Releases: EnvironmentOntology/envo
What's Changed
- ecoregion without GAZ mention by @turbomam in #1523
- southern African ecoregions by @turbomam in #1526
- Refresh ENVO imports and cleans them by @matentzn in #1529
- new terms for animal constructions. by @cmungall in #1530
- NTRs: bioremediation and biotransformation processes by @cmungall in #1534
- Updated ontobot.yml by @hrshdhgd in #1535
- Fix range of inSubset to be an IRI, using existing defined subsets. Fixes #1527. by @cmungall in #1528
- addressing #1402 by @pbuttigieg in #1537
- Updated ontobot.yml by @hrshdhgd in #1540
- update GOC->ENVO by @sierra-moxon in #1548
- Update envo-idranges.owl by @pbuttigieg in #1558
- Added logical definitions for multiple biomes. by @cmungall in #1552
- Technospheres, dental clinics, and facilities - oh my! by @pbuttigieg in #1544
- Multi-issue slayer by @pbuttigieg in #1564
- Add 'biogeographic realm' by @timalamenciak in #1567
- resolved coastal ocean water/coastal seawater synonym conflicts by @turbomam in #1592
- Import PATO:'chronological age' by @timalamenciak in #1588
- partial implementation of annotation properties for NMDC environmental context value sets by @turbomam in #1593
- Added terms for mine pits by @cmungall in #1604
- NMDC environmental context bindings by @turbomam in #1599
- Update release files 4th February 2025 by @matentzn in #1605
New Contributors
- @sierra-moxon made their first contribution in #1548
- @timalamenciak made their first contribution in #1567
Full Changelog: v2024-07-01...v2025-02-05
Ontology comparison
- Ontology IRI:
- Version IRI:
- Loaded from:
- Ontology IRI:
- Version IRI:
- Loaded from:
Ontology imports
Ontology annotations
- versionInfo "2024-02-16"
- versionInfo "2024-07-01"
Bathymodiolus-dominated oceanic mussel reef
- Bathymodiolus-dominated oceanic mussel reef SubClassOf part of some
(marine bathyal zone biome or marine abyssal zone biome or marine hadal zone biome)
acidic spring
acidic spring EquivalentTo spring and (has characteristic some acidic)
acidic spring SubClassOf has characteristic some acidic
agricultural land conversion process
- agricultural land conversion process SubClassOf has participant some
(anthropogenic environment or natural environment)
- agriculture SubClassOf has part some
(land consumption process or land conversion process or land degradation)
aircraft noise
aircraft noise label "aircraft noise"@en
aircraft noise definition "A noise produced by aircrafts."
aircraft noise date "2024-01-19T18:55:41Z"^^dateTime
Class: aircraft noise
aircraft noise SubClassOf noise
algal bloom
- algal bloom has_exact_synonym "phytoplankton bloom"
altocumulus cloud
- altocumulus cloud SubClassOf hydrometeor
altostratus cloud
- altostratus cloud SubClassOf composed primarily of some
(liquid water or water ice)
atmospheric boundary layer
- atmospheric boundary layer SubClassOf part of some atmosphere
- atmospheric boundary layer SubClassOf atmospheric layer
biological nutrient removal during wastewater treatment
biological nutrient removal during wastewater treatment created "2024-05-19T05:34:58Z"^^dateTime
biological nutrient removal during wastewater treatment label "biological nutrient removal during wastewater treatment"@en
biological nutrient removal during wastewater treatment definition "A recycling process that uses microbes for the uptake of nitrogen and phosphorus during wastewater treatment."
