Releases: EnvironmentOntology/envo
Releases · EnvironmentOntology/envo
In this release, several classes supporting the SDGIO have been added as well as a number of classes responding to user requests. Some routine curation has also been performed.
Patch for previous release, fixing incorrect axiomatisation of "important site"
In this release, new terms have been added to support the SDGIO as well as a number of other user requests. This release also fixes the errors opening envo.obo in OBO-Edit 2, as long as "Allow dangling axioms" is enabled in the advanced view of the "Load Ontologies" dialogue.
2016-01-22 release
2015-12-18 release
v2015-12-18 prepare release
2015-09-24 release
v2015-09-24 new release
2015-08-31 release
v2015-08-31 new release