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R functions and datasets related to the mapping of text to the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


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The goal of SDGmapR is to provide an open-source foundation for the systematic mapping to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In this R package one can find publicly available SDG keyword datasets in the tidy data format, the UN Official SDG color scheme and SDG Descriptions, and several functions related to the mapping of text to particular sets of keywords.


You can install the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Publicly Available SDG Keywords

The table below lists publicly available SDG keywords that have been published online. Some of the lists have weights associated with every keyword, while some do not. For the purposes of the SDGmapR package, we will assign an equal weight of one to every word if weights are not given. Note that the column for SDG17 will represent whether the dataset has keywords related to SDG17.

Source Dataset CSV SDG17
Core Elsevier (Work in Progress) elsevier_keywords Link No
Improved Elsevier Top 100 elsevier100_keywords Link No
SDSN sdsn_keywords Link Yes
CMU Top 250 Words cmu250_keywords Link No
CMU Top 500 Words cmu500_keywords Link No
CMU Top 1000 Words cmu1000_keywords Link No
University of Auckland (Work in Progress) auckland_keywords Yes
University of Toronto (Work in Progress) toronto_keywords Yes

Example SDGMapR Usage

We can map to one SDG with the count_sdg_keywords function that adds up the weights of the keywords found. We can find the keywords for one SDG with the tabulate_sdg_keywords that returns the words as a vector, which we can view in the tidy format by applying unnest() to our result.


# Load first 1000 #tidytuesday tweets
tweets <- readRDS(url("")) %>%
  select(text) %>%
  head(1000) %>%
  mutate(text = str_to_lower(text))

# Map to SDG 1 using Improved Elsevier Top 100 Keywords
tweets_sdg1 <- tweets %>%
  mutate(sdg_1_weight = count_sdg_weights(text, 1),
         sdg_1_words = tabulate_sdg_keywords(text, 1)) %>%
  arrange(desc(sdg_1_weight)) %>%
  select(text, sdg_1_weight, sdg_1_words)

# View SDG 1 matched keywords
tweets_sdg1 %>%
#> # A tibble: 100 × 3
#>    text                                                 sdg_1_weight sdg_1_words
#>    <chr>                                                       <dbl> <chr>      
#>  1 "#tidytuesday #rstats my latest tidy tuesday submis…         33.2 poverty    
#>  2 "#tidytuesday #rstats my latest tidy tuesday submis…         33.2 poor       
#>  3 "#tidytuesday #rstats my latest tidy tuesday submis…         33.2 income     
#>  4 "#tidytuesday - average income by state &amp; perce…         29.5 poverty    
#>  5 "#tidytuesday - average income by state &amp; perce…         29.5 income     
#>  6 "#tidytuesday - average income by state &amp; perce…         29.5 people     
#>  7 "#tidytuesday changed state selection method! avg c…         26.6 poverty    
#>  8 "#tidytuesday changed state selection method! avg c…         26.6 income     
#>  9 "#tidytuesday week 29\nbusiness major gives highest…         15.2 unemployme…
#> 10 "#tidytuesday week 29\nbusiness major gives highest…         15.2 employment 
#> # … with 90 more rows

We can map to a different set of keywords by adding an additional input into our function, using the cmu250 (CMU Top 250 Keywords) dataset of SDG keywords instead of the default elsevier1000 dataset of SDG keywords.

# Map to SDG 3 using Elsevier Core keywords
tweets %>%
  mutate(sdg_weight = count_sdg_weights(text, 3, "cmu250")) %>%
  select(text, sdg_weight) %>%
#> # A tibble: 1,000 × 2
#>    text                                                               sdg_weight
#>    <chr>                                                                   <dbl>
#>  1 "deaths per 1k people over the past ~25 years, by cause of death …      44.1 
#>  2 "working on cancer mortality rate in the european union. #rstats,…      38.1 
#>  3 "my 📈 for #tidytuesday ! boxplots really highlight the outliers,…       5.22
#>  4 "top 5 countries with malaria mortality #tidytuesday #rstats #gga…       4.63
#>  5 "happy #tidytuesday! looking at the change in malaria mortality r…       4.63
#>  6 "for this week's #tidytuesday, i looked at decrease in malaria mo…       4.63
#>  7 "#tidytuesday week 33: malaria deaths. decided to stay simple. ba…       4.28
#>  8 "d37 of #100daysofcode. another attempt at #tidytuesday, playing …       4.28
#>  9 "malaria dataset for #tidytuesday this week. did a bunch of explo…       4.28
#> 10 "1/2 the @r4dscommunity welcomes you to a somber week 33 of #tidy…       4.28
#> # … with 990 more rows