biological nutrient removal during wastewater treatment contributor 0000-0002-6601-2165
Class: biological nutrient removal during wastewater treatment
biological nutrient removal during wastewater treatment SubClassOf part of some wastewater treatment process
biological nutrient removal during wastewater treatment SubClassOf recycling process
cirrocumulus cloud
- cirrocumulus cloud SubClassOf hydrometeor
cirrostratus cloud
- cirrostratus cloud SubClassOf hydrometeor
cirrus cloud
- cirrus cloud SubClassOf hydrometeor
convective storm
- convective storm SubClassOf convective transport process and (has participant some air mass)
convective storm SubClassOf has participant some air mass
convective storm SubClassOf convective transport process
- AnnotationProperty: created
cumulonimbus cloud
- cumulonimbus cloud SubClassOf composed primarily of some
(liquid water or water ice)
cumulus cloud
- cumulus cloud SubClassOf hydrometeor
depth of water ice
- depth of water ice SubClassOf depth and (characteristic of some water ice)
depth of water ice EquivalentTo depth and (characteristic of some water ice)
depth of water ice SubClassOf depth
depth of water ice SubClassOf characteristic of some water ice
desert spring
[desert spring](http://purl.oboli...
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v2024-02-05...v2024-02-16
What's Changed
Ontology content
- Relax logical definition of water ice, liquid water=>water. by @cmungall in #1411
- multiple NTRs for GOLD annotations, closes #1367 by @turbomam in #1391
- Replacing EnvO hash-relations, fixes #1380. by @cmungall in #1381
- Soil compaction by @marieALaporte in #1373
- Astronomical Body Part refactoring by @cmungall in #1430
- Fixed logical def for animal environment. Fixes #1435 by @cmungall in #1439
- Alicia's stream parts with revisions by PLB by @turbomam in #1451
- Remove legacy synonyms on ice sheet by @hrshdhgd in #1447
- add biome 'part of' 'climactic ecological succession' axioms for better inferred hierarchy by @turbomam in #1459
- Addressing #865 with desert biome example by @pbuttigieg in #1445
- Proposal: obsolete 'alga' by @hrshdhgd in #1450
- remove 'algal bloom' 'results in proliferation of' some 'obsolete alga' by @turbomam in #1483
- 'periphytic biofilm' and subClasses: start with 'periphytic biofilm' subClassOf 'biofilm' by @turbomam in #1468
- Periphytic biofilm subclasses by @turbomam in #1472
- #1474 epiphyton dbxrefs by @turbomam in #1475
- added stream water by @turbomam in #1479
- added freshwater stream and biome by @turbomam in #1477
Ontology patterns
- replacing hasAlternativeId with hasDbXref for all non-ENVO literal CURIEs. by @cmungall in #1418
- Modify containment relations to be location relations. by @cmungall in #1425
- Standardize ad-hoc definition of plural synonym by @cthoyt in #1465
- Create sssom-qc.yml by @matentzn in #1414
- Use SSSOM format for IGSN mappings by @cmungall in #984
- SSSOM QC esp. for sweet by @rduerr in #1412
- normalized serialization of envo-edit for new owlapi by @cmungall in #1436
- renormalizing to latest owlapi by @cmungall in #1452
- Smaller NMDC id range... remainder for Mark and Alicia by @turbomam in #1438
- add obook pull request guide to by @cmungall in #1431
- Implement
as a GitHub action workflow by @hrshdhgd in #1443 - SPARQL for misclassified biomes by @turbomam in #1457
- Switch NCBITAXON and CHEBI to slims by @matentzn in #1455
- Update
workflow to usekgcl-java
as a plugin to robot that already exists in ODK. by @hrshdhgd in #1467
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2023-02-13...v2024-02-05
2023-02-13 release
What's Changed
- Removing false injection by @cmungall in #1188
- Issue 1181: Freezing fog makes the ontology incoherent by @wdduncan in #1207
- axiomitisation of plastic-related terms by @raissameyer in #1169
- Issue 1182: ro_import does not include domain by @wdduncan in #1215
- Add stricter check to prevent logical equivalents by @matentzn in #1197
- update foodon import by @wdduncan in #1233
- Add Agronomy ID_range #1222 by @KrishnaTO in #1227
