Releases: Dudebaker/Gadgets-Additions
Changelog (April 13, 2019):
Currencies, Cryptocurrencies and Stocks:
- All support now 10 entries and are predefined for a variety of currencies, cryptocurrencies, stocks and naturals
- Fixed the shown images and target currencies
Media Control:
- Fixed thumbs up/down for Spotify Desktop
Usage Monitor:
- New Setting for colorizing the Top X entries constantly through all opened instances based on the process-name
Changelog (March 18, 2019):
[NEW] Additional style which uses windows accent color
All skins:
- Change file encoding from UTF-8 to UTF-16 LE with BOM
- Updated icons (now 412)
Volume Control:
- [REMOVED] History Analyzer with 10 bars
- [NEW] Histogram Analyzer with stereo support
- Performance improvements (device-change-check now "only" all 2 seconds)
Changelog (November 10, 2018):
[NEW] Style selection (Default, Blurred Edges, Solid, Glass Blur, Glass Acrylic) with the Launcher skin
[NEW] System Info skin
All skins:
[NEW] Opacity setting for each skin individually
Rearranged some context menu entries
Cryptocurrencies & Currencies:
Updated icons (now 393)
Media Control:
Removed Spotfiy plugin, use the webmedia control and it will show now the correct title and icon
Ping Skin:
Fixed showing IPv6 instead of IPv4 resulting not pinging
Volume Control:
[NEW] Surround Analyzer
[NEW] Waveform Analyzer
Removed history/spectrum icons, open them over the context menu
Usage Monitor:
Reduzed default blacklist
Changelog (June 2, 2018):
[NEW] Earthquakes
[NEW] Launcher
[NEW] Power Control
[NEW] Search
[NEW] Search Web
[NEW] Media Control - Spotify
[NEW] Media Control - WebNowPlaying
All skins:
Custom context menu (can be disabled within launcher skin globaly)
Removed deprecated cxecute commands
Updated to CoinMarketCap API v2
Updated icons (now 331)
Media Control:
Extended with Spotify-Plugin and WebNowPlaying-Plugin
Clickable progressbar (not working with Spotify-Plugin)
Play/Pause/Stop button changes on mouseover to the action which will be executed
Decode HTML-Tags in names
Usage Monitor:
New icons
Total value for each counter
Grouping of process-instances can now be disabled in settings skin
Whitelist function included so you can monitor even single processes
Removed arrows for individual counter-view, the complete area is now clickable
Fixed position of separators with scaling higher 1.00
Volume Control:
Volume bar is now clickable
Changelog (May 6, 2018):
[NEW] Gallery
[NEW] Gallery Web
[NEW] Ping
[NEW] RSS Reader
[NEW] Shutdown Control
All skins:
Fixed some default values with MiddleMouseClick
Added Nodes Status
Fixed Regex Error in logs on none existing fork/chain replay
Usage Monitor:
Adjusted Blacklist to new Rainmeter revision 3048 (pipe separator instead of comma)
Changelog (May 1, 2018):
All skins:
- All click-able or hover-able elements are now in all scaled sizes on their places!
- Fixed tooltips everywhere
- No more double click to open something, only via title text
Usage Monitor: - Added icons for categories
- Removed table headers from views
BOINCstats: - Adjustified the height a bit
- Removed table headers from best/last views
GridcoinStats: - Adjustified the height a bit
Media Control: - Tooltip of play button changes now to correct state
Volume Control: - Speaker icon didn't changed to mute in some conditions
Cryptocurrencies: - Fixed graph calculation
Notes: - Fixed snapping
Shortcuts: - Fixed hover effects
Changelog (April 29, 2018):
[NEW] Gallery
[NEW] Gallery Web
[NEW] Ping
[NEW] RSS Reader
[NEW] Shutdown Control
All skins:
Fixed some default values with MiddleMouseClick
Added Nodes Status
Fixed Regex Error in logs on none existing fork/chain replay
Usage Monitor:
Adjusted Blacklist to new Rainmeter revision 3048 (pipe separator instead of comma)
Changelog (April 1, 2018):
[New] Notes:
Show up to 5 notes with title, changable directly in skin, not in editor
[New] Shortcuts:
Show up to 6 file shortcuts
Set Name, FileName, FilePath, FileArguments and FileIcon
Button for automatic icon generation of entered filepath/filename
Audio Visualizer:
Some performance improvements
Crypto Currency Tracker:
Updated icons
All skins:
Fixed some snapping functions of skin
Changelog (March 31, 2018):
Currency Tracker:
Gets data for up to 5 currencies from
Stock Tracker:
Gets data for up to 5 stocks from
BOINCstats Tracker:
Added some mouseover effects
Some bug fixes
GridcoinStats Tracker:
Added some mouseover effects
Some bug fixes