, follow prepare a shared RP development environment.
If you have multiple subscriptions in your account, verify that "ARO SRE Team - InProgress (EA Subscription 2)" is your active subscription:
az account set --subscription "ARO SRE Team - InProgress (EA Subscription 2)"
Set SECRET_SA_ACCOUNT_NAME to the name of the storage account containing your shared development environment secrets and save them in
:SECRET_SA_ACCOUNT_NAME=rharosecretsdev make secrets
Run to create a service principal and self-signed certificate to mock a cluster MSI. This script will also create the platform identities, platform identity role assignments, and role assignment on mock cluster MSI to federate the platform identities. Platform identities will be created in resource group
and subscriptionSUBSCRIPTION
. Save the output values for cluster MSIClient ID
,Base64 Encoded Certificate
, andTenant
. Additionally, save the value forPlatform workload identity role sets
. -
Copy, edit (if necessary) and source your environment file. The required environment variable configuration is documented immediately below:
cp env.example env vi env . ./env
: Location of the shared RP development environment (default:eastus
: Set todevelopment
to use a development RP running at https://localhost:8443/.
NOTE: When creating a MIWI cluster, add the following as well:
: Client ID for service principal that mocks cluster MSI (see previous step).MOCK_MSI_OBJECT_ID
: Object ID for service principal that mocks cluster MSI (see previous step).MOCK_MSI_CERT
: Base64 encoded certificate for service principal that mocks cluster MSI (see previous step).MOCK_MSI_TENANT_ID
: Tenant ID for service principal that mocks cluster MSI (see previous step).PLATFORM_WORKLOAD_IDENTITY_ROLE_SETS
: The platform workload identity role sets (see previous step or value
Create your own RP database (if you don't already have one in the $LOCATION):
The following command can be used to check whether a DB already exists
az deployment group list -g "$RESOURCEGROUP" -o table | grep "databases-development-${AZURE_PREFIX:-$USER}"
This is how you create one, if needed
az deployment group create \ -g "$RESOURCEGROUP" \ -n "databases-development-${AZURE_PREFIX:-$USER}" \ --template-file pkg/deploy/assets/databases-development.json \ --parameters \ "databaseAccountName=$DATABASE_ACCOUNT_NAME" \ "databaseName=$DATABASE_NAME" \ 1>/dev/null
Source your environment file.
. ./env
Run the RP
Option 1: using local compilation and binaries (requires local
/build dependencies/etc):make runlocal-rp
Option 2: using containerized build and run (requires local
):# establish a VPN connection to the shared dev environment Hive cluster sudo openvpn secrets/vpn-${LOCATION}.ovpn & # build/run the RP as a container make run-rp
To create a cluster, use one of the following methods:
NOTE: clusters created by a local dev RP will not be represented by Azure resources in ARM
Manually create the cluster using the public documentation.
Before following the instructions in Create, access, and manage an Azure Red Hat OpenShift 4 Cluster, you will need to add the OCP version you want to install to your DB by put(ting) a new OpenShift installation version, and you will also need to manually register your subscription to your local RP:
curl -k -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "state": "Registered", "properties": { "tenantId": "'"$AZURE_TENANT_ID"'", "registeredFeatures": [ { "name": "Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/RedHatEngineering", "state": "Registered" } ] } }' "https://localhost:8443/subscriptions/$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID?api-version=2.0"
Note that, as there is no default version defined, you will need to provide the
argument toaz aro create
with one of the versions you added to your DB.Note also that as long as the
environment variable is set todevelopment
, theaz aro
client will connect to your local RP. -
Use the create utility:
# Create the cluster CLUSTER=<cluster-name> go run ./hack/cluster create
Later the cluster can be deleted as follows:
CLUSTER=<cluster-name> go run ./hack/cluster delete
By default, a public cluster will be created. In order to create a private cluster, set the
environment variable totrue
prior to creation. Internet access from the cluster can also be restricted by setting theNO_INTERNET
environment variable totrue
NOTE: If the cluster creation fails with
unable to connect to Podman socket...dial unix ///run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock: connect: no such file or directory
, then you will need enable podman user socket by executing :systemctl --user enable --now podman.socket
, and re-run the installation. -
az aro get-admin-kubeconfig \ --name <cluster-name> \ --resource-group <resource_group_name> \ --file dev.admin.kubeconfig; export KUBECONFIG=dev.admin.kubeconfig
The cluster and resource group names can be found by running
az aro list -o table
Setup insecure-tls
:To interact with the cluster using using
you will need to add the--insecure-skip-tls-verify
flag to all commands or use this handy alias:alias oc-dev='oc --insecure-skip-tls-verify'
Note: This is because the cluster is using self-signed certificates.