- new health facility and other infrastructure terms by @ddooley in #1105
- [#1249] Add synonym 'land surface' to 'surface of an astronomical body' by @dr-shorthair in #1254
- Fix typo in geonames by @cthoyt in #1256
- Lc toxicwaste by @laurenechan in #1284
- add qc workflow by @wdduncan in #1240
- update foodon import by @wdduncan in #1288
- Issue 1286: remove exact synonyms that match label by @wdduncan in #1289
- Fix github actions to not build imports by @cmungall in #1292
- Adding missing defs detected in #1159 by @pbuttigieg in #1163
- [#1248] synonym for 'solid astronomical body part' --> 'landform' by @dr-shorthair in #1253
- Issue 1160 by @kaiiam in #1172
- Issue #1193 Jagadish NMDC NTRs from 202100702 by @turbomam in #1195
- Tightening QC on ENVO CI by @matentzn in #1300
- #334 added classes per 'treated water' by @KrishnaTO in #1260
- remove duplicate NICU synonym Fixes #1303 by @cmungall in #1305
- Make sure DL profile check works by @matentzn in #1307
- Definition correction for 'eaves' by @johnwjudkins in #1308
- Addressing issue 1304 of malformed definition source links by @ddooley in #1309
- Issue 1311 by @kaiiam in #1312
- Update to issue 1238 and 1282 push by @ddooley in #1298
- #398 added synonym 'topsoil' by @KrishnaTO in #1270
- Added OWL DL profile check to CI by @matentzn in #1324
- NTR famine by @laurenechan in #1211
- New terms for refineries and reactors by @cmungall in #1184
- [#364] Added synonym 'PAR' to 'photosynthetically active radiation' by @KrishnaTO in #1239
- issue-1185, further editing of plastics related terms by @raissameyer in #1186
- Added class per issue #375 "soil bulk density" by @KrishnaTO in #1230
- Added bubble and plume semantics for #1319 by @pbuttigieg in #1320
- Make ontology's licensing information actionable by @cthoyt in #1297
- Fixes #1281 and #443 by @pbuttigieg in #1326
- Krishna to issue 397 by @pbuttigieg in #1327
- Krishna TO issue 367 by @pbuttigieg in #1328
- Hot fixing the make pipeline by @matentzn in #1332
- Krishna to agro prj patterns for #1228 by @pbuttigieg in #1330
- Issue #1191 jagadish 20210625 by @turbomam in #1192
- concentration of water in soil and sublcasses by @marieALaporte in #1336
- Krishna to issue 361 by @pbuttigieg in #1339
- Add porosity of
andwater ice
#923 by @kaiiam in #1341 - Revising particulates and particles by @pbuttigieg in #1344
- NT: monument. Fixes #1213 by @cmungall in #1220
- Top level cleanup by @pbuttigieg in #1345
- Krishna to issue 365 by @pbuttigieg in #1346
- Krishna to issue 436 by @pbuttigieg in #1349
- Krishna to issue 420 by @pbuttigieg in #1350
- Krishna TO issue 392 by @pbuttigieg in #1352
- Krishna to issue 363 by @pbuttigieg in #1354
- Applying replace CJM string with orcid to envo-edit.owl by @cmungall in #1358
- Claim an IDrange for ANZ Soils by @dr-shorthair in #1365
- Adding DL profile validation back to unit tests. See #1334 by @cmungall in #1357
- Krishna to issue 430 by @pbuttigieg in #1364
- Krishna to issue 358 by @pbuttigieg in #1369
- Create subset for Austrailian and New Zealand soil semantics by @pbuttigieg in #1368
- fix: change till plan to till plain by @wdduncan in #1394
- fix: add definition for sea ice mass by @wdduncan in #1395
- First pass at SWEET-ENVO cryosphere SSSOM by @pbuttigieg in #1397
- ENVO release 13.02.2023 (#1401) by @matentzn in #1404
New Contributors
- @KrishnaTO made their first contribution in #1227
- @dr-shorthair made their first contribution in #1254
- @cthoyt made their first contribution in #1256
- @johnwjudkins made their first contribution in #1308
Full Changelog: v2021-05-14...v2023-02-13
2021-05-14 release
New editors
We welcome to our team our many new editors and contributors: @raissameyer - Raissa Meyer, @iwilkie - Isabella Wilkie, @meichen-liu - Meichen Liu, @laurenechan Lauren Chan, @matentzn - Nico Matentzoglu , @turbomam - Mark A. Miller, and @wdduncan - Bill Duncan (not mentioned in the last release). Thank you all for your various contributions we hope they serve your various projects well!
