This is a template Rust project to be able to cross compile for PowerPC E5500 processors.
The problem with powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu target in Rust is that by default it requires AltiVec, which is not available on PowerPC E5500. What is more problematic std crate comes with AltiVec enabled so std create as well as other creates have to be recompiled.
Ubuntu 18.04/20.04.5 see ubuntu_20.04 branch.
Ubuntu 22.04 instructions to install powerpc cross compiler
sudo apt-get install gcc-11-powerpc64-linux-gnu
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/powerpc-linux-gnu-gcc powerpc-linux-gnu-gcc /usr/bin/powerpc64-linux-gnu-gcc-11 10
You will have to switch to nightly because std/core depends on nightly.
rustup default nightly
rustup component add rust-src
rustup target add powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu
cargo install xargo
$ xargo build --target powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu
- See .cargo/config for linker configuration
- If you have this error:
error[E0635]: unknown feature `llvm_asm`
--> /home/rusty/.cargo/registry/src/
There is a bug in cargo-xbuild (see:, execute following command:
cargo install cargo-xbuild --git --branch master --debug --force
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