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Geospatial analysis of green hydrogen production costs.


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Geospatial analysis of hydrogen production costs

GEOH2 calculates the locational cost of green hydrogen production, storage, transport, and conversion to meet demand in a specified location. These costs can be compared to current or projected prices for energy and chemical feedstocks in the region to assess the competitiveness of green hydrogen. Currently, different end-uses, such as fertilizer production, export shipping, and steel production, are not modeled.

The model outputs the levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH) at the demand location including production, storage, transport, and conversion costs.

In the code provided, the specific use case of Namibia is investigated. Parameter references for this case are attached. However, as the code is written in a generalized way, it is possible to analyse all sorts of regions.

GeoH2 builds upon a preliminary code iteration produced by Leander Müller, available under a CC-BY-4.0 licence: It also integrates code produced by Nick Salmon under an MIT licence:

Setup instructions

Clone the repository

First, clone the GeoH2 repository using git.

... % git clone

Environment setup

The python package requirements are in the environment.yaml file. You can install these requirements in a new environment using mamba package and environment manager (installation instructions here):

.../GEOH2 % mamba env create -f environment.yaml

Then activate this new environment using

.../GEOH2 % mamba activate geoh2

CDS API setup

The get_weather_data rule downloads the relevant historical weather data from the ERA-5 reanalysis dataset using Atlite to create a cutout. For this process to work, you need to register and set up your CDS API key as described on the Climate Data Store website.

Note: Ensure the API key and URL are affiliated with CDS-Beta.

Solver setup

For the optimize_hydrogen_plant rule to work, you will need a solver installed on your computer. You can use any solver that works with PyPSA, such as Cbc, a free, open-source solver, or Gurobi, a commerical solver with free academic licenses available. Install your solver of choice following the instructions for use with Python and your operating system in the solver's documentation.

In Scripts/ line 160, the solver is set to gurobi. This must be changed if you choose to use a different solver.

Note: Snakemake uses Cbc, which will be installed upon environment setup. To check, activate your environment and enter mamba list in your terminal for the environment's list of packages.

Preparing input data


To analyse a different area of interest, the input hexagon file needs to be changed, but needs to follow the logic of the one provided.

A full walkthrough on all the tools to create these hexagons are in the GeoH2-data-prep repo.

An explanation of how to create a H3-Hexagon file can be found in the following repo:

The hexagon file needs to filled with the following attributes:

  • waterbody_dist: Distance to selected waterbodies in area of interest
  • waterway_dist: Distance to selected waterways in area of interest
  • ocean_dist: Distance to ocean coastline
  • grid_dist: Distance to transmission network
  • road_dist: Distance to road network
  • theo_pv: Theoretical PV potential --> Possible to investigate with: Note that this value should be in MW.
  • theo_wind: Theoretical wind turbine potential --> Possible to investigate with: Note that this value should be in MW.

Once you have created a hexagon file with these features, save it in the Data folder as hex_final_[COUNTRY ISO CODE].geojson.

Note: COUNTRY ISO CODE is the country's ISO standard 2-letter abbreviation.

Input parameter Excel files

Required input parameters include the spatial area of interest, total annual demand for hydrogen, and prices and cost of capital for infrastructure investments. These values can be either current values or projected values for a single snapshot in time. The parameter values for running the model can be specified in a set of Excel files in the Parameters folder.

  • Basic H2 plant: In this folder, there are several csv files containing the global parameters for optimizing the plant design. All power units are MW and all energy units are MWh. For more information on these parameters, refer to the PyPSA documentation.

Note: The excel files must be kept in a folder with the title matching the Country ISO Code. From the use case of Namibia, we have them in a folder titled "NA"

  • Conversion parameters: conversion_parameters.xlsx includes parameters related to converting between states of hydrogen.

  • Country parameters: country_parameters.xlsx includes country- and technology-specific interest rates, heat and electricity costs, and asset lifetimes.