Our long awaited next release covering various projects ranging from plastic pollution
to manufactured products
to the National Microbiome Data Collaborative (NMDC) and Joint Genome Institute (JGI) contributions for metagenomic data management requested by @jagadishsc.
New Terms
abandoned fishing gear
acrylic paint medium
acrylic paint
agricultural potting mixture
aqueous inkjet printer ink
automatic transmission fluid
biodegradation of plastic
bituminous sand
brake fluid
chemical colorant
chemically contaminated sediment
cleaning agent
cloud base
cloud part
cloud top
coastal anthropogenic litter
colorant fluid
cooling water
debris flow following rainfall
diesel exhaust
diesel fuel
discarded fishing gear
drinking water pipeline network
drinking water treatment plant
earth-filled dam
electrical switch
embankment dam
emissions from petroleum combustion
enamel thinner
entanglement of organisms in marine debris
entanglement process
far-infrared radiation
fishing gear
foamed plastic
food waste
formation fluid
fountain pen ink
fragmentation due to weathering
fragmentation process
freezing fog
gasoline exhaust
gel ink
ghost fishing
grain of snow
granule of plastic foam
high atmospheric level
hoar crystal
hydraulic fluid
ice fog
India ink
intensive care unit
interstitial water
leather dye
litter role
lost fishing gear
low atmospheric level
luminescent paint
macroplastic particle
manufactured plastisphere
marine anthropogenic litter
marine biota
megaplastic particle
membrane bioreactor
mesoplastic particle
methyl cellulose paste
middle atmospheric level
mid-infrared radiation
mineral horizon
motor oil
nanoplastic particle
natural plastic
near-infrared radiation
NSIDC blizzard
oceanic transient tracer
oil paint thinner
oil pipeline network
oil-based paint
organic horizon
paint thinner
paper dye
permanent hair dye
pharmaceutical ink
piece of plastic foam
pipeline network
plastic film
plastic fragment
plastic line
plastic manufacturing process
plastic pellet
plastic production compound
polluted river
primer (paint)
quality of a foam
radioactive material
resin (gum) varnish
rock dust
rubber cement
snow crystal
soil horizon
soy ink
sugarcane vinasse
supercooled water droplet
surface hoar
synthetic plastic
synthetic polymer
tailings dam
tailings pond
textile dye
thermoplastic material
thermoset polymer
[thermosetting dispos...
