Get real-time alerts on Telegram for all the transactions related to PrediQT
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- Get real-time alerts on Telegram for all the transactions related to PrediQT
- Alerts when Orders are placed, cancelled, partially filled and filled
- Alerts for markets you are participating in, when created, ended, resolved, accepted and rejected
- Alerts when Shares are available to claim, when shares are claimed and transferred to another account
- No Spam, Alerts are sent for accounts that you are interested in
- Monitor any account
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
Prerequisites node >= 12 npm >= 6
Clone the repo
git clone
Install NPM packages
cd prediqt_telegram_bot npm install
file with bot keys and dfuse api keyscp .env.example .env nano .env
Start server
npm start
Start server for development
npm run dev