A complete re-write of the old RoboBuggy. This code was run for RD23, RD24 and RD25, on both NAND and Short Circuit.
- Installation and Initial Setup
- Launching Code
- Infrastructure Documentation
- Code Structure and Documentation
- Docker
- Foxglove
- VSCode (recommended)
- Git (recommended)
- Installation instructions here: https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/
- Installation instructions here: https://foxglove.dev/
- Go to Microsoft Store to install "Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS".
- To set up ssh key, follow this link: Connecting to GitHub with SSH.
- Note: Ensure that the SSH keys are generated while in the WSL terminal
- In the website above, see these two pages: Generating a new SSH key and adding it to the ssh-agent and "Adding a new SSH key to your GitHub account".
- In Docker Desktop App: go to settings -> general and turn on "Use Rosetta for x86/amd64 emulation on Apple Silicon"
- To set up ssh key, follow this link: Connecting to GitHub with SSH.
- Note: Ensure that the SSH keys are generated while in the terminal
- In the website above, see these two pages: Generating a new SSH key and adding it to the ssh-agent and "Adding a new SSH key to your GitHub account".
This is so you can edit our codebase locally, and sync your changes with the rest of the team through Git.
- In your terminal type:
$ git clone https://github.com/CMU-Robotics-Club/RoboBuggy2.git
. - The clone link above is the URL or can be found above: code -> local -> Clone HTTPS.
- Foxglove is used to visualize both the simulator and the actual buggy's movements.
- First, you need to import the layout definition into Foxglove. On the top bar, click Layout, then "Import from file".
- Go to RoboBuggy2 and choose the file telematics layout
- To visualize the simulator, launch the simulator and then launch Foxglove and select "Open Connection" on startup.
- Use this address
for Foxglove Websocket - Open Foxglove, choose the third option "start link".
- Install the appropriate X11 server on your computer for your respective operating systems (Xming for Windows, XQuartz for Mac, etc.).
- Mac: In XQuartz settings, ensure that the "Allow connections from network clients" under "Security" is checked.
- Windows: Make sure that you're using WSL 2 Ubuntu and NOT command prompt.
- While in a bash shell with the X11 server running, run
xhost +local:docker
. - Boot up the docker container using the "Alternate Shortcut" above.
- Run
while INSIDE the Docker container to test X11 forwarding. If this works, we're good.
- Use
to change the working directory to beRoboBuggy2
- Then do
in the main directory (RoboBuggy2) to launch the docker container. Utilize the--no-gpu
, and--run-testing
flags as necessary. - Then you can go in the docker container using the
docker exec -it robobuggy2-main-1 bash
. - When you are done, type Ctrl+C and use
to exit.
- Navigate to
. This is the catkin workspace where we will be doing all our ROS stuff. - (This should only need to be run the first time you set up the repository) - to build the ROS workspace and source it, run: catkin_make source /rb_ws/devel/setup.bash # sets variables so that our package is visible to ROS commands
- To learn ROS on your own, follow the guide on https://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Tutorials.
- Boot up the docker container
- Run
roslaunch buggy sim_2d_single.launch
to simulate 1 buggy - See
to view all available launch options - Run
roslaunch buggy sim_2d_2buggies.launch
to simulate 2 buggies

- See
to view all available launch options- The buggy starting positions can be changed using the
arguments (can pass as a key to a dictionary of preset start positions in engine.py, a single float for starting distance along planned trajectory, or 3 comma-separated floats (utm east, utm north, and heading))
- The buggy starting positions can be changed using the
- To prevent topic name collision, a topic named
associated with buggy namedx
have formatx/t
. The names areSC
in the 2 buggy simulator. In the one buggy simulator, the name can be defined as a launch arg. - See Foxglove Visualization for visualizing the simulation. Beware that since topic names are user-defined, you will need to adjust the topic names in each panel.
When launching Short Circuit:
- Connect to the Wi-Fi named ShortCircuit.
- In the command line window:
SSH to the computer on ShortCircuit and go to folder
$ ssh [email protected]
Then$ cd RoboBuggy2
- Setup the docker
$ ./setup_prod.sh
(Utilize the--no-gpu
, and--run-testing
flags as necessary.) - Go to docker container
$ docker_exec
- Open foxglove and do local connection to “ws://”
- Roslauch in docker container by
$ roslaunch buggy sc-main.launch
(wait until no longer prints “waiting for covariance to be better”)
When launching NAND:
- Ask software lead (WIP)
When shutting down the buggy:
- Stop roslauch
$ ^C (Ctrl+C)
- Leave the docker container
$ exit
- Shutdown the ShortCircuit computer
$ sudo shutdown now
Ask Software Lead (WIP)
- Longitude + Latitude for Foxglove visualization on map:
(sensor_msgs/NavSatFix) - UTM coordinates (assume we're in Zone 17N):
(geometry_msgs/Pose - position.x = Easting meters , position.y = Northing meters, position.z = heading in degrees from East axis + is CCW) - INS Simulation:
(nsg_msgs/Odometry) (Noise is implemented to vary ~1cm) Commands: - Steering angle:
in degrees (std_msgs/Float64) - Velocity:
in m/s (std_msgs/Float64)
Ask someone with experience (WIP)