2020-06-10 release (full name TBA)
New Classes
- ENVO:00000379 inundation disposition
- ENVO:01001606 speed of a water current
- ENVO:01001607 water current
- ENVO:01001608 kerosene oil
- ENVO:01001609 cryospheric layer
- ENVO:01001610 active layer in a cryosphere
- ENVO:01001611 thawing process
- ENVO:01001612 material warming process
- ENVO:01001613 permafrost thawing process
- ENVO:01001614 ice-bearing permafrost
- ENVO:01001615 material cooling process
- ENVO:01001616 bare soil
- ENVO:01001617 snow accumulation process
- ENVO:01001618 ice accumulation process
- ENVO:01001619 snow and ice accumulation process
- ENVO:01001620 mass of ice and snow
- ENVO:01001621 englacial
- ENVO:01001622 englacial process
- ENVO:01001623 glacial summer surface
- ENVO:01001624 glacial bed
- ENVO:01001625 polar tundra ecosystem
- ENVO:01001629 polymetallic nodule ecosystem
- ENVO:01001630 submarine groundwater discharge process
- ENVO:01001631 groundwater discharge process
- ENVO:01001632 groundwater flow
- ENVO:01001633 agricultural pollution
- ENVO:01001634 agricultural landscape diversification process
- ENVO:01001635 biodiversity conservation process
- ENVO:01001636 insect conservation process
- ENVO:01001637 agricultural specialisation process
- ENVO:01001638 frost-susceptible soil
- ENVO:01001639 formation of a solid aerosol from liquid material in an atmosphere
- ENVO:01001640 glaciation of water droplets in a cloud
- ENVO:01001641 glaciation
- ENVO:01001642 interglacial
- ENVO:01001643 ice age
- ENVO:01001644 material primarily composed of biogenic carbonates
- ENVO:01001645 gaseous part of an atmosphere
- ENVO:01001646 amorphous solid
- ENVO:01001647 colloid suspended in a hydrosphere
- ENVO:01001648 suspended colloidal sediment
- ENVO:01001649 heavy fraction material
- ENVO:01001650 light fraction material
- ENVO:01001651 particulate matter in a hydrosphere
- ENVO:01001652 atmospheric aerosol
- ENVO:01001653 well-mixed estuary
- ENVO:01001654 aerosol formation process
- ENVO:01001655 glacial process
- ENVO:01001656 glacial retreat
- ENVO:01001657 calving of ice onto land
- ENVO:01001658 calving of ice into water
- ENVO:01001659 periglacial process
- ENVO:01001660 frost action process
- ENVO:01001661 frost jacking
- ENVO:01001662 frost sorting
- ENVO:01001663 frost wedging
- ENVO:01001664 cryoturbation of soil
- ENVO:01001665 soil cryoturbate
- ENVO:01001666 glacial run
- ENVO:01001667 thalassic
- ENVO:01001668 atmospheric frontal zone
- ENVO:01001669 mariculture process
- ENVO:01001670 open cage mariculture process
- ENVO:01001671 open cage mariculture facility
- ENVO:01001672 frontal surface of a weather front
- ENVO:01001673 fluid surface layer
- ENVO:01001674 lysocline
- ENVO:01001675 nutricline
- ENVO:01001676 marine cline
- ENVO:01001677 fluid interface layer
- ENVO:01001678 fluid layer
- ENVO:01001679 fluid front
- ENVO:01001680 gaseous front
- ENVO:01001681 weather front
- ENVO:01001682 air mass
- ENVO:01001683 gaseous surface layer
- ENVO:01001684 interface layer
- ENVO:01001686 mass of environmental material
- ENVO:01001687 mass of solid material
- ENVO:01001688 mass of fluid
- ENVO:01001689 mass of gas
- ENVO:01001690 mass of liquid
- ENVO:01001691 mass of compounded environmental materials
- ENVO:01001693 isobaric surface
- ENVO:01001694 isohaline surface
- ENVO:01001695 isopycnal surface
- ENVO:01001696 isothermal surface
- ENVO:01001697 atmospheric isobaric surface
- ENVO:01001698 polar front
- ENVO:01001701 tropical environment
- ENVO:01001702 subtropical environment
- ENVO:01001703 polar environment
- ENVO:01001704 subpolar environment
- ENVO:01001705 temperate environment
- ENVO:01001706 cold front
- ENVO:01001707 warm front
- ENVO:01001708 anafront
- ENVO:01001709 katafront
- ENVO:01001710 intertropical front
- ENVO:01001711 upper air
- ENVO:01001712 free atmosphere
- ENVO:01001713 upper front
- ENVO:01001714 occluded front
- ENVO:01001715 cold occluded front
- ENVO:01001716 warm occluded front
- ENVO:01001717 neutral occluded front
- ENVO:01001718 secondary cold front
- ENVO:01001719 katabatic wind
- ENVO:01001720 downslope katabatic wind
- ENVO:01001721 cooling-driven katabatic wind
- ENVO:01001722 foehn wind
- ENVO:01001723 adiabatic process
- ENVO:01001724 dry-adia...
Ex altiora et profundis, Ex elementis, vita, siderum, et hominibus
New editors!