# Map to SDG 5 using Elsevier Core keywords
tweets %>%
  mutate(sdg_weight = count_sdg_weights(text, 5, "cmu250")) %>%
  select(text, sdg_weight) %>%
#> # A tibble: 1,000 × 2
#>    text                                                               sdg_weight
#>    <chr>                                                                   <dbl>
#>  1 "#tidytuesday week 9 submission.  gender disparity in dc &amp; ma…      12.6 
#>  2 "for this week's #tidytuesday i decided to go to the point and ex…      12.0 
#>  3 "#tidytuesday week 2. took a look at the relationship between % o…      10.2 
#>  4 "#tidytuesday #r4ds @thomas_mock \nhow do genders compare as work…      10.1 
#>  5 "#tidytuesday submission for last week (oops) showing the gender …       9.97
#>  6 "exploring college majors and the gender pay imbalance. overview …       9.97
#>  7 "#tidytuesday\nnobody *had* to answer this survey did they?  weir…       9.97
#>  8 "#tidytuesday gender disparity in salary for science and engineer…       9.97
#>  9 "first ever #tidytuesday post :) looking back at an old #week4 da…       9.97
#> 10 "quick #tidytuesday before bed! looking at college majors by gend…       9.97
#> # … with 990 more rows

# Map to SDG 7 using Elsevier Core keywords
tweets %>%
  mutate(sdg_weight = count_sdg_weights(text, 7, "cmu250")) %>%
  select(text, sdg_weight) %>%
#> # A tibble: 1,000 × 2
#>    text                                                               sdg_weight
#>    <chr>                                                                   <dbl>
#>  1 "#tidytuesday week32\n\nus wind turbine data - texas is the wind …      13.5 
#>  2 "after a brief hiatus, i am back!\n\nweek 32 #tidytuesday: using …       8.53
#>  3 "d32 of #100daysofcode more r for data sciecne #rstats and took s…       8.53
#>  4 "inspired by @drob on a @datacamp podcast, i created a jekyll blo…       8.53
#>  5 "finally finished up tardy #tidytuesday for the wind turbine data…       8.53
#>  6 "#tidytuesday  week 32. midwest dominance when it comes to wind t…       6.43
#>  7 "wind turbines in the us: top  5 manufacturers. #tidytuesday #rst…       6.43
#>  8 "1/2 the @r4dscommunity welcomes you to a very windy week 32 of #…       5.5 
#>  9 "loved the screencast 💻👨‍💻 by @drob last #tidytuesday, looking at…       5.5 
#> 10 "bonus #tidytuesday chart showing changes in total wind output an…       4.54
#> # … with 990 more rows

We can map course descriptions as well. Below, we show the package being used to map the CMU course descriptions from Fall 2022 to the SDGs.

# Create dataframe of CMU course descriptions from Fall 2022
classes <- readxl::read_excel("datasets/cmu_f22_course_info.xlsx") %>%
  rename(semester = `Semester`,
         course_title = `Course Title`,
         course_num = `Course Number`,
         course_desc = `Course Description`) %>% 
  mutate(course_dept = substr(course_num, 1, 2),
         course_level = substr(course_num, 3, 5),
         course_level_specific = substr(course_num, 3, 3)) %>%
  mutate(text = paste(str_to_lower(course_title), str_to_lower(course_desc))) %>%
  # Clean the punctuation
  mutate(text = gsub("[^[:alnum:]['-]", " ", text)) %>%
  arrange(desc(semester)) %>%
  distinct(course_num, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
  # Only select 5% of courses for the purposes of this Markdown file

# Perform the mapping
all_sdg_keywords <- data.frame()
for (goal_num in 1:17) {
  classes %>%
    mutate(goal = goal_num,
           keyword = tabulate_sdg_keywords(text, goal_num, keywords = "cmu250")) %>%
    unnest(keyword) -> cur_sdg_keywords
  all_sdg_keywords <- rbind(all_sdg_keywords, cur_sdg_keywords) 
all_sdg_keywords %>%
  left_join(cmu250_keywords, by = c("goal", "keyword")) %>%
  select(keyword, weight, semester, course_num, goal, color) %>%
  arrange(course_num) -> all_sdg_keywords