The following additional RP endpoints are available but not exposed via
az aro
Delete a subscription, cascading deletion to all its clusters:
curl -k -X PUT \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{"state": "Deleted", "properties": {"tenantId": "'"$AZURE_TENANT_ID"'"}}' \ "https://localhost:8443/subscriptions/$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID?api-version=2.0"
List operations:
curl -k \ "https://localhost:8443/providers/Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/operations?api-version=2020-04-30"
View RP logs in a friendly format:
journalctl _COMM=aro -o json --since "15 min ago" -f | jq -r 'select (.COMPONENT != null and (.COMPONENT | contains("access"))|not) | .MESSAGE'
Optionally, create these aliases for viewing logs
cat >>~/.bashrc <<'EOF' alias rp-logs='journalctl _COMM=aro -o json --since "15 min ago" -f | jq -r '\''select (.COMPONENT != null and (.COMPONENT | contains("access"))|not) | .MESSAGE'\''' alias rp-logs-all='journalctl _COMM=aro -o json -e | jq -r '\''select (.COMPONENT != null and (.COMPONENT | contains("access"))|not) | .MESSAGE'\''' EOF
Sometimes you want to use a custom installer, for example, when you want to test a new OCP version's installer. You can create a cluster with the new installer following these steps:
Push the installer image to somewhere accessible from Hive AKS. would be one of the options. You need pull-secret to use the repositories other than
. It must be configured in the secrets. If you are using the hack script, you don't have to care about it because the script usesUSER_PULL_SECRET
automatically. -
Create a cluster with the version you updated.
If you are using the hack script, you can specify the version with
env var.
If you are already familiar with running the ARO RP locally, you can speed up the process executing the script.
The env variables names defined in pkg/util/liveconfig/manager.go control the communication of the ARO-RP with Hive.
- If you want to use ARO-RP + Hive, set
to the path of the kubeconfig of the AKS Dev cluster. Info about creating that kubeconfig (Step Access the cluster via API). - If you want to create clusters using the local ARO-RP + Hive instead of doing the standard cluster creation process (which doesn't use Hive), set
to true. - If you want to enable the Hive adoption feature (which is performed during adminUpdate()), set
to true.
After setting the above environment variables (using export directly in the terminal or including them in the env file), connect to the VPN (Connect to the VPN section).
Warning: Hive do not support OpenShift image referenced by tag (like installer in container does) but only with sha, so make sure version you are installing is defined with OpenShiftPullSpec defined with sha and not tag.
Then proceed to run the ARO-RP as usual.
After that, when you create a cluster, you will be using Hive behind the scenes. You can check the created Hive objects following Debugging OpenShift Cluster and using the oc command.