We're happy to welcome Steven Chong and Mark Schildhauer as co-editors. Using our contribution guidelines, they'll be adding valuable cryosphere and carbon cycling terms to support their work with DataONE and related projects.
Remember, ENVO is a community resource - so please consider joining our editorial team or sending us a pull request from time to time!
Eponyms for this release
Ex Altiora (from the heights)
xref to The Magnus Archives
water-based cloud
high-elevation mountain
Ex Profundis (from the depths)
Bathymodiolus-dominated oceanic mussel bed
water ice core
Ex Elementis (from the elements)
fire whirl
multiple vortex tornado
liquid astronomical body part
Ex vita (from life)
cloud forest
silvagenitus cloud
Ex Siderum (from the stars)
astronomical observatory system
X-ray radiation
visible spectrum radiation
Ex Hominibus (from humankind)
public prision
land use process
anthropogenic ecosystem conversion process
In this long overdue release, a wide range of classes have been added in aid of ENVO's mission to support community requests and to provide a semantic brokering layer between classification standards in the Earth and environmental sciences. Highlights include:
- Aligning with SWEET over the cryosphere: Monthly Cryohackathons based around Ruth Duerr's extensive work on the Global Cryosphere Watch's vocabularies (and many related vocabularies) have pushed forward ENVO's alignment with ESIP's SWEET resource, using expert input on the cryosphere to do so. We'll soon complete this as a model for future thematic and expert-led semantic alignment.
- WMO cloud classification: Cloud genera have been added to bolster ENVO's atmospheric content. A range of qualities are now needed to fully axiomatise their morphologies and other characteristics.
- CMECS: Ongoing work to express the very detailed and comprehensive Coastal and Marine Classification Standard has yielded some interesting examples, merging organismal taxonomy with geoforms and tightening up semantics around stratified water masses
- Global Ocean Observing System's (GOOS) Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs): Working with UNESCO/IOC, we'll be creating classes for the EOVs, such as sea state, for semantic qualification of GOOS EOV specification sheets and data resources. This work also supports our integration with the UNESCO/IOC-IODE system.
- Land use processes: An important request from our friends over at Nature Scientific Data led to the initialisation of a land use hierarchy. This is highly extensible and we'll be coordinating this with UN Environment's Sustainable Development Goals Interface Ontology (SDGIO) in the near future.
- UNEP WCMC's mountain classification: Another valuable user request and follow-up with UNEP-WCMC resulted in a semantic expression of their new standard for mountain classification. We'll continue to weave this in to ENVO's elevation semantics in each release.
Known issues
- Semantic handling of zones: The need for and usage of BFO:site in representing environmental zones is an ongoing discussion which may take some time to stabilise. Classes are unlikely to be removed en mass, but they may jump between material and immaterial hierarchies until a policy is formed.
- Orphan classes: At the top level of the onotology, a few orphan classes from FOODON and PO may appear in the release and editors' version. This is likely an import artifact and has no known effects on reasoning. We'll try to root these out in the next release.
