Collection of tech talks, papers and web links on Distributed Systems, Scalability and System Design.
- Lecture - Scalability - Harvard Web Development, David Malan
- Building Software Systems At Google and Lessons Learned
- Scalable Internet Architectures - Theo Schlossnagle
- Seattle Conference on Scalability - Jeff Dean
- Best Practices for Scaling Web Apps
- Building a Scalable Architecture for Web Apps
- Web application architecture: The whole stack - Allen Holub
- Scalable Distributed Design
- Building Software at Google Scale Tech Talk
- Seattle Conference on Scalability: Scaling Google for Every User
- Seattle Conference on Scalability: Lessons In Building Scalable Systems
- Workers, Queues, and Cache
- Velocity 2012: Jay Parikh, "Building for a Billion Users"
- Building Large Systems at Google
- 3000 images per second - Henna Kerman - @Scale 2016
- Scaling to over 1,000,000 requests per second
- Jeff Dean: "Achieving Rapid Response Times in Large Online Services" Keynote - Velocity 2014
- Getting Things Done at Scale
- Scale-oriented Architecture with APIs
- You Won't Believe How the Biggest Sites Build Scalable and Resilient Systems!
- Scalable Distributed Design
- Distributed Patterns you should know by Eric Redmond
- GOTO 2012 • Runaway Complexity in Big Data Systems...and a Plan to Stop it • Nathan Marz
- Seattle Conference on Scalability: Abstractions for handling large datasets
- High Performance Web Sites and YSlow
- Seattle Conference on Scalability: YouTube Scalability
- How to answer design question: How do you design a twitter?
- Operations at Twitter: Scaling Beyond 100 Million Users
- How We've Scaled Dropbox
- Keynote: Twitter's search architecture
- Marco Cecconi - "The Architecture of StackOverflow"
- Scalability at YouTube
- Lessons of Scale at Facebook
- Scale at Facebook
- Flight Lightning - Scaling Twitter core infrastructure
- Scaling Instagram with Mike Krieger
- GOTO 2014 • Scaling Pinterest • Marty Weiner (InfoQ link)
- Real-Time Delivery Architecture at Twitter
- OSCON 2014: How Works; Pete Hunt
- Scaling the Data Infrastructure at Instagram
- O'Reilly MySQL CE 2011: Jeremy Cole, "Big and Small Data at @Twitter"
- O'Reilly Webcast: How Pinterest Architected and Built Their Sharded MySQL Datastore
- Timelines at Scale (Twitter)
- Architecture at Scale at ESPN
- Building Highly-resilient Systems at Pinterest
- Scaling Uber
- How Zoom works
- Scaling Engineering Culture at Twitter
- Keynote - Systems at Facebook Scale
- Scaling YouTube's Backend: The Vitess Trade-offs
- Hacker Way: Rethinking Web App Development at Facebook
- Data Platform Architecture, Evolution, and Philosophy at Netflix
- Data Platform Architecture, Evolution, and Philosophy at Netflix
- Structure, Personalization, Scale: A Deep Dive into LinkedIn Search
- Scaling Foursquare: From Check-ins to Recommendations
- How Netflix Leverages Multiple Regions to Increase Availability: An Active-Active Case Study
- That's 'Billion' with a 'B': Scaling to the Next Level at WhatsApp
- How Facebook Scales Big Data Systems
- Scaling Uber's Real-time Market Platform
- Software Development & Architecture @ LinkedIn
- Etsy Search: How We Index and Query 26 Million One-of-a-kind Items
- Scalability Lessons from eBay, Google, and Real-time Games
- How SoundCloud Uses Cassandra
- Service Architectures at Scale: Lessons from Google and eBay
- Solidifying the Cloud: How Google Backs up the Internet
- Real-Time Systems at Twitter
- Serving user intent : Facebook style notifications using HBase and Event streams
- Netflix's Distributed Computing Strategies: Optimistic Design for the Eventual Consistency Model
- Intro to Hadoop and MapReduce (Udacity)
- Introduction to Hadoop
- MapReduce Flow Chart
- Distributed Computing CS 61A UC Berkeley
- MapReduce CS 61A UC Berkeley
- Cluster Computing and MapReduce Lecture 1
- Cluster Computing and MapReduce Lecture 2
- Introducing Apache Hadoop: The Modern Data Operating System
- Spanner: Google’s Globally-Distributed Database (Youtube link)
- Spanner - multi-version, globally- distributed, and synchronously-replicated database
- BigTable: A Distributed Structured Storage System (slides)
- Large-Scale Low-Latency Storage for the Social Network - Data@Scale
- Structured Data at Box: How We're Building for Scale
- F4 - Photo Storage at Facebook
- The Storage Technologies Behind Facebook Messages
- Cold Storage at Facebook
- Taking Storage for a Ride with Uber
- Zen: Pinterest's Graph Storage Service - @Scale 2014 - Data (With Slides)
- Storage Systems at a Rapidly Scaling Startup with a Small Team - Data@Scale
- f4: Facebook's Warm BLOB Storage System
- Giraph
- Apache Giraph Large Scale Graph Processing On Hadoop
- Processing Over a Billion Edges on Apache Giraph
- Graph Search: The Power of Connected Data
- Using Graph Partitioning in Distributed Systems Design
- Let Me Graph That For You: Building a Graph Database Application
- GraphChi: Large-Scale Graph Computation on Just a PC
- PowerGraph: Distributed Graph-Parallel Computation on Natural Graphs
- Heron: Real-time Stream Data Processing at Twitter
- Samza in LinkedIn: How LinkedIn Processes Billions of Events Everyday in Real-time
- Mantis: Netflix's Event Stream Processing System
- High Throughput Stream Processing with ACID Guarantees
- Martin Kleppmann — Event Sourcing and Stream Processing at Scale
- ETE 2012 - Nathan Marz on Storm
- Cassandra NYC 2011: Nathan Marz - The Storm and Cassandra Realtime Computation Stack
- How To Design A Good API and Why it Matters
- How to Design Great APIs - Parse Developer Day 2013
- Google I/O 2010 - How Google builds APIs
- Designing a Beautiful REST+JSON API
- Introduction to Service Design and Engineering - University of Trento, Italy
- REST+JSON API Design - Best Practices for Developers
- What is a Service Oriented Architecture?
- Webinar : Practical SOA for the Solution Architect
- Scaling Redis at Twitter
- Facebook and memcached - Tech Talk
- Scaling Memcache at Facebook
- How Netflix and reddit scale to handle massive demand
- An analysis of Facebook photo caching
- Introduction to NoSQL • Martin Fowler
- NoSQL Distilled to an hour by Martin Fowler
- NoSQL Distilled • Pramod Sadalage
- Tech Talk: Cassandra Data Modeling
- NoSQL Explained
- Big Data Architecture Patterns
- Graph Databases Exposed
- Queue It! What Job Queues Can Do for You!
- Joydeep Sen Sarma - Messaging architecture at Facebook
- Messaging at Scale at Instagram
- Building a Distributed Data Ingestion System with RabbitMQ
- scaling web applications with message queues - Lenz Gschwendtner
- Software Architecture & Design | Udacity
- OOSE: Software Dev Using UML and Java
- Eric Evans — Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software
- Domain Driven Design
- Domain-Driven Design
- How You Can Architect and Develop Enterprise Mission-Critical Applications with Domain-Driven Design
- DDD: putting the model to work
- Eric Evans on DDD: Strategic Design
- Architecting and Implementing Domain-Driven Design Patterns with Microsoft .NET
- SOLID Design Patterns in C#
- Object Oriented Design
- Design Patterns Video Tutorial
- Object Oriented Design Interview Question: Design a Car Parking Lot.
