Group Member: Chengcheng Ding & Zeming Chen & John Owen & Zachary Prince
- 2019.11 - 2019.12.10
- Bucknell University
- Instructor: Brain King
- Implementing Risk Board Game, its GUI and having multiplayer function.
- Our class is a standard, modular MVC design - model for data, control for, well, control,
and view hooking up with javafx to show the game on the screen. The game itself is
abstracted as game gadgets like territory and board. And there is a game manager
class that basically takes care of all the calculations and set-ups backstage.
- For more detailed information, please go through UserManual
- Exception: Handle exceptions
- GameGadgets: Main package for territory setup
- GamePlay: player class and turn controller
- MVC: Main GUI for the game, including game entrance
- JavaFX
- Run game from ""
- Didn't complie Jar file
- This is our first time working on an entire project with fully our own design!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- It's definitely much harder that what we expected.
- We've learned how to use Agile development & Scrum.
- Yeah! Finished the entire game !!! (12.10.2019)