Module to manage StackStorm
Currently tested with:
- Ubuntu 14.04
- RHEL/Centos 6/7
Compatability currently being tested:
- Debian 7
- Ubuntu 12.04
- James Fryman [email protected]
- Patrick Hoolboom [email protected]
For a full installation on a single node, a profile already exists to get you setup and going with minimal effort. Simply:
include ::st2::profile::fullinstall
This module aims to provide sane default configurations, but also stay out of your way in the event you need something more custom. To accomplish this, this module uses the Roles/Profiles pattern. Included in this module are several modules that come with sane defaults that you can use directly or use to compose your own site-specific profile for StackStorm installation.
Configuration can be done directly via code composition, or set via Hiera data bindings. A few notable parameters to take note of:
- Version of ST2 to install. (Latest version w/o value)st2::release
- Release of ST2 to install (Latest version w/o value)
All other classes are documented with Puppetdoc. Please refer to specific classes for use and configuration.
As of StackStorm v0.12.0, the transition to init scripts has begun. To enable init scripts (Upstart only, currently. SystemD in progress), add the following flag to hiera or via code composition.
- Boolean
This will apply init scripts to be managed by the OS.
Each of the network services has an environment variable that can be passed
that will disable the spawning of the stand-alone service. This is useful
when setting up uWSGI or other services. This is necessary to remain
compatability with st2ctl
during the transition period to init scripts.
- Disable SimpleHTTPServer for WebUIST2_DISABLE_API
- Disable StandAlone API ServerST2_DISABLE_AUTH
- Disable StandAlone Auth Server
- Profile to install all client libraries for st2st2::profile::fullinstall
- Full installation of StackStorm and dependenciesst2::profile::mistral
- Install of OpenStack Mistralst2::profile::mongodb
- st2 configured MongoDB installationst2::profile::nodejs
- st2 configured NodeJS installationst2::profile::python
- Python installed and configured for st2st2::profile::rabbitmq
- st2 configured RabbitMQ installationst2::proflle::server
- st2 server componentsst2::profile::web
- st2 web components
StackStorm packs can be installed and configured directly from Puppet. This
can be done via the st2::pack
and st2::pack::config
defined types.
Installation/Configuration via modules:
st2::pack { 'linux': }
st2::pack { ['librato', 'consul']:
repo_url => '',
st2::pack { 'slack':
repo_url => '',
config => {
'post_message_action' => {
'webhook_url' => 'XXX',
Installation/Configuration via Hiera:
ensure: present
ensure: present
ensure: present
webhook_url: XXX