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A complete re-write of the old RoboBuggy. This code was run for RD23, RD24 and RD25, on both NAND and Short Circuit.

Table of Contents

  • Installation and Initial Setup
  • Launching Code
  • Infrastructure Documentation
  • Code Structure and Documentation

Installation and Initial Setup

Necessary + Recommended Software

  • Docker
  • Foxglove
  • VSCode (recommended)
  • Git (recommended)





Install Softwares: WSL, Ubuntu (Windows only)

  • Go to Microsoft Store to install "Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS".

Set up repo in WSL

Apple Silicon Mac Only:

  • In Docker Desktop App: go to settings -> general and turn on "Use Rosetta for x86/amd64 emulation on Apple Silicon"

Set up repository

Clone the Repository

This is so you can edit our codebase locally, and sync your changes with the rest of the team through Git.

  • In your terminal type: $ git clone
  • The clone link above is the URL or can be found above: code -> local -> Clone HTTPS.

Foxglove Visualization

  • Foxglove is used to visualize both the simulator and the actual buggy's movements.
  • First, you need to import the layout definition into Foxglove. On the top bar, click Layout, then "Import from file".
  • image
  • Go to RoboBuggy2 and choose the file telematics layout
  • To visualize the simulator, launch the simulator and then launch Foxglove and select "Open Connection" on startup.
  • Use this address ws://localhost:8765 for Foxglove Websocket
  • Open Foxglove, choose the third option "start link".
  • image

X11 Setup (recommended)

  • Install the appropriate X11 server on your computer for your respective operating systems (Xming for Windows, XQuartz for Mac, etc.).
  • Mac: In XQuartz settings, ensure that the "Allow connections from network clients" under "Security" is checked.
  • Windows: Make sure that you're using WSL 2 Ubuntu and NOT command prompt.
  • While in a bash shell with the X11 server running, run xhost +local:docker.
  • Boot up the docker container using the "Alternate Shortcut" above.
  • Run xeyes while INSIDE the Docker container to test X11 forwarding. If this works, we're good.

Launching Code

Open Docker

  • Use cd to change the working directory to be RoboBuggy2
  • Then do ./ in the main directory (RoboBuggy2) to launch the docker container. Utilize the --no-gpu, --force-gpu, and --run-testing flags as necessary.
  • Then you can go in the docker container using the docker exec -it robobuggy2-main-1 bash.
  • When you are done, type Ctrl+C and use $exit to exit.


  • Navigate to /rb_ws. This is the catkin workspace where we will be doing all our ROS stuff.
  • (This should only need to be run the first time you set up the repository) - to build the ROS workspace and source it, run: catkin_make source /rb_ws/devel/setup.bash # sets variables so that our package is visible to ROS commands
  • To learn ROS on your own, follow the guide on

2D Simulation

  • Boot up the docker container
  • Run roslaunch buggy sim_2d_single.launch to simulate 1 buggy
  • See rb_ws/src/buggy/launch/sim_2d_single.launch to view all available launch options
  • Run roslaunch buggy sim_2d_2buggies.launch to simulate 2 buggies
Screenshot 2023-11-13 at 3 18 30 PM
  • See rb_ws/src/buggy/launch/sim_2d_2buggies.launch to view all available launch options
    • The buggy starting positions can be changed using the sc_start_pos and nand_start_pos arguments (can pass as a key to a dictionary of preset start positions in, a single float for starting distance along planned trajectory, or 3 comma-separated floats (utm east, utm north, and heading))
  • To prevent topic name collision, a topic named t associated with buggy named x have format x/t. The names are SC and Nand in the 2 buggy simulator. In the one buggy simulator, the name can be defined as a launch arg.
  • See Foxglove Visualization for visualizing the simulation. Beware that since topic names are user-defined, you will need to adjust the topic names in each panel.

Connecting to and Launching the RoboBuggies

When launching Short Circuit:

  • Connect to the Wi-Fi named ShortCircuit.
  • In the command line window: SSH to the computer on ShortCircuit and go to folder $ ssh [email protected] Then $ cd RoboBuggy2
  • Setup the docker $ ./ (Utilize the --no-gpu, --force-gpu, and --run-testing flags as necessary.)
  • Go to docker container $ docker_exec
  • Open foxglove and do local connection to “ws://”
  • Roslauch in docker container by $ roslaunch buggy sc-main.launch (wait until no longer prints “waiting for covariance to be better”)

When launching NAND:

  • Ask software lead (WIP)

When shutting down the buggy:

  • Stop roslauch $ ^C (Ctrl+C)
  • Leave the docker container $ exit
  • Shutdown the ShortCircuit computer $ sudo shutdown now


Infrastructure Documentation

Ask Software Lead (WIP)

Simulator notes

  • Longitude + Latitude for Foxglove visualization on map: /state/pose_navsat (sensor_msgs/NavSatFix)
  • UTM coordinates (assume we're in Zone 17N): /sim_2d/utm (geometry_msgs/Pose - position.x = Easting meters , position.y = Northing meters, position.z = heading in degrees from East axis + is CCW)
  • INS Simulation: /nav/odom (nsg_msgs/Odometry) (Noise is implemented to vary ~1cm) Commands:
  • Steering angle: /buggy/steering in degrees (std_msgs/Float64)
  • Velocity: /buggy/velocity in m/s (std_msgs/Float64)

Auton Logic

Ask someone with experience (WIP)