In a world where mobile devices hold vast amounts of personal and business-critical data, security is no longer optional — it's essential.
iOS Security Toolkit is an open-source project designed to work on mobile security by providing a developer-friendly, all-in-one repository for developers and security experts.
This project is based on the OWASP guide to the mobile security.
Already implemented Features are:
- Jailbreak or Root Detection
- Hooks Detection
- Simulator Detection
- Debugger Detection
- Device Passcode Check
- Hardware Security Check
You can see them in action with the Example App we've provided
You can use the Mobile Security Toolkit in your project by importing it with Swift Package Manager
.package(url: "", from: "1.1.0")
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. For usage and installation instructions, visit their website. To integrate iOSSecurityToolkit into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile
pod 'SecurityToolkit'
Use the gettable variables to get current status of the device:
ThreatDetectionCenter.areRootPrivilegesDetected: Bool
ThreatDetectionCenter.areHooksDetected: Bool
ThreatDetectionCenter.isSimulatorDetected: Bool
ThreatDetectionCenter.isDebuggerDetected: Bool
ThreatDetectionCenter.isDeviceWithoutPasscodeDetected: Bool
ThreatDetectionCenter.isHardwareProtectionUnavailable: Bool
Use Async Stream API to get detected threats asynchronously:
ThreatDetectionCenter.threats: AsyncStream<Threat>
Next features to be implemented:
- App Signature Check
- Integrity Check
- Yessine Choura
- Denis Dobanda
Special Thanks:
- Sabrina Geiger
- Dennis Gill
- Jonas Rottmann