    • Interest rates should be expressed as a decimal, e.g. 5% as 0.05.
    • Asset lifetimes should be in years.
  • Demand parameters: demand_parameters.xlsx includes a list of demand centers. For each demand center, its lat-lon location, annual demand, and hydrogen state for that demand must be specified. If multiple forms of hydrogen are demanded in one location, differentiate the demand center name (e.g. Nairobi LH2 and Nairobi NH3) to avoid problems from duplicate demand center names.

  • Pipeline parameters: pipeline_parameters.xlsx includes the price, capacity, and lifetime data for different sizes of hydrogen pipeline.

  • Technology parameters: technology_parameters.xlsx includes water parameters, road infrastructure parameters, and whether road and hydrogen pipeline construction is allowed.

  • Transport parameters: transport_parameters.xlsx includes the parameters related to road transport of hydrogen, including truck speed, cost, lifetime, and capacity.


This repository uses Snakemake to automate its workflow (for a gentle introduction to Snakemake, see Getting Started with Snakemake on The Carpentries Incubator).


Wildcards specify the data used in the workflow. This workflow uses two wildcards: country (an ISO standard 2-letter abbreviation) and weather_year (a 4-digit year between 1940 and 2023 included in the ERA5 dataset).

Config file

High-level workflow settings are controlled in the config file: config.yaml.

Multiple wildcard values are specified in the scenario section. These can be changed to match the country and weather_year you are analysing.

Renewable generators considered for hydrogen plant construction are included in the generators section.

In the transport section, pipeline_construction and road_construction can be switched from True to False, as needed.

Note: country and weather_year can be a list of more than one, depending on how many countries and years you are analysing. You must ensure all other files that need for each country run are where they should be.


Rules can be run multiple ways using Snakemake. Below, you will be able to run rules by entering the rule name or their output in the terminal. Snakemake will run all necessary rules and their corresponding scripts to create an output. While all rules are discussed here for completeness, you do not need to enter each rule one-by-one and can simply enter the output you're interested in or one of the run all rules. Rules are defined in the Snakefile.

Snakemake requires a specification of the number of cores to be used; this can be up to 4.

Run time

The get_weather_data rule, depending on country size and your internet connection, could take from a few minutes to several hours to run. Ensure that you have space on your computer to store the data, which can be several GB.

The optimize_hydrogen_plant rule, depending on country size and the number of demand centers, could take from several minutes to several hours to run.

The optimize_transport_and_conversion rule, depending on country size, should take a few minutes to run.

All other rules take a few seconds to run.

Rule to remove all files

Note: This rule does not work on Windows, as of yet. Please manually remove the files you need to.

This rule is important to know first, as it will remove all the files that the below rules will create as well as the file you initially saved into the Data folder as hex_final_[COUNTRY ISO CODE].geojson.

This is to allow for a quicker transition to analyse more data and to clear up space. Make sure you save the created files that you need elsewhere before running the following rule into the terminal:

snakemake -j [NUMBER OF CORES TO BE USED] clean

Run optimisation and mapping rules

This section can be used to run most rules, without having to run exact output files. If any files are changed after a completed run, the same command can be used again and Snakemake will only run the necessary scripts to ensure the results are up to date.

The total hydrogen cost for all scenarios can be run by entering the following rule into the terminal (make sure you have the necessary weather file in the Cutouts folder before running, you might have to run the get_weather_data rule):

snakemake -j [NUMBER OF CORES TO BE USED] optimise_all

Similarly, you can map hydrogen costs for all scenarios with the following rule:

snakemake -j [NUMBER OF CORES TO BE USED] map_all

assign_country rule

Assign country-specific interest rates, technology lifetimes, and heat and electricity prices from country_parameters.xlsx to different hexagons based on their country.

You can run this rule by entering the following command in your terminal:

snakemake -j [NUMBER OF CORES TO BE USED] Data/hexagons_with_country_[COUNTRY ISO CODE].geojson

get_weather_data rule

Note: This rule will also create the assign_country rule's output, as it uses that file. You can run this rule by entering the following command in your terminal:


optimize_transport_and_conversion rule

Calculate the cost of the optimal hydrogen transportation and conversion strategy from each hexagon to each demand center, using both pipelines and road transport, using parameters from technology_parameters.xlsx, demand_parameters.xlsx, and country_parameters.xlsx.

