204 commits
to development
since this release
This version includes a bunch of update/upgrade including a polygonal domain. Also it was Polyfest last week so it's a good name.
This is a pre release so there are still a lot of bugs hanging around ready to pounce on unsuspected users.
What's Changed
- Catalyst by @CyprienBosserelle in #25
- Development for tsunami modelling for release by @CyprienBosserelle in #29
- Bring in Catalyst Vis in the adaptation scheme. by @CyprienBosserelle in #27
- Adapt by @CyprienBosserelle in #31
- Prolongation wet/dry by @CyprienBosserelle in #34
- Bringing back the new gradient calculation to the master branch by @CyprienBosserelle in #35
- Fix river test by @CyprienBosserelle in #39
- Fix TS output issue by @CyprienBosserelle in #41
- New Makefile for rewritten version of BG_Flood by @CyprienBosserelle in #42
- Fix ActiveCell on GPU for rain forcing by @CyprienBosserelle in #44
- Test rain to development by @CyprienBosserelle in #47
- New Engine (Buttinger et al.) and fix adaptive simulation by @CyprienBosserelle in #48
- Self hosted CI by @AliceHarang in #53
- Fix deform adapt by @CyprienBosserelle in #55
- Add param file as model input and fix float polymorphism by @CyprienBosserelle in #56
- Add polygon as model domain by @CyprienBosserelle in #52
- Adding atmospheric pressure forcing by @CyprienBosserelle in #57
New Contributors
- @AliceHarang made their first contribution in #53
Full Changelog: v0.3...v0.7