My Emacs configuration, the way I like it
Configuration compatible with Emacs version >= 28.x
cd ~/projects
git clone
mkdir .emacs.d
cd .emacs.d
ln -s ~/projects/my_emacs_d/init.el ~/.emacs.d/init.el
ln -s ~/projects/my_emacs_d/configs ~/.emacs.d/configs
ln -s ~/projects/my_emacs_d/my_snippets ~/.emacs.d/my_snippets
ln -s ~/projects/my_emacs_d/logo.png ~/.emacs.d/logo.png
Also install Silver Search on your machine
Also install mactex for Mac OS
brew cask install mactex
Also install ispell
brew install ispell
Also install direnv
nix-env -i direnv
- Use org-mode as init file
- evil-mode vidual replace
- spell & abbrev
- integrate org with google calendar
- integrate org with google tasks
- anzu
- evil org-mode
- org-appear
- Chat-GPT
- Better spelling with aspel (+camelCase support)
- Spellchecing with English grammar!
- elfeed customizations
- Configure org to easly refile tasks Check possible refile configuration
- [](Agenda Views)
- [](with nice setup)
- aspell NixOS/nixpkgs#1000
- [](habbits with org-mode) Also video
- change-case.el
- org-radiobutton