Allows to import your list of games, achievements and time played. Forked from FriendsOfGalaxy.
You are currently on the "origin_api" branch, which contains the essential fixes in order to get your games back. This branch is aimed to be removed on April 17th, 2025, month when Origin goes EOL.
Please note that, in order to make this plugin fully functional, you need to have a valid EA Desktop account. Subsidiary things such as achievements, game play time and available subscription games are "frozen into time" in the Origin API for Windows users. Mac users still have Origin, and will be switched to EA Desktop pretty soon. If you deem necessary to get those changes, please use the already released versions, based on the "juno_api" branch. As the data vary from the Juno API to the now (almost) defunct Origin API, some features might be tinkered on further releases to make them work as intended.
While the plugin is proven to work on Windows, I cannot confirm that this plugin also works on Mac.
- Download the plugin from the releases page.
- Unzip the archive in Galaxy's Origin plugin location : origin_7f53219b-4e2b-4591-9f4f-dfc5f4ba9eb0.
- Start GOG Galaxy
Just login to your EA Desktop account from GOG Galaxy, and enjoy your games.
- @imLinguin for helping me on the EA login logic & various hints
- @Nutzzz for describing me the IS file decryption and testing the plugin on various aspects.
- All the plugin testers
- The GOG Cafe / Wing of GOG Discord servers