New Terms
abyssal clay
accumulation of matter on aerosolised particles
active agri-ecosystem management process
aerosolisation of dust
agricultural land conversion process
alpine tundra biome
altocumulus castellanus cloud
altocumulus cloud
altostratus cloud
anchored ice calf
anthropogenic ecosystem conversion process
anthropogenic generation of energy
anthropogenic light pollution
area of attached faunal communities
area of attached Modiolus assemblages
area of attached mussel assemblages
area of drift ice
area of pack ice
area of sea ice
area of seasonal sea ice
astronomical observatory system
atmospheric aerosolisation of dust
atmospheric observatory system
Bathymodiolus gill tissue material
Bathymodiolus-dominated oceanic mussel bed
Bathymodiolus-dominated oceanic mussel bed
Bathymodiolus-dominated oceanic mussel reef
benthic deep-sea mining
bitumous coal
body of liquid
branched valley glacier
Calyptra habitat
carbonate system of ocean water
chemical energy
chromodynamic energy
cirrocumulus castellanus cloud
cirrocumulus cloud
cirrostratus cloud
cirrostratus fibratus cloud
cirrus castellanus cloud
cirrus fibratus cloud
cirrus spissatus cloud
cirrus uncinus cloud
cloud forest
coal mining
coal power plant
colloidal suspension
congelation ice in a fresh water body
congelation sea ice
cumulonimbus cloud
cumulus cloud
dioxygen dissolved in marine water
domestic building
drift ice mass
drifting sea ice mass
ecological province
elastic energy
electric energy
fast ice
Protected planet
Eponyms for this release
IUCN protected landscape/seascape
IUCN strict nature reserve
IUCN protected area with sustainable use of natural resources
This backdated release captures progress across several development threads. Major themes include:
- The expression of IUCN protected area classification for use in SDGIO and other resources handling socio-ecological protection
- Expression of more CMECs classes to enhance marine semantics
- Addition of terms to support GFBio data brokerage to PANGAEA and ENA/EBI
- Further development of environmental zone semantics, with waste disposal use cases
- Further refinement of process hierarchies for generalisabilityF
- Extension of atmospheric semantics across cloud and aerosol formation processes
- Initialisation of dust patterns linked to natural and anthropogenic sources
- Exploration of radiation semantics (processes, dispositions, material entities)
- Import of FOODON classes required by the envoMEO subse now linked to the MEO vocabulary in
A large number of terms from other ontologies were imported to allow denser axiomatisation. However, many of these are likely to be pruned back in subsequent releases to improve stability. As shown in the commit log, we have also trimmed away imports which 1) are not heavily woven in to ENVO semantics and 2) are causing errors due to autophagic imports of stale ontologies.
New Terms
acidic soil
acidic volcanic ash
active ecosystem management process
advective transport process
aerosol formation event
aerosol formation process
agricultural process
agronomic process
algal material
alluvial deposit
alluvial sediment
alpine tundra ecosystem
aluminium dust
anchor ice
animal aquaculture process
animal husbandry
anthropised terrestrial environmental zone
aquatic estuarine layer
aquatic natural environment
arable land
arable or pasturable land
area designated for human defecation
area designated for waste storage
area of developed space
area of low atmospheric pressure
area protected according to IUCN guidelines
asphalt road
atmospheric aerosol formation event
atmospheric secondary aerosol formation process
atmospheric wind direction
atmospheric wind speed
atmospheric zone
barium dust
Bondon cheese environment
brackish water body
brown sea ice
brush fire
bush area
bush fire
cirrus cloud
climate system
cnidarian-associated environment
coastal shrimp pond
commercial building
concrete road
conservation-focused active ecosystem management process
constructed pavement
convective storm
cosmic ray shielding disposition
crater zone
crop canopy
cropland ecosystem
crustacean farming process
defence against flooding
diurnal marine tidal flow process
diurnal marine tidal flow zone
ecosystem decay
ecosystem fragment
ecosystem fragmentation process
environment associated with an aquatic invertebrate
environmental zone of processual equilibrium
estuarine coastal lower water column
estuarine coastal pycnocline
estuarine coastal surface layer
estuarine coastal upper water column
estuarine open water lower water column
estuarine open water pycnocline
estuarine open water surface layer
estuarine open water upper water column
estuarine tidal riverine coastal lower water column
estuarine tidal riverine coastal pycnocline
estuarine tidal riverine coastal surface layer
estuarine tidal riverine coastal upper water column
estuarine tidal riverine open water lower water column
estuarine tidal riverine open water pycnocline
estuarine tidal riverine open water surface layer
estuarine tidal riverine open water upper water column
extra-tropical cyclone
finfish farming process
floating ice mass
forest canopy
forest ecosystem
fresh water body
freshwater macrophyte farming process
freshwater seep riverine anchor ice
gamma-ray stellar radiation
glacial equlibrium line
glacial ice accumulation zone
grassland ecosystem
habitat fragmentation process
Hill sphere
holothurian digestive tract contents
holothurian digestive tract
humic kerogen
ice accumulation zone
ice decumulation zone
impermeable surface layer
induced magnetosphere
industrial fire
infrared stellar radiation
intrinsic magnetosphere
ionising stellar radiation
IUCN habitat/species management area
[IUCN natural monument or feature](http://purl.obo...