export CLUSTER=<cluster-name>
export AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=<subscription-id>
export RESOURCEGROUP=<resource-group-name>
. ./env
Perform AdminUpdate on a dev cluster
curl -X PATCH -k "https://localhost:8443/subscriptions/$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCEGROUP/providers/Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/$CLUSTER?api-version=admin" --header "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{}"
Get Cluster details of a dev cluster
curl -X GET -k "https://localhost:8443/subscriptions/$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCEGROUP/providers/Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/$CLUSTER?api-version=admin" --header "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{}"
Get SerialConsole logs of a VM of dev cluster
VMNAME="aro-cluster-qplnw-master-0" curl -X GET -k "https://localhost:8443/admin/subscriptions/$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCEGROUP/providers/Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/$CLUSTER/serialconsole?vmName=$VMNAME" --header "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{}"
Redeploy a VM in a dev cluster
VMNAME="aro-cluster-qplnw-master-0" curl -X POST -k "https://localhost:8443/admin/subscriptions/$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCEGROUP/providers/Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/$CLUSTER/redeployvm?vmName=$VMNAME" --header "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{}"
Stop a VM in a dev cluster
VMNAME="aro-cluster-qplnw-master-0" curl -X POST -k "https://localhost:8443/admin/subscriptions/$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCEGROUP/providers/Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/$CLUSTER/stopvm?vmName=$VMNAME" --header "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{}"
Stop and deallocate a VM in a dev cluster
VMNAME="aro-cluster-qplnw-master-0" curl -X POST -k "https://localhost:8443/admin/subscriptions/$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCEGROUP/providers/Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/$CLUSTER/stopvm?vmName=$VMNAME&deallocateVM=True" --header "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{}"
Start a VM in a dev cluster
VMNAME="aro-cluster-qplnw-master-0" curl -X POST -k "https://localhost:8443/admin/subscriptions/$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCEGROUP/providers/Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/$CLUSTER/startvm?vmName=$VMNAME" --header "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{}"
List VM Resize Options for a master node of dev cluster
curl -X GET -k "https://localhost:8443/admin/subscriptions/$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCEGROUP/providers/Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/$CLUSTER/skus" --header "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{}"
Resize master node of a dev cluster
VMNAME="aro-cluster-qplnw-master-0" VMSIZE="Standard_D16s_v3" curl -X POST -k "https://localhost:8443/admin/subscriptions/$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCEGROUP/providers/Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/$CLUSTER/resize?vmName=$VMNAME&vmSize=$VMSIZE" --header "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{}"
List Clusters of a local-rp
curl -X GET -k "https://localhost:8443/admin/providers/microsoft.redhatopenshift/openshiftclusters"
List cluster Azure Resources of a dev cluster
curl -X GET -k "https://localhost:8443/admin/subscriptions/$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCEGROUP/providers/Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/$CLUSTER/resources"
Perform Cluster Upgrade on a dev cluster
curl -X POST -k "https://localhost:8443/admin/subscriptions/$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCEGROUP/providers/Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/$CLUSTER/upgrade"
Get container logs from an OpenShift pod in a cluster
NAMESPACE=<namespace-name> POD=<pod-name> CONTAINER=<container-name> curl -X GET -k "https://localhost:8443/admin/subscriptions/$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCEGROUP/providers/Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/$CLUSTER/kubernetespodlogs?podname=$POD&namespace=$NAMESPACE&container=$CONTAINER"
List Supported VM Sizes
VMROLE=<master or worker> curl -X GET -k "https://localhost:8443/admin/supportedvmsizes?vmRole=$VMROLE"
Perform Etcd Recovery Operation on a cluster
curl -X PATCH -k "https://localhost:8443/admin/subscriptions/$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCEGROUP/providers/Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/$CLUSTER/etcdrecovery"
Delete a managed resource
MANAGED_RESOURCEID=<id of managed resource to delete> curl -X POST -k "https://localhost:8443/admin/subscriptions/$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCEGROUP/providers/Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/$CLUSTER/deletemanagedresource?managedResourceID=$MANAGED_RESOURCEID"
We have a cosmos container which contains supported installable OCP versions, more information on the definition in
. -
Admin - List OpenShift installation versions
curl -X GET -k "https://localhost:8443/admin/versions"
Admin - Put a new OpenShift installation version
This command adds the image to your cosmosDB. openShiftPullspec comes from (in production we must use sha tag, but in dev we can use tag for simplicity) ; and installerPullspec from int to work in dev without having to set any secret, but you can use repo for installer if you configured secret for it.
