This Client provides library in and thin wrapper around this library, that basically only parses CLI arguments and constructs a JSON request from that.
usage: dbs-client [-h] [--version] [--server url] [-p port] [-u user]
Client for lightweight communication with DBS server.
positional arguments:
tasks Show all tasks
taskstatus Show status of the task
images Show all images
imageinfo Show information about specified image
imagestatus Show status information about specified image
imagedeps Show deps of specified image
new Submit a new task
move Move some image from one registry to another registry
rebuild Rebuild already built image
invalidate Invalidate all images built from specified image
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
--server url URL of the Build Server
-p port, --port port Port number the Build Server runs on
-u user, --user user Username, will be replaced by advanced authorization
-F FILE, --file FILE JSON file with specification
This is an open-source project by Red Hat.
Submit a new task:
dbs-client -p 8000 new \
-t tag \
-g \
Get info about a task:
dbs-client -p 8000 taskstatus -t 123465
Get info about all images:
dbs-client -p 8000 images
Get sources of all components:
mkdir dbs ; cd dbs
for c in dock dbs-client dbs-server ; do
git clone$c.git
We need three processes, so we will use three terminals.
Install all dependencies as documented in README of particular components.
Prepare building docker image as described at
Install and run a local Docker registry for storing the built images:
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 registry
On terminal-celery, run:
cd dbs-server
./ celery worker -l INFO
On terminal-server, run:
cd dbs-server
head -c 500 /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1 >secret_key
rm -f data/db.sqlite3
./ syncdb --noinput
./ runserver
On terminal-client, run:
cd dbs-client
./dbs-client -p 8000 new \
-t tag \
-g \
./dbs-client -p 8000 tasks
You can cange configuration of the client (like server URL) either by specifying CLI arguments or define them in file ~/.config/dbs, which can have the following format: