Releases: Dudebaker/Gadgets-Additions
[TWEAK] Changed the design to use the same rounded corners like the Gadgets suite since v7.3.0
[TWEAK] Changed image in installer
[TWEAK] Changed url for update-checker to github
Web Media Control:
[FIX] The player-icon was not shown on the undocked skin and cover for YouTube
[TWEAK] Updated SysColor plugin to v2.0.0
[REMOVED] Cryptonator alternative skin
[REMOVED] CoinGecko skin
[NEW] skin
[TWEAK] Updated icons
[FIX] Converted to new API
[FIX] Use for images
Gallery Instagram:
[REMOVED] not possible without free API - no alternative
[REMOVED] not using it anymore
System Info:
[NEW] Added OS Version
Web Media Control:
[TWEAK] Added new icons
[TWEAK] Updated WebNowPlaying plugin to v2.0.7
[TWEAK] Useragent for Webparsers now globally set in the global configuration file
[REMOVED] GPU Load skin since you can achieve the same with the HWiNFO Monitor
[FIX] Fixed Url (thanks scott3k35!)
[NEW] Added as main source now CoinGecko where you even can change the timespan for the change-value
[NEW] The cryptonator version stays in place as alternative (accessible via context menu)
[FIX] Updated RegExp for new website source-code
HWiNFO Monitor:
[TWEAK] Uses now the new method to assign the sensors like all other skins (no shared memory viewer required)
Media Control:
[TWEAK] Updated WebNowPlaying Plugin to v0.5
[NEW] Added function to be able to override the shown names (check the settings-file of the stocks skin)
Console Skin
- [NEW] Run console commands
- [FIX] Updated RegExp for new website source-code
- [FIX] Added Webparser Headers (thx Modarsius!)
- [FIX] Views ignored width setting
Gallery Web
- [REMOVED] The website doesn't exist anymore (alternatives are Gallery Unsplash and Instagram)
Media Control with Cover
- [FIX] Scaling didn't work properly
Ping Monitor
- [NEW] Added timeout logging to file
- [FIX]Fixed Args value to be able to use Path for explorer
- [FIX] Updated RegExp for new website source-code
- [FIX] Added Webparser Headers (thx Modarsius!)
Usage Monitor
- [FIX] Entries 9 and 10 showed false values
Web Media Control with Cover
- [FIX] Scaling didn't work properly
- Settings skins:
- Added checkboxes
- Redone radiobuttons
- Added increase/decrease buttons
- Added some clamps (not everywhere) to avoid useless values
- Added UserAgents to all Webparser measures
- Redone add/remove button logic (no measures)
- [FIX] Skin was broken through the new website-design
- [FIX] Regex sometimes results in a error through slightly different site constructions
- [REMOVED] Coinmarketcap api skin since it's now been only available with api-keys (as mentions in other changelogs...)
HWiNFO Monitor & GPU Load skins
- [TWEAK] The min, max and average values are now colored individually
- [NEW] Skin-Suite Update Checker, if there's an update available a message including current version and latest version tooltip will appear
- The title color of all skins can now be changed
Ping with DNSlookup:
- [FIX] Contextmenu entries on DNSlookup view didn't work
Web Media Control
- [CHANGE] The spicitify rainmeter skin is now incompatible with the latest spotify version, luckily the same creator made another workaround to which the context menu entry now points
Changelog (August 15, 2019):
[NEW] GPU Load skin for up to 21 completely individual HWiNFO sensors
[NEW] HWiNFO Monitor skin for up to 20 HWiNFO sensors (6 completely individual, rest hardcoded naming)
Currencies & Cryptocurrencies:
- Updated icons to v0.16 (now 438)
Gallery Instagram & Unsplash:
- Added individual icons for both
- [NEW] Ping skin which works with all local/web addresses/IPs
- [NEW] Ping skin with an additional skin to get a complete DNSlookup of the entered address/IP, does not work with local IPs!
-- Uses the API from (~100 requests per day) instead of the API from
-- The old api often returned the AAAA-Record (=ipv6) and the ping couldn't work, now the first A-Record (if exist) gets parsed from the DNSlookup - [NEW] Average latency calculation
- Added Timeout setting
Volume Control:
- [FIX] Blocks didn't refresh after changing spectrum settings
- [FIX] Volume control with devices control thrown an error in logs on startup
- [TWEAK] Blocks Analyzer uses now a single lua measure to colorize all blocks and checks if the block needs to be banged
- Changed some default settings for Spectrum/Blocks
Changelog (August 1, 2019):
[NEW] Style ModernGadgets: For anyone who needs some more gadgets styled in their common way
[NEW] Color Picker: Many colors can now be defined by the user globally through the launcher skin
[NEW] Gallery Instagram
[NEW] Gallery Unsplash
[NEW] Keylocks
- Added buttons while hovering on all skins with multiple entries to add/remove entries without the use of the settings skin
- Added Rainmeter entry to all context menus
- BOINCstats:
- [FIX] Adjusted to new design of
Currencies & Cryptocurrencies:
- Updated icons to v0.15 (now 437)
- Auto-resize image skins
- Updated ConfigActive plugin to v2.2.1
Media Control:
- [FIX] Play/Pause button didn't work with docked cover
- [NEW] Redone skin to allow up to 5 ping monitors
- Added Downtimes counter and max latency value
- Hover the address to see the pinged ip, if ipv6 gets returned, the ping doesn't work, currently their's no workaround for this
System Info:
- [FIX] Windows 7 showed zero in build-row
Volume Control:
- [NEW] Block Analyzer in multiple sizes: 3x3, 5x5, 7x7, 9x9, 11x11, 15x15, 25x25
- [REMOVED] Waveform visualizer since the histogram shows more or less "the same"
- Added settings for sensitivity and min/max frequencies
- Added drag-able volume-bar
Usage Monitor:
- [NEW] Additional skin without GPU/VRAM for Windows 7 users accessible with the Context Menu
Changelog (June 1, 2019):
- Show the date-title of the independent skin in the correct system format
Media Control:
- [NEW] Show a progress-bar over the docked cover image including a unique style for YouTube
- [NEW] Added Deezer, Plex and PocketCast icons
RSS Reader
- Revamp of used regexes, more robust and flexible
- [NEW] Supports now 10 entries
- [NEW] Second skin "RSS Reader Alternative" mainly for reddit which uses a different regex for the datetime-format (yyyy-mm-ddTh:i:s instead of long datetime) and for the link (href instead of inside the tags)
Usage Monitor:
- Changed the default color on "N/A"-rows to grey in the independent skins
- [FIX] In the main skin the IO-Write row always showed zero
Changelog (May 13, 2019):
Earthquakes, RSS Reader, Cryptocurrencies, GridCoinStats
- [NEW] The shown dates/times are now formatted to your local and GMT settings
Gallery, Gallery Web
- [NEW] The skin will now be auto-resized in the height to show the image in the full skin width
Media Control with now playing, Web Media Control
- [NEW] The cover-image can now be docked to the control skin
- [NEW] The independent cover skin will now be auto-resized in the height to show the cover-image in the full skin width
- Fixed DNS to IP resolution
- Performance improvements for colorizing the process names