Notes for deploying Home assistant
This guide assumes you're running on the following:
- RaspberryPi 4 (with at least 8GB RAM, 64 GB MicroSD card Application Class 2)
- Home Assistant Operating System
- Z-Wave controller *(
The refernce steps are available at:
Use Balena Etcher tool to brun the HassOS to the SD card:
Download the latest stable 64-bit version of HassOS from (
After installing the freshly minted HassOS SD card to the RaspberryPi, turn it on.
- You will want to give a static IP address on your router.
- Login to the router to find out what IP address was given to HomeAssistant or go to http://homeassistant.local:8123/ if the router supports mDNS
- Fill out the initial information
- Install the OpenZWave add-on.
- Go to the OpenZWave add-on configuration page.
- For the
option set it to the USB device id, such as/dev/serial/by-id/usb-0658_0200-if00
. You may find the correct value for this on theSupervisor -> System -> Host system -> Hardware page
- For the network key, generate it with
cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc '0-9A-F' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1 | sed -e 's/\(..\)/0x\1, /g' -e 's/, $//'
. Save this key somewhere securely and safely - Under the
section, map port1983
on the Host so that we can remotely access theozw-admin
- For the
- Start the OpenZWave add on.
- You can either configure the Z-Wave controller through the add-on provided ingress web-ui; or you can also install the ozw-admin and connect to it remotely
Note: From the OZW-Admin gui, the Z-Wave Plus capability will be unchecked even if the controller device does have support for it. Apparently, that behavior is expected.
Apparently, adding to many secure devices to a Z-Wave network can cause problems. There are devices that don't need to be added securely such as temperature and humiidty sensors; i.e. things only output events. Devices that can recieve commands for automation purposes such as triggering an alarm.
To add a new Z-Wave device (unsecure), also known as a node
- Go to the
page - Then click on
, which will bring you to the integration overview page - Click on the
See .
This will allow you to directly access the underlying host, which means you should be able to directly access the logs of the running Docker containers
Deploy the official container image:
docker run -d -p 1883:1883 eclipse-mosquitto:1.6.12
To send a test message:
docker run --rm -i -t eclipse-mosquitto:1.6.12 mosquitto_sub -h "${MQTT_HOST}" -p 1883 --topic yeet
See for more details.
To send a test message:
docker run --rm -i -t eclipse-mosquitto:1.6.12 mosquitto_pub -h "${MQTT_HOST}" -p 1883 --topic yeet --message 'hello'
See for more details