- Google's Clean Code Talks
- NYC Tech Talk Series: How Google Backs Up the Internet
- Robert C Martin(Uncle Bob) -Clean Architecture and Design-2012
- Robert C Martin - Clean Architecture and Design
- Robert C Martin - The Single Responsibility Principle
- Robert C Martin - Clean Architecture
- The S.O.L.I.D. Principles of OO and Agile Design - by Uncle Bob Martin
- Solid Principles by Uncle Bob Martin
- The Principles of Clean Architecture by Uncle Bob Martin
- Unleash Your Domain - Greg Young
- Differential Synchronization
- Infrastructure at Scale: Apache Kafka, Twitter Storm & Elastic Search (ARC303) | AWS re:Invent 2013
- Deepak Agarwal: Recommender Systems - The Art and Science of Matching Items to Users
- Lecture 12 -Analyzing Big Data with Twitter: Recommender Systems by Alpa Jain
- Transactions across Datacenters (Slides)
- Finding the Needle in the Haystack - or - Troubleshooting Distributed Systems
- Finding the Needle in a Big Data Haystack
- Large scale image processing on the fly in 25ms with Google's first Network Engineer
- Bringing Push Notifications to the Mobile Web
- papers-we-love
- Google Research
- Facebook Research
- Distributed Systems Reading List
- Hints for Computer System Design
- The Little Manual of API Design
- On Designing and Deploying Internet-Scale Services
- Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System
- Above the Clouds: A Berkeley View of Cloud Computing
- The Byzantine Generals Problem
- How to Design a Good API and Why it Matters - Google Research
- Twitter - Automatic Management of Partitioned, Replicated Search Services
- High-Availability at Massive Scale: Building Google’s Data Infrastructure for Ads
- Making Reliable Distributed Systems in the Presence of Software Errors
- Fallacies of Distributed Computing Explained
- The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine (Google Paper) (Weblink)
- The PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web
- Web Search for a Planet: The Google Cluster Architecture
- Unicorn: A System for Searching the Social Graph (FB link)
- Chord: A scalable peer-to-peer lookup service for Internet applications
- Building peer-to-peer systems with Chord, a distributed lookup service
- Consistent Hashing and Random Trees: Distributed Caching Protocols for Relieving Hot Spots on the World Wide Web (CS 168: Consistent Hashing | Algorithmic Nuggets in Content Delivery)
- Web Caching with Consistent Hashing (Web link)
- Pastry: Scalable, decentralized object location and routing for large-scale peer-to-peer systems
- Simple Efficient Load Balancing Algorithms for Peer-to-Peer Systems
- MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters
- Resident Distributed Datasets: a Fault-Tolerant Abstraction for In-Memory Cluster Computing (Zahari et al.)
- Kafka: a Distributed Messaging System for Log Processing
- Dynamo: Amazon's Highly Available Key-value Datastore
- The Google File System
- Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data
- Spanner: Google's Globally-Distributed Database - Google Research
- TAO: Facebook’s Distributed Data Store for the Social Graph
- F1: A Distributed SQL Database That Scales
- Scuba: Diving into Data at Facebook
- f4: Facebook’s Warm BLOB Storage System
- Finding a needle in Haystack: Facebook’s photo storage
- Cassandra - A Decentralized Structured Storage System
- Consistency Tradeoffs in Modern Distributed Database System Design
- Paxos Made Live - An Engineering Perspective
- Paxos Made Simple
- Existential Consistency: Measuring and Understanding Consistency at Facebook
- In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm
- SQLGraph: An Efficient Relational-Based Property Graph Store
- One Trillion Edges: Graph Processing at FacebookScale
- Pregel: A System for Large-Scale Graph Processing
- Dremel: Interactive Analysis of Web-Scale Datasets
- Scaling Memcache at Facebook
- Realtime Data Processing at Facebook
- Holistic Configuration Management at Facebook
- The Unified Logging Infrastructure for Data Analytics at Twitter
- Scaling Big Data Mining Infrastructure: The Twitter Experience
- Large-scale cluster management at Google with Borg
- Differential Synchronization
- A Low-bandwidth Network File System
- Maglev: A Fast and Reliable Software Network Load Balancer
- The Chubby Lock Service for Loosely-Coupled Distributed Systems
- Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Synchronization but Were Afraid to Ask
- Transactional storage for geo-replicated systems
- Highly Available Transactions: Virtues and Limitations
- The Log-Structured Merge-Tree
- (All Time Favorites)
- (Back-to-Basics series)
- Scalability for dummies - Part 1 (Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4)
- Scalable Web Architecture and Distributed Systems
- Introduction to Architecting Systems for Scale
- Software Architect Roadmap has wide collection of articles on Scalable architecture. Individual web links will be added below if they are not already highlighted in popular sites like highscalability.
- Trending at Instagram
- Search Architecture - Instagram
- Processing Payments At Scale
- Personalized Group Recommendations on Flickr
- Building The LinkedIn Knowledge Graph
- Personal recommendations for the Foursquare homescreen
- Microsoft Application Architecture Guide, 2nd Edition (Online)
- The Architecture of Open Source Applications
- Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software
- Head First Design Patterns
- Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture
- Domain Driven Design by Eric Evans
- Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns and Practices by Robert Martin