This repository contains notebooks and files for the Bayesian CBIOMES workshop.
In preparation for the meeting and if Stan is not yet installed on your system follow the installation instructions for your operating system of choice.
- Turn any jupyter notebook into a script using
jupyter nbconvert --to script notebook_name.ipynb
Some introductions to using Git
Steps to bring your github fork master branch up to date with main repo
If you have not done so already, download your fork to some directory (e.g.
) using command such as$ git clone
If you have not done so already, set the upstream repo for your download of the fork
$ cd ~/projects/gits/ $ git remote add upstream
Now you are set to bring the local copy up to date.
- Make sure you are in the relevant directory and have the master branched checked out
$ cd ~/projects/gits/ $ git checkout master
- Now fetch the changes from the upstream repo and merge
$ git fetch upstream master $ git merge upstream/master
- Finally push changes back to your organization
$ git push
Awesome, you should now be done! It is possible that the
git merge upstream/master
step will report a merge conflict error. This happens when the git algorithms can't figure out how to merge some changes you have made yourself in the master branch. One practice to manage this is to make your own changes on a feature branch. The feature branch workflow is described here.
Some timely videos just added on this years viralest math site on the web 3blue1brown recently!
Intro to Bayes, includes references to the SS Central America and other Bayes legends.
Testing Bayes, simple visual working through of Bayes algebra - with nice graphics!