curl -X PUT -k "https://localhost:8443/admin/versions" --header "Content-Type: application/json" -d '
"name": "'${OCP_VERSION}'",
"type": "Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/OpenShiftVersion",
"version": "'${OCP_VERSION}'",
"enabled": true,
"openShiftPullspec": "'${OCP_VERSION}'-x86_64",
"installerPullspec": "'${OCP_VERSION%.*}'"
If you want to run the installer version via hive and not in container, you will need to use sha instead of tag for OCP image, and you can use your docker connection for this:
docker login 16:36:10
docker pull${OCP_VERSION}-x86_64
curl -X PUT -k "https://localhost:8443/admin/versions" --header "Content-Type: application/json" -d '
"name": "'${OCP_VERSION}'",
"type": "Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/OpenShiftVersion",
"version": "'${OCP_VERSION}'",
"enabled": true,
"openShiftPullspec": "'$(docker inspect --format='{{index .RepoDigests 0}}'${OCP_VERSION}-x86_64)'",
"installerPullspec": "'${OCP_VERSION%.*}'"
- List the enabled OpenShift installation versions within a region
curl -X GET -k "https://localhost:8443/subscriptions/$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID/providers/Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/locations/$LOCATION/openshiftversions?api-version=2022-09-04"
Create a new OCM configuration
- You can find example payloads in the projects
curl -X PUT -k "https://localhost:8443/subscriptions/$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCEGROUP/providers/Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift/openShiftClusters/$CLUSTER/syncsets/mySyncSet?api-version=2022-09-04" --header "Content-Type: application/json" -d @./hack/ocm/syncset.b64
- You can find example payloads in the projects
SSH to the bootstrap node:
NOTE: If you have a password-based
command, you must first authenticate before runningsudo
in the backgroundsudo openvpn secrets/vpn-$LOCATION.ovpn & CLUSTER=cluster hack/ bootstrap
Get an admin kubeconfig:
CLUSTER=cluster make admin.kubeconfig export KUBECONFIG=admin.kubeconfig
"SSH" to a cluster node:
- Get the admin kubeconfig and
as detailed above. - Run the script. This takes the argument is the name of the NIC attached to the VM you are trying to ssh to.
- Given the following nodes these commands would be used to connect to the respective node
$ oc get nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION aro-dev-abc123-master-0 Ready master 47h v1.19.0+2f3101c aro-dev-abc123-master-1 Ready master 47h v1.19.0+2f3101c aro-dev-abc123-master-2 Ready master 47h v1.19.0+2f3101c aro-dev-abc123-worker-eastus1-2s5rb Ready worker 47h v1.19.0+2f3101c aro-dev-abc123-worker-eastus2-php82 Ready worker 47h v1.19.0+2f3101c aro-dev-abc123-worker-eastus3-cbqs2 Ready worker 47h v1.19.0+2f3101c CLUSTER=cluster hack/ master0 # master node aro-dev-abc123-master-0 CLUSTER=cluster hack/ aro-dev-abc123-worker-eastus1-2s5rb # worker aro-dev-abc123-worker-eastus1-2s5rb CLUSTER=cluster hack/ eastus1 # worker aro-dev-abc123-worker-eastus1-2s5rb CLUSTER=cluster hack/ 2s5rb # worker aro-dev-abc123-worker-eastus1-2s5rb CLUSTER=cluster hack/ bootstrap # the bootstrap node used to provision cluster
- Get the admin kubeconfig and
- Connect to the VPN:
To access the cluster for oc / kubectl or SSH'ing into the cluster you need to connect to the VPN first.
