KBLS is a kotlin multiplatform BLS12-381 implementation built for creating cross platform chia applications.
Tips are much appreciated and will definitely help motivation! :)
The currently supported platforms are:
- jvm (android/desktop)
- javascript
- linuxX64
- MinGWX64
- MacosX64
- MacosArm64
- iosX64
- iosArm64
This library is still early and in development, not all features are tested let alone audited.
Below is a list of features which are tested & have unit tests/examples to look at (see src/commonTest/kotlin/chiachat/kbls)
- AugSchemeMPL, BasicSchemeMPL, PopSchemeMPL
- Generate private keys
- Generate public keys
- Derive child private/public keys
- Sign messages w/ private keys
- verify signed messages
- create aggregate signatures
- verify aggregate signatures
To get started using this library, just add the following dependency to your commonMain sourceset dependencies
sourceSets {
val commonMain by getting {
dependencies() {
Here are some examples of using a the library (more in depth examples can be found in the unit tests)
// Private key seed, using all 0's as an example. Normally you'd take a 24 word phrase and encode it.
val seed = UByteArray(32).also { it.fill(0.toUByte()) }
val msg = "hello world".encodeToByteArray()
val secretKey = BasicSchemeMPL.keyGen(seed1)
val publicKey = sk.getG1()
val sig = BasicSchemeMPL.sign(sk1, msg1)
val valid = if(BasicSchemeMPL.verify(publicKey, msg, sig)) "Signature is valid!!" else "Invalid signature"
To build this project simply run ./gradlew build
or ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
To run the unit tests for all available platforms run ./gradlew test
Huge thanks to Rigidity for providing a javascript implementation to reference and cross-check against the chia python implementation https://github.com/Rigidity/bls-signatures