A personal music-playing discord bot project.
The bot ran by Technomunk is personal and thus can only be invited
by them. To interact with the bot on the server send to any chat a message beginning with b.
Start by using b.help
which will print all available commands.
- Get python 3.
- Create a virtual environment:
python3 -m venv <venv>
- Activate virtual environment:
- Windows:
source <venv>/Scripts/activate
- Linux/MacOS:
source <venv>/bin/activate
- Windows:
- Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Get bot token from discord
- Activate virtual environment:
- Windows:
source <venv>/Scripts/activate
- Linux/MacOS:
source <venv>/bin/activate
- Windows:
- Run the bot:
python3 src/bot.py
- Active queue message (updates as songs change)
- Guess the song game
- Emojifier
- Submit issues with wished functionality or problems encountered during use
- Fork the repo and make an upstream PR with your own changes