NOTE: If you have a password-based
command, you must first authenticate before runningsudo
in the background
sudo openvpn secrets/vpn-aks-$LOCATION.ovpn &
Access the cluster via API (oc / kubectl):
make aks.kubeconfig export KUBECONFIG=aks.kubeconfig $ oc get nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION aks-systempool-99744725-vmss000000 Ready agent 9h v1.23.5 aks-systempool-99744725-vmss000001 Ready agent 9h v1.23.5 aks-systempool-99744725-vmss000002 Ready agent 9h v1.23.5
"SSH" into a cluster node:
- Run the script, specifying the cluster name and the node number of the VM you are trying to ssh to.
hack/ aro-aks-cluster 0 # The first VM node in 'aro-aks-cluster' hack/ aro-aks-cluster 1 # The second VM node in 'aro-aks-cluster' hack/ aro-aks-cluster 2 # The third VM node in 'aro-aks-cluster'
Access via Azure Portal
Due to the fact that the AKS cluster is private, you need to be connected to the VPN in order to view certain AKS cluster properties, because the UI interrogates k8s via the VPN.
To run fake metrics socket:
go run ./hack/monitor
Steps to perform on Mac
- Mount your local MacOS filesystem into the podman machine:
podman machine init --now --cpus=4 --memory=4096 -v $HOME:$HOME
- Use the openvpn config file (which is now mounted inside the podman machine) to start the VPN connection:
podman machine ssh
sudo rpm-ostree install openvpn
sudo systemctl reboot
podman machine ssh
sudo openvpn --config /Users/<user_name>/go/src/ --daemon --writepid vpnpid
ps aux | grep openvpn
Update the env File
- Open the
file. - Update env file instructions: set
, mention for SHA256 hash. - Update INSTALLER_PULLSPEC with the appropriate name and tag, typically matching the OpenShift version, e.g.,
(for more detail see theenv.example
- Source the environment file before creating the cluster using the
script(Added the updated env in the PR)
cd /hack
- Once the cluster create verify connectivity with the ARO cluster:
- Download the admin kubeconfig file
az aro get-admin-kubeconfig --name <cluster_name> --resource-group v4-westeurope --file ~/.kube/aro-admin-kubeconfig
- Set the KUBECONFIG environment variable
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/aro-admin-kubeconfig
- Verify connectivity with the ARO cluster
kubectl get nodes
kubectl get nodes
shpaitha-aro-cluster-4sp5c-master-0 Ready control-plane,master 39m v1.25.11+1485cc9
shpaitha-aro-cluster-4sp5c-master-1 Ready control-plane,master 39m v1.25.11+1485cc9
shpaitha-aro-cluster-4sp5c-master-2 Ready control-plane,master 39m v1.25.11+1485cc9
shpaitha-aro-cluster-4sp5c-worker-westeurope1-j9c76 Ready worker 29m v1.25.11+1485cc9
shpaitha-aro-cluster-4sp5c-worker-westeurope2-j9zrs Ready worker 27m v1.25.11+1485cc9
shpaitha-aro-cluster-4sp5c-worker-westeurope3-56tk7 Ready worker 28m v1.25.11+1485cc9
- Trying to use
az aro
CLI in Production, fails with:
(NoRegisteredProviderFound) No registered resource provider found for location '$LOCATION' and API version '2024-08-12-preview'
Check if
there is a blockextensions.dev_sources
. If yes, comment it. -
Check if env var
is set. If yes, unset it. -
Installation fails with authorization errors:
Message="authorization.RoleAssignmentsClient#Create: Failure responding to request: StatusCode=403 -- Original Error: autorest/azure: Service returned an error. Status=403 Code=\"AuthorizationFailed\" Message=\"The client '$SP_ID' with object id '$SP_ID' does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/write' over scope '/subscriptions/$SRE_SUBSCRIPTION/resourceGroups/$myresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/b5a083aa-f555-466e-a268-4352b3b8394d' or the scope is invalid. If access was recently granted, please refresh your credentials.\"" Target="encountered error"
exit status 1
To resolve, check if it has the User Access Administrator
role assigned.
az role assignment list --assignee $SP_ID --output json --query '[].{principalId:principalId, roleDefinitionName:roleDefinitionName, scope:scope}'