You can run this rule by entering the following command in your terminal:

snakemake -j [NUMBER OF CORES TO BE USED] Resources/hex_transport_[COUNTRY ISO CODE].geojson

calculate_water_costs rule

Calculate water costs from the ocean and freshwater bodies for hydrogen production in each hexagon using Parameters/technology_parameters.xlsx and Parameters/country_parameters.xlsx.

You can run this rule by entering the following command in your terminal:

snakemake -j [NUMBER OF CORES TO BE USED] Resources/hex_water_[COUNTRY ISO CODE].geojson

optimize_hydrogen_plant rule

Design green hydrogen plant to meet the hydrogen demand profile for each demand center for each transportation method to each demand center using the script. Ensure that you have specified your hydrogen plant parameters in the CSV files in the Parameters/Basic_H2_plant folder, your investment parameters in Parameters/investment_parameters.xlsx, and your demand centers in Parameters/demand_parameters.xlsx.

You can run this rule by entering the following command in your terminal:

snakemake -j [NUMBER OF CORES TO BE USED] Resources/hex_lcoh_[COUNTRY ISO CODE]_[WEATHER YEAR].geojson

calculate_total_hydrogen_cost rule

Combine results to find the lowest-cost method of producing, transporting, and converting hydrogen for each demand center.

You can run this rule by entering the following command in your terminal:

snakemake -j [NUMBER OF CORES TO BE USED] Results/hex_total_cost_[COUNTRY ISO CODE]_[WEATHER YEAR].geojson

calculate_cost_components rule

Calculate the cost for each type of equipment in each polygon.

You can run this rule by entering the following command in your terminal:

snakemake -j [NUMBER OF CORES TO BE USED] Results/hex_cost_components_[COUNTRY ISO CODE]_[WEATHER YEAR].geojson

map_costs rule

Visualize the spatial variation in different costs per kilogram of hydrogen.

You can run this rule by entering the following command in your terminal:



This model considers only greenfield wind and solar plants for hydrogen production. Therefore it does not consider using grid electricity or existing generation for hydrogen production. The model further assumes that all excess electricity is curtailed.

While the design of the green hydrogen plant is convex and therefore guarenteed to find the global optimum solution if it exists, the selection of the trucking strategy is greedy to avoid the long computation times and potential computational intractability associated with a mixed-integer optimization problem.

Currently, only land transport is considered in the model. To calculate the cost of hydrogen production for export, any additional costs for conversion and transport via ship or undersea pipeline must be added in post-processing.

Transport costs are calculated from the center of the hexagon to the demand center. When using large hexagon sizes, this assumption may over- or underestimate transportation costs significantly. Additionally, only path length is considered when calculating the cost of road and pipeline construction. Additional costs due to terrain are not considered.

The availability of water for electrolysis is not limited in regions that could potentially face drought, and a single prices for freshwater and ocean water are used throughout the modeled area.


If you decide to use GeoH2, please kindly cite us using the following:

Halloran, C., Leonard, A., Salmon, N., Müller, L., & Hirmer, S. (2024). GeoH2 model: Geospatial cost optimization of green hydrogen production including storage and transportation. MethodsX, 12, 102660.

author = {Halloran, Claire and Leonard, Alycia and Salmon, Nicholas and Müller, Leander and Hirmer, Stephanie},
doi = {10.1016/j.mex.2024.102660},
journal = {MethodsX},
month = jun,
pages = {102660},
title = {{GeoH2 model: Geospatial cost optimization of green hydrogen production including storage and transportation}},
volume = {12},
year = {2024}

Case study parameters

This repository includes sample parameters for a hydrogen production case in Namibia. References for these parameters are included in the tables below for reference. For the results of this case, please refer to the model MethodsX article:

Green hydrogen plant parameters:

Hardware Parameter Value Units Ref.
Solar photovoltaic Capex 1,470,000 €/MW Allington et al., 2021
Wind turbines Capex 1,580,000 €/MW Allington et al., 2021
Hydrogen electrolysis Capex 1,250,000 €/MW Müller et al., 2022
Hydrogen electrolysis Efficiency 0.59 MWh H2/MWh el Taibi et al., 2020
Hydrogen compression Isentropic efficiency 0.051 MWh el/MWh H2 Müller et al., 2022
Hydrogen storage unloading Efficiency 1 MWh H2/MWh H2-stored Assumption
Battery Capex 95,000 €/MW BloombergNEF, 2022
Hydrogen storage Capex 21,700 €/MWh Müller et al., 2022

Conversion parameters:

Process Parameter Value Units Ref.
500 bar compression Heat capacity 0.0039444 kWh/kg/K Kurzweil and Dietlmeier, 2016
500 bar compression Input temperature 298.15 K Müller et al., 2022
500 bar compression Input pressure 25 bar Müller et al., 2022
500 bar compression Isentropic exponent 1.402 Kurzweil and Dietlmeier, 2016
500 bar compression Isentropic efficiency 0.8 Müller et al., 2022
500 bar compression Compressor lifetime 15 years Cerniauskas, 2021
500 bar compression Compressor capex coefficient 40,035 €/kg H2/day Cerniauskas, 2021
500 bar compression Compressor opex 4 % capex/year Cerniauskas, 2021
Hydrogen liquification Electricity demand 9.93 kWh/kg H2 Ausfelder and Dura
Hydrogen liquification Capex quadratic coefficient -0.0002 €/(kg H2)^2 Müller et al., 2022
Hydrogen liquification Capex linear coefficient 1,781.9 €/kg H2 Müller et al., 2022
Hydrogen liquification Capex constant 300,000,000 Müller et al., 2022
Hydrogen liquification Opex 8 % capex/year Cerniauskas, 2021
Hydrogen liquification Plant lifetime 20 years Cerniauskas, 2021
LOHC hydrogenation Electricity demand 0.35 kWh/kg H2 Andersson and Grönkvist, 2019
LOHC hydrogenation Heat demand -9 kWh/kg H2 Hydrogenious, 2022
LOHC hydrogenation Capex coefficient 0.84 kWh/kg H2/year IEA, 2020
LOHC hydrogenation Opex 4 % capex/year IEA, 2020
LOHC hydrogenation Plant lifetime 25 years IEA, 2020
LOHC hydrogenation Carrier costs 2 €/kg carrier Clark, 2020
LOHC hydrogenation Carrier ratio 16.1 kg carrier/kg H2 Arlt and Obermeier, 2017
LOHC dehydrogenation Electricity demand 0.35 kWh/kg H2 Andersson and Grönkvist, 2019
LOHC dehydrogenation Heat demand 12 kWh/kg H2 Hydrogenious, 2022
LOHC dehydrogenation Capex coefficient 2.46 kWh/kg H2 IEA, 2020
LOHC dehydrogenation Opex 4 % capex/year IEA, 2020
LOHC dehydrogenation Plant lifetime 25 years IEA, 2020
Ammonia synthesis Electricity demand 2.809 kWh/kg H2 IEA, 2021
Ammonia synthesis Capex coefficient 0.75717 kWh/g H2/year IEA, 2021
Ammonia synthesis Opex 1.5 % capex/year IEA, 2020
Ammonia synthesis Plant lifetime 25 years IEA, 2020
Ammonia cracking Heat demand 4.2 kWh/kg H2 Andersson and Grönkvist, 2019
Ammonia cracking Capex coefficient 17,262,450 kWh/g H2/hour Cesaro et al., 2021
Ammonia cracking Opex 2 % capex/year Müller et al., 2022
Ammonia cracking Plant lifetime 25 years Müller et al., 2022

Trucking parameters:

Hardware Parameter Value Units Ref.
All trucks Average truck speed 70 km/h Assumption
All trucks Working hours 24 h/day Assumption
All trucks Diesel price 1.5 €/L Assumption
All trucks Driver wage 2.85 €/h Müller et al., 2022
All trucks Working days 365 days/year Assumption
All trucks Max driving distance 160,000 km/year Müller et al., 2022
All trucks Truck capex 160,000 Reuss et al., 2017
All trucks Truck Opex 12 % capex/year Reuss et al., 2017
All trucks Diesel consumption 35 L/100 km Reuss et al., 2017
All trucks Truck lifetime 8 years Reuss et al., 2017
All trucks Trailer lifetime 12 years Reuss et al., 2017
500 bar hydrogen trailer Trailer capex 660,000 Cerniauskas, 2021
500 bar hydrogen trailer Trailer opex 2 % capex/year Cerniauskas, 2021
500 bar hydrogen trailer Trailer capacity 1,100 kg H2 Cerniauskas, 2021
500 bar hydrogen trailer Loading and unloading time 1.5 hours Cerniauskas, 2021
Liquid hydrogen trailer Trailer capex 860,000 Reuss et al., 2017
Liquid hydrogen trailer Trailer opex 2 % capex/year Reuss et al., 2017
Liquid hydrogen trailer Trailer capacity 4,300 kg H2 Reuss et al., 2017
Liquid hydrogen trailer Loading and unloading time 3 hours Reuss et al., 2017
LOHC trailer Trailer capex 660,000 IEA, 2020
LOHC trailer Trailer opex 2 % capex/year Reuss et al., 2017
LOHC trailer Trailer capacity 1,800 kg H2 Reuss et al., 2017
LOHC trailer Loading and unloading time 1.5 hours Reuss et al., 2017
Ammonia trailer Trailer capex 210,000 IEA, 2020
Ammonia trailer Trailer opex 2 % capex/year IEA, 2020
Ammonia trailer Trailer capacity 2,600 kg H2 IEA, 2020
Ammonia trailer Loading and unloading time 1.5 hours IEA, 2020

Road parameters:

Road length Parameter Value Units Ref.
Short road (<10 km) Capex 626,478.45 €/km Müller et al., 2022
Long road (>10 km) Capex 481,866.6 €/km Müller et al., 2022
All roads Opex 7,149.7 €/km/year Müller et al., 2022

Pipeline parameters:

Pipeline size Parameter Value Units Ref.
All pipelines Opex 1.25 % capex/year Jens et al., 2021
All pipelines Availability 95 % Müller et al., 2022
All pipelines Pipeline lifetime 42.5 years Jens et al., 2021
All pipelines Compressor lifetime 24 years Jens et al., 2021
All pipelines Electricity demand 0.000614 kWh/kg H2/km Jens et al., 2021
Large pipeline Maximum capacity 13 GW Jens et al., 2021
Large pipeline Pipeline capex 2,800,000 €/km Jens et al., 2021
Large pipeline Compressor capex 620,000 €/km Jens et al., 2021
Medium pipeline Maximum capacity 4.7 GW Jens et al., 2021
Medium pipeline Pipeline capex 2,200,000 €/km Jens et al., 2021
Medium pipeline Compressor capex 310,000 €/km Jens et al., 2021
Small pipeline Maximum capacity 1.2 GW Jens et al., 2021
Small pipeline Pipeline capex 90,000 €/km Jens et al., 2021
Small pipeline Compressor capex 90,000 €/km Jens et al., 2021

Water parameters:

Type Parameter Value Units Ref.
Freshwater Treatment electricity demand 0.4 kWh/m^3 water US Dept. of Energy, 2016
Ocean water Treatment electricity demand 3.7 kWh/m^3 water Patterson et al., 2019
All water Transport cost 0.1 €/100 km/m^3 water Zhou and Tol, 2005
All water Water specific cost 1.25 €/m^3 water Wasreb, 2019
All water Water demand 21 L water/kg H2 Taibi et al., 2020

Country-specific parameters:

Country Parameter Value Units Ref.
Namibia Electricity price 0.10465 €/kWh
Namibia Heat price 0.02 €/kWh Assumption
Namibia Solar interest rate 6 % Assumption
Namibia Solar lifetime 20 years Assumption
Namibia Wind interest rate 6 % Assumption
Namibia Wind lifetime 20 years Assumption
Namibia Plant interest rate 6 % Assumption
Namibia Plant lifetime 20 years Assumption
Namibia Infrastructure interest rate 6 % Assumption
Namibia Infrastructure lifetime 50 years Müller et al., 2022


Geospatial analysis of green hydrogen production costs.







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