# View mapped keywords dataset
#> # A tibble: 938 × 6
#>    keyword       weight semester course_num  goal color  
#>    <chr>          <dbl> <chr>    <chr>      <dbl> <chr>  
#>  1 students        4.15 F22      05333          4 #C5192D
#>  2 learning        3.64 F22      05333          4 #C5192D
#>  3 skills          3.49 F22      05333          4 #C5192D
#>  4 student         1.13 F22      05333          4 #C5192D
#>  5 semester        0.67 F22      05333          4 #C5192D
#>  6 language        0.47 F22      05333          4 #C5192D
#>  7 development     0.59 F22      05333          8 #A21942
#>  8 technological   0.43 F22      05333          8 #A21942
#>  9 skills          0.41 F22      05333          8 #A21942
#> 10 environment     0.41 F22      05333          8 #A21942
#> # … with 928 more rows

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What are the cmu1000, cmu500, and cmu250 datasets? Why 250, 500, and 1000?

A: These are SDG keyword datasets created by Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). The number indicates approximately how many words are in each SDG for that dataset. For instance, for the cmu500 dataset, we would expect roughly 500 words in SDG6. We initially created the dataset cmu1000 to represent the dataset with roughly 1000 words for each SDG, and then we took the top 250 and 500 words based on keyword weight to generate cmu250 and cmu500.

Q: Is there any easy way to customize the SDG keyword dataset and add in and my own assessment of their weights?

A: Yes! Instead of passing in one of the known SDG keyword datasets, you can directly pass in your own SDG keyword dataset. All you have to do is ensure that the columns match up with goal, keyword, pattern, weight, and color.

Q: How were the weights generated for each keyword?

A: Very loosely, they were interpolated from the Elsevier SDG Keyword weights. Using Google’s Word2Vec, we assigned the weight of each word to be a weighted proportion of defined Elsevier keywords, or keywords that were in Word2Vec’s dataset, based on how often they were a 100 nearest neighbors in terms of semantic similarity.

Q: Why didn’t you use compound expressions like “poverty AND economic resources or”poverty AND (disaster OR disaster area)“?

A: We have attempted to use compound expressions for SDG mapping, but found that in practice, the specific compound expressions for SDG mapping were few and far between. For instance, when we tried to use compound expressions for SDG mapping using Elsevier’s newly released dataset, we found that very few course descriptions had specific compound expression matchings. Thus, we used keyword weights instead.

Q: Words like “student”, “semester”, and “homework” seem like very general SDG4 keywords when mapping to SDG4. When mapping to course descriptions, wouldn’t this tag almost every course with SDG4?

A: Yes. Thus, we filtered out words that were too general among course descriptions. The specific list of words we excluded for SDG4 mapping in mapping to course descriptions are: “education”, “educational”, “school”, “schools”, “student”, “students”, “teaching”, “learning”, “apprenticeship”, “skill”, “skills”, “curriculum”, “teachers”, “trainees”, “trainee”, “teacher”, “classroom”, “educators”, “math”, “classrooms”, “educator”, “graduates”, “diploma”, “undergraduates”, “undergrad”, “course”, “mathematics”, “achievement”, “courses”, “elementary”, “academic”, “training”, “pupils”, “undergraduate”, “college”, “colleges”, “learners”, “algebra”, “reading”, “comprehension”, “achievements”, “universities”, “faculty”, “internship”, “principal”, “internships”, “career”, “maths”, “adult”, “principals”, “curricula”, “grad”, “biology”, “university”, “semester”, “scholars”, “literacy”, “exam”, “exams”, “tutoring”, “literacy”, “syllabus”, “instructor”, “instructors”, “degree”, “classes”, “language”, “science”, “instruction”, “campus”, “homework”, “instructional”, “curricular”, “humanities”, “mentoring”, “teach”, “employment”, “qualifications”, “coursework”, “graduate”.


Thank you to Jingwen Mu and Kevin Kang from the University of Auckland for discussions and insights about regular expression matchings with the SDG keywords.


R functions and datasets related to the mapping of text to the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).







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