Planetary ecology
About this release
ℹ️ Note that the links in this note will be live after a short delay, during which they percolate through the various indexing services which harvest ENVO.
Eponyms for this release
Featured eponyms from other ontologies:
- spice product (courtesy of FOODON)
- melange racemique (courtesy of CHEBI)
🎵 Recommended listening: Dune 1984 OST
Foundations of astrogeology
In this exciting release, we have added a set of foundational classes for astrogeological semantics and planetary science, pusuant to further alignment with the relaunched SWEET ontologies, now under the coordination of the ESIP Federation. This is a further step towards bridging the OBO Foundry and Library Federation to ESIP's semantic technologies, promoting interoperation across the life- and planetary science communities. Mini-Neptunes, hot Jupiters, and mega-Earths all emerged from the protoplanetary mix which we'll continue to weave into the OBO semantic layer, along with tectonics, climates, and weather phenomena.
Ecological refinements
In addition, we celebrate the launch of the Ecological Core Ontology (ECOCORE) at the ClearEarth Hackathon with our long overdue ecosystem.
Through ECOCORE, we look forward to creating a semantic rallying point for the ecological community, as called for in workshops such as LifeWatch and EU DATs Ontology & Semantic Web for Biodiversity & Ecosystem Research. We're working closely with the recently renovated Population and Community Ontology, the
Ontology of Biological Attributes, and the Neuro Behavior Ontology to build a robust and interoperating resource. More information is available here
Working in ecological semantics? Please join ECOCORE's efforts by sending an e-mail via this link.
Lacustrine extensions
With contributions from @jmkeil aligned with work in the LakeBase project, we have expanded and further axiomatised our lake-related hierarchies. As always, more work remains to be done, but we're happy to present a more exhaustive list of lake types and their axiomatisation to the community.
Technical improvements
- We've added an envoAstro subset to gather up celestial content.
- An easy-to-parse TSV file of terms in our various subsets is now available here.
- More handy reports are available (and documented) here
- Our envo.json file has been fixed
New Terms
aeolian lake
ammonia ice
animal manure product
anoxic lake
astrogeological gas
astrogeological ice
atmospheric escape
atmospheric weather
bovine dairy liquid manure
caldera lake
carbon dioxide ice
carbon monoxide ice
chthonian planet
circumbinary planet
cloud formation process
composted animal manure
convergent plate boundary
convergent tectonic movement
crater lake
desert planet
divergent plate boundary
divergent tectonic movement
dwarf gas planet
environmental variability
feed storage space
forage material
formation of liquid droplets from gaseous material in an atmosphere
formation of liquid droplets in an atmosphere
formation of particles in an atmosphere
formation of solid particles from gaseous material in an atmosphere
formation of solid particles in an atmosphere
fossil worm burrow
fossilization of organic material
gas planet
giant gas planet
gravitational motion
heat-treated animal manure
helium planet
hot Jupiter
hot Neptune
hydrodynamic escape
hypoxic lake
hypoxic water
ice giant
ice planet
impact crater lake
impact crater
impact event
iron planet
Karman vortex street
lake with a hypoxic hypolimnion
lake with an anoxic hypolimnion
lake with an oxic hypolimnion
landslide lake
lava planet
liquid aerosol
manure storage space
metallic material
meteorite lake
meterorite impact
methane ice
ocean planet
oxic lake
oxic water
particle formation process
plant matter
poultry manure
protoplanetary disk
refractory astrogeological material
rift zone
rockslide lake
rockslide process
solid aerosol
space weather
tectonic lake
tectonic movement
[tectonic plate boundary](http://pur...