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Quick start

# clone the repo
git clone

# change directory
cd smartpy-dapp

# install the repo with npm
npm install

# start the server
npm start

in your browser go to http://localhost:4200


What you need to run this app:

  • Angular version 8.2.14
  • Angular CLI version 8.3.19
  • Typescript version 3.5.3
  • Node.js version 12.13.0 LTS (Long Term Support)
  • npm (node package manager) version 6.12.0

Getting Started

npm commands execute the scripts part of package.json. like on npm start the angular-cli execute ng serve --host --port 4200 and similarly for npm run build or npm build it execute ng build

Important npm test, npm start,npm build, npm restart, and npm stop are all aliases for npm run xxx so no need to confuse.


  • npm run start
  • in your browser http://localhost:4200
  • It run on specified port, default is 4200. if you make any changes to your app, the changes are captured and reflected instantaneously on the UI.


  • npm run build
  • It will generate default dist/ directory output and build artifacts, it can be deployed to your server like apache2 or nginx etc.


ng serve vs ng build

The ng build command is intentionally for building the apps and deploying the build artifacts.

The ng serve command is intentionally for fast, local and iterative developments and also for builds, watches and serves the application from a local CLI development server.

Also, if you running the angular app using ng serve and if you make any changes to your app, the changes are captured and reflected instantaneously on the UI. This avoids starting and stopping the server again and again.

Both commands ng build and ng serve will clear the output folder before they build the project.

The main difference is – The ng build command writes generated build artifacts to the output folder and the ng serve command does not. By default, the output folder is - dist/.

Also the ng serve builds artifacts from memory instead for a faster development experience. The ng build command generates output files just once and does not serve them.

The ng build --watch command will regenerate output files when source files change. This --watch flag is useful if you're building during development and are automatically re-deploying changes to another server.